Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 15, 1890, Image 4

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    V TO
On Improved Farms in
is; No
iVucl Kloourity Id Sntiwfnotorv
-If you eontomplnlo borrowing inonoy cftll on or nddreg-
lji uiuiwci: no wi: l
General Blacksmith
Canyon City :
Ho ioum ooiM'intly on hand inul for
td, nlo ituHHii nail's nto.v, hti:i:i, t-oAi, wivirTi.rriimw, nkck
lltOS', (lU, 1 1 to. etc
uauuiagkn ;jik;(jj::s .v imukiioiuds .uniir orir.
JUST A K1$A80N'AI)LU discount FOR CASK! -JSP
Wilt nlio take orders for lloekoyo Mowom anil 1-htmn for Mine; or nny klnil
of Mower.
Will nlso take orders for tliu Taylor mill Ilollinjjuwoilli Rakes, Sclinttlor mill
Smith Wugon, Doero Plows, ami for nil l;iniU of .Mourn.
Wo nlto act for l'liter Kuhl iijjunt for Slnvur
Vehicle dining In' uiImuioo front town.
raotiive prompt attention.
Washington Street,,-
opja!y a. kads,
AIL Kinds Of
It j- Vholcnlo mnl Itrtnll.
.fill ardors Mad
Forwarding1 &
Commission House.
Baker City, Baker county,
Cooper's Shoop Dipping Powtlurs For Snlo a I Wholcsalo
Willnlwnys cudonvor to obtain tho hhjliest niniket prlios on wool, etc.,
for jtat tiort consigning to mu, store, fiulil or forward tint sumo uccordii,
llidir desiro.
Mark all &cods
Log.LumberYard q- Git y Trucks :--
i i ri r-i . i 1
i ' . in
Grant & Harnoy Counlies.
Delays win Title is
Bakor City, Oregon,
Prairie, Oily, Oregon.
: ;
Kilo, iioiihijiioi,
anil unfit-
it Wnlkur's IiuplciiionU mill
Anything left with tin will
Meat Market.
Canyon City, Qrogmi.
mmsn meats
on Mori A'otive-
S. .' 11 KILMER.
1 1 r r- r- . nil r r
II" I irwrit O u I r
j ' wilfH.MI
fV.'lHT tllAUK or.Ai U U HI,
ff EC
Tutf S nils
A Inrjilit liver rfarnuco.l (lio nliota7l
Km, mnl iroliirc
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Costivcncss, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
Tliero tn nn liellar icmntr for(lio
romiiinii dltniiii tlinn Tult'o l.lmr
fUliiAin IrUI nlll iroi. I'rlcc.ajc.
Sold Evory whore.
Vontlorful Klcsh Producer.
Mnuy lmo (faintd ono pound
por day ly itn luw.
Si-oU'.i Junulsion ia not n uooTot
tembdy. It conUbs thn cliteulal
iuu propwUc of llio Hypoph
pliitoa ntd nuro Korwoyian Ootl
Iivor Oil, tlto potency of both
bcinjj liirfoly increased. It is mod
by l'liy trie inns nil ovor tho world.
Sold l) nil Di'itmhta.
SOOTT A no VNE, Chtmlste. li.Y.
Appointment of Ad
ministrator. Nolioo is lioroby yiven to nil nor
roiib whom it umy concern, tl.nt llio
iiiulorti),'iipd Iiivh Itcon duly npjioiiit
cd hv tho cot. nly court of tit i hUio
of Oregon foi 0 nnt cmin'y, nlmin
iHlrnt jr of the ostnle of Htciilion Grn-1
limn deceased, Into of xmd count',
ami nil pcrsoi h having jtint elniniH
ifjail.Hl said iwtnto nro noliflwl to
proHt nt tlio f ninn vorifiod n8 by law
twjuirod to tlto timlnrNignod nt his
rosiilrnco on tho .Middle Fork of the
John Day i nor in Mid Grant coun
ty, uitliiu Hix nnntliH from tho -l ite
of tho firdt puljl. ration of this notice.
