Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 06, 1890, Image 3

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I. l'.--
Thursday, Fob. G.
Tho to of stock in Grant county
all is vemr will Iks Iom than in Miy
county wit of tho Cascade, and
' thorcfow wo have ontiso to rejoice.
The rumor that Forly-nino Jimmy
' wm daad ns n fUo rumor, nt tho
Nhws hoiwvl nnd imagined. Jimmy
.till livat, nml has n good mino nt
- Hobiitsonvillo,
i Tho rainy weathor whioh started
the snow in tho mountains to melting
; Ims eaUSod streatm to run full, be
sides Hoiking tho ground in a ininiicr
higlily sntiafaatory to stockmen Mid
Canyon erruk has run high this
weak, nnd some of tho dwellers on low
lands nt John Day have een tnmly
cugaotl coimtrueluig dikes, fearing nn
inundation of their premise, which
worelower than tho creek lel.
i'lio mail mute from Ontario to
Inirns is elleotiially closed ly reason
i of snow, und nil mail for tho llumoy
country must jkiss through ths post--
ollleo. Tho carriers on that lino lo
if liovo the road will 1w intpassablo for at
W least throe weoks.
'' Frojs nnd blackbirds miuouiico that
king Win tor has had his spinal col-
u m n fractured, folded his tunt nnd si
lently gono north. Tho nWuco of
snow nnd tho groan gross on tho hills,
With gentlo spring showers falling,
... confirms their announcement,
Itsocnuthat tho young bloods of
Prairio nro about to hnvo n wnr over
thu fair Bar.. It must bo oiijoynblo to
tiko your bast girl out for a rido'and
uxpoot your luck to bo broken on your
return by n jealous individual with
blood in his oyo and n gun in his
j Mail contractors havo been heavy
losers this winter, nnd nro IjouiuI to
miss several trips Iniforo June. Ono
J thing is certain, star-routes nro taken
nt too low a figuro by Btil-contniotors
who bliouhliT tho responsibility, while
the original contractor scoops tho Iwo-
! dlo.
A communication from Caleb, which
loafx no signature, &tato. that Iou.
Keeton has Logan to scratch his head
nnd will ho Iwld by spring; W. F.
Fry has lost his fine nice maro and n
few other horses; nnd that Horo
' Younger and family havo Won "id
ting" nil winter, nnd their horses havo
all died.
Under Now to-day will lw found nn
nil oilling for nettled projKisals for
building n bridgo ncroos thu John Day.
i Tho bridgo is it necessity; for tho river
is not wide enough for a ferry, nnd in
time of high witter nil tho immense
amount of travel on that road is put to
great inconvenience, Hull's bridgo or
Colo's bridge nt present thu only two
in reach.
Wo were in crrcr last week in stilt
ing that the 0, A. R. would not com
iiiumorato Washington's birthday. As
hao always Iwen the custom of Gen.
Hancock Past the boys will hnvo a
( , bean supper und it grand ball in tho
,, ovcning of Fol. 1! 1st. This time tho
, 111 will l0 nt tho court house, whero
j,., plenty of loom will U) found for nil
who cull dnnCO,
Tho unorgotio people of Hums havo
purchased it building und announce
their determination to make Harney
county n dead to tho same on condi
tion that tho voters locate the perm i
1 nont county seat at Hums. Thoynho
agree to niovo nil county property
from Hnrney freo of oxponso to tho
county. Harney will probably get in
now and go them ono tatter.
A letter from Wagner dated- Jan.
2G, statu that tho house occupied by 1
Frank Templeton and owned by Hen
ry Johnson; took lire that morning
und was entirely commnnd, but part
of tho contunti were saved. Tins
houio was built ly L. Hickurd several
yiMM ago, nnd valued at about 81,000.
Origin of the lire, which caught in the
upiwr htory while tho lioyu were out
fowling, was not known.
