THE GUT COUNTI HNS, June 1!). .1800. Tlio boom townu have taken nji Jlornco (Jret'loy'6 cong and revised it: "Come west, young mnti, mid 8co how you'll lmvo to grow to catch up." lloston has tnado arrangements for nn overflowing treasury. A now ordinance imposes n lino of S20 for each iibo of profane Ian gtiago on the fitreot. Wo would like to suggoat that those people who are always think ing that the newspaper are hit ting at them, just take a look through the hilile. Wo fancy they will seo even there a gentle knock. W. A. Craiidull, chairman of tho democratic state central com mittee, has written u letter to Stato Senator Foster, leader of the anti-lottery movement in the leg. isluturo, suggesting that the ques tion of u lottery amendment to the constitution ho submitted to a pri mary election throughout tho htatc, at which only whites shall he permitted to vote. One of the most unique memo rials ever proposed for a dead hero is r.ow being discussed at Middle borough, Ivy. It consists of the erection of a monument by Grand Army men and ex-Confederate soldiers, acting in unison, to their respective leaders in tho civil war Grant and Leo on two moun tain peaks overlooking Cumber land Cap. Xevcr was retribution more Kwift than that which overtook a would-bu-iniirdeross. Michael I'. Ncy, aged i0 years, a veteran of tho late war, lived with his wife, aged lij, in lioston. They were poor but in comfortable circum stances, as both were hard workers. Lately the husband had been much dissipated, and threatened bin wife's life, and she, in her rage determined to take his. Mrs. Noy got somo strychnine, ami inakirg two glasses of lemonade she pois oned one of them. Not liking tho taste, ho put his down, nceideiitly changing tho iclativo positions of the two tumblers, and when he picked it up, got hers instead, and she took thu fatal drink. They drank to each other'ii health, anil in twenty minutes she died in in teiuo agony. Tho General Laud Ollico has is. sued tho following warning to careless htarters of timber lires: The attention of the public is call ed to the fact that largo quantities of the timber is annually dettroyed by forest tiros which, in many ca ses, originato through the carolcsn ness of hunting, prospecting and other camping parties; while in boiiio iiihtanccs they may occur through design. I take this meth od of warning all peinons that, hereafter, tho cause and the origin of all forest lires will be closely in vestigated, and where the tiro is ascertained to have originated through either carelessness or do -sign, tho parties implicated will be prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law." White persons may bo prosecuted if proven guilty, hut wo are safe in saying that the dirty hi washes can burn .astern Oregon timber as usual, and no action will bo taken against them. Tho set tlers, however, can tako.tho matter into their own hands. A Chineso detective is in Al buquerque, New .Mexico. His mission is to arrest a Chinaman who four years ago committed murder in China, thu details of which wore the most blood-curdling and horrible ever known in tho criminal history of tho celesti al empire. The murderer's name is Foo Choo. lie was onaniorated with a Chineso maiden named Kankeon Pun Van. Her father objected to tho attentions of Foo (JIioo and iusilcl on AaiiKcou marrying anothor. Nankeen de murredjiowover, but the parent persisted and Naiikeuu became u liridc. Tho ceremony was per formed with all tho pomp and dis play of a well-to-do Chinese fami ly. Foo Choo stole into tho com partments during tho night, and jiftor blinding ami gaging