i! THE A'EWS Is t-he uhlnst ii'vva jnr U'twi-n The Dulles and Wiitiirtniicvn; tho litr gwit rirculntion, therefore in tin1 Nat for nil vei Using. l l 'olume Xlf. Cl.YV(hY CITY, GJt.'hYT COUMTV. OIUCGO.Y, T11UES1I V, JUL Y',1, JSOO. Mitinbi'r lo. THE MEW'S Is n newspaper for tho people, liilioring for the people nnd oieing tho -tiinotiU of tho people of its own (Smut Count)-. GRANT THE GRANT COUNT! NEWS, I'UUI ISIIWU KVRItV TIIUKSOAY MOKNINO 11 V I). J.ASBORY Editor ami Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription 1 your in ndvnnco 8- fiO If not paid within .'I mouths . . 00 Six Mentha 1 .10 Throe Months 75 ADVBItTISIXt! UATKS. 1 inch I! inch I col i col 1 ool It mo !l mo 3 mo :i mo ;i mo Sl.fiO ; 1 ytwr $15.00 $32.00 S i 1.00 S8S.00 110.00 SlU'U I 1 yo.ir 1 yenr 21.00 10.00 1 yenr 1 your S3E For standing diiplay nils only. All Heading Noticou in Local 'Jo) u in n will bo chnrgo.l nt tho rate of '20 cenU per lino for first, and 10 cts each mibiisquont insertion. Spocialrates to regular ndvcrlisors. Wi: AIIC 1'IIUI'AIIEU TO EXtlGUTK 1- OF KVIIKY IIUSCIIIITIO.V, CIIKAM.Y Posters, Dodgers, Uilllicnds, Letter lionds, NiitohoiulN, Stato inciitH, Invitations, Tickets, C'trds Klc, otc. rniSTKi) to oi'.nr.r.. OFFICIAL DIKF.CTOKY: Co. J tilled Ulcrk Treasurer Commissioners -j Surveyor Sheriff Assessor School Sujit Stock Inspector . . Dint. Judges "' At'ornoy . N. It. Maxcy. , . Phil Metsehnn ...X. II. Holey. J. II. Mcllnloy. II. II. Diivin. J. II. Ne.il W. 1 CS ray . Clins. Tiuiun. U. II ay oh. .. W. W.IIinton M. 1). Ciiirord . .Intnos A. Fee J. L. Hand KHCItUTSOOIKTIKS. A F & A M Canyon City Lodge No. Ill meet Saturday on or heforo each new moon. I O O F 1 fulmli Iodgo No. 22, Canyon City, regular meeting Tluirs day owning of mill week. Mountain View l,odgi No. 33, l'mirio City, Sat unlay ocnings. A O U W MniiHT bodge Xo. 7, Cauyon City, .Monday evenings. O C T J0'"1 ly '''x'0 X'o. 0, Canyon City, Saturday evening. C A R it',- UlUlWK'k Voni Xo. 31 .lohn Hay, Tuesday evening on or Ix-fo 'e wieli full moon. Church Uirecto'y ltev. A. Hints hold divino service nt tho Winogar school houso nt 1 1 o'clouk a. in. on the 1st .Sabbath of each iirmth, and at 7 o'clock in the evening nt the M. K. chinch in I'mi riu City. Also at the Strawberry Hohoof houso at 11 n, in. on tho 3ril Sabbath of eauh month and nt l'rai rio City in "ho ovoiiing of the satno day. At. John Day City nt 11 n m. on the 2nd nud Ith Sundays, and at Canyon City nt 7 in tho ovoiiino; of tl.o sumo days. DUl'UTY STOCK IXSrKCTOHS. Xotico is horoby given th t I hnvo this day appniutod the following per K'His deputy Htock inspcctois for (!ranl county, Oregon: NAMIW, 1'OhTOKKICK. L. II. Johnson Djyville John II. linker Caleb. John 0. Luce John Dav. John HlacUwell, Long Crook. Woods Carter Fox. Win. Hull l'rairio City. H. S. lllnckwfll, Hnuiilton. L. M. JoIiiihoii Shoolly. lbni . Iliinsakor, Wu tier. W. W.lllNTOV. Stock Inspector for Omul Co., Or. May 7 th, 1'J0. Canyon City OlttOON. VaoU or fcliuu pwJ to rJr r u.jlly r.nlnJ. All' Work WurrauUd Flrat-cla. a' nurrniou, 1'UOFKSSIOXAL CAltOS. Q W. MAIUIKK, M. 1). I'll slt-litti V Surgeon. Oa.nvon City Oregon. Olllcei next door to Co. Tteasurer's tilllon, .Main Street. OKIt, M. 1). Canyon City, 0n. IIAtetm Main Si real In IUhmi fortoerl) xl 4J 1) l)r llanaril. Q I. IIAZKLTIXR X Uolosenp lio c CANYON OtTY, OIIKUON. g S. DHXXIXO. Atdiruoy-ttt-I.nir. Ia)NO CltKKK OllKOON Pakhisii it Co.M). A'lTOlIXKVS AT LAW. Oanaon City, - Oiikcox. Y A. KXIfiHT, DENTIST. CANTOS CITY - OIlKlOS. Ofliee over John Schmidt's eahitiot shop; ollice horn's from 'Jam to 't p m ALL W0BK WARRANTED. J. OLLIVER, Proprietor of the John Day Milk Ranch Fresh milk delivered daily to my customers in John Day and Canyon cities. Oivo mo your orders. pt' HOUSLHV, M D. GltAlltlATKOt'TIIR U.VIVEIIHITY or IN.VNsYiAA.