Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 10, 1890, Image 3

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Th ursday, April 10.
to this votkhs op iia.t rott.NTV,
I lnby aiutmmee myself a modi
dsto for tl office of Cbrk of Omtit
County, stibmt to tho dpcNinn of tho
l'ciiioomtle County Convention.
Tuns. II. Omit.
JfOIt Joist Hrihiwrotativb.
to tiik votkhs or oraxt A.t IIAR.VWV
I herw'ty MiiiAuueM my
lf n cnndidst for (o ofllso of Joint
ItmrMMfrUtai of Omul ami Harney
counltat, minuet 1o Uhs decision of
IVopwWIann state (Jotivonlioii.
John- .Shokiihaui.
A few more April snow showers
mutt bo repotted.
Kltictiim tUy wilt full on thn fteoontl
of June thu ymr.
Hern, on I nil inn on-ok, Mnrcli 2S,
W0, to tho wife of J. . Fry a l-oy.
Pull report of the proceedings of
the rermUicnn county convention in
the N'nws to-dny.
Tho iini)iM)intol ollico seekers take
their defeat philosophically, for of
courii) tlioy couldn't nil get there.
Tim annual lamb li:rvot is now
horn, liut the weather is very unfavor
able for this important event looked
forw.ud to ly sheepmen.
Sovaml dcloimta from dilli-rent
nails of the county who wuro not
siilitcribors to the Nkws, this week
embraced tho oppoitunity to secure u
good county in per.
"Oluis, II. Ultley of thu upper South
Fork, is liipiiliouod in connection with
thn county itsseisor's ollico on tho dole-(x-intic
tit-Hot, and it was for him Mr.
Curl withdrew his own iiiune,
'I'll o road i in a IhuI condition, and
tho I taker &tugo which should have ar
iiid hero aliout seven o'clock Sunday
ni'ht did not nmb' its appearance un
til alout livo .Monday morning.
.Imnm Oalvoit, who has tho con-
trait for carrying tho mail from linker
to CanynH City wants to sul-lct tho
name, hut ill not 1m liki-ly to have
an extraordinary rush of liidilors.
Friday is tho holiday designated hy
tho laws of Oiogon as AH tor Day, on
which occasion tlio scholars in nil pub
lic schools nro expected to plant a few
trees uliout tho school Iioumi grounds.
Mr. .MoFarlaiid informs us that tho
people of Hoppncr arc anxious to as
sist in improving tho roads leading
from (inutt county to their place, and
that Lhuy will sulncriha 51,000 to aid
in building tho Dayvillo road.
Mr. J. ST. Waterman informs u.s
tliat the winter in Jtook crook pro
oinat was stfium and that it will tnko
iuuickST the iheepimm threo or four
Tyenrs to nttain their former tinancial
' t:indiiif( counting on tho natural in
ugettic of thuir Hocks.
'Ilio probabilities aru that a railroad
will be constructed from linker City
to Sampler dining tho coming suiii
iMfi, and eventually into this county,
llring on your railroad; anything to
induce capitalist to isit (Iruut coun
ty and seek n pi, ice to invest souu of
their jqiaro change.
A small boy ami a putol had a col
lision near I'tiuevillo last week. Fu
neral largely attended by soi rowing
fiieuiU uud relations ami it wasn't
tli" pistol's funferal. The eircumstance
wu a stul uw, but it is another illut.
tration of the fact that Utys and pis
tols will not mix up without disas
trous result.
The Harney county democratic
county convention have nominated the
following ticket: Clerk, V. Idrace;
nherifl", A. A. Cowing; judge, Win.
Millet; nssnwor, W. H. Allmrfcon;
teeasuier, T. II. KoltorU; surveyor,
T. A. MoKinnou; eommiMiioueni,
Wm. Altuow uud T. II. James; school
sUMi('iutendeiit, L. It. linker; coroner,
F. 1'. Moore.
Mr. Flunk Mc I'm land, of the linn
of Collin V McFnrlnnil, lleppuer, was
in this icinity during the week in
the interests of Heppner, suiting forth
iu advunt.i:es as a shipping jwiint for
this entile county. J lo showed us a
ropy of thn freight SuheJule of the I'.
1. railroad, wherein the into on first
class freight from l'oitland to llep
puer is U? ceuU per 100 11k, while tho
into on the same class of freight to
linker City is given at 81.M) per 100
1U. To largo shippers this dillerenco
railroad tarill'of .ri.ri cunts pur hum
)d is quite an item.
