Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 06, 1890, Image 2

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February G, 1890.
The House hns passed :i tension
bill providing that itt tlio enso of
dependent parents, it nocd only be
shown llmt llicy arc without other
support tlmn tnnnnul labor.
Sovcrnl residents of tho Uiuntil
hi reservation have presented
claims to Special Agent Hishop at
Pendleton. Thov arc children of
Ilmlt-on bay traders who snlTcrod
from Indian depredations in tho
nr of ISuo-tjli.
remarkable man has boon
thnn, failed and pnid n few
i i-utH mi tho dollar, and his apsimi-
i ......i n. ...... , m. ,
i'u v,hb diiK'Imt'jiwI. Goint; to l'n-
coma he mado n fortune, mid now
returning to A therm ho jinyn ovory
cent in.
A HulTiilo pnper says Nignt
riVi-r uoliiw tho rails, is unusually
low, and, what is inoro singular
the waters hnvo born gradually
falling for tho past three or four
yours. It is still from 1,10 to 200
feot deop, however, and & not
Hhaly to dry up yet n whilo.
The experience of tho two Ihv
ItOtns and Montana ought to bo a
warning to Wyoming and did o
to not bo in n hurry to dou the ha
bllimenU of stntehood. The l.),t
hotas nro in a dreodful financial
strait, while Montana has it con
touted election which tlu ennnot
Georgo (Jhandler, nssiBtnnt sec
retary of tho interior, gave a rul
ing that homesteaders who have
preempted a smaller number of
m tlian they are allowed under
l.uv, may ninku a sccoiul entry
ii 'iinplete the homestead of land
iiiing, before ho has acquired
ll titlu to the first tract.
I'hi' United Status Revised Sft-i-
provide (Section HSG) that
any alien of the ago of til yearn
mid upwards, onlUtod in tho army
of tho United States, who may be
houonibly discharged, shall be ad
mitted to become a citizen of tho
United States upon hi petition,
without any previous declaration
of his intention to become such,
and ho glial! not be required to
prove more than ono year's rcsi
denco within the United State
previous to such application.
Tho U. S. supremo court is giv
i tin a hearing to a ease in which
Im State of North Carolina iesuid
i citizen of that statu to compel
. tvment of a certain special
. ,tiU issued in ISM). I in
i ini-iit of contract is sot foi th.
Tiu ease involves the question of
i tu right of a citizen to suu his
state, and is tout up from thu I'ui
t ) Status circuit court on a cor
t. licite of division of opinion.
The state plants itself firmly on
tho proposition that it cannot be
sued without i;a consent. The
suit involves several million dol
lars, and was toetpoiied until this
time to secure a full bench, as the
court is nearly equally divided on
thu issue raised.
Tho HuugRrinns living in the
viliinge of 'I roop, near Sei-anton,
Pa., hnvo substituted cat llesh fur
beer. l'W some time just the
butuhcrs in the valley have- Uv.-n
unable to sell the 1 1 tins meat of
any kind. An investigation show
ed tlmt tho foreigner were just a
capable as ever of pRlrouizing tlio
butchers if they so desired. They
woio working steadily at (homines
and making fair wages; but the
J 1 uns had found a eiieapur way to
get their meat. They have been
trapping and stealing eats. Sev
end jmrtie watched the Huns dis
pwsiug of tho cats. Tho eats were
rirt skinned, tho intestines were
romovud and the carcass was then
stull'ud witli riee and roasted.
Tho recent troubles about the
receivers of dilVeieut laud oflices
has received the attention of Con
gress, and has resulted in an in
vestigation being instituted into
tho methods of receiving public
jnonoys by laud ollicors. Several
coum'Ogsuioii and senators have
boon rather anxious to know why !
60UIO or tlio receivers recently ap
pointed hnvo not been confirimd.
Senator Plumb, chairman of the
cominittco on public laiuU, ex
plained to all who enquired that
Secretary Noble had sent his pri
vate secretary to Plumb
that no more receiver be confirm
td until the investigation now in
progress shall ho completed, m.d
that some method be found to pre
vent repetitious of the defalcations
that have recently been Imuigh to
"We fcc the poor OnifOruinus nic
having n potato famine. Thoy
can now eat lemons and oranges,
you know.