-iiA, April 8, 1818. Canyon City, Oregon. O l!co in his Drug Stote, Main Streol Inlers for Drugs promptly filled Xo profiuHioual patiouago solicteil iii'ish ditcctiotis nro stiictty followod. A.ttornoy-at-Law AND Notary Public. I'ltAiiui: City - - - Oiu:io.v. Also Agent for tho sale of School LuiiIh. II. H0LHY, DHNTIST. (Oilier opl it Ma.unn Hall) Canyon City .... Oregin. tW .III 'ork Warranted. ON SALE TO DENVER Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, CT PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS Kast, North South, AT itiKi:u CITV. J.S.WILSON Tlckot Acont. A. B. ELMER. Assayei 6 Analytical Chemist. Make AnHiiys or (cIh of all kit.dn of Ores. F.xnmino Minos, pn p iro Maps of mid reports on satin-, 4T Orders by mail will ireeivo prompt Attention. V O Mux III, Italicr llj gti. m km m mm" 1 A V I U I i lir.sT is Tin: woiti.it. llaWMrloirqualitlaart unturpaatftl, actually oullactiiitf two Uia ot uoy clbr braiiO. Nt( ta.cuxi tr ii.i. iirji: "i n i: ana rn.viu ion b li: ii v iirAi.rns or.NrttAi.i.Y. iUr FRAZER mi Notcli t, i 1 li t ncrr n kc lilntr tiulv, ami ! mit'lit I ww mlilvd ith ctml fop c, lliut mtnt is the riciirc uf meet".. Wnulom' Knbcfllnc t the nvtiotMtu of merit, ami fl liWurv in nncic-. The uu.nic.il cf frcti ofthU j'.rvKirti..u l:ne lcc!i nttct. cil Uy thoUMiiiU of llif Icmling Indies of society and the il.ii(c. It illicoulv urtl clc cvcrilivoirrol wliu li g've n Xatur at anil JtWuti tmt to the wiuplcxion, nt the hiiic tunc rcmovinj all rounhneM of the fnrc mul rrmt nnu leaving llie klti soft, nuivjtli vnl vchcty. 11 hat long lccti the ludy of ih.mfti to pn duce nil article that white It would fViJM iiyc complexion would nlno have the merit of hcing hattnttst. hut lltcc two important ipmlilics etc netr brought together until combined in WISDOM'S ROBERTI4B. XOTICK FOlt lM'HI.ICATIOX. Un.l omtviit llurna, Or , !) IT, !. Nollif li lirrly clrtn ll.l I In (ollnninir ntnd 4llr hi fi:l nullc ut hltlntiUtm n iimIiv rinjil jiro.it In upi.trt of hi. elilm, II14I 14M rpt III t iiwclr t f .t Um t'Miniy Jihlc ut limit l'o,. Or , or lu hi li.tiK lit" r.MMit; I'Urk kl I'thtnn CU. "r . n Jul) t. I'. l- Kl.liAII I I.C HAXl'K. Ilil No. tui ,tor the SW tiWiinr t, ml IM N11 . it N K I x i: V, few 1, 1 1 li.. Ml II I'. Ut lutm. tho tiilluiRliHr wIiimht. In (irinrhlt wMtllnun'i rvi tirn upon am) niUlMUnH ir, itkl taxi, tl 1 1 Auk 1 Vritwi, Moiiru A. PriUni, Win .sudtvW.r. Harry A. Tucker, all of 1 ililf fllr. Dr. tiHJ J II IlciTlxgtot, ItriMilrr. Appointment of Ad ministrator. Xotico is heioby given to all per sons whom it may concern, that tho undersigned has been duly apM:nt ed administrator of llie eslatu of Martin Oiiudlach, decoasetl, lato of (irniil county, Oregon. All persons having just claims ag.iuist said es tate or ngaiust tho partnerships of Oeorgo OuiuilncL Si Hro., ami .lames Xoiinati .t Co., nro lequirod to pro Relit the ftnmo duly venlied to tho ur dersigned nt tho store of Geo. Gurd laeh V: Hio , in ''nnyoii City, Oregon within six months from tho duio of this notice. Dated .hi no 1th, A D 181)0. (U'OHllK (il'M)t.At'll XOIICH TO CHKDITOHS. Xotico is hereby given to nil