mnn to loan! On Improved Farms in Grant & Harney Counties. -V 11 cl Soourity ica If you coiitcnijdnto borrowing STUJIG TL L $ ST UltG I L L, Oil. JJlUJULYCE $ 110WICLL J. Jf A CHENEY. DKALP.K IN General Merclianclise. JOHN DAY CITY. MILLE.Il & MINES. General Blacksmith Canyon, Cilij : : ; Orogon. He keep uousUntly (.11 lmiiil mid for ale, iioiii:niioiji, lilted and unlit tod, iilw) uoitHK vm-i, iiion, sti.u,, wiiirii.irritr.i-H, voi;r.i, wiikkiji, Mi'iiiMis, pick ii.nm-i.m, si.kmii: iiamh.m mmiimikh iiiul wmmiw, inii: Iliov, eU, etc. eU HT A FIUST-OLASS W'AUON SHOP AT SAMH STAND. ;auuia;i:s .v mii Kiioutns .unite t onirr. gm A UF.AHONAItLp: DISCOUNT FOR CA8HI Will iiUo take orders for IStickeyn Mower, and Ktnu fir same; or any l:inil of Mowers. Will also take orders for the Taylor mill llolliiuiswoith linkc. Schuttlor and Smith Wagon, Deorn Plows, anil Kxtnu for all kinds of Mower. Wo alio act for Peter Kuhl agent for Ktnver Walker's Implements and Vehicles during li ndionoe from town. Anything loft with im will receive prompt attention. City 'Meat Market. Washington Street, Canyon City, Oiogon. CRAY A. UADS, Pr.iprlotora. DIUI.KIlH IS- A,,Kindsf iritrcsir iii hats II; Wlinlcunlo ami Itt'lnll. .'Ill orders Jillcd on Short . otice- Forwarding" & Commission House. Baker City, Baker ccmnty, - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale at Wholesale Will always osdouvor co olitain the highest imtikcl prices on wools, etc, for purlins consigning to uic, ntuiv, huld or forward tho h.uiih itccoi-ilii. i their desire. KAJ -Ar i ii i ,W IIAKKIl CITY Mark all goods vm X. . ,' ,.V.s7.. I p iso's urc.Mr.DY foucataukii. lUMii. iMxt t- to uko. t'liaKuit. Iteliof hi iiiuue.l.ato A euro is curtain. Kor Col 1 la tho Head It lias m i-.iml. Ldr'JhaWTtVm imni wi i i ii It iu an Ointment, of th- t tho n'Xitr lH l'ritv, .itv y mail. AUdruw, 1-. FISH RACIHE.WIS. mm h mse ffixL Log, LumberYard ft-eiTTRUcRssr- N 0 WMUCrlJLL STYLES. I I S J W fv V mi I I 11U UU1UJ U II 1IU11 llll'J 111 II V II VI II 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 It Sntlnfnotorv monoy cnll on or mhlrca- : Ita kor City, Orogir", Prairie Cili, Orogon. V J i Ji U.. hai ..nil y irt.i im- upinUtl Jii -i I ly Uiutri'itH or Mat Wj T. 1Iai.i.ii;(i., arron, Pa. BR9S WA82N OR- Cnlifornm is iimkiiitj tho rinl- out proNtmtiotiB for tho orhl's i Fair of nil tho ititto in the I'liion, ' oxceptin, porhaps, Illinois. Ami it is qnito likely tlmt Californiii will exceed any other ffnte in tin !iinf;iiitmle Hiiil innj-niflcnoe of itt (HupUy. . - Atrro.UATMJ SHtVI.VO .ll.KMUMtt Prtor induced. Hvor- fnmlly note rnn lmre Ilia l,ri Aiitoitiatin ScwItiR M.V clilno in the market nt ri'ilmcd pric. I'or paitlrulni mihI fr our new Itl trutcil Ciniiliir with umpl' of nttt li IiiK. Our Illnti:it'd