Tho Somite committee on public
buildings has iccom mended an
appropriation of 50,000 for a
statue to Columbus to bo placed in
front of tho capitol on Ponusvlva
nia avenue, to bo uineilrd in IHtiil.
Swnodoii is perhaps tho most
protectant country in tho world.
Out of n population of (5,000,000,
lliero aru only 2,000 Roman Unlit
olios, the ramainder of the popu
lation belonging almost entirely to
tho Lutheran church.
Tlio UrnvoSlnUTIrctl I'niriilnir,
Doomlnc')-, for certain wrtelitl luvtllil who
UxMIe tetMf alwti, though nltmrs lutein aj
l( llioy were Rolns to ills, I'Ut omltllns to do Ic
3IM7O17 up, willicr, ilrtltiillu nwajr rliiiJIjr. tmt
I ci Hie meanllmo timer li.irltijf rubuil liwltli.
know nottilnn "t tho ptinlesl tMijojrinetit. ttio
rat or Hist exlitcnco to wl.leti tltov cllnj I'ltli
m li rmrurkalilo tenacity. Tliy are ativayj
t'j Its (minU trying to mcnt hy ttnkcrliiK tt
UHMtK'ivts nltli vmo Irnttiy reroly, tonic or
irtek ii nj" to clo a (llllp to ilknillmi. or
'M11 IIh liter " It nurli m4simlr,t liilkn
w,miI r ort aiMtmllirreln llotieitrm'KhKiin
noli IMIIr It wixiHI tw wl Hlih Ihfin. 'tlilt
wii-rli uirMrmanl niillm llif nuiniliin tlmt
Ut (rati 1) ttxiulra, liy iH-nnnimnUy rclntcireiry
,T(etktfi tttMlxu inftallim. lltivtp.iiDciMi'i
xmmr., mnlMla, KMm-y coin
ISalnU. I)lll ii'w. toi.UiiUoii, tlituattitia
t naralKl't.
Scaled Proposals
Will bo rocoivod y the county court
of fitnnt county Oregon at tint ofli n
of the con nly ulutk until WftlneHilny
Mnrcli f,tli, 1110 at one o'clock p. in.
fur staled plann, H)(ioifieaiioiic, strain
dinarnuiH ti nl biiln fora brid,'o to I o
built across the John Day livurala
paint wbero tlio county loacliii
from .John Day City to I oiij Creek
criMKPH the naiil John D.iy rivor be
ing at the west line of II. (J. Tron
bridgiH farm anil about J mile north
of John Day City.
Kaob bidder will bo required to
deposit with Mm bid lio u-r cont of
the uiiioiiut of Hiich bill, to bo for
fnited to tho county in tlio con
tract is awarded to him, ami ho fails,
neglocts nr leftist for tlio puiioJ of
two days, nflor hiicIi award in niado
to outer into a conlnnt and fi'n his
loud in tho manner required by ami
to the satiHfactiou ol tho bn.inl of
county conituiHsiouorH of said Giant
oouiily, Otoon.
Tho county com I rasoi vca tho
lifjht to reject any and all bidM.
Ily cnb rof tho County Court.
I'u 11. Mr.TM('iiAv,
Countv Clork.
Canyon City, Fob. a, 1600.
Uihl onlw it lUirti. OiHn.
Jin. -JM. ItinX
Kollr Ii Iwitl, Btin Out Ui (ulluli.,iimil
lllr lM ailol iiUn n( hit ii.IiiiIIim In
ftatl piiMf In ,i'iiil ul lila rllm, nJ OmI hiI
limit lll ! mvj Ufi llm rowily ';lik ulili-iil
i', dr., l tijuun I Ily, (if. on Jl.tch It, IWii,
U: (). A. itnwni t
It Ii S N'.i DIM, tjf ihKKiir SKiir Kirjn, Nil
tr Mi ,r Dm tt, N lull KW ,ir Ho it, Ti, 17, X II
tM. i; w H
lltK tlir i.illualfctr li" inm l,u
etitlHWHi. mlilrim UKtn, imvI cmIIUiHui, nf,
Mtlil ImmI. '.- A linn. A tirlun, O I'. Alhrn, II K
Loop, nil of Urt, Or.