,W'liiini 14 a liut'ii sett lenient on the
foutli Fork of the John Day
u Piinovillo and Canyon City
any mail facilities whatever,
ougrewmnii Hermann desires
run for ollico in order to so
yoUs of thruo people he must
JsHtownrds seeming for
l-oiinil route so thnt
. t
NJ1 to
Xcvv York Chinoso nro asking to
lo naturalized.
Fiosh Onnloti SeMls of every vnrfo
ty nt II. ll.Kls'.
Donioonitie prinmriiw Snturdty;
couvoutiou next Thurxlny.
V.i. Sols arrived homo Tiiosilay
night, from Sliata, Cat.
Walter Horry lms piirchaxl Iuigh
1 in's iutnrost iu the New llotl.
John 1iughlin ami Jim.Smith took
tholr dqmtturu .Moiwluy for PoitUnd.
Nearly fifty woplo wcro killwi
jienr lioii(Ior6n, Ky., by tlio atorm.
The Uncle iikiii, Mr. I'atterson, Bine
the n Mxunl colt while iu town
this week.
Kolit. Ilinur! linn jinrtlmswl a
Imir intoivst in Cf. C. MillorV
liluuksinitli (liop.
.Mr. Uupprioh was on the street
this wiwk, lmving almost recovered
from hi Into attack of ihuuuwtisin.
The nuti-suirrneists elected n col
ored lady for cohool director at Sal-
ma, Kan. 1 Inn consider it a groat
I'lnekpinitli .Miller line boon im
proving his shop hy tho eonstriio-
tion of n furnaco for hontin wny
on tiros.
A full ami complete lino of .Millin
ery ttiMxls direct from Xew York at
L. 11 .Middleswoith's Jehu Day Mil
linery Stoix'.
A man, convicted of the murder
of eight women, was hanged at Oz-
cgeilin, Hungary. lie exhibited
great cowardice on thu scallold.
Mr. D. II. lliuehnrt npienrs to
have ultout tho only fruit left iu the
country, and sends a lend of his lu
mens apples to town at intervals.
Miss Douthit has no unusually nice
asftoitmeut of Millinery this sitting:
which she is Milling at ery low price
and oilers a further reduction of ten
per cunt, for Cah.
To cxitcl tho impurities iu the
blood and give strength to tho hvs
tent before the effects of warm
weather are felt, use I'fiinder'n Ore
gon Blood 1'urilier. in-10
The llosolmd delegation to the re
publican convention ivpoit from two
to six inches of new snow iu Hoar
vulluy and on the summit this side of
there lust Monday wlmu they oumo
.Sloan .t Haskell started their hy
draulic at Klk creek on the 18th of
last mouth, and tteir steam ihirrick
works tine, giving entire satisfaction,
so wo have lteon informed by .Mr.
A Ktngo ha.s been robbed in Kti-
ropo and it ia Haiti the robberH wore,
or may, or ought to have been, in-
lured to the crime by the llullalo
Hill hIiow of the attack upon the
Dead wood coach.
Kd. Ablwtt anil wife arrived hem
Monday, from Idaho. ".Sliuephenlcr
loo" who put a bullet into Ablxttt's
lxnly last winter has lceu seuteuciil to
seven years in the Idaho penitentiary
for his little target practice.
It is quite a common hut mistak-
cil idea that learning can come on-
from thu ime of bookH. It i trim
that a mnn'ri brain mav Ih cram
med full of book learning; and it Ia
alto true that, although he may
know much about almoat every
thing, ho may havo very little prac
tical knowledge. Knowledge wan
obtained bcfoio liookH wore written,
and it had to bo acquired from thu
original wnirce hy human experi
ence anil the studv of nature.
Died, nt his home iu Canyon City,
Monday morning, April 7, 1SU0, at
two o clock, .Mai tin (lUndlneh, nuixl
yenra. The fun.'iiil occuri'inl
WiMlueday, under direction of llolsih
Usluo iNo. 'J J, I. (. O. F. .Mr. Cund-
Inch has Iteeu a resident of this pluoo
for a miiiiltor of yours and by his lif
of integrity and Uiiightoess gained
the friendship of thno with whom he
associated. 'I'he eomimiuity therefore
was grisitly shockixl to hstrn of his
stiddun death, which was caiuo.1 by
liuait disease.
