Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 27, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, Feb. ST.
"Lon OlflitVHr lmx leen nominated
Jlegtitar of tlrn C! rondo lnnd office.
Jtill Whit, who i nt linker City,
wni to have n slugging nmtcli with
ons Sulltvnn, hut llio same has been
If ytm want to hit what you shoot
nt Mtid to Smith A Clnrk, linker City,
for n now sight for your pin, nnd
thomhy nve ammunition. Hco their
IluiiiiMs men nt linker City tx
Ilevt in iitlvm-tWng thoir bushieM in
the Kutre. In tin work's Imuo will
Ikj found tho name nnl nddrt-. of
Smith A OlnrkH, Klmor fc Sanders,
nnd M. Hlrd tho tnilor.
Ho Ouoniioy who nrrivod Mon
day from IJwr vnlloy snys tho snow
full nbout eight inches ovor there. Ho
liad ft ilirficalt timo coming out of tho
vulloy, ling four hour onco making
ns many mil with n team.
SnowthotM nro tho only means of
looamotion ltwoon cnmjMi nnd gcttlo
mentH in tho Hobituouvillo nnd adja
cent oouutrio nt prudent. Minors
tnwol ont to tlio o)tollioo or stage
mid togulnrly to gH their OitA.vr
Oou.vtv Nhws.
ltov. Mr. lvuls wiuottfi ui to stnto
that ho linn no desire to run for joint
MJiintar, tut ho i now engaged in n fnr
nobler rtico. During hit political lifo
in IS" I ho wn.H not a member of tho
M. li. conference, nnd nt this timo
could not think of outcring tho oli Il
eal nrenn.
Kditor Patterson of tho Iong Creek
lvtgle, accompanied hy Dr. Foil, spent
n fow days in our city List weok, Mr.
Patloi-son inndu tunny friends hero, 01
na mi uotti'ici improvement over uio
""'eter tho Toots" nnd "Happy Jacks'
who formerly presided over tho desti
nies of tho Kiigle.
Gnpt J. W. Lewis of Dnyvillo has
received tho appointment cf register
nt Tho Dalles IT. S. land office. His
host of fiionds in Grant county con
grntulnto Mr. Lewis on his appoint
ment to tins otiico ot trust, aim nnvo
not n doubt but what his nppotntmout
will bo confirmed.
A latter from HnysUck valley da
ted Feb. I Oth, convoys thu informa
tion that snow is eight inches (loop in
that section, nnd weather cold nnd
freezing. Ovor 11,000 fcheep have
diod already, and prospects for more
to die, us tho feed is about nil gone.
Cattle nnd homos were suH'oring from
)Any ono who doss not boliovo that
'hero is plenty of snow in tho moiin
' tains this season should travel, nnd
see with their own eyes. I'etweon
huio nnd l'akor City thu snow is from
li feet to 0 feet on tho different
mountain ranges, and still deepening.
Griffin .fc McKwun nro running slei.;hs
all the wny from Minn's to Auburni
hnow 58 mihw. j
Elmer A Sanders, nssaycrs and an
alytical chemists, linker City, will nt
tund to unsaying nnd nil other business
in their lino. Prospectors who bond
n wny spooimens enn safely rely upon
tho certificates siguod by this linn, for
they hnvo had many yonrs experience
in assaying K-utarn Oregon qunrt7,
and have all tho npplinncus for testing
ore. Hock nailed to tbem ill te
coivo prompt attantJ1,
,lt uppgnr 'o.t to impossible for nn
Kaktori' Oregon nowsppor to toll tho
la.i!t truth about tho wenthor. If
tho Nkws snys "tho weather is lino"
tho elements turn loose and it snows
s'on lifter, tho paper is printed, nnd
lw fore it is distributed. Wo must
horonftor content ourselves with giving
n repoit of tho weather as it has leou
nnd not as it is now. For thu past
few (Liys it has boon rather snowy
nnd stormy.
I ho ball gtvon by tho Grand Army
Vutomns Friday evening was hugely
unjoyod, us is always tho case with
paities innnugod by that organization.
.McCoy's string Uind consisting of five
piocuii, fiiinislm.l oxcnllent music fur
tho occasion. Tho lunch gotten up nt
tho Now Hotel was ono of the boat.
Tho bonn suppor prior to tho danco
nvuds no comment, for those who wcio
protent will not soon forget tho pleas
ant hour eiijuyod.