whom it may concern, that hy deed of ns sigtimeut inailo May 8th 1 SIM), Geo Guudlneh, an insolvi nt, assigned nil his property to the tin lot-signed for the benefit of nil his creditors nud that tho undersigned has duly ipmli lied mul en tei ed upon tho discharge ofliw duties as micli niHignco. All persons having jut rlaims against said estate are notified to prcnout thosaino duly verified to the under signed nt the store ot Geo. Ootid Inch it llio. in Canyon City, Oregon, within three months from tho date of this notice. Juno li', A. I). 1800. J. W. Muk, Assignee. .J. L. B. VIAL & SON- i )ircii.M.i and J EWE LEHS, IIaiu'.k City, - - Oiikuo.v. -Dealers in- WATCHE8, CLOCKS, JevCLRY, SILVERWARE, VIOLINS nutl GUITARS. Mf'iuy t l.otn uu CulUttfrata. S3T Opposite Union Mont Market, Mnin S'.rett. V. P. DUNCAN, lonh IUiij .-- Or IlKAI.KIt IN Hnrdwnrc, MincrH Supplioi, Etc, Etc Ilydratilic Pipe and nil kinds of Timvnro iiiniiiifactured to order. The only Tiii-bhop in Grant coun ty, mill equipped for all manner of work. I &r REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- i THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 7VVY Q7TCKI Tor it now, OON IT WHL DC TOO LATE I lirtrrn trouble! niiu rar with i iliH-aM cflh klilncr uJ IJ"" ,u" iudv Uinrrrnt rriunllrt ami lwc .iuiiiiI alii from iliflrmit iliitcin Mith-iul rrtlcf Alvut llie iMli ul April I ullcrmi; fi"ii a vrry vttlrtit attack Itial alinutl (iroatratcit me In aucil a nirtiiiiri ui.i . w.. ... Whrn 1 at ilowu it a alm'Wl lmiollilr for iu to icti uu alimr. or lu Jiiit on my ilottira, wlirn li. .71 i......l...r -til llr llrlllrv. vrltll tile t)Ki:t.ON KIDNIiY TI'.A. to my liolcl. i liumruiairiy rouinirni-tu ...j.... it.. I. II ttnl nil almuat mltaculoua eflkt. ami to tlic aatou. lalnurnl of all Ihr curata at llie hotel. i r,w d.v.i am baimy to atatr. Al ry , Hist I wit a new man. 1 wlllsV C3fl 1 rrminiii'li.t llie Ira to all alllwttiil I (I a. a. Tirrri'.K, l'rol'ilrlor 0..xHcutal Hotel 1 I 1 I MA? Smolie of Qlant 1'owJcr. Nothing will muko n toiulvrfoot miner sicker tlmn the moko fr.im giant mm tier. Almost anyone can btniiii blnek jMiwiler bttiokc but that of the giant powder lias upot ninny a tenderfoot's btomncli. N un set, and n terrible lioiulnelio is the result to an unfortunate tciulirfoot who is taking his lirrt experience in tliis line, (limit powder ninoku will ujet ti innu'.s stoniaeh as quickly us will tho ocean tossed hteatner niuku a person seasick. I hero are niny strango things about the use of giant wwder in the milium, hi tho winter heiihon it will freeze ami niiiFt then bo thawed out heforu it can bo used anil soiiietiinch the miner will put the stick of giant jwwder in his boot top or under his tlaniml shirt, and the hent of the body will thaw it out while tho hole is drilled for tho blast. I'sunlly, though, tho iowilor is thawed over the lire in the blacksmith shop, uenr the mine. 1 have Mitnettined ccu it take tire and burn rapidly, but never supposed it would evplodu nniler such circuinstntices. lint 1 have siueo lenrneu that it is dan gerous when it cntehes lire, fur I sometime ngo rend of a miner whose Ixxly and limbs had been terrible mangled by the explosion of giant powper, which had caught while he was tliuuiii.' it nut. ('. V. wmm Copjrltit, is. AN OLD MAID'S SOLILOQUY. . Tn tk.e or not tft lae tt, ! tfcn nqrttlm Wiittur II u beiur lo enit tint rthlr t arrr A i,.lniler tiravlnf tli unlit of luu-e nlj woiil'l Imlit That lack tit loreri tama my torlr