THE GRAHT COUNTY NEWS, Th u rxrla y,.lune , LOCAL BREVITIES. Dtp! upoti the Nmri to give yon oontplete election return. Chtfrrfra are ripening Imt tho crop In this vii I ley h not abandant. 8. 1'. Alkm hn Um cotitroet for onr rying the wait front Canyon City to .Mitchell. David Prine, the founder of Pi hie villo, died at hi home in that city last week. Tke. county mil cmttett 1-etvreen Union and L Uronde i?dtl in a victory for the former city. The veto for two of the county offi cer rs elate in fact too ehwe for the comfort of the candidate. Condon i the county neat of Oil Until county, ) taring received a majori ty of 106 vote over Arlington. for infortimtiim cw?eroing tha Victir Mowor, thn lnwt m ide, address I). II. Fik, Itakor City, Oregon. The new administration will toko ul targe of Urent county' laiiinu af fair and chattels on Monday, .luly 7. Undo John Garrison t rental U10 Nkws -foundry to ionic of the largmt Strawberries la he found in ntiy coon try. Uranl county ought to feel proud in furnishing a man tn lie treasurer of the great state of Oregon. Mm , too. Clifford foe judge and 0. I'. Hyde for prosecuting attorney utu l)th elect ed for the 6th judicial distiiet, having n large majority. Orchards, garden and fields of tho lumutiful John Day vnlloy all hlenil in harmony and praise tho creator of Mich a beautiful country. "W. II. limvliait and Allieit John son of Silvio alley were cullers at the N'kws shop Monday, and ri-jiort thpir rfupoetive localities doing jmuirt hly well. Tho exiininntion of Win. Kullor charged with mrcony of 11 horso wm postponed until a wojk front next Monday, on account of witnoaw not being present. The official canvas of tho votes cast in Orant county was hail Monday, and the official figures showing tho vote in tho various precincts 1110 ptosunted to our readers this week. Mr. Wan, who has Mrs. Phillipi' gat den leased, tteated the printers to a bosket of nice trawlwrrio litis week, l'uy btrawlKtrrios of Wan ami you will not grow ikiIo and sick. (!. W. McUord, fonnurly a Ihim'iihhh man of I'rairie City hut now of linker, is in Grant county on a buiim-H trip, anil ropoiti tho linker Ikkhii healthy end with the Itett of prospi'cU of a oontinuntiou. Election retums front all (tarU of the Ktuto ivo inforioatioit that the entire republican stale ticket is clect- ed, with the exception rf (.Jo, ernor. l'ennoyer will have a majority of several thousand over liu opponent. The Oierm Pacific inay lie coin pleteil into lvisU-rn Oiegon somn time in tin- future, hut residents along the line of the proved raid who ore tiny ways advanced in ye.ira have iiliout given up all hope of living to Witness iU completion. The order of the lower couit has Iven confirmed hy the nupiuitto couit in tin cibo of Pennington, the I'.ikor county murderci, convicted of murder in the first decree, and -Judge Clifford sentenced him to no hanged at linker City on Friday, July lth. Wo must draw the lino et publish ing oetic eommuiiicatioiis. This f lleo 1 arrived buch an one last week, but as the editor liappens to know that the persons mentioned therein are not "horse thieve" and the like, the otherwise beautiful (worn is not ac cepted. The Italics Southern, which i at present only a railroad on (wiper, has sent an engineer to view the route from The )alh-s to Prineville, and he pronounce the route a practicable one. A corp of surveyors U to be put in the fiald in about thre. weeks when the line will be loci ted as rapidly as possible. It is all over now and (tropic are willing to rc-tllo down to business for tho next