Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 10, 1890, Image 2

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lilt I
Anvil JO, JSOO.
Cnlholic bishops of ISmxil nro
preparing for tlio iiiimcdinto isstt
nuio of n jmstontl loiter, declaring
their rofiunl to accept tlio govern
incut's separation of church and
Itcprcseiitntivo Ilorinut.ii has
been liutdo hnppy by tlio decision
of tlio court of eliding- declaring
tlmt Silcott war luHihureing ofllcer
mid tlio members entitled to tlio
nionoy bo tMiibcaclod. Mr. Ilcr
inrtnn geta his S2S00, which has
boon withhold from him.
Mm. llottio (Ireon of Hrooklyu,
who i worth about So0,000,000,
bus endowed over ono hundred
ahnrehoi and oatnMiahed flfty
schools. Shu snyg that benevolent
objects absorb n Inrgo wition of
lior income, and that her on will
eoi.'tinuo the good work after alio
in gono.
A Number of women of Chica
; Ii.ivc formed what they call a
tufu libollo Association.'' tli
jtrtt of i i.-Ii i iu ruiso 5-Jo,',l,:'
for n irn-tnnn ttt in the agacw.
i . a- Mtauoc onuII' i
Uoltilubus to lit ont tho uxpedltion
tlmt rctsuHojl in tho discovery of tho
"Western world.
A bill will soon bo introduced
in tho Kngliah lioimo or lord pro
viding government iisittme.o for
puoro and people of rank who have
fallen into jwvorly. Her tux up
on the people to maintain tho ar
my of 11111k nobility U jut what
will convert tint Kngliah govern
mont from a monarehy to a roptib
Hcim form of government on the
donth of old Queen fk
jii opidumiu enllud tho "noutiu"
ia ravaging I villain fur rind wide.
Tta symptoms nnd dovoloptnouts
.m. vli!i n II begin- with tlllTO
...t i.f 1 .1- . 11 1. ; Tu .il.ieho nnd
mi'Lih.' Tl i- I- followed by lev
end iinf .,1 1hj -b'op, which
mi-; in deutli ii. iti'ux.iy. Ciiat'l
of the dieonsos are reported to
have occurred alio in Austria mid
Italy, and tho plivnioiani rue nt
piwoitl at a lo in tlioir diagnosis
and havo no idan of any proper
treatment for it. It simply r.tna
its collide, either to recovery or
Tho man who tnl.ea 11 iicwapu.
por from the pottofllco with 110 in
tention of ever imying his fiiib
fHiription wiiuld J10 ldgbly Inillg
iiant and groitfly iusulttid if ho
wore called a thief. Vet it court
in Ohio recently convicted forty
men of that caliber and allowed
the publisher, who brought tho
suits, judgment to tho full extent
or tho bill in every enio. Tho
.nine charged whb larceny. A
f vv imiie i iiM 4 niuv I'ooni the col
li"tii,n l.iihiiuoh hiiJ cntiHe b'ioiia
nf jKKir editom to rba to -ndden
A formur uiember of tho I 'nl!
.Midi CinxoUo'a Hall' lin juit 10
tiirncd to Kugland from the I'til
tcd Stntef, idler aomo aeven
luontlm rpeut in i-t tidying Aiucri
onii journalism by the practical
irQceas of earning his daily bread
nt u working joiirnnlht, and tell
tliu (laxette tlmt he luu euiu twek
with thioe KluSt ido.a: "Kirt,
that the profeWon of journaliat i
harder in New York tliuii it la in
London; hoeondly, that the growth
of ti iiuts ehtabliKiing a inniiojxily
ofartlule of uotei)aily t the moot
porleutouH Hril that tlia-iitciii
American development ;uud, third
ly, that tho iope hita far inorv
power iu the hlnte than any ('alii-
lie i Hii i'-r i" tho Old World,
't lie j itjH-r- arc afmid to print n
word to wiii di tlio priest take ex
ception, and ,.ny t'.ith'Iie who
ymn to bear Hi'. Meii,,iu loctllrti
is e.M'oiuimiiiiciiftd,
Tho reform lonfcranto, an or
gntiiaatioii formed for the purpose
of bringing loligion iuto tho tot
tlonieiit of political and utatu af
fair, Iiivh adoptcil a platform de
claring in favor of employing the
tcnehings of tho liible in the aot
tlcmeut of iu ll in affair and tho
iuiertiou of tint name of tho Sit
jiremo lioiug in the constitution.