fiiniLir rfory .iitnf t tin llarlilm- m rfcrtly, mid in Wi.rtll urnili'i for tr If nu .if M irluiip. l;iu & Murphy Mf". (' , V. and IVI Vit '-xilh M , N. V. ' Hy. C0H3UMPTIOH nONCHITIS SCROFULA COUGH on COLD Throat AlT.ctlon Varttag ef Flosh Oraioj WUfitfttUtretl.f Tir. xlnr.d .nris liro n;litnnl, lMtts i'f Sire ii '.'i or Arrt Vowtr, toii mu fce rttitvi I au-t ( nn.l fcj 13 iWIUU PURE CODLSVER OIL With Hypopliospliltes. PALATABLE AS PV1ILK. A'U fur Hrott't KmtiUlnii. mul Irt no r:r. iinifuit or n.iUrlMlloii induce you to txctri't if lulilllidr. Sold I'll DniyiMs. SCOTT it BOWNE.Chomloto, N.Y. not a n von (punriiCATioN. t)!Sc t Im dmri'lo. Or. May 9, I WO. .VolU In hftcl.j' siirn that ll lolluwlns ntmnl tlll.r h lllnl nutlc uf liU liilctillixi to tiMlie f)nl irK.r hi ii1'l nl lib rUlm, tlid lint kl tHf lll I liiailn tc(ii( th rrtuiily (Ink of rltl o in n H or , l I in"n (Mr. Cr . n Jnum ti. lift, tit : Rolinrt Jrn.r S'lmUilnln II rK Ih I! lull N K iir Kk II, luuf S ur te It Tii l.'b II i: W M II IMllita the f.IIolnff lllwlii. tn phv hi tntilliinmi. rmlilvnw non, bimI rulilll'.n "I, .alii huid. il.i Allm I' hiirilM. l'lllli.n I! ClaZ. IUn) )l llurimi, liloliarj M Mi.)ilrr, ill l ll)IHf. Or. Ar; icriiiiti tlii ilvilrea U -rUt lh alliminr' nf .tirli iwtiwf. wr wlm kiK tit an) .iibalanilal twon. nndr Uie law nrr.l rr.iUltiMi uf thi' liiterl'ir llvitarlininl. frh) iii'i ir.iii( . Iioutil f.i ! inisl lll ba flran ait t-tortiiliU) at th alfi.i tuatltlMnCil (Im Ml il il.f lu irn. atftUilnv inn nniap uf .al.l claimant. ail tnndiriil il'iii In tctutUI uf thai Ntibnilttrtl b clalntlnl. -IJ IIKNItY It I M; 1 1. MIT, ltvltr. NOl'ICU KOIt PI.IHI.ICATION. jiii I OIBo at Ilurna, or. U.) Hi, I mo .S'(illr la lirrrbj- tlttii ilia I thr fullaaln:! u.nnil .attlrr ha.illil iHitlro of bt-r liitrntlon tn lnk Hrn pruuf in aiiiMttl f bar tUInt, ami that aadl p o.if will Im Mal Iwf.irn thn Cnuul) JiiitcniT liranl muni, at C'uliyou (IIt, Orrjon, on July h, tic Mil Ml II IIAIkm. Il.l SWI.t, fu Ida Ni: quaitar ttac V. Ti II. S II !7 R U . M. hbc iianifa tho futlowitty wiUtuaa to mive bar r iiillmi'iiia raatiletit? tipon. anl rultbat on . f. ajlj lalul, lr- Jnif4l tV. Ilatna, if I'nlrli" I'll,, Of., Alra Mmr.f, tnil (lulon, Jul." i' Mailiu, ut l'a). titli'. (ir wit .1. II. IIUNTINiil'i.v, UmUt.r. .NJI'ICH KOU PUP.I.ICATION. UnU oiSuaat llurna, Or , Uai 17. IMA, N'iMit la brroby ulvn IKat ll.r f .lulni tianird ..nt r I. tltnl notlra nf lilalntrntliMi tn tna'41; Hrnl in. .f In .iii)i..rt nl bl claltu, ami tlial anid raa( I.I lif tnailii bafur tha Cotmty JmU'P of Ornnt Co,, or , ii- l bla abarne the iNmiiiIj I 'lark at tlanyon ( in. "r . muJiU) t. IMM, ,U: KI.IJ.MI I I. M'. KSi K. lid Kn. 4(an,fw tha KW MUonr : 1. atil Ij i Km H. iiwI Si: bK )!. Ip Id. bit !U I'll.