Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 05, 1890, Image 1

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    Til li NIWS
Is ft newspaper for tlio
people, tailoring for tlio
people nntl voicing tln son
titnants of Uio iwplo of
iU own tJrunt County.
I the olihwt iiiivxi
r U-two-ii The Dalle
and Wiiineinuoen; the lnr
ist circulation, therefore
i tlio Ut for ml vei listing.
Volume Xlf.
Xumbcr 1 1.
I'UULiauco i:vruv tiiuiwiuy mounino
Editor nntl Proprlotor.
Subscription 1 year in advnnco S'J fiO
H nut paid within !l months ..Sit 00
Six Months 1 f.O
Throu Mouths 75
1 inch
!l iunb.
i col
i col
1 col
I tno
:i mo
'I 1110
11 1110
.'1 1110
S I J0
8:1.00 i
1 yc-ir
1 your
l'J.OO 1 year
21.00 1 yenr
10.00' 1 year
For standing display ntta only
All Heading Notieos in Local
'Joluinii will bo ch.iro.l at tho'rnto
of '20 cents por lino for first, and 10
eta each Hiihcsipiant insertion.
Spocinlrnlcs to regular ndvertisors.
-fine Job Pfinliojfh
Postern, Dodgers, lh'llhenils, Lottor
hends, Xotcliciidri, Htato
moots, Invitations,
TiokulH, Curds
lite, etc.
PlllNTI'.l) to onmut.
Co. JllllgU. ,
Clerk . . . .
Treasurer ,
N. It. Mnxcy.
Phil Motsclian
N. II. Holey.
( J. II. McIIaloy.
U. II. Davis.
J. II. Noal
W. P Gray
.... ChaH. Titiimu.
Hut vcvor
School Supt
, H. Hayes
Stock Inspector W. V. Hintou
M. D. Clifford
, . . J nines A, Fco
J. L. Hand
)iat. J ml "oh
Dfiit. Atlornoy . .
A F & A M Canyon City Uxlgo
No. MI meet Satiinlny on or Wore
imicIi new moon.
I O O F Hc'h Ixltfo No. '22,
Canyon City, regular iiieetiiiy Thurs
day evening of wish week.
Mountain View 1xljjo No. M, Prairie
City, Saturday oveningH.
A O U W H " Ixx'go N".
Canyon City, Monday evenings.
IOC T '),lv I'"'1?" 80,
Canyon City, Sut unlay ovuuing.
C A R Hanoook Pns,t No.
II I .John Day, Tuesday evening on
or Ix'fo-o with full moon.
Church Dlrccto y
Kov. A. Had" hold divino survieo
nt tlio Winegnr sehool houso at 1 1
o'clock n. in, on the Ut Sabbath of
each iii-mth, ami at 7 o'clock in the
evening at tha M. K. cliurcb in I'r.ii
rio City. Also at tho Strawborry
school lioiiho at 11 ft, in, on the !lrd
Sabbath of each month and at 1'rai -rio
City in iho eveninu of the mono
day. At John Day City nt 11 a in.
on tho '2nd and lth Sunday, and nt
Canyon City nt 7 in the ovoniug of
tl.o nuno days.
.v nrrrrnioxE,
Canyon City
Itnuta or hho made l nrdar. or nratly f-lril.
All Work Wurruntml rirat-oluaa.
J. L. B. VIAL & SON.
and J KV 'ML IMS,
llAKKIt CUV, - - OlIltCON.
Dealers in
Homy to latn on I'olbUral'.
5CT Opposilo Union Mont Market,
Main Slrett.
q w. iiAmiiiii, m. ix
IMiyslclmi fc Surgeon.
Caxyo.v City : : Orogon.
OITleo next door to Co. Tmisunir1
olllea, .Main Street.
I'usicinn and Surgeon.
John Day Citv, Or.
onu, m. D.
Cnnyon City, Ogn.
Onion mi Main Stiit In IIxmwi liruxrl Owou.
plttl l Dr. Ilowtnl.
q i. HAZi:i;riNM
riiotocvrtplio r
A 1 1 u r ii () a I I .ii tr
Paukish k, Cozad.