Tho plutfonu nit" n (,ro08 the
lllnir .Sunday uat I and nil
ineuBines naii:t gnmt in - jir.ol
soiling and the !bji. i ..: . Tho
committee ie 1 : t t In a .nl had
been made nj n tin pitdcut, who
- raceivwl tin . .. .llv. vJ'hu nrei-
V 'ijf' 1,11 v .iorUxi, win! Hint Jor
. t-JBf
d iv.uonn ho did not wUh to be
mnellcd to make a icspoine to
their nddrei settinii' forth the ob-
jeetH of the in-Hicintion, and addel
tlmt its objieti were so complica
ted that he would iquiro time for
tlioir consideration.
Tho attempt to shut nil place
on Sunday except thoao which are
run In the ink-rests of religion and
the uhnrch, linn led tin ontortiriatng
proprietor in Huston to label hia
dime museum on Sninlay n fol
lows :
Scientific! Church. Oram! ooncort
imil lecture on old irmliU nnd prize
fljylitorc. Collection, 10 cenU.
Tho genuine clmrehoa ought to
bo luhnined of snob coinjmny a
that. It may be replied that they
arc ashamed of it.
Tlio Nr.w ii informed of Ilia
whereabout of owe ly mare Jimmied
10 00 left (high, W'F eonwwtcd (vory
imliatinet), on right ihoiililor. Has
tuihmmled yearling colt- lteon on
range about two j'mn Owner can
Imrn tliuir whotonbouUby first paying
a reasonable price for thin advertise
ment, KW 'JO-DAY.
Petition for Liquor LUonsj-
To the Hon. tho county ootirt (f
tho fctata of Oregon for Giant eotin
ty. Wo the undersigned your petition
ota resnoctfully represent thai wo
I in o oacli am) nil resident nnd lepnl
' votora of .101111 J)ny procinl in said
i count-, and wo nU (hnta licouto l
I gmuted to J. I). Comta, to tell am!
I diiiK)6(i of HuirituoiiH vinous and
mail liiinoiu in wdd procint in low
ipiaiititioa than 0110 gallon fern peii
od of nix uioutha from tho ot
Mny, A. I). IBM.
ltihti A Sholly, John Ncwnm-, A
Knll'l.l, JI K Allen, ludwiu HuP, V
i Noblo, H, H .1 KIKoM,
.J II Hollinuer, A Vlen.ll, .III Kolley
K 1J lUmsbv, W II Kclley, H A
Knibt, I' K I'm or, Alextowrtrl, II
A Johnson, Joaotih (Uwfio, 0 II
Tiinuiw, 12 I I.oveoy, Kiiuioia Wal
Into, JuiiiGH Wallace, J M Ilutch iig,
V P Dur.unn, Oco llngnv, Adun
(lorduu, J Milton Voiinj;, Tlioo .M j-I-Hnn,
Jlarvoy .Middlcuwoitli (loo
U L'nttnrincti, (loo K Smith , A Little
!: Monior, John V Bilvcm. CIion K
Foley, 0 W Uirj-o, 1 V WolfluKor. S
l Morgan, V LVpvfk, j 12 Maatoraon
j I! rnttaiinfli, M 12 Timiua, T II
Curl, W II i-iury.
Notiu is hcroby (dvru I lint on tho
Oth day of May, ISfO, the un
Icii;iiod will npply to tho county
court of tho ltt(o of Oregon for
Urnnt (lounly, for iliu iauuuocof tho
lit'outo inuntioucd iu the forego ne
petition. .1. 1) Comiw,
, Apjiliown.
Petition for Liquor Lir'aso.
