run xjnrs Is n newspaper for the people, lal-orinir, for tlio peoido nnd voicing the sen timents of tlm people of its own l!mut County. mi-: xuirs Is Urn oldtmt nnvvxia jmt ltwpjii The Dulles and Winneniuein; the Inr jrwt circulation, thfrnforo is Uh beat for nil vei Using. l'ulumc Xf. c.-ixvox citv, ujuxt couxrv. omcaox, tiiursd.iv, .cxic in, isoo. Xumber to. THE mm WTTVT NEW S. U V U l I -J THE GRANT COUHTY NEE I'UWISIIUI) KVIIKY TllUKSIlAV MOIlNIXO UY D. . .'ISJJDJtr Editor nnd Proprlotor. COUNTY OF-FICIAL PAPER Sulwription 1 vcnr in advance SI! f0 If not paid within a months . .S3 00 Six Month 1 fit) Thrott Moulin 75 ADYKItTTSlXC. KATHS. 1 inoh ' !lmo 1 SI. fit) !l inuh ! .'I mo j Sl).(H) i col ! It mo i 12.00 I jor $15.00 1 year f 32.00 1 vonr S ii.00 J col j a mo i ooi a mo til.00 1 year J SS8.00 iu.uu 1 your I 110.00 i i i i For standing display mln only All Heading Notions in Local 'Jolumn will bo clmrgod nt tho rate of 'JO cants pur lino for first, nnd 10 cts each subostpiout inanition. Spocialratos to regular advertisers. WE AIIE rttUPAIIKl) TO EXECUTE fine Job Prinling OF EVERY DESCUIl'TIO.V, CIIEAl'I.Y Posters, Dodgors, Billheads, Letter heads, Nolohoads, State ments, InvitittioiiH, Tickets, Curds Htc, olc. I'lllNTEI) TO OHIIEIt. OFFICIAL DIUKCTOKY: Co. Judge Clerk Treasurer Comiuistdoiiors -j Surveyor Sheriff Assessor School Sujit Stock Inspector N. It. M.ixoy. , Phil Melsclinn ..N. II. Uoluy. J. 11. Mcllaloy. II. II. Davis. .... J. II. ....V. 1 O nu chas. Tiniins. K. llayos. . W. W. Ilintoii ...M. I). Clilford James A. Fee ....J. L. Itnntl Dint. Judyi-s Dint. At'orney SKCItKT SOIM15TIHS. A F & A M( '"'" u'ty l'"1" Nu. Ill iiii-i'tn Saturday on or before C.U'll III' A" IIHMHI. O O F HoUih Utdge No. 2'J, Canyon City, regular meeting Tliura day owning of oa-li week. Mountain Yiv Lodge No. 33, Prairie City, Saturday evenings. A O U W-"im,,'r '-'"'k" 'Vo- h Canyon City, Monday evenings, I O C T ,"," ih"' ,'"ll,, N- W) Canyon City, Satunlay evening. C A R Ilancook 1W No. 31 John )ty, TiKwdny evening on or licfo v inch full moon. Church Directo-y llov. A. Fads holds divino service at thu Winegar school house nt 1 1 o'clock u. in. on thu 1st Sabbath of each ni'inlh, and at 7 o'clock in the evening at tho M. K. uhurcli in I'ui rio City. Also nt tho Strawberry solioof lioiiMO at 11 n, m, on tlm 3rd Sabbath of ench month and nt l'rni rio City in (ho uvoiiiim of the iwinn day. At John Dayt-'itynt 11 a in. on'tlio 2nd and 1th Sundays, and at Canon City nt 7 in tho ovoniii of tho nauio duyi. DKlUTV STOCK INSl'KOTOHS. Nolico is horuby (iven that I have this day niipointoil tho following por tions deputy Hlook iii8jectorn for Cliant county, Oroyon: NAMKH, " I'OhTOf'KICE. L. II. Johnson Duyvillo John H. llukor, Caleb. John O. Luce, John Dnv. John Ilhiokwoll, I-onj; Crook. Wooda Carter, Fox. Win. Hall l'rairio City. H. H. Hlnckwi'll Hamilton. L. M. JuhiiBon Khoolly. lJjni. Humukor, Warner, ' W. V. Histon. Slook IiiHpoctor forCSrant Co , Or. May 7th, Casvon City OllEUOX. Boot, or kboo U tu otJer or ''K,'rJ' AU Work Wrrant.d fint-cUM. PHOFHSSIONAI. CAItDS. q w. iukmhh, m. i). I'll ysli'luu iV SurTon. Canvox Citv Orogon. OlYw next tlcwir t Co. Tinniurnr'd ollle, Main Strwt. Oltit, M. I). Canyon City, Ojjn. MIh SlMi In I loom, larimrlj o.q. M k) lr llowirJ. Q I. HAZKliTINi:. X hotORi'iiplio e CANYON OI IV, OltKUON. g S. DKN'NINO. Attonii'j-iK-I.iuv. liONO ClIEHK PAIHtlSlI it Cozad. ATT0U.VKYS AT LAW. Canyon Oitv, - Oiiecox. 