The political wolf tuts let out n
long-drawn howl, nnd from this time
on there will bo fun until the Juno
election ends tho contort. The Iviglo
is informed that 0. W. Parmh of this
city wilt Ixi nn nspimut for the honors
of joint senator on the republican tick
et. All right, lot him run. If Par
rish and Blackmail each get tho nom
ination wo know who to bet on, and
Grunt county will lo suro to "get
The anarchists havo been nccoui
plishing their dosigns in Har
ney county again. Wo havo been in
formed by Fmnk Mo I Jean that they
burned four stacks of John Devino's
liny it few nights ugo, ngijregutiiig '-00
tout, ltngs saturated with keroseuo
were found on the ground hhowiiig
' ooiiolusivuly that the tiro was set do
litanitory. Mr, Downo hud lately
puicluiKod this hay from Smith A
Vounx, and wai feeding it to nbout
eight hundred onlvotf. What punuh
muut -U too Kovero for u licnd who
will deliberately deprivu poor dumb
IxjasU of food for tho sake of wreak
ing voiiimueo on it man who hat in
aurrod Ins eiimityl This is not thu
first time Duviuo has Htiflbrod at the
hands of tuch cowardly iueeudiariiM,
und thu Boonor Harney county broaks
up their vilo clan tho Uiller it will lo
for hur gixxl imme and her prosperity,
' for man do not onio to engage in biui
hum in a community wIiomi numilxirs
iiihott to tho toruh to right every fan.
ciwl wrong.
Alrcntly preparntions arc inaliir
ing for oxtensivo prosjiocting when
tho weather will jwrmit.
Goto tho lied Front ltillinnl
Hall, Cnnvoti City, for line winos,
Hquorfl ana cigars.
Tho republican state central com
mittee will meet on March fills to tlx
a time for holding tho sUto convention;
I x t i. ....... ..!.! f .. ..t
last season's wool nt Heppnor last
week, KoOiland Hro's of Portland Ikj
inghe buyers.
Tlie ground hog failed to observe
Ins Nhnilow on thu day npKiutei
for his coming, tlioroforo summer
How era will bloom in due time.
A literary Rociety is held Monday
OYoniiigij at the John Luce hcIioo!
Jioujo, where wo uiulorslaiul koiijo
weighty subjoctfl aro discussed by
tho young people.
linker City ami Pendleton eath
want the republican state conven
tion, but Portland will seo that
neither of thorn get it. If it is held
outside of Portland it might havo a
bad ell'ect on the "ring."
David Diet, brought his horses
down from his much to where hay is
morn plentiful, nnd is feeding them.
If this bieak 141 should continue nny
length of time stock can rmtlo very
well for themsclvns in thu foothills.
An armed do8H'railo robbed a Se
attle dealor of faro a few day ago,
and- three ollicors coming into tlie
saloon nliout that time ho made
them nil sit down. .Seattle olllccrs
must bo a bravo set. The robber
Vunttlo nnd nro on the hills
eating new grass, nud sheep arc mak
ing n good living for themselves. So
much to tho credit of thit county.
Wo boast of theso things, but never
theless nro fearful lost snow como nnd
cover up tho green grnss.
Tho wnter right case of Rinehart it
Starr versus Butler, in which deposi
tions were being taken, was last week
compromised by plaintiffs aying all
costs nud allowing defendant tho use
of nil the witter in tho ditch for two
days nnd n night each week.
If fcuvoml contemplated mining
deals are consummated the country
nrbund Sutanvillo next summer will
constitute tho liveliest mining camp
on the const. Capitalist nro becom
ing interested in tho in in as, nnd they
nro not nfraid to invest mouoy for de
veloping them.
Miss Nellie Illy, tho young lady
who recently took a Hying trip
around tho world in 72 days, (
houra'aiul 1 1 minutes bentn the U.
S. mnifall hollow. That length of
time is bomctimcH nearly taken up
in getting mail from the average
Wobfoot town to this place.
Judge CliHbrd arrived homo on
the stage at an early hour yesterday
morning, llu wan four days on the
road from linker, having started
with his own (cam and abandoned
that. The snnw in the mountains
is all soft, and tho road is almost
impassable except for experienced
"snow horses "
i'ho stage driver between hero
atid Long Creek loat one of his hor
ses Monday night while coming
this way. In Fox valley tho road
crossed a creek over which the snow
had drifted, and the water under
neath having worn away and foft
uuud the drift tho team broke
through, and ono horse was chilled
to death before ho could be extrica
ted. The following members of General
Hancock Post No. 3 1 G. A. H., De
partment of Or., were duly elected for
the ensuing year:
John S'egerdahl, P. C; Samuel
Hough, H. V. 0.', Hiol A. Hyde, J.