his vic tims, deliberately murdered them by inches. Ho iirst cut off the lingers of tho bride's hantlt.; then Iter toes; then dismembered her body, 'llio groom was treated to a like fato and then tho muideier Jled. II is crime was not discover ed until threo days afterwards. A search was immediately made for Foo, who was susiieeted of tho crime, but ho had effected his es cape, going from China to Austra lia. Tho emperor offered a largo reward for his capture, and during tho past three years tho detective has been hunting him. Two baseball clubs composed of women played a game at Danville, III., before 200 people. The L'ni ted States Attorney swore out a warrant for their arrest for dis turbing tho peace. Tho pitcher must have broke some windows or Eomething in tho town. Justice Lamar tells Washington correspondent he thinks Mississip pi will eventually be a negro state and that the whites woiihi be fore yd to emigrate. Ho is so confi dent of this that he is anxious to sell his plantation in Mississippi, consisting of about live hiiinliod acres of the liuest lauds in that state, and having on it forty-seven registered cows and a number of fine horses. Justice Lamar has a uiagtiillceiit oad there and his lands are under the best of cul tivation, lie offers the whole for much loss than it is worth, and he says he has no desire to have any of his friends to remain in Missis sippi. NHW TO-DAY. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. ar-l OlTk at llurna, Or June II, sun. Nnllc lirralif fflrrn tint tli fiilloIiif-in rtj tllrr lllcl not 1 1 of liar Intoiitlon to int-a final priwl In iu.pnitcl ,tr alalia, aiul tint a.l i. cm. I Mill b inula ldrn the Counlf (Ink of lirahl rumilr, ut (Mi) on citjr, Orrmi, mi July mti, CliirnA. Djrmiu. I'reKH.So Mil, Irr tl. K I I Ni: I 4, AW II AT. II i,. hU 1 I NU I I See ti 1i in S It )i K W J. Khf namra Ilia fullowlnt lllicar to r lr rtintliHKHM rwalilatir iimi. aittl t.f, atM liivl. li: Willi. m H Smith-tilth, Walur W Harry. Kianett It.lih. i.l riaiituii, Or., mil limit Smith ut .'anion etit. Or. Mh .1. II. IIUNTINOTO.V, 11.1.1. r. NOTICE FOIt PURL10AT10N. Ural OID at The lalla, dr. Jhiii J, law. Kittle It he rlir kirtn tl.t Ilia fulloalng mnwl .Hilar H11 Dlnl luilictt nl lili lulriitluDlu l.i.l.. Dual iii( In anliport of lila altlm. anil tliat tahl I'rui.f Imi bfr tin 1 Willi) tlaik of (jiait cotlhtj liirtfaii at l'aii)wi til). Dragon, n Jnl W, low). Onviil L-ruua, li K S-61 IS, lor II.. V. 1-1 llV I 1 sM 11 anil I! I MV 1 I '' W T( II, H II M K IV Jl Hit iwtlnrt tl' Inlloxlll-; itltllMK. to luto lili r'inttiititia I lane iim,ii. aiul rulutalloti of ,M I111J lit: II K !(), A l Hnjiltr, V I. Iluloii, J I! himw, allof llaitlll. Or lilt Jllll.N W. I.l.HIS, llla'ar. NOTICK FOR l'Ultl.K'ATION Iaw Otflt at llurna, lliriiin. lne I, s0 Notltf U hsrvlii- tfltvti tliat tho fut1oiuir .liltUr lia. fitwl iHitlra of lit. Ilttoiilloh lit Snal i-nnif In tiii-ptiit nf til. Halm, aiul tliat mIi! iirwir will Ik mwlr Wfoic Ihc rcyl.l.r ami rMHltrr at limn., Or., mi Julr III. law), It: I nil J (Ton oltlirt'i:, '" " s"- N"' I I ami 1: I S nW I I St 13 T 16 8 II ) 1:. W. SI. Il.iiamci Iim Mlottlm -lln.i In rnt I1I1 voiiIiiiuuui tcalitcuri upon ami cullWatluii of, athl lait.1, tic llulatttril Jirflll.ull, t'arl I not., uf I'ralrle Ultr, Or , anil Ham Joikm, Hick (,'lnirlt, uf iftif). Ir. It 17 J. II. lU NTIMiToN, lla!r. NOTICE FOIt rUHLICATION. U11J OIHca at llunit, Oravon. Juno , lf. Notlrc It IkicI ) alt tn lint llm ftl..wiit nainnl artllrr la flla.1 untie of Ma Intrnllnn to milt Ilrnl I' In atioit of lil. claim, ami lint aU iri( ll 1 14 