7J A. KNIGHT, (UN YON CITY - OIIEOON. Ollicn ovorJohn Bchtuidt'H cahiuot shop; ollico hours from Da in to 1 p m ALL WORK WARRANTED. J. OLLIVER, Proprietor of tho John Day Milk Ranch I'Vesh milk delivered daily to my ciiBtomers in John Day and Canyon citicH. (Jivo mo your ordorri. p (! IIOKSLl'.V, M D. (SllAllt.'ATi: OK THE Univeiisitv or l' 'NNsylvasia, April 8, 1818. Canyon City, Oregon. O lice in his Drug Stoic, Main Slieet hclciH for Drugs promptly lilted No prufus.sional patronago Kolicted in' mm iliieetioiiH mo strictly followed. IT. w'. 3Vtt.olt, .ttorney-at-Law AND Notary Public. PitAi hie City ... Oiieoon. AIko A guilt for the Halo of School LaiulH. . II. 150LHY, DEKT'l'IBT. (Ollin- . .j . j 1 1 . Miuoiik Hall) Canyon City .... Orogm. gar .11 Work Warranted. DEIM VER Oinalia, Kansas City, Cliicaso, CT PAUL, ST. LOUIS. AMD ALL POINTO Ivist, North jj? South, AT iiiKint cri v. J S. WILSON Tlckot Aaont. E. E. DURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE' I'.UI ' 11 (' I' ri! "I Ha" by inati rirr. il f....i. i lrni'l Gold & Silver Bullion 'WiV'VtfrA".?. AU:i:, JT 1 J"3J Utii:: :v, :t:Tir, C:li. flOS YOUfi FENCE V We havo the CHEAPEST and Btl WOVEN WIRE FENCINC tWIro Ropo SolvnRO. INCHES H 10 II AT CO CENTS J'KK ROD MUW ON GALE I lit cur 10 ill w tri'lM' ii'- (.rain match lrtrt jew nulil tTUiali'r IVrUUt ltt, Hrit(tirrtrrulari, ill i mat Mk Hiiui niitic iiknciu., tuttiui, lu. 1 All Mcl I.JkU.N mm4 4' I' U t: T t V r. JOHN DAY HOTEL Chas. COBB. Proo. ,U)hn Ihnj, (t'raiit Co., Oreif. To slop at (his fiopulur honso oiu-e Ik a Rign that you will 001110 again. Tho bsl of n:cotmn(Hlutioim for guoHls, and ratoH of board nnd lodg nig ronson iblu. NOTICK FOU l'iniLI(!ATION. UnU OHW l Thr lull.., Of. Mtf I, !. ,Vc U hrlr lr ihl Ihr fulto Int nil ,Hllf htt MmI nlirr ol lil n,titita inik. ltnal mnl In HHrt o( hi rttim, wl Hint M ituhI HI K hw4 brlinr h raani) lik at Qncl Mr llnrin l l'jo 111). Oracon, n JuKf ML m, il- Hit hunt S. ait'.lnr. I' f No J fnf the S hl( NK ir NV qr. HK .(t ml NK ir ,V i)r 9r . Tj, It S It Jul: . II lMmv4 Ihr (.ilUmlll IIHiMU. (ii lila .mtliwi4 rrKincw itnrtn, anil n,ltirlin of mM l.n.l ll K J MorktUlo, l! V uittr,, I! E (iUn MeLr'lan Nldl, uli.if lj lll. Or Anv pf,n whn Jlrvi to I' aralnM lli altowHr Al Kurh yfW. or wti Luaw uf any tub lnHllal rn. umlvr tho law anil rxulillon at IN llllfttor latjiart'lallL, ! wf hmilil Vw lleJ. lll tfn an uptttMiiltr al U aU.t hw ullanaM llm kJ ii" a fD,a eiam lift lhf Mllhr.aa ol aili! olalinaitl, ami tn offer ,(MiW( U rSi(llal n( Out tulwltlfil br cltlmmt T l JOHN W I.IIU1M, holder NOTICK FOU 1JUHLICATION IaihI linlcr al Hum. Ormun May K1- Nollfr la ) lion thAt th rnlkrallia-.tllHH-d Millar ba rlllrU mrtira of hla iHltnllon lu MaVa Dual puif In ,u(.wl nl lila claim, an I dial aaul imxtf atll Im dmI Wffa 11m ruatMly Julc f (Irani rminlf. Or, r In hla ab,nr klan ili counlr rlaaV al I anvati I'llr, Or , im June t lm. Jnckoon Chnmbora. HJ No ". far lh W I I sr.