THE NEWS Is tho ohlost mnvspa jor bttwtm Tho Dalle find Witiiiumucca; tlio lnr gost circulation, therefore is tlie Ut for ml vet Using. news Is n no'.mpnjH)!' for tlio poople, tailoring for tho' people muI voicing tlio son tfuionU of tlio pooplo of it own Umnt County. T I Volume XII. CANYON CITY, GJiANT COUNTY. OJtKGON, TlfUllSDA Yt MA Y 30, JSOO. Number JO. GRANT COUNTY NEWS. THE GRANT CQUHTY HEWS, runi.isiir.i) kvbuv Thursday uohnixo nv D.I. ASBVRY Cdltor nnd Proprlotor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Sulwription 1 year in advanco S2 CO If not paid within U mouths . ,?3 00 mx Months 1 CO throw Months 75 AUVKUTISINO KATES. I inch II imih ool 4 col 1 col It mo il mo ;i mo II 1110 .'I ino 8 1. CO S'J.OO 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year $15.00 32.00 115.00 SI 1.00 fvSS.OO 110.00 21.00 10.00 J3T For standing display nils only, All Hauling Nolicoa in Local 'Jo! ti um will bo charge! nt tho ralo of 20 coiiIh per lino for first, and 10 cts oach Hulwsquont insortion. Spocinlralca to regular advorlinors. wu Am: niKi'AUEU to execute 4 fine Job Piinlingl- OF EVEItV DESCltll'TION, CHEAPLY Posters, Dodgers, Dillheads, Lottor hoads, Xotaheadu, Stato iiicnts, Invitations, Tickets, Curds Ktc, otc. I'ltlXTKl) to OIlDKn. OFFICIAL DIKKOTOUY: Co. Jllllyo Clerk Treasurer Commissioners j Surveyor Sheriff Assessor School Stipt Stock Inspector N. It. Maxcy. , Phil Metscliau ..N. II. Holey. J. II. Mclluloy. II. II. Davis. .... J. II. Neal ....W. P Gray , Chan. Tinims. U. Hayes. . V. W. Hinton n. L T . f M. 1). Clifford iDut. Jmlj-os JnmeH A Fco Disc. Attorney J. L. Rand SKCIUfl'SOUIKTIKS. AF & A M Canyon City Ixwlgo No. II I meets Sutuitlny on or lniforo each now moon. I O O F HoUh 1xlgo No. 22, Canyon City, regular meeting Thurs day evening of caoh week. Mountain View Iodgu No. 33, Prairio City, Saturday evenings, A O U W Homer 1xlgo No. 78, Canyon City, .Monday evenings. I O G T Jo," l);lv No. 80, Canyon City, Saturday evening, C A R fio". Hancock Post No. 3 I John Day, Tuesday evening on or U'fo'o uvli full moon. Church Direclo.y Itov. A. l-'ads holds divino sorvico at tlio Winogar school houso nt 11 o'clock a. m. on tlio lit Sabbath of each month, mid at 7 o'clock in the evening nt tho M. 12. church in Prai rio Cily. Also at tho Strawberry school houso at 11 n, in. on the Ilnl Sabbath of oach month and nt Prai rio City in I ho evening of the aamo day. At John Day City nt 11 a. m. on tho 2nd and 1th Sundays, and nt Canyon Cily nt 7 in the ovoning of tl.o same dnya. w iiurrnion, l ij -J fflm Casvon City Oueoox. Itoola or Shon niJ la utJf r. or mally rrl'tlrtd, All Work Warruutuil Fimt-clo... j. l. b. vial & son. watchmakers a ml JEWULEHS, HAKKItOtTY, - - OlIEOOX. Dealers in WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, RILVERWARr, VIOLINS nnd GUITARS! Honey t Umh on CoIlaWral. S5T Opimsito Union Moat Market, Main Street, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Vf. IIARHHR, M. D. IMiysicluu A. .Surgeon. Oasvo.v City : : Oregon Ollioo noxt door to Co. Treasurer's office, Main Street, II. YOUNG, M. D. XCOlU00O13(ltllllt Physician and Surgeon John Day Citv, Or. OHit, m. D. Cnnyon City, Ogn. Office on Main Street In lt(im. formerly on lnl by Dr. lUttard. Qt I. IIAZKIiTlNM riiotoei"n-pii o r OANYO.V CI 1Y, OI'.KOOK g & DENNING. At (or ucy-n t-I-n tr. IOSO CltEEK OltEOON JAIUtlSll fc COZAI). A'lTORNKYS AT LAAV. Canyon City, - - Oiikgo.v. j A. KNIGHT, X33rJTIST. oanvox city - - onr.oos Oflicn ovor John Schmidt's cabinet shop; office hours from 'Jam to 1 pm ALL WUHK WARRANTED. J. OLLIVER. Proprietor of the John Day Milk Ranch i-rosii null; delivered dnily to hit customers in John Day nnd Canyon cuius, liivo mo your orders. jpa HOUSLKY.M. D. OltAIIUATKOr'TIlE U.SIVIUtSITY 01' P '.n.nsylvakia, April 8, 1818. Canyon City, Oregon. O.lico in his Drug Stoie, Main Street )rders for Drugs iiromptly filled No professional patronage solictctl iu'j.hs directions aro strictly followed T. 