Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 17, 1890, Image 3

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77 vsihi lj, April J 7.
Pnt'kliniinnr A On. will ruinove tliolr
Moak of goods front this pUcn to Pmi
tie OUy.
Uov. .Mr. Ciivui send uh a litt of bin
cuureli nppomtintmls winaii wo pun
limit in r.nnthcr eoltimii.
Win. K alley and Joint Sutherland
nro rtmnintf tlio Oa clerk shop during
tho nWitco of tlio Irfvw.
Stream mso mightily 'I luirRdnyAiid
Filthy, Imt n fuw ooW Iuy chocked
the inciting snow mid tho waters sub
sided. Arlmrilny wa appropriately ol
wnrod lu this city Imt I'ridny, nnd n
immW of trees plnntad in tlio school
boas yiinl.
Tho npproointa tlio kindly
notices whioh oxelinngn hnvo given on
tlm oaeasiott of tlio eotiitiiaucotiiPiit of
voIuiim 12.
Jn. A. Wallace of northwestern
(imnt will ooma taifnro tho democrat
io county convention n a candidate
for iiMemor.
Republican nominations for precinct
olrlcor at this place nro N. RulUon
far jutlicu of tho pouco and Clay Tod
hunter for constable.
Now that politicnl jutrlia hnvo set
tled down to cold, (torn bitiiiiiu, it
Iwlioovu lliotn in drop lions into tho
onr of unch other ns usual.
Handy Jlniioook who 1ms l'on pros
pooling ovor in the Klk crook country
inform us thnt ho found rich digging
nt tho head of I luck gulch.
0. Ii. Dentin, .Initio Wallace, .1 no.
Cliiuinan, Chns. Crowley ivnd U. W.
Conger, nro tho democratic delegates
from Long Creok precinct.
Tho hill for Tho Dalltw lont railway
ha jMSsad tho sonaU'. Tho hill np
pmpriiUM $2,500,000, which U tho
full ostiinatod cost of tho work.
Mr. Wanton from vnlloy re
ports everything vory Imckwurd in
liis country owing to tho Into cold
wonthor. Cul. (iiijpiliy mid liiinslf nro
tho dologutos. -
rr." Vom, our jowolnr, hn left us
on nccount of h'u hcnlth which hn
lioon vory prior for iomo time. Now
whnt shall wo do, to Itnker to got
our wiitchos "lixiidl"
StiMiiivillo and vicinity is Most
with n fccmi-wfckly limit fioin lxnj
Uronk, .Mr. Chns. Loo Ixjitig tho con
tmi'tor. It. NoUon is tho iostm:utor,
mid ho has n gixxl liltlo much on tho
llupuhKciin noininea in llnrnoy
county nio: Chirk, II. C. Lovuni;
fihorih", A. (iittiiifjs; judgo, II. .M.
Hoiton; trciHiiror, (!. 11. llninos; ns
ko8oi A. Venator; surveyor, W. H.
Whilo limo oos "lidiii" swiftly hy
hnd you iv pilgrim stinnger, do not
Tyrant us when in-town, ho you niludo
('r fctmnger. Wo hnvo u lot of nows
IoKkjiIc, mid you should grasp tho op
jioilunity hy tho tail.
Idaho is in u fair wny to hecomo u
staU in thiii glorious Union. Tho no
oeitanco of her constitution mid tho
p.-issugo of tho law for admission now
uwuiU tho siijiiaturo of IVosidontllnr
riton, which no douht will Ihi givmi.
At tho democratic primary huhl in
Cnnyoii City hut .Satunlny, tho fol
lowing poinons woro ulocted dttlogntos
to attend tho county convention held
here Uwluy: T. .1. Smith, V. (!. Co
Aid, T. II. lluglor, and Fred Yorgen
son. Smith llroi. nro among tho largest
land owners and stool: miners of Crant
(Mitint.y, I'oaidos a largo tract of land
in thu valley thoy own two of tho
113 1 ranuhiu on Middle Fork, and de
vote thtdr atUmtion to tho roaring of
improved stock.
