Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 03, 1890, Image 3

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JllA lUUl II (ILHOi at tlielr cuntmJ oon.iultto. motini; on April X ' ' .. . , . V " ' I . A
Thursday, jlpril 8.
I liorfli' iiiiiiouiico inyxulf :i ciuuli
dntu for tlin ollico of Oounty .Sii)oriii
tfintlent of Si'liooln for (Jratit County,
kutJiHit to tlio ilocinion of tlio Ilqiuhli
mii County Convontion.
mm i
lOK.I if ns u citiHlidato
Sherifr of CJrunt Counlv. xf
WTiftnEa . . . at Tin iiiiiiiimi iiiin nnn in i
irSfr f W-1- " A- . ' v. - - ?h.L; wouU kiH ,,im- Th Blo for end,1
hKC r-:-!-"')-v; :v. ; . cyo city,
v.--:. wp-. - ' .. "
. V ! . . ' ' . -,. . , ','.',: "
to tjii: vomits or OltANT coitxtv,
I lumily nnnnuncp uiynclf n cniuli
lito for tlio olliwi of Clnrk- of (imiit
County, ulti""t to tlio ilccinion of tlio
Douirrtfrilue County Convontion.
Tiioh. II. Cum.
to tiii: vot:h8 w oiia.vt rou.sTV:
I lioroliy iiiinnuiKio niVMilf a cttn-
iilato for tlio ollicc of County Suor
itciidont of Sclmoli iiil'jnut to tlio
(It'ciMi'on of tint toiulil!wtii County
convontion. K. Kaviw.
T liomliy nunoiinco niyiolf a camli.
d.ito for tlio olllco of JSlmrifl' of (!mnt
County, suljoct to tlio ilccitn'ou of tlio
Jtopuliliean County t.'ouvoution.
V. H. Cunxinotov.
I lioroliy nniioiiiico mysolf a cimli
(lat for tlio olllco of Clotk of (Irani
County, Kulijoct to tlin doeihiim of tlio
ltqiulilicaii County Convention.
0. K, (!okk.
OK OltANT cou.NTy:'
DmnOornti Imd a largo attondanoo
at tliclr cuiitral ooininlttoa tnontint; on
Elinors aro clmning ilitulio anil
making (janoml irjarations for tlio
spring run.
Set out treo anil lwnutify your
grounils anil ouliaiico tlio vnluo of
your jirojMirty,
Ciivn your town or noiglilorlioxl a
"wriUiup" in the N i:v8 and nond 100
I'lipurs iHt, not th, Miutli or wouU
S'liooin ikur Ihijipricli is Uill confin
ed at lionm with ilioumatixui, Imt
gool work in turned out of thu slioi
ly I'nink I'luitcliuiau.
Kowaday when you kco one man
tako anotliur around a corner into a
secluded isjiot you may toil awumi.l
that tlmro is y,oing to l a Kliticul
talk nmdi'.
Tom Cuil who fcUvteil in his an
nouncuuiunt that ho wan a oaudidato
for assoKKor ha concluded to run for
county clerk, and announces thi week
accordingly, I'lcnso nolo the clinnge.
Tim Humlioldt )lacer mino which
Iiuk for a l ui m I :r of ywirs foutrihiltwl
much towanl (!nnt county'ti supply
of gold, in again working, with gixxl
promiito of a long and profitable sim
soii'k run.
K. Ward, tlio Canyon City iuil
dlur, dot'H work aB cheap a can bo
done at Hakor City or any jdaco on
the railroad, and guarantee all his
work. (live him a call and lie will
KatiBfy you both in quality and
ICIection day is just two niontliB
oil, and tlio average candidate in
IniKV laying liin plans to fucuro the
coveted ixiMtion. The sliurill' will
soon dulivur the jHill-hookB and no
tice to the judgcH and clerks of
Five young until direct from Scot
land recently arrived at Dayville, and
will us employed ly .Murray llros.
h men aro liirulm acieMious to
I lierehv.nnnounol,, x,
for thooX? " - , . ,
Lition of (Smut county, and
extend a luinty welcome to
i -.1
I'copU; l
letilioniniT f
place to he cat
of "Mi) Jiinmie."
The Pacific Hrowcry
Itecr. the licst in Kautcrn
now kept constantly on taj
Ked Front liillianl Hall.
