Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 22, 1890, Image 4

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On Improved Farms in Granl & Harney Counlies.
ten Bates; Ho Belays rti Tills is M
y cl Soonvlty Xta SallMfnotox-v
If you contomphtto borrowing money cnll on or nddross
t Oil.
f . , J)J.ALKK Itf
urS 5
General Blacksmith
Canyon City : : , Oregon.
No keeps constantly on httnd and for ale, iioiisi:hiioi:s, lilted nml until
toil, also nonsi; n,vii.m, ii. js stmi, nr, wimn.i:ini:ns,
iia.vdmih nt.ciiiii.K nml wiiinr.H, inn;
IKON', etc., etc. ft.-.
;AUUIAJi:s lt.l.'.Ii:.S A mW ICHO ,ItIS .Minle; lo onlrr.
Will nlno tnko orders for liuckoyo Mowum nnd I-Mras for same; nr any kind
of Mowers.
Will nlto Luke orders for tint Taylor and llnllinsswoilli Kkw, Schultlur nml
Smith Wagon, Doom Plows, nml Tor nil kind of .Mowers.
Wunluinct for IVter K11I1I iigmii. fur Stiver k Walker's ImploinonU and
Yohiolus diiringliis ndatimie ftom town. Anything left with u will
receive prompt ntteiiliwi.
City Meat Market.
Wiuiliiiigloii Street, Canyon City, Oiegon.
CRAY A ISADS, Pniprletnrfl.
Uj Wholesale nnd Itrtnll.
Mil orders. filW
S. A.
Commission House.
Bakor City, Bakor county, - Oregon.
Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale nl Wholosnlo
Will always endeavor to obtain tlio highest market prices on wools" oto,,
for partit'H consigning io mc, wnnv, hold or forward the same aoeordii. J
tlmir desire. rJ
, , , HAKKIl CITY t
Marie all goods
I nr. I hmrfrYaRD A- f?ITYTRUCRS-ef
JJukor Cilu, Oregon,
Prairio City, Oregon.
till Si omVol io
'i .
Ms Pills
Tim lyaprpllr, Ilia llrlillltnlr J, will-Ill
! rr Iront nrrx of urU of inlliil or
I body, tlrliilt or riioiiin lit
Malarial Regions,
Unit Tint's I'llla llm moat criilnl
rrolumilrn etor ollV'rcd lliu suUVrliis
Try Tliom Fairly.
A vlsoroil ImmIjt. mro blond. atr'Uig
tirrrra nml n clirrrlul inlliil III result.
Wasting DisMcea
Wontlorfui TIjuIi Pj oducor.
limy gained oao pound
per day bv it
St'dt't a EimilHion in not n iwcrot
remedy. It contniiw tlio Hlinuilnt
"tf proportlo of tho jr,vpopho
pliitta nnd puro Konvoftinn Cod
Livor Oil, liio poloncy of lolh
ln-itifT Ini'Kily increaiicd. It i used
by l'hysiciiiiis nil over tho world.
Sold by nil DvumiMs.
fJCOTT A BOWME, Cliomlsto.M.Y.
Appointment of Ad
ministrator. Xotico is liora'jy jjiven to nil ptr
hoiih whom it niny coneom, tlmt tho
iinduriij,'iiod 1ms betm duljr nppuiiil
rd by tho county com I of th hUIo
of Oregon foi O.-nnt couiiiy, mltnin
iHtrnt r of tlio ostnti- of Stodion (I rn
liniii iWenHud, lido of wild county,
mid nil icihoi h having junt cluiiiiH
njiiiiiH1. uid ostnto nro nolilitxl to
jirofiinl tho fnmo vorillfJ nH by lnw
ivquirol to tho unilernixnud nl lii.i
r.'mdcn v on tho Middle Fork of the
John Day river in mid CSmnl coun
ty, within nix nnnlliH from tho l.ito
a? tho lirU pulil ention of tliii notice.
Dated May 1 .tlHfiO.
G. 11. Wocd.
0-t() Aduiinialr.itf r.