- Owing to tho immense snowdrifu
V thnt oncumlwr tlio tnui aorow tlio
mountains from tho Joint Day to tho
.MNMlie fork country, water in uio
stream and rivers will not lo scarce
when Vtw Utility days of next month
shall a&Qvo.
h'lvighting has lioguu from Iloppucr
to long Creuk, Aden nntl Itudio hav
iug alrottdy started tuaius over thu
luii I, Wo hnvo no idea of tho condi
tion of tho II eppnor nxtd, hut it will
hd aovoral w(k lxjfoto freighters can
NUvcOMfulIy haul ovor tho linker
Uy tho provisions of tho school luw,
toachtint who hold Inl-gnnlo county
cnrtjjlWK, and who hnvu tnught
' throe yoarfl in tho public schools of
tho state, upon recominuiulatiou of tho
county lioard of oxamiiiers, nro gntnt
txl state ceitifinittM which license
them to touch in any of tho public
school of the state. '
Wo havo Ixmiii rcipiestwl to KMtpouo
our day of publication in order to re
port thu proceedings of the drmooiutic
uouvoutiou. Suuh a thing is impossi
ble, us tho N i:vh contains legal adver
tisementi whiuh noccasitatss tho pn
por, being issued promptly on time,
not later than Thurd;t morning.
I'liHXHslings will bo given in full next
Now, while thuir kinds are deplet
ed, would Iw a good time for stock
man to give attention to iinpniving
the breed of thuir stock. An inferi
or cow or sheep will out its much iu a
hijjll gnide one, while tho worth of
such an animal is alxiut half what a
good ona would bring. Improve your
stool;, and you will mtlizo handsome
y from tho tiiovoi
April 5, 1S00.
Kit. TS'hwj:
Thinking n tow lines from this
pnrt of tlio county would bo roatl
by yotir numcroits 8tib?cribor, I
will givo you what nows tlioro is.
Tho buck bone of winter is bro
ken nt Inst, tlio snow is going fust,
streams nro bank full, grass is
starting, birds nro coining, black
birds mid geoo especially. Tlio
loss of stock in this ixirt of the
vnlloy is light. Out of 120 lieud
S or 10 will covor tlio loss, but
the most of them nro xxr but
will jinll tlirounli. K. H. Allen
lms lent some 20 liond of sheep out
of n (lock of -00 on nccount of
fetd giving out. Snow is from 15
to IS in. in tho vnlloy yet; mud
nnd water too bad to toll or tulk
nbutit, but n healthier phtco to live
cannot be found in Oregon. Al
though shut oH from tlio rest of
the world tho past winter, am in
hope we will have our mail route
ooncd to South Fork from Canyon
City, mx)u.
Will folioit subscription for
your paper when our mail route is
in running ordor. More Anon.
Tho condition of .Mr. Henry Sols is
not Materially iuiproHd wo regret to
In lUiea, N. Y., tntdwnnon of all
soi U not only sell their delimpient no
counts nt public mile, but ndvertiso
them nt full length in tho paper.
Jtid llaguewfKvl has hed tlin
Wood v Church livery stable, nnd will
Uko chai-go of tho same iusooii ns .Mr.
Cunitilitoit's lease expires. See his
Union precinct electxl Patsy I.tly,
Win. Carpenter, T. H. M.xtilor, Sol.
Taylor, T. S. Whitmior, and Uhaui
Luimnee, delogutos to the democratic
Thrett of tho procineU in Lmo
county aro called Ioug Tom, Wild Cat
and Malwl. Sentiment and wild
wool seem to I. equally prevalent
down there.
.Mr. .1. Vohs having loft Canyon
City ho wishoH all tHirlio who havo
left watches with him to Ki rtistirel
or olmned to call for tho same at the
storo of Overholt .v .Muldrick.
Of oourao wo don't know anything
nlout tho republican state convention
which met at Portland yesterday; our
telegraph line is down nnd has been
since America was first discovered.