'A'. TVTvo Je, Attorney-at-Law AMI Notary Public. PuamukCity -.- OltCTON. AIbo A gout for tlio ualo of School Lands. II. 1JOLKY, EEUTIGT. (Ollioo ojipoMto Masonic Hall) Canyon City .... Oregtn, vm All Work Warranted. JOHN DAY HOTEL Chas. COBB. Proo. John. Day, Grant Co., Ore. To stop nt this popular house ouco !h n iiijjn that you wll oomo ngaiu. Tho bost of accommodations for guosts, and rates of board nnd lodg nig runsonablo. & Canyon City, Oiieoo.v. ROBT. WARD, Prop. HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, And Konoral supplies constantly kept on hand. Saddlos ordcrod nt n small dis count. Repairing done on allot t notico. FRAZER AXLE GREASE iiijit i.v thi: woiti.n. IKWMirliiiiquxlllUaaraunsurrUMd, iictuillr PuUlullbtf two ItoiM of nurothr brand. Ilol ncud it ot, i jruiri i ii i: ji:.v i ni:. ronSALMDYIlKALKllgQEKEnAtXY. iyf WHAT IS It Ii tint Inipiirlty la tho Mood, nhlcti, so eurauUltng ta tho gUnJi cf tho neck, pro duces unilchtly lump cr (nplllnp; whleli eaat palittul ninulne orci on Uio &rm, tec, or fccl( ulilcli 1otcIo ulcera la tho jc, can, er now, often causing Lllmlnm or da(ncni which U tho orljla ot Hinplo, can ecrtrai crontlu, or tho many other manUcsU Uom uiualljr MCtlW to "humon;" nhlcli, taitenlns uHn tho luiii,ciuie comunirtlon anil tlmth. Illns tho incut ancient, It Is tho mott cvneral ot nit dlioavn or aUcctlotu, tot very tcr roQi aro cnllrtly Ireo trctu IL How Can It Bo lly taking ltooJ'i fcutapatllla, which, by tho tcmarkahlo eurei It hu aceomrlliheJ, otten lnn other moJIeliiet haro failed, haa I'nncn lUeit to t-o a potent and peculiar medlclno tor thti dlieue. Soma ot thoto cutcj aro toally wonJeilut. It yuututlcrfrom tcrotula, o turo to try IIooJ'j 8atai.irlUa. My dauchter Mary ra amicted with icrof atmit toronrek (rum tho time the n aismonthi Bid till tho Icramo tlx yeart ot ace. I.unift tornied In her neck, nnd cno ot them alter Cronlngtotho tlio of aplceon't ece. txeamo a runnlnc oto tor oter thrcoyoart. Wo tare her Hood's Hanapatllta. Mhen tho tump and all Indications ot tcrotula entirely ill aritcd, and now iho sremi to to a lieaiUiy child." J. S. t'.viii.u.K, Naurtcnt, K. J. 1.'. lU lie sure to ct only Hood's Sarsaparllla ScMljAliarutiliu, tilifur. lrrrlooli bj a i. noon a co.. aiiuciIm,Uiu, m IOO Doaos Ono Dollar liny a few of our mining location notice. Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of nil elocution nnd do ei oo of forcclosuro nnd sale issued out of tho circuit court of tho state of Oregon for tho county of Grant upon a jiidgmont rendered in sai.l court on tho l'Jthday of Soptembor 18HD, in favor of Joseph 'Wntson and John iligno, plaintiffs mid against A (t Tnbor, Geo II Tracy, James Toyn don mid George M Cleavor, dofond atilB, for tho sum oIfl)'J7.'I.77, with in terest thereon from tho l'Jthday of Soptomber 1889 nt tho into of ten per cent per uniium and the further sum of $Ki.D2coits, together with ac cruing intorest and costs. I hnvo levied upon and will sell nt public miction on Ha l unlay tho Hist day of May lNOOnl ono