P.Miiuaii CoiAi, AU' fcr Stnto.
i:ociitorx AppoliiliiK-ii t
Notico Ih haroby yivon tlmt tho on
dmigncd lin-o been duly npiointcd
executor's of tho Iruit w ill of Lu indn
TlionipHon ileccnsixl, Into of Ornnt
county, of Oioyon, nnd that lotter
executory havo duly iiwucd to tho
underujiiod nn mieh oxuctilors fnnn
lh. county court of tho stnto of Oro
(;on for Grunt county, nnd idl jei -hoiih
having just cluiina ngniiiHt tuiid
oatntc, nro uotltiid to jiiosont tho
Hiino iluly verified ti by law icipiir
ed, to thu uniltrm'(iiod, G W Poiti-r
at his MHideiiou in John Day valley
in 8'iid (ounty or to P.uiiiih .V Coad
nttorneyn for Haid outato at theii uf
tii'O in (.'mi j on City in taiil county
within h'ix inoatlm fioin tho -Into of
this notice. Dated May Ut 1HU0. (Suiinov,
. G. W. Ponriai.
0-1 0 ICxooutors.
P.mirhii k Colw, Alt'yHforoftnte.
rC JlilUu.Hcio, Mrk IKku... W, I iiuttl
islii', M.iU.U, IJ I t mni'l. ! : iV)
IUe nlo H'hI rcitr n . . inly,
IUo Hip Kit Al.r.SUo ( :niii' Itcn. InUiO
U.HI-) Tll. MK TIIK H'"l 1'i'HVI.MLJir.
r stiiitio ! ti yv..i.
i'rtr f i'Ii:i' nIo, !M-. (icr (lotllc.
IMVUImU M..I-I f.M .1. . H . ..Wk
J. r.lMHM A.C0. .' -rn .'n n t.Ufll t!S.
- rtti:-
A klr ily Prvt t n Inm lilno. Jnlly war
rant. l Jl.i'l'' fl.'lim-rv lluiUllal. I.) tlllktl
h in k iiirn. aii.1 wall IIm iMt wl. Ihitl luiitf i'i-r
I.kii il.'tiMNl f r tlic imriaM. W'Armulril In do
nil lliil .'.hi l M'.i-'inlili rti'lnl f tl
!! Iilil ri l M ('.l. n( Mr.lm K.i
w.iu K-r nitin (. iir iih.iv ntt'uruluj ta Utr
iltilMt uf Im' ojv rnltir
'Wit - $100.00.
If llu io In no ncont In your town, ml
ilii'xii tlio ni.uiiifin iiium,
tiii: r.utisn .inc. co..
.iriii ii'.nifri, y. i .v. r.
rliCC. iMiinfv let. r. ii.ii.naii.1
ImI i( Itui litx .l.lii- .Hi i hi . f. r iHurii
KU.-r, Till I'M.lill VI n i .
I n.i.ii. S V
- w - ii-iim flAHIKKIUl
Jnmliil MKKVOVa DKUIllT t,
II 11 Ml
nil iiiis
An Odd LttUo Toy-Mnkor In Now
York"o Froncb Qunrtor.
A lni,r Trail" InipoMeil from I'arU
.Mulikrj. of Many C'nlnra ami Mnrifl
nui Aiialiimy Hair llaUlns Iin
lirotviiioiiU Umiii ijuIot'.
A ltn "Uork and MonkejV catoliconc'a
cyo In (Ulot by-strect of tlio Prcnoli quar
ter of Now York, aouth of WmliltiRloii
square, aya tlio Now York HUir. Tlic
wonli nro win ted uon ouch end of n llttlo
liini'lnK' liovno nfltxrd to thacaitlron
balcony of tlio Ihimko. Tlio howoe con
Ulnn n iloicn brlulit coloreil lltllo tlRure. Ir
clienllln, and upon tho frnrao It pastod a
blll-liouj wlncb iiroolninn that tho proprietor
l n innnufftcturfr of l'ari.lan itoveltle In
! chonlllo, wool nnd llk, nml tlmt hi lo
ci .illy i dog nnd monkey.