Dated Mny lit I8SU '
a. ii. Woci).
0-10 Adminiatr.ttcr.
PAintwit it Co; A 3, Att'tH fer Stnlo.
KveculMrM Appolndiioiit
Notico is lioroby yivon that tho tin
(Ur.rgnod lm-'o been duly npjioiiitod
oxeautor'8 of tliu lrHt will of Luanda
TlintnuKon dcccnReJ, Into of Grant
county, of Oioyon, mid that lotloiri
executory lmvo duly iwniod to tlio
undethi jiiod an mich oxccttlors frmn
tlio county coutt of tho slnto of Ore
gon lor tiinnl county, nud nil jcr-
HOna imvillg ltui clniins ngntlist until I
oatnlo nro notifidl tn inosnt tho 1
HHiio duly vonfied lis by law ruquir-
Oil, to tlto tlluUlTsiljllotl, 0 W Poller '
nt liin nHidoiicn ill John Dnv vallov 1
ill Hiiil ton nl v nr In (,tn'i I
nttoruoya for Hnid otnto til thoir of- I
,!,. , , .. ,,, ,. I
.i.ii. V""J""11l -'"i T'" i
tiuiiu i. iiuiiuiiH mini mo uiiiii oi
(IiIh notioo. Dated May Ihl 1SD0.
A tun Goiumy,
t!. W. l'oimit.
C-10 Kxogutora.
Paiiiiuii Si Co., Alt'yflforoiintc.
TO .!ru4li", Sink llM J.n he, l oonti-li-iifi-,
Mnlart i, t ivi- V.mAMt,u, lato
tkO riJ ni..t fl"tin runn-dy,
Sittl'A'Xi.' .
twt-ti'i. 'iii'i, auk ru:: iv)t-imnr, 1...- .11 J'jkffl1--
t'l'lri. ttt i-lilirr kl, ear. prr lloltlc.
M.(h'):i&tt.'i'"uiiii'KA)iJt,"sr.itKit uc.
A Ui.'tlr fii rl.nn innrlilmv t'ullr rr-
mill -.1 M'i.Ii' fnu.i '.T Ut luntwtil Ii, .kil.i-,1
wiMiMi'ti. hin) v iiit ill Im-.i IiniU I ual Imi, t ir
ih'4n lik!..l I. r Um iiiriMu Wurrai'liil Ui ili
til I'l.ll I ill U lVi.uJ' f. ,H(-t-l u( ii. imi
.1 i k, i t r vi.nii 'nt,l of rrli!ii2 l.':
..i-.u m'. niii.i it- ir - nivoi .Hug lo Uik
j'.il.n ..( id,- n. i, ii r
I'ricr - $100.00.
if t'lfil- Is lie iipi. I In ra.u Lor. ii. al
dux the uiumifm ttnviv,
rm: vxnxsii kpb, o.,
iffi-nf. iiMMr.;. r.t visit, .v. m
is., t r. i r, ,i
.!i p ' I.,-.- .1 it
Ti.i. I'WJ :i
I.-. 1 1 1 ,. .
tttt "
pi (Pi-it
HRS er C I. B H
h" I T. T I
1 t : i
iv .!.. Tiit: I'vlJ :i . .ii. ""in u
. 11 ! .1. V.fM . . 1
FOR MEN 1 'sti!h
A Pnthotlo LltUo Story Booed on
a Rnllrorul Accident,
lien Wrnt In Mrep llr.t. I.ut lilt rnlttiful
Itarlirl l-ollnnixl lllin Uiilrklj'-lloth
Mrrs Itrmlr l--t Tlif Ir )tikrr
ml to ltetf Ivo Tliclr Itcnanl.
