Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 03, 1890, Image 3

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Thu witty, July 3.
LOCAL BREVITIES. lb-v. Im Wakefield wn in this vi-
einity ninl fnvoresl our jwple with n
Pssadma real Mtate i I ono inf. few religion iliaeourfos mill lecturi
Sop ad umlor bend of "New to-day." duriits; the week.
A )mA of apmmttl.v well-to-do em- j Hoinoinbcr CI. Wnsh. who chop
igratita Msed thr-mitfh town Monday pun ilown his futhor's cherry treo
onqBiring the timti to Odifoniio. , to get the riK) ohorrie-?, and thun
VMr. W. W. Starr and Mis Josie j could not toll u lie.
De Mom, lioth forim-rly of tliU minty, j A Hrr nmb,.r of Xevndu Wf
wen, marrml at linker City rwm.tly. CAttIu aro lieing ihipod to Portland.
Mr. Cuvy Qnlcw wn thrown front j Oregon with more entile than Xe
a horse tli otlur tiny ami dragged u vntht. should supply herself.
dttMC6, in cmuwquenco of which he , Vnu: (jJWtt, after diligently pros-
IIHIM Willi a Lu 1L L-uu
' -
Ifcatwn Orm .loos not apjioar to
1 ortdlow ing witli imtriotimn thia
I'omlh of Jwiy. Very ftiw town in
toml hnWiif n eolehmtiott of any kind.
Tlwy oeine to town to trouwiet W
4 gal Imsineu, mt Umt is about the on
ly thing that can Iviii; thtim licrc.
K.irtnrm are littay nt home and have no
ttiCt to and aiKHit- v n i " i m I l lort carcn revea w htm ytni;
An -t J , i. t n; i " T J',;,,t0nl7' w,J!,,e .n I hack of tho Mahle. in an,t tlv
rhoui at linker ity hi way home, front UnK Ureck. I ,.o,lili,,.,. will, it., wnnmlin
wilt liandlp aUait 1,000,000 iouiU of
wool thia .Atou. The riding i-rices
for wool there are now from llflwn
coviit.en euta 'r ihhiiiiI
nUi .1. Mourn, who was gout
from (!mnt county, and who hoi Ikhmi
in tho iK'iiitcntiary ttnee May IfWf,
having rpeivel a five ymrs xentflitce
for l:illint;a Chinnuiiin, hai heen gnint
ed a Kirdou.
The in.iil service to Stewart did not
commence .luly 1st, Suoli thingN are
alwaya slow atoiit guttius; ulnitcwl, lmt
the Iioki of securing the iiuiil route nt
no distant day lend our eojile ia
tienoe to wait for it.
Mr. l!. Tojiken hninght into our
rJliee last Saturday a handful of rye,
the stidka nieaRiiriti! eilit feet and
four inches. The ifiniu was cut fiom
Mr. Topkeu's ninch up tho creek, and
was well headed out.
Utm. M.
Dustiuwill seize the old
American mglo hy tho neck to-uior-
row and make him screech amid the
pini'i at the warm springs. In other
words, .lodge will deliver the onitiou,
and will not fail to intci-ont his hearers.
Young hopefuls of other cities may
Im able to make excellent mud pies,
hut Pendleton can Ixxist of Miiiill fry
who will eat them Two young
girls were seen sampling mud pim of
their own iniitiufnctuii) with great
The lesideucn of Alex Aruutroiig
near Pniiiie City was burni'd, with
itiott of its eoutenU one uioruin' dur
ing tho week. We uudcrst'iud there
wiiK .some insurance on the huildiiig,
mi that it will not lm a total loss to
Mr. Armstrong.
Mr. Annie Parrish has heon com
missioned postiniktiessat Canvuii t 'it v.
and last Tuesday took charge of the
kui in. The ollii.-o has liceii moved to
(iospel Itidge, into Mr. Hull's Imililinif,
whieh it occupied four yisirs ago. Mr.
J. I.. Pan ish is chief deputy.
Itev. W. L. Mctionagill, of the
-d'lptist (lenoiiiinutiiin, will hold relig
fnus services in. follows: At Mt. Ver
nott July I'Jth, S p. in.; at John Day
J uly 'JUth, 11 a. in. and K p. ui.; and
at Ciiiiyon City July 20th at I p. in. I
Mr. Mi'(!ouai(ill re.iiles in 1'ox valley. ,
If any iiupmvemont is noticed in
the the editors shape it can ho uttrili-
u ted to high liviiiif, for wo have l'Cii
triuted well by our jHitrons tho past
week. Mr. D. ft. Itinehait brought the j
new Mtut-M-s a linitlot of Ruly '
Itoso ami Mr. (iiugory treatisl to!
the chetTius. Life i now woith liv- '
From llu'Ji Smith who leturueil
from linker City Sattmlay evening we
burn that fiieJ Tommy MelCwen '
was witli (he old miner when he made
tho lucky (lml near Sinuptor and that '
Tommy is fully interested with him. j
'it ...mY. i... : ..i.. :..i.
lit. wiit in .-j,,,, 1.1, ii iiuilHMIfteiy lll'll,
- .i.: i ' . . ... '
f.llil nt- (tic- KUtll Winn IMHI luilllllll HUN
lufnllen the htage man.