two years and lft an entirely new set of otlicers tonduct the attaint of Giant ciunty. AH of them are new hands except commissioner Davis, mtsutanor Tiinms anil trosstirer Haley. Judge and sheriff have "leeu there" in yea is gone by. Harney county came to the front with a majority of 101 for Henry Hlsekmnn for joint seiuitor. This, with the 7i majority given him in Morrow county overcame tho L' 10 ma jority which Grant county lolled up for her raiidihtto, Geo. Mcllaley, and (jlet-U Mr. l'.Uokman to tho Oiegon mi in to hy a liandsome majority. Wo are not here to criticise, hut tho Hiker City Blade say "an infuri ated bull atUcked August 12111 at his ranch and hroke ouo of his nuns." Whoso arm! Did the bull atUek Kbell at the bull's ranch and break Jibell's arm because there was a dis pute over the ownership 0 the ranch, or did lilsdl attack Uie bull on Hbtdl's own laudl Please explain in your next isue if convenient, ami we will lay the matter lfore tho pmpor au thoriti. h, and if need U tlie case can U- brought U-foi the next session of 'the legislature. ITmaUlIn couiltv wnt tnkllt doinoernUo this yenr for ths first tium in SO yenrs. A good Singer b'ewing Maehine for mteHhmttt itew. A Iwrgnin forcah. Kiiquire at 11. H. Sets' store. To all wlio so kindly assisted us in ! Grant county can Iw made to hlos our late sad lierenvement we extend som and bring forth an abundance mir sincere thanks. ! for I he sustenance of mankind. Miu Mnr. J. II. 5-oi.i.iNrtKH. ' Mr. D. 11. Uinchnrt, the owner of Hyde for .list. ictattornev received ! lhis "li'l com.noncel to a umjority in neatly every county in 5n,J,nvu ,t.ft lT nt the .fistrik Judgo Cliffonl ran even , ',ow, hw. U,h?.n Rf Utter 1 1 vde. ,r I,"aith. '." the nl a.ul d.nia e. In partnership with Mr. risk, ho The ntnt lins just received II",- nlanted the Kiek .v Hinehnrt or- l!05,ai, being tltc annual npiiortion- chard on a gently sloping hillside, mentof .1 jwr cent, on sale of I'ni- consisting of forty ocitk, and rou ted Stales kuul in the state. taining nhotit S.OtX) apple trees!. Wimls have U-en blowing from Uie j ! orchard id now laring, and north lately, Imt thev are nut the hot , great JOtin-r of revenue lor Itntv winds which scorche.1 veg,-uUon i, , hnrt s fruit w kiwwii nl over thu some imrta of the countrv last year. j country and Is purchased at Maker ' " ! City, after Wing haul.-.! by wagon It has U'cn decided in Illinois , rcr08 thp m0untains, ;n p uf thot it ia notliUdous to call n man trel)Ce ,0 fruit ,ip,.d from Ih-Iow. n crank. It may not bo IiIkIous, , Mr Ui(.,arl rtrt-ntlv purchaKtl but it it oftentimes a great relief, j thc partnership interest in thia or- Tho fruit growers of Snake river i chard, nnd is thc fole owner of it, have formed a trust and has con- j besides ti small orchard on his trol of the entire nroducta of that i homestead, lie ha nlio altout (HO region. to? Whnt is the nation coming A call has been made upon tho government for troops to protect settlers and government olllcinld ut Sliawno, Wis., from the depreda tions of Indians, who are daily com mitting assaults. Frank Gibson who arrived from N-w Mexico Utely lias been industri nuitly elimlang the montttiin almost every day, endeavoring to trace a load of placer gold to iU source in some of the ni'ged peak. Mr. Ii. V. Hunii informs us that his sou Willie recently sheared l it) sheep in 0110 day, which is considered pretty good work for a ly. He would have have inail the number l.'t), Imt the supply of sheep gave ouL The vote of Hartley count!' had not la-en counted officially at last accounts