Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 01, 1890, Image 2

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.HVty .. 1800.
Since tlio great iluuu liro Seat
tle's building inspector lias lamied
permits for 1,8 1 H buildings, nt im
estimated cost of 3rt,003,-lb'2.
Ono wlio constructs u founda
tion for n building inny enforce n
mechanic's lien therefor, wliotlicr
a building is erected thereon or
not, according to tlio decision of
the supreme court of Indiana,
On .May II, 1702, Captain Rob
ert Gray entered the Columbia riv
er in the fillip Columbia, of Hus
ton, and gavo tlie name of his whip
to tho "iMightv Oregon," In 1802
a century will havu elapsed and by
tlint time, two years hence, the
states of Oregon and Washington
should celebrate tho event in a
manner befitting two powerful
A terrible plague has wept
over a large mitiou of southern
Itusriia. .Millions of field mice in
Kiich numbers as to be irrcsUtiblc,
havo overrun those provinces, mid
are passing northward. They have
ruined cultivated fields, complete
ly gutted the granaries and wheal
Macks, and killed and eaten fever
nt hundred dogs. They swim riv
ers and climb mountains, and there
seems to lie no way either of ex
terminating them or of arresting
their progress.
Oregoiiian: A bill increasing
tho pension of tho widow of Gen
eral Milroy to S?o u month has
passed the United States cuatc.
If a necessity existed for this in
crease it is all right. If, however,
it is merely a compliment which
will enable the bouetieiary to add
that sum monthly to the estate
that sho is laying up for her heirs,
it is an injustice. This being a
frco country the sous of one man
have the enino chance that t!io-e of
another have to take care of them
selves and make their way in this
world, and il is the interest of the
individual as well as that of the
nation that they be allowed to do
A Washington dispatch sayfi:
There is little chanco for passage1
tin's Kcssiou of the bill introduced
by Mr. Hermann to pension the
- survivors of tho Oregon Indian
wars 1S-17-1S 1855 515. ' .Member?
or the pension committee of the
house, to whom the bill was refer
red, have talked it over and decid
ed that it should not be acted upon
by them until after tho other gen
eral pension bills have been dis
posed of. Hills to pension the
soldiers and tailors of tlio .Mexican
war, and survivors of the Indian
wars that took place in tlio South
and .Southwest between 1SU2 and
1812, are before the hoiibc, and il
is believed that considerable oppo
sition to the Oregon bill would bo
manifested should an attempt be
made to call it up for discussion
and passage before the other bills
referred to have been taken up.
Tho supremo court of the I'ni-
f ted States rendered an important
decision in the caso of Xeagle,
who was in custody for killing
v Terry, who attempted' the life of
I Judge Field. The court directed
"i tho release of Neaglo on habeas
corpus on the ground that he was
in custody for act duno "in miioii
f unco of the laws of tho I'nited
States," and that under the terms
of habeas corpus act ho was entit
led to his releafo. Tho court held
that in traveling to hold circuits
Justice Field was as-much in the
discharge of a duty imposed upon
him by law as he was while sitting
in court ami trying causes, and en
titled to all the piotcotiou under
tlioso circumstances wlucli tlio law
could givu linn. Tho court said
that it did not suppose that any
special act Of eongreas cxUts which
in impress terms authori.ej mar
shals or deputy marlials to nut as
n body guard to the justices while
on their circuits, but in view of
tho constitution any obligation
fairly and properly inferable from
that instrument, or any duty of
the marshal to be derived from
tho general scope of his duties,
comes within the provision of tho
habeas corpus act directing tho ie
lease of persons who arc in custo
dy for an act done "in pursuance
of tho laws or tho United States."
It would, says the opinion, bo a
.great reproach to tho system of
government of the United States,
declared to bo within its sphere
fsoveieigu and supreme, if there is
.Mo bo found witliin tlio (ioinani( oi
6 its powers no means of protecting
the judges in tho discharge of
their duties from the malice and
hatred of those m whom its
judgment may operate unfavorably.
I3xet tilorft Appointment
Notico is hoioby given that tho un
dersigned havo been duly appointed
executor's of the Inst will of Lm-iuda
Thompson deceased, late of Grant
county, of Oregon, nnd that totters
executor' liavo duly iwiicd to tlio
undersigned ns xueli executors from
tho county court of tho slain of Ore
gon for Grant county, and nil per
sons having just claims against said
rstalo aro notified to presold tho
H.imo iluly voiillid an by law requir
ed, to the undersigned, G W Porter
at his residence in John Day valloy
in h dd county or to 1'arrinh tc Cozad
attorneys for said estate at thoir of
fieo in Canyon City in said county
within six months ftom the date of
this notice Dated .May 1st I8!)(l.