Uml OlBw at ItarM. if
JfH 10, !(!.
K,l I, UtfUl vitrn lltil lha (Uu1iik tiuncl
MOUr k4 Sltxl ihiIIc ( li liiuwllwi tu mik
flnal ptvat lu n'r, n( hit ilnltM. uA Hint mU
ruol ulll I nwUa llir I lie raHiitf krk (
Orm iobmIj Or. at CnrMi (1li, Or u.i UjiiIi
11. i.o. ru, o. e, A Hon,
1'ic II H Sn. cut ), far ll, II l-S I Si Srtikxt W,
Tj, IT. S It M. II W M
lit i huji Oh fntlavtoi Ilwmi In r hu
r,.llli ,HU lltlilvll Mli ml MltlltotlttH ul,
mI. j,l. til. C II la, II A Hlrwtil, I! II
IUmhi. I.'Im, I.iJmi, all ul Mm, iit. Or.
10-41 J. It. UttNTIMi-ION, liinl.Ur.
rctltlon for Liquor Licenss-
To tho Hon. thu county uoiirl of
thu stnto of Orojon far Grant o.inn-
We tlto uuiluriiijjiieil jour (lotition
ou lespoctfnlly icjnon'iit tlmt io
mo encli ttiul nil rcuidontM mnl loal
voters of John Day iiccint in said
county, Qiid h o ask that a Ikhiiiku bo
(jr..otwl to J. II. Sjlliiitfor, to toll am!
iliviMtso of HpiiiiuotiH iuoiH and
limit Ihj'tois in sniil prcoiut in lew
quaiitinos than one gallon font peri
od of ni ino'ith from ol
Majrb, A. 1). 1H1I0.
M TiimiH, 1? Monir, C II Titniiw
T II Curl, J I) Comb. F H Whilo,
G II C!ttan,ich, Win Whituoy, J A
Frank Foster, J 1'" WoHiiini, (!co.
UiiKiicy, II ll Allen, Adam (tordou,
I 11 Ktillny, H J Klliott, W II Kollcy
K A KuiKhl, W ( Dancaii, II IC Mi.l
illeiiwa th, J i: .Mnstoi-Non, II Wolla
Hurt SUiiio, W W llniiii, IC-lttiu
Hull, Ii .MholllolJ, S P Mon-nn, T
l!oY(, it J A inlilcr, dm) W Dei by,
(' II Cob'i, John, Nfwcoiuor, J C
Cattnnnch, FranoiH Wallaeo, Thoo
daro .Moljslhin, John 1! Duncan,
I'rtuik Haiuntou, G II Thompson,
Win P MoOluro, A G Young, J S
Nolicso is boreby I'tveti thai on tho
8lh day of .Mai nil, 1MK), tho mi
tlomigmid will apply to tho ooiinty
court of thu xtaio of Oregon for
Grant county, for thu ismiineoof tho
lidonse umulioiual in the foieyiiitK
petition. J. 11. Hoi.i.txdi.ii,
Tim ilr'l'rl'llc. Ill" UH'llllulril, v lii lli
it I rum nrix til win It ul iiilmt or
liiiil), ilrliili ur ,'iiiir,i In
Malarial Hogious.
Mill flllll 'I'lltl'a I'lll. Ill,, IllOtl urnllll
rlintllvu vr ultVrcd lliu iiinnlni;
Try Tliom Fairly.
A vlmiroiu tioiiy, (iiiro lilixul, ktronK
nrrvi'i. mill ll Clin Mill niliul III n nlU
The Great Nellie Dly.
Knllio lily's wondorful story in tho
Family Story Paper is tho Inlfc of i
tho day. In towns whom thoro arc
uo noivudcalerH tho Family Story Pa
per will bo sont to any nddrcss four j
tuontiis tor ci, containing nuuio
Uly'e Groat Story. AddrosH
M on no's Pcnt.t-iiii!o llousr.
21 k 20 Vnndownlor Street.
Now York, N. Y.