therefore the exact situation is not known. Paities over from there, how ever, leport Hunts as liuving tho per manent county seat by a small inajori- ' ' , , ' the people of lWey, wo aw in- , formed, aio a unit in lavor ot having tho line 1-etweeu Grant and Harney straightened, thereby annexing their jtot linn of country to Grant county. Thi-y will douhtles.v jn-titioit Uie noxt legislature to that effect. It is a general remark that stock on thp range u in a much bf-ttur con dition now than at any time last sea son. This is accounted for (tartly on account of lietter bunclu4ras, ami jxttt ly by reason of the range not being ovci crowded with hungry stock. The fourth quarterly meeting will Ik held at Canyon City, June 2Sth, and 'J'.'th. (junrtcrlv conference and (trenching by Khlor Wakefield at 2 o'clock Saturday, June iiSth. Uiuttizing on Snbhnth. A. H.u.h, P. C. It is now certain that Idaho will j Inunl WAn millg ., wiiUn rJnt1( be admitted immediately after tin? thl, went off, thedog failh Mlver bill is iliaiMMwl of In all j flv .lischarged his duties, ami the prnhalulity Idaho will lw a slot , U-twa? won. within two weeks, when the govern- 1 , ' , , . , ., . . or will issue his proclnmatinn for an . " rr' ow, ,;.,l(nifr1 t! ' ? ?' "T election, and isilitical training will ' ' . Vt'r. ' " . ? ' ' 'j DCgttl. lu most of the states of the union 1 ( order to gain new trade they in there is on a-r8oit in the insane und presenting n line large lasik, asylum to 1000 population. This which retails at 11.00 each, lo evorv wonm give uregon n jtopuinuon oi i I r.r.llfMUl ,.,.,1 V',.1;,, ,,, nf about i50,(M() and Washington of about :i()t),(KX). .Making nn allow a nee tho roHtteetivo lxipulation am (trobubly about ."00,000 and :HM),- i IHJU. 1 10(101 ted lloiir hat !nm-ii scarce, jiri or to the ariivnl of fiviht team. Put thu (teople of Grant county must linve imjiorted Hour, jdtholigh this is the let wheat (traducing sectifin on the ivsist. If the millers would get im proved machinery the farueit's would supply the wheat and there would i hundred of dollars in Grant county where there is one dollar now. A Wisconsin judge has decided that a dentist cannot legally pull a tooth on Sumlav. It linn not yet Ik'cii declared that a child cannot 1m legally horn on Sunday, or that a Mron who dies on Sunday is le gally dead, l ut from the way some of the Sunday compulsory rest crank are trying to get hi their work the question is thought to lc ponding. The only Cniou ticket vote I in Autelo)K iv a by a Chinaman, and it was (dnccd in a separate lox. The greatest excitement prevailed when John of the Celestial empire was brought forward, nud when ho folded his ticket in the same lordly way that NaHjlcni did his diaU'h e the countenances uf the demo crats were crestfallen; but it was simply a joke uud caused consider able merriment to the per (n-tra tors. Mountaineer. Died, at his home in Canyon Citv, Sunday night, Juno 8. 18l0, of dropsy, Mr. J. W. Moody, one of Grant county's pioneer, aged about 5(1 years. Mr. Moody came to this nlace with the first discovers of gold in June, lsii-J, uud had .oiitinuoii Iv resided here, since that tiui'-'. die by one the old pionccra aro embnrking to find belter proH.cU in the country beyond, and as they have lived hero so their joys will (tan out there. The funeral look place from his late residenco Tues day after noon. He leaves no rela tives in this state except hjs daugh ter Mr. John Sollingar, of this city. I'splaf Grev Ranch. A visit to Poplar Grovo Hunch, HI tnilcs ea?t of town will conviticu ' n skeptical jwrnni that the lnnds of I Kastern On-gon are worth me I tiling, and that tho foothill hinds of acres of land nil in one laxly, the most honutifnl fen I ure of which, outside of thc orchard, ia the timlter culture near his residence. This all goes to kImw whnt enterprise can acconipli.'