Italr. llr lata III rrmrtllf my ataivra tale. Aiil nif rr raw r.rlaiil llm' I lialtie.1 In llie Innuorlil r'.unt llu l.on ai'utul !1 vatu 111 ri-.rMa' fai ernl ha1r. n hit lirarii iur uiar-lal alftle. a r (Idm 1 hal tnf eM llr. l'lrrr Favortl l-relL-rli-W ..ul I brine tiark en4r lo a rartr.1 elieea Ileal Ilia lieallh of ona-hnraln mouI4 Ola 1 o rlJ licrteir of all IImj fain il.o itrli." ThonforeaaM aplnater tnoV tho rvmrHlr ami forthnllli tixik u liualinnil iitio, ticvvldii rrtralniHl tier titolth eml lilooiuinir bcautr. Thomaii.tJ of wonii'ti own their frrali, tilnoinluir rountrniinrt'a to tlm iiatdrntltu cfTccU ot Dr. llerco' l'avorltu Tri-ctrlo Hon. It la a oaliWr ruro for tlm mt Kimjillrutnl unJ otiMlnr.to raos nf lou. turrlieo. nxmalvo ti.'wiii, raliiful itini ttruatlon, unnatiirnl eupiinMloin. irnlnii. ua. or fulling of tlm womti, wink Imck, "ft-mala wi-nkiia," nntKVi'rfinn, rrtro vrralmi, iH'iirliiir-iluwn 'iianlloni, rhronln ciiiiireailoii, IntiaiLiuutlon anj ulcvrattuu cf tlio womb. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS rr.-iilntfi ami ili'orno tlm llvir, atomarti kail taiierta. Tiny urn unly rrin'tntil'j ami trrfrrtly tmrinliM. Dun n Uuiui If druvirlaK, si cinti rt lal, 1 yrritl)Tjz v to -usrMi .r in iv: :y r1' AHirju ACE? :TS WANTED cr-' i ' ''Ai li'.E I f- :'!.. ' ..';'iCAnrJU. iK;i':;'.isTi3ic ,- n,ll On M. Pi ' Umii. nu I In' i '"l ar I at nt lu. ii .i I II" Moomiii fll Oji orr -c la on .iri II 0 r,,'i'' 'f 'r aiTJ mi' . in i i- ' !' In tlm' " ' 1 nni'.v ( i ii i ' i i"'i iHlill I .ill At i i iu- i ' 1 1'"'" . '' " "'' lion, - J'l . if ai. i is'Im i.r i..-t ' ' tliarje. O r I il i!ui' nil a'rm t ncn'i 1 A Ptumlll ".- I Otlali I'l.t.-n-." '111 nanira if ai mil c ii'" In J'".r bUii', c unt.. , or Iohii, au'iit ti Ail '" .', C.A.SNOW&CO. Opf. PaTC mt Ornci. WaaiONOiON, D. C. lOW'S YOUrl FENCE V Wo have the CHEAPEST and nest WOVEN WIRE PENCIHQ .Wlro HOPO HO1V.1B0. rW INCHES IU01I AT (0 CENTS TEK HOD .awn liati'ii I' uurr anil Hlfvii Jeii'irii a. :m. imlmiliha. liala.l- match I'll'eil ri nt tril'ale'a I'rrUbl I'ulil. fill f'-r ;rin illara, llf,allUMlMxUHHIMli.. lull tun. 114. mrm WWW Cliff Dwclltra. One of tho most attractive jwr tions of Colorado if not in the entire west, for the nrclueologitd, is that pnrt of the state in which are found the clill" dwellings of n lout; extinct race. The district in which thcFo ruins are located covers tin area of nearly tdx thousand npiaro milcc, cliielly in southern Colorado, but which includes narrow belts in tho indjrtcent territories of New Mexico, ' Utah, and Ari.ona. ' The ruins of this region, like most others of the extreme west and Konth, are the remnants in a great nieaMirc of Mono structures. It is ! evident, however, that a great Mir- ; tiou of the villages and dwellings of the lowlands which I'omprixo this ' district have been of material other than stone, frniuenlly, doubtless, of rubble and adobe combined. The elitl' houses conform in shape to the lloor of the niche or shelf on which they are built. They tire of firm, neat masonry, and the man ner in which they are attached or cemented to the el ills is simply marvelous. Their construction has coM a great deal of labor, the rock and morter of which they are built having been brought hundred of feet up the most precipitous places, i They have it much more modern I look than the valley and cave re mains, and are probably in general more recent, belonging rather to the close than to tho earlier parts of n long periisl