o'clock p. in, of said day nud nt tho court houso door in Canyon City, firant county stnto of Oregon, all of thoriit. titlo nud in torest which tho defendants nbovo nniiiod or either of them had on the 19th day of Septomber 1881), or now hnvo in or to the following described proporty to-wit: TIioho certain intnoH known, locu on tod nud tocorded ns tho "Amnion" miiio and ''Yukon" miuo, located by Gcoigo M. Clonvor and sittmto in Grant county, stato of Oroguu, to- gather with nil tho mnchiiiory thereon and therounto nppurtaming, includ ing tho quartz mill nnd quartz mill building, situnto one quarter of n milo nioio or less distant from said Amnzoii miuo on whnt is known ns Cloar crook, Grant county, Oiegon, and nhout ono quarter of a milo north nud below what is known as Million Hio'h arnMra, tho sanio being tho null nud building formerly situuto at what was known ns tho lluckloborry initio in linker county, OrcRoii, to gether with nil nnd singular, tho ten ements, hereditaments and annul ton- nurvH therounto belonging or in ntiy- wise appertaining. J erms ot snlo Lush, Dated in tho county of Grant nnd slnto of Orogon this 21th day of April A. I). 16'JO. W. P. CI HAY, SheiilTof Grant county Or. HHHRIFF'S Ry virtuo of an oxcoution nnd de cree of foroclostiio mid nalo issuod out of tho circuit court of tho stato of Oregon'for tho county of Grant up on a judgement rendered in said coititontlio l;ltli day of March, A. 1). 181)0, in favor of I). Htownrt, plaintiff, nud ngainst Juiiiost Thorp, Llln M Noble, dofoudnuts, for tho sum of S'2'l'J'J.OO with interest thero on from tho Kith day of -March 1 81)0, nt ton pur cout por milium, nud fur ther sum of 51.01) costs, togothor with acci inn'' interost nud costs, I hnvo levied upon nnd wiil hell nt public auction on Saturday tho I) 1st lay of Mny IhUO at one o clock p. in. of that day, nt tho court houso door in Canyon City, Or., all of tho light, title and intcuoKt of (ho Def's Jnmes r Thorn nnd Kiln M Noble, or of ei ther thereof in and to tho following described tract of land to -wit: Tlio H J NW .t KV I NH 1 & NV SV I of son 1 1 tp KJ H It '11 V. VY M, sil- untonml being in GrnntCo, (Jr.. to gothor with nil nui' bingnlor tho Ion (iiiioiilH, hoiediliiiiienls nud appurten ances thereunto Itelonying or in any- wise appertaining, terms of sale cash. Dated nt Canyon City, in Grant Co Blnlo of Or. (his 2!lrd day of Apr 181)0 V. I', UilAY, ShoriiTof Grant Co. Or. Uy J. J. McOULLOUOll, 5 Dopnly 8hcriff. Juit the Style of a Woman He Wanted. "I utiilerstHtid tlmt yon nro try ing to got n divorce from your wifet" cnid n Cliicago limn ml drossiug bis friend. "Yop, tlio nirnir is now in court. "I wns n littlo Rtir)risol to licnr of it, for I tlionglit that you vuio in licit nttnclictl to your wife." "Oil, well, I was, but elio got to bo fo curious. Slio com plniiicHl of cveiytliing mid nctually attempted to restrict my enjoyments. I sup. pose, though", that her irritability comes largely from physicnl caus es. Shu lins been n littlo deaf for some time ami this hut spring alio lost her fcunso of eiiiull. Whnt!" "Yes, can't smoll n thing. Can't tell tliti difference between u fresli rote nud n tleeuying cabbage." "Why, my denr mnn, yon nrei throwing nwuy n trensure. A wo mnn tliat can't smell n woman tlmt can't criticise your breath a woman who doesn't know the smell of whisky! Say, old boy, 1 um a considerable business man, a mnn who in connection with bust ncss is on the lookout for content ment, nud I want to put in a good