- iinnira tb tntluwfiiy Unweeua tn irnvc bla oHilliinu it ra.l lanca uaun and rulllrallun i f. aabl land, via. frank il I'mton, Monroe A. Wiiiiui, Wai H.hlawltr. Harry A. Tuckir, all of I'rairio City. Or. H 11 J. H. lltmglo, Hrgtaier. NOTICH FOK PUHLlC'ATION. Land Olticc at I, a (Iraodr, Orafnn. My a, Ifjn No. Ir" la iMra'iy glm Ihii Die bdl naitix-nainvd actl'cr baa ftlml nutlee of bla InUnllon t makr Dual im-of In U.Mit 01 bla claim, and tbil aald Im made bafora I lie iVninty Ju.Ik.. ir In bla ab.ei.eit lrora tha Coant) ( lurk id (.rant count), at 1'anyo.i t lly. Or., mi Julv H, Iw, l ; CAlI.V AIkl.vN. lid Ni nil, for tha U' half NW, Si: ur iNff nr. KW qr NI'. ijr See 31 Ti It all IU K 11 Ilu 1, am iba follolng taitnraarato im hit innilniioiM raldiiii uon and mitutatlmi nf, Mid land, vie WltlUm II Carvunltr. W1III1111 Vi l.l,Jiiu.l lloitgli.Jolin A)da:ntl,all of 1'ralrl ( lly. or. Any roii bo dad.'ea to proleel atatn.t th a'i Maiiv1 id enrh liquid, 01 hu kno ol anv anb t..i tul rauoit, under Ihe Ita and lasuUitniia nt tin- Inlailnr )e attwaiit, ohy auch liof atiouM imt bu al iiVbil. 11 Im glich an Auimrtuiilt) at the aViin niiiitlonad miiio and i'arn 10 rrnaa-i&aniliii !' w ltncaa nl aald e alniaitl, anil to uSit m ldnio Ii fe'i'illil id that .ubniuipd by rlaiuiant "II lli:.VUV IIINKIIAIIT, Ur.l.lrr. NOTll'K KOIt PUHLICATION. IjihI lllllw at La (Iramlii Or. May f, IMlu. Ni lior la hereby irltan Dial the fotluwliuf liania.1 avttlrr baa ttttHl tiotU, d bla liitnlbm to uuke final ir f In aniiM.t of Ida claim, and that aald n..l tain rw uudlfora the county clerk if (Irani nullity . Or, at (annul City, Or. 011 Jul) 4, !, : Vllltniu J. Datiatatl, " N 3(t, for the h half NV or S K or SV or NV u.- b H iir HeTi II M It SIR W JI. lie nawua the f dlim lu; wltnoeaea to iroe bit caiilliiuoiia raildaiH.'o 1111011, and rultlvatlon id, aald laa I, U: R J lUyla). J I'.lanu. All MrllobM J J (Irln, on, all uf l'rfile l'll Or. Anv ivraun wbn drain, to proloat aialnat the al .it. inn of etioh nroof, or Mho knuwe of ant .ub.iaiiiiil ruaMo, unlir the ia and rerulalioua uf tl t Interiar Ih-tiartweiit, wh) aucb irof abuuld nut U allowed, lll befitaii an ouurlunlty at the atnii ttiiitlnod lime and uU'-a 10 cite examine uiiiK uieaaf aall claimant, and to oiler el 1I1 in.- in rtibmul of that aoliHiltud It cialuiaiit n IIKNHV MIXI.IIAIIT. It-I.tcr. NoriCKOF APP01NTM NT OF ASSIGN liU FOU hN.SOI.VKNT DKHl'OH. Notice m hereby given to all por kuiik whom it my coucorn, that on the IlOth day of Alareh, IS1M1, by deed of general ii4HigM'uit, Joint t'nnty nu iimolvetit oeetor of Fox, (ir.tut county, of Oregon, duly a nigii ol to tho tindoi-bignotl, all Iiin prop erly for the boiK'nt ot lii cietlitorH, and that the undemignod Iikh duly (jimlifiod iu Hindi naaigneo ai.d outer, ol on the diiticti of said oftlce. Datel Lou,' Cieek May 10, 1800. V, S. )i nx, AsHII'O ', C'JM . tut t Mar- ai d m I'al 1 1 r M.