There's no rest for the Chiuoso in
this country. liven tint puritanical
Hast is rapidly coming over to the
Wosterti idea that tho heathen Chilieo
has no place iu free mid enlightened
Tho Louisiana lottery roamed a
black eye iu the Noith Dakota legis
lature; but tho hard woiking citizens
will spend a great pott ion of their
earnings buying tickets in tho gratt
ltobinsonvillo Inn licim diHiguntod
as a postollico, with John .Mitchell as
postmaster. ' This will prove of great
convenience to tho minim.' community
of the ltobinsonvillo and (Ireeuhorit
sections. Democrat.
Tho county is iu need of lietter
mail service. Our lieur valley corres
pondence which is dated tho Mil, only
reached hero on tho evening of tho
Ifith, via tho .Mitchell staije prolm
bly having pnssod through San Fran
cisco (luring its trip from Hoar valley.
The Lake County lixaininer pult
lishet the names of over sixty persons
who are indebted to the paper for sul
scriptiou and job work to the nmntint
of sovoral hundred dollars. The ac
couiiU nro ollered for sale at LTi cents
on tho dollar. This is a novel way of
making delinipimiU come to time.
Joseph Pageu was niroLd by con
stable Todhunter .Monday night and
again lodged in jail. Mr. Todhunter
nnd paitumster Cresap saw tho
Frenchman "go through" tho ixH-kfU
of Fred Miller very late that night,
but the nost day Fred refused to ts
tify agniust him and ho was released.
A big black pujilit iu St. I-ottis
butted an ox to death last week. JIo
caught the animal by the horns nnd
hutted it iKitween the eyes four times.
Thon drawing Utck at nriu's length ho
ran hii h'sid ugaiitst tho ox, knocking
tho four logged unite to thu ground,
thu ox dying in live minutes. Tho
negro's head wns considerably swollen
but he. hnd not suN'ored any serious
dipt. J. '"r. Lewis, tlio nowly
appointotl rogistw of tho laud of
fice, has been iu tlio city for sov
oral days past, making lifinsolf ac
quainted with .liir citizens, lie is
u very agreeable gentleman, and is
making many friends. As soon
iu his bonds are approved ho will
assume tlio dutioo of the oilice.
Articles of incorporation have
been Hied for Tho Dalles it South
ern Kailroud company; object to
build and operate a railroad from
and between tho following termini:
From a point on tho Columbia
river at or near Dalles City, Ore
gon, via Tygh and Antolopo val
leys to a junction on the Oregon
Pacific railroad at or near I'rino
villo; principal place of business
Dalles City, Oregon; nmount of
capital stock 81,000,000, divided
into shares of $100 cuuli.
Her Quartz Alto Signs Point to Fu
ture Prosperity for Oram County's
Mineral Development.
Tho editor of the Nkw.m visited
tho inirinp; camp of Sttsnnville dur
ing tho week just passed, and a
"tvriteup" of that section will no
doubt prove interesting to our rami
on, somo of whom nro familiar with
the tojtography, hietory and every
thing else connected with this an
cient city which nourished twenty
! years ago w ith its hundreds of busy
, !. l. .1 ...
.Messrs Sloan & Haskell havo a
mining claim now just about where
old Susanvillo once stood whose
inhabitants have llown to the four
iiunrters of tho globe, leaving tho
place deserted nntl still, save for tho
continual roar made by tho stream
from the hydraulic' nettle as it
plays ngsinst the gravel bank and
liberates the precious metal wo call
gold from its long and dark confine
ment in the silent recesses of the
Sloan A Haskell's claim is situa
ted near the Middle Fork of the
John Day, and besides ample
ground on Unit stream for a dump,
anil room below for races, etc., they
own rich ground for nliout two
miles up Klk creek, somo of which
has been worked and found to be
fabulously rich in coarse gold. Tho
"itay streak" is from ten to thirty
roda witle, and very deep. Owing
to the nature of tho country the
creek could not nil bo stioeessfullv
worked iu early days, but witii
their improved facilities for piping
and their steam derrick for dispos
ing of tho boulders Sloan t Has
kell have nothing to prevent them
from courting fortune successfully.
Last year they wore at largo ex
inmso iu constructing ditches, slui
ces, a race, etc., and in getting the
lower end of their claim opened up
so that it could bo worked. .Mr.