Knlncor Dlmmlck, c ( tho CIiIcaro ex
press, Mid ho hail vva In nervous drood
1 ot an acaldont from tho momunt ho
i pulled out of tho tiko Hhoro dcjxit in
Chlenpo, wrltos William II. Mnlior in
I tho Toledo Illado. Till hod msdohlm
i unusually careful, hut a ho roaohed
j Sherman' c rousing a llttlo lnihind timo
j ho iM' to lose hl foar. Ho opened
I tho throttle of old 00, intending to (rain a
I few minutes in tho remaining eight
' miles hotweon thoro and Toledo. Ho
I started to Mtfnal (or tho ermslng just
I this aldo of tho trceo when, horrorl ho
i aw b farmer driving furlounly toward it
as it to oroM ahead of tho train.
It wan aiilcldcl
DImmlok aentout a hoart-hroaklng sift
! ual to thn hrakeman, rerouted tho on
, Kino, put on alr-hrakei, knowing all tho
! time tho train oould not boliloppod this
sldo of tho crossing, and then uliut his
oyes and prayed.
! When tho onglnn stoppl a part of tho
j wagon was on tho headlight, tho horses
j wore distributed along tho track and
j two old pooplo wero lying near tho
Dlmmlck was tho first to ronoh them.
Thoy lxth breathed. Vas there a phy
slolnn among tho paMongara? Yes, two.
A hurried examination and consulta
tion. Tho man was undouhUlly fatally
hurt; tho woman probably bo.
They wero tenderly carried to Mr.
Illahard' house near by, and the phy-
nlohum wero told that It thoy would stay
' until tho local practitioner could bo
j found a locomotive would be sent haak
1 for them In an hour. They agreed to
Mtay. Tho hell rung traveler hurried
, to their place; sumo with white faces
' at the thought that it might havo been
themselves; others full of tho inipor
tnnoo a participation in tho ocutwuuld
1 give them and their Htory, and others,
forgetting themselves, thinking only of
tliu sorrow brought to other.
.Mr. lllchards placed his house at the
oommand of the physioians. .Stimulants
I wore admlnlsterwl, anil when the laml
ly doctor and tho children of tho sulfor
, em had arrived the father was moan
Ing, but tho mother had opened bur
, eye.
I I.nto in tho night, after hours of
' faithful and Inctwsant labor over thorn,
' tho mother NMike:
"How Is father?"
i "Hols Mill unconsolouH, but In well
' takencareolf. HereisHometblngforyou;
': now don t worry; don't think; Just go to
' sleep again." lleV" sonHix)ko to hor.
i "I must go to father."
"Veil mustn't think of It, mother,
i Vim are very badly hurt journolf. You
i must be very iulet."
1 "I must go to fathr; ho needs me."
Tho phynlclau looked at her keenly,
saying, In n low tone, to tho on:
"I think we had better fix n placo for
I her near him. Klio will never bo eon
j tent olherwlko."
I Tho son coaxed and argued with her,
, but it was of no uvull. They moved
tiltf ItfMl lil.ulilfi lifif llbltrt ml 'a ulin n(
tompttnl to take his hand, but could not.
His Montorlotis breathing seenuil to
make no lmireslon upon her.
"Is father going to die?" hIio askinl.
Tho weeping daughter nodded. "You
"""t J(,,t,I' 'julet for your own sake,
"'e'vo been marrlcHl over forty-eight
years," sho Baid to tho dealer, "but
w'o known each other all our Hvim."
"You mustn't talk, mothor."
"Wo wus rn sikI ulilo by side; ho took
care on mo when wo wt nt to school to
gether; he's alwavs look oaro on me.
Tut me on my uldo more, fto'n I can nee
htm better.
"Mother, you must stop thinking and
talking. " Mie pnUl no heiM.
"Keems 's it 'twa'n't but n llttlo while
iigortlnoowo was msrrieil; but it's over
forty-eight year. Wo was talkln' of our
golden weddin' this vory week, lien!"
The Hon put his hands on her llpo to
silence her, but tho doctor whispered:
"Hotter let her talk n little. Hho'a be
yond control." .
Tho gray-headed husband seonicd to
hoar her call; ho opened his eyes,
breathed Km noisily, struggled with his
voice, nud then managed to whisiKir:
"Hero I am, benjamin;" and turning
hor oye to tho daughter, "put my hand
j in his."