.Minora in tho Middle Fork and
C rani to country seem hopeful nnd
confident of realizing plenty of wealth
from their placer ground tho coming
fcuison. May nil their fondest hope, bo
, rnli'4ed. "There U no cln-si of men
thoiiVfl doiires to sco proscr o
.iiTTSeli as old minors who hnvo toiled
for Vflnrti nnd imiixuitimI In tlm wnrL-
of iloveloping this country, enduring
haislships nnd privations that tho
shining motal might liud its way from
tho mountain gulches Into- tho chan
nels of commerce nnd trade.
linker City, where tho Nkwh man
visited last week, shows n marked im
provement ovor n year ugo, nnd in n
fow mouths will develop a still more
improved uipoot. Tho new thrco
fctory hotel conting 800,000 will bo
uomplutod iniforo many months, nnd n
fctreot railway will bo In oponidoil
from tlm buiinoAS center to tho U. I.
doK)t, A oompleto system of electric
ligliU is uiuhtc iMiitemplatiou, nnd ll.i-
kJ?City givos juxjiuiso of Ixjooming an
imiwrtant inilraid center. Tho rich
piait. m'nos nnd grnvol dupasits on
oviiry side, to say nothing of tho vnst
timlxir Isilta nnd farming lands ubju
cutit, will bo tho means of building a
great city, nnd hor splendid lo:ation
will holp thvin in tho work.
Circuit coutt and county coutt next
Jns. Giblxms Is cmploye.1 as cook nt
tho how Hotel.
Tho linker City Nntionnl Ilnnk has
been authorized" to U'gin business
with n cnpital of 550,000.
Kb Diokons shot nnd killed his
brother Wnko nt n dnnio nt Hnnl
man, this sido of Hoppncr, on the
evening of Fob. 1-1. Jealousy tho
Missouri women n few days njo
commonccd rniihng snloons nnd de
stroying property. Thoy put into uso
n jKwrnrgument for temperonco, nu
nrgument tlmt does moro , hsnn than
Sixteen degroos bolow zoro Tues
day night on tho north sido of tho
Nkws olllcc Tlmt was colder tlinn
nt nny timo during the winter, nnd
tlio cold w.nvo vn n cotnpluto aur
priso to ovory ono.
Dan Cnmblin brought out n num
lor of horso from Silvics vnlloy this
woek. Somo timo ngo ho picked tlio
Kist ones out. of his baud and brought
them out, nnd now has moved tho re
mainder that survivtxl.
Stock in this nnd ndjoiuing coun
ties nro not yet dono dying, owing to
our second edition of winter. Persons
who hnvo no liny loft tuut to luck,
while those who hnvo n stack or two
pits all their faith to that.
Thoy are hauling hay from tho
vicinity of I'raino City to points
below Ml. Vernon to food hungry
stock. Crops on tho itpjHjr John
Day were exceptionally good Inst
year, nnd thcro is now a market for
The sheriff of Wnllown county was
found to bo short in his accounts soma
$3,500, which his bondsmen hnvo
mado goxxl to tho county. Placing
t-x) much coiilidenco in deputies wns
said to have U'cn the cnuio of the de
ficiency. Joseph Robertson of Drowsoy,
Harney countv, who epent last fall
aomo ?(),000 for hay, is losing n
fearful lot of stock. A sort of dis
temper seems to bo taking oil" hor
ses even whoro thoy arc well foil,
many dying fat.
Judgo Sawyer of tho U. S. circuit
court has decided that tho rights of
purchasers of Tho Dalles Military
Road lands aro allirmcd. That
scttlew the ownership regarding pur
chasers of these lands and many
residents of this valley will horca'f
tor sleep better at night.
Mr. Jowett informs us tlmt J. II.
Kecnoy has tho contract for carrying
tho mail between Canyon City nnd
IluriiK, commencing next July. .Mr.
Keonoy mprosent-s the California,
Idaho and Oregon Stage Co., and will
doubtless control n through route be
tween thu railroad and Hums.
Jnko Simons who loft here Uitweon
two days, nnived in linker ut night
and immediately took the train for a
more congenial clime. His tailor at
Baker was anxious to thu tuuo of
j'bout ?12.00 nnd ho forgot to pay
.this office ft UiLmco of about $2.00,
losidoH other littlu items. Hut it
somctimos happens thus.