Sloan informs us that late last fall
they piped and cleaned oil' bedrock
only a few yards iu extent, nntl
caught in the sluices nearly three
thousand dollars. This season
they will havo an ahuntlanco of wa
ter "and expect to work over a large
scorio of ground, removing !ouldcrs
by means of thuir imiuenie steam
derrick which works most ndmir.i
bly. Betides his interest in this placer
mine II. W.Sloan is, tho owner of
some promising ipiaitz mines ami
an eight-stamp mill on Klk creek.
Tho ".Mockingbird" is the ledge in
which was found the rich tollurium
oro last winter which wns almost
pure gold. .More development work
lias been done on this claim than
any of them, mid some tine looking
ipiartz has been taken out. He
has a tunnel 170 feet long which
taps the lodge at considerable
depth. Above the mill he has
three locations, and is driving n
tunnel to cross-cut thorn. The
"Poonnan" will bo tapped at about
510 feet, the "Alta" at 'J10 feet, and
tho "Cabboll," formorly called the
'.Monumental," at 510 feet. They
aro all gold ledges except the "Cab
bell," which was worked years ago
for silver, but abandoned because
the silver would no longi-r pay,
gold living its chief product. The
old silver mill is standing yet, us a
reminder of the days when times
woro lively nt the old Cabboll
lodge. .Mr. Sloan has also "llig
Hello" anil other locations in tho
vieinilv. Smith, Slovens it Scott
have tho Princess.
The mill will he fitted up and all
this ore hauled to it for reduction.
At present the motive jiowor is an
overshot wheel, but .Mr. Sloan has
purchased a "Knight" water motor
from the old Salmon mill formerly
run by Smith Itro's, and will remod
el his mill ami put in an ore crush
er. Crcsap it Hugliod havo a promis
ing ledge anil an arrastra uiiou it,
nnd there aro numbers of other
letlges in that country which will
bo worked somo day, besides nu
merous gulches and croaks where
gravel diggings are found.
What the county needs and will
have at no distant day will bo a
railroad. Then tho work of devel
opment will commence and will bo
carried out iu earnest, avid (Irani
county's fame as a goltl ami silver
producing vectiou wiU be lornidcd
to tho world.
Thos. Orawfotd U out again ufter
his severe sijkuost.
Sandy Old? will bo lmiigod iu
Portland .May 1(1, unless ho can
obtain a now trial.
Wo aro informed that T. 11.
Crawford of Tnion is again can
v Rising the district for thu demo
cratic npmfnutiou for district at
torney,' Some eastern newspapers are
amusing themselves by springing
this problem on their rentiers:
Olo Olson has a cow for which ho
paid ;!2. Ho tells the cow to
John Ilrowu for 155. Hrown bo
caino sick of his bargain ami sells
her back to Olson tho eaino day
for SilO. How much has Olson
iiimlo by the transaction i
All owing us nt Canyon City will
ploasq come forward and Settle up by
.May Ut, n wo will rumovo tootjn'
.Minn atom in rrmno uity, ny
tlatv. lours truly,
April 12, ISS0.
Our corrosiKmdont of this place
is not regular with his communica
tions. Perhaps ho is fishing round
for an otlice, if ho is I hope that he
will get bent, as the democrats cal
culate ou having good men on their
Yostorday was a raw day for
.Mrs. Marshall Howell is slowly
David Taylor was to Into to at
tend tho primary.
Sarah Jane Donaldson has taken
her departure for Seattle.
Tho boy with a photo from his
best girl in KontucKy is vory proud.
Al. ' ol lotto is moving to John
Day where ho intends to live this
Tho entertainment given by the
boys and girls of this place was a
grand nfiair.
Tho Hoar creek sawmill is Haw ing
out n great deal of lumber. Salo
scarce at present.
Our lxty that wont to church is
getting bad; he keeps lute hours,
but not at church.
Returned from Kugeno City, .Miss
Klceta nntl John l.aurauce, where
thoy havo been attending school.
Rico Mel (nicy took his departure
for Portland. Ho goes to attend
the Republican State Convention.
One of H. Drewett's littlo boys
was accidently shot iu tho fore lin
ger with an arrow by one of his
Tho stage drivers have a tough
time of it. Their wagons break
down nnd thoy are delayed until
a late hour.
