Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 01, 1890, Image 1

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v-4 ,
If Oi
" ' i-
to hook llio festive
the llnt of April.
legal tender in
if thcro were
- "4-'.M,'ii of tho North
. - - ,',. ' fii town thin week
i0 tax receipt.
Fee, mother of
bed at her liotnu
lust K
BrtMJowVrom Iaxi Miller1
WO not lit III! ell-
but JjCO Vs .other rock
builds hopoi uon,
Efumty wants, anT.muat have
ipitul imcstoil in hor land
The way to ret it it to
ivitutiou to coiiiohiuI fttny
let foi th to tho world
is of every iXTtion of
itsTforRon In ovui y
to solicit for our content-
Sfflaled iidvtM tiniiiL' edition
Tho eurl-
iur it ii iHNiicd tho Wtor.
Whon Sliprill" Uriiy and Deputy
(liKMiisd nrritKl at SuIimii with thuir
prisoiiur thu otl'iui'ni ut tlio pciiitontiu
ry fmnd a 810 j;rviii!iauk sowed up in
tliu lining of tho C'hiimmiiii'it coat.
All Don pmleihly intended to suvo
ilmt much money to oiler u hrilo to
vho NYsirdi'ii for his freodoin.
Ciipt, LoHi has taken hi depart
U; for Tho 'Dalles, liin future home,
ud will enter upon the diKcharo of
InS JU. iu nistfr of the laud ollice
a.tooii ii his liondii are njiiroved. In
thu inttintiuiit ho will loarn nil nlxuit
t)t innerU'orkjngH of liu ollico. II is
family sW not mow for somo mouths
Tho llakor City Aromiitjr Democrat
hai l)0n onlird to a MivenjSolumn
folio to meet the duinaiida for?iU ml
vortising spice, and to havmroftni for
tho nows of tht thriving cityM Tho
Democrat is now tho Kccondflargost
daily iu tho $lato and is a cnnlit. to
iU puhlUhcrs and to thu community
in which 1 is pulliiheiL ,
II Iflll V vi
4r m-Z
..' Vtep-
.Jnig plenty of
K" of
tho raco will
the demooinU
ley hnvo to math
h for tho txiiiti-
TrnHKr Stir
cm up nud let 'em
warm and U'il,
Thu weather has not licen favorahlo
towanls tartiii tho snow to inciting
iu tho uioiinUiiim, and it is still im
poroiililo to reaoli tho sawmill pvpii
liortiolock, wo are informed. Hut
hero (xdow tho gnvu and (lowers and
shrubbery feels tho oirecU of the
warm sunshine.
1'ivo or six of the South Fork lioys
camo over honelaek .Monday by way
of Hear valley, having had a difficult
time breaking a trail across the diwdo
and even mutt all the way over. At
Kuowshoo Hat the snow was ulxnit six
fvet deep and Koft so that their hoisiw
break through to the Kittoin.
Hui)ul)ican iiriinnrioH nnfed oil'
iiiictly in tliiu precinct TucFiInv,
ami wo premium tho other procinctH
can Hay iih nnich. Wo unilcrsliind
liu (lelet;atos in tliiu precinct urc
y iiiuii," wliile thono nt John
arc "htico nicn, winch innkcH
indoir hetweon the two oiindi-
Othcr precincts havo not
licnnl from nfi recards the fa-
xiritiHin of dclcgatcH. mid it will tako
the county convention next Tuesday
to decide thu matter uk to the lucky
While every other county in Ore
gon is udvei tilling her resources and
reaching abroad for the immigrant's
dollar it h liijjli time (!nint was mak
ing some ellort to have new life infus
ed into her soul. Many resideutH
would gladly sell their homes and go
on go eminent laud and make
new ones it'tluiro wore buyers for the
land. Tho only way to induce foreign
capital to count to us is to
our resources. See our proposition in
another column, and then coutrihuto a
few for some extra papers to end
The Now York Ledger for March
22ud contains tho lira! installment
I of n XrJj'U atpry of to-day, by I Iar
flthrn'roWri, which will set the
hearts of Irinhinun on lire. 1 ho
nlory h called "The Martyrdom of
Maev." The name of tho heroino
in Macv. She in a beautiful and ac
complished girl, and it is her mar
tyrdom, Mill'ered for her lover's
ako, which is described. The bto
ry is full of inteiiHely interoHting in
cident, and is told with a simplicity
and pathos which go straight to thu
.Sherill' llray brought Alva Tupper
luck with him when he returned from
below. Tupper is thu fellow who
Lroko out of the old jail here iu 18SL.
