..4 THE 6RMTT COUHTVjeiS, Jla 2D, 1SOO. It i not bo (lillicult boom us to snatniii longtli of time lo ot up u it for any The Louisiana lottery company linn doubled ils offer to tho Slnto mid now olfer oiio million dollars per annum for iho privilege of ninintnfniiig tho lottery. Tho nuiekcsl time ever made nrouml tho tjlobo was inmle by George Francis Train who arrived in Tacoinn last wcok navini; trav eled around the earth in sixty-two days. . The now Chancellor of Germany is about to submit a proxnition jmtKisint' a lax on nil Uurmnns in eligible for Hcrvieo in tho army, and uiMUi Ctcrmau citizens who reside abroad. The iioor farmers of-South Da kota aro having a customary hard time of it. Ah soon ns they had put their seed in thu gruud a zephyr whooped along and scat tered ii nuroau lor nity nines r more. Asaibtant Postmaster General Olnrkson says, "the government of this United Stales in a political, not a business machine." Any ouo who keep posted ii: tho workings of Oonuress could have fltntcd as wisely. Assistant Laud Commissioner Stone has rendered a decision in which he holds that u soldier who makea a tiling tiudor the homo- stead law of 1872, but who fails to make settlement thereon within tho six months, docs not forfeit hit! right to the laud, unless nu ndverso claim intervened prior lo the date on which he naked Fettle uient. The ncliool book clique -will use its utmiiBt power to re elect bcliooi .Sunt. Ate Kirov. "What is in the interest of that ring is at the ox peiao of the people who have to loot the bills. Elect iMcElroy and have another change in school books ns booh as he cm get around to Fiuldlu the burden upon you. The cost of this imposition is eon siderablo to the voters and taxpay ers of Oiegon. E. tf. Kaiser, editor of the Ash land Record, has been released by the supremo court from paying a iinu of 50 for criticising the acts or tho circuit court over which Judge Webster presided, When the press has not the moral ns well nB tho legal right to call public at tention to any judicial acts it bo liovos to bo wrong, it is time to place this country under tho des potic rule of the Czar of KtiBsia. An Orcgoniau dispatch says an im)ortaut change has been madu in the homestuail and pre oniplion laws by thu senatu committee on public lauds. The claimant can not commutu unless he has occu pied the land thirty months in t cud or six, as provided for under tho picsent laws. This will pre vents hrgo amount of Inr.d from being taken and commuted in six months for speculative purK)Hcfl. A short time ago we intended publishing the Ten Command incuts but feared soino sub-crlber would lake I hem as a personal lling. Tho other day Kentucky paper published them and created u decided sensation. The people thoro thought it was tho new con stitution of tho Republic of Brazil, and excitement and comment ran very high, and special editions had lo be run olf to supply the demand for such news. If the Union Pud lie is backing tho Haker-Sumpter railroad it will miss a golden opportunity if it does not extend tlio line to tho headwaters of llm John Day and then down towards Tho Dalles. There is a probability of Hunt hiiildiiiL' a road