Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 29, 1890, Image 3

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    a V
Thursday, May '2D.
Don't Imt on (lie election.
Ilrtrn, May 23, ls00, to wife of X.
Ituliwn, a iliinjditer.
Horn, May 20, 100, to the wife of
It, 0. Trnwliritlg, it daughter,
Olxwnru Decoration ilny nnd pay the
lHUtiful tr!lwU to tho iloKiitfll.
V. W, (Jurdwoll, ropuhlionn candi
date for rtJprwwntntivo of Grant nnd
Harney owmthji, U cnnvussitu; Gmnt
Un week.
Wo nro rquUd to niinotinoo that
Jimmy Unliiittou is ttiu dcMitocrotio
oandiilnUi fnr jiutico of the pence in
this jirocinct.
.Mr. M. S. llolhiinn rotunusl liomo
Friday nvoiiing from n trip l-elow,
whither liu went to attain! tho tleino
urntio 0la oonvnntion.
Vrojwro your 1-alloU and vote for
thosn you think wilt lunko tln lt
ofllcorm for Grunt county this is the
high privilege you onjoy.
Vic Oozad, nil smiles, dropped into
our sanctum Monday and whispered
"it's n lmy; n Ponnnyur voter!" Anil
buoIi was n fact, Imving out tho voting
Allxirt llinwh tlio jeweler i getting
work from nil over tlio country nnil
Iris work i nll.ntiifactory. llo has
just (mil fiOO liusinM ami printed at
this ollieo. !;
Thcro is loud nnd continuous com
plaint of tliu lxid roiid lietwecn John
Day nnd Hunch creek, nnd unless nl
ready looked nftor proper complaint
will bo made hy teunuters.
U. 11. Finn, of li Grnnde, who his
xmi acting district attorney nt tho
Harney term of court, nrrived, in com
pany .with iMr. Cardwoll .Monday,
The Ni;vs ndknowhslges a pleasant
call from Iwth of tho gentlemen.
Sco tho nil. of II. niauknmn .t Co.
on thi page. Whether elected to tho
state sennto or not Mr. lllaukman in
tends to bid for a portion of the (I runt
county trade, nnd will give you Imr
gains when you dosiro to trade at
Two teaiiuttors, Livingston nnd
Horn, while swimming tho Middle
Fork one day last week, got into tho
swift current nnd their wagon mid
tonui was enrried down stream nnd
one of their horses was drowned.
They were onrouto to Pendleton nfter
This ollieo receive! a call last weuk
from Hon. Holt. Fnkiu, republican
nniniiieu for circuit judge. Mr. R-ikin
bus lieeu busy arguing casca in the su
preme court, therefore his time was
limited mid lie found it impossible to
visit every county in tho district Wi
foro election.
So vend teams loaded with wool nnd
pelts which Mr. Blackmail purchased
while in 1 larnoy county.iwissed through
hero during the pagt few days Wind
,for llejipner, and wo understand other
tenuis are on tho road. Hums mor
clkinU will no doubt fihip nil their
go:):ls by way of Heppner instead of
Ontario, us by thus doing thuy will
save hundred of dollars in freight.
tirant county's wonderful produc
tiveness, whether duo to climatic or
other iniliienciH, has Uvn deinouxtrn
tod in another branch of industry.
Jlrud Tiowbridgo found himself tho
owner of u cnlf jiut one ilay old, whose
pa was n lloUteiu, llo placed tho
young slickour on thu cation nnd it
tippol the Ikjuii at lift !ln. Hrinon
u calf to b.'iil that, yo countries with
n big boom,
The loyf up the vnlley nro trying
to get Hunry l.'iumuce mad by calling
him tho boiM cougar hunter, wo are
.informed. It seems that Henry was
out hunting the other day, ami at n
time when lt least expected a big
cougar loomed up between him and
further pronws. Henry nfterwurds
litaUid to n teporter that tho animal
looked as big as n letyatiiok, nnd he
concluded he was not hunting cougars
that day.
In tho iiiprome court last week the
judgment of the lower court was mod
ified in the ease of the Stole vs J. I).
Uoinlw, an apponl fiom this county.
Tho court remands the cixuko to the
court Iwlow with instructions to son
tuui'o the defendant under See. l'JO'.l,
Hill's Cole. ()inU will lilted SI. 10
nt lust regular U-rm of court for selling
liquor on Sunday, and appealed on thu
ground that the couit had no jurisdic
tion to line him more than $2T,
Now comes tho (ia'.i tto nnd admits
thnt it was Ixittliug for HIackman bo
uiuso it thought Morrow county en
titled to the joint senator. HUus you,
now, that is nearly the reason thu
Nr.wa has advooatoil the election of
MoHaley because wo thought ho
would U'tter protect tho interest-) of
his tirtiut county coustitueut. Hut
it will nil bo over by this timu next
week. The people's choico will go to
.Salem and the other fellow can go to
Salt liver.