-miwi rcca OiiaOrr c a Ir M tc O a aiiUv.. i h it rvi.i to . t i t i c ale 't it.U O ratiNt c-.i J ' .. I I r . u d i ' 1 1 . V.U" il -tlou. ! o if i a' i.iii lit i i ft I dp. cUai7i'. ti r I. i ' Out' i 1 1 u i ui la (. i d A I'aMaHitr. In Oliiiln I'ulci t. " villi namoa nf a Hi il (' in- lu y.'ur Mali , cuult , of Wu, a.nt frea AUdtv-, C.A.SI.OW&CO. Or r. ParfNT Orrici, Waimihston, 0. C. HISIIP t m:ijj.n jonw, i'iu-tt. MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST CO. (In t ir.itcd U''rr tlw hiws of 1 1 Mat- of On:.'"n. Capilal Stock 3100,000.00 Paid up 525,000.00 General rehouse A; forwarding Agls. iiiaxTNiari., oaw. 77r warehouse- has liro floors, SO ,v 200 feel, and is well lighted, ajbrdins' favorable diiplay of wools on sale. It is situated near no other buildings and bears a low rale of insurance- Teamsters freight advanced, on- order. Cask ad vanced on consign in en Is of wool, and wool in storage. During the season , an cxpcricncctl wool grader is cm ployed. The warehouse being furnished with a wool compress, buyers arc enabled to have their purchases pal in condition for direct shipment to eastern wills at a cost much below that which lite wool must pay via Portland or San Francisco. THERON E FELL, Manager. Keppner. Oregon. --Lrchandiae CHflRDWflRE,XB00TS,i3URNISHlHGXG0Ms Canyon City, Oregon. jitrntce ffowvll. Donlont in- ti'llfflBiiIi Prairie City, O.egon. AlJtO AlilMTM 1011 nu: Frank Hi o m liiiplfiiiciit Co' Mnchinoiy, ('0'inihlii' of Mowern, ltcnp or, Solf Hindiii IlnrvcHtcrx, Itukev nnd wnoim. A full lino of Aj; lirulturiil IinpliuioutH nnd tlnin for nil Machinca imotl in thin country, Which wo will sell cheap for Cash or on liuio with approved necurity. O veirholt k -DFALFHS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, crrr, or. SHIIUIFF'S SAL 12. lly villus of an oxeculion ibiited out of llm Ciiuuit C'ouit of the State of Otogonfor the county of Ormit upon a judguiont touilvred in iinid court on tho 12th dav of Mulch, I8!)0, in favor of H. C. Trowliridge plniutif) and ngaiiibt J. II. Howard diifoiiditnt, for tho ftuin of 5 I, I. Id; mid u heron tluro in Htill due upon Haiti judgment tho hiiiii of $J,8(li. 1 1 , together with accruing iulenibt nml cottb fiom the Sth day of May, I Mill, axolico in thoreloio lioroby ivoii that 1 havu lovifxl upon nnd will Ktdl at pil.lio auction on Saturday, tho '-'bth day of .Juno, lh!)0, at ono o -clock p. in. of said day, at the Court Jlouhti tloor in l anon Uilv, timni countv, State of Oregon, all of I ho right, title and intoiost u hioh the anid ilitfundaut J. II. Unwind liinl in nnd to the South half of thn Southwest (iiiarter of See