Hon. Judge Clifford, O. P. Cros
up, A. C. Dore and Vic Cozad were
in town yesterday. Call again
boys, I do not know what you moan
but I guess it is all right.
The democratic primary ojienod
in regular form with W. II. Cnron
ter in tho chair. There wcro eight
een names placed in nomination;
I sham Lauruuce, Sol. Taylor, Patsy
Daley, T. S. Whitmiro, T. II. Meatl
or ami W. IJ. Carpenter, receiving
the majority of all tho votes cast
were declared delegates elect for
Union precinct. Several of tho
bovH got left, hut it could not be
helped, such was the case, they
could not all be elected.
Our Hope ami Comfott.
Wo feel tindwr obligations to o
prcM our moat sincere thanks to nil
our fiieutts anil this community for
thuir marked kindness mid heart felt
sympathy shown us on the occasion of
our last tad loro.ivoiuont the taking
oil' of our dearly Udoved brother,
Mat tin Sudden mid cribbing as tlio
blow is, yet we enn say that wo do
not mourn its those who havo no hope,
or those w hose hope only sou a star,
through the tlmk uiistN of doubt.
Ours is a sure hope iu the everlasting
Sun of Righteousne, Iwfaro whoso
luightuess and lustre nil such stars
will vanish into utter dnrknoM, mid
iu our bleeding limits we cm yet find
comfort in the knowledge that this
was also the hope of our dcmtcd broth
er. .May Cod bless us nil and coin
foil u in the sumo hope to the end of
our t lay is the most sincere wish of
Your Respect fully,
' !i:omn: (uniu.acii.
Canyon City, April, Hi, "JO.
Fiosh timduu Seeds of every vaiio
ty nt II. R. Sols'.
Co to the Retl Front llilliard
Hall, Canyon City, for lino wines,
liquors and cigars.
Attention ComrailesI
A special meeting of (lonernl
Hancock Post No. .'II, (!. A. R.,
Tuesday April '"-', at 7 o'clock p. m.
sharp. A full attendance is re
quested. Ily order
John Shikuiaiii., P. C.
Come Up Delinquents 1 1
Notice is hereby givui to nil per
sons owing taxes to (i rant county, to
come forward mid settle, smuo before
May 5, IS'JO. After said date full
mileage mid fees of collection will l THU LAST CALL!
W. I'. (iUAV.
Shot ill and tax collector of (imnt
County, Oregon.
. April HI, 1M00.
Church Services.
The Rev. Mr. (low will (D. V.)
hold sort ice anil preach at Prairie
City, Thursday evening, April tilth,
mid Wednesday evening April .'KJth.
Ho will also hold son ice mid preach
iu St. Thomas' church, Canyon City,
Sunday April 27, morning mid even
ing. Tho Holy Communion will bo
celebrated at tho morning survice.
The public me cordially inwtcd to all
these services, and communicant iu
particular are expected to Imi present,
. 1 . . .
Our new "ml." from thu enterpris
ing firm of Collin it .MoFarland,
Heppuer, speaks for itself, ami it is
worth your while to read the Htime.
In order to gain new trado thoy in
tend presenting n " s largo book,
which rotails - . -. ' pH'yry
retail if ' , '
Washington, April S, '90.
Ui. Grant Co. Nkws:
Tho republican members of tlio
ways nntl moans committee still
Bjwnk confidently of their ability
to put a tariff bill through the
I louso. Oneo through they have
no fear of the ability of the western
inllueneo to retain in act in tho
Seuato. Tho dangerous sailing is
undoubtedly in tho shoals of tho
lower IkhIv Tho members whoo
home inlorcsls are directly nHected
will not blindly adhere to a caucus
action of harmony thnt would leave
them at homo after their next cam
paign. Mr. .MeKinley's faith is
pinned to tho hope that when the
member representing constituents
thnt oxtKtct to bo injured, have pro
poKtl amendments and seen thorn
voted down, they will be content to
veto for the bill as it stands.