It will U of no interest to a
oan, :
but women mat rie.1 WonuM! will Ui j
glint to near Hint a very ingenious
ii. , .
electrical device has lately Ix-on iNitmi ,
tisl by which the liauils of a clock set j
to n eel til in hour are inule to complete
no electric current coiiiihcUmI with the
kitchen stove so that the lite is slatt
ed when the given hour arrives.
Pits! wicker who has been looking
after stock in Siliiin valley informs us j hirers in Coiistantinoble paying live
that the hoys who have his horses on and one-half per cent tlivitlcnds."
shares lt homily last winter. Col- ( This is the word: Constautiuojioli
dilutions were made on there Wing at ; taiilsebeftiiif tindcinhalbprocentucd
least 120 head of company horkiis the atlelsackniachergeHellennerherbcrg
tumiing fall, nod instead of this iiuui- j HtictiunvcrhiclieriungsgcselUchaft.
l-ir only six head had Iweu found so1 .Mr. J. H. ltmnig who is now loca
fur, and the mngo had Wen pretty j Uh i it (irnnt's Pius, Jismphine county,
thoroughly ridden over. j Wl;lm tmt j ,jH opinion Ivuteru Or-
Jtistico Itulisou's court was busy K'goii is far idiisul of that country, os
Satunlay trying a case wherein Krnost ( peciidly for a laboring man. Hastcm
Keller was jiluitititl and (leorge Hie- j Oregon has her disadvantage, while
sun defendant. The uieriU of the ciuu j she enjoys a great many blessings
worn claims by pLiiitill' ngainst do- . which our Wubfoot cousins am depriv for occupying a cabin and ed of. With tho advent of more rail-
damaging corrals, burning chunks of f
plaintiff's gissl winter wissl, etc. I
Jiithjmunt wun rtiiuleroil in favor of :
thu ileleniliiut ami cis.ts taxml to tho i
nccfltiiit of iilsintiir.
(leorge Oleott, of Hlreh Creek, who
returned recently from a trip to Steins i
inounUin, foiiiul that he had Millero.l
a loss of aliout ff'JOOO woith of;
shosii. Ho says that should any (lis-
cotiUntisl Cmatilla couutyite remove
to Unit suction he woulil soon In
to return. Handlers have no gardens
potatoes ovori Isiim a curiosity, ami
depMiid uKti tholr itook tonnkoa
Koisos have Ihmui heavy, and
lliero ii discotirugciiiKiit everywhere,
sXys the Hast Oregonian, j
Tom Coxnd mid fttinily took
tliuir ilcMirture yesionlny for Mar.
nor county, whore they will in fu
ture rucido. t
.f .1 . . . .
; PWK lm country in i unii oi a
. gold Imd an. finding none, Uxik
ma uq.aru.rr. ior mum- utty .urotuny.
Scerrtl (if tli Uiyn fnim Upiwr j yard dragging a roK.', and the sup
South Fork, one of the looat jitTuniinsf 1 xwition it that Kactner in attempt
nctioiM of li'mtil county, uer ner iug to eateli thiK aninial was kiekvl
duting tic Hci'k nftr lupjilieM of the on the head, for the lirot inforinii
iecMtitiM of tlii.t life. i tioii his couiKiiiioii8 hitd of Ium in-
Mwa Durkheuner mivo llm ! jMri.M MNS l,e"ri,,K Kr?"- ?vl'cl
j I0 rojiorts u hwivv rtiinfall in tho
. onc, (!n,ok t.ounfr.. 'I'iiomIiiv.
ii . . i i ii .1
It in anrprisin tho number of
. . ,, . , , ')
I I AllltlU iHll'llllllIf III! I III! I Al.ltl...
roiui. iieiiiiucrs imhiuub-i nrms
I 1 1 .7 - i .. ; if
Know ine vniuu oi printers ink,
and hy its u.-e scoop in tnulo. I
, .11 f . ...
Mr?, Sweeny, an old woman of
Coatcsville, Pit., ilied of joy Inst
week when she heard that she was
to not $:i(MK) pension money. She
had waited for the money ten years
The eulehnitioii at Hums on our
National Day is nttractin atUtution
fiom afar ewm unto linker ('ity
and people are Hocking towanl that
citv. l,oiy thing ought to U succos.
.Mountain crcekers ato lunyliiiig
at a deputy shoriir who was run
oir the ranch by a Fionchumn.
Dettcr to run sometime antl pre
serve one's phwiognoniy without
n blemish.
Judge Clifford is homo again.