I'll, Tp 1.1, S I,' :fi V. W M, on tho wiid l'Jth day of March, IS'.K), toucthi'i' ui li nil nnd HiiiL'iilnr, the tt'iioincnUi, heivdiU inoutfi and nppurtt'ii tiicori tlniictin'o lieloiigmg or in unywibo nppei tiiui- nig. Tin urn of Hale cash. Dated at Canyon City, fSriint Co , Oiegou, Huh 'Jlitli day ol .Mav, A. O. I8H0. U. P. Okay, Sherifi of ! rant county, Or. HyJ. J. MuC'ri.i.oi on Deputy Shot iff. NOTICH 10 OUMDITOltS. Notice in hereby given to all whom il may vonoorn that on tlmSiel day of .May, A. I). IhUU, JaniOH oiranii, iiisolvont, of John Day, (irant Coun ty, Orogon, made to the uuderaigned a Deod ot AbHi'i'iiiiienl of all hia proiierty, for the bonellt of all his crciiiloiM, and Hint the uiiderhij,ue.l Iiiih duly qualified iih hucIi nasignne All pomoiiH holding cliiiiiiu aaiiut Maid insolvent are notified to piewnt thn Hnmo, duly veritled, lo tho under higned within llnoo mouths from tho date of thiH uotico. Oiuiyon C'ity, Oictgon, May 'JOlh, A. 1). 181)0. J. Vv Mack, AsaiuiKio. ' .l.)u t.t, Sitfc lio4il.i"lir, (. i!t: ji, ' i i I.- -i-r rplli.t' . l:.o ' .'y. :ir.i- m m 6: us lit? 1 M.f. . t n I ii: i k-y. ii., i Mnlll.lllii ..It 'ill., ui illlicr, SAS" J.l.tUIIHMI.W....... aliiu..! J!.10J!IJM0 Ji2 bw ,,,,.. I.,,., msm tKia I ! II I I 1 1 . "1 1)1 it. at I V. II. IIIXIIOI', THIMD. Muldrick SUMMOaNS. In Juatico Court, for Union Precinct, Stnto of Oregon, Countv of Omul. J. Diirkhoiiner A Co. Plfiinlifl'ii ) W. II. Sleelo, Defendmit. ) Civil notion to recover mouny. To W. U. Steele, tho nlwvo nninoii Defondnnt: In the imino of tho Slnto of Oiegon yon are lierohy re ipiitotl to npKtitt liefore I ho Justice of tho Ponce for I'nioii Piooinotiit nnid County and Stato on tho 28th day of June, A. D. 18J10, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said tiny, nt tho oflioe of such Justice, in tmtd precinct, to anawor the complaint of the nbo vena mod piainliffs founded on a piomietory nuto whcicin nil plniulilTii drinaiid judgment again.! y on for tho Mum of Two Hundred ami Fifty Dollar and for tho cokIh and diMluirHeiiiouti of thin nctiou; and you aie fuilhr notified that if you fail to nmtwer hitid cumpluint tnid plaintiff v. ill l.i h e judgment aij.iiniit you for the huih of Two Hun lied and Fifty Dolhns and for the costs and dibburtieiiionU uf thiw nc tiou. This numinous ix ordered noiv d by iubIicniion f ir bix coimeeiitive eoliin the (1 mast County N'kw, a weekly nowHpn))or iuhlihod in buhl county and Stuto, and by mailing to th defendant at Id hibt known pott oilico iiddiebB a certified copy of this aummona and nf the complaint. (liven under my lmm! thin 16th day of May, 1SU0- J.T.Sn.i.iKi, ! -1 Justiea of tho Peaco. (10 to Tin; ! (woOiiy:Baito:siioi,' Jlichurd Clark. Prnn. . nut a niinr t i vn nvrii, mi wi: , sham I'Otl Oil II Mil 11 T IN TIIK I.A1IKT BTV1.K QflEH ONLY! jOaairal and SEltVoUB $lSMf r a? aJll'J ' 'I M T I niUBIllAr UfV a. , IM,. A liar .. n.a IMIII, ra. a Bt.l.t kw I ...Ua (M.t.l.. m.,7 .. Urri,H.. ajalaa.lll.aS iZimXZi,!!l Ufi'"- ERIK rVllfoiCAL CO.ToUFirXCo, U.'