Amu (JoniK).",
U. W. Poim:n.
6-10 Exoeulor.1.
I'aiiiiirii fc Cozwi, Att'yHforoitatc.
Appointment of Ad
ministrator. Notice ih hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern, tlint the
undersigned has boon duly appoint
ed by tliu county court of tlio stalo
of Oregon for Grant county, admin
istrator of tho oslato of .Stephen Ora
hum ducenscil, late of said county,
nnd all poisons having just claims
against fiuid eatato aro notified to
prosorit tho snmo vorifiwl as by law
required to tho undersigned nt his
rosidonco on tlio .Middle Fork of tho
John Day rivor in s.iid Grant coun
ty, within six months from tho datu
of I ho litst publication of this notice.
Dated May lsllKKO.
(I. II. Worn.
fi-IO Administrator.
Pamiimii it Co7-i, Att'ys for State.
Ulul Ofllco al Hutu', Ortmi.
Atl lt, I KM.
.Sol It. I. Iitrrhjr ilrfli lint II fHlHf iiirmI
a.ltl.r ). tllnl milli-e of liU Int.nllm In mil,.
II nil inmf In aiiworl uf M rlalm. airl Hut iM
l-reuf will Im iiiuI. tfr Hi. r.Hinli (
Ortttt ro'iiiti Or or In M. ata.ii. lit rannl)
lik .I Cbiijmi (It), Or. n Jmi7. Iau. . U,
Jo.npli N. Pmirvill, IM 4t, for the S: l-l
HW l-l Km 1. K I 1 NW I I ami MV I I .VII I I
II. Mint. Ui. fnlluwliiir ltiiri.a in (,. hi.
anillnutiua rwl-lrnr. iihi, and cullliallnii of aalil
lawl. la: ll.vl.l IMiiilet. W. I!. All.1.. John I.
llo ir Aaron Wlallar, alli.f lUantuii. or
i. II J, II. Hi jiiio, liiyl.tcr.
UihI Offlwal llurna, dr.. Apr 1'J. I
Nmlro la lirrelijr tlt.h tit Mlimlnir n.iih.l
i.illrr lit. IIIkI iHilIre i.f 1,1. IiiIviiM-hi .'.. Dual In u.niit i.( M Malm, ami tint talil iro.'l
lll Iw l(or Ui. Cutiniy Jii'l rn nt Otant l'a,.
Or , ar In l.l. aUrnra lli IIuiihi; Ol.ik m fjinon
'-It), nr., on June 7, litxt. l Will. 1.
Ptmriuil- IM No. tH li.r llirNi: I ibi: I I w
jii. i; i-j si: i i n.i ttw i i m: i i s u tii id
II. HAIii.. IImi following mUimhm. In Jirtnclil.
rotiUiiiio'ia rl'lni. unuri and cuttlvtttftti of. al.l
I. ml, li; JUil.l llrlwlfk. W, II. A1I...I, J,.lni I..
Uiipiwr, A.iuii MkWlMr, all ( III a lil.xi , ( r.
0 II J. II. Ill:limtni, llrgl.Kr.
Ixiul OfUca at I J Oran-lfl, Or.
.'T n, ii.
Nolle- lalicraliy trlnrti lliat tliu filliiy iwirail
rltkr m llWil liullci ol Ma IiiIi-iiIIihi to vMuimilr
ami iiuViflu.l ir.Mif In iiipiwut of hi. rUlm ami tint
atld priifif arlll t.e mad. Wfur. Ilia Ciiliit) I'lvrk id
Omul e.i.. Or., at IV 11 ion t'llr. Or , mi Jim. 7.
iwu. ! Frank ClUqlnptl, UdnWfwtli.
NV l-l Sen S 'l i ii S It HI. IV it
UniiaiiiiK In. (ol'iivln hIIiihhisj l M Ida
miitliition rtaHtrtirfT ut".n, aii.l cultivation of,
aald land, la: Hamucl l.nllon. l.'.llon.
JiHrfli I.11II011, U'llllihi Jomt, a: id foi, liianl
nmntx. Or.