He was then under indictment for
robbing sheep camps and other mUdo
mcauorx, nml lifter escaping from hero
he went to California and served a
term at Sail Quentin for stealing,
when he was released and enmu to Or-
oiin. Mr. tiiny hisird of him at
MoMiiiuville, wheitt he was to hau
Ikhui married soon. Instead of being
married ho caulu home with thushurilV
to answer to tho old indictment, and
if ho cscnjKis from tho present jail will
have to oxeit himself a little more
than ho did before. Ho says hju only
hud to raUo up u board then.
- I
what llour hor pniW.,
much Ixittcr tiuiM wouh
have n oniKti for "roller pnoM" Hour,
and thousands of dollars go ouUido of
her lonlrs every year for that h tuple
artieln. However, if wo can't havo
jMiteut llour let's use the homo product
even if it is not quite so good we
con live on it, anil thus keep our mon
ey nt lioinu,
John Sogordahl this wouk announ
ces himself a candidate for Joint Hep
nwcatntivo of (irant and Haniey
counties, subject to tho decision of the
Republican Stnto Convention. Air.
Hogerdald has been a resilient of (irant
county for over twenty years, anil is
comorxant with the lcquiremcnU of
this country. Ho is a thoroughly
conscientious man and would repre
sent Oiant and Harney to their Iwst
W. K. Monet wrote to Mr. South
worth of this city a few days ago
concerning the stock losses iu Har
ney county about DrowBoy nnd tho
south fork of the Malheur. The
letter was dated March IStli, and
stated that propels were not very
fluttering; the most of the country
was still buried in snow, but thu
south hillsides were bare and grass
growing nicely. The loss of stock
was fearful nnd many feeding yet
on grain nt '2 and .'I cents per lb,
and stock slill dying. Mr. Moll'et
thought that JI.'IJ jier cent, of all
stock both horses nnd cattle would
h. a low estimate of thu loss of an
imals that wcro fed. Horses fared
worse than cattle, as tho snow was
three feet deep and so lco?o that
they couldn't clear it away with
their feet it would fill in as fust as
they could net it away. Ho writes
also, that thu loss of stock ton years
ago was not a circumstance to the
past winter, and that newspapers
have cttiinated tho losses a great
deal lighter than they really are.
Letter List.
List of letters remainine; un
called for in tho pontollieo at (Ian-
yon City, Or. April 1st, 1SD0.
Mrs. Laura Angcll, H. Uobinson,
Frank l'lirses, Kmit Johnson.
Persons calling for the above
will please say advertised.
O. I . UuiiSAi', P. M.
Call for the Republican Co. Convention.
A Republican Convention for
CI rant Count v, Oregon, will be hold
at tho Court House in Canyon City
on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, at
10 o clock A. M., for the puriHie of
nominating candidates for tho sev
eral county ollicers to bo olectod at
the next general election, and to
transact such other business us may
properly come before tho convention.
I ho convention will consist of hi
delegates apjiortioned as follows:
Canyon City precinct f; John Day
5; Cnion S; Marvsvillu '2; Klkcreek
'2; (iranito'2; Olive 2; Austin 1;
Hear valley II; Long creek f; Kilvies
I; South fork !l; Rosebud 2;Shoolly
JJ; Middle .'5; North fork 2j Warm
Spring 2; Mountain 2; Fox !l; Hay
stack 2; Hamilton Rock creek 2;
Waterman 1.
Ity order of the County Central
March 10, 1SD0.
Pun. Mktsoiia.v,
1). H. Ri.s'i:iiAiir, Chairman.
Long Creek, 6:
vies, 2; South Fork, 2; Rosobud, 2;
Siisanville, 2; Shooliv, 1; Granite,
2; North Fork, 2; VVarm Srings,
2; Olive, 2; Mountain, 2; Fox, ;j;
Haystack, 2; Hamilton,;!; Rock
Creek, 1; Waterman, 1; Austin, 1;
total, 51.
It was recommended that no per
son attending said convention ho
allowed more than one proxy.
Resolved, that a copy of the pro
ceedings of this committee ho fur
nished thu Ciit.v.vr County Nkws for
After the reading of tho minutes
tho coininittcu adjourned subject to
tho call of the chairman.
M. S. Hiii.mian,
Member of the State Central
Committee and Kx-Ollicio Chair
man. Attest.
F. P. IIoitsi.KY, Sec.
Huy a few of our mining location
Clo to the Red Front Rilliard
Hall, Canyon City, for line wines,
liquors and cigars.
The Ni:ws dosiros reliable local
correspondence from every place in
tho county. Someone give them
ami benefit your district and county
at largo, for this paper has readers
in nearly every state in tho Union.