- U T 11 S K ) II. II ibhhi thu fullonlnff wltnftaara lo priivv hi cxmttnuoua raaljrin-fl up n, and rnUI',lti" cf. aakl html, r'i- Jlin I l.f l.iirr, Wni S Monr. Jaiuaa (laatoti. J"ln I' M all "I ItlanKni. Or 8-11 J II lirvn.NOTON, Itasl.ltr Appointment of Ad ministrator. Notice in horoby given to nil jier. noun whom it may eoneorn, that tho iindorHigntd ImH been July appoint od itilminintrator of tho estate of Martin (hindlach, (loeoancd. Into of (Irani county, Oregon. All persons having jiiHt clninm ngaiiiHt naid oh tuto or against tho paitnorxhipH of Ooorgo Oundlacl. Itro., mill Jiiiuch Not ill. tu ,t Co. , aro leijiiirml to pre sent the saini' duly verified to the tin ileirtigllctl at tho ntoro of Oeo. (iiltld Inch it Hio , in ''anyon City, Oregmi within i moutliH from tho date of this nolico. Datod Juno Ith, A D 1 81)0. (iKtltlll: tiu.xlll.M'll. J. L. B. VIAL & SON. -lTCUM.'l h'HHS and J ICW E I.E US, Hakkk City, - Oin:i;ov. Dealer in WATCHES. CLOCKS. ,JEWELBY, HILVFRWAP. V'OLINS nnd GUITARS. In (rfun itn CollaU-ral. Kr OpKwiito Union Mont Market, Main S'rei t. W. P. DUNCAN, 'hmh Da tj ... Or liKAI.KK IN Hardwaro, Minor"' Supplies, Etc, Etc llydraulie I'ipe and all kindri of Tinware iiiaiiiifaeturi'd to order. The only Tin-shop in (irant coun ty, ami ciiipiH'd for all nianiier of work. lr REPAIRING A SPECIALTY A. B. ELMER. Assayei 6 Analytical Chemist. Make AHisan or IohIh of all kiniln of OrcH. , ICxainino Miiich, picparo Maps of nnd lopoitw on Hamn. C4T Ordtrj by mail will receive prompt Attention, T ( Itov II I, IJnKt-r C.'lly )ii. IF YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER 'uSt'liV5 SMITH & WESSON'S luinufaWtuu! t uil ihn tirlrt. utirru. lu cuIIIj ii .tul il n ii Hiiiiflu ttr tfoubl action, Kufwtjr II am .uuui.atuuii. oim.i; mrrlMa anil Tartfct imali llrai quullir "rum airrl, can-fullr Inait fur worliinatt.ifn aud alt t iii.iuru 'full Kill U( taUwll by ttiriii. wtattfutU in n inhttt ni ufU'ti tvoM tor tlm ifvuulnn erik-lc ll.rt nd-unrrn lUbl lUUKPruu The BMitit t Wrw It" tt iii tali, iluriibllllv iiml uri-uinrr. ! irk L'uriAl. 1 for tlaalill' iti.ii.) uiJtiT-i uim in itrriu wun nrnt t , ll'lilrt HIM1UU'4 4lrlll, tun nro (II It I ) iur uraivr uium , un onirr fiu miii ttrra Inflow wlrrctttii.ruiitiH ttnnilu iMwrli H.I! ITU V VIhON. HprluiiIJi-lil, .lilt ntit u'U i.atiMir iiit-ni, ai.u 11 FRAZER GREASE iir.sT i.v tiii: woiu.ii. lUwaarlDnquahll.aarautiaurtiaaaiKl, arlualljr outia.l nir iwj Uiaa ol any 01 liar liranil. Kol ntj Ly tjr(ii:r i ui;(Ji: i im- roitHU.t: u vnr Ai.nis orNrjtAiJ.vijr I .I A priMtte dinner given nt Del inonicu'i, New Vurk, recently, cost $H5,ooo. The llonil deconi tions alone eot ;1,(hh. I'rotidunt nnd .Mr. lliirrioii will m tlm fuiinmer at Deer I'n rk, having re ingflged the cot tage tliey ooctipied hut year. In ."evond Mninu citien, o ru mor lias it, there uro men who nro trying to eUnblisdi Mgeneiiw for onthide brewerie to etl liHpiors in tho original mckngu. .Mitked men t(ok John Starling living near Solum, in lohtintoiie county, X. C, to n treo and tihot him to denth last week. Starling was licenced of murdering Conia Hrown nnd her grandi on to get theii jirnjM'rty and to have burned the residences of two witnenscri who apieared against him. lie had terrorized the people who lived near to him. jAcoss I Sure lr T k Cure. CURES PERMANENTLY SPK A TTSTS. HurTnr4t Yvura lit rain. It Kumncr EL, tlovdai.,1, OI..J. Atik- u. 11 In K I praliK.l my ami rial tln chtat. r.ul, , iiifTeml rrara l! i a ti,uti nul llfl itir arm. It nu finally run.) l r hi Jarutl Oil JAKill rrJ.NM'KHOCIt. T.alliiinnliiU ('lif.