To tho Hon. tho county court of
tho ulii to of Oregon for Grant conn-
Wo the unileniinol your wti
tionora icapcctfiilTy represent that
we a'ro each and nil refiiduntH and
lopnl voters o I t'nion jirteini't in
anid cnuiityvnnd we nak that a li
pemo bo cniill to V. A- Hartley,
to soil and dif Kne of Hpirittioiia, vi.
nouaaiul liquora in anid pro
duct in lraa qiiantiUcH thiiti one
(to lion. for the ieriNl of vix mouth
from the Utb dav of Mny A. 1).,
I'rnirlo fity, March ISth, lSUO.
htliua ltnmbirgor, .1 li l.aurniuv,
John Atiatin, A V Hoohmor, M
Howell, John I.nurance, (ico .Shear
er, H 1' Koynol.U, N .1 ThiUilo, M
I), C A Coata, Ubaii. I.aurnncc,
.lul.n Marahnll, W K l'ik, li Dear
doriT.TW Kimacy, II M Thomac,
Henry l1' I)ih1oii, C W Siggina,
Heiib-11 t'bitleudfii, I'M l.uiic.ialcr,
A V Silh'tlc, o U Miller, I'ha Mar
tin, Henry A Hyde, James Mitthca,
lUn I'arret, Henry iVlenujn, 11 li
Meador. .1 U Taylor, K.trl Itlimi,
WnlUf Htitl, Win. Duualyun, U-e U
ltuy, S Hough, Uwia I'ruitt, Jon
Dcnrdortr, .1 It Johnson, IC I. Holi
er t a, I'ntav Dalv, Win ltmdio, W
It U.tvi, CbiiB Coul-v, H 1' Tavb.r,
.Sol Taylor, J no I) Dalv, T S Whit
micr, li A Tucker, t'ul .lobiiMiu J
M Young, J W King, J C tlilleinva
trr, Win Meador, Jt A 1 lobi-.
worth, J A Jelliaon, Thonia.x Dou;
bin, tiio II0U011, Wm Ulp, Win
Young, W A TurvnianJr, John
Titrvuian, W It Hruuton, Joe Dixon
V II Mathia, W A Tureiiian, T I.
' Itlaeknian, It II .1 (lonicr, Scott
Hyde, M Durkheimer S S Durk
heiiuer, Wm Vviteh, (loo Chambera
John Avdelotl, W II ('ttrpciitT,
tiiij It Itirp', Joaqib I'ruitt, J T
Hullenc, A I' Holfuinn, Frank hnu
runcc, I.lair Owenien, W J (inb
I ruith, W C Uovbniur, John tlg
man, Cbae I'erkiua, ,M ( McCuiro
Jlubb Jolnuon, Henry Drewvtt, It
V lU-iti. If .Mob, I, I' Muuwuriug,
Win Wrih, C i: Tbomna, 8 li
Thoinna, C M Anderson. J Jt Dixon
IS 8 MilKr, .1 .M Diekaou, K M
l'reaton, A M Harduiun, K 12 Kweet
J JCozurt, Alar I,.uirnnee, Herman
Olp, It U I'lu ttcpbice, It UJobnaon,
W W Starr, .1 A Itoy, J II Davli,
Jocph DeardorrT, S A Tucker, H 1'
! .an ranee, li K DnvU, I) II Dim
miek, Jumca Hardiutf Wirt Arnold,
A S liliiin, Ceorgu Kimiwrt, It I,
I.nurauc-11, John T Hurninack. Dsn
I'arker, J Houcher, T N Cltinw.',
Wm H McC'iillum, Will II (ihee.
Wm I.ynmti, II M C'rnl, W 12 CUf
ford, John L Hullivan.
Notice Ih her. by ith't'i tluil M
the th duy of May IH'.M), the un-
derailed will to the oounly 1
court of tho Mute of Oregon, for i
(Irnnt county, for the iaauanoe of
the liccnvu mentioned in the forego-
i K petition.
V. A. IIahti.kv,
Ul OlSr t ttariML Or.
.V4tr It hmfcr rl'm Hull Ik Mknli-MiHinl
HU.'f hM f.l4 llotl of hit InlMUAti In ml,
Aul prwf In anMnrt nl Mm num. ktm im hh
iTfMf will t MHlbist Itw c anil- tint aC Oru.1
nir Or.. U ( ni Oily, Or, Ih n, li,
: nilrcvn jl'WijH))!- Iff p a W. l. tar
tir 1: -it 11 nr. 1 1 ffk 1-1 asu lot 1 a iy
lUtumMUw MtcM'tac wlliinw t fir I.I
Mrilnumu raUm t4m, uW mftltailnH l. tM
Halt, WillUw cK..rr. ll at 1-ralrk (Mr, Or.