of iH-eupation. It ncetiis probable that a rich re ward awaits the fortunate archieol ogint who shall be able to thorough ly invehtigate the historical records that lie buried in the masses of ru ins, the tuii-xploriil caves and the Mill mysterious burial places of the northwest. Mnt it is ipiite improb able that any certain light will ever be thrown on the origin of this cu rious race or its history. A Iteinnrloblc Componition. A school entertainment was given in nne of the rural districts, not m awful far from New York city, in which a prominent part was taken by a young daughter of n well known New York business man. The young miss was to read a story of her own composition, and as a special mark of coulideuce she was allowed to prepare il without any auMstiinee, anil it was exempted from the usual sciutiny of teacltors or parents. On the evening of tho entertain ment the room was crowded with the elite of tho village. The young authoreiis was given the post of hon or on the programme, and as she read her story it was received with generous applause. It was a story of the love and trials of a young couple iu the country, and depicted the customary scones supposed to occur in such cases. lu the con clusion she told of what became of ii 1 1 1 1 everything on the farm that wan there when tho hero and hero ine were young and snlVciing. Tho following was the way slut disponed of the oxen: "And tho dear old oxen, Hilly and lless, thuy continued to work pa tiently for many years, and their children, which were little calves when t it-urge and May were young, lire the oxen now, toiling as patient ly as their father and mother used t'o." This p ut of tin- Mory had a re markable i fleet on tlm ehb-rs in tho audience, and the swr little author ess could not imagine why her fath er hsiked so stern and her mot her Hushed up so. lleiL-after her t-oinoitious will be edited before tlu-y ate read ill public. "Good and Honest." It Hun pralMM : But nf olilo Trent urjr lcit, C'l.liirubm, lilili., leb C, I MO. ' I I. are uioil IX Ja- t.iU Oil In my family for yean, anil Rod It to be tho mclli Ins of mmlldim FOR GENERAL USE. lilt "".l. I.oncit mi'OloliiK ami bouuit men will nut hciltato torn'ominrmt It to lurTcrtng buwaulty." JOHN I'. M.niHOKH. IlocLliHr, In I't.ry IIiiIIIh 'llifrei la u Cure. Xn l.iny ApjilliHlliin n ltellrr. i i. . .i .- UP :T5avto'Ho .TheEhas'A'Vooeier Eo fY UrXv VLS 1 ft Ml TMADC Yfj$fflr M AfllC m vi tt rr . f Bnpnhaflii To-Morrow You Dlel "Hat, drink, and be merry!" Vanity of vanities, mul all is vnni ty!" The pnst is irretrievable, and no one can doubt that the immediate or remote future is hastening to ex ecute iiK)ii every ono of tis the com mon doom of all the race, l'ain, sickness, disnpjioiutiuont, persecu tion even, nil encroach more and more as the days go by UKin the al ways limited hours of enjoyment, until, from natural cnu-cs alone, the nest of the healthful nud unre Heeling youth is gradually displac ed by the growing diMnsto for the unsatisfying fruis and pursuits of the average life. The taste of ashes is nlrcndy in the mouth. Yet there have been, nud purhaps still are, many professional maralist (by a blasphemous misnomer commonly styled divines) who t-oem to feel ill their special mission, like the lo custs sent uiKUi Kgypt, to swarm oner the land devouring every green thing wIiom- morbid enunciations are calculated to dry up tho foun tains of innocent pleasure, nud to keep the mul in a fever of pertur bation and