.h on (!rnut cuunty's bunchgrasd lulls. Divine Services. The Ucv. Mr. Goss will (I). V.) hold service and preach nt Prairie City, on Thursday, June l'Jtli, and Tuesday June 2 Ith. in the evening; nnd on Sunday June 22ml, at Can von City, morning ami evening. The Holy Communion will be cele brated at the morning service, Can yon City, June 2'!nd, nnd at the owning "service. Prairie City, Juno 21th. All coininutiicanla are re tmested to 1k present. Holy Bap tism will be administered ut any service or in private. Dull is no name for it now, since the great euntit i-mudod. Kw (Kitatoes are some of tlio lln'njrn 'nt. Altnow, in tiast years a resi- of lhh COHtltr..( ms Klen oeclB( ,,I, ii,miv cuntv. N'o lietter selection could have leeu made by our neighbors over there. Unto him that linth ehnlt ho given, ami unto him that hath not shall ha taken nway even that which he hath, ia true 11U0 in jwl- ilics. A Cincinnati woman, enrngnd nt her husband, determined to miu him lltumcially. Sho 'Vhopjied" all day and piled up bills to his no count to the amount of $8,000. A Mexican shrphcnl made a bet with his employer that m dog would Hi ay alone on the ranch fur five days, taking the sheep out lo pasture in the morning and nn iug them up at night. The dog was ! ii.fcl i-nr-ti'il liv ttiii tmi(i!fr nlt-titt- of u-nrlli Viiltr U'ttilu !m ln,l tin Ufilnii 1 retail pureliaser ol ilrv goods, tlotli- I. ...! 1 t".......i i.. ,1... log, mouia uiitt pjtut-n, inur eii;., 111 imit auiotmt of 2'i.ts), allowing until Jan. 1st to make out the amount. (;jvu iJlPn, ,v t ri n I order, when you send away for goods l'n)iui;'.tioni :uu being math? to take out a section of ouo of tlio large ml wood trees of California for exhibition at thu world's fair nt Chicago in IS!). Tho section of tree which will ho wnt will bo the largest ever takou from tho Mate, nnil will ho nine fuct in height ami i.ty in elroumfeiviioo. The tree itself, which is ouo of the .M amnion! h forest m Tulare county, measures ninety-nine feet in circumference. When yon want t. buy a really good ami reliable time-piece at bot tom price, that U a price which can not bo competed with by any big jeweler on account of the interest he has to make on tin- money invested in his sto'.k, besides his clear profit, not to Stcuk of his other high ex-(i.-nacs us $100 to loO.) a month rent, etc, come and see watchma ker Albert Ilinsch, nt Canyon, you can lie sure that he will du anything jK).sible to please you and get you just that kind of a watch you would like best, both as to tho outside looking of it as well is to works ( that will utand rough handling the Itcnt. Fine watch reialring a Hpec ialty. All work guaranteed at very j moderate (trices. Waltham ami j ICIgiu watches. ' Pacific Ilrewery Heer. Notice is hereby given that I hove this day entablished an agen cy for the sale of the itcor iiinniifiio turcd at thc Pacific P.rewery, Maker City, Or., within the county of Grant in Canyon City, and that Mr. II. StuiMcll is the authorized mana ger of said lh-KJt. All orders from Grant county for this celebrated beer, cither in bottles or hugs, will U-tilled by Mr. Htauscll. IIkkiiy ltt'ST. Proprietor Pacific Mrowery, Maker City, Or. a 4HI SI i Jh i - I 14 Jj I Sit O S a.8 8 1$ t, 22 . 