wonl right hero. If you have any iiiUuenco with that woman uso it in my favor. I inn n widower, you know, nud I want her. She's my stylo." Ilon't Oo Oo llefurt Yon nro Heady, Particularly on n lonir Journey. I'd tally pro partMl. You oanuot ho, penult in to ay, un- you aro noorapaaimt with the travolcr'u and'a ttd imoiua, lliutcttnr'j fclomarh Ililters. i.unt rcninl nt appelireri, acelimatlirrt and iTi.nMt.irii ot cilotion. Av-aluit ica Irkncx, mtlnr a. rram atxt eollei lunUen el kdlr cmLstl or tmurhola fo'id and tractl'i writer, lurvmninm. Iucr-ael hy titnl. rltrvnir l.lliiuine and r4iuiliiilln, tlio lllllvr It n noterrlitn r vouilic. It imh.irti uretlili (ur ('xxl I altit Kcllicr 10 yur ta-te, nnd prerenU It truin ilia BKrorln with uu. Ncii-r v.n tlicro kurli a capital llilni; (or tho unlorluiulo drptpll nrlin ttandt In ilroait ol llm l-Uvok,i'd Sloniaelito IruuMo catuod ly ill preured viand ntHiitnl hlp.on h'.oiiiiIkiaU, ami ratlon.1 lia.tilr ImiIic.1 at roihray retinranl, l nhui remistled hy tho Illtlcr. which clroa n iuletui ntD tit rhaumiUtiu, Udiwy troutlj and in o in ma. NOTICI'J FOlt PU11LICATION. Lind OfflM t Harm Or. April 10, lo. jioUe U hurctijr clttn Hut tli fnlUuliitf nro.l lllr liu Bitot liatlr ul hi. tlilrlitluo lu liul. HimI In aupioit ul lil tUlm, awl llt hM irMt lll l HMkiltf Wfore Hie cwihlv Judg r In hi abipiic bfor tli t'oiuiitOlork nf (lrMt c-.iiulj. Or, t ('hii.ii City, dr. on II y 91.1, imm, l: Lovo Unllry. 114 Ap lor 1U i: 11 NW 1 I K I i SV I I Sc ti Ti, 17 s un, i: w st. lie iumn the MIoh- IIii..i. to nrflTt hi) ceullHUOMt r.ldte uM)n, i.l rutlll.Iluii ., Id Un.l, l- P. 'llmiMii, of III. Vtruau. Or.; T. II. JoliH lUr, Or, inl Datld I'nrUm nil Jicuh lUmr, ( StbHirt, Or. U J. II. lll'.vri.NOTUN. ItwIiUr. SIIHRIFF'S SAI.K. Ity virluo of an execution nnd do- creo of foiecloHiuo and sale issued out of tho circuit court of tho slato of Oregon, for tho county of Grant up on a judgement romlurcu in said court on tho 15th day of March 1890 in favor of William MoMurreii and L Crnbill, copni titers ns McMui- re 1 1 .V rjrabill, iilaiutitlri, nud iiLaiusl J J Smith and L H llowmnn, co pnrtmirs as Smith k Bo win in and P. H.iKcho &. Co. defoiidunts, for the sum of $207,25 with intorost Iheroon nt tho ntto of 8 per cent per annum from tlio lfith day of starch 1800 and tho ftiithor sum of $.11,21 costs. I hnvo levied upon nnd willholl at pub lie auction on Sdurday the 31st day of May 18'JU at two o'clock p. m. of that day at tho com t houso door in Canyon City, Orogon, nil of tho liijhl titlo nud interost of the detoiidauts, Smith .t Ilowmnii, nud of i nch there of in nml to tho following described propoity: That certain quartz mill known ns tho "Golden Monarch Quart. Mill," siluato on Clear crock in Grant coun ty, statu of Oiegon, and said mill be ing used in tho operation of nnd con nected with what is known ns the Golden Monarch Quartz Jiino, to gothor wi(h ono aero of ground upon which said mill stands. And, Whoions, it furthor nppoars from said decree that P. Rmcho and J, P. Fnull, co. pai tnerfl as P. Uascho.t Co, rccovorod judgment agaiiiBt said de fendants, J J Smith nnd II How-iiinii,co-pnrtnris ns Smith fc Uowmati for tho sum of 81M5.HI with interest on Haiti hu in from said IS Hi day of March, 181)0, al tho ralo of ton per cont or annum, togcdior with costs nnd disbursements. Notico is thoreforo horoby Riven that on said .11 it day of way, IMM), all and singular tho nbovo described propel ty with tho nppurtounncos thereunto