Canyon City, - - Oukcon.
a in yon city oitr.nox.
Ofllre ovar John Sehnii'll'H cabinet
hIioii; oftlco hourx from 'Jam to 1 p ni
J'roprictor of tho
John Day RSilk Rano
Fresh milk delivered daily to my
ciiKtoniein in John Day and Canyon
citicH. Civo mo your ordom.
pO. HOItSI.HY, M. I).
V i N N fi Y I. V A N I A , April H, 1818.
Canyon City, Oregon,
O.llco in Iuh Drug Store, Main Stieol
Irders for Drugi promptly li'.led
No profexxional patronage Holietetl
m'.wiM diieclioiiH aio strictly followed.
Notary Public.
I'uAiniK City - - - Ouimon.
Also A gout for tho nnlo of School
II. 110LHY,
(OHit Masonii Hall;
Canyon City .... Orcgtn.
gar- .IU Work ll'arrailod.
Chas. COBB. Proo.
John Day, (J rani Co., Or eg.
To Rtop nt this popular house once
iH a fiign that you will coiuo ngaiu.
Tho best of nscommodatioiiH for
giieatH, and ratcH of board mid lodg
ing ruiiEonublo.
Saddle & Harness Sliop.
Canyon City, Oiiiuion.
And BiipplioA constantly
kept on baud.
SadilldH ordered nt n mnali dis
count. ltopairiiig done on hIjoiI notico.
IlltT IS Till! WOIll.K.
ItwrlDiiquaimitrounurpMd. actual! r
outlulUtf two Ujim of huy olhr Itrantl. Not
ta.t ua ir et, t u i; r ! 1 1 1; i:.mi i m
ion balk nv DEU.rita oi:sriiAiXY. iyr
A Waiving Ooldcn Kulc.
Ho was n good young niuii: lie
didn't smoke, !iufidn't cliow; tho
taste of liquor ho novcr know. No
card Iiml over touched lii liatiil;
ho norer lioroko the sixth eoin
niniul. lie vnin gool young man: In
hillittnl rooms wu novor found,
nor frequented tlio Imiolmll ground.
Ho didn't dnnco, i:or banjo piny;
no naughty word would over miv.
Ho wn a good young m.ui: lfu
was n walking goldon rule, nml
taught a clan in Sunday school,
lie li veil jnst like an old -school
(junker. In fact, win quite n
llowas a gool young man:
Yet whon he kkipped, without ta
to, with tlio b:inl;' fundi to Cana
da, tlio whole town eiied, ni you
may know, with shaking hoatU,
"I "told yon to!"
I 'ut ho wn n good young man.
A luorinnii with two wives and
fourteen children were ixsceiitly
found living in a hut with ouo
room at I'nro, I'tah.
Tlio Importsnco ct rurlfjlnc Ilia bloot t n
not lo omcstlm.ite), for nltliuut I'Uio LlooJ
jou cannot enjoy good licaltli.
At litis nt'iion ucartjr every ono neeJi a
tooJ inrtllcino to jmrlfr, vitalize, and enrich
tlio Llood, mul wo atk you to try Ilood't
nAAi illn Sarsapartlla. Ittrcncthcn
rUUUIIcll anj tuiUa up tlio ijrtcm.
crcatei an appetite, ami tones tlio dlccHlon,
n hllo It eradicates disease. Tlio peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
cl tlio vccctalilo remedies used clvo to
llooil's Sarsaparllla pccnl- -p Ifrjplf
lar curative lowers. No 1 llocll
other medicine lias such a record of wonderful
cures. If you havo mado up jour mind to
buy Hood's Barsaparllta do tiot be Induced to
take any otlicr Instead. It Is a I'ccullir
Medicine, and I worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsapartllalssold by all drueclttt.
I'rcpared by C. I. Hood tt Co., Lou ell, Mais.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
notich von rcnrdCATioN.
Und OIKm at U (Ini.le. Or.
April iu. lau).