HheriH(!my wont over to Harney
last week to nrrest Win. 1'ago on the
indictment for killing Win. Drown,
but found the indictment on tile in the
reuords of 1 larney county also, which
it in-oiiis should not hati l.eeu Uiken
from the tucoriU until thu prisoner
win in tho custody of the tlieiill' of
(Irunt oounty. ,ludo Clifl'onl ordunxl
a Mwtpoiieiueut of the case until thu
nnttor eould I.q properly udjusted
hat is, until (lie fcliHriU's of w tH
counties find out which one wants to
Ar'rt't Pitge.
J. Mrwly U orioiisly HI with
Ikiker tho booming city will soon In
lighted by oloctricity.
Next Monday native nnd civilized
OroSoniaiw enn voio.
StrnwlHirrios will ripon with n few
men' mthor wni in days.
Mr. Henry Sels who has suflerwl a
long time is growing very wonk.
MiK I5lln Sels nrrivod home from n
visit to her nistcr in Montana hut
Miwars. l'nrriih nnd Dentin, lawyers
of this precinct, nttoudod court nt
I Inrney last w wk.
The Pacific Hruvfory'H Colchrnlod
Hccr, Iho liout in Knsturn Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at thu
Uud Kront Uillianl Hall.
It has Inhiii dccidiMl that Chinamen
eaiutc.t hold milling clnims by purchase,
lunsn or otherwise, in tho U, S., nnd
claim jumping is lively in sonio paiU
of tho country.
How aliout Iho jilctlgo that Mr.
Hlnrkinan wih to niako Hint ho
would opjKiflo nil divifion or cutting
off from tirant county; has anybody
over scon it in hlnck and whifvt
Miss Jixsio Cattnnarh was married
nt Dillon, MnnU, last Welnesday, to
Mr. Tom Poindexter. They inmicdi
ntely derlml on their wwlding tour
nnd nro visiting the bride's parents nt
Inlm Day.
Tommy McKwnn has again taken
the tfontrnct for onrrying tho mail U
tween this city nnd Unker, wo under
stnnd at nil mlvniico over which tho
original contractor took it. Mr. Mc
Hwati nuintieni his friends along the
line by the score, nnd they nil rejoice
that ho is to remain stage proprietor.
Hepretontntivo Hermann has writ
ten to the N' i:vs that tho ottal de
uirtmunt on tho 17th issued an order
inviting bids for carrying the mails
from hen) to Stewart and Lack; This
mate is sixty miles long, mid is to ho
once n week instead of a tri-weekly as
was first recommended.
Hukor City's Ikvuii is nwnkeuiug
the sluinlieritig enterprise of hor peo
ple, and they aro unking their old
liones rattlo they aro in such a hurry
to improve the golden moments as they
lly. The railroad to Sumptor is now
an assured fact, which will considera
bly shorten out toad to the depot. We
exclaim with tho lioomist, hurrah for
I taker's boom. Her Ixxun means a
great deal for (..'rant1 county's mining
and farming industry.
Tho communication from down
tho river iH refused with an great a
dpgreo of lenity as wo can accord to
disgraceful cpistlca of itn character.
Tho Nkwh in not a blackmailing
idicet, and will not countenance any
blackmailing Hchcmo. Wore the
candidates in question to learn your
name you would want to enjoy
more "fctrict pccrccy" than yon en
join iqion tho editor. Youriimlruc
tionfl to "publish and send hill" aro
not heeded. Call and got your mis
erable manuscript if you want it,
and don't send any more such stuff
to this paper.
Pi:on.i: ok Git a nt Co. T want
you to undurstand that I havo come
to your county scat and ojicnod n
shop with intention to stay hero
permanently. Having learned my
trade in Germany I am propared to
nut your watches and clocks in thu
heat condition jmssihle. If you
want to keep an export and fully
trustworthy mechanic hero right
along at your command como and
patronize him and do not squander
your monoy at other places for snido
work. I mean just what I havo
saitl. Respect fully,
Al.llKItT lIl.SHC'll.
Tuesday evening wo received a
letter from a business man of Long
Creek who hud been over to Hepp
ner, an extract of which wo give:
"Henry Hlaekman has finished his
campaign in tirant and Harney
counties and now intends to finitdi
his light in Morrow county, in which
1 think he intends to do some hard
work, and one of his main defences
is to make the sheep men of Morrow
county heliovo that if elected ho
will not allow any hill to pass that
will prevent Morrow county sheen
from grazing in Grunt county. '
This letter earl ho ecen and tho au
thor's name ascertained hy apply
ing to this otllee.
Proposals for Carrylnc U. S. Malls.
U. S. Post Okkh'i: Dki'.uitmknt.
Oilico of the Second Assistant Post
master (ieneral,
Washington, I). C, May 20, 1801).