Isdonging nnd appertain ing nnd all and ovory, the right, titlo and interest of said Smith Sc. Bow man thoroiu mid thereto will bo sold nt public auction to the highest bid dor for Cash. Datod in Grant county, Stain ( f Oregon, thia tilth day of April lfcOO. V. P. GItAY, Sheriff of GrnntCo. Or. lly J. J.McCULLOUGH, Deputy Sheriff. An Blecant Chinese Watch. A wntcli which wns onoe tho property of nn Kmpress of China nnd is ntil to be worth 51.000, has recently been exhibited in Han I'Ynnciaeo, (Jul., hy Mux Shirpucr, the jeweler. A more porfect piece of workmanship could scarcely be conceived, jah u specimen oi nil i sh ed cmiinel work it is doubtful whether it could he duplicated. I lie watch is of il l karat gold. The oases nro oiinmcled in blue ami white of e.xouisito imttern um design. Irregular rows of blue eucmal, alternating with the bright gold, from u knluidoeopid picture us inu oiriNcs itnoti tnu ease, .1 1....: ..f ...!.!..!. 1 . ino uuus ui which uru gioovcti in u curve like a Hittko nnd lit nor- fectly into the socket. The insido cup is u marvel of beauty. A largo Japanese urn of blue enaiiiol tonus inu eciitrejiieco wnue group ed around it aro birds, Hewers nud funs in gold, blue, white ami tint 1c retl enamel. o.Miuisitlv worked. Tho movemoiit is mado'ontirelv of gold, a most iiniistml metal for ll.Ii- iilli,.lnn .....I .... ...I.!. .1!.. mm iui ijrv, iiuti irt rut u nit iiui- monds. rubies and tonaxes. Al though oer one hundred years old the wntch keops gootl time. The jowoler in describing it suid: "When the French nicked tho Tomiiiiii lialace nnd conliscuted everything they could lay their nanus on, tins watch wns stolen from the boudoir of tho Kmpress by u French soldier. He deserted his regiment, being mtsuied that ho had eecured enough to live on for the rest of his life. He sold or Hiwned most of the othor jew elry and ilraiik his life out. The watch ho cave to a Parisian gris otto, u iluuio of his, who, ignorant of its rcul worth, gold it to a pawn broker for u mere hong. An east ern nntiqtmry, on the lookout for curiosities, purchased the watch from the pawnbroker, nud upon his death it came into tho hands of my friend, exactly how I do not know. Ho is a jeweler and knows u good thing when ho sees it. The watch was too valuable to carry around, so he turned it over to mo for safe keeping. I will venture tlmt that there is not another time piece like it in the Tinted States to-day." The primitive ItiiHsiaiis placed n certificate of character in tho dead person's hands, to bo given to St. Poter nt the gales of Heaven. GOIl.lJANDrZ3VfJ, or overcAtlnir. nr tho partaklnc or too rich and lii'lli.-MltliU food, U n common rauto ot .. ii oinfurt and luffi rliic. To liuincdt ntir ihk.vo tio liiinaih and hoirrli frum kiiUi ovirhmillnr, a full dnMor Dr. I'lerca' I'urnntlrc l' Ikti la Ilia lmt remedy. They nprlb irently, yet thortiiishly and nltb. nut rrtptuf, uaujoo, or other unplrataut i-anct. If thotoo (reolndulxenroln tilrh Intern- purto t alln; uu drrnnsod dlcnllon, iau Inr drttiriKla and lilllouin. u. cttrti.ti-.! with niisu of fullneu or hlo&tlur after rntlnc, tx.nted toncuv, hitter or tail taito lu mouth In th tnorntnr, on nriiliitf', drowtiiirM after uiruU, lnilc,T(t,l lo ftwl In of drend, nr of Irnrxinilliiir I'Alamit and Lypovliondrla thn nu nrol l. ful loir up tho ui of thn "i'ollitt" wltli Ilr. l'li'rcs'i (loldeu Modlral limoorerr, to lono up tho ilomicb, Irivlifoiat" thn lhrr, Kill el all tho prow of dli,-(tlon at voik. Wbllo curing