V. C; VMward Chidsey, Adj't; K.
Itauisby, Q. M.; Thos. Perkins, Sur
geon; l Hays, Chaplain; M. G.
Piersou, O. D.; Clias. Cooley, 0. (!.;
John Young, S. M.; O. W. Birgc, Q.
M. S.
Notwithfctmiiliug tho loug Creek
lvtgle itniiouiiiuKi .Mr. C. W. Parrish
as it republican unpirnut for State Sen
ntor, we nro repimtod by Mr. Par
riih to thank his democratic friends (I)
for their elloit to bring him to tho
front without his assent, and ubo to
state that under no circumstance! is
ho an aspirant for Statu Senator or
any other ollice, ui-ither has he had
any thought of such a thing. Charley
Kays he couldn't leave his biz, mi I
therx's no j iy in going to tho Oregon
legislature, and ho couldn't think of
it ou'ii to please the deiiioentt-i.
Mrs. Aldrich widow of Mr. Aid
rich who died last fall from injuries
received by Iniing run ovor by a
freight wagon -wns buried in tho
Canyon City cemetery last Saturday.
The circiiuutaiii'OH attending tho lady's
death so boon after that of her hus
ImihI were sad in the extreme. She
was rosidiug on her ranch in Boar
valley with her two sons, nnd during
her illness it was impossible to pro
euro tho services of it physician owing
to tho nllsoneo of a trail through tho
snow. After her death the Uys
mounted miowaIuhm and diug.od it
linnd fclod upon which was placed tho
laxly, until tliey arrived nt Blanton's,
when a tuam was necunxl nnd tho lo
mains coueyed to town.
The 0. A. It. will give a free pork
ami bean supper nt tho Masonic
hall in Canyon City, Feb. 2lst,
liS'.IO, and a grand ball in the uveu
ing. Tiokuts for ball $. Further
particulars noxt week.
Hv Outwit ohtiij; rafTf,
Feb. a, 1800.
Your correspondent is now stop
ping on a ranch but gels to town
occasionally and tins is what he
learned on his last visit:
Stock aro in good condition, m03t
all our farmers have plenty of liny
on hand.
Doc. Camoron was hero during
tho week. Ho has political aspira
tions. Doc. is built that way.
Julius llamborgor is having his
costume mndo for tho sheet and
pillowcase jiarty tho Mth. He
claims he will get the prize.
The late blockades reminds one
of long ago, when wo received a pa
jwr or letter every month or two.
We hope there will be no more this
Ono of our bloods knocked a Chi
naman down with a bottle, which
cost him $2o and cods. If some of
the other youths do not mend their
ways they will also get a benefit.
Prairie can well Iwast of possess
ing tho most sociable young ladies
in thu country. There are rumors
of one of tlicm taking a Hying trip
Kast, while another will go to John
Day City.
A crowd of young folks had a
sleighrido a few evenings ago, when
the horses became unmanageable,
causing some of the young ladies to
jump out. An eye witness states
lie saw girls string out for 200 yards
in the snow; no ouu was hurt, if
they did get frightened.
We hoar good reports from botli
the Winegar and Mcador school dis
tricts. Tho schools havo able
teachers and tho scholars attentive
in their studies, with a good attend
ance. Can not speak as favorable
of the school in this district.
Our people aro mystified who
your correspondent "Cheerfulness"
u, some ottering to give $10 to find
out. Tliey would't give 10 cents to
know yours truly, for they know
Our olliciont postmaster nud as
sistant are giving entire satisfaction.
Tho ollice is always open and pre
sents a neat appearance.
Geo. Heily has taken a contract
to feed the stock around town. He
says lie has as much right to feed
paupers as anyone.
Tho Friday night socials aro a
success and draw out all tho young
folks and some that are not so
How A. Kads gavo us a very in
teresting discourse Sunday evening.
He had a large and attentive audi
ence. If you conclude to publish this,
will give you another dose when I
como to town again.