from 'Iho Dalles Huith, ami if ho docs one branch will undoubtedly tap the rich sec tior of country on tho upper John Day unless foiiio other company invades its territory. Seicrnl Americans residing in Lower California recently con spired with an English company doing business on tho peninsula, their object being to siezo by forco that portion of Aloxico, set up an independent republic and ntter warus become attached to the United States. The Atexlcaii gov i rnincnt got onto tho scheme and stopped further proceedings, and in all probability will demand of our government that tho conspira tors ue punUlicd. , NUW TO-DAY. SIIKUIi-'F'S SAI.li By virlno of nu execution issued nut of Hie Circuit Com t of tlio Stalo of Oregon for tlio county of Clrunt upon n judgmont rendered in raid court on tlio 12lh day of March, 18f)0, in favor of D. C. Trowbridgo plainlifl and against J. II, Howard defoniluiit, for tho mini of 81,01 (. 10; II .. i. .... ' nun minium, meru IH hllll (HW II)0I1 said judgment tho sum of ?J,K03. 1 1 , togolhcr with icortiin inlerual anil costs from Uio tUli day of May. 18'JO, ouco is uicroioro norooy given that I linvo lovio I upon and will soil at rul.lio auction on Saturday, tlio aim nay oi Juno, ik'.io. nl ono o clock p. in. of said day, at tho Court llotino (tool in I'aiivon City, Oianl county! Stnlu of Oregon, nil of tho light, title ami interest which tho said ilofuudanlJ. H. Howard hail in and to tho South half of the Southwest quarlor of Sou 20, Tp 1.1. H It 3J, K W M, on tho said 12th day of .March, inuu, lordlier Willi all nnd singular, tho IoiiouioiiIh, hcrcdita iiiontH and appurtenances thorniinlo oolongiug or in anywise apporlaui' inc. 'J'oi uiH of Hale cash. Dated at Canyon City, (Irani Co , Oregon, this 2(Uh day of May, A. I). 1800. W. V. Giiav, Slmrif) of Grant county, Or. HyJ. .1. McCum.ouoii Ooputy Hlioriff. Petition far Liquor Mconjo. To tho Hon. county court of tlio slalo of Orefon, for Umnl county. Wo (ho undcrsifjnod your petition era would rcMpoctl ully repiesonl that wo aro each mid all rcsiilnuts and lo nnl volcrH of Canyon City precinct, in said county, and wo ask that a li coiiho bo Kiauled to II. FlinsoH to soil and dispono of Hpirittious, vinous and malt liminrn in lon (piantitios than ouo gallon in nail piccinct, for a period of ton months from and alter tho ,'lrd day of July, 1 890. Dated thin 12lh day of May, A. D. 1890. Clins W Pnrrih, J M I'ibIj, John fi Millor.OI'C'rcimp, IK! Payne. MO I'iomon, Tlun ItoynolilH, Vl (Vind, CSUriKhby, JJ.McCullouuli, Thouns Kelly, Itnlph.I Jtyrnm, J II Soltincr, O D Kioaard, W .S Hoiiihworth, A II Orolh, M V riionipson, J DSathci'lauil CO fluurnney, hli Coznd, JelVMul oaro, V II Clark, Oco Sollinyer, Til Hu(lor, J Diirkhoiinor, TIioh Craw ford, CDyTodhunter, WPflray, W.I Hart a, Tlioi J Smith, I) I AHliury, A C Doro, Henry Ilioliardson, Krank Metfichan, Oooro KSolliner, I'Voo nian Trofr.v, John Uraiull, Dr O W Harbor, Dave Hill, A I StophuiiR, Hit Ouomsoy, Wit liulB, HA Hines, Jus Korrol, Haui'l Kiiod, OH Clark, John Darlington, OC Millor, Ml) Clifford, I'M Hhciilold. O.'o Koail.