apprehension, until the once blooming gardens of the roul aro left parched and barren like oriental lands swept by tho burning Siioico. What wonder then, that to es caH' the contemplation of the fear ful prospect thus presented, man everywhere turns to the transient delights ntul illusive joys of the present as the only refuge? The pulpit thunders, 'Thou art dust! un atom, and thy name is transi tion.'" and nature conlirms it. What shall he do? As the ship goes down will he not burst into the spirit itHiiii and drink oblivion? Thus iu all ages and all climes he litis sought for Mnudrngora, Poppy, Hasheesh something, anything to yield forgetfulness of inevitable fate and produce a present evanescent blies. St. Louis .Magazine. Curioui Uses for Paper. Knilioiid ear wheels imido of pa-pet- are nunc durable than iron. When strong lihro is used paper can he made into a subbtnuce so hiird that it eau scarcely be MTntehed. I Hack walnut picture frames are made of paper ami so colored that no one can tell tliem from the orig inal wood. An Italian monk has succeeded in constructing an organ wliere the pipes aro made of paper pulp. It has 1 100 pi pen of various si.es. The latent idea is to use paper iiiMcnd of wootl for lead pencils, by using a papctit preparation by w hich it can bo cut as easily as the softest wood. Not Afraid of the Woods. "Let us go out and take up claims," said one of tho .Misses Koudrick a few mouths ago. "That is just the thing I was thinking of," chimed in the other two sinters iu clinru.). The .Misses Kendriok are three hihli-r who i-auic to Tacotna last full fruiu Iowa. They inn brave, young women, and me not afraid of work. When they lirt eainu to the city they tried to get claims but could Hud nothing suitablu at tho time. Nut discouraged they went to work and earned what money they could until spring weather set ill when they again be gin looking around for a suitable claim that they could tile and en ter upon. They could not lind any surveyed lauds, but nt lat they lo'-eived word from a friend that M-ry suitable unsurveyed lauds could be found iu the (iray's Har bor country. l.aM Tuenfay lhe started fur (inn's Harbor nud will take up fipiatli-r'b claims at once. The Kciidrick sisters are respect able yotii'g women of prcposbess ing uppcarane and retiring disposi tu ns. They hive a good common rcliool cpucntion, mul buiug good singers, tlu-y will undoubted! keep themselves from dospairi ig mi 1 make the forest melodious w ith their songs. Sliortiirss nf llrrntli. 1 it. Ki.istk lti;vn:nv sho'i'il hi ta '.en i.t on l'o when si ght iicitioi or u he il ly uii-al p induces hlmrticas ol I ri iilh or H l'ain iu tho region of the liei.it. Soial for trealino, free. Muck Dni( Co , Now York. A mull may be honest, ami not virtuous; wlien hu is so ho Icana upon his honesty n tin atonement for his imperfections. . . . - It U usually tho man of money who discourses on the benefits of poverty. Tin's is proper siueo tho jioor are otherwise engaged. A wise man plays tho fool vliun he enters into an argument on tho street corner, for it is oasy for tho I jester to get a corner on 1 hu mor- riinent when logic is slain with a smile. A Seattle woman fainted on tho street the other day beeaiuo hor husband took oil" bis hat to her. He made it all right with Iter af terward, however, by as-mring her that hu had uiir-tnkcu her for some one else. It is only a broad anil gunerous mind that is callable of holding strong opinions of it own, and, at the