Ha. veil Kit.
Social In OJJ fellows Hall.
There will bo it social given in Odd
Fellows Hall, Canyon City, by tho
memlHtrs of H0K1I1 Wlgo No. -2, on
tho evening of Fek I Ith. All Odd
Follows in good standing, together
with their fuuiilioa, nro cordially in
vited to attend.
Bv Oiidku or tui: Con.
Not a Red Cent Lost,
Canyon City, Feb. 2. "00.
KniToit Nnvs: Will you allow
me a short space in your paper to
answer a communication appearing
in the Harney Items of Jan. S, "JO,
in which the word "Devino" is used
in such a manner that nt long
range ono would think it was a do
vino revelation, but at short range
it lias tho appearance of being con
ceived in a muddled brain, and
born in tho sanctum sanctorium of
tho Harney Items when the editor
was out. Tho writer of tho scurril
ous article presumes tho taxpayers
of Harnoy county do not know that
they hnvo lost S'J.OOO in tho settle
ment with Grant county, and ho
has been told that it is a fact that
Judge Maxcv of Grant told his
friends that ho would place tho fig
ures at $20,000 and if necossary
would como down to $10,000. To
this I will say that every word is
false from tho beginning to tho cud.
A full statement of the settlement
between Grant and Harney coun
ties is on file in the county clerks
ollice in Harney county, and any
taxpayer in Harney county can ex
amine for themselves and will seo
at once that an honorable man und
faithful ollicor has been slandered
through thu stupidity of a crank.
The settlement was made upon tho
statemout of Win. Miller of the in
debtedness of Grant county uikiii
which Grant county obtained a
judgment against Litko county in
tho .Supreme Court of this statu and
is undoubtedly as correct a state
incut of tho indebtedness of Grant
county as could bo made
I make this statement in justico
to Judge Shields, knowing the
charges against him to bo falso and
unjust and should have done so
sooner, hut circumstances over
which I had no control prevented
me from doing to.
N. H. Maxuv.
Co. Judge Grant County,
- .
I havo a number of tho reliublo
Parr' Knglish IWh for H.1I0. Any
ono wanting those well known liver
pads can havo thoiu by uddiossiiig
Mr. Ctitharino Phillips, Canyon
Oily, Or. Prico only Uo dolhiH.
Kn. Nkws:
Snow shooing is the great attrac
tion and about tho only moans of
Everything is quiet about our
village and but little news of inter
est can bo gleaned.
M. P. Garrison of our town died
in Maker City and was brought bore
for interment. Ho wns alxnil -12
years old and loaves n wife nnd six
children to mourn his loss. The
widow and the fatherless havo tho
true sympathy of all in their be
reavement. "Vit, In rth Ihtt rtklnt mi tl olhtr ihorr,
mui um Ihronjh trnlf nl rlouni.
And nilut -U tintrtfl. anhclpl ml ln,
1hrugh t)utirrM lirMj,'-!" Ii."
Cabboll llro's havo shut down
their mill for the winter, on account
of the snow drifting.
Thu grippe has nbout spent its
force here, but nearly everyone .had
an introduction to it.
Tho ronds arc blockaded nearly
every direction and it is barely
passible for the mail to como.
Tho monarch mill is running
night and day. J. K. Short has
control now.' J. I. Smith and L.
II. Ilowmau have gone east on a
deal of somo kind.
This is China New Year and they
make quite a demonstration. A
Chinaman, just before their holidays
was found dead. It is said by tho
Chinese that ho had boon unable to
work and could not got money for
the holidays nud concluded to skip
by taking poison.
Here is what a follow saw last
Sunday evening and how ho told it.
"A ttw iU;a m
On lh iinw Allen !)
uli irtif croul lr 11J.
When Mjr nrt.1 (Ml
On tiloMiirc lutein
One lulr ol maw itoii dU tlU,
Aij thr C
S tiai'Dt bat tile
The mill til. line ttia crntI
With red .ItKtln. mil
tr!U2 o.ll in ttiailr
That ltd nl tn4 oer tn.l.