Yin JiiiH ir mbiih. n min. rMMn
ImI oat tl Ram, mraa.
MartaM, IiM.
Xotlr I kmar linn thai Ml faltavlajr-Mftwil
axtUtr Sa ClUd aatm. of hi tntttiOon fo nut
Ml ptaat kn niart af kit eUlia. i4 Ihat !.!
timl HI a mmmU klr lb roonir )lf af
Hraat n aalr, Or., ar la IrM kMnr fw lit
eaaaur dark al C ;oa Cl$, Or., m Uj 17, Itvo,
ui nobwt v. Uimn, iw -rt. t u..-a
i t "i a i t at aa 4 an ti r, i- r. si e.
llaiaHMM Ibafannwlna atta! ls.rr U
mnlln l'Mt nxldrur apna, att-l i-olU.MInB nl,
hM huU. C. tl.CH.e. II. Tteinu. CNartrr
Aa(ll, 11 V. Ut, til nl John ! . r.
J. II. lit NT1SOTON, R(Mr
AiliiilaiDd'utor'H Stile.
Notice ia horeby given that by virt
us of an otdor mid liccnaa of the
county couit of tho ntnto of Orogon
for tko county of tlrnnt of dit the
20th day of .March, A. D. 1H), in
the matter of tho oatatn, of Woaloy
Kamimly doconRod, tho undarait;nod
ndiiiiuift'lralur of aaid oafnle will, on
Hnlurday tlio 10th day of Mny, ll)U,
nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. of an:d
d.iy nt tho court homo door in Con
yon City, in aaid (Iraut county, aell
at pitblio auction fero.uh iu linnd the
following teal property belonging to
naid otitate nnd nit unto iu anij CSrant
county Htntoof Oregon, to-wit:
Tho ISJofSW h"'d W i of HIS f
of Hk- ilJ, Tp !.( S It 32 12. W. M.
Also tho NW of Sj S Tp 13 S
It ad I. W. M , Uf;otlier with tho
triioincnU, licri'dilntiiauta and ap-
iirtonancofl thoniunto Iwlongin or
111 nnyw'Ma MporlainiiiK.
Dntrd tbia !!hl day of April 1800.
CiiAa. W. PHH1II,
Adiniiiitrntor of tho oatnte of
Woloy Koiit.o Iy, k tmnod. 2-0
Tlio innleininiiol liHiug boon ro
atorvd to lie.iltli liy Kimpln nieniif,
after uiff.nintf for jnai- with
n meio luiitf nffeetioii, nml tlut
drouil di-niu CoiiNuiiijition, ia mix
ioiin to make known to hit fullou
jufferern the intntni of cure. To
iIioho who doaiio it, I10 will elircrful
Iy actid (froo ol cbai'o) n copy of
tlio jiieacripliuii lined, wliieh they
will find a anro euro for f'onnuuip
tiou, Axthiin, Catiiiili, DioueliitiH
and all tlitont nml lung Malndica.
1I hopo nil btiirorvra will try hi
ltentody, at it ia invnliinhlo. 'llioao
iloiiiring the pioaoripliun, wldcli will
coat them nothing, and mny prove n
hltMaiiiK, will plcmo nibhoia, Ui:V. A. Wir.aoN, Williiunaburg,
Iliiiga county, Now Xoik.
Canyon City, Or.
77 .v poiular rv.wrl hatt
been, reopened to I ho public,
(ind note, a.i in tho ptixl,
hcvpn nothing lint the best
Wines, fjiitorx CiJars
;. I), istcit .ki, Pnipr.
'otliu tV.lIt'I-'itt litntt. llcppiivr,
will mal.e i-anh advnneea on next
aeiiKon'a clip for ("IlltlSTY v
WISH, nllowinj; privilege of Helling
iu Hcpptier.
l"'or lurlher particulars npplv bv
Il pplier, Or., Jan. .S, l-.Ml.
Or IIoxspiioi'.
C. A. tlllKA, H1AMC IIKI.IX)(.0,
I ' V iet 1 'roaiilen t .
(iKOIMIK W. (JoKBKII, Oahllinr.
Tranart8 a Ccarral llniiklin; fiiiilacs,
Ms change
fcu all )aiU of Uin world,
Uolli tiniiH made nl all iiiU on
I'tvitumnUi) Toium.
