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About Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1890)
I I j - - i I ,U 1 JJ.JJ 41 It D I THE mm OOUMT Is tlio oldest UOWSp.V per botweju Tho Dalles mill Winnciuucca; the lar goil circulation, tlicrcforo is tho beat for ndvei tiaing. In n nowwipcr for tho people, laboring for U10 jicojilo unfl wining tho en tiinunU of tlio people- of its own Unnl County. I 1 Volume XII CANYON CITY, GRANT COUNTY. -.OREGON, THURSDAY, AVRTL 10,1800. Number 8. 1 4r m0i. .5 - V. t ' 1 -Tar?, it K" THE GRAHT COUNTY NEE i0iif.-isiir.ii KviHiTiiunsDAV moiinino .m J),T.ASBUliY .Editor nnd Proprlotor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription 1 ytnt in ndvanco 82 CO If not paid within 3 inontlis . .83 00 Six Months 1 CO Throe rontlw 75 lAbyKKTISING HATES. 1 inoh !) inch iool col leal. .1 mo il nut mo il mo !J mo 8 1 .50 SU.00 12.00 21.00 io.oo; 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year $111.00 32.00 Si 1.00 888.00 140.00 S3? For standing display nds only. All Heading Nolicoa in Local 'Join tun will bo charged at tho rato of 20 conbi por lino for first, and 10 cts cadi Rubesqnont insortion. Bpocialrnlcs to regular advorliiont. T -we Ann l'ltmur.!) to execute -fine Job Printing! OP KVKItY nESClUITIOX, CHEAPLY PoHlors.odgorH, Billheads, Lotlor hoada, Notclioada, Stalo nfonts, Invitations, Ticket, Curds Kto, etc. J I'HINTEl) ' TO OIlDKll. OFFICIAL DIRKCTOHY: Co, sJiuI"o N. H. Maxcy. Clrlc.i Phil Mctschan TrouMiro : ..N. K. llolcy. f J. 11. Mcllnloy. Cominiwioncrs II. J I. Davis. Kurvoyor J. H, Heal Sheriff W. 1 Gray Assessor Chas. Tiintni. Cl I C?... I f n t. n Slock Tractor. . . .',SV. H.tfS? . t...,.. MhD. Cliffonl Al'oinoy. . , ,,..J. L, Rund SKOIMSTHOOUiTlKS. A F Sc A SV2 Canyon City Lodgo No. 3 1 in:U Satunlay On or Iwforo each now moon. ' I O O F Holwh Txxlq No. 22,j Canyon City, nular mooting Thurs day evening of caoli uk. Mountain View Lothu No, 33, Prnirio City, Satunlay evenings, A O U W Homer JI",, No. 7, Canyon City, Monday e veiling. IOC TJo"" Uay I-odgoNo. SO, Canyon City, Satunlay uveuiug. G A IR Gciij Hancock Post No. 31, John Day, Tuesday evening on or Iwforo uaoh full moon. Church Directory Hov. A. Kada hoMa divino sorvico m f I tin f i nitni nrA 1t.itu nt 11 "j o'clock a. in. on tho lt Sabbath of x -ocli month, and nl 7 o clock in tho eroniiiff nt tho M. U. church in Prni f . tt City. Also ut tho Strawberry nohool.liouso at 11 n. in. on tho !)rd o-iuuaiii oi oaeii inoiuii aim ui j.-riu-xio City in I ho cveniue of the same day. At John Day City nt 11 n. m. on the 2nd and Hit S ami aye, nnd nt Canyon Cily at 7 in tho ovoniiif; of ILo name days. a- ntrrriiioic, "VON UITY ... UllEU r ,shoc mill to or.ltr, or nMlljr rc ,urlr Wnrranlml Flnt-oll OltEOON. lrJ. fork Wnrouitod Flrmt-clat. 'Ii., ., . 3. VIAL & SON. I'ltO FI3 1 ON A h OA 11 DS. Q W. 11AKUK11, M. D. l'lijslcltiu .Surgeon. O.VMVON Oitv : Orogon OlHeo iKixt floor to Co. Treasurer's oflict', Mniit ytrecU jy H. YOUNG, 51. D. ZZouiooopntlijuit Physician anil Surgeon John Day Gitv, Or, OlUt, m. 1). Cnnyon City, Ogn. OIT!r on Mli Stmt In lUwwi (armtrlf oocu IM i f nr. IlOWUd. , Q I. HAZUmNE. PliotoRrnpho e CANYON CITY, OHEOON. s a DENNING. A tt orn ev-n I)ko Greek . - Onuoos PAltlHSfl it GoZAl). A'rrOItNKYS AT LAW, Canyon City, - '? - Ohecox. TJ A. KNIGHT, ODaarjrTis'r. CAttyON CITY - - OttKOON. ODico over John Schinnlt u calnnol uliop; oflico boui-H from On in to 4 pm ALL WIW1K. WAUUAX4XiUI J. OLLIVER, Proprietor of the John Dav Milk Ranch Froth milk dolivorod tlni'ly to my ciiBtoinors in Jonii Day ami Canyon citioH. Uivo mo your orders. h u UAIIUATROr TDK UNIVERSITY, lir PitNNbVi.VArtiA, April 8, 1818. Canyon Cttv. Orenon. O.lito iuJiis Drug Stol-6, Main Street ( mien for Drill's promptly tilled No professional patronage solictcl