Wo understand that Judges Feu
ai.d Oliliord will hold court by
"turns" hereafter in the different
counties - that is, one will hold
each alternate term.
If any change is contemplated
in tlio running time of the Hep-jiner-Canyon
tago wo don't know
it, but have heard that .Mr. Kee
ney would give us the mail in Hf
hours from Portland.
K--TKAV Ciiino to my place last
November, ono hay hort-e, weight
about H2UU, 10 years old, bald
face, left hind foot white, branded
v, on left shoulder. Owner can
have fcuid animal hy proving prop
erty and paying expenses.
P. h. Kuril in.
Caleb, Or.
When tho News finds itself in
error it always makes a correction
Last week s item about the deputy
ii. inarbiiai was not wiinl il
should have been. Dr. Hovd was
on his way to Harney county seek-
ing a new location, anil .Miller was
the man who was after .Mr. Hall.
Only a mistake in mimes, you see.
The Prinuville News says: Mr.
Andrew M. Hoberts, of Mitchell, is
tho inventor and patentee of a tool
for triiiuimiug horses hoofs. It is
snitl to bo a very sorvicablc tool, its
practical utility being unquestioned.
It will clean tho hoof, rim it out on
the inside, and at the same timo
trim tho edge, thus readily fitting it
to receive the shoo.
Some time nyo it was thouoht
tlio required amount of stock to
the Similiter rnilroad would be
at once, hut it unnearn
to be slow work. Somo 10,000
is hickiii' yut. Tho litilrond will
, , .,. n ' .... , , , .,,
" u"'i n 'KU fO'" win
not let that sum stand between
them ami tho sliecoiiS of the entcr-
A few thiVH ago wo stumbled over
a somewhat lengthy Herman word,
consisting of thirty-seven syllables,
10'J letters. Its translation'is: "A
stock company of bagpipe manufac
ro.uU, however, our buiichgrusM conn-
try will Iw a laoro inviting field for
wipitalists, and will prosper more than
any ol thuiu.
The senate on Juno '27lh imssod
the hill for tho admission of Wvo-
ming as a state. Tho hill declares
yoining a state, and Hie cotiKlltu-
tion which the people of Wyoming
for themselves lie, ami is Hccentcd,
ratified nnd confirmed. The state
is entitlwl to one representative in ;
the .list congress. The otlier see- j
tions refer to iinblie lands, provision
for mliools, agriculture, ole. The
hill for the adinissloii uf Idaho was
taken up and wont over as "ipiflti-
ished busiueas" .Monday.
Alonio Kaatner Meets an Unexpected
and Untimely Death.
I.nst .Monday Dr. ltnrber was
Miintnoncd down the river to attend
Alotuo Knstncr, who had heen kick-, his journey on to the vicinity of ' cesnful in husiness and is ahead of
wl in the temple hy a horse, nnd Sutnptcr, where, twenty-eiRlit yea's his competitors his religion lil.orty
was lying in a critical condition at ago he ooratcd a placer mine, and h assailed and the word "Jew" is
James T)iompnV ranch. The Dr. in the working of which ho uinov- ( brought into requisition to stigma
startinl nt mien fur the scene nf the orcd n cold nliarlz vein. Ho work- 1 tize his hiiii whnr.!i if lli..4 iwnt.
unfortunate accident, hut wns mut
on the road bv a meweuger convey -
: .1.. i i... ..ti: " ii... .i
ing iiii- pun iiueiiigt-iicu nun ine
l. inn wim lk.vniul tin. rnneli nf tnral.
: l t.." i i.sii
inn iiBciniiiiiit.- or iiiiiiiuii ."hiii.
i . i .i .i u.. i. ..e
hi. inniui-i nns in me runcii ui
t. -ft. ..:.:.... :..
.ii. i iiiiiiiiituii, n.-eiriillK ill nil-
fa mi unrl- .....I ll... I.oi.r f
..i....-,, vi1u.l ; ,i... f.,r , .i...
j , , , A
mK WBJ runing in ,,t. ,mr
: " '
j ,;! t,.Ie
j Ho was a
man lielow middle age,
antl respwted by his
He leaves u wife and
. itidustrioiiH
j neighlHirx.
three small ehildron, and other re-
1...:... (..
Ilttltt-p III HHP lliuillt
rite funeral took place Tuesdav,
and the remains of tho unfortunate
man were interred by the side of
those of his father in tho cemetery
near the old Ciiiudlach ranch down
the river.
llo! for tho picnic!
Vool I rings IS to
ifjund at The Dalles.
11) could K)r
The I'liion wrty imllcd loss than
,(H)0 votes in tho suite.
Hon. 1'iissy Stntifell im on a trip
to Miirtis to attend the celehiatiou.
The nflluial count of the pnptila
tiou of tho District of Columbia is
(lo to tho lted FrniU Hilliartl
Hall, Canvon City, for lino wines,
liquors and cigars.