.Moiiuy lnintNt at fixna ono to ten
Mir 0011 U
00 to Tiia -
Cunron CUr r Barbari Stasp.
JiieJtard .7; Clark, Prop.
I i I II r r! I- li Mil, hllvK, hllAM
' . .. mill HT IS Till- I.AtUtT HTJI.K.
The Immense
ii basche &
- -
The Scene of
Goods rJPhat Have a Mvcord
icing t'n Ion did and on the If 7.
O nr CololDrntod
With Changeable Speed.
The rnriralcd DEICRIXU Binders.
JD HoiliHGSWORYift hd) PjOYal) Self) 0p)
The Xevcr '"ailing Hand Dump
77i' Old ltd i a hie
. Ci lcbmicd h'mcr.son V' Fisher '
lite hnypsl cutd best selected slack ever
bfouijhl In 'Baker Cily.
Iteincinher II 'care II ICA IH)ll l!T IC IIS for
And invite Corresijoiidenco on nnilhiiig in Iho
II a rd i cure Line.
-lir.M.KI! 1N-
(iroi'i-rii-', Flour. Tnbacm. I'ian, and ono htiudrod and ono other
varii-tir.-i, i lu-ap fur .-at-h, at
&Att?WtWm LcuTiny'railor
lie ir par lieIM,.cl!ll . . . 0l.,Sat
lift IPX h'PP ) fl() (
coin for your pells.
Tnkon up and pos!cl aooonling to
hiw at tho promixCH ol tlio uinlor
aigiicd two iiiiIoh Hoiitli-woat of l'rni
rio City, Orant county, Otogon, the
following, to-wit:
Ono lay mnre, woight about 1.0B0
llm, black maiio and tail, four white
foot nit to letlocka, brnudod o.i on
loft aliouhlur.
Ono bay inure, woiglil about 8S0
Itm, white atrip iu forehead, black
iinno nnd tail, hind foot whito up to
fi-tlockH, branded U with ni row tnro'
on loft hhouldor.
Ono aorrol gelding nliout Ifl lmniU
high, fi i (i miiii-h olil, weight about
K'OO 11k, two hind foot and one fore
foot white, wkito uliip iu forobead,
liraadod 10 or 1 0 on loft bhouhlt'r.
Ono Indian pony, pinto or spotted
lo.ui, about :i yuara obi, no bmud
onn Ihi aooii.
Tho owyrr of tho alwve property
can havo tlit anmo by proving prop
city, ayiiig olmrgoH of poatin,
t-coping and mlvoi Using.
TlLUIIV I'll 11 IT.
Prairie City, Or., March C, MM.
If 'archwise of
Company &
- - - OREGON.
lltisy Tumult!
Kwn a full aaaortinont of Troua
oringa nnd Siiitinge. When in linker
City you ie invited to onll nnd in
apoot 'i.fiOO diifereut alyloa.
Dtuiuoaa sulta .... from $25 to 1 1-1.
Drew " ' 11.1 to 75.
TroiwM from $0 to ?1&
rt'I.t, UHK Of DITOHTltD ooot.
:uritcr riT oiuiuntkiui.
Whon iu Iloppner den't fail to
oull on IdilJZHlt fi THOMPSON
for, timwahk, wood and
BTa, r.Tc. Agmicy for tho Xkw
nA. Ordam by mnil juxmiptly
and carefully tilted.
Jonh Day - - - Ov
llnrtlwtvre, HlncrH' Supplies, lite1, Etc
llydrnulio Pipe nnd nil kinda of
TillWnro IlinilllfHOlllltiil In rmlur
TIia m.I. 'r:.,.ui..... 1.. i!..i
an- xttttj a i'oiiw i iv
ty, nml mpiipiMMi lor alU.
W rnnktt our bow. before tho ncoido of Grant Oountr. ami 'idi to
i anr, that we havo Itfrn loeaiod
I ( i:i.. .
Tl'tttlei bnving'shippoil morn Otnr' iicrchsn lino into Heppner tliaii
nny otlmr firm in town.
We Want Part of Yarn- Trade.
lleppurt is your nearpat, lical and obaapont tnidiu g nud nbippiug print.