-btish, Jo I'ieeon, lluoh Smith, Frank It Hot. John N Sloan, V (J llorslov, A II Hr- wa, Chat Cainpooll, 0 (Jurnisov. John A Canicroii, John Montonvo. Oco Learned, Ira .1 Spronl, Italpli Myrain, JWPowoll, Herbert Ilualer, Hdwd 0 Hols, M K StniiHL.. Notion is herohy ijivun that on the 3rd day of July, A D 181)0 tho under- signed will npjdy lo the county rourt of tho slato of Oregon for 0 rant conn. ty lor tlio licoiiHo inoiuiono.l In tlio foroj;nin potitiou. II. Htansei.i.. 10-11 Applicant. NOTIOI'2 FOIt I'UlirdOATION. Ijin.l onleo at llurnt. On . Ornil. Hij, 1 Ileal. Nollru la lierbr cltin th.it. tlio lull itii iiiHir.l rlll,r l Rtol iiut i a ul hi. Intciilluu lit nuL nnl iirunl Ii, .iii iiiil or III. c r iii. anU OmI ntlil irnoi win im.iit ittfiuro inr iivttrr niil IIMIvcr I H I il OAKral Hum.. Or.Ni Ju r 7lh. lK.l ilr. OIIOItllK IIAIJ.S V, Pro IIM NoU7, for llm Sit iir W in Km It. ami W lull MV nr. SW nr NW r Scr Ii, Tii in, ulli lUmn 31, i: W II mtiliititoti. ivlliuira ujhiii nut ralttiTAUnii of, .til I.iihI, en lurlil HI in ton. Jnlm I. Iliwmr. A.roil II Itilnr. 1 1,0 fulluwimr vllrt.M til limva 1.1. lilr. ini.1111 II I'urrr. n ar il nnMn. Or. HI m J. IL IIU.1TIMITOK U-liKr. Call anil See the Harness Mnkcr. As I intend le.ivint' Grant rountv ahoul Juno 1st all those who aro in debted to mo will plcnso call ami net tle their aerouuta leloro Ihattlale, In thu meantime, nil who dosirn Koodit in my lino can litiv ohe.ip. H. Waiik, Canyon City, Or., May 1, lH'.tO. SUMMONS. In Jtislieo Court, for Union IVcinct, Htnto of Orojon, County of (Irani. Durkhnimor .t Co. J'hiintifl'H ) vs J- W. 12. Stoelo, Defendant. Civil aelion lo roeovor money. To V. 12. Slcolo, Iho nhovo nainvd Defendant: In Iho name of Iho Slalo of Oiei'ou on mo heinhy 10 iiuiied lo apiMiai- Iieforo tho Juslico of tho I'eaco for Union l'rocinol in said Countv ami .Slato on tho 2Kth day of June, A. D. 1SU0, al 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, at tho ofllce of such Justice, in said picciliel, to aunwoi tho complaint of thoaliovou.iinod piaintilla fouiuloil on a liiomit'torv nto wheieiu said plnintilVs drmaud judgment aaiiul you for tho stun of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars and for tho cohIh and dishursomonU of this action; and you nro fuithcr notified that if you fail to answor said complaint said plaintiffs will take judgment n.iiiiHl you for tho sum of Two Hun ilrodiiud Fifty Dollars nnd for Iho routs and disbursomnutH of this ac tion. This Mammons is ordoird sorv d by publication for six consoeulivo weeks in tho (Hunt County Ni:wp, a wt okly nowMiapnr pullihod in ssitl cnntily and Stato, and hy mailinjr to tlm defendant al his Inst known pout ofllco nddtesQ a certified copy of this summons and of tho complaint. Given under my hand thin HUh day of May, 181)0- J, T. SUI.MNB, O il Juslico of thu I'dhco. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho iiiidorfiiimed Iiutiiik been re stored In health by simplo mentis, aftor suffering for Bovond years with a sovcro luntr nfiVulion, nnd Hut droad dinenso Consumption, is mix ious to mako known to his follow Htiffnrera the nicans of cura To thoso who dosiio it, ho will cheerful ly solid (froo of chatoo) a copy of tho prescription lined, which they will find a suro euro for Coniuiiin- l ion, Axtlnna, Cntnrth, Hronehilin and all throat and lunrr Maladies. He hopoH all fiufTerors will try his Iloiiiedv, m it is iuvalunblo. 