?. Petition fur Liqnor Meonse. To thn lion, county court of (he ; stnto of Orrgon, for Orant eout.tjr. j W'o llm nndersigtieil 3 our ctition cm would rcnjiccllully rtpriMnt t lift l wo nrc cch nnd H nitenU und la Knl votcn of t'nnyoii Citr procincl, in suiil 0011 11 tr, and we nttk that n Ii- ' centfl lo 1; muted to II. Sttiiioll to Kid I nnd dmpoe of f'irituoin, vinoui nntl nmlt liijuon in lean qunutitien tlmn oiio gallon in sit id precinct, far n period uf ten month from nnd ultor j the 3rd ilu v of Jul;, 1H90. : Dfllod this 12ih dv of May, A. I). 1S90. lhas V Parrinh, J M Kink, .John ' L Miller, OP Wi, Hi' Pj..e, MO 1 Pienton, Thou Itoynoldti, VfJ Coiiail, . f'S(Jriliv, lUMnCnlloiiKb, Tliomait ( Kelly, Hnlph.l Itymm, JHSotlinger, 0 1) Uieknrd, W S S?outhworth, A II Oroth, MV'I'hom paoti, J DBwtherlaml . CO Oimrny, LK ('ond, .leffAlul , cre, W II C lnrk, Ow Sollingor, Til Itiiglor, J DiirJiheimer, Thou Craw fortl, Cliiy Todliuiitfr, tYPOrnj, W.I ltnrbn, Tlio d Smith, D I AaUinr. A (' Wore, Henry liiclinrdaon, Frrtnlc , Metwlmn, Gcore K Zollinger, Free nifti Trfrr, John Brandt, Dr 0 W ' Hruher, t)'rtvr Hill, A.I Ste.lienn, WW ' (Juonibov, Wit Mad a, HA II in oa, dan I'errel, Snm'I Sited. OK Clark, .John ' Darlington, 15C Miller. Ml) Clifford, Ivl Shi-fliuld, Orxi It'oiid-bntli, Jo . Piffcon, Huh Smith, Flunk H Foln, 1 J0T111 Sloan, F (? Iloraloy, A It 15i-, way, Chn Cnmpbell, 0 (Iticrnaey, John A Cniiipron, John Monlonyo, (oo Lcnrnod, Ir J SjirDiil, llnlph nyrnm, JU'Powtdl, Ilerlwrt Hunter, Kdwd C Sols, M K Stana.dl. ; Notice is htirohy jrivon thnt on the , .'lrddityof July, A D IStW tho nndor sikjned will iipily to the county com t , of tho Miito of Oregon for Orant conn-' j tr for tho licoiino iitontiouod in tho ; foivgoing petition. ' ,' II. ,STAX8II.I 10-1 1 Applicant. CITY H MAIS HlllKET Canyon City, Om:aoN, G HOT II ,J'- THOMPSON Proprietors. Trnvoliii' 111011 will find this n b 1 pivnnni unii iioainuiKi pinco at which to atop. (ihii iih it fall "BIT SALOOK!" CAN VOX CII'V - Orecou Hugh Smith, prop'r. A Hmw Moat ttajWH. ol UW Curaat at Wloat aaul Tbe Ikyat ifri Im tha Marital. II". S. SOVTlDVOPTir, -l-norniKToit or CI lHO(lilll)i Canyon Citv, Or. Sash, llonri, Wiiiilnw.. Glass, Putty, Mouiainr;, and Drebscd Lumber Kto , Corutantlv on Hand. Furniluro Made to Order. r & Giinyon Cilj Via. I.on Creek and Monuiiiunt, tiiriTving mail, o.vpreia and freight. IIVBIIY PHOVIilOX MAliK I'UH Tllti COMrXlItT Of PAWKMiKWI. There i a aiinjr of 21 hours time aud 10 oaJi by tiiking this route