Ahy paiiMin mIiii dr.lrcM (u rl -al rIii. lit.
aUowaticat id Ulcll f tftof. or wlitl klio.aolaiil aill.
lanllil irntmi, under tlio La awl Ui.
id lli lciirtiiBl, olij- .iifti i rmit al.oiild
Hid tx allonvl, will l (li.n an .,iiortunll al tlw
alu.i uiiiiIoimn1 IIhw .inI dni la mwi-aauilnr
Ui. ltlii..t-u( ..UI claliiiaul, kikI linin.r rddmitc
In r.liHtlal of IImI iitmilitrl In .Ulmanl
6 II IIKNIIV ni.Nlill.lllT. llPiiUUr.
Und ollll al Tlio IhtlUa, llrrjmi.
Apr. l, luai.
NuOoe U Iwrel.,- ln IU.U llrf folio Inn iMinrd
rltlrr In. fllml iinllr of Ida tnlr-uttim In iiuVoanal
itol In nii-itd Ida claim, and Hut ald ioo(
III I Hindi- 'nrforo IIm IVmntr od at Cinon
CltOr. vii JmwT. l!. l: V.'Ulliuii Try,
of thirl.. Or , lid 3Mt, for In. S W I-1 S a T11 1
S It 14 i: W Jl.
lie niiiica Hie follnoluir ltucK.t' proto 1,1.
iMiiitliiiioiia roUl.m upon, and iiiltliatlon of aakl
laud, l. I'. I., lirvlllli, III M IVntliulli, I . T'Ulli
S"t. II. OnipUll.all ofl'altli, llr
Ally (Hirai ii ulw dialna In protcal avalntt Id.
alOHaitrU aurli proof, or a ta-. kiiowa of aii auli
kUulUI iraaoii, under lli. Ia and ri dilation, of
Ilia tiit.ilor iWpwttuout, nh) t'leti proof aliould
not II allowiHl, Hill I iriroii an npiirtutiity at
Id. aboio ma ntloiir I llintf and pl.v l'i . r-i.. a lam
Ino tilt 1.IIIHMM. a of aal.1 laliii.ii, q.m! InoEri'rtv
illMt" III rrtmttal of IImI aiilnulttMl li) clalnuut
till Jena W. Lkhib, Hauler
HMD M HmIers.)
Having piiieliiisutl tlio Htalitua iv
eeiitly brought from Gilliam county,
I vili to aunuuueo to tin lionuuiien
of JoUn Day valley, thst I will stand
him for hti vice thin station,
ICvcnj Monday ,f Tiu'stlttij,
boginning May f5, al H. StcwartV
raneli at Dnvville; tlio baluneo of
: tho week at my ranch, Stallion is
, Clyde, son el in color, 17 hands high
mill will weigh when in good lleih
ovei 1 ()() Ids. Terms $11! to iusmu
$1'2 for the simsou; $10 singlo lor
vioj. A. J . Ci'MiNus,
2;i Milo UiiikIi.
Uud om at Horn. Or.
April lo, lain).
Ni.tka la luoly illian tUal lb. fo!Uloj Ivamc.l
illlr Ita. filial imtlw of Ida Inlrnlkwi lo uuks
final plod In tupimil id Id. lUlm, aivl that aakl
proof will Im undo l-oir tl.v i-omil) Juda or In
Ilia ati.fiiiw Ixforo II.. Oiiiiiljei.iV. of llraul
i.iui.ti. Or., at raiiiou I'll). Or. mi Mu llal,
lW. via: Lovn Uullry, II J Ap No- l for
ti.. i: i sw i i ami i: i j hu 1 1 s m Tp, it
H II 37, K W U.
1 1 u iiam.a tho f"llm lilt Mltnoaw. to prove lila
coiitlnuoua u)hii, and riilthallon of,
aaVil land, 111: I'. 'I lioinaa of Ml. Vvioou, Or.;
T. II full, of Jnliii llajr. Or . anllijiid Icitl.n.
ami Jatok Itoar, of Hli warl. Or
IV i II. Ill .STIM.TON, Itatl.t.r.
i ih Tttn ideat. MnntniNn
Iltou llw 4 r rt-id Kiff it Vi (tn 1 S nMili,
nr.. II' '.l.i Ii l-i' i, im .111 Ap,n.
t. ,1'uiili tlhrlin ir II, r'-J
Makea Tlio TA oak Htrong.
yfpi 1 1 IJ I I U U1 s IH
I'avileveryivlicro. 91 ubotlloialafor-''
I Tho undersigned huving boon ro-1
i slorod to hcrtlth by siuqilo means, '
nftor sulTeriiig for scvonil yours with j
a sovero lung afTeetion, and llutj
drond ditwafto ConSuiiiption, is nnx i
ioim to malio known lo bis fellow
BtifforcrB Ihe uicojis of euro. To j
tlioso wliodcsiio it, ho will cheerful
ly send (froo of ehaigo) a copy of
tlio nroscriplion unod, which they
will II nd a suro euro ' for f.'oniiunp
tion, Antlnin, Catanh, Hrouchitis
and nil throat and lung Maladies.