3 H r. o -1!"" ' " "" -ri M l - i m O S C. .t.4i l M M 1 at at m i t i QO0J"44ll i - - s i t3 4n o & , ts, 8 S 5 , 2f . S s IS IS S i 1 1 8 s !r',!?i.3l : ; i i I: i S. Ii I . W M Ii i- M 1 K 1 V l-.l9j.i. '".Q j. i. M ji - - l) i ?.p ,lmt.??T I5 8 8 g JS p..8 leti n 7 8 8 e' SI ta it 6 if Mtuii4iMt4!f !. l 4rt. 4- -1 H Q is tjJt. jpj-; Ji Ji; j o wis at ti S r w .-1. - o t ; eft ii . ti J h- i e t, j. -1 v - $t-i 0 . - i-s w . ti . i 5 v; ' 4" n ia w 4, ii ia t. m m mm a& - ii - l'iiW8!)iW 4. U l W 5i . m is y SJ q$ -t 4 Ii l4 -1 O W isir Mi- r3 4, I Ao-iMo: It q J. ill l , J I O irjr a r ia . is iS v is ?s a ii fi f; i i.a 3s r 9' l ' w P. c '4 -'. 5 .ii $ ijv -j. Mil it M - -1 o w a 5 4 i w i ia iiii v ti -i es-tiixfl -w -i k i2 w j. ii ii w u & M ( -I - -I - M Ii J. Ii 3 Over one million mmiids of wikiI hail been received in tho Iletpuer - Hall, Can von City, for line wine, . ,iver nnd lsi.liu-, use, to the t-x-warehoiiBe up to May 'iStlLut which linuura and eiuara. i eliisinn nf nil ..ilw.r uli,.;,,.,u v. a coiiBiilerahle nmnunt wa from . . ...... ... i lias tjfi-o oati.i tun nu i i nm v i ),lfli.. j., u,.,,i 1,P1. ir 1 , ... , to ilo.ton; i.riecs paid at He.pncr ,,lJe"- ''hur.i liussui. j l.nponaiu Notice, have been witliin one cent of the nv- j The Pacific P.rewory'n Celebrated ' All pemins knowing theuihelvct. i-rage market (nice in San Francis- , Ueer, the best in ICalern Oregon, is imlehted lo J. S. Hiiptimstall indi co. The following btiycis nr- ot-- now kept constantly on tnp at tho ' vidunlly, or to the old linn of l!np ted there for the sca'son: Frank Hd Front Milliard Hall. limBlalf ,v Dart, will ph-ase come 1 t I .1 . 1 .... 1 .....I .11.... .1 ' I ce, rcprcHc.iiing .X Kosi.iami ,v i o M i 1 1 ioi a i ro Tom Williams, vtho of San I'raucij-co; l. A. Jiwlyn, for assaulted business manager Ilirseh, J. M. KuhscII A ( o I ortlaiul; ( . 0f the Kvcning Post, at San Finn Porter, for the Oregon i ( itv Mau fg ,.(,. n f,.w nH1t18 gUi fr nll nrti. (Jo.; Jus. Hubert, for Ko.h ami t.0 j m.-u paiK-r, was lined rMj. Pro's of Portland, and J. H. Ham- lf.. . , , . , pie, for John Miller ,v Co., Boston. ' , l4' '''w "olil in Iowa last year Among the huvcrs who come for ftr I"m lu I his year cows one tlav each week, is Geo. D.ivis, j ' tin- aauie grade c rcatlily at the vct.'rau wool buv r; Mr. Jacobs, ! '"''' lu M' dolh'". I ho sigtiH Ham Wilkinson ami others. Most ', l" llu,'',' froln ngrlculliiml ,.f tl. , boiI (- wool front this I tnn lpoiiit, are encouraging, and section is forwarded to Allen .v ! Lewis without being ollcred for nale at llejtpner, to the local value of Grant county wools aro not known. I'eojile who lay themselves lia ble lo gost-ip tuo always tho firt to complain about its attack. Tho time for reasoning is be fore vu huvo approached near onoiigh to tlio forbidden fruit to look at nud mliniio it. GrJiut Fourth of July. Picnic ami celebration atTlioinp Foil's Warm Spring? above Prairie City on July Ith. Oration, foot racing, plug-uglies, etc, during tho day, and fireworks and n grand ball in the (-veiling. Music for the ball will bo furnished by K ilph Fisk. All are cordially invited to coi ut and celebrate with us. S. A. Tivkui. TUB OKU AT mVJUK I'OU JUNK. (HASIl-lkStartl Illlt lUI. "Two Noted Indian Chiefs." "Climbing I'te Mountain," "Chal dean Murials," "A I long Kong Draft," "How Cameos Aro Made," "A Great Flower Market,'' all ele gantly illustrated, together with Mlxty other articles of unique Inter est. This journal must ho seen in order to demonstrate that it differs from any other (taper in tho world. asSfiSSS. l