A terrillic cyclono wrecked the
city of Lotii.svillo. Ky., last Friday,
and seventy-live jHiople were killed.
The bloriii crossed over into Illinois
and did much damage.
Portland is agitated over tlio
disappearance of a clerk, Nicholas
Lugoir. If ho had any funds to
lug oir his absence can be account
ed for in this wicked ago.
Tlio young man who now rules
over (icrinany makes short work
of it. Ho say "politics aie frip
pery." There aro only two par
ties himself and his opponents.
Let's begin to get ready to have
a grand colouration July 1th. AVo
believe that is one of the days to
be observed this year, and should
be ut some point in (5 rant county.
(!cn. ('rook the old Indian lighter
who died tome days ago did somo
good lighting against the Snakes in
Wasco and ( I runt counties, and as
a partial reward from a grateful
people had Crook county dedicated
to his memory.
The Milton Kaglo advertises a
bilk of a school teacher by the
name of .1. Ci. Hruco. Mr. Bruce is
a man below medium height, prom
inent cheek bones, about thirty
eight or forty years old, red hair
and mustache, some teeth gone in
front and head partially bald.
Tennessee boys aro a hard lot. A
boy only eleven years old away
down in Tennossco chopped his
mother's head oil' with an axe the
other day and said, in extenuation
of his crime, that, she laid her head
on a block and told him if he didn't
f -
,tfcsday April iitv..,
motion F. P. Horsloy waa
elected secretary or the meeting.
The roll was called and the fol
lowing precincts were found repre
sented: Canyon City precinct by M. S.
Hcllman; Long Creek, Jas. A.
Wallace by (!. L Hazoltine, proxy;
Hamilton, Cieo. Baker by Ljo Mil
ler; Granite, J. B. Cabell by K. V.
Horsley; Union, W. B. Carjienter
by Thos. Gurnee; John Day, Dan'l
A. Heamer; Fox, W. 0. Gentry, by
I. J. Hagucwood; North Fork, P. S.
Wilson by T. J Smith; Middle, G.
II. Kimberlin; South Fork, J. K.
Snow by W. S. Southworth; Ko'e
bud, H. V. Ofliccr by John Hyde;
Bear Valloy, B. A. Wickiser by C.
II. Utley; Silvies, J. A. Cameron.
On motion tlio following persons
wore authorized to act for the fol
lowing precincts:
Geo. Shearer, Marysville; A. C.
Doro, Olive; John Carey, Warm
Springs; V. G. Cozad, Haystack.
On motion it was ordered that
the democratic primaries be held in
each precinct in this county at thu
usual place of voting on Saturday
the 12th day of April 1SD0, at 2
o'clock p. in.
On motion it was ordered that
the democratic, county convention
bo held at Canvon City on Thurs
day April 17, 1J0 at 10 o'clock a.
On motion it was ordered that
the vote for Gov. Pennoyer in June
188( be taken as the basis upon
which to apportion the number of
delegates to which each precinct is
entitled in the democratic county
On motion it was ordered that
there bo one delegate for eaeh pre
cinct, one delegate for each 20 votes
met anu one dele-
fraction of 10 votes,
pportioumont entitles each
the following number of
1; John Day, !!;
sville,2; Middle, 2;
located there for the past live yetuT?3!
ami has established an ummpeaeli
ablo reputation for honesty nnd in
tegrity. Mr. Kellogg served in the
Union nrmy under Sheridan in Vir
ginia, and has a good record as a
soldier; n true democrat who al
ways stood by the regular nominees
of iiis party "when few voted the
straight ticket during the county
seat contest; a inai that possesses
every qualification for the ollicc
which he seeks and will represent
the people.
Mr. Blackmail is a well-known
merchant of Hoppnor, who lias ac
cumulated a competence by his
buciness ability and industry. For
various rcatons Mr. Blackmail is
not popular among the readers of
this pajier. His relations with them
as a merchant seem to have a great
deal to do with his lack of popular
ity. In their association with him
as buyers of his wares they have
had good opportunities to judge
whether he would bo the man to
represent tlium in a public capacity,
and the general impression prevails
that tome other man would suit
them much better. And among
tlioho who look at him from the
btamlpoint of democrats, there ap
pear to bo doubts as to the iolicy
of nominating him as a sincere rep
resentative of the democratic party.