NotUe Ulitfrrliy ivrn thst tlio folluwluif 1,111ml
UUr li llkd iiolk-o ft ItU luUi:tlu tu commute
ami uiVvniil i.r.nif In upjiit f Ul i-lnlm ami I hit
mIiI priKif will b iiiaJ Uifurn tli I'.iiinty Clrk i.f
IJfuu! Cti , nr., at (.' wi t'ltx , Or . on Juim 7,
m. ! Frnnl Clllolnptl, iw tiw fr tu
Niv i-iimi i V ii a a tu i! w it
UniMiiiM lk (olliittln wllnitv Ut pruvtf til
irmtlmiotit riUl.ncn ti.iii, and cultivation of,
Mid Uml, l Minuet I.oauii, Atidrtw Uillou, Uiliun, U'iiiuhi June, ail cl l'u, (irant
tuuiily, Or.
Any porMiti ulio dolrk tu prutt imaln.t tli
ftllowaiitft of hjcIi pruijf, ot ihi kiujt of any ant'
tantul rcaanti, uiujtr lii Uw simI U10 rtgulalluuc
if the liitrrlur litfiuitmvtil, vihv ikIi prtMif ImuM
li . I In alluMrd, villi b jll.ll an tpKjrillliil) at the
l". r ituiilloiHid tlin aiiJ pUw lu cro.ismltio
tin- w In. i'if Mid rUlmiiil. anil tuullvr nvldance
in rii iKlal ul Ili4t aukmliUit by flaliuant.
i) II IIK.M1Y MINHIlAlSr, Ili-iiHt.r.
IjiiuI uttlo at Th llall.a, Or.jinu
Apr- .
Sut.1'. ' I .Tali ' ffiVan tll4t IIm folloilli7 ImiihsI
illlir Ii Hli'.l niillm uf hi. Iiitrhtliui to make lliml
pn-4 In .iipMirtiif W tialkl. and that a4lil prlMif
villi I. iuil -fiiro tlw (Niunly Ju.Ua1 at I'anvnH
( Ii) t . Jmm 7. IMM, ila; Wlllliuu Fry,
uf lnu li. Or , lid Sua. fur tha NW 1-1 Set- -IX Tp II
H It 2.1 II W II.
lfu tiahwa the following itllru In prow hla
i-utiiliiiMiia rr.lUuliui upon, auil cullliallun uf. aakl
l-iml, ta. 1' I.. I.aalon, Mm U. iNiariiialii, f.Tuiiu
Ijor, A. It. Uiupbult, all vf l'al.1., Or.
Anj r..n viliu doaliM Wi praual acaiual tha
alluiaiu of audi pnuft or ab-i Vnowa ulaHy aub
ttantUI riaun, uudar tbtflaa and rfifuUlluua of
Ilia liiltilor ilautHiaut, hj tiwli prouf aliuuH
Hut I alluwd, nil! ba tflvnu an upMrliiHily at
tlm aboio lutiiliuiiril time and i.laaw tu rrm. ciaiu.
lite tin wltiMMM-a uf aakl eltlutaiit, aud tooirar evl
Iwiiw In rabuttal ( that aukiultlnd hy eWlmaiit.
C It Joiia W. I.cwia, lUjater.
V. 8. Ud OIRer, llunn, Or. April , lsuo.
Cuiuplatiil liavhiir Wen .ntarMl at llila nlllce by
John l- hullUaii ualual IV. II I'urmt.r fur akau-
luli luc hla llwuwtMil Kiito No. daud May
), 140. lb. K 1 i SW 11 aud IV I i UK I I
r.M1p II n II U 1. 1 Hi Quit muuty, lrrk'i.u,
vilih a tlnw In tba eiueallatluu of aakl mlrj; tha
aakl ptrUva am baraby auniuiouial to apiwar at
Ihl. olllco on the 7lh day of Jiln, latai, at 10
o'olotk a. m. , to ri'aioinl aud fuiiilah Icalliiiuny
lUiKaruliur aald allavail abaiHlnnint. Ami aald
lUitliM vi Ol furlhar lako nutle that Phil llvlachati
Uiimty dark of Oranl vouiily, Or., hai brwu cum.
mlaelotipd by tlw raglator i f t lata ulfloi lu lake
ha teetitunHy of aiith ullliivaaaa aa iltbvr aity
maj brlnir Uliim l.lm far Hat piiruo, at I.I. nfflo
III Caiij. .ii I'lty, Or., ou May Wnl Itku at 10
uMuiik a. in.
i-wl Oltbw at Tho llall.a. Or.