Soma 0110 has uiid that lioastintr
of what you will do is as uiiwiso
as to ndvortiso your prosperity. If
your plans a 10 gool 0110, some
0:10 uUo will catch them up and bo
iu tho Held iu timu to divide the
advantage with you. If they aro
not good, you may bo certain no
otic will point out tho urrure in
tlium, m that you cannot jKifsibly
gain might hy your comuiiiniea
tivonese. Thu moil wlio listen well
and nro not iu Imnto to impart
their own suerotH, aro tho ones who
generally get along in tlio world.
Up altout Prairie City wo understand
some of thtiin are agitating the imihl
iug of a roller irocosti Homing mill.
Tho Nkws hopes to see tho enteritrise
succeed, for that is one of (Iruut coun
ty's greatest nuedn. Thuro is nothing
so effective as printer's ink in the sue-
UMk el any uuueiuiwi?, ami 11 ponies
, -eoiuitruct ' ur mill nt any
1 will guaniutou
.shall ilo--Jis'
I'ursunut to a call the Itopubli
can County Convention met at tho
court hmi!e Tueslay, April 8, at 10
o'olock, Phil Mu'ichan chosen toin
IDmry chairman and Kuunuth F.
Moltno tcmponiry sccri'lary.
Committco on credentials np
MinteI : J. It. Johiifon, J. Magouu,
Frank Seln, It. N. Donnelly and
Wm. Uudio.
Couiuutteo on order of businus?:
M. H. Staimcll, Mr. Smith of Klk
crwk, SI. A. I.ucas, It. It. Mellaloy
and A. I,. Itrown.
Committee on ieriiiancnt organ
ization: Wm. Ctillif t I). (5. Over
boil, 11. Y. Hlackwell, Walter CW
ner and (i. Hut lor.
Committee on retoltitions: C. F.
floff, Terry Kiinscv, It. K. Damon,
(i. W. Dart and W. Stone.
The convention adjourned until 2
I. ni.
Convention called to order at 1!
p. m. Committee on crcdcutiald re
orttil thnt the following poraoim
fiom the varioiiH precincts wore en
titled to gcaU In the convention:
ItocK Cukkk: W. K. Morelield,
J. W. Waterman, proxy by .More
Held. Canyon- Citv: M. H. Stansell,
II. Hunter, O. CSuurtmev, Frank
Selg, Sam Sired.
ilotNTAi.v: II. II. Smith, proxy
by W. It. Moroilold, O. W. Ktuuoll
by Morefield.
I.o.sii Ckkkk: Wm. Carter by II
Y. Illnckwell, Win. Itudlo, S. F.
Hrnnsou bv A. A. Dean, J. II. Fell
by Win. Itudio.C. F. (iolf.
15k in W. W. Stonu by
David Ilelmick, Jackson Chambers,
Martin A- I.ucan.
Jons Day: H C Trowbridge, J
Cattanach, J A biycock by J Ma
gone, Orson l.ou irf, (!eo Hagiiov.
Fox: II Y Hlackwell, W White,
Wm Carter by Hlackwell, J S
Smith bv John Fisk.
Union: Sam Frunuh, Joseph
Dcardorll', .' H Johnson, K Mellalev
J It llardman, I) II Diniiek by Dr
Thebi.lo, T W Kimzey, Win Shu
man. SrnANvu.i.i:: Deimifl Hilov by
U' K Smith, T B Smith.
MiixiI.k: Win I'ojh', K Damon,
W S CarMiior.
Siiooki.y: It N Donnollv, by O
Hotter, Win Watem.
Hoiu.vaoNVii.i.H: ! Dillin, (! W
1 1 Aiui.'roN; J M Stubblerield, It
S Hlackwell, T Sweok bv II Hlack
well. Mo.stiiknt: W (! Overholt by
D (i Overholt, V Cari by C W
ItoHKiifn: C W Honhani, Jim.
Haystack: Warren Cannier bv
J D Comb, S T Calmer.
Ai'htj.n: Fred Perkins.
Dayviii.i:. IC F Mcltao, A F
Hoiul, Abe Hrown.
KirrKit: Wm Oillii', J A Powell.
Watjshman: No credentials; (!
0 Hutlor authorized to act iu coun
ty convention.
Maiiysvii.i.k: TI103 l'orkind and
J W Fry.
(ihaniti:: -Sharp and
both by Lucowitli proxy; Strotlur, by U Dauby.