Ibi'eived from below, at II. It. Sols'
tore, a full and complete stock of gro
ceries. Special induremiiiits to eush
Tho statisticians find that tho
government of the I'nitcd States is
getting out of debt at tho rate of
nerly 100,000,000 a year.
The Pacific llrewcry's Celebrated
Peer, the best in ICastern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at the
lted Front liilliard' Hall.
x Intensely hot wcathur prevails
throughout tho cast. Sunstrokes
aro of frequent occurrence. Com
pare this with the John Day valley
if you plc;;se.
A yellow fever epidemic is feared
in the I'nitcd States this summer,
an ocean steamer having arrived at
Xew York on whieh there was
thought to he yellow fever.
Xear Fort Jones, California, on
the '-'-'d an eight-vear-old Ikiv was
l;illeil ami partially eaten hv a
mountain lion. When found
lion was still eating the hoy.
Kentucky rcjiorts tho discovery
of n spring, ono drink from which
makes an old woman fell like a Ium
of sixteen. It makes ono suspect
that homebody has struck an old
moonshiner's .-till house.
A recent quartz strike near old
Pitrkersvillo gives a yield of f. 100 to
"ftJOO ht ton according to astay.
Severnl persons havn gone out
there to take up extensions of first
discovery. Democrat.
The defeateil candidates of l.'u
ion county are having ptpors of
content mado out. Tlio ground of
contest is not staled, hut it is sup
ocd to be on account of general
dissatisfaction at being defeated.
Complaint is being made of the
inqierfect work of the census enu
merators in Portland, where hun
dreds of houses have been overlook
ed in all parts of the city. Whole
neighborhoods have boon missed or
only partially ciinvasked.
Democratic enndidatos for Kberilf
fceem to have heen quite successful
in ICastern Oregon this year. Oil
Hum and Wallowa counties are the
only ones, we believe, in which re
publicans have been ejected to tho
ollice of shurilf, says the Ochoco
Heck Pro's of Cheyenne, passed
through this place Tuesday evening
with two bands of sheep. (!000 in
oneli bunch while on Monday liOOO
of their lsmil went down to the
bridge to cross. They have about
l.H.OOO to pnsu yet. Malheur la
zette. The supremo court of Idaho litis
rendered a decMou on the water
question, to the effect that tho first
proprietor of water in a stream in
the territory, being the first in lime,
is I lie lirst in right, antl is entitled
to all the water appropriated so
long as it is for a useful purpose.
Senator Mitchell has Introduced
Into congress a bill to pay II. II,
heeler, ol l took county, Oregoi
Ti,.'imj inr
clglity-liluo bund of
stage horses taken by tho Indians
net ween l(!l and lb(h, when he
wns running a mall route from The
Dalles to Cniiyon Citv, Pay him
fur his huriie;; a limn whu WIIV
brave enough to rill i a bin go ijiie ,
Ihen ought to receive a life iKMisiou i
from the government. j
After Twenty-eight Yeats.
Hnkor City Democrat: A few
days sinco nit old '(5'J pioneer of Ma
ker coutitv in tho tiorron of an old
prtMjicctor hy tho name of ('. F.
1 1 owe roturnud here and continued
, etl tho placers until excitement in
. Arizonn and Xew Mexico attractetl
I t.;u n u i t.. i.. ...i
i iim iiiiviiuiiii mm in- iiiiuiu ins iunii
I clentl-llti and went (hillier nnd it ik
..,.,.l...l i).i 1... l..l .1... ......!
, ituiMim nun in- nun mi- iibiihi uiw
m...t ,t ..f ... i.-r.
m"' iuiur u uiiiiri o nil-, mini-,
i u r n. i-n.. i
I". "''-. num. willing Hll'
tills linn, t In, Hii.l. I .,f tin. lit tl nr.. ,
...... ... ...p.. . -.. -
i vein in tl... hUwh .,( ltli.r .u-
' ieV?r u.fl ,, ft, ,-, ,, tilllV.
n.j lv decided to return, hut an
often changed his mind, until final-
ly, thinking that his old-time nnd . worship is buthled:
might be his last chance to ictricve ) "I (tiring the year nnd a hull that
his lost fortune, he shook the dust i the oi.nuHyntimi of the l'mlilio Memo
of Arizona from his feet anil neither ! t ial llsptist Church wer w ithout a
looked to the richl or the left until nlace of worship of their own. thev
ho was satisfied that bin find had
remalntMl undisturlieil liy human
baud. He hurried on to his covet
ed prise in the mountains of Sump-
i. B.i i.i !., .;,..i:., i. .
..o t... i..c U ..u tf i.i... 1 turned a kev mini,
ic treasure vaui ami gave no one
the combination but the discoverer,
Howe lost no time in recording his
I ownership to the claim, and started
j development work Ukii it, and wo
are tohl ine mine snows great
weallh, so much i-o that several
M-rsotis, among them D. M. Kellv,
IC. P. Torey and Thos. MclCwdi,
have taken up extensions, anil arc
preparing to work their claims ex
tensively. IN MI5MOK1AM.