iu'jh! dh-cctioiiH aro tlnctly followed. Attomoy-at-Law ASp- Nptary Public ' - OlIUflON. PiiAinm City 4 lirn A'jont for' tho Halo of Soliool Lfiiids, II. UOLKY, X)BIXrTIST. (Ollico opposite Masonic Hall) Canyon City .... Orcgth." All Work Warranted. JOHN DAY HOTEL Chas. COBB. Proo. John. Day, Grant Co., Or eg. To litop nt thin popular Iioiibo once ih n Hiuii Hint you will comu ni;niii. Tho 'bent of accommodations for guonlH, nnd rates of board mid lodg ing roasouablo. Canyon City, Oiieoon. ROBT. WARD. Prop. HAHNKSS, WHIPS, SI'UUS, And gdnond supplies constantly kept on hand. v Saddles ordorcJ at n small dis count. 'Hfl'J?iri'n8 don" "'hoi t notice KniiHaa lias ciglity-ono female Kuliool mi)orintciulcii(s. NumbcrB of the song birds im ported nt Portlnud, Or., Inst atim mcr nro returning from their wilder migration. Mong thrushes, star lingH nnd chnllinclict) have scon in ninny places nrotind lort landj and skylarks have been heard singing far up in the nir. The rnbbil-proof fences erected by New South Wales and Queens- land will, when the one nt present being creeled on the South Austra lian boundnrv line has been com pleted; be 8S7" miles in length. It is estimated that, tho ono in course of erection will cost nbout XUO.OOO. Tho laud grants to railroads which linvo novcr been earned by tlio construction of the roads nt any time amount to nbout ecventy-nino million acres. It is proposed by the house committee on railway's (o dcclaro these lands forfeited and leave tho lands "earned" nftcr tho time limit in possession of the hol ders or deal with them in another bill, NELSON JONES, PItEST. 2' MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUSTvG0. (Iiicoqiomtel udur tho law3 of the State of Oregon). r Capital Slock 3100,000.00 Paid up 525,000.00 (xonoral Wnroliouso The warehouse has is well li$hlc", an ording sale. 11 is situated near no a low rale of insurance- Last stiasou.M1iis nmimn.mi handled, tninv 2.000.000 pounds of wool, and in anticipation of an increased u.muiuii'jor mo coming season, nicy luiiu ouiiv aiv aa, dition to the warehouse. v - . . During the season, an employed: The warehouse being furnished with a wool compress, huiiers are enabled lo have their purchases put in condition for direct at a iwsl nuich below that which the wool must bear via Porllamdrjjr Su-n Franciwo. -U(ish advanced on consignments, for 1SOO. THERON E, FELL. Manager. George Cundlach & JBro. -A. ,- .DEALEItS IN. GENERAL CANYON CITY wsr PJtlOES Overholt DisAiv&ns iN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, " CANYON . 'ft.' JLamumce -r-rDealorH Prairie City, O.egon. ALSO AOKWTS I'OTT- THE- Frank Hro's Impleniout Co's Mnchinory, CotiHisting of Moworn, Heap era, Self Hinding llnrvcuitorri, ltaken and wnons. A full lino of Ag ricultural InipliinontH and txtras for nil Machinus usod in this country, Which wo will sell cheap for Cash or on timo with approved security. A. IIACIIENJEY. DKALKR IN General Merchandise. v JOHN' DAY CITY. Dyspepsia .JtiVri tho Htm of mini" pcoplo mlicrallo, vanil often Icaili to clt-cilruetlon. DUtrcu after ratine, our ttoraadi, tick lieodacbc, !irartburn,IoMof apncUtr.afilnt, "all gouo" fctllnc UaJ tiito, coatod tontue, and Irrrsu n, Utltjr ot ,Uia bowdi, are EJIStrOSB omo of tho mora ewnmon AftOr irmpUun. Ijilipil doci not set well of lUelf. It feullng ityjulrct carrful, prrtlttCnt kttontlon, and a remedy like Hood' tlutv paitlla, which ttrtf cetitly, yet turrly and etaclctuty. It tones tho ttomacli and other organi, rtpdatcd tho dljciUon, croatct a good appetite, and by thus Sick orrrcomLng tho local ijrap- j, ' . torn rcmorca tho irmpa.MOaaacnO thetle cffccti ot tho dlteaie, banlttiea tlio headache, and rcfrcthca tho tired tnlnd. I hao leen troubled with dnMPiIa, I had but Ultlo appetite, nnd Klut I' s "uurl little cooJ. In aa hour bum after eating I would cipo rlrneo a falatnnu, or tired, nlt-gouo feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou Mo, I think, waa aggraratcd by my hutlucti, which Ii that of a painter, and from being moro or lets ahut up In a Sour room wltlifrcth paint. I.