Cum tiiittcea on order of busine."
and itermauent organixatiou nub
mitted their re)ortM which were
The committee on resolutions!
mibiiiittccd thu following:
To the chairman of the Republi
can County Convention of Grant,
county tftato of Oregon, held at
Canyon City on this the 8th dav of
April, ISUU.
Wo your committee on ieolu
tioim respectfully submit the fol
lowing to your Honorable Hody for
Wliereas, Wo are in favor of the
highest compensation possible for
labor, and, iu order to attain that
end and give employment to every
citizen of the United States; there
fore HoHolvod, 1st. Thnt wo aro in
favor of thu bill now lteforeeongreiiH
favoring thu further increase of the
tariff, iiH)ii thu production of tho
United Stilton. That it will give
employment to our people and
Htimulate and encourage the labor
ing eln.-soti to produce the necodiiiry
raw material needed in every
branch of industry adapted to thin
, country, ami lurtner
I iteaolved, That wo are in favor of
free 1 rade 111 mien articles aH are
not produced in the United States,
and, that wo favor the protoclion of
the manufacturer, as well, but, not
in excess of the producing and ag
ricultural interest). 2nd,
Hosolvod, That wo favor strict
economy in our county affairs, and,
also iu every branch of our govern
ment. C. K. dorp,
It. K. Damon,
J. C. Cattanach
I Iteeolvod, That thirf convention
I recommend tho nomination of Hon.
I Phil Metschan of Canyon City as
I Republican candidate for Stato
j Treasurer, and thu nomination of
1 Hon. (!co. W. Mellaloy of Union
1 precinct iu this countv, us Republi
can candidate for Joint Senator
from Morrow, (iraut uud Harney
counties at the coming general elec
tion, and instruct the delegates
from this convention to tho Repub
lican Statu convention to use all
'piiurablo means to procure thuir
Huation for Htich ollicon.
Mivention decided that tho
'it rcprcicntutivu bo
luft entirely with tlio dulcgntoe to
the state convention.
NoniinatioiiK for sheriff wore than
declared iu order, and tho following
Iteming were ilartHl in nomination:
John Austin. II. W. Sloan, W. P.
limy and John C Luce. Seven 1ml-
lots wcro taken, to-vit:
AftrriN, Sloan, (Jkay,
1 a:t
U 21
!! 1!7
(5 til)
7 V,Q
Austin having received the ma
jority of all voton cast ho was do
clared the nominee for nhurilf.
The nomination for clerk were
IC. Hall, C. F. ClolVand J. W. Wa
terman, and balloting resulted as
1 21
2 20
5 10
J. W Waterman having received
a majority of all vote ho was de
clared the
the nominee for countv
On motion tho convention ad
journed until 7 o'clock.
On Itoing again culled loonier by
the chairman nominations for coun
ty judge were announced as being
iu order, . It. Maxcy, O. O. Miller
and X. litilison were placed in nom
ination and thu following ballots
M.vy Mii.i.ku Kn,i!oN.
1 IU) 20 1 1
2 10 10 0
Maxey having received a niajoti-
ty of all votes cnt he was declared
the nominee for judge.
N. II. Holey being the only can
didate for countv treasurer ho was
nominated by acclamation.
For iwoiHior Chas. Timnis, J. W.
Fry anil W. It. Fisk were placed in
nomination and balloted for
Tiniins 10 Fry 7 Fisk 17. Timms
was declared the regular nominee
for asscasor.
For school superintendent the
nominees were M. X. lionliam and
K. Hays.
Honhani 12, Hayes 20. Honhain
was declared the regular nominuc.
For county commissioner L. D.
Palmer and )). 4. I less were placed
in nomination. Palmer 52, Hess
1 1. Palmer was declared tho regu
lar nominee.
For county surveyor J. M. Fink
was nominated by acclamation.
For coroner Dr. Thebido was
nominated by acclamation.
Delegates elected to attend the
state convention were 11. Y. Hlack
well, It. It. Mellaloy, O. W. Dart.
U 111. Httilio ami l'lul .Mcts:-linn.
Appropriate addresses were then
made by Messrs. John Luce, (!. W.
Mcllaley and .Major Magono.
The convention then adjourned,
ami permanent chairman and sec
retary were chosen and the county
central committee selected.
Itook Dale, Wvoining,
March :il.
H11. Ci'iiant Co. News: Having
seen by your Hear valley corros
jsmdenco that "Vox" thinks it an
iiiiKssibilitv to raise stock at an el
evation of from :i(HK) to olHKJ feet
successfully, 1 wish to auk him
what he thinks of us poor folks way
out hero iu Wyoming trying to
uiase a living raising mock at an
elevation of from OOOO to S000 feet.