Tho undtisicned lnaiiiK been ro
slorod to boaltli by Ritnnlo tnonm,
nftor fctilTorinK for sovoral yoars Mith
n tovcro hint; affection, and tint
drend disrnsu Coustiiiiption, ih mix
iotiH to mako known to bit follow
sufTorors the taoans of euro. To
thoso who desire it, ho will cheerful
ly solid (froo of chaiyo) a copy of
tho proscription ttsod, which thoy
will lind asuro euro for Consump
tion, Anthiim, Catarrh, Ihonchitis
ami all throat nml Itin Maladies.
I In hopo nil bufTorors will tty bis
Ilomedr, as it h invahiablo. Ulioro
dosirinj; tlio pnciiition(,wljjoh, will
cost tboin notlnnt,', nnd"irrfiyTfoto a
likusiiij,', will pleiuo aililrcts, K:v.
KnwAtui A. WiMosf WiSllninsbur.',
Kings counly, NowXork.
H1IFR1FF'S st?I,Ii
liy viiluo of an execution issued
out of tie ( iroitit coutt of tho nloto
of OniKOit for tho county of Grant on
tlio l(!tb day of January, A. 1). 18110,
upon a juilgomoiit rendered in said
court on tho Iltb day of September,
A. I). 188!), in favor of Frank Cotir
nellj, iihiiiilifT, nml npiimt John
Carrey, dofondnnl, for tho sum of
ono dollar, nail tho fuither sum of
lino hundred and cloven and 17-100
dollatfl coats together with accruing
costs. I did on tho lfith day of
Januaiy A. 1). 1800, scizo and lovy
ti)ou tlio followiii',' doscribiid real
ptopcrly of tho dofcmlant John Cur
roy, to-wil:
Tho S of IhoSHt; tho NW of
tho SH and tho UK of tho SV
of Sea 27, inTp 11, S It '29 U WJL,
mid containing 100 ncrca logotbnr
with all ami singular tlio tonoiiionls
horwlitainonls and nppurtenaticcH
thorouulii iM'lougm.
Nolieo iH hereby given that on
Friday tho 21st tiny of February
181)0, at ono o'clock p. in, of sad
tiny, ami at tho front door of tho
court homo in Canyon City, Grant
county, stnto of Oregon, I will sell
at public auction thu abavo ilnsnribed
prcinis, together with the appur
tenances nml nil of tlio right, title
and interest which tho M.iid John
Carrey b.ic in or to tho iuiiio on the
nnid 11 th day of September, 1880, or
at any time thereafter.
'forma of Halo cash.
Dated at Canyon City, Grant conn
iy, (iroson, thin 21st day of Jnnuory,
A. 1). 1K1I0,
W. 1'. (IH AY,
Sheriff of Grant Co. Or.
Ity J. J, McCUIil.OUGH.
Deputy Sluiriff.
Unl IIHIwi at lluriK, Dr.
J.n 15. ISO).
Katlcr Irhtcatir lll tllllli M!nllif iillunl
"ittlor t, SWil im,II i( lit, lalMillai, to hmKb
CiI piimf In kNiuitt f lilt claltu, ami tlul Ul
W will iiiimU Uvlnn Ilia Oi'Ullly ( Ink i.l
llmnt Ci, nr.. at (Unj,m Clt) . dr., nil i'tU. N,
iimi. ! Brnakott Johnson, I'm s No.
Mxn, rir tit m: 1 1 s.- i iTp it s li n i: w i.
ItHHalwM Iftc lnlliiMlaa UtHHawa to ru,e til
MHitlnuiMii Ii mWIciicv iiimhi, auil nilllaltou of,
aala l.u.l. l: Aas J . JiJ.iihui, V.. W. WttMtrr,
IV. J l'ri. Itolwit I'liiaat. all .il I'lalll t it), lie.
4i in j. a. uti.NTiNirroN, n,Si.i.r.
In tlto oitotiit coutt of tho Hlato of
Oregon, for Grant county.