Tho slockuious salvation the
ehinook wind paid us a pleasant
visit and put a smile on many a
stockman's face. The lous of Btock
in most parts has been heavy, es
pecially sheep. Caleb, Wagner,
Mitchell and Dayville, the loss could
could safely be estimated at l per
cent. In a number of bands the
loss will reach near f0 per cent and
stock as a general thing are in )oor
condition. Thu ground is partly
covered with snow and tho feed is
short, and if tho wuirther is not fa
vorable there will bo a heavy loss
in horses and cattle as well as
shcop. Send us a horse buyer;
there are a good many geldings hero
ready for niarhet.
On tho 20th tilt, a dwelling house
belonging to W. II. Johnson t sons
formerly owned by Levi Hickard,
near agner, was destroyed by fire.
Supposition is that fire started by
sparks from the stove jrijMJ lighting
on the roof. Frank Templeton who
had possession of the house at the
time the fire occurred in company
with six other men had just finish
ed eating breakfast. They discov
ered the fire but the wind was blow
ing so hard that they could not get
tho fire under control. The loss is
estimated at eight or nine hundred
dollars; insurance on house was
f .")0.C0; bedding, clothing and fur
niture !f-l.riO.OO; nil of the furniture,
clothing, bedding, etc.. in the lower
story and kitchen was saved. The
fire had got under too good head
way to save many things from tho
upper story; the in budding
and clothing would probablv
amount to $lf)0.00.
Joint Senator Ai;alii.
Under this head the Ilurnuy
Items hits thu nuil in about thu
right jilaco and says soiuething
wliioh tho Ni:ws endorses for tho
truth nnd justice therein contain
ed, to-wit:
After careful rcllcction wo aio
unablo to see an)' reason whatever
why Morrow county Bliould bu en
titled to the joint senator for this
senatorial district. When wo re
member that Morrow county has
a representative, and that Grant
and Harnoy only havo a joint rop
ropoututivc, it occurs to us that if
CJ runt and Harney would divide
tho joint senator and joint topic
scntative, each county taking one,
thou in that caso all three of I lie
counties in this senatorial district
would each havo a member in tho
Legislature. Hut in case Morrow
county should taku the joint seua
tor, cither Grunt or JIaruuy must
bo entirely without a member.
Wo cannot seo by what manner of
reasoning Morrow county can pos
sibly lay claim to the favors asked
for. The fair way out of this lit
tle matter is to fix it up so each
county can have a member.
The average days wages for farm
hands in Japan is 1SJ cents per day
for men, and 12 cents wr day for
women. Tho average monthly wa
ges with hoard is $2.12 for men
and $1.20 for women.
Basohu fe Co., Baker City, havo
a full lino of ice skates from $1.00
to Ifi.OO per pair. Mail orders
promptly filled.
Commencing nt tho mouth of
Long Gulch, thonco run northeast
orly to Little Pine, where the same
cuts through the hlulT to the John
Dav river, thenco follow said blulf
to Dog creek, thonco southerly to
tho head of said creek, thence
southerly to Soda Springs on Can
yon creek, thenco south to summit
between Canyon crock and Bear
valley, thenco westerly along said
summit to nnd including the Lock
wood grade, thonco norlhurly to
whore the John Luce road inter
sects tho old Harnoy road, thence
to tho NW corner of Sec. 10. Tp I I,
S H ill, K., thence in a direct lino
northeasterly to place of beginning.
(l)IST. NO. 2 JOHN DAY.)
Commencing on Canyon creek at
mouth of Long Gulch, running
thence northwesterly to lino be
tween See. 22 anil 27, thonco duo
north to the quarter ost on north
lino of See. 22, thenco northwesterly
to the forks of Beach creek, thenco
northeasterly to the N K corner Tp
12, thence southerly to the John
Day rivor at mouth of Dog creek,
thenco up said creek to whero same
cuts through tho hlulV, thence west
erly following said bluff to Little
Pine creek, thence southwesterly to
place of beginning.
(hist, nil .'! inn l'
Commence on John Day at mouth
of Dog creek, run thenco northerly
to thu mountain summit, thence
east to NIC corner of Tp 12, thence
southorly to Hall's bridge, thenco
up the river to mouth of Indian
creek, thence up said creek to a
point duo west of Strawberry Butte,
thonco westerly following tho sum
mit to head of Dog creek, thenco
down said creel: to place of begin
ning. (l)IST. NO. I STIt.VWIllIltltY.)