to PoiUand. Statue loavea Canyon City every day exeepi Sunday, nt 1 a. in. V. II. CLARK, A ,m it, ItA K l.'It ami iCA.WON CITV STAGE LINE, j WrCUCN & GUIFFIM, Propra. j U.mI tauia, fcoid iniivty Jture and fact Uifla Kttry atleiiliou tuwi to I'ac cimdorl of aaangcra. Chnrsoa Kcunmulilo. TIIK Harney Slaye Line. $5$ Jewott fc Mcbsan. Froprs. hiatftilaavaa C'auyun ilonday, Widl.eaJv and Inday at U a w . and laa.ea llurna uai Titoaday Thuraday and Salurday. I'aatau.t tuitd I'taljlit at raaiosab ratei v'rtrrrram irrtir 111 ht m t irmit UdOB at Unii i, ' 1 .' I K.illra la hatch? given Ui it On ( i , . .ntlir baa IM not're al lu- i ,i t anal fimol la i.trt aflln . a ' . Poof lll Im mad" befara Ih II.. -i . . i a I a d OIBCf at Mama, ut Im . i tiroitOK UAU5V, PrnlitiN.. - .. t n or ftec II, and H ha f .tvt ,,r . .,, Sr. li. To l, atmlh ttiof 31. K v M II naoara lb Mlowlna- ni i i rontianmsa rl lmi una ai .l ' , laKl,vli: II Wlratacr. Wllllara H Curry ill of Ii i . u, nyia n. tit .n.v.rui l. . r NOTICE FOK rU'.I.I' ATItiN Una OfB at Ii r Kotle) la hereby rltrcn that thr I 1 . cattle haa lied rmllce nt hia iumi .1 InaJ rranf hi aopejort of hli ila m, an i t miof will be nda bafnre o.i- .it. Urant county or. al QMtyon 'li , , ur .... Himm Drnn3on, ' 4 for thaJIW f K qr. lull !tH -(r , II Tri lift It. II name lha fallmrlnf wfin. 1 1 p eontlnnMue reakVnce ttfion an 1 tun 1 it eat I land, rla, Hiltun U.-l'. I T 1. -.. Amrrkt, W H Mrrld. all -f t all b. 1 r a-U I. B. III NTIXOTo.N. I;. f 1 - 1 i APPLICATION FOH A 1'ATKNT. rfotkvN'o ll. U.MTKl) STATCT LS Oi riCK LftOratnie, Oregon, April 7, lMn. ) .Vol ice is heveby given, That The Portland Mining Company, a Corporation, has made npplic.ttiuu foi a United Mtntea Patent for the Pot tin ml Consolidated l'iurlx Min ing Chtitp, iiittirtlo in no orgitnicd Mining Diti id, (irant county, Stnlo of Oregoe, coilMsting of F'l it V. -100 acree, lwing Lot No. ;i7, nnd dee erilieti in the field notes nnd plat of tlio offtcial aurvey on file in this office, with magnetic variation nt 20 deg. IK) miu. Vs. and 'M deg. t' inin. Mibt nu follows: Commencing nt n Hat nnd mound of rocks at tho SV corner of tho Sil ver King (juartx claim from which post the Sec. corner nt tho SF. corner 1 of Sec. 3, Tp. i), SU31 H, bonis N. 11) deg. W. 2.08 chninfl dinUnt. ' This pol i inMiked P. C. (J. M. Sin No. 1. Sur No. 212, Thenro S. 5(IJ (leg. li along the xontlioily cud line of the 8ilvor King clnini (KK) feet to the SI5 corner of claim and lo post marked P. C. Q. M. Sin No. 2, Sur No. 212, Thcnoe N 2Sj dtg. V. along the enMterly cide lino of claim fi2( feet to Tp. line on H hi do of - Sec. -'il, Tp. !, S Ii :il F., nt a point 12.0!) chains K of corner lo neoliotm '.'