Hi) I, lll.
Nutl.'o la hart'br clian that tb fullualiii; naiiioil
aaltlar U Iliad l.ulfm uf hla InlMilluiitu uuka dual
iwf lu auppui! uf hla ttlalm, and lhal aald pruof
Kill U uiaja Ufcrai Iba i-oulil) ilalk of Grai.t
aatuitty Orxrm at ('au)ou City, Oration, uii June
il, lat), via- Hlrhnril 8- Siiyilor. " N
HSlf tU H btll Ni: ii r NW nr. rill ur aiwl Nt:
ir nW qr laac ST., Tp II H II li IV II.
lie i.alua tha fullovtlHK wlluiaaaoa tu prove hla
r"Htiiiuoua realilvui upuu, aud eidUvallifi of
awl laud via It J Mut-kdaU. .' V Olllour, UK
I. late alutmlan ktiKkdala, alluf llajvllk. Or
An ptriou "bo Jt'l'ai to pruleat a.lul Ilia
allunai..!.' f auali pruof, or whu knom ( any auk
aianltal raaun, UMd.r tlio law aud rrgutatioue of
tha lul.rlor miiaitiaenl. hy auth pivuf abnuld
iii.t U- allowid. xlll b (Win vn upiuituiilty n
tin. abuvi intnlUiiiuil lluta ami pltao lu cli-. evoiil
Inu tin' Mlluea.i'a.uf aald laUiiut. anl lu orttr
ovIJauao lu rooulul "I Uwt aubmiltal by elalHMUt
Hi JOHN W. U:VIS, llfalittr,
Kcmlnlsccnces of Colorow.
I first saw Colorow the famous,
or rather infamoms 1'to Chief in
lb'OO. I was running a grocery
store nt Canon City, Colorado,
whoro he need to comu to trade.
Ho always bad four or live wives
with him, and a lot of ontcnstri
from tho Ulo tribe. Although by
birth Colorow was the King ol" the
triln', they never had much nso for
him. He mid bin pquws, together
with two or ihreo dogs, used to
sleep in my store ut night, while
the rest of the gang hntl to sleep on
tha ground outside. He presented
me with a lreuutifiil huflhlo robe
one time, and ramo back Inter in
the day and did the Injun act wo
used to hear about in our childhood
dnys. In thoco times we were all
afraid of the Indians, and I got the
robe for him in double quick time.
Wo had just started a branch
store in California gulch, now
l.endville, which was then a para
dise for the gold digger, aud 1 fre
quently met Colorow on the way to
and from Canon City while carry
ing goods from one place to the oth
er. He would come into camp, but
somehow or other wo novcr went to
shop when he wns around. The
gulch hnd in 1S00 a Kpuln!ion of
nlsjtit lO.(XX), inoit of whom wore
miners who wero away from tlio
town, working their chums in day
time. I ran a combination grocery
ami drug store, in partnership witii
Doctor Kouts.
I was clerk and recorder and
clerk of the district court nlso. Ono
day my wife ami I were alona in
the pliice, when a dark form stood
in the doorwny, which 1 recognized
us belonging to Colorow. Ho wns a
terrible enter and he btrtittod into
the place followed by four squaws
and two dogs.
"Knt nowl" ho said pointing to
his stomach.
"Not now," I replied "by nnd by.'
'ICnt right away," he grunted.