Wo feel like murdering tlio Hook of
.blackbirds which visited this town
lately, nnd tho fiog which sang, in
JiioTng Hip Tiy.WB u nnouneo that
tho ipinnl column of winter wns frac
tured. It coitainly was dislocated,
however, nnd maylu tho Lirdlots and
fioglcte weio not no much to blame
only slightly o(T their base.
A Malheur county exchange says
farmers will hardly know what to do
with their crops this year. That sen
tenco doubtless carries moro weight
thtiu iti oiiginator intended. From
tho appcarouco ofJtliings now farmers
all over this uppcr.countiy will have
more produce thacomn'soasou than
thoy hnvo stock to feed teio!?,. Many
who had plenty of h.iy have suffered
much loss of stock.
Attention is csjiccially called to
thu cnlortninmonts to bo given ut
Masonic Hall on tho evenings of
March !, f ami 7. Tho people of
this vicinity will then have opor
tunity to enjoy such a treat nB has
not been oll'ered them since the
cantata of (Juron Esther was placed
on tho boards. Don't fail to witness
tho expose of tho secrets of tho
"Ancient Order of Hercules" nnd
also to go tho last night and in
spect tho "Ilox of Monkeys" and
get your "Love of a Uonnct."
Some effort should bo made towards
semiring a daily mail from this city to
Hums. For almost two mouths tho
lino from Ontario to Hums has been
blockaded by snow so that it wns im
possible to transport tho mail, and all
tho eastern ns well ns tho western
mail for Hnrney county has to como
through tho Cnnyon City postollice,
much of it Iwing compelled to lay
over heru two uud three days waiting
for tho tlejinituro of tho tri-weekly
stage to Hums. Nine sacks of mail
were taken out Monday, nnd that is
only n sample of tho busiuuss done
over this line. Several sacks of regis
tered matter coutiguod to thu V. S,
laud office camo through a fow days
since, which mnil lx-'ing delayed might
cnuso groat inconvenience. The daily
linos from hero to linker City and
Hoppncr nro kept running, snow or no
snow, throughout tho winter uud Jow
ett it MeBenn's tri-weokly lino fiom
hero to Hums lias not misled n trip.
This route should by nil menus bo in
creased to six trips per weok, for vnri
ous it-uioiu, ono of them being tho
benefits accruing to thu United Stntwa
laud oil! co and its patrons,
Feb. 2S, 1S90.
Tho calm breezes blow,
The snow molts slow,
The seed wo will sow
When spring comes.
Another cougar was slain at tho
Hoar creek mill.
Mrs. Marion Anderson is lying
vory low with fever. .
Earl Hlinn and family hnvo re
turned to their homo on tho farm.
Miss Clara Davis loft for McEw
ens station on Wednesdays stage.
Dr. Fell of Long Crcok mado a
flying business trip to Prairie last
Several of our 0. A. H. men and
familios attended the ball in Can
yon. Mr. Tom Mendor and Mrs. How
ell who have lieon seriously ill for
some timo past aro recovering.
Horn, to the wife of Joseph Pruitt
Fob. 10th, n daughter; Feb. 20th,
to tho wife of Flent Denrdorf a son.
Rice Mcllaloy has returned from
tho Malheur reporting sheep dying
by tlio hundreds. A sad prosjeet
for the stockmon.
There will bo a concert given
hero next Friday by tho ladies of
the M. E. church. " Funds to bo
appropriated for erection of a stee
ple. Tho Friday night partioa are
still in vogue, and amidst tho mer
ry whirl of tho light fantastic toes,
tho Kal of laughter Hows and all
go homo with tho echoes resound
ing in their enraptured ears.
A pleasant surpriso party was
tendered Mrs. Doiliua nt tho resi
dence of J. W. Mack on Wednesday
evening. Alter gntnes and various
other amusemonts, tho young folks
retired to thuir homes well satisfied
with the evening's entertainment.