Tho Postmaster General authoriz
es you to advertise for bids for car
rying tho mails from Canyon City
via Homer and I zee to Stewart, (it)
miles, once n week each way, hy a
schedule of '20 hours, from July 1,
1800, to.luno.'iO, 1 801.
A contract with sureties must he
Tho Postmaster at Canyon City
is authorized to receive all bids and
forward same unooncd to this ollieo.
J. A. WiiiTriKi.n,
Sec. Assistant Postmaster General.
Important Notice.
All persons knowing thciiiBolves
indebted to .1. S. Hiiptonstall indi
vidually, or to the old firm of Hap
toustall it Dart, will please come
forward and settle, for wo muht
close tho husiucfs of the old linn,
and I want to go to California fur
my health. All who do not settle
up by tho of July 1800 their
accounts will he tqruud oyer (q an
attorney at that date.
John Day, Or., May 23, 1300.
Wagner, May 15, 1S00
The Judge threatens to resign un
ions there is more mmiucss in a mat
rimonial Hue dug up, for since
Johnny tias lett there aro no pros
jk-msIb of making enough to pay n
clerk at court, or buy tho oil to keep
the judge in running order.
Tho excitement over the new
road to Dayvillo and Canyon lias
subsided again and the directors of
the concern aro onco more at the
lioad of it, and any one of your
readers who has paid in any money
some three years ago had hotter
kciiii iii ins onier tor u, ns uie iMiaru
never expended a cent on tho road
unless it was at a tavern on some
other road, and it would U an In
justice to licat a man who is lilieral
enough to support an enterprise.
Among other items of interest is
tho depsrluro of Honest John for
parts unknown. Tho jKwr fellow
was inqKifcd iixm again by some
of the boys driving in fomo horses
with Johnny's brand on, but which
the latter did not claim just then,
hut as wan afterwards found out
had claimed at other tiinis when no
warrant was out for him. I think
Johnny has left for good this time,
as the climate around tho "Hello
View Law Factory" is getting loo
hot for h!m.
Wo aro anxiously awaiting tho
arrival of somo candidates to s 'iison
the political stew with a little gin.
Blackmail, from Heppner, is extrac
ted to arrive shortly, and being a
great hand at electioneering and
treating the hoys he'll meet with a
hearty welcome. He will undoubt
edly get away with a few votes hero
for there are alwn'ys Home few men
who think it essentially necessary
to havo their county seat at a place
whero they can buy a jmund of su
gar or a paper of tea at double pri
ces because it is a railroad town,
and when called upon to attend to
county business they may want to
have an old sheep pelt or a lleoce
or two along to pay for their whis
key. And since wo have helped to
build a court houso at Canyon City
and Hnppner being in need of one
the lilH-ralily of some of our faraeo
ing business men goes ro far as to
help elect a man who will undoubt
edly auuo.v this pait of Grant to
Morrow county and give us the
pleasure of having to ctoss a moun
tain that is passable for a snowbird
only in the winter time. Hut then
you know Heppner is a railroad
town, and the tafl'v promises and
soft soaii intorlaifen with a few
drinks of whiskey adects the intel
ligence of home of our citizen to
such an extent that common sense
and reason have no e licet on them.
Hut such Is a political agitation,
Go to tho lied Kront Milliard
Hall, Can von City, for fine wines,
liquors and cigars.
In all diseases of tho Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys, use, to tho ex
clusion of all other mediciiu s, Na
ture's own remedy. Pfunder's Oro
gon Mood Purifier.
Our now "ad." from tho enterpris
ing (inn of Collin A Mel'arland,
Heppner, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a lino large boo);,
which retails at Jp-I.CX) each, toovery
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, luHits and shoes, hats etc., to the
amount of $21.00, allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
Give- them a trial order, when you
send away for goods.
- . . -
Pacific LIrewcry Ilccr.
Notice is hereby given that I
havo this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the Hcer manufac
tured at the Pacific llrewory, Maker
City, Or., within the county of
Grant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
II. Stansell is tho authorized mana
ger of said Depot. All orders from
Grant county for this celebrated
beer, either in bottles or kegs, will
be filled by Mr. Stansell.
' IIkniiv Hl'ST.
Proprietor Pacific Hrewery, Maker
City, Or.
lkcauso thoy are as durablo ns tho
Huekoyo, and Kxccl all others in
Will run over any kind of ground
pnssihlo for a inaeliiiio to run over,
ami Warranto 1 In work well in tho
heavint.t grass:)?, and will bu soil for
Delivered in John Day for $70.00
Tor paitiouhrs call on or uddroFs
Agl. Juilson Mfg. Co.,
Hakkii Cirv - - Oregon.
Lali.l (llllco l I.J Omulo, Orrvon.
II y M, IKK).