Commence at mouth of Indian
creek, run thonco up tho John Day
river to mouth of lieynohls creek",
up said creek to thu county line,
thence southerly along said line to
JIarney county lino, west on said
lino to SW corner Tp 17, thunce
northerly to head of Indian creek,
down said creek to place of begin
ning. (lUST. NO. f) l'llAtlllK CITY.)
Comeneo at Hull's bripgo, run
thonco up the John Day river to
mouth of Hoynolds oreek, easterly
up saitl creek to Baker county line,
northerly on said line to whero the
county road crosses said line, thonco
westerly on tho north sidu of said
road, to tho Middle Fork station,
thence westerly to Dixie But'.u,
thonco westerly to the NIC corner of
Tp 12, thence southerly lo place of
(l)IHT. no. (! i.iti: lilMT.)
Comiuenco on Canyon creek at
mouth of Long Gulch, run thence
northwesterly lo quarter jnist on
lino between Sec 22 and 27, thenco
north to quarter Hst on north lino
of Sec. 22, thonco northwesterly lo
forks of Beach creek, thenco down
said creek to the John Day river,
up said river to mouth of Ingle
creek, up said creek to south lino of
Tp I I, thonco duo east to west side
of old Harney road, thence norther
ly to John Luce road, thence north
erly to NW corner of Sec. 10, thence
northeasterly to place of beginning.
(hist. no. 7 Miniu.i:.)
Commencing on tho summit
south of tho John Day at head of
Ingle creek, thonco westerly along
said Mitninit to a point due south of
tho "old Cummings bridgo," thence
duo north to tho summit north of
the John Day, thonco easterly along
said summit to thu forks of Beach
creek, thence down said creek to
the river, up said river to mouth of
Inglo creek, up said creek to place
of beginning.
(tnrr. no. 8 dayvii i k.)
Commence at tho silo of "old
Cummings bridge, thence north to
summit, westerly following said
summit to HK corner Tp 1 1, thenco
west on said lino to thu SW corner
thonco south to SW comer Tp l'
thenco cast on said lino to a point
duo south of said Cummings bridge
and duo north (0 place of begin
ning. (hist. no. D iiiiicii, hock a moi n-
Commencing at SH corner Tp I I,
thenco north to NW corner of Tp
12, thence cast on Tp line to NK
cornor said Tp, north to N 10 corner
Sec. 25, west to NW corner See. 27,
north to NIC corner See. 21, west lo
line between ranges '-'" and 2H,
north to John Day river, down said
river to line between ranges 21 and
2.1, south to SIC corner Tp 10, west
to county lino, thenco south on said
lino to SV cornor Tp I I, cast lo
placo of beginning.
(mar. no. 10 snoon.Y.)
Commence on the west county
lino between Tp 10 and II, thenco
cast on said Tp lino to SIC comer
Tp 10, north on line between ranges
21 and 25 to John Day rivor, down
said river to lino between ranges '2'.
and 21, thenco north on said lino to
NIC corner of .Tp D, thonco west on
said line to west county line, thence
south on county line to placo of be
ginning. (lllST. NO, 11 HAYSTACK.)
Commence on north line of coun
ty on line between ranges 25 and
211, south to North Fork, down said
North Fork and main river to line
bet ween ranges 2Jt and 2-1, thenco
north to NIC cornor of Tp 9, thenco
west to county lino, thence north on
snid lino to N W cornor Grant coun
ty, thonco onst on north county line
to placo of beginning.
Commence on tho north line of
county on lino between Tps 28 nnd
21), th'ence south to SIC cornor Sec.
Ill, west on section lino to lino be
tween ranges 25 and 2(5, north on
Tp line to north lino of county, cast
on saitl line to placo of lieginning.
(niarr. no. lit Hamilton.)
Commence nt N 10 corner Tp 51,
thence south to summit, thence
westerly along summit to NIC comer
of Sec. 25, Tp It), thence wost to.