Tlio manufacturer of thcue odd, bright
Utile, toy occurs n lnulo tnmll room
oiwnliii; on the lxileoiiy. If niiiiourancu are
to Ikj trunted tlio toy maker and hi wife
both lMp nnd work In ltd one apartment, i
for In tho roar I n bed and lu front nro tlio
varlou tool nnd iunUrlali I hut nro ued In ,
tho tnulu. Noilhor of Iho pair mhU Kn-'
Kllth. Only n your dko thoy imo to this
country to practk-o their protty nrt, nttor ,
workiuR nt It for thrco year In l'arl. j
Chenlllo Is a mot acoornmoilatlnf-; maten-,
nl, for deft lliiRor can work It up Into nl
tnont Innumonible form. It I almply a !
alondvr wire covorcd with a lii;);y growth i
of wool or liK, nnd lonkinK uko a Iouk
and oxtreniely fujzy cn.orpllliir. It U
dyed Into all tort of iray color, to that Iho
rumnaiit touttenil nbout tho toy-uinkor'i
lloor looked llko tho wreck of a most (,'or
Kcou rainbow.
Tho loy-initkcr I n K'aaturod llttlo
man, poMosod of an Inonlliiuto doslro to
maku UnRllsh apoukinir -orons undortand
lit l'roncii. Ho druKKie (Mvlufully, whilu
hi wlfo'i black t'yvs wl.lttn In syuiuathy.
nnd tho listener tonka on In hool()i niyntl- i
(Inillon. KortunnUdy, orothorvlo,thotoy-
iimkor ha n friend who iunk wluit ho I
ptcuicd to call KiikIUIi, Iho nmu buluR n I
crototnucly ncccn'.cd rurlruluru of tho lun-
Kuai;( mainly current la thl country.
Along With till odd lluuuUtlo treasure tlio
friend 1 possessed of u somou-hnl usplo
lou leinjioi anient, which londi Idm looo
his Hilts of spi.-ouh tinritiKly In explaluttic
tho toy-maker buslnoss.
However, between thcin thoy ma unveil to
say that tho mntcnnla were tiniorteil from
l'nrls, rnndo up luto toys rllit there on tlio
premise, and told 'whenever the llttlo toy
maker could II nil buyer on In iwddlliiK ox
podltlons. 1KK and uionkoys nro truly tho llttlo
man's iH.vlaltie. Ho has them In all tho
colors of tho rainbow. Tlioro nro whlto
monkeys, with bluo logs nnd red nuns;
bluo muiikoyi, with crimson arms mid ltr;
rod, whlto unil bluo dugs; yliilo mothor
monkoys, clasplni; to tholr breasts tiny
llttlo rod, bluo and (,'recu monkeys; parti
colored uionkoys, stnndliiRou tholr heads
or ImniflllK by tholr tulls; moiikuy iwr
formliiK nil mini nor of Kymtiustlo feut
Ux)u dcllcuto wlro trumos; inonltoys rid
liiff on dog; monkeys drnwiti); buby-cur-ruigcs,
iu which roosa oilier moukoys.
Tho tools of Iho toy-mnkor't trado ara of
tlio simplest sort, llesldea thu chonlllo In
every lumKltiublo color, ho ha gold nnd sil
ver threml, tiny wlro, nipier. scliwirs,
neodlas n,iid mucilage. Uo can mil)ii you a
moakuy In a wonderfully short tliiid. H Is n
mora inaucr ot a snip uorc, n pmcti tueru
and n twist somowhuro else, inul you hnvo
tho monkey, RrlnuiiiK and lifellko. .You
would not bcllovo without socIiik It how
much oxprosslou ntliiKlo sniper pinch will
put Into thu f.ico of nu unllulshcd monkey,
It Is Just tho samo with dot;. Thotoy
mnkor turns them out by tho hundred.
They nro mostly white, and of that odd,
loiiK-halrcd variety which )eoplo with u
fondness tor Improving on nuiurii UUo to
trim lnl-1 tlfo semblnncoof lions,' 'j'lintoy
maker (urn tlmm out singly unil In (-roups.
Komotlinr ho makos n four-ln-lnnd dot;
louin driven by a monkey. It Is oniy to tee,
tlious'li, tlmt ho I fonder of monkeys than
of dutfs, llu has whole boxes of Imiilsh
lltllo monkeys, mid it Is hi special dalluht
to inako up groups of liulf ndoioti ttmiuus,
blK and lltllo. When n group sooins rliilshoit
ho will Buddenly dip down luto his box, ilth
out a ivartlcularlv lniosslblo lltllo monkey
mid hook It on somcwheru by n pinch at ono
of Its wiry arms.