I They laid hr poor, wrinkled hand on
. his hard, knotty lingers.
j "I this morning, Itmihol?'
"No, It ain't; you JnBt lie HtlU. You
see," H.tid Hhe, turning her eyos to the
others, "ho thinks it's timo to get up."
"itachell" In a ery low whisper It
"Yefl, Hon; I'm right hero bosldn you."
"Tell Jim to milk this morning."
"Yew, ye; that's all attended to. (Jan
you Bee ine?"
"I t'n very light, wife, but 1 can't
i see you."
1 Tho doctor motioned to tho children
that the end was near.
! "Put my faoo on bis, Susy; yt, 1
' know he's going, but 'tnn't for long;
lift mo over to him."
They lifted her face to his; hts eyes
opened; ho sinllisl -niul issued away.
They earrlud tho mother Itack to her
own pillow and wero glad to beo lnir
quietly go to sleep.
And In that sleep she crossed the river
' to her lieu.
Oiirn JIi timIIIIi it. n Diplomat.
Ixird I.ytton, llrltlsh Minister to
franco, is hi Id to resemble his father,
tho novelist, In tortoual appearance,
having the same long face, tad-looking
oyeH, full. htralghtlKiard and prominent
niMU. While literature has been his
avooatlou, be has made diplomacy bis
vocation and has kerveil nt many ot tho
oourtsof Ivuropo. His most InijHirUtut
Kltliiit have been that of Viceroy of
India and his present ono. As MlnUtir
i to Krnnoe he revolved 00,000 salary and
a yalaco to 11 vo In.
Uikl OMic at Hum.. Or.
Aerll :..
Km I
Ine i inifil
II.uuumiK. MImIh.- llw. to yi lilt
1 " HWSTI.XUTOS ltjliMr.
, .- .v,n u fer. l.jr liin llitl III. lul
Canyon GiUi, Or.
(Shop wtt aiilo of the oreelr, ojiposiU:
I'laiung mill).
ifndo n specinlty, nnd nil work war
mnted nnt elnw.
Wagon and Carriaqo work
nml nil kinds of rextiring mid jol
work promptly nttomleu to.
Canyon City, Okkoon,
Traveling men will find this
plenwut nml dosimblo plnco nt
Viliich to Nlop.
('Ivo ii h a CiiU
CA.VYOX cirv
Hugh Smith, prop'r
A full iMMV of tkt
IMr.t tl Winn eikI
Tlio lint cl;iriln lli .M.tVtt.
ir. s. souTirwojiTjr,
rnoruiirrou or.
SleamSas! & Door Factory
Canyon City, Or.
Saih. Doorf, Windows, Olnu, Putty
Moulding, nml Lrcwcil Lumber
Etc., constantly on Ibuid.
Furniluro lYlado lo Order.
Hiper & CanyoQ Cil?
Via. long Creek and .Monument,
camying until, express mid freight.
kvkkv riiovi.sio.v madi: ron tiik
couiout ok I'A.sjinxiimis.
I hero is n Kiviii" of 21 hours time
nud ?I0 onsh uy tiikiug this route to
Stno litivfw Oniiyon City overy
day oxwipt .Sunday, nt t . in.
Ouwl tcoiat, l-owJ chit.hucm iil hit tliu.
llurtttMitlwi cUiii In tU coiufiil of .niori.
Clinrgn HoiLoniibln.
Manioy Stage Lino.
Jowott &: Mcbean. rropw.
Stsmlmti -Tan v on IImi.uv. W'.ltibsbUv muA
KfltlV it 0 ft. 111., a lul Ituti lturiiM t.ii Tuuilsr
Tliuri-Uy and iliiuMajr.
Wo havo the CHEAPEST and nail
jWIro Ropo Solvngo.
Ijiwn lianl.n, IS ulIrr ami Ktork I'.nrlnc, a',
lie. and wl.liln, lUioionialrh. 1-rlMllow.Tl.iM
ili ,iiUSii(ilVfalirio., liiifiko, nx,
. -AUltil LAtlfi a.4 CLil;ri.UV ri.m
.Sheriff! Sale.