ludl(itliin, It purl flri tbo Mooil, clrouilnr Inn )iteru from all huaior and tlood-iion - no inttti-r of wlmt nimo or nature, or from what uoi arttlnr, Thero U nolhlnir ilnilltr to It In cuoioiltlon or npproacfilnir It In mult. Therrfore, don't Ixi dujitd Indue. id to taVo trims tut.itltutr. it, tin "Juit w ktoI," that tho dukr may toaliu a larger profit. OS'JPEESEB tr ths inantifacturers of Ilr. ti:'i Catarrh Hvuirdy. for uu la curuhlo uuj of Calanh lu tho Ileud, H. E. DUnLINCAME'S hW OFFICE' D LABORATORY K.tnlill-'ird In fulnrailo, !-l Kami I. tv mail fll,.l Mill ir.ilvo priH'ipl ai.d rn,il -' Gold i Silver Bullion "WWWKlXM HUM, 17 KH liTtittl Unit, tsh- 1T J0HE8 TOM SCALES OF $66 BINQHAMTON Reim B Tin Bum Vfe N. Y. SJ From $12,000,000 to S 1,000,000 worth of gold is med nnnnnlly in the shuH of foil for gilding, let tering, edging of books, sign nnd ornamental painting, nnd dentis. try, gilding taking the greater fliaro. The first installment of foroIgnorH to settle on the nbniidonud farms in Vermont, arrived n few days ago in Now York. h'iftooii families, in cluding soveittv-fivo iMirsotiH from Sweden nre to lw eolouized near tho towns of Vershire, Weston and Wil iiiinglon, under the direction of the State commissioner of ngrietilttira interests. Numerous methods for eluding ino vigilance ot the custom olliceis tiro practiced by Uhiuese wishing to olloct un eiitntuce into the Um ted States. The latest is an uu del-ground railway that has just been tliteovored in OgileiiBburg, N. V. The Cliinoo are determin ed to enter nnd when they fail to cross tho Canadian border try the -Mexican. Tonnh Citixon fnfter lilliii'f his glass to the top and drinking it olf, received 5 cents change from Ins dime) Ain't this a lirst-class bar? Harkeeper (dryly) Yes. T o n u h Citizen Don't v o u charge 10 conts for drinks? Harkconor -Yea but it comes cheaper by wholesale. Toilgh Citizen (pushing his nickel back)- - Well, then, give mo another nickel's worth. Victor Poissant, a yoiiiil; elec trician of Umalia, has a very in genious way of killing ruts. The prying rodent is cnuj'lit in nn or dinary oval trap, the bottom of which is covered with tin. ilr. I'oissaut has n small dvmiiiio of his own manufacture. One wire, connecting with the dynamo, in lastoncu to the tin lining of the trap, ami another is thrust into the prisoner's coll. The well known proponsit v of ii enged rat to do bat tle asserts itself, and ho seizes tho wire between hu teeth. In so do- iiiL' he makes the mistake of his life. The circuit is complete, his jaws close on the wire with a leath rriii, and without u squeal; and almost without u ntiiver he passes into u state of eternal desu etude. Some one has said that saloons can no iiioro run without hovs than saw mills without logs. Late ly in Chicago u school teacher no- itceii a Kiioi oi i toys counting uio number of hole m fomu cards. He culled one of them up md in sisted on knowing what it meant, nml the boy told liini that a saloon keeper who hud his saloon near the school had given them tlior,o cards, and ovory time they took u drink he punched them ouo hole lor oi'or, two for straight drinks and three for iuied drinks - and eaeh month ho gave prizes. The Doy who had the most holes punch ed in his card got a revolver, the second u life of Jotse James, i.nd the thud it mecrichatim pipe. What He was Doing. The distinguished literary man, in or.o of those inturvuls of leisure that the tiled bruin needs now nud then, wns in his study with the door