The lltllo Frenchman doo not pretend to
Iinvo n larh'o trade, but hi bill-head Is
printed lu two IjiiKuaxcs, mid hu i'XecU to
tiavo s monkiiys und dot; troinundously
iWhir Willi tho youiiK folks, jklmtnllmu
lie pm lis up nit odd dollar or so r.ow nnd
then when ho boos out eildlliiu. If only
thoro wcro tomo such small coins in this
country na the l-'ioinii have ho would do
very well, tor a llttlo monkey could bo iniulo
for nowl to nothing und sold for a cent,
If only halt cent wcru current.
Hut life Ln tho I-Vench ipiarter 1 not cx
K-nslvo. There nro hnxikfiul nt 15 cents
or less, nnd dinner ut "J"), und thoro uro
rivers of red wine at U) routs n sfutUtn. Inn
oKloii llko that, unil aivitrmiiif; Willi chlt
dri'ti, loo, a man. who can mnko choulllo
monkcyo thai look n If they had lusteomo
out of it''eo" or aNoulh Aineriean (urcst,
ha uo need to ko hungry or Ihlrsty.
I'rliirlplrs Wluim Oli.rrvnnrti Can Nut
rnlt Hi 1'roin llnnelliiul.
Tlioro aro certain fundamental principle
of ronduct which every worlnniiii iliould
cultivate, tho obkorvuneo of whluh Hi tho
end will prove bonoftciul to all concerned.
Ho uinctuul. Tho (iinpioyer alwaya ap
preciate thu workman who can bo depoud
cd on umlerall oiccuiiistanco. Tho hublt
of beliiR promptly on time when work com
mencoii can not bo loo hiK'hly estimated.
Work full time. Men should not bo
watched or driven, ami yet tlioro nro many
workmen who aro but tlmo-sorvcrs, and
who worlt only when In tho presence of an
omiiloytir. It I your duty either III itV8 your
full timo mid best cITiirls to tho InloivsU of
your employer or loava Ids service
Do your bests llaUo It a imiut to servo
your employer honestly, and, ulthouL'h you
may not cum tho wane paid to n brother
workman, bcv.iuso of his siiorlor ability or
axorioiico, Uo your best la tho work laid
out for you; you aro thus lilting you. -self
for renter undertakings In tho fulura,
llu tiinuiilous. Mnko it a tarluf ycur duty
to study mid to leuru from your follow
workmen. Wo can nil leant to do bettor
ouch succeeding day; you ara thu fitting
yourself for greater rusKisblllltos, und
yoursnrvlcu Is dally becoming morn vnlun
bio to your emploier, and, usaooiitcmioiiru.
you are dally becoming more ivtablu of I
earning advanced wages.
lie studious. Ui your walks, talk ami ;
reading bo lu tlio lino of your trade; si inly 1
Us history und futuro; lo.olvo l.i mailer
Its details and to practice them; n l jour
marl, uf laitfcetion high, ami t'llw (i. r -ch
It, Uo nut slop ut n middle pla'i.u, be tlrsi
In your trudu, und remem'ier that ho who is
faithful to llm on J will revolvu hu Justiv
ward. -Manufucturcr aud iiuUdcr,
notk i'j ron punrdCATiox
UlI Ofllis st liniii., or.
Aill '. IM
Ni.lU-. I. hvril.y pHs ii Ibsl lbs fnlluatn r.ktm 1
Kllli r Iim 1 1 I'll null,-, uf hU IllltUtli-ll I ir k
lliisl ptouf lu iui.ii nt ,m rlsliu. till Hist id 1
lio.ili.IIIW w.dt Utinr IU rouul) . l.iknf..' I
.unl) nr.. si 4'siiihh lt. Oi . on lfv i'j
" .. 4idrns Hmitiiii frsli-iS.. .1. (or
llu : l.t ill I I si. 1 i Nil I I aud M 1 i. Tp
is Hit si,:.
ItviMMmU. fuMosliik' wllmmv. to if t. Ini
nHitluuuui tmUteho ii4in, sim! rutllvslluii uf mj
Una, iUi Jim w Kuillli. 0. Illl.t, ll.ilnr.
lis II, WillUml-'v.iiv, ll of IT.Irlu I it). Or
Jt J l lll.STIMITll.N llrntiur.
Canyon City, Or.
(Shop west siilo of Iho creek, ojiosite
Planing mill).