SW comer See. 22, thence north to
SIC corner of Peter Hudin's ranch,
thenco east to SIC comer Spo. lil,
thenco north to NW corner Tp U,
thenco east to place of beginning,
(nisrr. no. I I i.oNii citliKK.)
Comiuenco nt NIC corner Tp 0,
thence wol to NW corner same Tp
thenco south to summit, easterly
along said summit to SW corner
Tp 10, thenco cast to SIC corner Tp
10, thei co north 011 lino between
Tps III nnd '!2 to place of begin
ning. (dust. no. 15 cux VAI.I.KY.)
Commencing at NIC corner Tp 11
thence west to NW corner said Tp,
thenco westerly lo NIC corner Sec.
25, thenco duo west to lino between
ranges 2li and 27, thence south to
summit, thence easterly to forks of
Beach creek, thence northeasterly
to NIC corner Tp 12, thence north
to place of beginning.
(lllBT. NO. It' IIITTKII.)
Commence nt tho SIC corner Tp
S, thence north to county line, west
on said lino to lino between ranges
28 and 2t), south to SW cornor Tp
8; east to placo of beginning.
(IUOT. NO. 17 St'SANVII.l.t:.)
Commence at Forks of Granite
and Baker roads, thenco northwest
erly to SW cornor Tp 10, thence
north to county line, west on said
line to line between Tps 111 nud !12,
south to SW corner ofTp 1 1, cast
to SIC corner same Tp, easterly to
Dixie Butte, easterly to Miiidio
Fork, following Baker rond on north
side thereof easterly to place of l.o
ginning. (nisT. no. IS ni.iv:)
Commence at forks of Baker und
Granite roads thonco easterly on
north sidu and following snid Baker
road lo county line, northerly on
said lino lo head of Beaver creek,
down said creek to Olive creek, duo
west to line between Tps II I nnd .'15,
south to SW comer Tp 10, thenco
easterly to place of beginning.
(MKT. NO. I'd (IIIANITi:.)
Commence on county lino at head
of Beaver creek, thenco down said
creek to Olive creek, due west to
lino between Tps ill and .'15, north
to county line, oust on said lino to
NIC corner of Grunt county, thenco
south on county lino to placo of be
ginning. (hist. no. 20 nc.Mt . sh.vim vai.i.y)
Commencing at Sod 11 Springs on
Canyon creek, south to summit,
westerly lo county road at bend of
Look wood grade, thenco westerly
along summit lo a point duo south
of tho "old Cummin!: bridge,"
thonee south to line between Tps 15
nml 1(1, miuthoiiHtetly along summit
to south line of Grant county on
lino between ranges 2'.) und .'10. en hi
on said county lino to SIC comer Tp
IN, thence north ( miles to ,h cor
ner said Tp, northerly to 11 Kint
duo west of Strawberry Butte,
thence westerly following summit
lo head of Dog creek, thenco south
erly to place of beginning.
(lllKT. NO. 21 llOMKIinil.)
Common ing 011 west lino of
Grant county on lino Ih-tween Tps
15 and 111, thenco east to NIC cor
ner Tp U, southerly on divide to
south county line where same is in
tersected by line but ween ranges 2!)
and ;I0, thence west to west lino of
Grant county, thence north on said
lino to place of beginning.
t u. 11 a 1 tun u a a ta a. a n m a n
Lumbago, Backache, Head
ache, Toothache,
Soro Throat, Swellings, Frost
bites, Sprains,,
Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Vi'lllimit Iti tiirn of I'nln.
For Stablemen iP Stockmen,
TiiKUHCilur i:r.i;nv kxuux run iiuiiih
AT I'iu'.'.im axi lir.Airn).
THE CllltUtJ A. V0QEICR CO., IWtllmert, Ut
All pos him inJebtod to Miller k
Miitsehau for stublo bill, will plotso
como forward nud noil 1 0 by tho lirl
day of March, lbt'0, or costs will l;o
Milliiii it Mltsoiian.
Don't wait till qu Hhoar your
shuup, but mibecrilo now for tho
From Professor J. P. Looncy, Princi
pal of Fulton Public School, In
Favor of Drs. Dartln.