To tiik W. M. Waiiukns ami
liiurriuiKN op Canvon Citv Loihik
Xn. .'M, A. F. .v A. M. Canyon
Citv, OitironN
Ilrothers, your committee hereto
fore apsiinti;d to present resolutions
of rcsRct and condolence express
ing the feelings of this lodge umiii
the death of I trot her Henry U. Sels,
would respectfully submit the fol
lowing for your consideration nnd
Ilrotber Henry It. SVIs, late a
member of this lodge, wits Imrn in
Mesehede, Wcrtphalia, (Jerutany,
in the year IS27, and emigrated to
the I'nitcd States in tho year ISM,
making his home in Siskiyou coun
ty, California, where ho resided un
til about the year ISliO, when he
moved with his family to Canyon
City, Oregon, where he engaged in
the mercantile business and contin
ued in that husinc.-H until his last
illness which ended in his death on
n uiii inu iv, ,i iv iouii.
,, ,, '. , ,', ,. , .
Ilrotber o at the t mo of its
, ,, , .,
tleath, was iigei h.l years S months
,, i " ii-ii
ami I I duvs, and died leaving a
,. .. t '. c i :
H-...I I I I L-IWk
liiiiinv luimiDLiiiib ui ii iiiii-, iiiuminD '
ami six daughters.
Hrothcr Sels was highly esteemed
by all; a strictly honest and upright
man of husines. priding himself
upon being straight forward and
just to his patrons, and by rigidly
adhering to strict business princi
ples, he earned for himself an hon
orable ami enviable name for fair
dealing ever to bo remembered by
(hose who knew hill..
As a Minvin, Pro. Sels was ever
considerate, liberal and charitable
to all w bo seemed in need of his ser
vices or assistance, always cheerful
ly aiding and contributing to the
worthy distressul whenever opjsjr
tunity offered, fulfilling uitH cheer
ful exactnejH all his Masonic obli
gations, showing that he xjssesscd
a warm heait and a sclf-Micrificing
nature; thciefore, as brethren in
Masonry, we will ever cherish his
memory and kindly remember tho
bereaved family of our departed
Hrothcr, ami, hereby teiitler to
them our heartfelt sympathy, in
this hour of their alllietioii, anil, in
respect to tho memory of the dead
it is
Resolved, that this hall be draped
in mourning, and that the members
wear the usual badge of mourning
for the space of .'10 day.
Itesolvod, that this rojsirt Is
spread in full iqiou the minutes;
that a copy bo presented to the
willow of our deceased Hrolhor, and
that (his rejHirt he published in the
(iiiA.vr CotwTV Xi:ws.
(!. I. Ha.i:ntini:,
X. Kt'l.lHON,
J. A. I,.v o K,
Canvon Citv, June -H, l.V.H).
Sheriff Hamilton, of I'liion coun
ty, a prominent aspirant for the ap
pointment of l. S. Marshal, which
L T. Harln secured, was complete-
ly snowed under nt the last election
while running as a third term can-
didate. Many in his own party hit-.
terly fought him and an episode uf
the citniPiiipi ngalmit him may he J
attended with serious results. It
aji)car nun niiorni 1 1 am uion,
while conveviug prisoners to tin
penitentiary so manipulated the
transportation that he collected
from the state great dual mure
than wun legally due him. t is
possible that mi investigation of his
mode tif working the fee bill will Iw
lundo and his btiuilsuicu uiimnclhid
cover lmck into the state treas
ury ine surplus money tnni (lie
I'liion county official has collected.
The expose may extend heyutu I he
Hamilton case aiu result in nil t"v
aiiiinutiiiii being innile icgarding
the general operations uf sheriffs in
the trausisirtation
the "pen.' Sunday
ol prisoners
People of the Jowislt or Hebrew
faith aro generally looked upon ns
practicing antagonism to nli modern
religious creeds. On the other hutitl
iK-cause a mnn of that faith is two-
ty jealousies and bigotrv were lain
aside and Methodists and llaptists
i i.i ..- . . .i .
wi'iiiu prneuce a nine more oi nun
.liri.tini, kiiiril l.v 1 1...
1 .1 :...i i ' .. .i .in .1..,.'..
ii-iim!i-ii wi-H nil- norm in; iH'iieriui.
m- 'i i i ii. ? .i..
uv nnvu in-un iiuiuieu a coiiv oi ine
i v v i .i
.ii-nnin, . .1. i 1 1 II U.-l'l , nil r.-
t runl ..f l.i..l. l... V i-.. - ..1... II.. .......
, ....... b.
' l. .L.,.e 1I...1 .. ,-in... . r 1 )...