Et. Chant Co. Nkws: As you
solicit correspondence for your val
uable paper I thought I would
write you a line or two. Tho "buck
aroos" had a social dance on the
South Fork Inat week and ono Da
vid of old feeling as if ho was
aboard n whaling vessel crossed
over the Nile and jumped in at
Mathew Bond's door, slew !10 Phil
istines in one .day and "can slay
thousands moro if need be." Tho
good ollicer D. directed a righthand
er at David's left ear and felled
him. David after regaining his
equilibrium directed a left bander
nt the good ollicer D'h head and
felled him, and while tho good olli
cer was arising tho Queen Ollicer
I), directed n right bander at Da
vid's head and felled him a goner,
or at least sent him down to Davy
Crockett's. So the good Ollicer p.
nroao nnd quietly said to tho chief
musician v. "l'lny that good old
tune thoy call (let thero Eli!" And
David of old had to retreat to his
stronghold nnd change bis biggest
gun to the muzzle and plant her on
tho Rosebud heights, and now says
"let the good work go on," so all
went Boronuly nnd ovorybody went
homo feeling as if they had n good
time. S. U.
Work of Skookum Orange
El). Nkwb: You hnvo not men
tionod nhythiug of tho. doings of oar
beloved grango in your jmpcr, so I
must necuse you of being partial.
Skookum Grange No. 00,000 is mor
ally, socially and politically a great
jHtwer. We meet once a month to
deliberate our welfare and others,
too: At our last meeting Master
1). B. presided. First in order was
reading tho minutes of our last
meeting, which did not taku more
than a minute. Then we debated
on tho winter and weather, but the
members hail the blues, and tho
subject was notably handled. Next
wo had election and installation of
olllcers. For want of timo to elect
and install them I mado a motion
that tho same officers hold ovor for
tho ensuing term (which is about
live yenrs). I being the only mem
ber present not holding olllce thu
motion wns carried. .Miss Ruha
mio's petition for membership was
brought before tho Lodge and wo
voted that sho bo initiated nnd bo n
member of Skookum Grange. Ru
hamio being in waiting, was duly
installed, tutor which she wns in
troduced to all thu brothers uud
sisters in tho Grange, but hero she
made a great blunder in being un
just. Ruhntnio 'kissed nil the sis
ters, and nary u brother. 1 ho pen
alty for such conduct is expulsion.
INow comes tho Teast, nicely served
hy the sisters. 1). B. brought out
the sweet cider which wo brothers
all had to test of its genuineness,
you see, (this will make your mouth
water, but 1 uon t care; if you will
print this communication you shall
have somo of tho chickens niit cider
next regular meeting), After wo
had our fill nnd some of them Tilled
their iwckets wo went to work again
on thu good of tho order. First was
the question: "Is high license
moro effective to suppress tho liquor
trallio than prohibition?" Debated
strongly, but prohibition carried
teetotal, mat s tt. Hy next Juno
Skookum Grango will liavu a strong
ticket out, for tlio democrats will
help us if we don't put anything too
I ,u co on it. 1 hero were amend
ments to tho bylaws suggested uud
the same wero unanimously curried,
after which tho Lodge closed.
Row Eads Imgan n serios of
meetings nt tho M. E. church Sab
bntli evening.
Thero nro now !12C convicts in
tho Oregon State penitentiary nnd
mora coming almost daily.
Sylvostor Ponnoycr seoina to bo
tho jKtjmlnr man for tlio Demo
cratic nomineo for governor.
Tho wife of S. H. Shepherd, who
resided hero in 18S2, died at Yale,
Malheur county recently of con
sumption. Monday waa roiwrtcd as tho
stormiest day yet experienced in
Boar vnlloy. "Stock which had not
been gotten out of thcro it is feared
would not survive tho shock, as tho
weather turned extremely cold.
Thirteen millions of dollars go
over tho borders of Minnesota an
nually to Boston, Hnrtford, New
York, etc., to pay skiullint mortga
ges. Eight millions more go over
border on bogus railroad securities.
Sandy Olds was for tho third
timo found guilty of murder in tho
first degree nt Portland on tho 18th.
Tho Oregoninn is of tho opinion
that he will get a now trial, but the
grounds for this opinion aro not giv
en. J. C. Ynughn, seedsman, Chica
go, scuds tho N:ws a package of
llower and vegetable seeds, also tho
new cataloguo for LSD0. Yaughn's
house is 18 hours nonrer the Pacific
coast than other seed houses. For
n free catnlogue of seeds, plants and
llowers, address P. O. Box GS8,
Chicago, 111.
Wo have been informed that Rico
Mcllaley who was over in Harney
county slated to stage drivor Wash
tlmt Abnor Robbins of Drewsey
would lose bis entire large band of
horses, and that Peter Clements of
Burns could not jwiaibly save moro
than half his band. Since the re
cent storm wo fear tho loss will bo
oven more fearful.