Kdilor Oreconinn Dear Sir: I
am not in tho habit of pulliing ad
vertising doctors, but I uauuot let
this oportunily pass without men
tion, in justico "to the nllliotod ns
well as Dr. Darrin. Tho doctor has
cured me of a trouhlcsoino catarrh
and bronchitis of soven yonrs Stand
ing, by uleetricity nnd mudicino.
The euro is perf-ict and permanent.
1 cheerfully recommend' hi treat
ment, and will answer nil Mter
addressed to mo at Portland.
Jan. 22, IK). J. l LOONKf.
There is something nlut tfv
success Drs. Darrin are nutting
with which is truly hard In credit,
yet we havo it from poraona w hoso
veracity we cannot doubt, that their
cures uro remarkable. The nlntvo
case is peculiarly striking. Profes
sor I.ooney is a man of undoubted
integrity and is well known through
out tho" state and nation Tho
above card to Drs. Darrin is osi
tive proof of tho unexampled suc
cess which attends their treatment.
It shows how radical as well ns un
expected, are many of their ouros,
and how chronic diseases of many
years duration nro umrhlo to resist
their skill, nnd is hut ono of tho
many cases whiuh tho doctors havo
undertaken, and is only ono of tho
scores of patients to whom the hnvo
restored health. I'liii author of tho
above statcniuutgJwQ liavo full as
surance in payh'ig,vaB actuated in
publishing thu junto by no other
motive than gratitude of Iuh euro
and a dt-siro to muko known tho
means to others m uufnrlunato us
himself. When wo rolled what 11
great boon is health when we con
sider that without it tho slightest
approach to happiness is impossible
that it is, in short, the greatest
earthly blessing can wo be other
wise tfian immeasurably surprised
to find any one who litis lost thin
great treasure, and yot hetdUito to
follow tho plainly defined path lead
ing to its recovery? To ucu n sick
man or woman neglect or refine to
visit Drs. Darrin, who may do him
or hur some good, and cannot do
harm, is equally as inexplicable 11
mystery. Try them, nt all events,
common sense would suggest. A
consultation will cost voti nothing.
The doctors could fill this pngo
with responsible curlillcates but
their fame is so wide spread it is
unnecessary. The doctors treat nil
chronic discuses nt their parlors in
the Washington building, corner
Washington and Fourth streets.
Portland,-and Hotel G'indiilfo, Tif
Letter t.Ut.
Letters remaining uncailtHJ for
in tho K5to(llce at l'rnirio Cilv,
Or., Fob. 1, 181)0.
Mr. !Cd. Bohmi, Mr. George tioh
na, F. M. Stark.
Persons calling for the iitovf
will please say advertised.
Hub It. .Mcl I alky. P. M.
Notice is hereby given lo w!
it may concern thai I will in.t b
loiqionsihlo for any bills ontni-t ii
by my wifo since Sept. 7th, i v'j
us sliu loft mo on that diito.
M. M. Ah.uisos
.Inn. 8, IH'.IO.
When in lloppiior den't fail !
call 011 LHHZIJK & THOMP.SuN
for iiaiiiiw.wii!, ri.vwAiin, woon and
no,, kto. Ayonoy for tho New
H0.U1: SnwiNo Maoiiink.
lu Orders by mail piomptly
nnd carefully filled.
Canyon. Cilt, Or.
(Shop went hide of Hie civek, npposito
Planing mill).
Made a specialty, nud all work war
miited Hist claw.
Wagon and Carriago work
and all l.iiuU of repairing und job
woik pr ptly attended to.
Omit l.ul un bv
Whoai tlx L.rcm
UcftUman In Ihrwoilj,
..u...u.ijr iiiuMnitil. Drialnll,,
SEED wtftfAL
lur i eyi will be millril yK :K luTu
W'.mj, ml u ti mm', tu
- mi. iiitriiianrvrr. r.v.
,yJ.!..,!.V,'n'f 0'Hen, Flower
Of KlrldBEKll8.l,0ul.w't.iJf.r
" - "' " I . MICH.
fair 1
- .i .
. V '' '
TWm'vm""T 1 11 11111 1
?..,! An. I I II I IHII II II I III 1 I llll I I