Mdo a iecialty, nml all work war
nutted first claw.
Wagon and Carriago work
nnd all kinds of rrjKtiiing and job
work proiuitly atlemlwl to.
Oanyon City, Ohkoon,
a hot j r )' Thompson
Traveling men will find this n
plenwuit niul iloitiniblo placo nt
which to htop.
Jlt iih it Call
C A XV O.N CI I V . - OrrRon
IT ugh Smith, prop'r..
A lun Hums of lU l'ui.,1 of Winn HkI
TIk Put clnnlnlbt Mulit.
if. ,s'. south woitTir,
i-itoiiiiirroit or.
SlmSasli & Door Factory
Canyon Cltv, Or.
Saab, Boon, Window. Gloss, Putty,
Mouldint;, mil Dresied Lumber
Etc, Constantly on Hand.
Furniture Made to Order.
Inner & Canyon City
Via. Intf; Crook and Monument,
eariTyiuj,' mail, oxpioux aud fniij-ht.
i:kiiv liioviHio.v maim; rou tiik
Tlioro is a Kvin of 'J I hour timo
and $10 cash by taking this rout" to
Stngo Iwivim Ganynn City umy
day except Sunday, at I a, in.
W. II. Cl.AWC,
doo.1 tromi, tonj lootfjsiKri and fill llm.
Ciirystltntlaii (,-lmi la t'us cml.toil of sa;ris.
Chiircos Knasaitublo.
Kai'iioy Sia'o Lino.
Jowott & Mobean. I'roprn.
aUKelraui Canjoii Mwiiity, W'nlncsJxy suit
Krlil.jr st 0 s ni., snj Ivsim IIuiiii uii lu.Kla)
TliuraUjr siul HttunUjr
l'inuffxiij I'rcllit st rriiomb r.ltt
W have the CHEAPEST and Betl
.Wlro Ropo HoIvoho.
MHH iLiiirii, ivmiir .mi r. r vilhih,
ilii i slid lili In. (l.lciloui.uli I'rlrcsiow. Sul-t
lit e
liix s.slllnnol
r o.slrr., l-Mld
l.lil ImIiI. Sena (nrrlrnilsrs,
iilsKiisikirttu.. (Miriui, in.
Wluumi.Tif mil
V S All S
ShfrlfTi Sale.
Uy virluo of nn osoculion nnd dc
cico of foreclosure nml snlo issued
out of tli circuit court of tho state of
Oregon for tho county of Grant ujion
n judgment rendered in said court on
tho I'Jthday of Soiitembor 18S'J, in
favor of Joseph 'WuUon nnd John
HiLMio, plaintiffs' nnd against A U
Tnbor, Goo II Tracy, J nines Toyn
don nnd Gcoro JI Clonrr, dofend
nnUi, for tho sum of f 927:1.77, with in
terest thereon fiotn tho lUtli dny ot
Snplombor 18S9 nt Iho rnlo of ttn
per cent per nimum nnd tho further
sum of f8i.t)2coaU, together with ac
cruing iutorest nml costs. I hnvo
loviad upon and will sell nt public
miction on Saturday tho Ulsl day of
May If 90 nt ono o'clock p. in. ofsnid
dny nml nt tho court house door iu
Canyon City, Grant county stnto of
Oregon, nil of tho right, title nnd in
torost which tho defendants nliovo
named or oithor of them had on tho
Hlthdnyof Boptombor 1880, or now
hnvo in or to tho following described
properly to-wit:
Tltoso certain ininoH known, loca
catod nnd rocordod ns tho "Amazon"
inino nml '-Yukon" mine, located by
Georgo M. Cleaver nnd situate in
Ornnt county, stale of Orogon, to
gothor with nil tho uinchinciy thereon
nnd thereunto nppuilniiiingi inoluil
ing tho quartz mill and quartz mill
building, situato ono quarter of a
milo more or loss distnut from said
Amazon inino on whnt is known ns
Clear creek, Grnnl countj', Oiegon,
nnd nliotit ono ipinrtorof n milo north
mid bolow whnt is known ns Million
IIio'h nrnstrn, tho Kit mo Ixdng tho
mill nnd building formerly situato nt
whntwai known ns tho Huckleberry
inino iu Uaker county, Oregon, to
gether with nil und bingtilnr, the ten
ements, heicdit.imcuts nnd nppmton
nncoH therotinto belonging or iu nny
wiso nppertniuing.