J wrU , Ils, j n.',.., HI1I
! Hint higotry u no longer the . hief
I corner stone on which the house of !
i umhI tho Teuiplu It'imi iloshuum, iii
Wadmiot.ui ...!. Tl,., (!,,..
ii.... ivV...: i.i, e i
" i. iiiii ill-mint mi Mciltlliv in IIIMHI
to -,-,.t ,,v ,v.,n.,.t . i.f
i i.;..i f 'n . c ii...i. 1
1 1...1 ii 1 ...... . vn. . ,.11. w.. ...
iml fhon-l. w...,, ,1... i...ul ,..
nmnn.-r to testify then- appninutiou of
i tl' kunlness of their Ilcluvw friends.
Atvordiiigly they in, ited ItaUii lucht
and the uiimlers of his congregation
to meet them in the Piildio Momoiiat
Chuivh last night. The invitation wan
accepted, and a gio.lly niiinW of the
...i. it .. :. . :i in ii- i i.
llehreM,s well as the d-nrs of
Jch V Kur-i,;,'k' n W W
. , n , n . " -
'' ', r",,,. iU'' "nU M'
poliisiliied hy Kahhi l.eiieht, enteieil
the pulpit. I hey weie followisl by S.
S. Sargent, piesident of the board of
Truiitreoi of the Peddio .Muniniiiil
('hun)i, anil Joseph IsenU'i-g, IVesi
dent, and Samuel Fleischer, Vice-Prei-ideiit
of the Hoard of Tr in tees of
(he Temple It'imi Jeshut'liu, Piof.
HovMiiau, the org.inist of the uhurch,
gave a halMiour orau lecitid and
played Miveral hiilliunt seleeiiotis,
which were greeted with heatty ap
plnilkc. Kev. Dr. Iloyd said:
"Dear friends of the Teuiplu ll'n.ii
Jesliiirun and ineiiilunK of my own
coicjiiatioii, I am very happy to see
this mingling together of thine who
hive, eai-h other and who have shouii
that love in a leiy jirai'tical way. I
have iiminted that 1 have the right to
say thank vut and to do moio tluiu
Kvorylsxly has a light to intmptet
tttsl's word nurnrding Inhi.iiiwn mind.
While I interpret it in one way and
tny brother in another, I am .sine, af
ter all, that in our hcatt of hontts wo
i i ' - .1
aro loilng and worshiping the same
,i . e , . . i : .
I'atlier, for CinI is no respecter of pur-
. ., ... 1
I am gl.ul to see lime the mem-
, ,, ... , . . , ,
'r "' 'h" lemple ll n.u Jm.huruii
r . m . . . . . i i .i
tor llieso inaMins .mil also for auothe.'.
This is a social iciiuiou. We are lime
us uiemliers of one .'oiiimuuitv, the
city of Nowark. 1 want to euiplia
si," this so.'iiil idea hecuuu of tie os
tmeism some of you miy Inn e felt in
other quarters from people who did
lint legmil you as we do here. If
such a gathering us this shall teach all
the Hummer hotls from Maine to Crib
ifortiiit, tllut a good llebiew is as gixd
as a go xl ( Inutile, that (ind U the
Father of Ixitli, that there ought to Imi
no dutiiictiou in this gieat countiy
becuuse of nice or religion then this
meeting will have uucoiiiplished a
great end.
MTOllllOUS cruptioiiB, SUCH as
Pimples, Discoloration of tho Skin,
esK'ciaIly on face, are eaiHid by
impure blood and will disappear
rapidly by using Pfunder's Oregon
Wood Purifier.
Our now "ad." from the enterpris
ing linn of Collin A' McPurhiiid,
llepimer, speaks for itlf, anil il is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a fine large hook,
which retails at "? 1.00 each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, hoots and shoes, hats etc., In the
amount of f-'J.'VOO, allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount,
(live them a trial order, when you
send away for yoods.
When you want t') buy a really
good and reliable time piece at lot
toin price, that is a price which can
not lie competed with by any big
jeweler on account of tho'inteiest ho
lias to make on the money invested
in his stock, besides his clear profit,
not to speak of his other high ex
penses as $100 to f.'iOO a mouth
rent, etc., come and sec wati'liinii
ker Albert Ilimudi, at Canyon, you
can ho sure that he will do anything
possible to please you ami get you
just that kind of a watch you would
like la-st, kith as to tlio outside
Inokinii of It as well as to works
that will stand rutinh handling tho
hesl, Fine watch repairing a Bpoc ;
ialty. All work guaranteed at very
modcrale priecs. vt annum and
ICIgin watcheg.
i All H'rsouH Indebted to (he estate ,
; ol .Martin (nimlluch, deceased, or lo
I cither of the linns of (Icorgo Ound-
Inch & Pro., and James Norman .v
j Co, nre urgently rwpicsted lo come
forward und settle iiniucdiutclv, as
the the business of said ustnlu and
imrtuership .iir mi t i.osi:n. All
notes and nocounts remaining un
paid ufter 'JOIh of July next will bo
placed in the hands uf an officer for
(irn. (ir.MU.Ai II,
WAIIINlTtN, Juno 27, 'DO.