I saw him lingering a hntchut
nntl concluded that I wanted to eat
right away, too. All we hnd in tho
hoiito wns some beau soup nnd a
hum bone, lie snt down ut the
bend of the table ami bis squaws
around him. He put his hnnds in
the foup 'Kit nnd scooped out the
benu porridge with bis fingers,
grunting all the time nnd acting
like a boy. The squnws didn't got
much nor tho dogs either. After
he hnd enteu an enormous quantity
lie Kintcd to my wife and Haiti,
"heap nice squaw." In about an
hour afterwards he c-nmo back hold
ing his bauds over his stomach.
"Heap sick," ho grunted "want
I tohl him I didn't know any
thing about medicine, when he
whipped out his hatchet and hit
the desk such a rap that the ink
bottle spluttered mo all over with
its contents. I wiih frightened, nnd
turning around, saw a jar of Kpsom
salts standing behind him on a
shelf. I went to the back of the
store and mixed a big tin cup full
of the stulf and guvo it to him.
Ho went away, and tho next day a
woeful looking object came limping
into tho shop when Fonts was there.
I told him what I hud gived Colo
row, nntl Kouts said that it wns a
wonder he didn't die. 1 told Kouts
about Colorow dining with me the
day previous, and ho said he had
eaten everything in his house, too,
tho same day, which gluttony prob
ably mndo him sick. Wo didn't
want the old devil to die in the
store, so wo fixed him up and made
a lied for him. He stayed two or j
three days, nml when ho went nway
ho guvo mo a roll of buckskin nnd
Ids favorite dot;, Bonito, well nam
ed, too, for it was without exception
the thuuiCHMooking curl lutve ev-
,.i i. ... i. i ,
er seen. I niuii i wuni mo uensi,
but kept it until it killed itself, by
overgorging, I think.
It is btntod that thoru aro 10,
iil physicians iu the empire of
.litjmu. Tho population is put
down ut about forty million.
Lock-jaw, 6nys a subseribor, a
junetieal horo iiiiui, may readily
bo relieved by wrapping tho hoiro
in bhinkets dipped in a kettle of
hot water ami covering him close
ly from head to foot for hnlf an
hour, when tho systom will relax
and medicine may bo giion.
IMco lciltiecil. Kvorv family note ran
havo tho let Anloiimlto riuivlng Ma
clilno In tlm market at ri'tluccil ulce.
I'or p.irtlciiliin miiiiI for our now IIIuh
tinted Circular with hainiiU of Miteli
ini;. Our lllustiatiil kliowa
t voiy put of tlio .Mnolilno piifi'otlv, nml
U worth m'iiiIIiik for evun If you hare a
Machine. Kruno ,V Murphy Mfu. Co..
IU and 117 Weat Wth .St., N, V, city,
Queer I'uneral Customs.
The iiuisie kept up nt Irish wakes
used to be for the purH)?o of driv
ing away ovil spirits.
Tho .Mohammedans a I w a y s,
whether in their own country or ono
of adoption, bury w ithout ii colli n
of any kind.
Tho natives of Australia tie the
bands of tbo corpse nntl pull out
tho linger nails this for the fear
Mint the dend will wnitoh their way
out of the way and become vam
pires. In India, till within the pnst four
years, tho devoted wife nseonded
the funeral pyro of her dead hus
band nntl wns incinerated by the
snine Unmet Mint reduced her loved
one to ashes.
During tho time of the old 1 to
man Kmpiro tho dead bodies of all
except suicides were burned. The
(iroeks sometimes buried their dead
iu the ground, but more generally
cremated them in imitation of tho
When n child dies iu Greenland
the natives bury a living dog with
it tho tlog to bo used by tho child
ns a guide to tho other world.
When questioned about tliisulrniigo
custom they say: "A dog can llntl
his wnv nnvwhero."
Tho jHtstnge on a letter from the
I'nited Stales through Knglnnd to
India, is ft cents. The postage on
u letter mailed in Knglnnd for In
dia, is 10 cents. On account of
this the Knglish public is milking a
big kick against tho Knglish pasta!
(loorgo I j. Newton, a wholesale
giueer of lloston, promised to pny
John Lankota, a New York drum
mer, $100 if ho stopped drinking
and smoking for one year. I.atiko
ta enrried out tlio agreement, but
the grocer refused to pny. The
drummer sued him, and the superi
or court ordered Nowton to pay 9 100
and costs.