N'ollic li lif rclpjr glfn tint the fullilui;-iuiiitil
ctllvr ln lllnl hiillca of I, la iiUnll"H ! imkr
flml .fi.of in u ul Mi cUllii, ih! Dial mUI
pfuul villi l nnd lcfui Ok family JilIlt, ur
hi hit iUchm UfuM tlio Cauiitr 'lik nl flrnt
cuuiilr. nl ('nu)iu I Hi, Or , on Jul)' ti, lnui, tl i
CM I. r.UlUN. IM N.i 3lll,.irlli W lull NWI,
SK r MV ir. KW iir .SH ur H U Ti U SU S3 1; ii
llo imiuim llic following wUiifiwo li iirnvn
colillniiou rolilrnco uwit ami rulllliUou of,
i.l In ml. tie HlllUiu II I'ltixuKr, WillUm
Vriil.l,Mniul llouiih.Julin A)ilcfoll,ll uf Tntlile
I'll), Or.
Any rwu wltn Jelr t irntit tgiinrt tlm
E'limii.w mil (i'.il, oi ha tnnm i,l irnriub
tantul ruiiuii. ii 0 1, r ll0 U tint l(;i(iiUll..ui u
pi li,li(w I rliiKiit, vi(ir mil fqf ilwuW
nut !', mil be flmi an uiMirluity al Ilia
ilMVa iiiiiiOuiiavl lime anj )ilac la rro i taiulnu
Ilia wllna.xt ul aaU tUluiaul. ail la ullrr tMiia
In rtbullil b lli iulimiuilr tialuunf.
M lipijlT ItlNKjUHT, lrjiUI(f.
Stubborn Diseases Yield to Skillful Treat
ment. OrojpinUn.
It is a positive fact that the art
of curing diseases by electricity is
revolutionizing the practice of med
icine, as it is shown hy thefoPowing
testimonials that sjK?ak for them
selves: Mrs. John Sax, a I'jomintnt I.ajy of
I'oitland, Otves Iter Experience
With Dr. Dartln.
Dear Kditor: I have been a well
woman all my life until a year ago
last Augugt, when I was taken down
witli chills and fever, which confin
ed mo to my lied nine weeks with
rheumatism in mv limbs and hands
also liver and kidney trohles.
After lingering in that condition for
live months 1 was advised hy my
physician to try electricity. As Dr.
Darrin had cured my mother of
various ailinonts two years ago, I
put myself under his care. Now I
am so far cured of all my troubles
that only a few more treatments are
needed. " I can bo seen at 25!$ .Sec
ond street, Portland.
M.Mtv P. S.V.Vi
Mr. Kditor Dear Sir: A few
weeks ago I was taken with an ac
ute attack of rheumatism in my
left shoulder and arm, so 1 was not
able to work, and could find no re
lief until I put myself under Dr.
Damn's electric treatment. He
cured mo in aliout ono week's time,
so I can now uso my arm most as
wull as over. Yours,
I.kwib Hti-mi1,
Kahuna, Wash.
To the Public: This is to certify
that Dr. Darrin has restored my
hearing and stopped thu uoisj and
ringing in my tars, that have caus
ed me a great deal of trouble and
embarrassment for tho past year or
so. I cheerfullv recommend tho
doctors to the alllicted, as I know
well of their success and reputation
in Kan Francisco. A.;,
Tacoma, Wash.
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted free
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland, and Hotel Gandolof, Ta
coma. Hours 10 to fi; evenings, 7
to H; .Sundays 10 to 12. Ail chron
ic diseases, blood taints, loss of vi
tal jsiwer and early indiscretions
permanently cured, though no refer
ences aro ever made in tho press
concerning such cases, owing to the
delicacy of the patients. Kxaiuina
tious free to all, and circulars will
be sent to any address, Charges
for treatment according to patients
ability to pay. Tho Mir treated
free of charge from 10 to II daily.
All private diseases confidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at a distance can bo cured by
homo treatment. Medicines and
letters sent without tho doctors'
name appearing.
l'. S. I.tml omtf. Hum., Or. April 13. 1M.
Cmnelalnl haitna? bran tnWrH at IliU ottkP Itr
Jultti U hulllvan aaliiit IV. II. I'orrr.Ur fur at-tn.
tAliInf liU I..iiicIU Klilf) No. l-ul May
i, IK. i, uiii Ilia li I KW I I M,.l W I kK I
h. t 1i 11 H II IS K , In (Jul ruiiiit), lnyii,
wllli nw in Hi. 04iifllUuu of M rnlry. Ilia
aaUiiriUaaroliriili) auuiiiu4 In r at
lhl ultlcr on IIk 7lli Jar f Juu. IMa). at ID
oVUm k a in , li rt'"i!u ami liifnUli tali.Hny
iMiiarninif ahi ninicaj aintiiuaiiinajit .m aaid
,iarllM further take notlro Dial I'll 1 1 Mttaaha.ii
aiuiity vlrrk of count). Or , hat Iwiw at'in-
nilaolonril It) ll r')Ml.Jr nl till I'lllort In lafcfi
lia tr.lllin.liy uf .uuli tltlitr lity
may tiinir Uli rn him fur that iiiirim.u, at l.l. nfliw
In Cihj. ii I'll)-, nr., un )ly SJiil I. at !U
nMutt a. in.
