Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 03, 1890, Image 2

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P1-'" THf" (1IUNT Kflllim HEVS. I f I ... 'i!... .'J
- v;v r;.,.r7.. A.i...i..iMir..i.-MNi...
M.?mBMMsrtfs r - - Ilium! country. Ono of tho frnnir. xr. ........ i . .. . .1 1
It uomo out iii mi Hnylish eouit
11 fow tluyt. ago Unit one hundred
wornoul' liorscn Inul just been
shipped from that country to (ior.
ninny nnd Ik'lgiuin to bo used fn
tho iiiiiinifuntiiro of guttitifjc, ami
tlmt such shipments wuiu n regu
lar thing.
Thoro ia n hiat-un&ing agitation
Calforniu for n division of the
011 thu lino of tlio Siorin c
iiiouiitnins. Division would
menu 0110 doinocnitic ami 0110 rc
jinMiiain htnto in place of 11 now
democratic in ttti:o uloctions and
. 1 upublicuii 011 national issues.
. Coiigrunanmn lfurinnnn hus our
tIin"ttIrsfQr n roport of tho howrd of
ongincors lipon ..(Witaiu oUftriic
tions to imvigntion 111 tho Colum
bia liver. It contain 11 map
showing tho location of the pro-pom-d
boat railway at tho dalles of
tho Columbia, and is a very valua
ble work.
Adviecw from Central America
ptato tlmt tho icoout discovery of
over a hundred skelotona under the
llooj-iny of a room occupiod by
Colonel Morn, coiiimainh'r at Coi
tn liioi, under tho adminintration
or President Zaldiver, ha roused
tho holier that they were the ro
nwiiiii of iiiaswicrcd onumies of the
An epidemic of dipthciia fwept
over Durin, Newfoundland. There
was no doctor in thu district, and
tho sulfororri were attuudud by
ItoV. Father Walsh, who with hi
own hands oluurod the throat of
"tlT-ictini8. Uf forty wc that
thu priot alteiidtHl only 0110 prov
ed fatal. The priest took the di
Beiio himself and died after a few
days' illnoks.
There nro four MV 011 a kilter
dollar, two plainly iible one
Stockmen have dUeorered a reg.
iilarly organizwl bnml of horM
thieve near Pino City in tho I'ig
Bond country. One- of tho gang,
n young cowboy, wan captured and
lie has uonfoitod. A po60 is out
uftur tho others.
Tho experience of Paris and
Xow York homo ear comapnnics
is said to bo that gray horses arc
tho longest liveu and give tho
fjrcateot amount of tervico. I Joan
torso; are about cually good.
Black and cream-colored horse;
lack staying power, wipooially in
summer. Pays show an average.
Pluck hoofed horse are the stroll
er and tougher.
Ity v.'r.uo of an execution and do -croo
of f jreclcHaro ami snlo issued
out of the circuit com t of tho iitatoof
Oioon. for tho county of Ornnt up
011 a judgment romlurcd in t-aal
couilon tho 12t!i da' of March
1S90 in favor of U. C. Trowbridge
plaintin and iig.iinst .1. II. llownnt,
Ivfuiidaut, for tho Kiiia ofS lUll.tG
ami interest thcroon at tho rato ot
ton por cent per nnniiiu from naiil
l'Jlh day of March 1800, ami tlio
f ui titer Ktun of 830.12 rosts, tosotlier
with aacruiiiK cos'.s. I hnvc levied
upon and will soil at public miction
on Saturday tbo Hi d day of .May 181)0
Mt tlio hour of one o'clock p. in. of
said day and a', tlio court houaodoor
in Canyon City, Orant county, htato
of (Jiogmi, all of l!i 0 riht, titlo a, id
itileiotit winch tho said defendant J
11. llownid had on tho l'Jtli day (if
Maroli ISilO, di- tin t he now has in or
to that cuitiiin piece or parcel of
hind kiluatu and bciu in Cirant
county, statu of Oregon, and jitu tic
ulnrly di-kcribod as fellow to w.t:
The SH J of Sw. in and the NV
1 of Soc. '."J and the NV 1 of tlio
NK 1. and tho NIC of the NW of
Sec. .10, all inTp lit, S H :'2 Ji V M.
tn(othur with all and singular the
toiit'tncnti', lierodilaia' 113 and np
I ttrloiin tie-M thereunto belonging or
in anywise Hpprilaining.
TcrniH of Hlc, cash.
Dated at Canyon Oily in tho conn
lv of (Jnuit, State of Okvoii, this
81st duy of March. A. D. I MX).
Sl.orilTof (luint Co. Or.
Uy I. .1. McCL'LLOUCH,
Deputy ShuritT.