Read notice of the entertainment
commencing at Masonic hall Tues
dav evening, March -1 1 li. Thero
will bo twenty-llvo actors in tho
play, and thoy have spent long
weeks in rehearsing preparatory to
their advent on tho stage. It will
be well worth tho prico of admis
sion and tho proceeds are for tho
benefit of a worthy order.
Hugh Smith who has just return
ed from Bnker informs us that ho
has arranged for a wrestling match
to take place at Canyon City be
tween himself and Chas. Eyton the
Australian wrestler for $100 a side,
upon terms as may ho agreed upon
and at such a time as may ho se
lected when Mr. Eyton arrives hero,
the event to tako place within the
next two weeks.
The naturalist, tho proggressivo
farmer and all intelligent and think
ing crsou3 will be interested in tho
scries of six articles on tho study of
insects to be begun in tho New
York Ledger of March 1. Tho se
ries is by Professor John H. Coin
stock, of Cornell Hnivorsily. iho
eminent naturalist, and will do
scrilw tho insect posts which annu
ally injure the fruit nnd vegetable
crops of tho county to tho extent of
$100,000,000. Particular attention
is given to the jxists which rnvngo
cotton, rice nnd grnin fields nnd
orchards, gardens and vineyards.
I'rollesior Comstock shows that tho
uotlotr'ivorm of thu Wttffi has
resiKmsiblo for nn uverngo loss year
ly of $a0,000,000 to Iho cotton crop.
Ho considers tho torriblo devasta
tions of certain insects, such us tho
locust in tho west, tho jiotato beetle
and tho cotton worm, have been
blessings in disguise, as they have
shown tho possible jwwers of thofo
onco despised creatures and have
occupied tho attention of tho lead
ing scientists of the world to such
an extent, that growers may rea
sonably hope that tho ravages of
tho insects mentioned mny bo con
fined within certain bounds. Pro
fessor Comstock also treats of in
sects useful to tho farmer. His ar
ticles are of the greatest value.
GIUAV) SliltriiS
On March 4, 5 and 7, 1890.
There will bo given thu following
entertainments ut Masouio Hull
Cnnyon City, Oregon, under the
nuspicoa of Hoinvr Lodge No. 78,
A. O. U. W.
March 4 and 5.
An Expose of the Ancient Order of
Hercules, at which the initiate will
subdue tho fiery, untamed, sacred
elephant of tho Indies; master tho
greased Kilo and cnpluro thu watch
dog of Hades.
March 7.
"A Box of MonkoyH" will bo let
loose among the audience, and "A
Lovo of a Bonnet" will bo presented
to every lady in tho audience,
If you waul to laugh, and laugh
and laugh come every night, but if
your laughing machine Is not in
good order, stay nwuy, for you'll
cither laugh or die.
Members of A- F. fc A. M.j I. 0.
0. F. and I. 0. G. T. nro respect
fully requested to assist in keeping
tho audience from laughing,
Prico of Admission, 50c.
Children under 12 years 25c.
Performance nt 8, o'clock p. in,
Feb. 2.1, 1S00.
EntTOit News! Noticoing nn
item in your pnpor of tho 20th in
regard to the loa of sheep by my
self nnd others, I will givo in brioT
the contents of tho letter re
ceived by ino from my partner Mr.
J. G. Chesobro, written on Februn
ry tho 7. Mr, Chosobro snys:
"The storm wns tho most sovoro ev
er experienced in thnt region. Wo
hnvo between five nnd six hundred
sheep nlivo out of 3100; -15 bucks
out of 50; tho bucks I feed grnin;
I fed heavy on thu start and thoy
ont their feed ravenously; tho 05
tons of hay lasted 22 days. Wo
worked three days getting tlio sheep
to ground partly clear of snow, they
dono well for two days but it clu
nooked for n few hours nnd then
froto a heavy crust nnd tho hardest
wind I ever oxjoricnced blew con
tinually nnd simply chilled tho
sheep to duuth, thoy would cover tho
snow with blood working through
tho heavy crust, tho juniper grove
did not "seem to bo nny proloetion
but tho wind wont ovory wore alike,
on tho 1st it commenced chinook
ing nnd now wo hnvo plenty of
grass. Brown brothers have Icks
than UOCO left outoflHHK); Mcin
tosh loft his bund on tho 20th ult.
numhoring somo !KXX) to their fate
on tho desert east of hero nnd went
home. Thuv aro mostly nil dond.