'Jhoso ilosirinu tlio proscrinliou, which will cost the tit nothing, and may prove a lilcflBiu;,', will plcaxo nil'lrcss, Itr.v. I'.iiWMio A. Whjion, Williaaifllniq,', Kings eounly, NowXork, it ih Tim torat. MDntnrwn. lli On li' rmlKniiu ml- h, nil., II. ilj li , ai.. mi, i jlrt m A;-) III , tiniri 4thrlmj.jr. Itimhl, nnil Moltcii Tlio W'nnV Mtrnnfi. t'Hljitrrynlirrti. (I u IhjIIIoi tlx fur M. BIRD. The Leading Tailor Ni:XT IKKUt TO AKMNOTON HOTKI, linker Oily - - - Oregon, Kecpi a full assortment of Trons orinijH and Sniliiiu. U'heu in I taker Cily you aro inviicd to call and in spocl. 2iO0 dilTerent slylea. lituinoRs suits .... f i oiu J 2.1 to Zift. Dross " " f-lft to $75. Troiuorf, from $(i lo $18. rei.i. u.sk or iiironTr.n oooos. I'lUlt rCT J IT OUAHANTKIUI. Hons!) Raisers? Ilaviiii; purchased Iho Stall khi re eently l)rnni;lit from Oilliam county, I wish lo auuoiiiit'o lo tho horsemen of John Day valley, Hint I wdl aland In in for him vice tlni sinson, ICvcry AFondaij 6' Tuesday, boinniiini; May fi, at 12. Stewart's ranch at Dayvillo; tho Imlaueo of tho wool; at my rauoh. Stallion is I Clyde, Horiol in color, 17 handx 1 1 i ' 1 1 ami will weifdi when in (;ood lloth ovei ir()0 Din. TemiH $10 to iiiHiuv. (i. lor uio Fonson: t-iu kiiii'Io kit VIOJ 41. il . UIJHI.VOH, 2.1 nilo ltauch. . DENVER. Onialin, Kansas City, Chicago. GT PAUL. GT. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTO Hast, North & Soulli, AT- IMIir.lt OITY. J. 3. WILSON - Ticket Acont. W lion in Ilnppuor don't fail to call on I.DIWKU ,t THOMPSON for u.utnwAiiK, TiNWAitn, woon ainl WII.I.OW WAIli:, OIIOOIlllllUl, T0lll!C0, ctc., irro. Agency for Iho New IIomi: Siiwino Macmini era. Onlers liy mail promptly ami carefully filled. NEW John Day Oreo'. JLLIiTTE A. DOUGLAS Prop'o . . , niuM.i:ns in ... All kink of inoatp, ft omIi vegetables and farm produeo of ovory chns. This entorpriso has just rocontly Im'oii l o eatalilinlio.1, and will at all limes endeavor to nccommodilo tho puhlio with ovoiylliinjj and all tho maikel nlVonU ETCivo us a CaM. NOT1CI2 FOIt rUIHdCATIOiN l.n.l Orrio) at lluriia. Or ily 0. 1. Vul'oi It li.ralir xlipii Ihtt Iho I.iIIawIiiv ntn.nl i.lll.r lui. flll ih.IIck oi I.M Intriilluu lo ut-tkt IlllHl I IOul In Klll lKlll III l.lt lUliu mill (m Mi l i.ihuI ulll l U...IU Ivforc ll.o cmml) rlk l Ur.nl nxinlr Or. At (Viijmi (lit, Or wi JuiioH i. ui Hlrnm Drnnson. I'rc. n s .So, CIS fur lli NW iir M! nr, r: It til SW iir NW .ir SW irSvc II T. IJSkil K. lis n nm Ih. riitluwliie ullnr.HM la nroto hit rnliiiim rr.M.'in un iil rnllimtkHi ul, ul.l liml, lit. MIIIiiii UM.will, I.T Wl.llis I'rdl .Mmtk... W II l..r. (l. l.l, all i.r Caltli, Or. nil J. II. IICYflNOTlIN, llwlitn. NOTI01M O CKKDITOUS. Notion is horehy m'von to all whom it may concern that on the, 'lid tlav of .nay, a. i. inyo, Jatnos iNoriuau. insolvent, of John Day, Grant Conn, ty, Orof-ou, made to tlio iimluriti;iiel a l)oed ot Atsiipimoul of all his pioperly, lor the henelit of all his creditors, and that tho umlerhiuiKvl