Terms of silo Cash.
Dated iu tho county of Grnnl nnd
slnto of Oregon tins 21th dnv of
April A. D. 1800.
Sheiiff of Grant county Or.
Hy virluo of nn execution nnd do- j
erco of forccloRtiio and salo if-sued i
out of thu circuit court of tho stnto of 1
Oregon, for tho county of Grnnt up- '
on n judgement rondurcd in snid
court on tho lfitli dny of .March i
1800 in fnvor of William .MeMurren i
nnd L Crnbill, copnitnors ns McMiu
reu & Crabill, ))lnintifls, nnd ngaiust 1
J J Smith and L II liowmnu, co-'
partners as Smith & Ilowm.tu and P. I
ltaRcho fc Co. dofondnuts, for tho Bum j
of $207.25 with inioixist Ihorcon nt !
tho rato of 8 per cont per annum
from tho littli day of si'ircli 1800 and ;
the further sum uf $2(1,21 cosls. Ij
havo lovicd ujion nnd will ncll ntpub-!
1 io auction on Situtdny tho :ilst day
of Mny 1800 at two o'clock p. in. of
that ilny at tho court house door iu
Canyon City, Oregon, nil of tho light !
title nnd interest of the detondnuts,
Smith k llowmau, nnd of eaohthero-1
of iu and to tho following described '
properlj': I
That cciiain (juat tz mill known ns !
the "Golden Monarch Quartz Mill," ,
siluato on Clear crock iu Grant conn-1
ty, stato of Oregon, nnd said mill be
ing used in tho oporntion of nnd con
nected with whnt is known ns tho
Golden Moiinrch Quaitz Mine, to
L'etlier with one aero of ltouiiiI unon
which said mill stands. And,
Whnroas, it further npioars from
said dcoreo that P. ancho nudJ. P.
Kaull, co.pnrtiiurR us P. I)nscho& Co.
iccovorod judgment ngaiust mi id ilu
fondautH, J J Smith and L II Jiow-
man, co-piu tncis ns Smith ivliowmnn !
for tho sum of Sll i".K with interost
on said sum from said lMh day of '
naich, JSOO, til Iho rnto of ten per '
cont per niinum, together with costs
nnd disburtsomoutH.
Notico is thoroforo horoby given !
Hint oa said 3Ut day of May," IN'JO, J
all nnd singular thonbovo described
property with tho appurtonnnccH i
thi'ieiinto lxilonging nnd appertain
ing and till nnd every, tho right, title '
and iutoiost of said Smith k How
man therein nnd thereto will bo sold ,
at public auction to thu highest bid-
derforCnsh, i
Dated in Grant county, Stuto of I
rv........ ,1.:.. oi.l. .1... a...:i icon I
xiuuiiii, inm Mibii iiii ui iiiit i qiiij,
Kherift'of Grant Co. Or.
Doputy Sheriff.
Uihl Ofllmat llurni, Or.. Apr. ID, 10.
IiTiiIIm. la li.r.liv .rlii, tltftt I hu fi.ll.ii. Inif
-lll.rlu.IIUI Mtl(lil.ltilMlluiiUimV-iUal 1
prcMif Ih .uppurt of Mi Hxtin, sua thai .l.l prof
till bo nitil Mora tlis L'uunty Jmltn iif (Irani l'u
Or . ur lu lil. sUti ncv tht IWiiiil rirrk at Caiiion
Clij, nr., n Jims 7. Ilssi. rl! Ym, P,
i, Ki 1 1 sua sw 1 1 m: i-i M si ti io s
It no i:.
Us Minr. Iho Irtllukln uttncSH'S tuprnvshlt
nwiilHiia'n rwl lHii ii ,niii sml mlUistlan uf, uUl, li; ll.tM IliUuiUk. W. It. Allru, Juku U
lluiijor, A. iwi W'MlMr, ll uf llnUii,(r.
0-11 J. II. llesriNsto, ItrgUtrr.
ljnj Oftlc si Hum., Orrvuu.
Atll ID. ltuo.