By virltfe of nn oxooution and do-
cico oi lorcclosuro nntl snlo issued
out of tha circuit court of llio Atato of
Oroiroii for tho counly of Orant uiwn
n judgmonl rendered in said court on
ii... in.i. i... ..f i...i i.. locn :..
VIIW lvlllimV Ul (3UIHVIIIUU1 loou, in
favor of .loRftpli WnUon nml John
Ilicno. tilnintilTs mnl ncnimtt A 0
Tnbor, Geo H Trney, Jnmos Toyn
don and Goorgo M Clonvr, dofend
nnts, for tliu sum of $9273 77, with in
tercut thereon from tlio 19th day of
September 1880 nt llio rnlo of ten
por cont por annum nnd the further
sum of $8(.D2col, togotliorwith ac
cruing inlorcst and cost. I liavo
loviad tijKJii nml will sell nt nublio
auction onSatunlay llio SUt day of
.May 1990 nt otts o'clock p. rn. of mid
day and nt tlio court homo door in
Canyon City, flrsnl county oloto of
Oregon, nil of the right, titlnnnd in
terest which tho dofemlanU itbovo
naiiiod or either of them lmil on tho
lOthdnyof Srntombor 18fi0, or now
havo in or to tlio following doicribod
property to wit:
TIioho cortniti mine known, loon
cutod nnd recorded ns tho "Amnion"
miiio nnd 'yukon" mine, looAtod by
Ooorgo .M. Clonvor nml dittinla in
Omnt county, stale of Oregon, to
golbor with nil tho nincliiiioiy thoroon
mnl tliereunlo npiui lniiiiug, inoltid
ing tho quarlz mill nnd qtinrlz mill
building. HituntooiiH pjnrtcr of a
milu mote or Um dislniit from htid
Amazon mino on what is known nn
Clour crook, Grant county, Oiegon,
and nboul ono quarter of n milo north
nml below whnl in known as .Mnhon
Uio'h nrnRlra, llio snino being tho
mill nml building formerly oituulo nt
what was know n ns tho Huckleberry
mino in Uuker county, Oregon,' to
gotlior with all and .singular, tho ten
oiiiodIh, liotcditimontH nud nppmioii
mines lliorou nto belonging or in any-
wiho npportmtitng.
Tonus of silo Cash.
Dnlod in tho county of Grant nnd
Into of Oregon this 21 tli dnv of
April A. D. 18'JO.
ShciilTof Grunt county Or.
tuiiniiifi" t!iTi- "
a tn. mi v a a.tjjii.
Ily virltio of nn osocution mnl de
cree of foroclomiro nnd snlo issued
out of tlio oircuit court of the stnlo of
Orogon. for tlio county of Grant up
on n judgement rendered in snid
couiton tho Ifith day of March
1800 iu fnvor of William McMunen
nnd lx Crahill, copaitnors ns Mc.Mui
ren it Crahill, nlninlifl's, nnd ncaiiiBt
J J Smith mid L II Jlowuinn, ro-
jKirtners as Sinilli .t nnd P.
Haficho & Co. dufotidniitu, for tho sum
of $207.2i with incoroflt Ihoroon nt
tho nilo of 8 per cent per annum
from tho 15th day of natch 1K90 nnd
tho further sum of $23.21 costs. I
hnvo loviod upon mid will kcll nl pub
lic miction on Silurdny tho 31st dav
of Mny Ib'OO nt two o'clock p. in. of
Hint tlnv nt tlio court liouso door iu
Canyon City, Orogon, nil of tlio light
title mul intei est of the (Ulombtnts.
Smith k Ilowmmi, and of each thrro-
of in ami lo tho following described
Hint corlnin (iiinrtz mill known ns
tho "Guidon Monarch Quartz Mill."
siliialo on Clonr crook in Grunt coun
ty, state of Orogon, and hnid mill be
ing used in tho operation of nnd con
nected with what is known ns tho
Golden Monarch Quartz nino, to
golher with one aero of ground upon
which sani mill sumis. And,
Whnroas, it furlhor niiiionrs from
said docrco that P. llascho nnd J. P.