has duly (pudilied as such assignee. VII prinums hohliuir elaimo auaiunt said msolvniit arc nitii i to preut tho satue, duly verified, to tho iimler- hi'iioil within tin no monthn from the dato of this uoliee. Canyon Cilv, Oio;on, May 20th, - D. IK1K). J. W, Mack, Amdytioo. Sfjft OV GALE mWl& f) to- Democratic Stale Ticket. For ConercFP, H. A. MIMiEU. d'ovornor, H. PUNNOYFU. Scc'rolaiy of SUito, Wm. TOWXSHND. Trcasuror, 0. v. vi:nn. Stipromo Jud;e, It. F. HONIIAM. Supt. of Public Instruction, A. LKItOV. Slato I'rinlcr, JOHN O'imiEN. Circuit Judee, (1th Dist. M. 1). CIiIFFOUD. I'rosoautini' Attorney, dtli Disl. CI I AS. F. I1VDE. Joint Senator for Grnnt, Harney and Morrow counties, II. BLACKMAN'. Joint Representative for Grant and Karnoy counties, 0. K.DUSTIN. Demooralic County Ticket For County Judge. 0. I. II.ZKiriNit. l-'or Shcriir O. 1'. Ckihai. For Clerk, (Snoitoi: Siuuitiii;. For As5csor, Jamim Wai.i.aou. For Treasurer, For School Sunt. V. W. MoHomiKTS. For Commissioner, W. II. Johnson. I'or Surveyor, J. W. Mauk. I'or Coroner, W. A. FwiiKif 1890. GREAT EXCITEMENT! The. fntnien.se f BASCHE & BAKER CITY The Seene of Fifteen-15-FiftEen CAR LOADS OF- Goods Thai I fare a Jlecord Jieini? Unloaded Om- Oolobi-ntocl GROWN With Changeable Speed. THE LIGHT RUNNING M.CORMICK The Unrivaled DJCEIfNG Binders. Jhe) Hoi-UNGswoRfii) flSo) Rom) Self) Dump) HAY RAKES. The Never Failing Hand Jhun THOMAS. The Old lieliahle PAIN WAGON .ind the Celebrated Fmer.son Fisher BUGGIES HACKS Tie largest and best selected sloclc ever brought lo Walter City. Hem em her Wo a re II EA DQ UA li TF US for BARBED WIRE, And Invite Correspondence) on anything in the jfardwarc Lino, Republican Stale Ticket For Congrcsaninn, lliNomt IlmiMAN.v For Governor DaVIII I. TllOMIWlN, Secretary of Stntc, 0i:o, W. loIJnmi!. Stntu Treasurer l'nii. MirrsoiiAN. Supremo Judirc, IK S. Ukas. iSutit. of Public Instruction, K. M. MoKi.itov. Stale Printer Fuank (). I'akiui. Circuit J udfre, (Sth Dist. 1'onuitT Kakin. District Att'y (Hli Dist. J. Ii. Hand. Joint Senator for CSrntit. Morrow anil Harney counties, Ui:o. V. iMcIlAi.nv. Joint Rroprosontative for Grant and Harney counties, W. W. OAitnwrJ.n. Grant County Republican Ticket eor bhcrifr, JOHN AUSTIN. For County Clerk, J. V. WAT HUM AN For Coiintv Jiulp', N. It. MAYCV. For Treasurer, N..II. HOLHV. I'or Assosfior, C. II. TIM MS. For School Supt. M. N. HON II AM. For Commissioner, L. T. PALM Hit. For Surveyor, J. M. FISK. I"or Coroner, A. J. TIIIHIDO. Warehouse, of COMPANY f OREGON. lht.sy Tumult! and, on, the Way. "MOWERS mm v v.ri"iiire'iTrr " rnn lor AND CARRIAGES COFFIN & M9FARLAND. IIEPPNER, OREGOV. Wo mako our bow, lxiforo tlio pconlo of Grant County, ami wish to sny, that wo have licon localeJ in llio Cily (if Heppnor, jusl ouoyoar (nt ArlitiRlon tovcii yours). Hurin that titno wo linvo built up n Solll Trade. haviiiR shippcil nioro Oeiieni Morchaiuliso into Hoppncr ttiun nny other firm in town. We Want Pari of Your Trade. Hoppncr is your nonrest, best ami cheapest Irntliiitfntitl Bhipptii print. You should slait in comiiiij Ibis way al ouco. No uso lo wail.ns by so doinji you loso monoy oyoty trip. Our Klogant Two Story Driok