Hi. fiitA.vr Co. X:w:
.Mr. Harrison and his administra
tion have certainly had quite n live
ly week of it. 1 imt oaino the an-
noitnreiuent that another one of the
oahinet Mr. Wananiaker h n tl
Ut'ii wvervlv attacked hv the tires-
idential fever and that his condition
,V" !! T.'Ji.'lVr'r'V A. . r.?, . , . ' r :
! 1 : " ??. " "
cisms ol .Mr. Harrison s action in al
was growing critical; then the far-
... i r . ,,ri i . lr ., ,,i i,
i '""'"K ',lr''- '''""ill 10 Itcitpi Hie
i ... i,;. , i ... .....i.... :.. ...i
. i ini, iH'gan coming in, nun
...i,... .....i , ,i. . ...i :.i.. ...
what made these particularly wor
,,.:,..,., I... f., . , . .. ,,f M...
"'K WU9 till tilt l I Mat Millie 1110
.l,rlula ... I ,. .,., i.rJi.l.wl
tepiiiilicau paKrs; next tho House
republican caucus decided that a
l-ederal election hill must be pasted
anil last and worst of all the senate
bv a vote of I'J to 'J.'i kicked ovur
the administration's silver pro
gramme as represented in the in
dom bill, which had paused the
House, and adopted an amendment
il ... ! 11 P.- it .. I
lnn tor ine irce ami
unlimited coinage of silver
i.. -i . t ... t
' . . ho junior senator from ( olorado
, '"r. woo-on wno is one oi mo
, youngest men in the senate, tnailea
SJH ech 111 favor of the free coinage of
, jf ,
' I,U1"'1,'" i '''',.
Miver 11 nu n in imk i' e giiiniisiieti inn
cnange ativ voic" on ine sliver mil.
lie attaeted Mr. Harrison for trying
in injitie stlvet ami make a inercaip
tile commodity, such as wire, cop-
s r or any other Iiiihi metal, not i i:... .1... . 1....1. ;.. ii..
" , 1 ,' m loom
l.ublican national , latfor.n favoring
what probably cut most
'f " wnH hir reference f,i tho fact
that Mr. Harrison was 'standi.,.- in
arrisoit was "stantling m
the shallow ol a great name.
Partv lines were completely oblit
erated in the senate on this silver
iiii'htion, and ho it will he in the
House ii spcitKir need, who is
known In In opNed to free coinage
tails in Ins i llorls to prevent a di
rt cl vote in the House on tae Senate
iiineiidiuenls. SiH-aker Iteed renre-
senting the administration is using
all ol his legislative ami parliainen
lary experience and knowledge, and
that menus a great deal, to bring
about a compromise thai will not be
quite so disastrous to the adininijW,77r ,,,.. i icoi
trillion as a concurrence in tho free-
coinage amendment. In the mean
linio the silver men are lis no means
idle, although threats of a veto are
already lieing made bo tho adminis
tration s mcmls.
it is estimated nv the pension
ollice that the new pension law will
make necessary the employment of
-4-1-6 ailtlttiotiiil men anil women hy
that ollice, and congress litis been
asked to make the necessary appro
priation to iiiiv them. This means
another half million a vear
Mr. Hlaine out of politics," said a
Southern republican within the
hearing of your coriesHindent. "I
should say that he is wry actively
in hilitics, as somebody may dis-
over ere long. Why ho has, to my
personal knowledge, already sent
confidential agents through the
Smith to fix up things with the iiiun
who will control thu delegates to
the republican national convention
of iMUli, and I know Ihat in my
state he succesded, iK'cause I help
ed to fix it up."
The Senate has voted to increase
the pity of its committee clerics from
fl,.i00 to Tl.HOO a yesr. Senator
I ngalls protested against increasing
the expenses and said that about
threo-lourths of the senate commit
tees might bo abolished without
detriment, and senator Dale said
(hat some day the people would
censure the Senate for its extrava
gant oxpoiisct.
The confeient-e having failed to
agree ImiIIi the House and the Sen
ate have receibd from their amend
ments to the auti trust bill, and
that mcasuio has gone In the White
House, in exactly (he words it was
originally passed by the Senate. It
is a slight stretch of the imagina
tion to call it an auli-trtisl hill
There is now im (Sissihle chance
for an njoiirumenl earlier than Aug
ust, ami il is not at all certain that
it will ho as early us that.
Closing Out H.ilc.
The slock of goo. Is. belonging to
the lale linn of (ico. liundhich it
Pro., of Canyon City, Oregon, is now
offered to pimhnaoni nt cost for
cash. The books of said firm are
positively closed, but tfth ptir. hns
urs can procure bargains' by falling
fil. (!l!NI)I.ACII,
MITrllu.l. SMITH.
fiiuiilh $f
I SticcishorH lo J.
11(1 liCI' Ci 1 1
;Tho Most Complete Line of Ammunition in Eastern Oregon.