Ho hopoi nil miiTorcrs will try his
Itometly, an it is invaluable.
desiring tho prescription, which will
oohI thoin notlung, nnd may ptovo a
'blessing, will plono mlilro'ss, Itcv.
KiitvAiin A. WliJio.v, AVillintiisburg,
Kings county, Now Xork.
Koilao.Ve. 110.
Usitkh Statkh Land Oitiok
I.a Grande, Orogon, April 7, 1800.
.iVolire ,v Itcrcbj given,
TlinlTho Portland Mining Company,
n Corporation, has mado application
for a United es Patent for the
Poitlaud CoiiKolidatcd Quartz Min
ing Cluiio, nituata in no organized
Mining District, Gram county, Htato
of Oragon, consisting of 815 .U 13-100
ncros, being Lot No. JI7, and des
cribed in the field notes and pint of
tlio official Niirvoy on file in this oflico,
with mngntlio variation nt 'JO drg. .'10
iniu. K. nnd 20 dog. 10 miu. Kant as
Commencing at a post and mound
of rocks al tho SW cornor of tho Hil
vor King Qunrlr. claim from which
post tho Sec. cornor al tho HK cornor
of Sec. .Ill, Tp. t), S U I K, boms N.
1!) tleg. V. chains ilistanl.
'I his post is marked P. 0. Q. M. Sla
No. 1. Stir No. til 2, Thence f. fili
dog. Ii along tho oouthotly ond lino
of tho Silver K'lig claim (J00 foot lo
the HK corner of claim anil to post
mnrkod P. C. (. M. Kin No. 2, tur
No. 212, Thence N 2H ilcg. Kido-ig
tho easterly m1o lino of claim r2! fret
to Tp, lino on K nido of Hoe, Tp.
!), S H III K, nt a point 12.0!) ehnins
K of cornor to sections Il.'l a 1 id ill cot
n pes'. IA feel long, t inches hquaro
in mound of roaus marketl I p li at a
point of iutorscctioni l.V:() foot lo
NK cornorof the Silver King Claim
hoing original cornor ami marked P
C q M Kta No a, Hur No 212. .
Tlionco N :J.1J doi. K along tlio
easterly ond lino of tho Minor's
Dream claim GOU feet to NK comoi j
or claim post marked P C M hta
.No J, Hur No 212, Thoneo N :0J
ting. AV nlong northerly sitlo line of
Minor's claim 1500 feel (0
NV corner oi claim poBt itmikcd
P O Q M SU No n, Sur No 212.
Thouco H !I3A ileg. W nlong westerly
did lino of tho Minor'a Dream claim
"Oil fool lo post nt northerly end of
l iiimel Location Lotle marked P C
? M Sla No fi, Snr No 212, Thence,
N fifli deg. W along northerly end
lino of Tunnel location claim 22
foot interned lino between sections
!l3.t:JI, 25.08 chains N of the cor
ner to HoetioiiH II, 1, .'CI A' .'tl,heta
post in mound of locks, mark S ,
at point of intorsoetion 1100 foil to
NV eornor of cluim i)ost marked
PC Q M Sin No 7, Snr No 212.
Tlionco S 28 deg. W along westerly
sido lino of Tunnel Location claim
1500 feel to SW corner of claim post
mark PCQ M Sta No , Sur 212,
Tlionco S fltlj deg. K along tho south
erly end lino of the Tunnel Location
claim 000 feet to tho SK eoniiTof
claim post mark P C Q SI Sta No t),
Bur No 212, Thence along the xouth
orlyeml lino of the Kingston cluim
0(55 feet lo Tp lino on S side of See
:i:i, Tp 0, S U :1 K, 2.27 ehnins W
of coruor to scetions .1, 1, It.'l ,t .'II
set a post in mound cf roeks marked
Tp L at poiu' of intersection 11 1!)