. -.'U-tjtiiin f.T Llfin'" 1 ' , '
Notice iH hnroliy yivoii that by virt
ue of an order and license of tho
county com t of the htate of Oivgnii
for tho county of fJratit of dnto tlio
29th day of March, A. D. 1H0, in
tho tuattcr of tbo ostato, of Wiwlcy
Konnody deceased, tho uridursiguol
administrator of said estate will, oil
Saturday tho 10th day of May, 18D0,
t tho hour of 1 o'clock p. 111. of Baid
dnv at tho court boinodoor in Can
yon City, in said (Irani county, sclli
at puiilie auction fore ish 111 lianil too!
following real proporty nolongiiir,to
saiil ostato ami situate in said Grant
county stato of Oregon, to wit:
Tho K J of SV land V A or SIC
of Soc 32, Tp 1 S It :vi R"V. M.
Also Iho NW J of Sec Itf Tp DJ S
U Wl Ii. V. M., togothor with tho
tenement.?, licrcditauients and ap-
urtoiiRncoH thorouato belonging or
in auywiso appertaining.
Dated this Urd day of April 1S!)0.
Ciias. W. I'.MIUIMI,
Aduiinistrntor of tho ostato of
Wesley, deceased. - (i
Tlio undersigned huving been re
stored to health by siiuplo means,
after hufli'iing for several years with
a f.ovcio lung alVection, and Hut
dread disease Consumption, is mix
ions to rnako known to his fellow
sufferers the moans of cure. To
tboso who desiie it, ho will clicor ful
ly bend (froo of ehai go) a copy of
the prescription used, which they
will lind a'suro euro for Consump
tion, Asthni'i, Catarrh, Hrnuchitis
aud nil throat and lung Maladies,
lie hopes all sulVeiors will try his
liomedy, as it is invaluablu. '1 hoso
desiring tbo preneription, which will
cost tbctn notluiij,', and may pnivo a
blosing, will p!euo aihlrosH, lti:v.
lCnw.Mtn A., Wiiliamsburg,
Kings county, NcwXork,
C4i.l oitlur tMtailMdnU f ffrfUlt rlorlu
January 20, 18B7.
Kill U' iill ii'i urrn' inUrnl will
cu frtru it.) .Utii
N' II. llol.KY, C.1111I) Tira.
C jm on t itj. Or , UikIi 1', wi
Canyon City, Or.
I . . T I . T y
f BASCHg.-&
Tho Scene of
Goods rVlmt flare a Record
reinJ lriit)U(li'(l and on I lie Win.
Oiu1 Oolobritocl
With Changeable Speed.
The, Unrivaled P',
u-ohouse of
Dusij Tumuli!
5 - Fifte en
AVo niaka our bow, beforo tho pconlo of Orant County, nnd winh to
sny, tlmt wo have been located in tlio City of Ilrppner, just 0110 year (at
Arlington feven yours). Puring that time wo h.ivo built up a Soli i
TratlOi li.vtng shipped moie (lencia1 .Merclmriiliso into Heppnor than
any other firm in town.
li e IVanl Part of Your Trade.
lleppncr is your nearost, host and cheapest trading aud shipping pcint,-
Yon should start in coining this way nt nnoo. No uso to wil, s b"YtO
doing you lose money eycry trip. Our Mlogant Two Story ltriuk Sloffl
Completed ami we have it tilled to ovoi llowlug, with all kind of
. Suitwl to tbo wants
''e Jlim lo h'er a I'ert complete .'IssOrln.eiU
Your orders filled for any timl of (loods neodod on a Farm or
Stock Ilaucli, without leaving our Store, at pi ices low enough to compete
with any other market in Oregon.
Dry (Joods, Clothing, Doots, Shoo, Trunks Valises, Hals,
Caps, Carpets, Crockery, Wall Paper.
Orocories, Hanlwure, '.Jewel" Cook Stoves and ltangos,
Tinware, l'nints, Oils, (Mass, Wool Sack, '1 wine.
Lime, Sulphur, Knglish (Vnient, Murlwd Wire, lllacksinilh
Coal, San Joso California Sail lies, Itittn .v Spurs, Team .V Duggy
Harness, Sewing Machines, Clocks. W.itehes, Cliiiupiou Ueapors
and .Mowers, Horse Kukes, Plows, Harrows.
Oios bolter aitisfaction for rough
in inc. Full line always in stock ;
la order to iu cruise of '
Good until ."Y
l'very purehasor whr ' . '
ot Diy Ooods, Clothi
ents' l''uruiiihin( -
aio paid f. " r ' . -
of Kastern Oregon Irado.
mount tin distri ts than any other kind
a!to Hncks and ltuckboaids.
' yialra tlio foilowiiiDolTor
(QOO, tor Utf 11 Wc . Hi).
4,- as worth (5.'fi.00)at rntail,
-.. . u X Cap.i, l'.moy Goods,
- Xnresoiited when tho
' In over .130 pMroH, in
,m lif virtU I limit ami
. '