J. II. IIUNT1SOTOV, llatfl.ttr
IjiihI OIWc at lluriia, f Irtori.
May 0. IMA.
Nolle U lirrrlir cltn tht llio fulluMiu.nain il
acillrr liaa llllril lmtl. of Ilia llltflillwi In maka
lln.l imif In nii'iMl uf lilt rUlin. anj llial aalil
nruuf If iikvU Wlom tha muuly JuJo of
llraiit raHinty, t)r , nr In liU al.eitaa tfwro ll.n
run ii 1 rlarl all'aiiniii City, Or , on Julia t, li.i.
ii Jncknon Chnmlmrs, im ".
fnr StV I Src U Ti l.'i S li 30 1 1.
lloiauua tlio fulliimiia Milnrriii In ernra M
isiiilliiiioii raahlriiiti iiinii. ami iiiillllliiii nf,
alii UihI. lt. J.ilill llatl'llMar. U in W hlnm'.
Jainn li.i.toii, Jiilni I' Mulrara, all nf UUiitnn, Or
1 IS J. II III VriMIT'lN, Itanl.ttr
Un.1 Onliv at I ( Or.
Hay 3, jO.
Niillaa la hereby irlvvn that lit, fulltnalnp.fianiii.1
arttler haa llliil n.illiv uf hl InUnlluii to mk
final proof In auHiil nf tila claim, an.) that aal.1
lroo( will I tliatll'forw Ilia inlinty cli'fk of Oral.1
o iiiiiU Dr., al ( nii)iiii City, Or , on Juno 'n, IMi,
ti: lloltiirt Jnaao ftni Kilnlii i'a"
tlia i: hall N k iirhx II, Urn I .SU cjr IS Ti
IS H It 77 K W .M.
llaiiamoalho fulto liiif tellinMara In tiruro til
inntliiunuf rraUltnm ii.m, culll.atlun uf, raUl
UihI, lUi Allen I'Kuyilai. I'llflou I: CluZ". UmiJ
.M iiiiriuii, liicnaru n ni.yiitr, an in lujiiiic, nr.
Anr la-riiMi who ilnlraa to iifuliat Aifalnit Ilia
allnaiii uf aurli itfnol, or xho Vnnwa of any
uuttuiillal raaMi, it tutor the law aiul r r 4 1 a I l..ii -of
tin InUrlnr h prlmi'iil,h) urh tmoif iliwiiJ
iml liv allnwril, atli l ifiurn m nioriitiiiy al m
at'ita nixlltlunvl lima alul 'ln In vrnaa t'amiis
the iliii'.il if aaU cUimtnt, aik liinrfari'tl
ill mi.' In riujttal nf Hat .iil.iiiltli.l hy ulallnaiil.
K-IJ IIDMIV III.NIill.Mtr, ll.vlH.r.
Uiut oniival lliifiit, Or, ilay 17, 10.
Mnllfc it lirrrliy jrltrn that Ilia Mtonlni,' naui.l
Kttlrr liaa lllnl nollrv if lilaliilciitlini to male Dual
iriif In uiiirl of Mi claim, am) that ihlrqf
kill It' nuilr Ufiifa Ilia Cuimly JmUo of Omul t'n,,
Or , or In h ahariiro llm ISiunly lllark at I'amoii
I'll), i( , mi Jul) a, IMM, 1I11 IM.IJAII I'. I.Al'.
llANCtn IM No. lUMUiirllio.NWI SWni.r r. t,
ami IM Nn. U. in M) Si: h.t J. Ti 111, hit SI K.
Ila tiaiiua Ilia fullualuif alttnaiiaa to irot hli
ooiilliiiiiKia rvl.lrm uimn anil putlltatlnii uf, ah
l.nil, tlj; r rank l. Vlv.Uu, Munrna A, I'nnluu,
Win. Stlirnalar, Ihrry A. Tuiktr, all uf l'ilil
tltr. or.
IV IS J. II. lli'imu'lon, llrgl.trr.
UmhI Oiltea al Tlia lulka, Or.
M.y 1, Ism
Nollca la hrr.'br iilrati Hut On- fnllowliin namul
arllUr liaa fllr.1 ihiIIio of hla InlMithailn uiikv final
prnuf In auliiurl of hla rlilm, aiul thai aahl irunf
will tw majo U (1.111 I ha rnuiity link of Qrai.1
omiiity uruyirti at t'auymi rily. Onifoii, mi Juna
v, latai, til ' lllcMnrtl a- Hiiyilnr, n n .- !