Annio U. Paiilsh, Pi'ff,
Piiler Yon Ansponi, Dof
To Peter Yon AHSporn, Dofcml
ant. In Iho namo of tho Hlato of Ore
gon, you aro horoby roqulred to ap
pear and atiHwor the eouipl.iint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or l.ofoio the lirat day of tho
next regular term of wtid court to
wit: On Monday tho 3rd day of
Maich, A. I)., 18(10, and if you fail
no to answer for waul thereof, tho
plaintiff will take judgment against
you for tho roliof prayed for in tho
complaint, vii: For the mini of
SI 'ill with iiituroHt thm oon from tho
ailth day of Novoinbor 1888 nt tho
in I o of ton per emit por annum, anil
for tho Mini of S:'() nUornoy'a feci aa
providoil in the note montieiicd in
Raid coinjilaiiit, and for tho costa
and diHhurHomontH of this suit, ami
for a decree foreclosing the iiiortgngo
mentioned in said complaint and do
ciocini; tlio morlgugul piomibOH
meii'ioncil in i-aitl coniplaint bo sold
and the proccods of such sale appli
ed upon oxreusoH of sale and in H-tl-ittfactian
of said jtidgim nt and for
Mich other and fin thor relief as to
equity may boom moot.
Vou will tako notice that thin sum
ninnt is piihliHhotl by nrdor of tho
Hon. M. 1),- Cliflonl, one of thu
judges of said court.
1'AlllllSll k C'ozmi,
Atfy for Pl'ff.
. .
O f IIoppuoi',
r. a. iiii:a, kiiaxic Kifi.i.oin,
l'niili)lit. Vii't-I'iii.iileiit,
(iuiiitiiK W. Co.vsiiii, Cnnhier.
J. P. IIIIKA, T. A. ItllKA, I. T. IiOWkOS,
Tr.tiisarts a (ii'iiernl Ilantliit, Bnslncs,
u nil mit of tho world
(!ollctioii iiwiIh at all point on
Itoanoiinhlc Tunnn.
.Money loaned at from one to ton
per cent.
Salt ufa clioii, (lu ar an teed'
Cotuo ono, eomo all, and favor us
with a onll.
B3. No Ohinuio Cooks KtuployStl
MKNf. In tho county court of tho stato of
Oregon, for Grant county.
In tlio matter of tho citato of
Jamoa M. Bright, deceased.
To all whom it may concern:
Nolieo is lioroby given that Japor
Daris, ndminiHtr.itor of tho ostato of
JamcH M. Bright, iIjcihsmI, ha filoil
liis final account, and by an order of
the Hon. County Coutt of the Mate
ot Oregon, for Grant county, Mon
day the Ilnl ddy of March 1800, t
the hour of Uj o'clock n. in. of stid
day, tho satuO being tho first judicial
day of tho next regular tonn of said
court, has lcon appointed as tho
time and the county court room in
Cau;ou Cityjl Grant county, Orogon,
as the placo wheio said account shall
bo beard; ul which lime and placo
all heirs, crtAb'tois or other persona
iutoreatcd ininaid estate may appear
and lilo thijir objections, and show
caiiio, if any tlioro bp, why tho said
final nccounj should not bo allowed
ami niinrovdd and the adtnii.istra-
tion of said Istato cloiod and tlio ail
miuistrator 1ml his bomlsinen dis-
Dated tliiM7tli Jay of January,
Published lv oidcr of tho abovo
iiiunod court for lour successive
wcoks iu tho Gkant CouxTr,
printed nml published at Canyon
City, Oregon.
Jaspkii Davh,
Iml Onka at Itiirna, Or.
Jill. B, 100.
KiiIIm la litrclif jrlrfn Itie Inliboliiir nami-il
stllrr ) Mnl nutlet, of lila liitantlm to inaka
final proof In auiMt ul Ma claim, ajxl that aal.l
.,ont will Im inadtUtoia Ilia -uiit)r elalk ol (Irani
0..H1M) dr., at ran;n ttlj-. Or, n l.h. ti. 1H).
l: ffiiruuel E. Knox, !( ll S No. WU. for
tu i: i-s m ti, to: i-i i Tp ii s it m i: w i.
llaluhiM ll.a fiiielr ltiira,ea In prut lila
cmttlnuou rtaWaon, upon, aiid rulilvatlou nf. ,al,l
ImhI, trial lla-i II llwk, nf t o i. Or , anj flu..