This is indeed tho eleetrie ago.
New discoveries in electricity are
being ii. ado almost daily and its
possibilities are unlimited. It is
now claimed that wall pnper can be
made in such a way that the pas
sage of low tension electric currents
will bent it moderately warm to
touch and dill'tiso throughout the
room an agreeable temjieraUiro,
(Jiieen Victoria took with her to
Ailes lloins three coachman, nine
grooms, eight horse, ono donkey,
three carriages, seventy-two trunks
three special beds, a cookiug-otovo,
two doctors, ouo surgeon, three In-dios-iu-wnitiug,
ninu women t-or-vauu,
one loiifi two oquurnoi ami
seven doga.
CiHitn-So you think of locating hero 7
'ninltbin- Via. 1 tuoujiut souio uf prao
tlclnir among ynu.
C'llljen- fVo here, ycuni man, thorn'ii u
pood piwntnir hvru fur n man tut under
aland IiU hla, but rn don't vtnnl uopiiK
llflni;, ur I'liH.rltiieiitlnH-d'Xiiiliiy'a ufiaf
u mint
Mittir timer) women cult on tlielr family
riloalclms, nirTcriiik-. rut tfu-y linatlui', ono
iniia ilyrpeKla, another frcm l.iurt alls
taw, uniitlicr from llvir or kidney dlarflno,
mmtbi r f ruin nervous ri lunation or pn.
trution, i.notlirr with pnln bero or thern,
mid In this nay tliur till prnt, allko to
thcmnlvia nnd tlu'fr rojy-troliiir nd in
dlllorriit or over-busy ilix-lnr, aeparato
end dlatlnet dlH-afcn. for vvhlcti tin pip
aerlU'S his pllla nnd i.dtlniu, ntauiiilna
tliem to bo such, whon. In n alliy, they oia
oil only iytni,.iru rniiMal by kmiio womb
(llanrdiT. Tho physician, Isnornnt of the
i-aiiaa of auHirlnif, encounuji 111 "prur
tlra" until Inrk'o bills inn uiuda. Tliu auf.
frrluir putli iit (ruts no liettir, but prolm.
bly wnrto by rwnn of tho delnr. wnin
trrntinnit mid conscrpicnt coinillcotloiia.
A proper mmlli'lno, llku l)r, Iiurtv's Ka.
nrltii I'rt'acrlptlon ilnrcfi-d to emu
would linvo rimoviil tlm dliraae, dlspollnl
nil tlna-u dlstnsln ryiiiptmns, end llntl
tulml (ximhiit liiHtiuil of pruluuircil inlarry.
It's tho only incdiclno for tbo wtikucMi,
Irrcifiilarllh'S nnd painful diranEcmrnts
KiiiHir to wnmeu. rold by druiKlala,
iindi r h poalllvo uiiiiruillro t hut It will
civil lailafaiilon in rrrrv rate, or prioo
p.ild for It will ti promptly rrfutidil.
mi. i'ir.n(u;'r) iii',i,i.i;tn pku.
latu und vluuiiao tlio In it, sioinuch and
ntU. Ono n doc, tkjU by drug.Ul.1
ceuU a vid.
(int. . via rn'iv" piuiiM'l and mi'ful iiiiiuo..
Gold S Silver Bullion n;S?tf;WA!SX
Adlmi. 17.C 1 1739 Iittc::i :t, Sttrir, Cib.
bi rn.
The Kcncc-Kail l'cnule Acton,
"flood innriiiti' .Mrs. O'Haherty.
An' has ve liennl from Mnrv Ann
in New 'urk Intelv?"
"I have, .Mrs. O'Khihortv."
"An' how's she doiu' now'"
"Jist like she always was, t'ank
"An" jihwat was Mint?"
"A shtudyin' for tho sthago."
"An it's a sthago droiver that
she s genu to bet
"Vis, iu wnn way it is, t'ank ye;
nf she knpes on sfio'll tlroivo the
sthnge frnm under tho loikos nv
.Mrs. Lnngtry mi' Mint .lane l'otter
Hrown uoiiien enlonely, she will.