Mil Iho S hill Ni: ur NtV r, bi: 'i ami Nl; ,
r o 11 ir ate an, 1 1' 1 1 n it m 1. 1 i .
Un iiamra Ilia fiilluuliiK wltnaaxa tu .roic hl
ri.iitlni.iiuj roai'imu'i iiimiii, ami culllvalluu of
ail.l lamj ill; II J Mocailalu, VI! Iflllior, V K
dlaie. JlcLtllan dloiilal, allnf luytlllc, Or
' Any iroii who Jralraa la 'Mtnt ailint the
iIWhiuoo jI HUdi irodf, or Vfhu Kuoita of any aiil
llllllil raaaau. iu4r lh Uw ami rrnlloii. uf
tha lntrtlor lunlil.M, why aiirli tmi iliyiull
but l ullowaJ, Ix rii an Ofuuiit) at
tha all iicullovil lima ami ( lira lo cioaa nam.
Ilia 1 1.4' Hlh(ia qf 11,11 (.laluunl, ami lu offar
atfM(UM In uboltal nl llial uliuitlluJ ttr clalnianl
I'll n" J0llfiV. (4W1, fafUU'.
VjYiowrjiirr i tickjw:
Congress, J. A. Hin'tn:, of Hunton.
.Seo. of HlnteX PiKiti'K, of Hmatilla.
Trons. IS. F. Wai.kkii, of Jackson.
Supremo Jtidgo
School Supt. T. C. .louv, of Marion.
St. Ptin. J.A.Powitu, of Multnomah.
WiiKitKAS, The thrco great objects
of governnionl are to secure to the
oitixens tho rights of life, liberty
and projH-rly, ami,
Wiii:ui:as, These rights are im
paired and imerillod by the evils
of class legislation, the Onion Parly
of Oregon, representing tho united
op"Msition to these united evils,
adopt the following
Kesolvcd, 1st: That tho Govern
ment establish a national monetary
system by which a circulating me
dium in necessary quantity shall is
sue direct to the. people; that all
moneys issttud, whether gold, silver
or pajwr, shall lie full legal tender
in payment of all debts both public
and private.
L'nd: We demand that all char
tered 1 or jwrations created by law for
the transortation of passengers,
products and intelligence, he regu
lated or owned hy the nation or state
so as to prevent unjust exactions
and discriminations against crsons
places or products.
!lrd: '1 hat as the present tariff
system runs tlie poor man Tor tho
benefit of the manufacturer and the
rich, and that it is one of the great
causes of present monoKilies; there
fore tho present system should bo
abolished or so revised as to equal
ize its burdens.
Ith: That tho Government
should establish a government land
system that will restore to the public
domain all unearned land grants, to
l o reserved for actual settlors; that
will limit the acquirement of public
laud to 170 acres to each erson en
titled to its possession; Dial corjora
tions of whatever name or nature,
shall have no more land than is
necessary for them to elllelently
conduct their business, and that no
alien shall be allowed toacqulio any
laud in the United States.
nth: That the saloon syslcm is
both a cause and an ellect of pover
ty, anil is the chief instrument by
which monopolies corrupt our poli
ties and jieipeluate themselves, and
that we stand committed to aboli
tion of the liquor Ira Hie as a moral
and cconomio evil and a harrier to
all social ami political reform.
()th:-That tho Government should
reiiuire of foreigners a deliuito lest
of Know ledge of our institutions as
a condition of citizenship, and
should, as far as practicable, pro
vide that citizenship, character and
intelligence, and these only, shall
bo the qualifications of a voter.
7lli: That wo demand the adop
tion of the Australian ballot system
as advocated by the ballot reform
league of Oregon.
Mb: That wo declare tho mod
ern trusts and other combinations
for maintaining artillcial prices lo
Ik conspiracies against the common
welfare, and that they should I o
punished accordingly,
ilh:-That the Government should
provide for such arbitration an will
prevent strikes and other injurious
methods of settling labor disputes;
protect employes from bodily injury;
provide that equal pay ho received
for etiual work for both sexes, and
that labor, agricultural and eo oer
ativo associations should be fun tern I
and encouraged by law; and the
wages of thu l.iboror I o Fccured us
far us jKissiblo by giving him the
first lein on the valuables ho creates.
10th: That a graduated income
tax is the most equitable system of
taxation, placing the burden of gov
ernment on those who can best af
ford to pay, instead of laying it on
tlio farmers and producers and ox
emitting millionaires, bondholders
ami corporations,
11th: That wo denounco tlio
non taxable bond as a criminal de
vice by which, with or without the
guilty connivaneo of assessors, tho
wealth of the unscrupulous cheapen
taxation. Wo tliereforo demand
that the further ianie of non-taxable
bonds, whether state or municipal,
be prohibited by law; and that the
assessment lawii of the state be so
modified as to forbid deductions for
such Indebtedness as is not taxable
within the slate, and (hat all prop
erty he assessed in proportion to its
rental values.
l'Jtlt: That wo favor an amend
ment to the constitution providing
for the election of federal senators
hy direct vote of tho jieoplo,
l.'ltli: That the mortgage tax law
should he so amended that the
mortgage must hear tho collector's
stamp before it can be cancelled.
t llh; That wc are in favor of
declaring eight hours a legal day's
labor in factories, mines ami work
shops, anil on public works.