.S'ollr li lurrby tlic ii th.t ll fnlk.hcniuii-4
vlll.r lu. Illnl nutlos of Mi lutmlluu to nulr
Iln.l ii,Hit lu iiiiiioil uf till rlslni, ii. tht sstil
i.ii, lx iiikls Ufwe ll run nlv JuJjrx "I
llisnt ruimtr Or or lu Id. sUmiu-4 tfis touiity
In I st tZanjait (.Uy, Or. n June 7. Ison,
Josopli N. Ponr.uil, Uil lor ths atl l-l
SW 1-lN.sM. Kl 1.NU II m1 NW II .VK It
UrtUTli Id Sit u.1 I).
lis IKtllrs lilt ItlllllalliK ltll,w. 10 MOIt 111.
I'n.mmi. nil .-u. IIS lur IIIO nl. I-1 ft. I I sir
cuiillnnwH. fwlilrnc u.mi, ll cuIMisIIuh of aa l.t, in: 111,111 iii-iunri, . ii. aiisii, juun I..
lupivr, asiuii imiir, anui iiiiiuuii, ur
(ill J, II, lll'smurov, lli;iUr.
Un4 iiuIm st Hum. Or.
April 10, IsOJ.
Kiitlt'i' U slivn tlisl Uir ff4Uwlii u.iumI
ii ttltr li flleJ imllie of l.i. Iiilrnllwi lu inata
lln.l proof In upjit of Mi vUlm, sml Out ml.
Iirui f kill I iiMitx Uforr llip whiiiI; jmlsa n' ln
in sb.rmc Ufarv th ('nuiiiicicili ot (Ir.ui
i Miul.i. Or, si I'hiiihi ('lit. Or. an JUr ai at,
luo, vis: Lovo Unlley, I'd M' 3tM fur
Uk K I t NW I I aud K 1 1 bW I I S Tp, 17
Slli.. r. W M.
lis nsiars ths Mluslnir lliiu..ilai.roTlil
conliiiumu rr.Uriwa upwi. si,d fulllrsUmi il,
.iM ln,l, ,li: I'. 'Iiniu(. ff VII. ttlittii, Or.;
T II. Cuil.vl Julm liy, dr., and luH I'ml.n.
siul Jjrub ilwr, i,t Ntewait, Or.
4 3 ). U. lll'.STISUTON, It.-slllcr. I
.VotkuNo. IIS.
Ujiitki) States Laxh Orrirr.
La Grande, Oregon, April 7, 1890, J
JVotico is hereby given,
That Tho Portland Mining Company,
a Corporation, has mndo application
for a United StaloB Patent for tho
Poitlnnd Consolidated Quartz Mm
ing Claim, siluato in no organized
Mining DUliict, Grant county, Slnlo
of Oregon, consisting of 82 k 13-100
ncros, uciug Lot Na 87, and des
cribed in the field imloj and plat of
tlio oflicinl survey on file in this ofllce,
with msgnttio vnrialion nt 20 dog. JI0
min. 1'- nnd 20 dog. -15 mill. Kat ns
Cointnciioiug nt n post and mound
of rooks nt tho SW corner of Iho Sil
ver King Quartz claim from which
post the Sec. corner nt tho SB corner
of Sec. SU.Tp. II, 8 K III K, boars N.
10 deg. W. 2.08 chains distant.
This post is marked P. C. Q. M. SU
No. 1. Sur No. 212, Thence J Clij
dog. li nlong tho botithotly ond lino
of tho Silver Kmg claim OoO feet to
Iho HH rorncr of claim nnd to post
marked P. C. Q. M. Stn No. 2, Sur
No. 212, Tl.onco N 28? dep. V. nlong
tho easterly sido lino of claim 52(1 feet
to Tp. lino on S sido of Soe. SI I, Tp.
1, S Kill B, at n point 12.00 chains
B of coiner to sections Sill and SU set
n post li fed long, I inches squnro
iu mound of rocks marked Tp L nl a
! point of iulorsectioni 15U0 feet to
NB corner of tho Silver King Claim
i being originnl comer nnd marked P
C Q M Stn No SI, Stir No 212.
i Thenco N SI.'IJ dog. B nlong Iho
! enhterly ond lino of tho Miner'H
J lOiiii i claim 000 feet to NB coruor
of claim post mat laid P C Q M Sin
; No -l. Sur No 212, Thenco N CD
dog. W nlong northerly Hide Hue of
! Miner's Dream claim IGOOfcetto
1 NW corner of claim post marked
jP C Q II Sta No fi, Sur No 212.