Lyman Pear
Sights bv Mail,
I.yiiian Sor
ting Front
Sights $1.1 x.
Diamonds Watches Clocks Jcwelrv Silverware
nnd n full line of Musical Instruments.
'n Ten Minutes by Uleetrlcity An-
other Wonderful Cue Performed by
Dr. Darrin on a Seattle Man.
Mr. ICditor: For voarfl i have
been cradtinlly growing tlenf, until
nhuMt one ytnr ago 1 iK-eaiiie al
most totallv tlenf in one oar nnd tho
other partially so. Dr. D.trrin cur
ed mo Juno '21 in ton iniiniles, hy
his now modo.of euro hy electricity.
I reside at Hillsdale, three miles
from Portland, anil cnti hf aeon-any -
time to vorifv tho above 8lntenl0iit.
Wm. CJatkh.
AC'l'TK llllO.VtMirriS CI'ltKIl
nv mi.
Portlnntl, June 0, ISJ10.
Mr. ICtlitor Sir: For nearly ono
venr I was trou i eil with aetito
lironchitis, nnd tried everv rcnieilv
I could hoar of, but received no ben-
eht. I then wrote Drs. Darrin for
advice and treatment, which I took
at home, and after one months'
treatment 1 was entirely cured,
('an bo referred to at Seattle, Wash.
K. L'll.M'MA.V.
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted free
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth stieetH,
I,,ril,u..l u t i! i..i..r 'P..
v.i.n.i..i..i, . -
Icoinit. Hours 10 to eveiungH,
to S; Sundays 10 to 1'2. All chron
io tliseinies, blood taints, los of vi
tal jiowcr and earlv indiscretioiiH
perinanently cured, though norefor-
''"'ces aro ever made in tho pro.
o.uicerning such cases, owitig to tho
iM'y tho patienlH. ICxanuim-
!io,,M fo to all. and circulars will
he sent to any addresH. (Miarees
for treatment accordine. to natienta
ability to pay. Tho poor treated
fiee of charge from 10 to II daily.
All private diseases conliilentiiilly
treated and cures guaranteed. I'it-
tients at a distance can bo cured by
home treatment. Medicines anil
letters nut without the doctor'
Mail,L "Plx-nring.
Letter I. Int.
I-oltorH. remaining
uuctilleil for
Prairie City,
in i ii.twjt7iMi.jr,....
Mr. (ieo. (iiddler. Mr. Jos. A. Jel-
Persons calliiiL for the above will
please give date of ad vertisiug.
kick It. MiIIai.i:v, 1'. M.
... 4a .
Letter List.
lust ol letters rumuinimi un
called for in the poslullico at Can
yon City, Or. July , Sill)
H. Itobmson, Jason Cnmphiill. I.
M. Iluinidiiev '2. Dick C. l.oHbril.
Jas. Still.
Persons calling for the above
will please say ad verlii-ed.
Mim. A.nnii: It. Paiiiumii, P. M.
Chicago claims that tho coiihuh
will give her a puptilntioii of l.'JoO.
Iiiipotuut Notice.
Ml persons knowiuu iheiuselveH
indebted to J. S. Haptonstall indi
vidually, or to the old firm of Hap
tonstall it- Dart, will please come
forward and settle, for we must
close the business of the old firm,
ami I want to eo to California for
my health. All who do not settlo
up hy the 1.1th of July 181)0 their
accounts will ho turned over lo an
attorney at that date.
John Day. Or., May US, I. SOD.
Pacific Htewcry llecr.
Notice is hereby trly. n that I
have this day established an agen
cy lor the Hale of the P.cur maiuilni..
lured nt the Pacific llrewery, linker
City, Or., within thu county of
Orant in Canyon Ciiy, and that Mr.
II. Stansoll is the malin
ger of said Depot. All orders from
(iriinl county fur this ii lebrnled
beer, either iii bottles or kegs, will
be filled by Mr. Stuiiscll.
' 1 1 kniiv Hi; ar.
Proprietor Pacific llrewery, linker
Citv. Or.
Orund I'ouiih of July.
Picnic and celebration at Thomp
son's Wnrm Springs nlsivo Prnirio
City on July Ith. Oration, foot
racing, pliig-tiglie, etc., during tho
day, and fireworks and a grand bait
in thu evening. Music for tlio ball
will bo furnished by Kalph Fisk.
All aro cordially invited lo
and celebrate with us.
S. A. TiicKiut.
Wit. A. . U.AIIKK.
(J laving
II. (inidncr.
A Full Lino of
Kishing Tackle,
hookH, IlicH, ioiIh,
linoH, reels, etc.
Fly liookn jier
do.., ,10c, by mnil.
aW 1
I -
t . V. .
f t:v
i.VVii .
- ")M1 r tt n i JT J"TJ-Trrnniiiiminni
si 1 iH i wain n m yum
Wlismty m myiatiliii