I ami liniwi at (.a Oiaiwla Or.
May t, na).
Nnthfi la liariliy alien thai Ilia fulk.wlijf tiamrd
avltlar liaa flli-l no I lie i.f hla luU-uliuti In luaka
final crn-if In iij uf hla ililni, an.l UiaI aalil
,rtk,t will t lutulii hafort thu luunty tiara ' Orant
i.iuut), Or, al (annul (lly, nr. mi Jul) law),
! Will .un J. Oiiii.liui. n No si.'.
fur Ilia M hall NU iii SY. nt Ml ur MV ill XI! iir
IW. iT(i II K li ! i: W M
Ila iiamia Ilia fiUuwin ttllni'a.aa lo prova hla
rfliitlnuiiiM renl.lrHti' uiioii, am! rullliatluu of,
aahl I. a, I, lr K J lUtlay, J I'araoii Ay iirllul.a
J J HiIii.oii, all uf 1-rafrltCilt Of,
Any rm uu uttiya lo noll aroluil the
allriwaitv1 of ait j'tuof, or w I mi kmiwa nf au)
aiiviUiuUI Ii4a, malar Ilia law ami raxuiatliiut
uf Oh- IbUrlot Ih-lialtiuaiil. why aui-li yrjj ahmjiij
iul U'allutt, will In'ifliaii an 01 jio,iilly al ll.
abura mtii'iic l (lull' ami ulata Ui unai riamlna
Ilia wilufom u Mi l (Ulmtnl, an I lu uQvr tl
IiiC4 In ralimul of that ulmillU.l by (Uluunl
111 IIKHSV MINrUIlt, Hr,lil.r,
U(nl OMW at Ia f!iwl, Or.
April SO, 1SIX1.
Notkf l.hftal'T rlx-n thai Ih fathMln(f.nm.l
arttlar hi. W4 noilm f hla lnlpntlo.i In cnnimnt
atal malollnal ytmt In .Hi..l of tila Hal in ami thai
aiM wf will bv Hia.h- Wtura tha laninly Clerk of
llraat tv, or, al Cannrn (Mil , Or . on Juna 7,
ism, Frnnk Olllolond, IM 10W fur tha
NW I I Sw 8 I p II s it n V. W M.
Ildltaian loe lnl!nwln wllnmra to nc lila
kwIIiiuowi rrMar uw. and CHtUiatkiii of,
aM lml. til- NamiMl l,tnn, Alultaw Uillon,
Jm4i Uiflon, Wlllutm Jnnra, a. I of lnt, Oram
imty. Or.
AHy ptnm ho .loalroa in protaal ncalmt tha
allowai- of Hich prnaf. or who kmiwa of anv aab
.lautbtl rea.un, uiia.r I ha taw and I ha rrcntallimt
vl llw Inlarlor Ixitailmml, why tuth rodf alH-uW
mil t allonail, will W flian an upiwrtunlty at Uh
alwi.o nttnltvnti.1 llmo aiwl pla tu rrtaaa-rtvnlno
th wllnnwrmf aal.l rlalniniil. an.1 InnrTar ( t Idrtir A
In rvhitllal uf that auVaiultal by tl.lmant
II IIKNIIV lll.NKII.MIT, llrglalar.
latM nfliM at Ttu' Ualha, Oitjm.
.tr tl, IMO.
Notloo l ha rah titan lint tha followlnf iianinl
aatllrr haa flliwl nrttii uf hla IMPnthn In twakv final
fmt In nippm! of Ma lUlm. ami that ,hl ptoiif
will hr hmJi-Vfrr tt Cimnty )ml al Can) mi :
tlty nr. mi Jurw t, it. ti: Wllllnm Fry,
of Calrb, Or , IM , fo; lliv NW I I S.t M Tp IT
S It K W M.
lie namen Ihf fullowliif wiliK-aaralA prole hla
rnaitlnnviH tf.hlrnm on, ami i-ultlralliiii of, l,l
liinl. tit. I'. I. Katlnn. MhiM lV.mnaln, 1. Tumi
jfor, A It CiiiilM-n, all of CaMi, Or.
Any fiarai.n who ilraltM In prula.t acalnal tha
atlnaanr of atieN pnmf. of alio Imiwa of any anti
itaullal rraMi, umhr tW law ami rrtvitntloiia nf
tho luUilor iliilmn(. uli) aiwli uiif ahoiikl
nt Ix alluwul, ttiu Iw iilvit ah outiHHity al
tlta ahoic ittafitlomM m ami pliaw ti, rrma eiam.