-rfillly Itrlii-wait. Cliroiilo ( a,ri lit, ll-at ('urea. Tires OREmRDATV WoUmds,CUt3. Swellings SanolyoPcpiDQnonliy rrDRUOOISTS AND DEALCRS. "2iiCHA5.r.A3CELEK Co. DALTCMa ssi yxi'f Intelligent llcatlors will notlco that nro not "ifrirrfiiirt tn riirt" nil clittie of llcuHc( hut iinly u rli urn result I from u cllnonliTctl liter, Ixi i Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, j Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious 1 Colic, Flatulence, etc. for ttirn thej' nro mil u irrtiiilrl futtihtf, hut urn iii'iirly m nil! I po Iblu lo iiiuho ri'iiu-.lj lrlii UOcls soi.o j:vi:itvvnuicjj. cm Plo-li" ytu ... I Mil i !. '. ii i li nil it- mo ..i v . ." ! r. in-Li i . ft;,- linn- u- l : -u ui vo. .i- p. oat, I'.ih, l.u .', i i I' i . I'll or r,!jr r.t hiv .in I r i .-trloir rt.-r-n tylo, .in J ".mil .t'o . Jnt "hi: ti t wit i H r-'.-i i r I to ! i.A t! ilnni(-i CO'irO" T..".' t n,l on e-i mhKiMoir c.i'irai . ! iiio v.-'.iit . i tt..i !ll'yi:n' l)UII, wl-i 'i w l bo i.tom r.p" t I 10 l a I v , -I i".i. MOWTGOnL'SY A'ARO & CO. 111.111 Mlblitai Av aur-i 'Ii.uhi;.j, 111. - . - INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! A alii, Hy Dial rln.a ii n. I i Mr war mill.-.! Ma l trt I .1 l .1 il.ttl w i.rkiltrli, hii.1 M Mil Hit' It' I Iih,U 1 1 ml lilltr I M-r W11 iivtl.aHl fur Im iii Uarrm.ixl to ,!,, All tlinl l-ail ' Ifrtll.tllt rllMH-tlHl fif tin- t-n l( ll'iHri-uuil I nia)ili- nf rr.iliix I'ai wura. r 1111111.I11 1.1 limn- iu-cuiillii lu tin aluliir "f tin- '.-r.ii"r rrlir - $IOO.(.;. If lln-ie In no :ij..-nl lii yonr town, ail IliaH (lie llllllllir.K lull-Ill, Tin: I'Aitisi: nirc. -o., .lymr. iiiinfr.f. . 1 . CDCC KTrS'MiltplV ami TVI'I t.l;ll rlltCa IMIIIItl I nal . I... .lull 1.,-ai.i. taa( nf IwnUi-ra A.lili.-.. nith.iai if rrwluii jaUKV. TlIK i'Altlillt Mill I ' . I'iHi. 11. S V tiriiiDDsna Six jO&x&gSiL II "VI 1 ta T. j .i aal r A ,ba aav -lAJ.JTufVL': 1 Qiw Mvrindsof womiti rot'inl)liny tho army worm nro iimking tliuir npirCHitini't near Lancaster, I'cnn., ami hro ravnincr the gins lieldii. Indiana and Xcbragku show a bettor condition of winter whunt. IJi'M)i't from other uniin-rn'owin stntun exhibit it hliilit fulling olT. lilaine, it in now ns,e-teil, i bent on returning to tlm senate, an thu successor of .Senator Halo, whom' term expires Mitreh M, I SOU. Hale is also an avowed eundidnte. Wakclield'n bank, at Morenei, Mti-lt., ha been swindled out of vniinii 6I1111II sums on forged iioti", alleged to have been signed by fanners in the vicinity. A lad in MiidgeHirt, Conn., smoked cigarettes for eight year.