Sloro ii Completed nml wo have it tilled lo ovetllowiiif,', with all Linda of Suiteil lo tho wauls of Knstorn Oregon Iradn Wo Aim to Keep a. Very complete Assortment. Your orders nnn lio fillnl for any kind of floods needed on a Farm or Stock ltauch, without loaving our Store, at- priced low enough to conipoto wilh any other market in Oregon. Dry Coods, Clothinj,'. HooIh, Shoos, Trunks Vnlisos, Hals, Caps, Carpels, Crockery, Wall Paper. Orncorios, Ilanlwiiro, ' Jewel" Cook Stoves and Hangcs, Tinware, I'aiiitn, Oil, Olns?, Wool Hacks, 'lwinc. Lime, Sulphur, Knglish Comciit, Darlied Wiro, lllncksmilh Coal, San Joso California Sad. lies, lJitla t Spurs, Team it Uuggy Hanicss, Sowing Machines, Clocks, Watches, (Jh:iinpion ltonpors and Mowers, Hnrso Itnkcs, Plows, Harrows. THE i CELEBRATED ." MITCHELL WAGON Oivcs belter Kitisiactfon for rough mountain districts than any other kind in n o. Full lino always in stock; alto Hacks nml Uuckbonrds. Ii order lo in crease on- trade we make tin followiiiolFer Good till til Jaxi. 1st, lOOl, (Or liter II Wo co (tt), Kvory iurcliator who buys Twonly-Fivo Dollars worth ($2fi.0O) at rotail, ol Diy (!oods, CloUiing, Booti and Shoos, HaU and Caps, Funcy Ooodo, (ioitts' Furniihing floods, Ma, at our Store, will lo piesonlod when tho gootl aro paid for with mi Mcg.ml Bound roliimo, cf over .'120 inos, in eluding (i5 lo 100 FI NH FULL PA013 S'l'KUIi HNOftAVINQS. Wo have four different styles of Books, each worth al rotail 81.00. Small ordoin hy mnil on above goods will count towards tho total amount noodod. 12VEHY CUSTOMKIt OUTS A PIIIWNXT. Wo gimrantco satisfaction in goods and prices. Those books aro too heavy to send by moil, as thoy weigh ncvon pounds each. n ir rail EST PRJCF Paid for Sheen Veils Will ship ConsigutnuntH of Pelts to Christy k Wiso, or Alton &Lowis. .inii orders carofully altonded whon you count to Hoppuor. COFFIN JAMES & JONES. Proprietors of The Cily Drag Store. ICorill rnnwlnillk- nil lintnl n im.u.IhIa uln.l. f J , --- V v" . vumiiiiuiu nvuviv VI DRUGS AND CHEMICALS I alonl Medicines, 'toilet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Powder, Puffs, oiuiit, tooui irui, uiotncs nml Jlur Brushes, Druggist's Sun dries, Lamps, l.mip OilH, flluas, Putty, Chiiioys, and and everything (() bo found in n fiisl class Drug Store. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. T!.,?Mf!'O'..niVhll,,1C0 "ill reeoivo prompt iitlonlion. rresciiilioii8aspeeially BAlvhU Oin, OUKOON Haptonslall Oarf & secciaisoim to- HAPTOjYSTALL DART, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. . v 1C 1? Havo now received tho largett and most complcto itock of ntw goods In Grant County, which tTicy will offer Wood (Church HACUEWOOD Ilorsoa lioiirdeil by tho day, week or luiuiiuon given tu tuo caro oi traiisicni utocK. . P. CRESAP, ni.' u rn iv STATIONERY. WOh'S. SILVEH. FANCY WARES. Orocerics. Flour. Tobaccos. Ciuiirs. and onii hundred nml nnn ntbur varieties, chean fur cash, at lo. Oivo us a Irial and call at our storo Vours Truly. & McFARLAND, (Hoppnor). for sale at prices that defy ccmpetition TIIH- IJrenj Stable. O Ct.; Proprietors. m nth, al reasonable rates. Special SCHOOL Sir P PLIES. Li