Tho bill is already so largely a
a compromise measure that furtlier
tinkering would aflbrd verv little
relief. It is estimated Hint tlio bill
will reduce tho revenue SoO.OOO.lXX),
of this amount ton millions comes
oil' tho internal ruvwiuo, tho tobacco
tax heme heavily cut. On sugar it
ia set nt a reduction of ttvonU sev
en millions, leaving the other thir
teen millions to be distributed
among other articles.
Tho indignation of Massachusetts
men, growing out of tho duty on
hides Ts an old story, but their
wrath is hy no means spent. De
mands for free carpet wool aro com
ing from tho west as well ub the
east. The canning interest is op
ttosing the proposed increase of du
ty on tin plate.
' The sugar men will make an es
pecially stubborn light, but the
combination against the sugar mo
nopolists is strong. The debate on
this item will bo extremely warm.
The sugar men will bo mot with
some plain talk about trusts, and
the frto sugar advocates will be
confronted with the statement that
the government's revenues will not
stand a further reduction without
living crippled.
Of course, the members of tho
majority on the committee are up
on llieir mettle. They feel that tho
republican party is obliged, ns a
Kjlitienl measure, to pass a tariff
hill. That bill is ncceesarily pro
tective, if republican. They behove
the bill is about tho best', from a
parly standpoint, that the lessons
of their recent campaigns ami tho
varied interests of the country can
suggest. I'ikiii this ground, Mr.
.MrKinley places his hopes of
strengthening tho position with his
party that was weakened by his
slowiifiH during the debutes on the
new rules.
One of the most btilliant dinners
after Kaster will be tendered ou
April 111, at tho Arlington, by the
Pan-American delegates, to the
president. Arrangements havo
been made for setting loll persons
at the hunhucul, anil thu decora
tions will be on a grand soale. No
expenso will I e spared in making
tho dinner one of tho most unique
iu the history of social a Hairs at tho
The past season has been distin
guished for notable dinner decoin
lions. The florists of Washington
have duvclopcd with the glowing
extravagance iu floral displays on
social occasions. One of I ho load
ing linns exhibits tin Kastur Horn!
display of bewildering but harmo
nious beauty. In thu center is an
immense passion cross holding a
crown. Jewels are roprosontod by
electric lights in colurs. At tho
base of the cross of ivy leaves, is a
massive bank of maiden hair ferns,
from which majestic blooms of
anunciatiou lilies rise, accompanied
by many varieties of hydrangeas,
azaleas and gancsln, tho fair yellow
decorative plant that is now in tho
Mush of fashion. The Kaster dis
play generally is tho most profuse
ami eH'cclive over seen here.
The Seuato made a failure of its
good resolution to meet at 1 1 o'clock
for on no day during the experi
ment was a quorum had hy the
time prayer was through. Thu fact
that but twenty-nine members re
sjKindetl to the first call Tuesday
was tho signal for an unsuccess
ful nttompt to restore tho former
hour, and many sarcastic comments
were made Ukjii the absentees. .Mr.
Cockrell wanted the sergcant-at-artns
to arrest them, wlrlo Mr.
Plumb proposed an adjournment
until l'l Mr. Hutler remarked
that if Mr. Kdmuuds, who had pro
ixMfcd the resolution to meet at ll,
were present, business might go on.
Finally forty-six legislators were
gathered and tho ball moved. Tho
question has now been settled by
going back to the old noon hour of
The spring races and thu judg
ment of tho court of claims in favor
of the congressmen suing tho gov
ernment for payment of November
salary come together with somo up
propriutiveness, and remind one of
where the vanished Silcott lei most
of tho ntoiiey go. Tho government
is likely to whistle for it s pay un
less Kx-Sergoant-ot-arins Leodom
should make a hotter betting sea
son Until ho did Inst voir, ami
should fuel like contributing to tho
fund reimbursing conbrossmen, ttvo
things equally unlikely to happen.
Silcott is still in parts unknown.
'I'lm liufLbititrn fif K'entlle.kv ill).
opriatod 110,000 for tho relief
Xnirorors by thu late cyclono.
Hobah Lodge No. 22, I. O. O. F
Canyon City, April 10, 1SU0.
To tub N. 0., V. 0., OmcKits and
i i:uikiis ok HoiiAii Loimib No.
22, I. O. O. F.