Ilrlahaw, (Irant Ikl.lnw, A i CdinmlnKa, nf alt.
Vainun, Or.
Il lti J II UU.VTINliTON Urv-!.ur.
Ill tho circuit coutt of tho Hlato o
Oregon, for Grant county.
G. is. Miller, Plaintiff,
Ibtrvoy ItobbitiB, Perlinn
llobhius and M. Stcavons,
To Ifarvoy Itobbins and lrjina
HohbitiB, defondants nlxivo n. ctl:
An order having boon mnO on
tho linth day of December, I $!), by
tho Hon. J. A. Feo, judge of uiiil
court, for tho service of summons
upon you in tho nhovo entitled suit
ly publication therefore.
In tho name of tho stnto of Oregon,
you aro heroby retiiiircd to npponr
and answer the complaint li!cd
ngaiiiHt you in ttaid suit on or beforo
tho lot day of tho noxt tegular term
of said court, to-wit: March .'Id,
1800, and if you fail to answer, tho
plaintiff will apply to tho court for
tho roliof prayed for in tho com
plaint, to-wit: For n judgment
against tho defendant, Harvoy Jtob
bins, for tho Hum of $1701.8,1 with
interest thoreon nt tho roto of eight
por cont por annum from tho llth
day of October, 1S80, and for a do-
croo foreclosing that cottuin molt
gngo mado mid oxreuted on tho lllst
day of Decoinhor, 1870 by said de
fendant, Perlinn Itobbins and Har
voy Itohbius in favor of S. It. Far
rinli sntl K .1. W. Stcinmo and for
tho cosIh and disbursements of naid
tniit, nml for suoh fnrthor rt liof ns
to equity may scorn moot.
P.ittti.sii ,t Cozvn.
Pl'ns. Atfys.
On Improved Farms in Grant & Harney Counties.
Itanai Hales; Ho Delays whin Tills is Gioi
And Sooui-lty lu Satlfeifnotoi-v
- If you contoinplato borrowing money cull on or address---
ST II JIG. 1 1 L $ STU ItO If, L, : Baker City, Oregon.
LAUJU.1YCIC $ HOWELL, Prairie City, Oregon.
Prairie City,
l0 ao:mts
Fmnk Pro s Implemonl Co's Maobinory, Consisting of Moty, Hcnp
oh, Klf llinding Harvesters, llakos and wagons. .V full fftfof Ag
ricultuml Implimonls nml extras for all Machines usod iu thf-ountry,
Which wo will sell cheap for Cusli or on time with approved sc&frity.
Collin tVJXtil-'urluutl. llepjmtri
will make cash ndvances on next
season's clip for CHitlSTY .v. allowing pnvilcgo of tolling
in Hoppncr.
For further particulars apply by
Hoppncr, Or., Jan. S, 1S0O.
UnJ Offlca at lturn, Orto.
Jan. IS, 1X
Ntttlr ll Wraby alter, that ttia (wlr namnl
aattlrr haa nift tiotlra ot Ma InUnUan In mala
flual r-of In aurnort ul M. claim, ami that nlJ
Hbot nlll tx liia.ta Utnff Clnk ol (Irani twintr. at
Uanjan Cltr.Ornran, on llartl, t, IL Ho-
ton D. Cuornsoy. ''r n s No iw, (r ie
SW 14 MW I 4 InSiaJ Kt tSR 14 S J! Id Id
Sai.J MV 1.4 oINW 11 SSTpl?S It UK W M.
IU iiamca th loIli,lnc olttMiaM In itvi, hla
cnntlnumi rraldmc upnn.'ixl Cllltallon tt aaM
land, ili: W. H. tiouthnoitli, Cat Orlnbr, of Cn
yon etty. Or. aI Julin I'. Mulcwo, rank Ullii,
ol lllantttu, Or.
41 IV J, II, Iloinoloir, ll(ltar.
Canyon City, Or.