-, but they eventually got the belter of hini, bringing on epilepsy, which hat jiir-t euued his death. Since certain sections of the to bacco growing diMrict of the South have been lighted by electricity tho riigitgen of tho tobacco worm are oaid to have heen greatly ro duced. A large number of iipplienlioiiK for pensions me being received at Washington from the Southern States from soldiers who served in the Mexican ami Creel; Indian wars. If indications in the Kust me counted for an tiling, base ball, as a priifcuhioii, lias gone to join tho roller -kate. For some time past the old-time craze has la-en tdowly dipping into innocuous desuetude, ami now can-fully obtained figures lean- little doubt that the great fad of fad- in America is rapidly bceniiiiilg a thing of the past. A jaw bono and ivory tusk of a gigantic mastodon was discovered a few milcr. south of I'ctiiliiuiu on a ranch. Thu juw-bono is two fiet in length, eight incliis wide ami (-"litmus two teeth. One tooth was weighed and tipped tlm beam at two pounds. The jaw bone is in a pi rfect btntu of porsorvntioii. Tin- ivory tuck is three feel in length, weighs thirty-tive pounds. 1 1 ertigat ion will be resumed ami it ii tliini'lil the skeleton of the entire animal will be dincn"rel. ttLv;ilitii; IJrti "ll.r r'ttt of ninllnn, ami of look, tin imocUi An-I awlninillif trial ,tf nf al-i ariJ, Tha Srniim Iry ur f. 1111 ami f, atu-a, ,,( Tli .u art', .t, aim like iHlklm, alii Ol f.ula au 1 )iart' For hc-r iratchL-M look of (rraro r.n'1 mo. tlon. thu n-KKl N-mily wm linleLtnl to l-rf-t lii-nllh, rratntdl by tlio uao of that iitii-liinlcil, InvlL-uriitlnif Mtiln nnil m rv liin. Or. I'li-rcc', Kmorllo Vn a. rliitlon, wlilili ,'t la lualtliy action rvrrr finio jlmi ami i-uro purity ana rlclmiM to tto "Kitvorltn 1'rfcrirtloii" Ii n T.lllr ctinifor tlio in.ul nuiiiicatia ami nun. liato ciik of liueorrlii-a, iiiiwlm How. Iriaf. painful 1111 nairiiiillini, unnatural euv iriMlnn, irulafiia, or falllii nf llm wnmti, rak luiL, "ffrnaln wlini-a." nlevrraliiti, n truvrralon, t-iirlnir.iloin niiaiilliina, ilirniilo Inllamina. Una ami uJi.-mtl'iii of tlm txiinO, It Ii Biinriinlri il to Mv aiKliUctlon (a turv tatt, nr innni-y n fuinlul. . iliitiiifULtur. -1 ijr Voiii.n'i) Diai-cKiiur MCUICAI, AIWICIATIOM, JlUffnlo, ,N, V. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS tririiliito nnJ rli-nnan tho lltrr, itoiiiuclj ami ixitrna. 'Iliiy nrn purily vr'i'iiitli ml I", fully Ii 1 ii. i, Onu 11 llow. buM by tlruv-iU. cuuta a uL i'HeBest Z'HN-safetyEverMadE AOJUSfABlE IN EVCnr HEARING I AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE Cf '.CFIBIHC nt-R f nil. LIKE - Of WUEII.S : tr.r Ort.fPUCATION. , Toi.CD0.OKia. Mr w IMF ci ' ,-nn Monument to the Kinder of Gold. On Saturday, May U, tlio statue of Jr.ines r. .larhiill, the discov erer of gold in California, was tin. veiled nt Coloino, Kl Dontdo Coun ty, near tho siwt where tho llrst gold was fonnif. The Icguluturc provided thu funds for this monu ment, which was designed by F. Marion Wells, the accomplished sculptor, who has executed his task with skill. The statue represents Marshall in the druss of the period. He is facing tho river. In his right hand he halds a golden nugget, while with his left index finger ex tended ho pointn to the exact spot where thu ever memorable discov ery was made. Tho statue is grand in prorortions and work manship, and tho design is quite hitttorical. Tho monument is UO feet 0 in. in height, and is of admirable pro portions. The cap of the pedestal is live feet Mjunie, on which the statue of Marshall is placed. The statue is heroic in size, being OJ feet in height, representing Mar shall d rested in miner's