. nnd 111 Hot a poe. ferl long, I itu-hcH nqurro iu mound of rocks mnrkeil Tp h at a point of intersections lfiUO feel to NU corner of the Silver King Claim being original coiner and marked P 0 Q M Sta No 3, Sur No 212. Thence N 3:t.J dog. li along tho oahleily end line of the Miner'rt Dream clnini GOO feet to NH corner of claim post maiked P C 1 M Sta No -I, Snr No 212, Thonco N fid A deg. W along northerly hide line of Minei '8 Dreuin claim InOO feet to NV corner ol claim post nmikcil F C (t) M Sta No :., Sur No 212. Thcuco S vllj tleg. W along woojerly end line of tho Miner's Dream claim 1,00 feet to poht at noitherly end of Tunnel Locution Lode marked P 0 ( M S.aNo li, Sur No 212, Thence, N oC deg. V along northerly end line of Tunnel Location chum 22 foot i tilt ritect line between sections ailASI, 2."j.(;8 chains N of the cor nor to boetioim 8, 1, ,i atn post in mouiiil of lockn, mail; S L ut point of intersection 100 f(utlo Nv corner of claim post ma.l.ed P C Q M Hia No 7, Sur No 21;. Tli. neo S28( deg. W nl.-ng wcsteily side line of 'funnel Location claim Kk"J feet to SW coiner of claim post ninrlr PCfl M Kin ', l .n. 1 - Thi-uco S 504 deg. F along the boutli orly end line of tho Tunnel Locution claim 000 feet to the SH corner of claim post mailt P 0 (t M Sin No !, Sur No 212, Thence nlong tho south erly cud line of tho Kingston claim JOS feet to Tp line on S aide of See IU, Tp 0, S H :tl U, 2.27 chains V of corner to sections ,1,1, 3:5 it .')l Hi-t a pusl in iiiniind if rucks muiked Tp L nt poin. ut inloMection 1 1 1!J f(H t to bhieil section line between si etion 3 A; 1 in Tp 10, S I! 3-1 li, I , ill elutiiiH S of to hclioim M, 1, :!;) ,V ;il nud set n pust in niounil of lock ni irked S I at point of inter section 1200 feet to plnoe of begin ni tin containing 82 pt neies. '1 lie Miitl nulling claim being of leconl in the office of the County ("In k of a dd mining ilutriet, nt Can yon City, in Orant eotnty, Stnto of Or.-gon Any and all persons elaim--ing advei-sely sny portion of the said Puit I mid Consolidated Quuttz Min ing Claim or surface ground mo re quited to tile their adv'erso claims thereto with the liegistor of tho Cniteil Slates Laud Office, nt Lit Ornudo, State of Oiegon, within tho sixty days' publication thereof, or they will bo Imrred by virtue of the provisions of (Lo statute iu snoh mscs made and provided. 1IICNHY H1NUHAHT, Hoister. 1 Ih. it the foregoing Notice of Application for Put out be publish ed for the period of sixty days (ten eouneeuiive weeks) in the Oiunt County News, a newspaper published at Canyon City, Orant county, Stato of Oiegon, being the newspaper pub lished nearest suit! c'nim. 1 1 KN H V HINUHA1U', Hegistur. Fr. t publioition April 21, 1811). I Itdk, Johns ti, -11 Altorney.1 for Applicant. alND lO.-l i-h .- . ..i-'i. ATLAS EKGirtt. WOtSU:.-. INDIANAPOLIi, IMS.