Hut all the name we do, and make
a Hicccns of it, but we are not belest
with "chinooks." Simw drifts to
your heart's content, but that is our
only salvation, for if all the simw
that falls iu this country laid on
the ground it would be an impossi
bility to raise anything; it blows off
as fust as it falls ami as soon as the
storm is over stock has a chance to
feed. As this is my first attempt
at writing for a p.ip r I don't know
whether you will think enough of
it to print it or not: If you do and
would like a description of this
country I will try ami draw a com
parison between this country ami
Oregon, as I am an old resident of
Oregon. Jim.
Died, at Dayvillo March 2!)th,
little A Hie Milioi, youngest datiuh-
tor of .Mrs. IC. Stewart ago 5 yours.
Thu Pacific Hrewery's ColubratMl
Heer, thu best in lCastern Oregon, is
now kept constantly mi tap at the
Hod Front llilliard' Hall.
.4 a . - - -
Letter 1. 1st.
Letters remaining uncalled for
iu the postotlice at Prairie Citv,
Or., April I, 1KD0.
Miss A nio Watson, Mr. I'M ward
Duen, Mr Jack Marck, Mr. Henry
Snodgrass, Miss Mabel IColsay.
Persons calling for tho above
will please sav advertised.
Kici: It. Mi IIai.kv, P. M.
For thu puroo of improving th
fcuod wheat of the Willamette valley
a car load of Australian while
wheat has been imported by grain
dealers of Albany, which will In
sold to farmers and wheat dealers.
They say Oregon farmers need a
change of seed wheat.
Notice to Pay Up
All pnitiiw owing us previous to
our eo uu tuership with S. F. Allen
must settle the tame before May 1, 'DO.
'J aYI-OU A' Co.
Wo luiro Iwen favored with an
advnnco copy of the Doublo l&istor
Number of the Youth's Commnion.
Tho lwgi's are profus-dy illustrated,
aim lite stones arc iy lavonto wri
ters. Some of the titlesare, "Niiin
tared with the Saints," by Mrrt.
Mary Tnppnn Wright, "(litbricllo's
Uunlvr Hat," by Mrs. Mario It.
Williams, "One of the Squire's
Mornings," bv Sam H. Ctishman,
"Him Haslitt's Luck," by Miss
Sophio Sweet, a humorous story
called "A Hotanisl's Predicaments"
"Holy Week in Peru," by Marie
louia Wet more, "Miss 1 tent's
Muster Kkjis," bv J. U. Ilarliotir.
with timely editorials, ihxmiip, and 11
biional pane lor tiie little ones.
Four hundred and forty thousant
families will receive this number
and the Kaster season will lto thu
more memorable to them because of
its recognition in this pleasant
J. Durkheimor ,v Co. will buv
nil your ihcop jlt and pny you
lite cflRii lor ilium.
Many items of news pertaining
to 1110 republican convention I nos
day havo been crowded out of
thU week's Xkws. W have not
siwco to mention tlm irnod iitiali
ties of each respective candidate,
but i!ie ticket is selected from dif
forciit port of (.rant county, and
tho republican party appeal's to bo
satiHiicn wittt tt.
Our now "ad." from thoeitterpris
ing firm of Collin iv McFnrland,
Heppner, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to nad the same.
Iu order to gain new trade they in
tend pn-senting a fine large b"ook,
which retails at l.() each, to every
retail purchaser of dry troods. cloth
ing, KkiIs and shoes, hats etc.. to the
amount ot yJ.'UK), allowing until
July 1st to make out the amount,
(live them a trial order, when you
send away for goods.
- 4b -
Women who take counsel of
judgment will not be found, lmiu
uier iu ham), staving beer kegs in
the streets iu the nnim- of tompjr
ance. The very frcinty of such op.
position to liquor selling as this
weakens the cause which it cham
pions ami arrays popular senti
ment on the side of tho beer voi
der. Such action is at once law
lus ami futile. The mistaken wo
men who express, their detestation
of liquor selling by the de.nictinii
of what tho law recognize-. a prop
erty will tieouiru notoriety of a
sort that houellts neither temper
ance nor womanhood, but which,
on the contrary, in a degree belit
tles both. -Orcgonian.
I'aclflc llrewery Hcer.