Pnull. co-nnt tnors as P. llasoho .t Co.
locovorod juilgmont against snid do
fcndanlB, .1 J Smith mid L II How
man, co-pnrlnciH ntiSiuilli k Ilowmmi
for tho sum of $11-15.81 with interest
on snid sum from hnid 15th day of
Jiaich, 181)0, nl llio rnto of ton per
cont por milium, togcthor with cosU
mid disbursements.
Notico is thoioforo hoiobv given
that oa snid 3Ut day of May, 1800,
nil mid singular tho abovo drsoiibcd
.iiigularl ionbovo .Icsei.bcd ,
l in ! "''i' l"n 1 -0B
:o Kdonging and appeitn,,,-
tlioi otitito
ing mid nil mul oveiy, tho light, titlo
and tutoiost oi said Smith Si How
ie.o.0! Mi.., omiiii .v io v-
umii tlioroin nntl thereto will bo sold
ui. iiiiiiiu uuu.iuit iu iuu iiigucni will i
dor for Cash.
, ....l.l; . il III , i ; ,
Datml iu (unlit county, Stain of
Orogon, this 21th day of April 1!U).
Sheriff of Grant Co. Or.
Py J. .1. McCULLOUGIl,
Doputy Sheriff.
U.l Offlceit IIuim. Or., Apr. 19, 11.
VatlMi U h.r.Lr viiMi lk.t lb f.lulnr h.iui-.I
mUrl)i. flll nwtlr ol hUluUuUun to HuV. Bii.I
irtMI In Niiart ol l.l oUlm, unl that mUI o (
will l ITl.tllt tof-im llt Cuuhlt' luiU f.f llrmit l'ii..
Or , ur In Ii. UrHu Hi. (SiUHtj Olwl. l Uantwi
, "r.. nn juu. r. ii. u: Win. P.
irxon. nn mi. ibis lor in se I i si; 1 I iwc.
. .r. i-t ami n it mi i ov im ill id a
II. hAtllM III fllllnwlltf KlIlfMM. Ui urui. hi.
HMitlaua'i. ikIIiwi upon anil wilUnliuu it, mU
mii, iiiti MMmiik, n. il. Allan, Julm I,.
Ileviw, A. lull WklUcr, all uf IIUutiMi.Or.
u ii J. 11. iietiiNgion, UreMrr.
Uittd Unit, at Hun,., Oraiiii.
A ill IK, two.
Nolle Ii ill. II Ullt 111 (illliinllIU u.lunl
.ollUf ) DM l.i.llw ul hi. tntnilluM Iu uul.r
lliwl iraof Iu UHwrt uf librlalui, nud Hut uM
Hiul Hill l mail. l4ur lli. rituulr Judo .1
urui r. or w in iii'H. Um nMinlf
rl.rk al Cauioli I llJ. Or. uu JuuvT. I ami. ill.:
Joaopli N. Coaraun. U'l lt l Ih. hi! l-l
SW I I s.c & I', I i NW I ( aa.1 ,W I I .VK 1
airWTillhl; JK.
II. liaic. Hie l.ilUiaUir wtnuaw. In l-ruro all
OH.IIiiunii. rr.kl.iicn Ui,ail cvltliatluH of ul.1
aiiu, iu: iuiiu iiriwiva, . It. .Ml.u, Joiiu I.
lla T, Anon Wlcllnr, all of IILtHtmi. Or
i II J, II. IIiiuiitmi, lUvlaUr.
Uu.l Mm at Until. Or.