garb. Uu the went side of the monu ment are the word: "Kreotod by tho State of California, in memory of .lames W. Marshall, the discov erer of gold. Morn October 10, IS 10. Died Augiiht 10, 1SSS. The lirt nugget was found in thu race, of Sutter's mill, in Colouia, January 10, IS IS." Uacil to Rlilliif: a Tlioiouglititcil. A wealthy rancher of Wyoming territory recently related a story of a rich voting Kiiglishiiian who, wlulo looking about the west for good investments visited his ranch. Ho stayed there a few dayi., ami one afternoon as the cowboys wuru about to round up a bunch of cow ponies tho young man said he would enjoy a good rido in the saddle. lie said he was used to riding only thorough breds, and ho didn't think thcy had a horse good enough for hini. The boys convinced him that tlmy had one of the finest horsca on the plains, ami if he knew how to rido lie was welcome to thu ani mal. Ho was apparently insulted when questioned about his ability to ride, ami aiih.verod that he could ride any kind of a horse. A sleepy-looking bronco was brought out from the corrals ami Middled. Tliouuh he appeared half dead he was the worst bucker iji the herd. 'K's lifeless," said the foreigner, when the pony wars brought to him. The boys said the "nag" would wake up after the lirst mile, and the visitor got into the saddle. He didn't linger long. The first buck jump placed him on the hor s 'it neck, and after a second he was in the atmosphere. He turn el a double someraiilt and landed on the sharp end of a cactin, plant. When he picked iinself up one of the buys indeed what he thought of the thoroughbred now. ThiMni-s-tiuii iiiaile the Kngliithmnn turn pale. "K's n good '(," he an swered, "but 'c lope too blootiiiu' igh." A men in I'uriis, the other day, saw a very miiftll boy in the street playing with a very sharp chisel, beemiiig it his duty to inform thu mother ho called her ami said: "Madam, are von aware that our boy has the chj.elf" "You don't say," said she. "That boy has had the mtimjia, the measles, the chick-en-pov, tlio shingles ami tho sear let fever ami now ho's gone ami got the chisel." A Kansas fanner lifted the mortgage from his farm by mean of a meteor. The celestial Ytor happened to be of considerable val lie tia a metooiological specimen, ami was eagerly purchased by a college at 51, Od). aa - .1 oil ii l. Itockfollcr, thu Stand ard Oil king, was a newspaper re nin tcr a quarter of a century ago. lie picks up millions now as cmily as he picked up items formerly. aa . - - A dispatch from Now Orleans says thu lottery managers are much worried over thu increase in the ranks of tho opposition in theMe-islature. Ono thing sonio inarried men can not bo taught to !o sow on their own buttons. A Ciinadinn at Front Wivor, N. V., has moved his house ao that ono half in in New York ninl ono half in Canadn. Tho collector has boon instructed to usjoss ntul col lect duty on tho whole house. Warts on n community limy ho removed without injury to thu oonimurity. The most, approved manner of removing a wart during tho early days was to tie a string around its iieck and suspi-iul it in mid air. This is very ulloctivc though rather painful. A lierlin dir.pateh says that in the village or St. Mahleii ono day last