Then Jim Maekov lost 1500 out of
1000 nnd had 'hay left alter tho
storm broke. Tho Laughlin boys
were the luckiest of us nil, only
losing -150 out of 1500. Johnson tt
Street's, Buck crcek'fl cuttle men
sny thoy havo not found n live cow
brute on tho desert yot, and don't
expect to. Tho horses aro threo
iburths dead. 1 toll you this was
nn equalizer."
Mr. Chesebro is thoroughly relia
ble and you may depend it is fully
as bad as ho depicts it to bo.
Brown Bros., Maekoy and Mcin
tosh aro pioncor sheep owners of
that section, running back for M
years and throo moro energetic,
careful and intelligent sheep owners
could not bo found in Harney coun
ty. Our placo is at West Glass
Butte (15 miles west of BurtiB in tho
extreme northeast corner of Lake
ojunty, just on tho Harney it Crook
county lino. Brown is at Wagon
tiro 12 miles southeast, Mcintosh 8
miles east. Mackcy was feeding
on Silver creek near Riley; Laugh
lit) is at the mouth of Buck creek
10 miles north of Glass Unties and
10 milcH out on what is known as
tho desert. I loping those few items
of news may bo of interest to tho
Harney papers,
" 1 am yours respectfully
John 0. Lvci:.
Go to tho Red Front Billiard
Hall, Canyon City, for lino wines,
liquors and cigars.
A pauenko tnachino has been in
vented to bo plnced on tho table.
Turning a handle grinds out the
batter between metal rollers that
kepi hot by a lump and dopogitn
tho cakes, brown nnd wnrtn, ns they
nro needed.
Thoro lately passed across tho
Red Sea from tho African to tlio
Arnbinn 6horo a light of locusts
calculated to havo covered over
200U squaro milus.
ArriiSTlox: Members 'of General
Haneoek Pwt No. .11, G. A. R., mo
NH'"twl atw"" n regular meeting
- nttTTo uiwi-nJ2$IU-i" Mllroh ,tn
Hv OiuiKit ot' tiik Post.
Notice to Patrons.
As I have recovered from my lato
illness, I will again ronunio practice
nnd will ho found nt my drug store or
nt residence, in Canyon City. Hnvo
on hnnd u good stock of drugs nnd pre
pared to accommodate ouktomors,
F. C. Howh.i;y, M. D.
1 1 m ti A
according io
Directions will cao Brrrnx
A Ilatif Iliimtit.
Auu.1, Minn., fioj.t. 33, If A3,
Onr Ubr-H iettn olil-lmninl her hind
on a hot iloro in.1 wo UM, JacuU Oil nn It.
II look Ilia iln ill out, itonco.altrr imuliig
It on 1 ut S UitKi It w ill Hired nil.
a 1. STAVU BOJ I'lmllr.
Its Efficacy loSlmply Mnrvoloun,
I'roit.lllltau Sure Tact.
M"ckUm. Col , April, IWO.
After rnltlnir hli frit Hlili lit. Jacob Oil, la
ths (iTi'iiliiirhvrrtra going to bed, mr ou u
rurcd ofchllblilm. ' '
lira. LKOKB OUtBCIt,
At rieooirri ak Piitiu
Who in ihf Lircol
Udmen In l -I)
M I'mhtAIo'i
IteiulUullv llluiifiicil. Dfitllllltf
KW lU Will I lullWiJ l-K lili IS IJ
a(4Knu, una to Mil fin cu
loiMt. It It IttKr linn tcr. Ir
rry Mtvon mine Oirdtn, flower
tM l-M.I.I HI!K!in.k....LI.n.l fut ll.
u H In In
Washington, Feb. 20, '90,
Ki). CI kant Co. Nkws:
Tho immense jovcr 51 von to tho
majority by Congress will bo vory
short, Iranians rcaohing adjourn-
mor.t by Juno. This object is to bo
nttninod hy pushing rogulnr legisla
tion tnroiign ns last as possinio ami
when thnt is dono to forco nn ad
journment, dospito tho pressure of
stwcinl legislation, on tlio ground
that tho essential work of congress
has received attention. Tho coin
miltoo on appropriations has licon
hard nt work and it is believed that
tho final roor(s will bo patented
in May, Tho sub-coinuiittoo on tho
pension bill has practically finished
tho consideration of that measure,
wnioh carries with it a proved ox
pondituro of about ono hundred
million dollars.