hitinu time, respecting the opin ion of others. We often bhrng our shoulder and say "Oh, she's a crank," forgetting that, after all, the little, slangy, e-:proai vo word means only smne one w ho does not think the same n. we do. "The man to lie foil red for the trouble that he can make in tho west is not tho 'dead hot' who lias killed a doted men," said mi old timer from Arizona at tho .Mid land laM night, "but tho otiug blood, u coinliinntion if the cow hoy and tho tenderfoot. Tho for mer is usunlly iptick. cool and level-headed, and when he shoots hu shoots to kill. The latter is in a hurry In get into a tight and will never listen to reason or common sense. The moment he gets into trouble he thinks that his duty in to draw a revoher and cotnnioneu shooting. Ho may probably hit the man he is trying to kill. Ho is like the fool friend thai we aro coiibtanllv praying In be delivered from. Ili cip.it ity fin-mi M-hii-f is unbounded, but his plans for getting out of a scrapo are never matured anil aro sure to fall through. 1 don't object to taking a hand iu the fight when a lot of experienced men are on thogrouuil but whin a lot of giei-nliorneri commence shooting 1 don't object to hunting up a new location. H.. POWDER Abaolutoly Puro. Tlilt nnnti r in r a , r 1 trti irili anil a lull. ..nit the i r .lii.ri ki'ilt ami . ti. lI'HI llll ill-' lllllllKll.U' I alum or I'liuipliiir i in IC.it al luting 1'iinuir I . ., man . f i"irlty Vi m t h at lliai . ! It. . -I . t in t iintiell. . .' I. .1 !. ul ttrlylil, Milil mil) In ralif, li) Hi.ll St., S. Y. Don't (in Off !te fotr Vim urn lUxiJy, rurtirularly on Ihur Jorrimr. H fully rfl. inrisl. You rAiinot !v. jiri'mit no Ui any, uu i. aa you arn iu'CiiiiiiiniC'l Willi llio travelrr'n mul tourut'a wtilc iiuruni, lloiietUir-.i Unmarli lliltrra, ni'.-t gvmul nf Hiieliiirn, ai'i-linmllrira mul .riiii'itira ol rtixwuun. Aiiam.l iea Ickr.i' miliar a. rmmin nml r.illi'a tiPKnttrn ul I'.i.llv i.xikC.l nt ui aliolit. .ninii fixul ui.il lirarkiili . iu-r. nervnuauex. Iiirnn.ril liy ttnil. tiri'iitr bliluiiiiipaa ntid oiiKlipull'iti, llio Ituliira la u .. iviiruicn pre TCUlHu. II lilliltrla It 1 . Il'll fur fmi I II. I ullu I'dlirr lo y.nir !!', rm l irrit nta it lu i.i ilm. acrreliiK llh )nii, .Scot win Ilium irii a railnl a ti 1 1 X fur til"' lit.t.ir'.iinalo ilirit'it who illQ'U In ilri'H'1 of llio ln .l I'.i.iknl incul. Slnmarliin Iroiililo iuiixmI hy HI ir-wri tlaml. aiaianl liii,ini tiiiiilit, ami raUnu luilllr lilli'l nt uilhvny n-.tnurmila. la aoon renieilinl hylhn I 111 t. ri, v. li Ic Ii jtiv uijuliiun nl.o in rlicumatum, kuliiv trouhlou anj m- tolllUliV IF YOU WIOII A COOD REVOLVER 'OToV SMITH & YCSSOH'S riittil mllQ ninufaW-tutrJ Cm rilnfll. In Cftilbrii at Ami it lui Htiiitti or ilouhJ ftQlWii, hJy llnm inrrlv anil Tarttrl iiu4cU, tcrl, tfciwfullr Iuiitctit1 for wiiii"uhlnu.Ut-rK Uun nutl furl not l ilM'alvvil hy rlu an vuiJ flulak. durulillllv mill atNiui-ncr. Do irfl.n aoM fiT Ihu iitiiului- arlleli'. Tin v uiu uarc llaMe and ilantrtirvua. The hmiu & Waai.ia ur. tuitem am iUuiiinI uiui On. loiri. I nail llnu'i nanit. alilira auitilattmir I'ttii'iita. uiul ai nnr, nlevU Iwrfit-t. Iii.l.t umu lirniri! ilium, mul ( your ilralvr caniml ni'iy ) uu, an unlet- aent lo ml. nr.a he low Mill recall u uromin aunuilim. IXixrlii. ilia cauluuo an.l rlcejui.u ui'iillralluu. b.UITll V WlMON. fyrluuUulJ, Slum. wiVtiMif tun imllati. jflT. I . iki r.k.x. I,-; Kl IMMtWMWWIki' aaaw. ii, .1. ... asi!. Jaia,.y)aiaW''fi'll