fo.!t to bht.od section linn botwetm
sections II .fc I iuTp 10, S U :il K,
1, 10 iiluiius S of eori.or to sections
.'I, 1, III) .t ill and sot a post in mound
of roeks marked S I. nt point of inter
hcotion 1200 feel lo plueo of begin
ning coutuiniug 82 -l'l acres,
Tliu naitl mining claim boiijg of
nieoril in tho oflico of the County
Clerk of s dd mining dutriut, at Can
yon City, in Grant county, Statu of
Oregon Any ami all porsons claim
ing ndvorsoly any portion of tho said
Pot Hand Consolidated Quartz .Miu
ing Claim or suifaeo ground are re
quhed to Aln thuir iitheuo ulaims
tlo.ito with tho Register of the
1'nited Htatos Laud Oflico, nt La
Graudo, State of Orogon, within the
s;xly ilays' publicntion theioof, or
I hoy will bo barred by virluo of tho
provisions of tho statute in sucheuHoi
made and prowdo.l,
I direct that the forogoiug Notice
of Application for Patent ho puhlish
ml for tho period of sixty tiayu (ten
consecutive w'eoks) in tho (In ant
CocntvNkws, a nowspaper publiiliotl
at Canyon City, Grant county, State
of Oingon, being the nowspaper pub
lished nearest Haiti claim.
Kiint publication April 21, 1S00.
llvm:, .louvs.t Oi.MsTi:n,
-11 Attornoys for Applicant.
lonh Day - - Or-
Hardware, Miner' SuppHu, Etc, Eto
Hydraulic Piiie and all kinds of
Tinware manufactured to order.
The only Tin-shop in Grant coun
ty, nnd equipped for till manner of
Democratic Slate Ticket .
For CongrcBS,
Secretary of Stale,
G. W. WK1UJ.
Suproino Judge,
Supt. of Public Instruction,
Stalo Printer,
Circuit Judge, 0th Diet.
Proseauting Altomoy, (5th Dint.
Joinl Senator for Grant, Harney
and Morrow counties,
Joinl Representative for Grant and
Ilarnev countief,
Demooralic County Ticket
Kor County Judge,
(. I. JIaziii.tixi:.
For Shcriir
0. 1 CltltSAI'.
For Clerk,
(!i:oi:on Siuui:i:i:.
For Assessor,
Jajiiw Ar.i,iaoi:.
For Treasurer,
For School Sunt.
I W. .MolJoimirrs.
For CoinniisRioner,
V. II. Joiixsiix.
1'or Surveyor,
.1. W.Mack.
For Coroner,
W. A. Fish 1:1c
The U a rehouse of
The Scene of
Gootls rriial I
Heing I'nlourfcrf
- a
Onv Colobratocl
With Changeable Speed.
The Unrivaled DEEJihYC, Minders.
Jhe) Hollingsworth) nd) Royal) Self) Qump)
The Never Failing Jfanrf Damp
The Old Jleliable
. ( the Celebrated ICmerson V' Fisher
The largest and besl selected slock ever
brought, lo (Balcer City.
llemember We are I K. tJ)QLrJ!!T:!Sfor
.( invite Corresuondence on anything in the
J turd ware Line.
Republican State Ticket
For Congrcfiiinnii,
llt.NOlm IIlIltMA.N.V
For (lovcrnor
Secretary of State,
Oi;o. tY. Mfl'itiiiK.
State Treasurer
Pun. MirrsriiAN.
Suiirume .1 ml 140,
H. S. IIkax.
Supt. of Public Instruction,
K. II. ilcKi.itov.
State Printer
Fiiank (J. Makiue.
Circuit JiuIl'o, llth Diet.
llotlKItT KaKIX.
District Att'v flth Dist.
J. L. Rami.
Joint Senator for Grant, -Morrow
nnd Harney coalition,
Cim. "W. .McII.m:v.
Joint Jirepresenlative for (.Irani
ami Harney counties,
W. W. Cauiiwu.!..
Grant County Republican Ticket.
For Shorifr,
For Count v Clerk,
Kor Count v Judge,
" N. It. MAYCV.
For Treasurer,
N. 11. HOLKY.
For Assessor,
For School Supt.
For Commissioner,
L. 'IV PALM Kit.
Kor Surveyor,
J. M. KISK'.
l'or Coroner,
llasy Tumuli!-
lure a llecoril
ami on ihe 11 V.