Thenco S SI3J dog. W along wontorly
' end lino of tho .Miner 'h Dream claim
' 000 feet lo post nt northerly end of
Tunnel Locntiun Lode marked P O
Q M Stn No 0, Sur No 212, Thenco,
N fiCi dog. W along northerly ontl
lino of Tunnel Locntiun claim 22
foot intersect lino between sections
Si;iA;3l, 25.08 chains N of tlio cor.
tier to hoctions SI, I, X) k SI I, sot n
post in mound of locks, mark S L
nt point of intersection SI00 feet to
NW corner of claim post mnrked
PC QM Sta No 7, Sur No 212.
Thenco S 28 dog. W nlong westorly
sido line of Tuiinol Location claim
1500 feel to SW comer of claim post
mark PCQ M Stn No 8, Sur 212,
Thenco S ftlij dog. B along the south
erly end lino of tlio Tunnel Location
claim (!00 feet to tho SB corner of
claim post mink PCQ M Sta No U,
Stir No 212, Thence along tho south
erly cud lino of tho Kingston claim
11(55 feol to Tp lino on S sido of Sea
SISl, TpO, S It SU B, 2.27 choins W
of corner to sections SI, -1, SISl k .11
st n post in mound of rocks marked
Tp L at point of intersection 1 1-1 SI
feet to blazed section lino between
sections Si & 4 in Tp 10, S K 31 U,
1. IO chains S of corner to sections
SI, I, SISl k Sit nml set a post in mound
of rocks marked S L ut point of intci-
section 1200 feet to plnco of begin
ning containing 82. 1'l ncros. .
Tlio snfd mining claim being yi
record iu the ofllce of tho CouVity
Clork of said mining district, at Can
yon City, in Grant county, Statu of
Orogon Any and nil persons claim
ing ndvorsoly any portion of tho said
Poitlnnd Consolidated Quaitz Min
ing Claim or suifnco ground mo ro
quiiod to Illo their nt verso claims
thnroto with tho Register of Un
united Stales Land Oflico, nt Lu
Graiido, Stato of '.Oregon, within tho
sixty days' publication thereof, or
they will bo bnrred by viituo of the
provisions of tho statute in such easos
made and provided.
I direct that tho forgoing Notion
of Application for Patent bo publish
ed for the period of sixty ttays (ten
consecutive weoks) in tho "Ghant
CountvNews, a nowspapur published
nt Canyon City, Grant county, Statu
of Oiegon, boing tho nowspapor pub
lished nearest said claim.
First publication April 21, 1800.
llvm:, Johns A Oi.jiti:d,
-11 Attorneys for Applicant.
Uy virluo of nn execution and do.
crco of foreclosing nnd snlo issued
out of tho circuit court of tlm stnto
of Oiegon'for tho county of Grnnt up.
on n judgement rendered m smd
court on tho 13th day of Mnrch,
A. D. lriflo, ii fnvor of B. Stow'nrt,
lilaintifl', nnd against James t Thorp,
Blla M Noble, dofondnnts, for tho
Bum of 82(520.00 with interest there
on from tho 13th day of .March 1800,
nt ten ptr cont per milium,, nnd fur
ther mini of 851.00 costs, together
with nccruiug iutorest nnd coals, 1
hnvo levied upon nnd will soil nt
public auction on Saturday the 31ut
day of Mny 1800 nt ono o'clock p, ui.
of tlmt day, at the court bouso door
iu Canyon City, Or., nil of Mia light,
title mid interest of thu Dot's Jamra
t Thorp mid Klin M Noble, or of ci
ther thereof iu nml to tho following
described tract of Inud lo wit: The
S J. NW tt SW 1 NB .k NW SW
i of see 11 Ip Hi S It 27 K WM, sit
utitonnd being iu Giant Co, (Jr., to
gether with nil nnc singular tho leu-,
rments, hereditaments and npputeu
.ineos Iheiotinlo l elongingur in nny
Terms of snlo iumi.
Datod nt Cnnyon Oily, in Omul Co
silnto of Or. this 23rd day of Apr 1800
Sheriff of Grnnt Co. Or.
fl Deputy Sheriff.