-ut . aprlng I took Hood'a Sara- StOmaCn rtlla took ttirco bottles. It did 'mo an lmmcnso amount of good. It garo mo an appetite, and my fvod rcllihcd aixl aatliaod tho crating I had previously experienced." OfcditcE A. rAQK, Watcrtown, Maia. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druegUti. flilzforfX rreandonlf br C I. HOOD A CO., Ajttiocarloi,Low:i, llui. ,100 Doqos Ono DolIrM- E. It, UlSltOP, TREAS. iv forwarding Agls. two floors, SO x 100 feet, and favorable diinluy of wools on other buildings anil hears experienced wool grader is shipment to eastern wills Heppncr, Oregon. -if , MERCHANDISE, OREGON G'UKATLY ItKDUCED. Muldrick, CfTT,,0?.: &f Howell. in - iu aval'anchu oolch. Jealous QoM Dickers Spoil a Komance and Iracllee a Mean JokeAn Incident of the Early Days In. Montana, Tho I.inrs' Club met in tholr jKilnliitl rooms', says tho Helena In dependent, and nftcr the imial pro limlnaries, selected the liar to tell tho next story. IIo braced him self up with a few jiygora ot lino old iiourboti, and reclining upon un elegant divan, spun out tho fol lowing tale: "Years ago I was mining in n gulch beyond tho Missouri river. I had a hard timo of it getting my initio opened nntl lived for ii week nt n timo on beans straight, with out salt. Hut I did linally sue cccd. After mouths and mouths of hard and continuous labor I struck bedrock and fet my sluices. ' The first day's run I took out $!,- 750 in bricht, clean fohldtist, niu nftcr thnt everything was smooth snilini'. Poverty add hard work were relegated to the past. I rev eled in wealth nnd enjoyed myself as only tlio old placer miners know how. There was not n daneb nor torso race of any kind for miles around that 1 ditl r.ot attend. thought of getting married, but trirls wore so scarce I could not catch on. Money seemed to bo the least consideration with them Any young man with a handsomo t , i - ii nico una mi onmmnu arouim ins neck could'hold his own with tho wealthiest old bach, to be found my where Hut I got stuck on a girl who lived down tho gulch about a inilo below me. She was just too sweet for any use. Talk about your red wagons and pump kin blossoms! Wen L was terri bly cone. I used to meet her in thu evening aud walk about tho iillsulcs ami gather bluebells and snowilowers and sprigs of cedar nnd spruco for bequets, which she would carry homo and tnko as much care of as anything. 'It was iu tho evening and about tho time wp usually meet iu tho road, between my claim and tor father's. The sun had 6iink i .1 tii. l.i down ociiuid mo inns ami tno gulch was itshudow, but it was at east an hour till dark. 1 II never forgot how gay 1 felt that ovoiuug as l walked urisKiy along, wmi tend erect and confident mien. Tho odor of tho pines I can smell nt this moment and see tho picture of Avalanche gulch us plainly as 1 can seo tins company. "Tho Girl s name was bantu Sho usually woro u red sash about icr waist, and I could often rccog nizo her quite a distance away as sho would in and out along tlio crooked trail. On this ovening for some perverso reason, I deter mined to wait and let her como further up the gulch than usual. rom u slight oiiiincnco 1 watched tlio trail till I saw her pass a point of view J100 yurds away, and their lastuned to meet her. Detween us was n natch of willows nnd pines, through which tho trail ran. A ilcasnnt brcczo was blowing up the gillch and a more deleghtftil ovciilngI never 6aw. A few moro steps and 1 would meet Sarah, thu npplo of my eyo ami the delight of my existence. A sudden turn iu tho trail ami we were face to face. Sho hud stopped and was standing lorfectly still, her eyes riveted on an object about midway botween us, 1 took in the situation at a glauco at a glance. Surah's face was as pale us a Ducket ot milk iu litidow. Jler nanus were clasped upon her breast nnd I thought I could sec her tremble. Tho object that had stricken terror to tho heart of this sweet young girl was crouched in tho path, Its tail was gentlytswceping from sitlo to side Uku n cat watching its proy. 1 recognized tho animal at once. It , ... . 