Tho frionda of ovory ono of the
six thousand hills that haw been
introduced this session, hope for n
favorable cousinoration, but it is
likely that nu unusually stnnll pro
jKirtion will 1 passed. Tho partv
in txnver feels tho added resiwnsl
hility granted hy tho new rules nnd
knows that tho jvooplo will bo plena
od to see small appropriations. Tho
republican leaders recognize that nn
enrly ndjournineut, lenving tho rog
ulnr business of legihlation elenred,
would give them n big argument in
tho noxt national campaign. Thuv
see ulso tho danger of jiossessing all
branches of the government should
special legislation and the host of
privato bills onco got an opportuni
ty to dolny tho House. Tho only
possible Hcheino ueoniH to bo to close
up slioj) and shut oil' unnecessary
A voto on tho rules, under tho
Hpriuger motion, will bo reached
Friday night. After that tho con
tested election can's will bo disused
of ns rapidly ns convenient. The
now rules will striukingly cxnedito
tho ncccssarially partlzan action In
ken in such cases. Filibustering
will bo impossible.
Apart from tho iuestion of politi
cal oxnedieney, ndjourninentsliould
not tako place until some of tho ev
er increasing claims ngainRt tho
government are settled. However
great the amount to como out of tho
publiu froasury, tho United .States
should pay its debts to privato citi
zens. .As it has been for years, tho
man with a privato hill for reim
bursement might as well have a
suit in the Kuglish chancery court.
Many of this sort of bills havo been
pending for twenty-live years. IJv
oryono has known many of them to
bo just and yet tho claimants havo
been allowed to tlio of worry ami
hovo deferred. Money has unjustly
been withheld from political mo
tives. And it is likely that it will
bo withheld. It is easy enough to
get sympathy and intliicnco for a
measure that may ho of advantage
in elections, hard enough to get jus
lite dono, where only ono man will
bo honelltte.
Two significant instances of race
trouble as far north as tho Capital
havo occurred in tho past week.
Hopresentativo Grimes tho other
day walked into dinner at the Klggs
hotel, nnd discovered u negro ex
minister to Sau Domingo eating nt
the snmo table. Mr. Grimes is
from Georgia, and tho ell'ect can ho
imagined. Ho walked out to the
cashier's desk, paid his bill and
moved his quarters to a moro con
gunial ntmoiphcro' Ho has been
followed hv sovornl oth(njjro;ijij)iui
guesTS. 1 lioro is 11 strong projudleo
ngniusl his action among thu local
friends of tho colored race. Mr.
Grimes simply states that the timo
has not yet como when ho will stop
at mixed hotels.
Tho second instance occurred
over tho appointment by tlio inllu
onco of Senator lliscook of it bright
young colored girl as a printer's as
bistant in tho bureau of printing
and engraving. Tho relations be
tween a printer and his assistant
nre very cIojo, Thoy work all day
sido hy sido and tho samo printer
may have thu samo assistant year
after year. Tho appointment of n
colored girl has never been thought
of before, and tho printers so far
havo refused to work with this one.
She is now temporarily employed
in n messenger, while tho printers
nre determining what final action to
tako and montally swearing at .Sen
ator lliscook.
These iii.staucou illustrate ns well
ns niiything enn tho growing com
plications in the intercourse between
tho two races. Colored clerks in
tho departments have long been ac
cepted, and have Leon appointed by
Successors to
Baher City
Tho Most Complelo Lino of Ammunilion in Eastern Oregon. "
Lyman Hear
Sights by Mnil,
if .'MX).
Lyman Spor
ting Front
Sights 11.00.
Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewel rv
and n full line of Musical Instruments
n snian wny inanngo to rciain
positions in tho miulii. . irvice,
ly-nilly. In tho city hotels-th
is still supposed to bo iinsurnhi
nble, nnd tho fact that so promi
and fashionable n hotel as
KiggB consented to nllow n col
man in its dining room is ral .O
surprising. Tho bar rooms, viR '
very few exceptions, hnvo long Bft'y
given up tho light, nnd eonio f?.
olasa places find no Htnall rcvof ;
from tho bettor oil colored peojf "
You can number on your llngt
noarlv all tho bars that rofuscj
sell liquor by tho drink to colou
iK'onlo nnd nt reuulnr prices. Tfc
years ngo yon could hnvo number.
on your fingers nil thnt would lint1;'
Fold to them. k.