Mary Ann ni they look loiko finco
miis nlougsitle nv her, mi' the Unco
rail, hoigh society famail actors
tit vor mnko a great smiceiss av
"Och, pbwat tlo vo's bo givin' us,
Mrs. O'Unhcrty? 'i.ook at Mary
Anderson, There niver wns on the
shtitge ii more Unco mil lookin' wo
man than she is."
"Hut look at tho consetpiinces,
Mrs. O'ltnherty. l'ltwero is she
now? llroke tlown entoirely nn' is
goiu' to git mnrricd. If they want
to staiitl the wear nn' tenr uv'u sooo
cissful faiiiail actor they must have
the build loiko Mury Ann tin, t'la
opatry av owld. It's tho lo.'ko av
tliim that drnws. I.ook at Claoia
try; she was the chaif laider av
hoigh society iu her toimo; nn' Mint
Krid (iibhurdt was nothin' to tho
Mark Antony that she did bring to
her fate, ami I'll guarantee ye it'll
not be long ontil Alary Ann " do bo
bringin' the laider av the great
New Vark hoigh society Kour Hun
dred, Mike Allistcr, to her fate."
"An' pbwat the tlivil has that got
to tlo wid the shtage an' uetin', Mrs.
O' Haherty?"
"Faith, an if ve think there bees
no actio' about it, Mrs. O'Flnhcrty,
ye'ro away bihintlt tho toiines.
Mobby yo'll know more as grow
ouldur. Hut I must run iu 1 hear
me Wiishin' biliu over."
ilapaiieo chickens with tails
from eleven to thirteuu feet long
ure being imported into this conn-
What iiotioenso it is to say u
ninu is "inclined to bo biild!"
When a nitin is becoming bald it
i (juito against his inclination.
John M. Seal's is tho htrgc&t in
dividual tawiyer iu lloston. lie
pays 3311,000 ou :!,! 17,000 worth
of real estate an I a personul e.itnto
or Sl'Jo.OOO.
An AmuricuB, (!u., negro is
bturvilig himielf to death after
tliri'ii eirort to kill hiuipelf by
poisoning, hII bocause his alFce
tioiis L..VO lwit trilled uithbyn
tlusky dauiK'l.
The life of imiu is summed in
birthdays uml in tcjiulchurs." Tlio
Mime is trim of nations for "they
rite nnd inl; like bubbles ou the
sen." Prominent among tho na
tions which havo paaacd away aro
tho .Mound lliiilders. I hhall say
nothing of them, but only of this
- -one of (heir s.-pulchers which
is situated ou the on it bank of tho
Little Miami River, forty miles
iiortheust of Cincinnati, Ohio.
What this old fortilicntion wns in
its primitive statu of beauty or
Usui illness, wo novur inny know.
It stands ou the brow of a lofty
hill in imtiiy places reaching ni.
elevation of two bundled uml thir
ty feet overgrown with under
brush and trees, aud now enclosing
a fertile farm of oi.o hundred
acres. The main embankment is
com poued of u wull of earth with
openings at regular intervals, nml
making the total lough of embank
ment about live miles, Just to
tho north of tho inclosuro aro two
mounds of curth which aro fast be
ing leveled to the ground uml from
which several skclotoiiA have been
taken, This fort has bcuu so of
ten visited uml revisited by tour
ixts, euch eiigoi' to curry away some
mouiento, that who goes Micro in
hopes of enriching a cihiuct will
bo disappointed, but who goes for
tho purpoao of beholding ouo of
tlio grand memorials of this ex
tinct race, will bo amply rewarded.
It it in a work of nit, but nuttiio
has so long been remodeling und
changing until ut tho prcacul timo
it looks to bo more a wirk of na
ture than any other. Great Divide.
Absolutely Puro.