Inii tha wlloewawa of aakl elaltwaiil, to tirfor r.
iImh In trluitlal f Dial auhinllM by atwIlnanU
o n Jn w. i.ii, liatitr.
.Mi I Ortkn at thima, Or.
VI. y IH, 10.
.Voltcv It hetrly site n thai I ha ful'olne iwhiisl
.altlrr haa Hl.l inillfp of liar liilputton lo taaVa
Snil tirtwif fn attliiwiil of hr vklin. aiwl Ihal aahl
ti iwif will he mail Iwiora Iho Comity J ml) out
llranl nmnly. at CSiiion lily, orvfon, on July,
u, tin .saiiaiI it ii.(ti:s. ii.i. ataii.
fiK tha NKijuailrrSK- ft. Tli li, S It IT K U.l.
hha iiauii- tin folkiwtiie; wltneaiiaa in prut o har
c nliuiiaiK ri-.nloii.-r u . ui, a, ptiltlratkHi .f, aikj
I in.1, til Jn.rJi w. I kin. of I'fillln oily, nr.,
Alr Muiri), Iruil Union, jnlm C. Martin, nt Ilay.
tllln. Or.
W II J U, IIUS-TINlirO.V, lUsl.lrr.
Nelieo is hereby given to nil per
sons whom it mv eoncern, that on
the IlOth day of March, 181)0, hy deed
of general nnsigntiiont, John Caniy
an insolvent debtor of Fox, 0m nt
county, stiite of Oregon, duly assign
ed to i ho ii!idoini(ud, all his prop
oily for the benefit of hit eiodilors,
and tlmt the iiudei-.tigued Iiuh duly
qiiahllod in such anHig'uit) ami ottler
ctl on tliu tluties of huid ofllcc.
Oate.l hoii fiofli .May 10, ISOO.
O. H. Dtih-riK,
1 1 i i
Doalors In Genoral lYlorchandiso. - r '
i i i i i i r rr
A Iiigo Aiixoituiunt nt liwtt Piiecs, Goodi Sold nt, Meditiek Prieox
Trade of Gmnt County Solioitod, mid SHioial I iithioeimiuU Ollhind.
" I "l 1 I " I I I I
Lowest Prices,
First-class Goods
Pralrh' fJtftf
Wo ask a call from all who wish to purchase, and uarauteo our
prices tho same as at any li'ailrimd point, with addition of Freight.
You can always llud a ('omjihito Stock of Goods, and wo will
inako it to your iiiiercul to trade with us. Koitpjctfully.
r. Dlrl(lll ICIl $C'0.
aVt 1 U
(SucccsfoiH to .). H. Gardner
liu Iter Oily - Oregon.,
Tho Most Complolo Lino of Ammunilion in Easlorn Oregon.
Trvinnn Hear
SiKhtshy Mail,
I.yinan Sor
tini; Front
HIkIiIs fl.(K).
' 1m
Diamonds Watch cg Clocks Jewel rv Silverware
anil a full line of Musical Instruments,
or Hoppuor.
C. A. ItllllA, KIWNK Ki:i.l.O(IO,
rnsident, ice-President.
Gi:ott(iK W. CoNSiilt, Cnshinr.
J. P. I1IIKA, T. A. millA, U T. HOI)SOf,
Transacts a (Jrarral llaiiklng Iliiilnrs,
,on all puU of the world-
Collivtionit made nt nil noinU on
Ueanonuble Teiins.
Mtiney liKtnetl at from ono to ten
lcr cent,
Canyon City, Or.
7V.v fjo)ul(tr rrsorf has
he on. reopened, lo tha pit Olio,
and. now, as in. Iho past,
keeps nothing but. (holiest.
Wines, Liquors Cigars-
ti. I. UUJK.tltl), Propr.
Nolieo !h horohy ;iveu that 1 havo
this day appointed the following pur
uoim deputy stock inspectors for
Grant county, Oregon:
N.vwns, rosToiTici:.
L II. Johnso Dayvillo.
John 11. linker Caleb.
John O. I.ute,. IiiIhi Dav.
John lllitekwull Long Crook.
Woods Carter, Fox.
Win. Hall, Prairie (lit v.
li. S. niaeliwfll Ilamilton.
Ij, M. iloliiihou Hliuolly.
UenJ. HuniiiUer, WugiieV.
W. W. 1 1 into v.
Stock Inspoelor for Grunt Co., Or.
May 7lli, I Sill).
i i i
i i .
i i
WM. A. M. I'l.AltKi:.
JT1 1
A Full Lino of
Fishing Tackle,
hooks, Hies, rods,
linos, reels, oto.
Fly hooku per
do.., fi()o, by mail.
1 'rr T