11... (Id inwimnfMi , largest I ever saw. "VY" do? Tho girl's life wo was a mountain nun, one oi inu What could I as in immi nent danger, for I was certain from tho action of the animal ami tlio nature of the felino tribe tin t upon tho first movement to escape tho lioit would spring upon Sarah, and perhitjia tear her to pieces bo faro I could render any assistance. I hud no weapon, not. oven .a jack- knife. Thu lion had been so in tensely absorbed in watching the I thorn, hut Sarah has been as com young girl that it had not ncflccd J pletoly lo.t to mo it if she had my iipprouuh, nnd Sarah did not appear to soo inc. I consider my. self :u bnivo as any man iu actual danger, hut thtit sight simply par nlyxrd me. I did tho first thing thnt ontorod my mind, I turned nnisclussly tidout nnd ran with tho swiftuoss of n dcor (o my cabin up tho gulch after my rifle. .Reach ing the enhin I rtislieJl in like n tnudmml. . The miners," who were just 6ilting down to supjier, thought I was crazy, and my ap pearance uiiLst have Imjcii very startling, to My tho least. I sciz". od tho woaplip from its rack tijion tho vnftor fi'ipl ran back us fust m 1 had gone. ' I couldn't Imvo been more than three minutes iu making thu trip, yet it scorned liku an hour. Hut in that three niiinitos events oc curred that settled me into the cynical oldr"b:iehulor you seo before you. . r ' Hie lion was still crouched in the same position in.which I left it. Tho girl was nowhere to bo scon. I raised myself, and with nervous haste fired at the bride's head. . J., in ml, Condition to hit a barn door at twenty paces at that moment. Hut my anxiety for Sarah was groat. Tho lion never moved. I had oito of the C0-cnli-bcr ueedlo guns that would tear a holo through, a" bulbilo as big as. your fist. I (hrcw out the empty shell aud put in n fresh cartridge This tftiic I made sure of my aim by resting my emu against 'the tree . 1 took delibundu nim nnd icld low, for fear of overshooting, ....I t. ' I .1. . . r '. . l.i !UH Had U1U SUUSlUCUOIl Ol UIOW- iug tho top of the animals head oft. Imtigino my surprise at that iiip ment to hear tt rippling peal of laughter and a loud guffaw from a clump of trees not twenty feet away. I realized- in a moment that I had been made the victim of n practical joke. ;' Tho-girl, my girl, -my Sarah, had deliberately planned with sompof the' boys 'in the gulch to make, mo ridiculous and wound my pride ami sensibil ities, which were very great. My heart was soroly wounded and 1 turnud nmjeiiticnlly 'about, pa!o with anger, and stalked oft to my CUUlll. . It was some time before I learn ed exactly how tho trick, had been iluycd. Ono Sunday, morning 1 ay apparently' dozing in my bunk and overheard thu incr. relate tho circumstances connected with the only tragedy of my life It seems that some of the l(oys down the gulch had become jealous of my attentions to Sarah nnd resolved in some lmiuuur to give me a set back. A mountain ton had been prowling around tho camp the wintur before and was shot one morning while iu the act of taking a quartor of beef from tho comer or a cabin whero it was hanging. It had been carefully skinned and stuffed iu lunanner to maku it ap pear very lifelike, thoy placed it on tho trail in position where 1 shot it, nnd-by