iii-ul Uort iIk nunty )u.l- ol limit couiittr Or at Cati)Hi 1 II), llr. on July 111, 110, tl!.: II. I No. tat, for Int. 5 mil I, Mr 1 n'l'l Iota I ami hoc 3 Ti 17 V II 3t 11 lie mint. Ilia follti-M Ins; ltn. to iru lilt cauitliiuoti. iraklrnr iihi, ami riitlltatlmi of aal.l laml, tli: I'at Miiloarr, frank II M; f Ouyoii (llr. Dr., KraiA K I'nat.r. of John Iiay, Or., anil Ur1.Tlilli.ull, of IIUiiloo, Or. I'll? J, II, III ilutu., llnlalw. NOTICE KOU IUntlalCATION. Un.l Oltloo at lliirna. Or. Jim. i, l'l. Nolle I. lirolijf tlii that Ilia d.ll ttin mn'o.l a.ttlir lit" nixllmtlcp of hi It. ! In 111a V a final iff In au'iwit uf I. It rUlm, ami thai al.l iiioif will ha in iilu Iwfnrii tli iiuiil)r tlark uf (rant iiiuntr, llr. at Coiituii t'My. dr . n i July In, I.H.), tli: Duvlil Koorllli. I'r U M No. Mt. f.,r Id S I I SW I t H.t II, U I t St: I I U T. Ill n It M I'.. II iiainat thi- fnlUluif tlliifraja In j.ror hU rtmlliiunu. 1.. I.l. 111 upon ami tulllvMloii of, Mhl laml, la: I'hlunaa Tlinmaa, lit. Van-on. Or, ami 1.011 lll). A C H li'Wulth, IjjuIo I'nli.Ur, il hi4il, Or. UI7 J II. lllNTINIiTO.V llrtfl.tir. NOTfi-a FOIt l'UIJLIC'ATION. Iaii.I OifVc j at lluru. Oiaxtxi. Hay J7. lataS. N.illr.' la hrrfb) (lfn that tli . hlii iiiiiil altlr Itaa Ul.l nolk of lilt Intention In nuke flMl i-rtnil Itt.u 1 ..i I of hla (labu ami tliat aall niool Mill tag nil taifnr t'ounly l lrk l lira-it Uiiiiit), Or. at Caii)on t.Mt), Or Jul) 111, latki, li Jocoph Frntoa, l'ilSNo. auii, fur tli W I t SW I I and HI! 1 I IW 1 I Sc a, T. la, a ut: w i. Ilfuautoatlt lull.iWlKif ttlloaaava to jir..c I.l runtinooaa Uri, anil roltltatlnti uf, tl.l laml, tla: Tluta, John llraaill, J.tih llai.hall, Jouiih lhtwita, all uf John Hat. or 1117 J. II lll'N tl.V'IITON. ltttr NOTICE FOK 1'FULIUATICN. Un.l Oltlc at lluiua. Or l) lh.0. Nollo la lur "h jltau lk' Ilia follottloi,-naionl aallkr baa fllul nolle nl hla lliltlill'n l maVc Cnil imof In aiiort of hla claim, ami that aaUl proof tit, I h 1 luailn Uloi. th mimlj tliik of i.rant muni). Oration, al ltii)on ( Uy, Or mi Jul) In, I Mai, t la Manuel On friotna. IVUnSo. l.tal. lor tin- NV 1 of H il Tp 11 N It II i: V M. Iln namra the fololntf vvluiwi to prut hi tfitnllnuolla ital.lruio upon nml tilHIt ttlou uf. till lil . I. tla T'l.u Hill. .It. J. .I.U Iliaill, J.taeph Maralitll. J.orpli I'.i.l.i il. an of J. Im Uti Or II 17 J H III NUM. TON. INcl.Ul LARGEST BT0CK; Lowest Prices, First-class Goods AT- J, DURKHIMR & GO'S, Prairie City Wo ask a onll from all who wish to puivhaeo, anil guanmteo our iirice tlie saino as ut any Kallrond point, with addition of Fraught. You onll alwavs find a L'oinnloto Stock of (loods, ami wo will niako it to your inioVoit to trndo with TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tlio uiulotflinnwl huviiig lieon ro stored to hottllli by Minplo incans, after suft'eiiny for sovorttl yonrs with ri sovcro Itin afTuetion, ami Hut dread diwnso (Joiistiiiiption, in mix ioiM to mako known to his "follow aufl'crerfl tho moans of euro. To those who ilesiio it, lio will clicorfuh y solid (froo of cliaifjo) a copy of tho proscription lined, which tlioy will lind a suro euro for noustiinp tion, Anthinn, Catanh, Hronoliitis and all throat ami lung Maladies, lln hopoi nil HtilTorerH will try his itoiiietly, m it Ih invaltifiblo. Those iloriiring the proscription, which will cost Ihom nothiiif,', and may provo a blpftsiiir,', will ploiuto nililross, 1 1 1: v. EnwAitn A. Vii.kov, Williamsburg, Kings county, Now Xoik, IT IH TUB TDRAT. MRDtOrWR tt f 1 c. th f . r anil K if . nl4-. n.iti, ..irra . nit I. lit 11 1. . if Ira an Apjtc