Our now "ad." from tho enterpris
ing linn of Collin A- McFarland,
Heppncr, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read thu same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a line largo hook,
which retails at .$ MX) each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots and shoes, hats etc., to tho
amount of -"r 25.00, allowing until
July 1st to maku out tho amount,
(iivo them a trial order, when you
send away for goods.
.Mr. Win. Jefferd who lives on
Strawberry brought sonic cougar
scalps to town Tuesday which he
exchanged for county script, and
related to the Nkws man tho story
of the capture of three of them.
Dick Johnson had a fight with
them when they killed his dog, and
the following day Mr. Jell'erd,
Ralph Fisk, Hart Hardmau and
Mr. Johnson started out on snow
shoes to hunt the fierce wild beasts,
and along about noon succeeded in
killing one, and two more that were
seen made their escape. Tho boys
stopped under a piuo treo to eat
their lunch and were sitting there
talking when down jumped a large
cougar, and investigation lovoaled
another one up tho tree. War was
at once declared and both tho ani-.
mals were shot and their scalps
carried away as $10 remembrances
of the battle.
Thu tree was of thick foliage, anil
the cougars had been crouched
within a few feet of Fisk's snow
shows which ho had leaned against
tho treo, and tho guns of tho hun
ters wero also leaning against that
Banio treo, and it is needless to aav
that tho men felt relieved to think
they had not furnished a mual for
tliu bold colt and calf eaters.
f f .
e win mi a nt..
of this paiwr with therifTwidtl
any number of citizens of tho coun
ty will furnish us n list of lands
which could be nurchnwd with out
side capital, nud any other informa
tion tending towards tho good of
tho country, on condition that poo-
plu who dosiro to see our county
brought to the notice of outsiders
take an interest in this matter and
collect and deposit the cath with
some resM)iikible person to pay for
at least 800 extra copies of tho pa
per at the regular price of ten cents
each, which wo will agree to mail
from this ollico to any address,
within tho United States or Canada
which those who coutrihuto may
o do all this work free, but ask
that people and communities who
would be benefitted thereby furnish
us the information, and a list of ho
tels, reading rooms, immigration
boards, real estato dealers or indi
viduals to whom they wish a copy
of thu boom edition sent, accompa
nied by the cash at 10 cents each to
pay nctual expenses which the ex
tra labor and additional pitKT
would necessitate. Please corres
pond with us at once, as it is very
necessary if anything is done to be
at it immediately.
Pacific Brewery Ueer.
Notice is hereby given that I
havo this day established an agen
cy for the sale of tho llecr manufac
tured at the Pacific Hrewory, linker
City, Or., within tho county of
(Irant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
11. Stansell is the authorized mana
ger of said Depot. All ordors from
(Irant county for this celebrated
beer, either in bottles or kegs, will
be filled by Mr. StaiisoU.
HiiNitY Rust.
Proprietor Pacific Hrowory, linker
City, Or.
J. Durkheimer A? Co. will buy
all your sheep jiolts and pay you
the cash for them,
S ) f Editor of Tin HVrU,'
y f New York, H. Y Icor
Sir- Tliu rate of Mm.
Oominlllprr.'iiUa tlrUlngoiimi'loof mow
Ipg ami man eluui cure. Shu liaillfeil In ami
iioar illlroy fur OT jrcar.anil liW. In IMItlio
wa tliruvui fruta a wojon. nuululiii; wrloui
Injurr to hr lnv Kruin lliat time till 1S3
llio wo.i a UvlplcM crl'U-, uuaUo tu walk,
tut. ci.iti:.
Durlns llirto lutix 19 year of ufftrln;, itio
fuuixl no relief from the numrroui rvineOIr
tliu hail lilwl. Iu IsM her (Uujhltr rvail Ilia
ailvtrllKincut of SI. Jnculx Oil, aixl h
bought two botllci. Tlio oil waa a4let, oih!
lfoo tho mxwixI loltlo irai cxhaiutil 1'Jf
Mra. Oeuimlll alio uu aUo to wall about,
anj liu bwu oauiiikteljr rurtU.