Xotico is horoby given that I
havo this day established an agen
cy for tho sale of the Heer manufac
tured nt the Pneiliu llrewery, Haker
City, (Jr., within tho county of
(!mnt in Canyon City, and that Mr.
II. Stansoll is tho authorized mana
ger of said D- ot. AH orders from
(Irani county for this celebrated
beer, either iu bottles or kegs, will
be filled by .Mr. Stam.ol.
IIkniiy Rcht.
Proprietor Pacific Hrewerv, Hnkor
City, Or.
III KnctAlll. tWOivi.tnil.' iMtiMiUr n'l!r
Ml: I. iii rrtOllx I Hi " lu it " Hith 'ifi.ig
rrtftil. Tli.'t iiii-illl'iti p. i'llm ltt
mm Iwivmis n , 'it lit Uiv'.r (d. . u r Iimv
m lintlflr rviiunt) in In IVro't if l.ii Jtli'tt
J llcmff, wliit li t .imiimti D. l.ui-u-Ilk
fmm Him by ho ntiirl t itiii.-'U,
thnnhy cltitMK llic m) nil' m from l! Utiil
Mut linptirlilfw fi"i tMttfvrr tnu nrl
n. It I liuly riil rx-mwly, witiit
fnUMl. iu 111 (lll II r, luhff Hltll 11-1-4 H ill
r iy pmirttiitrft Ut lin.ll x mtP In ftp
Mr ni'iiD'y UI fir ll will Im f'ftmi1r. A
rviiutKUM ui lhi mmuIi. Mtrir ihI lArU,
'U..Un Unlink imwr)f cunm nil WlUn
tlfwKfl, JimHII'-i uhI II) npi'twltt. IlinttiU
lUifttr ml klulrml IIiiichI. A tt jUUrftt
Ut , ur MtMhl tirlfli r. II nwnlfr! nmrvt-Wnu
moiM-ttliHt In ilc riitv tit ili won klu uJ
lhTp lMtww4, Hftll-rUrutM. IVtior. Vswrn,
ttttd Mi r,Moli Htftva IUhI HHcllldg. M Hull U4
J, trttf'w-r'jfuU.r.MiiiiMirlx I until m rt',tu'mrf
iuiiiiitlu'i, If Itkin In limn oimI kivi m f tir
in) W o nn Imhkv-mv Mumrn. Av-
llf lurcftt
..f Mr. Kttv'' t in ll Koltifil?
i.I I it 4. . i )" ii I'l lf, i Hi
in i - m . .I.i . . .til. ii .4
i - . . - .1 tii 1 I
ItlNlUlUUK '1VUUI UllJ. HI 0.1
UI35n -NaVfNaftN
U3U01S3H HUM '
r 14 Jgl
I' " 'I" 11 I '-I '."".I ' Ml
" ' V 11 ' 1 '.I ' '. ' I ' II
'H '.S ! S !" ' I "II II
WAStll.NWToN, April I, '1)0.
Grant Co. Xrws:
ti. ..,.(.,;!,. nf ti. .......
iiimik commlttt-e has vlohled to cr'h-v ctnclty. I-urther com
tlm Xew UngUnd shorn inen and m?"1 'J mlAS , , ,
restored hides to tho free list on the
new schedule. The pressure was
too great and tho hide men wore
driven oil' the field. Too husv
scones of last week continue. Yes
terday a delegation of Oswego
brewers ami maltster npiwarod to
object to an increased dtitv on Ca
nadian baney, while a New York
city delegation filed its objection
against an increase of duty 011 fine
linen. I he glove men wero also
heard from in protest. The fight
over the sugar question promises to
lw most vigorous. I In- dtitv on
jute bagging has leen it creased.
The Kepul-lican Seuators hold a
brief caucus Wednesdav, at wide 1
the reort of the committee on or
der of business was n-eetved and
approved. This program includes
thu land forfeiture bill, tho Jones
silver measure, tho bills on admin
istrative customs nnd 011 the ad
mission of the several territories ap
plying for admission to the union of
states. Resides these it was agreed
tluit the deliate on the Moittntm
elections should bo called up next
Miimlnw An iilleiiml wit iNn
made to put tho World's Fair bill
on the nrofltam. but as the commit-
i t lint I mitt' wn k i9mt 1 Till Mm .......
siderntion of mensures now ivendioe
v 1 1 1 111 in 111m tuv vuir 1
ill the Senate, the eflbit fnilcd. Xo
conclusion was renohwl as lit n 101.
tional election law bill, though thu
senators wen- iiuanimouslv iu favor
of leKislation on the subiecl. Some
h.- i-eiw i Imllxr lull v In ,i m I t ,
action of the House lM-fore in the 1
-- I""" j ........ ,,v
matter, it beiuu easier to orithi.,
after the llouso shall have nluced
measuiv. This was hardlv accent-
able to the Massachusetts senator
with his election hobby, but it is
aiHii news to i s r vn for such ion-
it i . i i i
.... w .