N'AMH OP -i ii S!) - O Q tn 0 , (tupsu.wo.i, K- -m.w oawi,j unui. -I $ ri 2 r, g $ ' i is ti if i ill at j S5 Wj(g V SCSJ". A IU OS t i ia i- -i w to ia w o o-i r - z K S r, g r, E JS ff 'a w S r, a 8 r, m it i4w stfM)tii s-i.O q i -i i. rs 5s s ij MMx-IUCtie 0 4s t tt o S. $ t t ia o y. w' ! v--1 -tj5 tit i - !j:i l l ft W 0 t III l i: ift is ii iu Mi v it. i-i i 5s i c o ! y J. y. i i J t; si sr f n? t- l. z si s w ; ti i t ia ia -i i e m j t. i1 5 1 - W - WJ - - hi ii i: 14 is - ii.j --i' .ii - i ;i v -J y:..P." w 'i t, is. it ii y. w i j' 'v . S fj 2 i$ Zi' 1 r. wi;-j.ait j. - w ia JC oi i 7 14 vs ii s ii"- iia i-. w v .-i i 5 f.' tc . i'. i4-a w-n-ii i,. - C -I 5 W -J - I ft J Go to the lied Front Hilliurd nilvcr lode viehlintr lft iter 1 j milts x iiMiiiiu? 'i.i iiur mi mv m,i n iiiu II- .1 !.. 1 i... 1....1 . I... I 1 Ul I1"' M of pro-JM-rily are gradual- ly Mirging west. t Many j c !nts I. ml." IIiknI's Sir l.tiurlll.t nij- ilnr lo nil ntlmr tnrillriiiM. V u.i ir In i MiiMn.ui'.ti, .,Kirll.,n, and cri'i at-.t.-u nl liii;ri i'.. iin, S ft llin full t ur..tu vatiirt i.f ll.n S j V tM.l lMirivvii r i. I.i r ,1 1 1. a iiiu i i 1 1'. i i-j i.iiib. 1'i' I-i I'l ilorn. strength Cf'IllUl.)--,'., ' Hood's Hir. i only mi'UI. M)Ullili.i clno nt S lii'li cm truly IftM.yctys "Onoitiinilri-dltotfi Onu y l"Har " Mrdlrlnea In vTz-AJ ni.J mnalli-r Uittlei " 'I""" larger tl-!, and Uunoi V rr-lucesi ;on. iciulUct Hood's. iv. In IU itKHlkiiul iiicfitj, Ilood'i fur:, if .till.v itcruini'lblu i rnri-s lntli- tr:n iiiil.ii. . ui..l nun ..r Itstlf llto title- uf "Tlni r" Jt''t I looil I-uiiiht ivrr unruvrrnu. ' x rriiiijriiiiis"efXMiit.-iiio uVS tuiiiuV' tliftn M i..w yr y ymors of H-kkI's H..f. i arll'.v jr r o!d tn Lowell, wlii rt) JvJ-'flfit Ii litnde, Until of til jr J Ttlicr LlooJ (lUrlflers, jS JfyjrWmVit In lit pU;.- i..u. jT jT ia ifcotd ot sales ibriuJ, preparation (yJ s cvi-r alt lined sttclt ioptl- l.irllr In ( slioit a time, niui i-i in. ii lis ,j y nnd ciinfldi-iii i) r.motig all classes uf pi-jile fii eteadf-utly. Dari"t lt l.idu, td tn tmy Hur I rcnar.tlloni, tUt lo sum t) -it (lie I'mill-ir MoiIIcIimj, Mood's Snrsaparilla (iiatxil!itfi. f l ill furss. l'rsrMlMd; 1 C. I IILMlll A CO., Al-utkxsrka, lwt, ilu, 100 Dosos Ono Dollar s CANllIKATtiS. UUUtllJ0 J98tltJ(j UJ v tJ UOSHIUIOIIJ, ,( ((! ; jii.ouun(( j,i(s'.iAt.s! i 1 1 ?5 3 UB1(.IS01V l!,i, wa "n, uiwiiuod .(. -u! 2., 3! (f -( ( b "'I 'V, 5 a II1HDI ijnnM ti pmo g 'iv1 "puiiji "i t ' pn ii ;) Uttitijjaujji .Cjiiojij nnu "rf "O 'jiossivjjrx, ' ouppvai! ) V- Co J0U1U, J. oaHOf ir.W unny uiop! dwMJ.-) ', oj timtU4(u4V A T jojuani,' nHjooQi m Ml ei T IE n w. p 5 ; f "A '.I ! jS!k.i iori g jfK' "A 'f oi U'IJ. T -V S IB m 5 S'; i n all iiiscif . of tin- Stomach. t,"t! o' remedy. Pfundur'H Ore- forward and m-tlle, for we miiHt chine the busittcss of tin' old linn, and I want to go to California for my health. All who do not m ttlr up by the loth of July l-MH) their account, will be turned over to an attorney at that date. J. S. IIaI'Iovkiai i. John Day, Or., May 'JS, I silt). Improvements on a Hanch far !!jte. CohIoi woilh (iloul?(H)0- pi ice Jltf.O. Pit nlyof water;coiiiiitnudH good slicot rai e. A I out HO acres feuci d; 1(1 ncrtK bloke. l,og and hbei' ham .'ID (lo fun! not quite finished l.nghount with nppi t looms iiihI hlitsl iillin bed Vi'l'l, Siuoko liuutie an l ohickc u Iiouho and other im I-i i veincuts, Itmiuh siiitablo foi latniing or hIh i raii(;i'. Good ffraiii, ohIh, win at, hat ley ami rye, nud bar dy ro;eti.bles iowii on the jtiaue. All in Hem- valley. For fm tbor (tiliciihira euitiire at litis ollicn. Mill II I.I. I. SMITH. Succokkhh to J. II Gardner. Jhi Iter Cily - Oregon. RIFLES SHOT GUNS & KKVOLVER3. Tho Most Complelo Lino of Ammunition in Eastern Oregon. Lyman Hear Sights by Mail. .1 IM). Lyman Sjmr ting Front SighU if-l.tK). Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewelry Silvei ware IC I ll in in it inn miu in .ii MOST KBMAKKAfiLB CASE. Deafness CuieJ In Ten Minutes Vy Klectriclty After all Other Methods Had failed. Orretitn. Ktlitor Orezoitinn: Kino I.'Jyrs. old (I nin now 21) 1 hnvo boon troubled with deafm-cn. Of Inlo I could ccnrcelv h ar nnvihing from one ear, and t he other wn partially loaf. Tho cause of tho !enlnefl wan disohni'ning cars. All known romcdies to kcicncc failed lo euro me, until Or. Darrin Ircnlctl tno with electricity and other rontcdiufl. I was itcrfectly cured of dcafncsK ami ringing muxes in my cars in tun minute, liefer to me at Hallston, Or., where I am working on ti fa'in for .Mr. Noah (iregg. J. S. Mi!, State of Oregon ) Countv of ih.j 88, I, J. S. McAlitti-r, first I oing du ly sworn, dojtotte ami sav: That tho foregoing ntnti-ment of tho (rent- input ami cure of deafm-88 f-ot out hi Iho foregoing statement signed by mo is true. J. S. Mi Altkk. S Subscrilted nud sworn to boforo mo thia '27th of May, ISJ)0. ( . J. McI)oi n.i.L, A Notory Public for said County nnd State. MW' V.VOTIIItlt UdN'UKKI-'t't. t'L'lIK 01' lft i:- .VBsH A.Ml PISCtlAIKIINO KAIill IIY mi. DAititi.N with iin.Mii TUKATMUNT. AlA'OMh, T. xna. May 'JO, ISUO. Dr. Darrin IVar Sir: I writo fb inlonii you that mv non David ia cuttstl. 1 rTi'iv,'l vonr incdicino Idler the I. ith of April, nnd commenced tn nin cut the 1 Ith, nnd d ears iiuit rnn.iini! in n few dnv niul he can h-ai jn.-i at gooil ita any child. I shall n wr fonzet vour dmlness ami Ics.cdt to mv cfiihl. 'lonse nece(it my pvatitudo. A. 1, AOKKIt. I'r. Darrin can be consulted freo at tho Washington building, corner of Wasliingtou.ainl Fourth &t recta, 'orilaml, ami Hotel (iamlolol, I n- oimt. Hours III In .i; i-veniimH. i to.S; Sundays HI tn CJ. Allchron io dlsoafcs, bliKtd taints, los of vi tal power and c.tily iiidiserctioiiH pennitiiently cured, though no re ft r- encos tiro ever made in the presri oncoming such cases, owing to thu oiicney ol tin patients. K.xaininii- tions freo to all, and circulatu will ho Bout to any nddrcus, ChnrgcH for tri'iilment accuitlinir to imtieiitH ability to pav. The txtor treated froo of charge from H to 11 daily. ll private diic.isea conlhlentially treated nnd cures guaranteed. Pa tients at a distance inn be cured hy home ti'i-atiiieht .Mtdieim-H anil letters suit without the tloct ira' 'nine npp ai iiij- THE COTTAGE ORG-AM" Urn nttaliii-il a -tui.l.iiii i.f escellci.ea 1 1 1 1 1 llllllllt Clf !i 1 111 , .. I II ctiiil.ilii.i .iv hi'i'i-'u iiieiit ilmt iiveiitlM- pnlii., Ltll i. ml luoin y t-ttii VfcV.113. Tin rc Ii h- ')ir fnr tin Ir "!ui." , ii". i i"-pnlh.. ,ll' I i I i Ii i in.' It'll f . i .1 i f tune, iiil,' I. it'll.. it 1. -II, :u It ,li) I'-lK't. Im'U'iI V 111 In I ll, .. ( eoiiMriii-. .'iJlllll in .-, lilllMll;: tin ui (' . inn -inat.ii-iitiil inn) i, h ild,, i.ijintm In IJh) .'t!l for JIniiii-'. itdmoli, dinning t.l-l.""t Ull'l tin ... ( ittnlogm-.' on n'dli'iiilon, I-'ncu. Sioaso BrttBje Brgaq Be. 22S WA OAS 11 AVE., CKIOAOO, ILL. wn. a. s. 1'I.aiiki;, A Full Lino of I fhi.i't Tackle, I o ikh. flil-B 1 miu s Sa. ' ' ', cic. Fly hooks' (ar do., rAh, by mail. ore in iiiKirtiuiciiiH. T8 rfn mii INTRINSIC rJ"lM RANTED VALUE MfS UEPALIUjYG A SPECIALTY. i