You slioubl atart in at oocc. Xo nto to wait, on by no
doing you loao monoy crarr Inn. Ouf 4lgaiit Two Story llriok Htoro is
Comploted nml wo have it rtllMi to JrorllowmjfKith all kinda of
Soito.1 to tho wanta of llaatcrn Orrgon Irado
II'Vj ,flim to Keep a Very complete Assortment.
Vour orders rnu he filled for any kind of Gooila nooilcil on n b'nrm or
Slock Hntieb, without leaving our Store, at prieoa low enough to cotnpi'lo
with any other mnrl.ot in Oregon.
Dry Oooila, CloUdng, Doota, Shoe, Trnttka Vnliaoa, Knla,
Cnjic, Cat tK( Croekory, 'aH Paper.
Orooerioa, IlnrdwMiv, 'Jswrl" Cook Wove and Itnugoa,
Tinwnm, Puinta, Oil, Olaaa, Wool Bac 1 man.
Llino, ijtilpbur, ISngliah Cement, Ikrbnd Wire, ItliiokHmilh
Coal, San Joan California Sad Ilea, Ditla Spura, Toam Ibiggy
1 lain ww, Sowing Mncbiiifa, Clooka, Vtcliea, Chunpiou llenpora
ami Mowera, llorao IUkoa, Plowa, Ilnrrowa.
Oiio bellf'T Bttmlnrtion for r.iu,h in mntiin ilin!ii tH than nny other kind
iu ti'C. Full lino nlwavi iu atock; n'm Hnrk.i an 1 Duok!i'nrds".
Ill ardor to ii craase oit irafle m into lie Howiiplin'
G-oocl tixxtil 3"ny It, lOOO, ' i tr it u .i no.
Hvery puielinicr who buys Tivouh-Fivo DjIIiii worth ( J.'o.OO) at retail.
. ol Diy (icxiiU, CloMiin, Itcn.l-. nml Hy.
iionts t' urniliuiH t.eo.lK,, nt oar httf, will ho pioaontcd - Win n tlio
j;ook an- paid for--with mi Klrgnnl ll niii l Volume, of ovi r .1't) nucs, in
eluding ti.1 to Mo FINK WUh PACK STKKIi KS'iiitAYINCH. Wo havo
four dilT.TonUiylcsof Duoka, o.ich at tctnil 84.00. Small ordem by
mtil on nbnvo goods nill count towanli tlio totnl nniount needed. KVKUY
Ml .'ltllMI l IIIM I atliVt.itt.a-aa . . m . .
v w a i .a, j. JU4 imi , 11 U tUMilllKJ'J Nt t I OI I iU 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 jUUKIl
aiiil tuiccH. lTF TUm bookn nro too heavy tu fiend by mti tw t hoy
wcifjli Hfvcii.xniiiR nucha k
IliaIICST I'MK'K Paid for Sheen Pelts -Will ship
ConiiguiiU'HtH of r.-lt8 to Uhrtst.v & Wuo, or Allou A Jjowis.
Mnil orders carefully attended to. Oivo uh n trial an ! call ul our Htoro
wlion you OOIH3 to Hoppnor. Youin Truly.
COFFIN & WIcFARLAND. ("oppnor).
Proprietors of
The City
tt Keep conatnntjy on
Patent Minliciiiea, Toilut Articles.
Ootid, Tootli Nail, Olotliea ami
iiues, ijfluipa, lAiup una, Ulnaa, rutty, uulm.ys,iiil
nml oveiythiug to be found in a firsl
clnaa Drug Store.
Nolhirfxj but Pure, .Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Order from ndutniico will roeeivo prompt attention. PreacriplioiiatiRpccinllv
auroKtwona to LL y JX1JIT,
jtavc umr rcMivoti uis largest nuti most-comjuote uooiiot uiw goods In
Grant Comity, which they will oiler fcr ails at nricem that dciy otmptitilioa
11, It. JSELS.
, , , .
lul 0 si &i r 1 I
Canyon City, Oregon.
On Improvoil Farms in
iu tlio City of Ili)pnr, liml onoyonr (nt
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on, HnU nnd Cnpn, Imev flood.-.,
If rug Slorv..
Ijaml n cpiujole ajbxk Of : .
Pcrfumoa. Soniia. Towdar,
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liar Hrusl.on, Di iiggiai'a San- "
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