Thiaiumdar nnrr van. a A i i l uf puilly
it rui lb and aim'.., .1,,.. M..r.( Mimical lli.ia
Iba orilluaM limit, laimot be auhl III ivuiprtl
Hull valtli lliv utitllll Uil i.l lar I.-.I, thaul Mrlflil,
alum or pliuaplMtn p.Jrr Nuhj nwly III Sim,
Itbjal Ikklhit PuviUrr (V., luO M nil St., ,V, Y.
Assayei 6 Analytical Clicmist.
Make AminjH or IomIh of all kii d I
of On-s,
Kxnniiiio Mines, pirpiro Mapn of
nud reports ou snino.
liiT" Ordiri by mnil will lowtvo
prompt AtloiHi n.
V ) Itiivlll, Jt.ila r l( y Kii.
n .. tiri:r;Hiuiuiii
I in i M.r.i-U aud Mailt..
.'I. y..ur. It 1 1 tut ciioy-
1l I HI.',' ' 1 ,.! II It rill infoi'.
ri.iu.a u nil who pmr.
i' . l!io tin iu-Ii-h cr tlio
r.' i iitlr i 01 Ufa. W.i
crin olotho yv.4 .1! I'.ramli you with
all tlio Hi i- i j , i,. l ii t.uxMUMiary
nppllnnuua ti. 1 : i, i.v'.l., ilr.ntHi, aloop,
onl, flali, h.r.:, . tj oluirpli.
or atoy nt It. uu. i-. i.l 1.1 vri-imia cUes.
tylo tin l I-'.". .Iiii'. IUuio out
v.lmt I. oi,in I.i ill ll.,'o t.Miir.n
COMmtlTflHi f. . -ni v.. u cn.n niu.o n fnlr
oitliuiit.t nt A,.
(IU1DK, 'i -rucolpt
of 10
i. i no m ut upon
li t.i ii i- ikiatniiD.
111. Hi Uluiiitpui A.. n'l. OblJiiso.lll.
1 1 Ajt'ivii lA '7 1.
'H?rrT ';JlU.WnYY;.Mnf)
AUJusrWetN i vrny I'tAmnc
agfjiit wanted
C.TAliH-.ill. C .-. ll.niol, f..ailf,E
orv.iu.uti .-:i mi.''?li-tioh.
fa.'!"1 I'l'CU.U-
UIM fciaT i i i iaw
lritclili'tif allVv
In cill.m .t1 'f.
I Ml till!)' r 1T.
4oullaolli)fi, htvty IIixm,
ini lin inii'i iinp
Ural 4Mttlliy tyrnutflt
tur Mtitkiiiaaitalifniiiiiittikcik lltirlwili-al fnrr
ltM ! iIm-vIt il lijr i lirn. WutUuttt t fl tmHttton$
riviitoMfitr IIm Kvituii'f nrih'ti. thty niuiihti
luhte nml lUiiitiWiu. flw hyiril t U'KMMtN Ur.
Viil.TXm mtv ll.lMl Ut-Mt il.l' lrr t IHltlfi
hAMiv. Ji'ltliw nnif tint lArul, iu t rrv pun r-
MIlllMUl IftttVt IllftUl tl' IlilVlf'lC them, utuj If
our ilraffrmitiM4 mpplt y-Mt, mi .,I r mtiiI Uttl
hrv lvli(V liH'lM' .tiiu-l MlliXif lull iHmCtllf
I uiUlotfuu ttint r1(riiipHi n)pll Allu'.
rfl 1 tli. (It It, .UllArta
fln I til. ttittulilllir unit iirmi'itrt. 1ii
-t;o to Tin:--
(lllJfUll.lJlljf Dll
liichard .'I: Carl:, Prop.
ron a nusT if uw nvni, huve, iiam-
POO Oil II Mil f'l'T IN TIIK I.A'1'tST IfrVhi:.
Jonli nutj - Or
Hnrdwaro, Minerf' SuppHci, Etc, Etc
Hydraulic l'!io and all liiiuls of
Tinware ninniifiietiirod to order.
Tho only Tin-shop in (Irnnt coun
ty, nntl equipiwd for all intuiner of
....... v
... , ., . .yBTitin
n fir ii t ri n lma l