. . AhU 10, ItM.
r I, li. i.liy rlini Hi. I lit f.JI-Mlm; Hamwl
ultlor Ui. ninl noiln u l.i. IniiiiUuu Ui hmL.
dual .m .(In u.u,i ul l,U (Mu. and Hut nIJ
i i.k.I mil nuil. Uor. llir couutr Jlkljrt or In
lil. i.b..-ii, Iwuru tlw r.-uuuUUiL uf Hunt
i. mul,. or, at t'.i.ioii fll. Or. oa Uty Jl.U
: Lovo Dnlloy, lid Ai No. Wl fur
t! !...S.1V I I 11 I n bW l-i S Ti. IT
h It -i , 1. ii M .
II. 1.1 111 1 1 lb fuJIonllll.' Mlluaau. toiinva hi.
coiiiiimiiua r.IJKi hmhi, auj fullli.llon ul,
mSI laa.l. tli: I. '11. aw., oi ui v...uu, ..'
T. II. 1'url, tl Juhu llir. Or., and LUiU IWilaii'.
and JtlJ Vr, ol SitHari. Or.
KUmX. tilt.
Unitkii States Ln Oitick
Iji firAiiiln. Orofnii. Anril 7. lRfin f
Voltt W hcrcby gircu,
' Tlinl I ha l'orllailil .Ml 111 111' Cinin!i-
- - o -----j j.
Corporation, Ims mndo application
for n Uuitod Hteltw I'utent for tho
Poillnud Contolidatod (Junrtz Min
ing Clmtn, Mtuatu in no organised
Mining District, Grant county, Stnlo
of Orogon, cotiMflling of 81! k. -1.1-100
ncrofl, boing Lot No. H7, nnd des
crilxxl in the field nolon mid pint of
tlw oflicinl mirvcy on file iu this office,
with magnetic variation nt 20 dcg. .'10
min. K. nnd 20 deg. 15 min. JCnst na
Commencing at n post nml mound
of rocks nt tho SW cornor of the Sil
vor King (Jturtr. claim from u In. h
iHMt tlio Sec cornor rt tho HK corner
of Soc. .1.1, Tp. H, S U 31 E, benrs N.
10 dog. W. 2.08 chains distant.
This jkmiI is murkod P. C. Q. M. Sin
No. 1, Stir No. 21:', Thonro S. r,(5J
dog. li along tho soutlioily oml lino
of tho Silver King claim UU0 feci to
tho HK oerner of claim nml (o post
mnikod P. C. Q. .M. Stn No. 2, Stir
No. 212, Thcuco N 28 f dcg. Kido'ig
tlio enatorly sido lino oi claim C2fl feet
lo Tp. lino on S side of Hoc. 31, Tp.
5), S It 31 K, at a point 12.00 cbnins
K of cornor lo sections 83 and 31 not
n post 1J foot long, I inches tsrpinra
in mound of iocIcr mnrkod Tp Jj ntn
point of iutorAeclions lfilK) foot to
NK corner of tho Silver King Claim
licing originnl cornor nml marked P
C Q M Sta No 3, Sur No 212.
Thonco N 33J dog. K nlong tho
ensterly end lino of tho Jlinei'H
Dioiiin claim C0U feel to NH corner
of claim pout marked P t! Q .M Stn
No -1, Sur No 212, Thonco N r.OJ
dug. V ulong northerly nide lino of
Miner's Drouin claim loOO feet to
NW corner oi clnim post marked
P 0 Q M Stn No :. Sur No 212.
I 1 lll'"co H "long westerly
ol"1 'ino of ll,a Minor's Dream clnim
i (,u fcot to jioi.1 nt northerly end of
' Tniinol location Lodo mnikcd P C
I Q Sta No C, Sur No 212, Thonco,
I N fiCJ ileg. W nlong northerly end
: lino of Tunnol Ijocnlimi claim 22
foot intersect lino between HoclioiiH
ripi t. .ii or. !o ,.l. v
.... iv im, Hu.ifi uiiiiiiin x ui mu cor
ner to sootions 3, 1, 33 .V 3 1, net n
post in mound of locks, mark S L
nt point of intersection 300 feet to
NW corner of claim post mnrkod
PC Q M Sta No 7, Sur No 212.