M. TIIOMI'SO.V, rotmaU
SV.I fcy DrvgjUs atul IkaUrt JLV
.4 -of"'
; ' 4 v '' 1
, ( ' .
ft f-r.
being twentv-
than the parent House
will le a uioveiiicnt made, as soon
as tho figures from the new census
aro obtainable, to pars an appoint
ment bill. Should thu new ap
pointment bill bo passed by a s
cial session, as the republicans now
generally ndvise, tho measure can
lw carried out by twenty-four legis
latures which convene in January
or Fobrtinry of 1st) I. If enacted so
late as March I MM, tho legislatures
of about thirty-fivo states will have
to bo called iu sjiecial isession iu or
der to comply with the ptovisious
of tho act before the presidential
election. On a basis of !I55 mem
bers of the House, the electorul col
lege would have Mil members, and
tho successful candidates could go
through with tho magic 222. The
proper legislation can only bo de
layed by the census ollicers, who
are on their nu ttle to make a re
cord. Though he modestly and coylv
denies the fact, Senator Quay is af
ter tho scalp of Col. Canaday, the
sergeant-at-arins of the senate, who
holds his iHiMtion by favor of Sena
tor Sherman. A caucus of republi
can senators was held at Senator
Kdmuuds' this week at which it
was expected that tho subject of re
organizing the senate force of em
ployees would bo thoroughly din
cussed. The Senators present state
huwever, that they only talked
about the Montana senatorial mud
dle. With tho vote on tho Hlair bill,
terminates for a wliilo a How of elo
xiiencu that threatened tho very
life of republican institutions. In
six mouths longer of opiiortiinity,
Senator Hlair would have talked
tho liguro of Liberty oil' tho dome.
Think of a man talking himself tir
ed for thu better jmrt of eight con
secutive legislative days on a worn
out subject to an audieiKo fully in
formed on every phttEc of tho ques
tion. Small wonder that Senators
lied as from a pestilence and found
comfort only in the restaurant.
The Civil Servieo Commission
Smith iV
Succtssors to J.
Baiter City
Tho Mosl Complete Lino of Ammunition in EnstornOrotjon"
Lyuinn Rear
Sigl'its by Mail.
Lyman Sor
ting Fron
4 -
ami am now
live at ;:n
Portland, and will gladly state my
case to anvone.
KKKD 101.1 Kit. -
Drs. Darrin can bo onnmiltod frco
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth itreets,
Portland, and Hotel Candolof, Tn
coma. Hours 10 to 5; evenings, 7
to S; Sundays 10 to 12. All chron
ic, blm! taint, losn of vi
tal power and early indiscretions
permanently cured, though no refer
ences are ever mado iu tho proas
concerning such cases, owing to tho
delicacy of tho patients. Kxninina
tions free to all, nnd circulars will
be sent lo any address, ('harden
for treatment according to patiuntM-,
ability to pay. Thu jionr treated
free of chargo from 10 to 11 daily.
All private diseases confidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at a distance can lx cured hy
home treatment. Medicines and
letters t-ent without the doetorti'
name appearing.
Thu Nkws is infounwl of tho
wheieabouts of one buy main hmndod
10 on left thigh, WF connected (very
indistinct), on right shoulder. Ha.t
unhrauded yearling eolt. 1'oen on
iiingu uhout two yuan. Owner unn
learn their wltore.ilouU by 11 rat Jying
a reasonable price for this adveitilu
ineiit. Nullirn III C'oilVtllaluil
la terrlflc, Vuloanla criiilloti, cyrlonM,
carthiual.oa aro Aiilull nml Irtncmlouily
lcturi'iuc, butdfjicfly iloilrablu toomulnlo
Inaction ami clfcet by tha aOralnUtrntlon of
ronetllca whlrli projuro conrultloa nml
AKony In tho abnormal ortloa of tho human
framo. finch It tho effect ot the oM fathloccil
violent tiurK'itlro li.iilly falling mora nnil
mora Into illiuto. nml of which llu'totlf r'a
Momacli llltlora la thu lioloaoine, iilcatont
and (ar inoro tnicinn aurclaiii'um, 'I lnjr
rrrnlcniil Ilia Inliullnot thu Illttrrs Invlmir-
rfcalcniil llm lnlcllne tho Illttrra Invlmir
nlea llii'in. 'I her tuft tho bmvd Inarlirc.
nlca tlicin. 'I hey tuft tho boirclt Inarlirc.
tw-rxiihn Inrjiii&r.ltjitiMl broniulni; fieblenaati.
ci,lilr. not fum. Ilium to not a vatt anil
inn iniicra, on inu contrary, aim uoanu.a n
tarltinale tllBeronco icnulualaa their r.f
llvltr nn.l nvularlty. Thu liver la lieno,-lU-ially
ttlmutaliHl. a tho LMneya al) are. hy
Hit mctllclne, whlrli c.ul.y iuiti.iuire, Lltoj,
malaria, ucrvouineaa aiul rhcuniaiuui.
H. (larducr.
v. ; -