CT-Ul a a -
uacjurt c itaunUi-Vti)
Wood &f Church
I. J. Ilimiiowowl has letwed tliie well known Stable and on nnd
after the Ut day or May, 1HH0, will rive patrons the bast of attention
at bin Stable 011 -Main nnd WiwIihiRton MreetK, ( anyon t;ity, Or.
He wants the public to know he in in tho field for their Ims.nofm
and that he will treat you right. Hot of hay and gram constantly
011 hand.
Wo mako our bow, before tho peoplo of Grant County, and wish to
Bay, thai wo have been looted 111 tho City of lleppner, put ono year (at
Arlincton .oven venre). DuriiiR thai timo wo lmvo bmlt up a bOll'l
Trade, having Bldppcd morc Oenora' Merchandise into lloppncr tlmn
tiny other firm in town.
We Want Part of Your Trade.
lloppncr is your nearest, best and chonpost trading and Riiippin" print.
You should Klart in comiiifr Ibis way al once. No iiko lo wail, na by so
iloiiiR yon loso money eyory trip. Our lCleyaiit Two Story Prick Storo is
Couiplotcd and wo have il filled lo overflowing, with all kinds of
Suited to tho wanla of Kaslurn Oregon tradn
Aim lo Keep a- Very complete Assortment.
Your ordera an lo filled for any Uud of (Joodn needed on a Karm or
Slock Uancli, without leaving our Store, at prices low enough to compete
with any other market in Oregon.
Dry CoodH, Clothing, Pools, Shoos, Trunks Valisoi, Hats,
Cape, Carpels, Crockery, Wall Paper.
Orocorio, Hardwnn', '"Jowol" Cook Stovi's and l!angea,
Tinware, Paints, Oils, (Hass. Wool Saeks, 'I wino.
Lime, Sulphur, Knglish Cement, Parlied Wire, Placksmith
Coal, San Jiso California Sail lies, Pitts & Spurs, Team .t lluggy
Harness, Hewing Machines, Clocks, Watches, Clmmpion H capon
and Mowcin, Horso Hakes, Plows, Harrows.
Clivcs bolter s.itisfaclion for rough mountain dintrhts than any olhcr kind
in ue. I'u 11 line always in fatoek; al.'O Hacks and Puckboards.
Ill order lo ii crease on iraile we nh Hie follompffer
OOOCI tilXtll OTlxly 1st, IOOO, (Or later If We aro III).
Every purchaser who buys Twenty-Kivo Dollars worth (S-'fi.OO) at retail, (
of Diy Cootls, CloUiing, Hoots and Shoes, HaU nnd Caps, Kmicy Goods, J
(outs' Kiiruihiug Goods, Ktc, al our Store, will bo piCBcntco' -when tho
gootln aro paid for -with nu Klegant liotuul Volnmo, of over .'120 pages, in
eluding I!.") to 100 KINK IT'LL PAG 13 STKKL ENOKAVINOS. Wo havo
four difl'eront stylos of Uooks, oach worth at rotnil 8-1.00. Small orders by
mail on abovo gootls will count towards the total amount noodod. EVERY
CUSTOM Kit GUTS A PIJKSHNT. Wo giinranloo Hatisfaclion in goods
mid m ieoK. jfJaT Those books aro too heavy to send by muil, as they
weigli Ktiven pmiudR each.
II KUl ICST riurii Paid for Sheen Pells Will hip
ConKigumimts of Pelts to Christy t Wise, or Allon k Lewis.
Mail orders carefully attended to. Givo us 11 trial and call nl our storo
when yon come to lloppncr. Yours Trulv.
COFFIN & McFARLAND. (Hoppnor).
Proprietors of
The City lira r Stor$.
Kcttp constantly on hand a complete slock of
Patent Medicines, 'loilet Articles. lVrtumos, Hoaps, Powder, Pull'ij,
Coinlw, Tooth Nail, Clothe s and liar Ptushes, Dniggist'ii Stm
drios, Lamps, Ltmp Oils, Glass, Piitly, Chiiioys, anil
and everything to bo found in a first
class Drug Storo.
Nolhing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Ordt-rsfrom ndUlanco will receive prompt iilloulioii. ProsciiiilionsaBpociallv
1JAKKU CITY, !. .. 1 OltKGON
Haptonstall Dart &Cn
BeceiXHons to-
Have now received the largest and most coinjiloto tock of new gooih iu
Grant County, which they will offer for salo at prices that defy competition
canyon City, Orenon
Jbivery Stahle.