We your cominitteo heretofore
appointed to dm ft resolutions ox-
premdve of the rtnqioct of this Lodge
for our Into Rrother, Martin Guild
Inch, P. C!., respectfully report the
Martin Gundlnch was born in
Germany on the 7th day of Xoveni
bor LS-lCi, ami immigrated to the
Tinted States with his parents nnd
other. members of the family; arriv
ing nt San Francisco, Cab, on the
I lly day of December, lSo'J. He
lived iu San Francisco 'till tho fail
of lSOO, when ho moved to Santa
Clara, Cal., and there lived nearly
four years. He arrived at Canvon
City, Or., in October 18(51, and "lias
since that time up to hisdonth been
n pormunent resident of Canyon
City. Since his arrival at Canyon
City ho has been associated with
his brother in the co-partnership of
Geo. Gundlnch t Rro. Martin
-Gundlnch wns unmarried. Hy his
strict economy, honesty nntl kind
ncss, he made for himself a host of
friend nntl was generally leloved
by nil who know him. ifo became
a member of lUdmh Iodgo No. '22,
I. O. 0. V.( March ia, l8t,
has alwnyi been an active mcinlw.
Hut alas! Death came to his re
lease, nnd on Monday morning,
April 7, IStll), nt tho "hour of two
o'clock, he passed away with scarce
ly a moments warning. To mourn
ho leaves three sisters; Mrs. Chris
tiana Hurlting and Mrs. .Maria
Docn, of San Jose, Cal., nntl Mrs.
Julia Norman, of John Day, Ore
gon, anil three brothers; Max
(iuntllach, of Modeslit, Cnl., Win.
(iuudhich of Portland, Or., nnd
Geo. (Iuntllach of Canyon City, Or
egon, and
Whereas; In view of tho loss this
lodge has sustained iu the death of
our late Rrother, anil the still heav
ier loss sustained by those nearest
and dearest to him, therefore, ho it
Resolved; Hv Hobah Lodge No.
22, I. 0. O. 'l-. of Oregon, that
while we how with humble submis
sion to tho Will of the iiuut High,
we do not tho less mourn for our
brother who has been lakeu from us.
Resolved: That in the death of
Mnrtiu (iundlnch, P. (!., this lodge
laments the loss of a brother who
was ever ready to proll'er the hand
of aid and the voice of sympathy lo
the needy and distressed of our or
der; a fiiuud and companion who
wns dear lo us all, and a citizen
whose upright and noblu life was
a standard of emulation to his fel
lows. Resolved; That the heartfelt
sympathy of this Lode' bo extend
ed (o the relatives ol the deceased
iu thcir'allliction.
Resolved; That these resolutions
bu spreatl upon tho records of this
lodgu; that a copy thereof ho fur
nished the lelatives of the deceased
over the seal of thu Lodge, and that
these resolutions bo published iu
the (!i:..t Coi ntv Ninvs, and that
the Halt bo drapod in mourning,
and the brethren wear tho usual
badge for the space of thirty days.
Fraternally submitted in F. L.
ami T.
N. Rt i.isoN,
G. I. Haxki.tink,
J. J. McOi.uiunii.
To expel the impurities iu tho
blood and give strength to the sys
tem before tho oHec'ls of warm
weather are felt, uo Pfuntler's Ore
gon lllootl Purifier. in-10
-4 4Tfr
Notice lo Pay Up-
All mi ties owing US plOVIOIIH to
our cn-iNirtnorwun witii r. I'. Allen
mint settle the tmiiu l.efuie May 1, 'DO.
Tavuiic A; Co.
- ----
Pacific IJrewcry Peer,
Notice is hereby given that I
have (his day established an agen
cy for the sale of the P.cor manufac
tured at the Pncilie Hrewory, llulur
City, Or., within tho county of
Grant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
11. htaimell is I ho nuthorixctl mana
ger of said Depot. All orders from
Grant county for this celebrated
beer, either In bottles or kegs, win
he filled by Mr. Htnusoll.
IIkniiv Ri'rr.
Proprietor Pacific Hrowery, Raker
City, Or.