Th-nco S 28f dog. W nlong westerly
side lino of Tniinol Location clnim
1500 foot to SW corner of clnim post
uiiuk P I'Q M Stn No 8, Sur 212,
Theuco S 5lU deg. H nlong tho sonlli
ci ly ond lino of thoTuiinol location
claim (100 feet to tho SIC corner of
claim post mark P C Q M Sin No 11,
Sur No 212, Thonco nlong tho .south
orly ond lino of the Kingston clnim
9115 fcol lo Tp lino on S sido of Seo
33, Tp 0, S H 31 H, 2.27 chains W
of comer to sections 3, 1, 33 Si 31
set n post in mound of rocks maikod
Tp L at point of intorscction 1113
font to blazed section lino bolwoen
sections 3 Si 1 iu Tp 10, S H 31 1),
l.-l!) chains S of corner to Eectieus
3, 1, 33 Si 31 and set a post in mound
of rocks murkod H I, at point of inter
section 1200 foot to placo of begin
ning containing 82 l'l ncrca. f
Tho snid mining clnim being oi'
leconl in Hie office of the Couniy
Clorl: of snid mining district, nt Can
yon City, iu Grant county, Stntoof
Orogon Any nnd all persons churn
ing ndvorsoly nny portion of tho said
Portland Consolidated Quaitz Min
ing,' Claim or Bin face ground nto ro
quiiod to file thoir mbeiso claims
theroto with tho liogistor of tho
United Htntos Lnnd Oflico, nt La
Gruiido, Stuto of lOrogon, within tho
i sixty days' publication theieof, or
they will bo barred by vutuo of tho
provisions of thostntuto in such cases
mndu nnd provided.
I diiool thai llio forotroiiiy Notico
0f App cnt ou forPntont bo i.tiblisli-
mUJ tl, ,oHu(1 of ijxl 1 (
coiwccuiivo weeks) in Iho "Guant
Cm,NTV ( .mhMlvtl
uawspainir published
nt Canyon City, Clrnnt county, Slnto
f o.eL'Oli. boiliu tho noivm.mwir nl,
, ..',, "-, ... . 1 ' 1
liouuil MU..IUH. -sil.l l'llilll.
Kind publicntinn April 21, lS'.K).
JIvdk, Joii.nh S: Oi.Jiinri),
-M Atlornoys fur Applicant.
Uy virltio of nn qxcoultun and do.
croo of foiuclosuio nnd snlo issued
oul of llio eiiouit cotut of the blnlo
of Oiegon.fortho rotinty of llrnnt ii
on n judgement roiulen-d in said
couitoiilho l.'lth day of Mnreh,
A. D. 181)0, in fnvor of V Stowmt,
nl.iintilV, nud ngaiiiHt JamosT Thorp,
1111 tt M Noble, dttfoiiilauls, for tho
sum of $2o2!)00 with intorost tln ro
ou from llio 13th duy of March lKKi,
nt ton pr cont por niiutiin, nnd fur
thor sum of $51.01) coats, together
with ncoiuing inloroxt nnd costs, 1
hnvn levied upon nnd will boll nt
public miction on S.itiir.lay tho 31st
day of .Mny 1HD0 nt mm o'clock p. m.
of that day, nt iho court houso door
iu Cnnyoti City, Or., nil of tho light,
titlo mid inlornvt of tho Dof ' Jnmos
t Thorp nml Kiln M Noble, or of ci
ther thoreof iu mid lo tho following
described tract of land to -wit: The
S J NW t Ai SW 1 NK 1 .V NW 1 SW
i of sac 11 Ip 13 S R 27 U W M, sit
uate mid being in llrnnt Co, Or., to -got
her with nil nm: singular tho len
enienlri, hereditaments nml nppiiitcu
miues thcrotinlo belonging or in any
wiso appertaining.
Tcrui3 of snlo cash.
Dated nt ''nnyon City, iu Grant Co
stnto of Or. this 23rd day or Apr 1800
Sheriff of Grant Co. Or.
Uy J. J. MtCULLOUail,
G Depnty Sheriff.