I.I-, I'u'iii alltrlm. -it III rul, n:J 7.1 ft Vita Tim WruV fitron. for wnc D'c I I U MULII O t'artl ori7lirre. VI n liotllni l fnr VICTOR MOWERS. THE BEST TO BUY, IJecatmo thoy arc as tlurnblo as tlio Dtickoye, ami Excel nil others in inoliiiii. Will run oor any kind of ground possiblu for 11 maahiuo to run ovor, nml Wnrrntiiod to woik wi;ll in tho heaviiMt ;rnPH!i, and will bo sold for Cash. Oekied in John Day k $70,00 Fur partienhrs cull in or iiildrewi D. B. FJSK, Agl. .Iinlson Mfg. Co., IJaki ii City - - - Oregon l-jOHSE) 'S. fjaiSEBS.) Having purcliasud llm Stal'ioa re eeutly biought from Oilliam county, I w i 1 1 1 to aniioiinco to tho horhomon of John Day valloy, that I will Htand liini for lien icu this srnson, livery Jl outlay fy Tttt'.stltty, brvinning May fi, al E. Slowarfa r.niLli fit Dayvillo; tho lmluneo of tho wool; at my ranch. Stallion i"k I Clyde, ttorrol in culor, 17 hands high nml will weigh wliou in good ilotli ovoi li'OO MiH. Tonus $l(i to intuitu. S 1 If for the season; $10 singlo sor vioj. . A. J . Ci'minof, 'Jit Slilo Hancli. When in Hoppnor dtn'l fail to call on LEEZEIt ,t THO.Ml'HON for iiAitnwAiti:, tinwaiih, vooi ami W 1 1.1.0 W WAllK, (ll.OCDIlll'.H, TOIIAlTO, irra, inc. Ag'-ncy fur tho Nr.w Homi: Si.wiNn Maiiiini:. tta. Oidois by until promptly ami carefully filled. NEW MARKET. John Day Orog JELLETTE & DOUGLAS Prop's in. ... All kiuk.4 of moats, ftosh vogotitblns ami farm produce of ovorj claw. This ontorpiisa hat jubt tccoutly In'Oii ro-oslablishotl, autl will at all tituoH ondimvor to accommotlito tho public with ovoiythiug and all tlio market nffotilx. tV"t!ivo us a CV1 . J', aa- ar a i mm us. l!oi)i'otfu!l 1)1' II Ml lil M lili S'Co.l l ' I "T 1 '1 EH. BLACKMAN & CO T "1"" " fleppner. Or. T 'T ."T - -,- --- 75 f i:zizzl:..l i i . i i r I ' j -Dealers In General Merchandise. L -j .; r ".;i i i t r r r i i A Large AMortmont at Iiwntt 1'riciM. Oooil Sold nt Iledrock I'rieon. Tniilo of (Smut County Solicited, and Special Iiiduci-iui'iiU Ollcred. ' r i j i r ; i i i i i i i LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTERN OR. 1890. GREAT EXCITEMENT! The .Immense BASCHE & COMPANY ffs- BAKER CITY ----- OREGON. The Seene of Busy Tumult! Fifteen-1 5-Fifte en CAE LOADS OF Goods That .Fart' a Record lieiwj I'nloudt d and on the Way. Our Colobriitocl CROWN With Changeable Speed. THE LIGHT RUNNING M CORMICK The rivaled DEE li IXC! Binders. IH) H0LLiHGSW0R) A Slf) WW) HAY RAKES. The .Vever Failing Hand Dump THOMAS. The Old It cli able dm WAGON .intl Ihe Celebrated limerson ft Fisher BUGGIES HACKS The largest and besl selected slock ever brought to Baker City. Hem em bee 1 1 'e a re II li. I DO I l U Tli IIS for BARBED WIRE, .'hid invite Corresnondence on anithing in the Hardware Line. BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. 7V.V popular resort has bean reoponed to the public, ami now, as in tho past, keeps nothing but the best Wines, Litptors ft Cigars tl. I. ItlCK.iHI), Propr. Warehouse of- MOWERS '1!' iLWtJiviJ) AND CARRIAGES FmONHEiiS Ol" IXopjauor. c. a, itiu:., ni.vNK Ki:i.ixxio, President. Vien-Presiilont, (Inoiuii: V. CoNtiKit, C'usliior. J. 1, 1 : 1 1 1 : A , T. A. 1(11 KA, I. T. DOIlKON, Direotiiin. TrauxartH a (.'cneinl lluiiklnt,- Siisnrt. Exchange on all (miti of thu worlil- BOUGHT and SOLD. CollmitiniiH inailo at all poinU on llunioimlilr) Titrin. Monuy lratned at from ono to ten pr omit. COFFIN & M9FARLAND HEPPNER, OREGON. Wo niako our bow, beforo tlio peonlo of Grant County, mid wMt to ny, Ihitt wo have been located m tlio City of Hcppncr, junt ono year (at Arlinnlon fevca vonrB). Purine that timo wo