It certainly does not seem that his
nomination would have the efl'ect of
producing harmony in that party."
Uoom Edition of The News,
It is our intention to publish, not
later in the season than July olst,
an eiglit-pago edition of the News,
giving a list of all farms or tracts of
land for sale within Grant county,
and names of all real estate dealers
to whom intending immigrants
could correspond with a view of in
vesting in Grant county's laud, to
gether with a full description of all
the partially develod mines in
the county, and a general descrip
tion of Grant county and her val
lej;s, towns, villages, crops, natural
"""""vttnnts, needs, etc.,
"""lituAtvico thojjizoJ.
wnuii u is coniioorcii wrurrognm tr
IocalistH, ho would have won for
himself a place among the thinkers
who think large sued thoughts.
Thu present congress, as shown in
the prematurelv published tarill'
bill, lias considered tho subject
Irani tlio local view. I lie east is
truckled too, the South is asked to
bo comforted, the Weft is solaced
with a wip and the new north-west
is beguiled with promises.
Tho bill was no sooner published
than every member of tho majority
of the ways and means committee
began to fool like unusually burden
Homo. The committee loom is un
der state of siege, livery interest
that the bill hits seems to' have its
social lobby of ten to twenty
friends hastening to the succor. It
is all one tune. If this, or that in
dustry is hit, the republican parly
will go to tho bow-wows. The ho
tels are filled with persons interest
ed in keeping this, that and the
other item oil' tlio free list. They
insist that their life depends tixu
free raw mat.Tial. And tho hide
men, with equal vehemence, allirin
that their existence rests upon a
protective tarill on hides.
The senate received an irregular
ly presented petition on Tuesdav.
During the droning passage of pub
lic building enactments, to which
there wore no objections, only a
half dozen listless senators were in
their seats, anil the galleries were
well nigh deserted. Suddenly a
gaunt gray man arose, and leaning
over tho rail of the public gallery,
cried out, slowly and clearly, "Why
docs not tho senate of the United
States pass the dependent poiiMon
bill, iiutead of giving its time to
public buildings?" Senator Call
dodged as though fearful of an an
archist's liomb, and the clerk who
was reading stopped for a moment.
Then u friend grabbed the gaunt
man and led him away and the
senate resumed the error of its way,
with the question unanswered.
It is predicted that if Idaho and
Wyoming are admitted to statehood
by the time expected, the next
V,"JJ .uprise iiieinlM'rs,
more members
Ml tin 1 iv
- - " ypoor show no
? ' - Amission.
' "w 'hY
w-.-I'Ai6t7D UXAMPLKU.
If womon would set a g.xxl oxntn
plo it would reform the world, as
the moil aro continually following
after the women. If a woman could
tall: out of the two corners of her
mouth ut the same timo (hero
would be a goo 1 deal naid on both
sides. Tho Drs. Dirriu want jtiBtv
sueli advocates. ,o ono wngiHrUr
corner ol the mouth ran toll ot tliu
wonderful euro they aro making
daily at their ulliew. ' Th fbw fol
lowing testimonial mibitnutitito
their wonderful skill:
Mr. Kd i lor Dear Sir: I have
had a discharging ear ever since I
was a child (twenty-five years). I
have been under treatment with tho
best socialists in this country and
liiiroH) without any Iwuelit. " I ap
plied to thu Drs. Darriu. Ho pro
nounced my case curable, and I
nut mvself under his euro, bur vorv
doubtful of ever being evred. I can
now say that I am entirelv cured,
and I have had no discharge since
the first treatment, over a month
;o, which proves the euro, is iwr-
maiiuiil beyond a doubt. I oaii bo
referred to at 11)27 K street, Tnco
Mr. I'M i tor: This in to certil'v
that Dr. Dan in has so far etirod mo
of teiatie rhuuniatimn thnt I uni
able and did walk fifteen miles ono
day this week. Before I caino to
linn I could lcarculy walk to nut
oilkv. liefer to me at ynnwmriir.
P. C. Mcl'-AKLAtfli.
I'his is to certify that 1 wnlo
tally deaf in ono ear, with a eon-
htaut ringing ikiUc; also a disagree
able discharge from the ear for a
long time. I ifpnfieT
to Jlr.J.inin,
y curein"1 f '