' Hi r.ii.i.. (v of llin i.n nl,. .
sharks of Washineton is snmetbinu
fenr II In tn .if
- . -7 . I
a great prize by the failure of Con-
uress to locate the orld s Fair
here, they havo turned to their old
plan nf creating a park in tho Itock
Crock region, to the northwest of
tho citv. Thev onlv a million dot-
lar as a starter, know-
ing full well that once begun Con-
;iess could not abandon the scheme.
I'he land they have picketl upon
fur a site is worthv of the plot. Tho
u.ajor itortion of it consists of a val-
lev, or rather a narrow gorge, about
which aro the lulls that thev own
ami aru holding as suburban build-
ing sites. Tno narrow valley is
useless, save for farming, as it has
been inundated several times, no-
tnbly twice during tho last year,
I ho cost or turning this low land,
with thu adjoining bleep hill sides
into a pari; can hardly be iniagin-
ed. It would Ihj simplv enormous,
Ono inundation would be mifliciuut
to ruin leu. voars work iu landscape I
gardening. JCvcryene seems to have
a linger in i lie pie, us ueiiurai rii-
.. t i.. ii.. . .. . i. .i ... i
iioln, urxew ork, told the House
this week. J'. veil the local nowspu-
n-r nru ennsHU in ine scueiue, nun
inuv iH'iiovc in,. i i in- i louse win
puss the Mil on the next District
.iKMkur Heiil has transferred the
space resorwd for ladies, who send
111 their cards to Congressmen, to
Ktaluary Hall, where they have a
chance to coiiiikmu their beaut v
with that of tho marble leprodtic
tion of Colonial heroes. The ladies
In no appreeiatc this privilege but
tne lornier inxy lobby is ueedi.d by
Ur- ways ami menus cuiuinittce and
tin y must needs submit. It is
In-in d that the ehuiige will drive
Mime of the most notorious visitor
away, tlm Well known female lobby
ists and the discarded mUtrcsM-s,
whose fares have been altogether
ton faini'liar. Hut it is more likely
that it will only give discomfort to
the n ally iiusleiil ladies who are
driven in diio necessity to urge
their claims for Congressional in
llm nee.
Another order of the Hpaakei's
directed against tho presence u
tin- House floor of curtain ' i .iw
gressmcii who are without e ibl
occupation except as l-il-husti-This
is a well meant but oil rcp .i'
cd euilenvor that has uhvays undi i
where it U-gau.
liny a few of our
mining locution
Siici-chi-orji to .1.
Hakcr Ci I y -
Thu Most Coinplelo Lino of Ammunition in Easlorn Orutjon.
1 I. lu.-iii Heat
Siht- by Mail.
; ; 1 m
1 l.vman Snor
ting I'Vont
Sights sfl.(Ji.
uiamonuG watcnoc Clocks Jowelrv StIvorwOTrT!
ami a 11111 line 01 .iiusieat insu umeius.
Drs. Darrin submit tho following
oximots irom tesumonlals nt ieoi)io
1 it .mil?, (n-u l atin niliiM,
Portland Soreness through tho
kidneys, liver nnd stomach, infla
mntion of the prmlnte gland nnd
catarrh of tho bladder; restored to
A. A. Dtirlum, Tualatin, Wnsli
inglon enuitty, Or., writes that Drs.
Darrin aro workins wonders on bin
Tl"0' ""U 1,,!,I,.Iy"
Mnntin of thirty year sUtTid-
kidney ami bladder troubles;
dcoriio H. Henry, janitor, Odd
Fellows hail. MI First slroet. Port
land uiirome catarrh ten vears;
had desimirod of ever Iteinir ourod:
hsr hnd no symptoms of it for
Mrs. Mary Oiine. 2515 Second &L.
I'ortiatHl. or., f former v of Hauvio'H
island, Or.) Coninlieat;o:i of di
seases H-culinr to her sex, liver and
kidney trouble, rheumatism and
dystK-psia: restored.