Oregon! in.
both imlirtOrThcir politicnl 3 - -onco
is often very strong, nnd u
nearly nil professional politicin '
Kditor Orogonian: I havo bco5 f .. if
troubled with nlinoal lolnl deofnoaf-- '?;
in my right enr all niv life, an r-
had no idea of bored, until I appliW, . t
ed to Dr. Darrin for othor ailments? - V
During tho conversation tho dootou . 'k
noticed my tlefect ami snid ho could' V . .
cure mo by his new mode of troat-fi' - -.
ment by electncilv mm medicine. . .
I n,i 1,...,.,,. i 1
...II ll.ttfif KKJ n.ll I1U II. it, 41, d& -
tt'ii- lrt inq Irimf hi '
word. I can hoar perfocttV, and ,
wish othors to know of tho euro.
1 -
am ngenlof tho I. 0. 0. 1, K. ofi
niiii f. a. !., ami tne it. m,
..1. ...1 ..1.... .1 .. .1 1 1
uiuui piaiu negreo cnnris, uuaii(iiar- .c. w
ters 103 Third street, Portland, and W,',
can be referred to.
Hknj. F. Nkwi:li.
Hopcdale, Mass,
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted frco
at tho Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streots,
Portland, and Hotel Gaudolof, Tit
coma. Hours 10 to C; evenings, 7
to 8; Sundays 10 to 12. All chron
ic diseases, Woo l tnint, Io h of vi
tal oner and early indiscretions
permanently cured, though norofur
enccs are ever made in the press
concerning such cases, owing to the
delicacy of the patients. Kxaminn
tions free to nil, and circular.) will
bo sent to any nddresa. Charges
for treatment according to patients
ability to pay. Tho poor trcnted
free of charge from 10 to 11 dailv.
All privato diseases confidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at a distance can bo cured by
homo treatment. Medicines and
lettera sent without tho doctors'
namo apjicaring.
IjimI OrTica it Hum', (Irrcon.
iu. If J, IW0.
Notice It hrrclijr (Iren tint tho (ullalni;-niiniil
ctllcr Ui lillnl nolin ot lil IliUnllwi In linko
fliul iiir In ni'im u( hie elulni, 111.I iht tilil i( mtle btlita Hit cwutiljr Oteik nfllmiit
Uouiii, 01., it 0 j 11;. 1 n dir. yr. mi muii in, two,
!: U- A. btnwnrt, '
I're I) S No CIM. Uc the SKir KKiir HrcW, Nl."
ir SI. .ir Sue tJ, N lull JJWf or Sru ti, Tit 17, S It
IIoiiiiKi Iho fnttnwlni; wllneittt lairoro lilt
oviiitlnutHit rttl,piiv iiioii. aii'1 imltlirttluii uf,
nil.l Itn.l, tt: A lle, A lidure, l! K Allen, C K
lUvip. ill of bliml. llr,
Canyon, City, Or.
(Slioj) wont sido of the creek, ojiposilo
Plauini; mill),
Mndo a specialty, nnd nil work war
rautoil fu-ht.ctii!Di.
Wagon and -frriago work
and all kinds of pairing- nttl jo);
work promptly nttenilort to.
Of XXoppnox.
C. A. IIIIKA, I'ltANK Kl;,l.(Xl(l,
Pnuldout. Vico-ProsidenU
Okoium W. Co.vshii, Cashier.
J. V. IIIIKA, T. A. Itlir.A, I. T. DOIIKON',
TrntiKncIs n (.Ynrnil llniiklii(r IJiikIiick,
on nil (Miitt of tho world
ColloctioiiH mndo nt nil points on
lluaKoiiablo Terms,
Money loaned nt from ono to ton
per cent.
J. II. Gnrdncr.J
Fun Lino of ;Tr'
iH).llr 'Pnnlrll. fS ' .
fyBzSSSbt .books, IlicH, roilwg
noks. Hies. iIh$L "
lines, reels, etc, ''
Fly liookr-jit'.i -;v'
uoz., oucj y
r -:
- V
, ? i