.MircllKM. HJtlTII.
rtt . . . m a. n
i mm i cy
Successors to
Jicihcr Cily
Tho Mosl Complolo Lino of Ammunition in Easlorn Oregon.
liViuau Iteai
SiglitHby Mail,
I.yinnii Spor
ting Front
Sights :fl.U).
Diamonds Watches Clocks Jcwelrv Silverware
and a full line of Musical Instruments. .
Of the Superiority of tttecttlc
men! In the Cute of Disease
Three More Wonderful Cures,
Mr. Kditoi Denr Sir: Ncnrlv
two months since 1 wns token with
a fcvcro twin iu tho back of my
head, nnd continued so for n num
ber of weeks; all remedies nocined
to fail. I was induced to try Dr.
Darrin's electrical treatment. I
tlid so, and now, after three weeks'
treatment, I am ierfectly cured.
Can lto referred to At Aurora, Or.
Mrm. F. ItKcrr.
April 1, 1800.
Kdilor MY wife litis
hesn rorcly ulllicted for vonr with
dyspeiMia, liver trouble nnd consti
pation, ncconmnmctl with n severe
jrnin in the Momnoh and side, also
iiscnses iveculinr to her rex. Dr.
Dnrriu uurcd her with tlio use of
electricity anil medical treatment.
alio is perfectly ami permanently
cured. Refer to us at 00 Third
street, or ICiinond hotel, Portland,
where I m employed.
Kdilor OrtyToninn: fVu nmHtt
ago I wns conlined to my Iml with
sciatic rheumatism which I hnvo
had hanging nrouud me for three
yenis. Dr. Dnrriu trcnled mo with
electricity, so f am now perfectly
uurcd. Refer your reader to me,
at lfll) South Fourth utreet, Port
land. I). L. FKiiarso.w
Drs. Dnrriu can 1k consulted freo
at thu Washington building, coiner
of Washington ami Fourth streets,
Poithtnd, nnd Hotel Gnndolof, 'IV
coma. Hours Hi to "; ovonings, 7
to S; Sundry 10 to 12. Alhhron
ie diseases, hloa.l l.iinU, loss of vi
tal iioivcr and early indhcrt lio:m
permanently cured, though no refer
ences' aro ever mado in tho press
concerning such env, owing In tho
tloliency of thu patients. ICxmniun
lions fine to nil, ami circulars will
bo sent to nny nddrcss. Chnrges
for treatment according to pnlioutft
ability to pay. The jnior treated
free of charge from 10 to 11 daily.
All private diseases confidentially
treated anil cures guaranteed. Pit-lie-nts
at n distance enn ho cured by
homo troatmuut. Medicines nnd
iutters sent without tho doctors'
mime appearing.
l!uy a fow of our mining location
The Pacific Ricwiry's Celebrated
Hcer, the best iu Funlcm Ongon, is
now kepi ciiiist anlly on tap nt (ho
Red Front Hilliaid Hall.
Sure .jMm Cure-
tlllRrrpil Vtiurs III I'll In.
llRumncrst,ci.rh:iU,ulii ,
Auv II, ism.
in IMI I rprMuiil inv nnn cliiUiing rhiit.
milii lutftri 1 )inr In i-i.ii nn l m lin
inr rm,
It t I J 1 1 j. . I r ii
in. .1 1-v SI JanulJ
I 1.)
oil. JAimi i:i.r.Ni'Kitur.iu
Trilliniinlni- t lii' lfnlly lli'iu oril,
Chrmilo I'j-i llii' Ileal .'ureo.
, r' untu -
... 5otGlyed Permanently
BonuacisTj and dealehs.
Vi-vipNr' USE IT!
IT IH Tit R inKATiMpntHWR,
ll I ... -.11 , ,,'
I I II, , . . , . . ..I,
n h h,
III. , I' . Hi l'. ,n . .1. ii . '. . I
WM. A. H.
J. H. Gardner.
A Full I lino of
Fishing TaelUe,
hooks, flies, tods,
lines, iej)u, oto.
Fly hookH por
dox., r0o, by uinit.
0DS 11
. . r.H .. . I .Ollllll' '. t'.-jJS,
I A. J - 1.
4KT i ' 1