I rtinmii llutler. The Pa k O...
v nronie riieuuia(isii) nnu cfln-
traclel joints and ImimverlBhoil
U,1K'. y1"" HtHiuluiK; IvW
al,' Wr. r-
rin cured him.
. V'. . ' nl ?r
C. V. Fowler. Yak
10,nl ." or. ear; CUWJ ill
'IVOnt ,l....r....., :..
iii minutes. .iso 11 vtillMH. ac-
. . ws- --9 -
1 'O gmwih, xm Irolh
c'.c- w,,i(, " ':' rclidcrod
. M"' "r. .H.I lCigll-
,0C1.11" fc,rw' l'nrtlaiul XervotlU
onera .lebility, heart illseato,
"111 HVIT COIII MailU 1 1 1' 10-
- , . ,, , ,, ,
maio irouiues in an us various com-
phoations; iiernianonllv cured.
Mre- MoKoe, H, WAter
street, I'ortund, Or. Catarrh clov-
011 ytr serofulotis luni on nock
"'" ,lml". Pra ysis of the fneoiuiil
.l,l!c lu'rv,' ' &'nw troubloi tu
"""r "rsi lorm.
ru iv ii i iiii (ill ui
f.ialldi..! I.... ST.. ..I j.. 1 ...
' "iuiiihi ..uil.;,l, u ill tier rOOIIl
nl"" o:lhi with an eye nillfUon.
..mI1..I If -..11 . i. li,l
"'""" "'rvuwn .'liiounuK O ftl ItlllH,
"winpanietl with itiilarualion; oui
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted free
l the Washington building, earner
of Washington and I'o'inli streets,
' oruaml, ami Hotel (i.tielolof, 'I li
eotmi. Hours 10 to '- -AMiings, 7
1 "i numlays II) to J AH citron
iu diseases, blot.d tuint, . s of vi
I'd iowor ai d enrlv imliscn-thmH
permanently cured, though no refer-
ences aro ever inado m the proKH
contenting such oases, owing to tho
delicacy of thu patients, hxainiiiu-
lions free to all, ami circulars will
bo sent to any address. Chnrjjon
lor treatment according to pnlluntH
ability to pay. Tim poor (rented
iree ol charge Irom HJ to II dully,
All privato diseases confidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pil
tieuls at a distance can bo cured bv
homo treatment. Medicines and
letters suit without the doctors'
name appearing.
(0 to tho Ited Front Hilllnrd
n, (;nyon City, far fino wines,
liquors JtllU Cigars.
The News disires reliable local
correspondence from every place in
the county. Someone give (ham
ami beuelit vi ur drtricl and countv
at large, for thi- paper has n-adcrfl
111 Ili'.ll-V CVl I'V State III the I I1IOII.
i:nrisr.x. swi.mjxgs, cits, &c.
A I-rul. till i"imiloii, u.liii aiv la
fiui.inul..n, i-ni. iwikSrouii l' m.. lll.i-ills-liiilum
In 11m 11 ml mtlmi. tin- iii'Ii lilh
tin. v.'ini nr.- 1 1 , i1, rtn 11! ei i Ii.iimiIi'.I,
r.nn.r.ll"ll lu.ta In rn.l jHi. n..i.r N.ilur.' In
lintlt'til II li!-i In lliitit Hm 11 nnil In-Irn.llli-a.
liiil ami .m-llliin. mi. I Mmth
Ink lufliii'iii . , i.ui in 1:111 an. I inula Imnlly
Mi) "lie Hi.uia h li.iihl tnlun
KlliU wuiiiiiI mi i.ii nt iiainri. lirlliffi
ir int iMiu iimji mi r, iiamai hi uikk,
1111. 111)1. r. ii iiuutu nru inuna,
I iU"l-lllli! to illlll'llulM, ll
i iiainri' an. I I'tin
Vi, I,
I r . .
t'.ii St ni l. IMrolt,
prnliMHl all.
Mi 1 1
ntlck. . . 1.
wm tauli.
JaooUOil rilu-l
At lHUuiuui
" iio'hltl, Kiwi;
.m 1 a, urn "t
') -11 ItMtivM.
lilt CMARtES A. VOCCtEII CO.. UaShB,.. Mj.
WM. A. S. t-UIIKH.
II. Oardncr.
A Pall Lino of
Pishing Tackle,
hooks, flies, ri
hm, 1 "1h,
Kly '
ill)., b()c,1
as.- - " ,'
m a. '