week, tho people gathered in church to pray for a ces-ation of tho storms. Vhile the service was in progress a thunder storm canto up and thu church was struck with lightning. Four p-rcoi's wore in nlantly Killed ami twenty injured, four buing rendered a inplotoly blind. Tlio people went panic stricken and in tho rush for thu doors two children wore ci us'ii tl to death. POWDER Absolutely Puro. Thli imail.r ntt.r tain a A inatitl i .ii lly Irriiclb ami i,,,,. ,ut.. Mm,'. i mil al ihaa Ilia onllii.r, a. I .ami, I 1 v a!il III t ,lliupll Hull fllli Ilia Iiuillllinla I l,.x .1 .!,.,! ( aslgiit, alum ur ilniiliatt r. r.,.1,1 mil. In ran. 111). Haling I'uuUul l u., llal Mall SI., N V. NOTICK I'0 1 1 PFMI.ICATION. anil Oin-a al ll.irna, nr Mi) In, Niitic Ii hrri-li) riven Out Ilia fill'naln li.lllril Hll'r liaa illatt nullm uf lur Initiiillim l.. maVa filial iiim f III .iiirl nf lii-r i latin. m,,l llml .alii i unf nlll lie lua.i- Iwfiira- td" l uuiil) Ju.linuf Oram rounljr, al Calitiin (lit , llim,, .. . Jul) S, laax, tin, .s.MI.Ml It UVIKh. It. SUM, lo- Ilia NU quillrr Nm 7, Ti IJ, s II i: 11 M. (tho nam, tin- fiilliiultiK vlllliiaaca tn ir"l lirr ciilliiiiuii. raaiil.nm iim. ami rnliitat mi , t, ajlj laml, tla. Jiim-iIi IV tal.-a, if I'rnirl flu. nr., Alra Miirri), I ml llii..i, J..lm C Martin, ul hay. title. Or ' ll J II. Ill sriNnInN, So until Hal wi-r, I Ii a 1 1 uicutrst of 1 Noi-1lts, ntul lu- L ni-vt-r hiaikc mi at- truly, unit lie uuelit ndiliil with equal force, mtiit la the CMcace or hlircrhM. WimIoiii's Koltcitlne 1 the nynnii in of merit, nnd Its lilstorv Is suricm Tlir ef fects of lids iri'mi:itinu l-.ave lioi n (itlcst. ed by tliouwitiili uf the leintin ladiea of H-lety nnd the ataijr. It t. tin- mil arti cle ctcrillseovctcil iihleli kim1-" a Xirlur at mid lUiintifiil tint to the cntiilevou, nt the vmir time riiiii.niie ail roiiKlnieiw of the face ninl rt ni nttii I.-iimii(; tlic kin aoft, mno'illi nul vilu-ty. It lint Ioiik Ik-i-ii the alinlv nf i liriin't.ta tn pro- nine an mlliie uime it umilil rvcitM lly the comiitevti'ii umilil oIm, liaic tlnfi meiit of lwiiiK .vii mlfs t, hut tltt-Hc luii iiiiKiitaiit (tiiililii ttiii- in-Mr I ruiiht together until ciuii'.'m I in WISDOM'S 1 z ROBEHTINH. fHE CRY OF MILLIONSt oh, 7vcv rarvcKl STOP IT NOW, IT Wilt DC TOO LATE. BOON I liavc lifiitnnililrd niativ rarawllli tllaraac ufllic Milnrya ami liiitc lilrtl many illltrrrnt triimllr-i ami have aoiiKtil ai'l flum illllcrrnt (iliyairUtia without iclla-r Alulltllir iMliuf Airll I an ailllrllliit 1mm a cry vlutcllt attack that nlmnat jiiuadnlr.1 me in audi a matim-i iniu i tt-ia ncni uvcr. When I Mtilntfii it .ilm ml ImtMMlilr fur luc In Ktl up alaiir. at . .u( on my iMIira, nlicn Vlllt I'lutl.lriur acnl llr Henley, ullh the OKIIOON KIIINCV II. A. tu my liMel. I Immrtllalrly enimemrI mine Uir Ira It Iiml all alntiMt mlraculoua cllia.1, umt In the n.tuii lihiuent nf all the Kiula al the hulct, in a few ilo)i.l am U.ipy tu atatr. that I ttua n new tii.iu 1 ttilH irvtimmeml the lea (u all ullliiteill at 1 lute teen. O A Tl l-ll-ll. I'lupilctur (r Hotel, bantu K'mmi. Cul. tM U OtrU. V Ml wJaM4, 4t ikf tkf SMI I r NI tltil Ol aal tttfMf Illal, 14 laVft IW taW at Mai tf ft , iw 4til art f MtU MmwMy, K. v 'UK'. 1 ft 4a V1