locked, lie wns tri mining lis corns with a lazor. Some of the greatest men on earth nre trouhlod with corns. ".My denr," said his wife, softly, as she tupped at his door, "shall 1 come in I" "I um rather er particularly engaged now, Alvira," ho replied somewhat shortly. "Would you mind tolling mo Henry, the uuttiro of the article you are working oni" she inquir ed, "lioduciiig the surplus," said the literary man savagely. AIITO.T1.ATIO KKWI.Vfi .tl.KHIIMtt Pi loos induced. Kvory family note ran havo the Utt Automatic Suwinj; Ma rliluo in the maikit at reduced pi loo. l'ur partlciilais m-iuI fur our new lllus tinted Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our llluatrnti'il ('(iiiilir aliens cvi'ty pint of the Maolilnu pel fectly, anil Is worth si'iiilliij; fur evuii If jou airs a Machine. Kiutu .V Murphy .Mfir. Co., '& and 137 West 2t)th .St., K. V. City. "Of course wo must recognize tho fact," said one jKditician to another, "that honesty is the best polloy." "Pnrlioulnrly," was the rejoinder, "when it'n ' the other follow thnt'a honest." m Abaolutoly Ptiro. Tllh rmdnf- nrv..r i.iIm t i,i.Hlntt.i.ll. tlr.niflh ktnl .1.! ' 11.. u.i..ilti. tli antlHtrt lliiita and raiinit I ,.ld III rotiipvll- ii-.ii iiii ui matin ml. 4 low l.-M. .IhmI M4rlit, alum or iihaipbatii i-,it.ri. Mold only In cant, llojal lUUnc podr fo., loo Wall l X, Y. A. B. ELMER. Assayei & Jlnalylical Chemist. Make .1lK or to! nf .ill Liiili of Ores. Kxamino Mines, inennro Mnna of ami reports on same. C3T Onion I v mail will 10 nivo prompt Atlt nti p. V O lluv 11 1, Knttet'CHy 0Kn. i : ( nrjiDHii i , .c ..Ui.oti &jii nr.t.. o .. U It fa nn onuv. ic.T,).,;.i or neorul lalor- i' u (! r3l who nur. i '' t!M lilinulca c? tlu r. . .i j ill ii. j of lira. Wn onn rtot'ia y u rm mmtiliymi wltli all tt'o u-.-i iri y , ti'i uritiuooamiry nppllanoo i t,, ri., ,. .':',:,, altep, O.U, ftih. I... . , .. j.j to oimrch, or aly ut !u.i , i.- I u vr.rinuM alien, Hint '..i . i u u -. J.ivt ilirurs out what l ro ntir.- ! i rU! thomi tblnuti COMrOIT.UIV i ! "! oin M'.dniktu oi ill . .i ... t'-o iiUYJUltn' (iiini:, vhic . -. :i hj ubm upon roeoltn ti ,i , . i n piv imatiiao, WCI.TCr.:..:.V .VARO A CO. lll-li't Wil'hlK .1 - .' M, C'llilMHO.Jll. n ADJUSlAu! EIN EVCftY HEARING AGENTS WANTED CATAtor.ur or :rf wnu oun foul line OrWHEELa MLtll tr4ArPUCATt6H. L0ZIER6YSr3lcYCll Tl)l-ErjO,OlllO. Mr IF YOU WIGII A COOD REVOLVCn aSt'lA?" SMITH & WESSON'S fin 1 1 TWTjji , iiMnurA?ti4rtl iui thn llrttcti iiMitA. tu oa 1 1 hi ma ti oiul 41 1H ftttifiUi mrr ta-siat ttiiil Taruul i JltM MUIUII klnn . NUtfi i.-. teIurwfrl Uy it, mi wnlUnhU i.miniUiltm 4ftu MM (or ili im .nun' miu i'. TIh-v wit unrv tui'to ami it.ii M.f i 'ii.. ii a Wi'i tl. ViLVKK nru Itill4t4 Hl ti Uu- ti.rr I WUtl ItllM! tinnit1, Atdlf1 fiiKltliilt ft i tii i.t, ii.1 nr jjiiiii Hiilriul jHfiVtft if M ti.- ti i.Niinii ihriii. itii If ytiur tirafvr oumil ouri Iv j'-n, in urt'.T m nt (mim ll'm witl ro.ttt.r.M.i,i t.ttr ii.-n Jk(. i'vo cutaUiiruc diiil 1 1. (.!-hi ii i.u u H3MTM V. Vhho,n, llnlatia tlurii ttll II v uml urrurnt'i. Ik no TO Tin: Cnnyoii: Giiy iBarlierrsiioi). Jiichanl A: Clarlt, Prop. KOn A I'lllaT OI..VH1 1HTII, fclHVII, IIII.VM I'OO Oil ll.llt CUT IN TUB t-ATBUr OTVIdt. V. P. DUWCAN, Jon h. Day - - - Or- UKAl.tSIt I.V Hardware MinarN' Stipjilies, Uto-, Etc llydratilie Pipe niul all kindt; of Tinware manufaeturod to order. Tho only Tin-hlmp iii (irnnt coun ty, and oquipiM'd fur nil manner of work. tr- REPAIRIHG A SPECIALTY . " ii V f .' X