moans of thread attached to its tail, with men con cealed iu the willows on either side of the trail to null the threads they had no difliculty iu whisking its tail from Bide to side. I wouldn't have cured if Sarah hadn't been in tho plot. Hut that thought made me furious. To think that she , W.oll to make a long sto ry as short as possible, 1 sulked awhile and rejected every effort at reconciliation, finally sold out and took a trip to the Kust mid was gono a your. Hut 1 uover forgot iui-idi. She was in my mind con tinually, and i rosolved to return and mako it all up. i came back to Helena and hurried across to Avuluiiunu as fast as a good horse could carry me i went to the cabin full of hope and pleasant an ticipation. A great deal of cloth ing was hanging out to dry, and as t got near oiioitgh i saw that tho placo had been turned into a Chi- it 11.1 iicso wasu-iiouse i ukkcu tno Chinnmou if they knew whero the icople had gone who woro there uforo thoin, "No sabol" was tho only roply i could got. Further inquiry revonled the met that ba rah and her parents had left tho ulcli six months bef6rc, and no oily know whore they had gone, searched ovorywhure and snout thousands of dollar trying to liud been swallowed tin in lite son. I don't think i shall over lihd her," nnd the ejHMtkpr ' heaved n deep sigh and lit a fresh cigar. . 1 xa-4frw The OxenPn iPacW?. ' Zr :v u : lli!iSttcinun. Among tho certainties of tho oar ly future tuny bo saf-dy sot down . the completion of tint Oregon Pncitio railroad to this city. This U ,np,;: myth, no dream ot idle loaiL4Qf ' course there may bo som doubt entertained as to what corjwrStion will continue the vuuslructtou of the road and eont'ol it after it in completed; but if tu Oregon I'ucilio has any real cntum of being or nny rational future these o;. only hi mode manifest nml renlizo . by ffd lowing out tho original plait, which has never btoa lost sight of or mod Hied, of building lo Hoiae Qify. While the Oregon Iqilic is building eastward, Hoifo City can be'biiilding westward, nml when tho junction -is effected at whalevCr K)int on tho Oregon lino, tho ad justment of mutual iutoroote will Do easy and natural. ' i.iirtti :' '" Tho waters of tho Ochtalmloheo lake iu Klorida ran off through its underground ohhnpol n few dnve ngo and an initnoiiino number of tlio . finest kinds of flih rar Bectiro by. .,. the citizens of tho violm'ty. , Leo XI 1 1 is said to have taken ij -bold stand. He hohh that tho on istetieo ol imnicns!; armies, whfoli are draininir lllinitlth of Hurona ajul Inllieting great stilTerin utKin . the masses, is nnti-Christlnn. ; .. mi POWDER Absolutoly Puro. V f Ttilp.i',lrr ncf mHm. A ' i .ul . ( .urll. tnnirrli int lni,oinivti. Mora economical ib ht orillntrr anil cminot Ih l,l In vmpill Uoh wltli tli. uiultilnil. f luw I i. Uiit wrlilil. luni or pliutibiis Kwliin. M.ul unly In emit. I'uwdtrU., lWWIISI,.V('V. A. IU Kt.MEU. DKU8. ELMER & SANDERS Assayeis S Make Asaaja ou loala of all klndd of Ores. "I'hatuiiio MinoH, . prepare Maps of and roporln on Haine. - Orders by mail wiiHecutvo prompt Attention. , I O Itox III, itaiusr illy Ogiu PIAN08, ORGANS i:. IIAYi:S, John DiiY, Or. eont for tho While Sowin.' Muchino, the host iu tho world. A'io for tfio Knrhuff Or'ans, and Hush A Oortii I'ianoR. Tlicso iiutrunients are un excelled nnd sold at fair nrieoft Mr. nays will call on vou for urdora for Dr. Soott'H Kloctrio gooda and solio its your ordors for Oold and Silver watches, Charms, Solid Juwolry, ami Plated Tableware. All goods war ranted as roproaoutod. Ploaso give tno a call. HOTEL. f Iloopouocl, CANYON CITY : : : OH. HEALS AT ALL HOURS. ' Sa I isa olion tlu a ru n hf( Couio on", oouio all, aud favorV Willi II lllll . B3. Wtf Ohlnoio Cooka l?t!irtloyed LAUQIILIN & PAYNE, Prop'rt. J. TJshan new an -V V s V J,