lmvo built up a Soli i Tl'ade. haviiifj' whipped more Genera' Merchandise into Hoppnor tlmn any other firm in town. We Want Part, of Your Trade. Hcppncr in your noarnst, bent and chonpellntdiii and shipping print. You rIiouJiI start in coming this way at onco. No use to wait.ns by so doing you Iomo money every trip. Our Kloganl Two Story Wrick Storo is Completed nml wo have il tilled to ovorllowinsf, with all kinds of mwmmmmmm Suilod to the wants of Kastcrn Oregon trade We .dim to Keep a I'ery complete dssortmciit. Your ordorn can bo fillrtl for any tind of (5oodn needed on a Farm or Stock Ranch, without leaving our Store, at pricoa low enough to competo with any other market in Oregon. Dry (loods, Clothing, RooIh, Shoo., Trunks Valise, Hatfl, Caps, CitrpolH, Crockory, Wall Paper. OrocorioH, Hanlwiire, 'Jewel" Cook Stoves and Itangcs, Tinware, Paints, Oils, OIbrx, Wool Sacks, '1 wino. Lime, Sulphur, Knglish Cemont, Rarlwd Wiio, Hlncksniilh Coal, San .Jose Californi.i Snil.llos, litis k Spurs, Temn X- Ruggy Harness, Sewing Marhines, Clocks, Watches, Champion Reapers and Mowcrw, Hnrsc Rnkes, Plows, Harrows. THE : CELEBRATED MITCHELL ! WAGON Given belter satisfaction for rough mount-tin districts than any other kind in U"C. Full line always in btock; n!so Hiicks nml Rtickboards. In order to ii cmsb our trade wo make lie foltaiipflor Good tiixtlX tTnu. 1st, lOOl, (Or later If V it fit). lavory purchaser who buys Twonty-Five Dollars worth ($2i).0O) at retail, ol Diy Goods, Clothing, UooU nml Shoo.', Hati and Caps, Fancy Gooili, (Jents' Ftirniihing Gootls, Ktc, at our Slom, will bo piesonted when tli gooila am paid for willi un Klogant Round Voltimo, of over .'IL'O jiagos, in. chiding (i.r( to 100 FINK FL'LL PACK STKIM, UNGRAVINGS. Wo havt four ililVorent styles of Rooks, each worth al retail S t. 00. Small ordors by mail on above gootls will count towards tho total amount needed. EVERY CUSTOM Kit OUTS A PRIWKNT. Wo guarantee satisfaction in goodi ami nrices. gJlF" Those books are too heavy to send by moil, as ihoy weigh Heven pounds each. Jl 1(111 HST PlilCli Paid for Sheen Felts Will ship Consignments of IVlt to Christy tt Wine, or Allen .t Lowis. Mail orders carefully attended to. Give us a trial and call at our stor when you come to Hoppnor. Yours Truly. COFFIN & McFARLAND. (Hcppncr). JAMES & JONES. Proprietors of The City Drag Store. Keep constantly on hand a complolo stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Patent Modicmes, 'loilet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Powtlor, Piif!, Combs, Tooth Nail, Clothes nml Hitr Rrushes, Druggist's Sun dries, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Glass, Putty, Chinoys, anil and everything to bo found in a first class Drug Stoie. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. Orders from a dishtneo will roeeive prompt attention. Piosm'iitions nspccialtT RAKER CITY 1 OREGON Haptnnsfall Oarf El Co BUCCIUHSOUH TO- JulPTOXSTjlLL iS- IX'IRT, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. Havo now received tho largest anil Grant County, which they will offer for Tlll-:- Wood tS Church Livery Stable. a o CD m .V n- 1 HACUEWOOD p- C'., Pioprictors. Horses boarded by tho day, wool; or in nth. at reasonable rates. Special attention given to the care of transient stock. . P. C RE BAP, IlKAI.KIt IN STJ Tl OA li 11 ) 1)00 KS, S( 1100 L SFPT LI US, SD'iH ft y-VAAY ) W.'Ui'HS. Groceries, Flour. Tobaccos, Cigars, and one hundred and ono other varieties, ehoap for cash, at most complcto ttock of n.w goods in salo at uricci that defy ccmpetition I rn r7V IjlI Pa A s - 4 ;. c isii