Thin popular retort, has
been reopened to thapublio,
and now, as in Iho past,
keeps nothing but tho best
Wines, Liquors ft Cigars-
(3. I). UlCK.lItl), Propr.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnto
of Orejon for Grant county.
li Stewart, PlainlifT,
Jamos T. Thorp, and
Kiln M. Noble, Defendant''.
To tho alwvo named defendant
JoihohT. 'lhorp:
You aro heroby summoned
and required to appear and answor
tho complaint filed against you nml
tho other defendant Kiln M. Noblo
in tlioabovo entitled court iu tho
abovo oulitlotl suit on or Wore tlio
first day of tho noxt regular term
of said Coutt, to-wil: March !lnl,
181)0, or for want thereof plaintiff
will tako a decrco of said court
against you for Iho relief prayed for
in his complaint, to-wit: For tho
sum of Ono Thousand Six Hundred
Dollar, Gold coin ot tho United
States, with interest thoreon in like
gold coin at tho rate of ton por cent,
por annum from May 10th, 1881, and
tho further sum cf Ono Hundred
Dollars ns attorney's fees, ami tho
eostfl mid disbursements of this suit,
And tho plaintiff's mortgngo on tho
following described promises mny bo
foreclosed, to-wit: The south half
of tho not th west quarter, tho south
west qiinrtor of Iho north east quar
ter mid tlio north-wcHt qtiartorof tho
south weal qiinrtor of Sec. 11, Tp 13,
S of Hango 27, 11 W. M., containing
KiOneros. And that tuid promises
may bo nold ami tho proccods thereof
applied towards tho paymont of mid
sum, nttornoy'H feo nml tho costs of
this suit, ami that plaintiff may have
a decrco against said dufendants nml
nny and all persons claiming by,
through or under thorn since tho ox -edition
of snid mortgage tuny bo
lorovor barred and loieclosod of nil
tight, title or equity of redemption
iu or to wi id tironiisos or any natt
t thereof, and for Bitch other ami lur
I thor relief an may bo just aud cqui-
tnoie. ai. i). uumiito,
Attorney for PlfV.
Th it RtnninonH ordered to 1m son oil
by publication in tho Giunt County
Nkwh, by ordor of Hon. Jas. A. Feo,
mado nt I'otidlcton, Oregon, and in
Chaml em, boaring dato Jnnuarv
7th, 1800. fi-lS
(Ineoriomtd utlcr tlio law of the State of Oregon).
Capital Slock S.00,000.00 Paid up 325,000.00
General Wnrohouso & Forwiirding Agts.
The warehouse has two Jloors, SO x 100 feel, and
is well lighted, affordinU favorable diiplay of wools on
sale. Jt Is situated near no other buildings and bears
a low rale ofinmruncC'
Last season, lhis company handled over 2,000,000
pounds of wool, and in anticipation of an increased
amount for the coming season, they will build an ad
dition to the warehouse.
During the season, an experienced, wool grader is
employed. The warehouse being famished, with a- wool
compress, buyers are enabled to have their purchases
put in condition for direct shipment to eastern wills
at a cost much below I ha I which the wool must bear via
Portland or Sun Francisco.
Cash advanced on consignments for 1S0O.
THERON E, FELL, Manager.
tfeppner. Oregon.
w: A I. Kit I.N
srLwen ,f F.'Lvcy w.utEs.
Groceries, Flour, Tobaccos, Cigars, ami ono hundred and one other
varieties, cheap for cash, at
Proprietors of
TIte City
Kcop constantly on
Patent Medicines, Toilet Arliclos, Perfumes, Soaps, Powdor, Puffs,
Combs, Tooth Nail, Clothes nml nar Finishes, Druggist's Sun
dries, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Glass, Putty, Chiiieys, nml
nml everything to bo found in n firsl
' ' class Drug Storo.
Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Orders from n dislanco will rocoivo prompt attention. ProBciiptionsnspccialty
Hapfnnsfalf Dart & Cn
ti j
Hnvo now received tho largest and most complete stock of new goods in
Grant Csunty, which they will oiler for sale at oriccs that defy competition
II. 11
Canyon City, Oregon. ,
Overholt &
George Crundlach Sf Itro.
Drug Store.
hand a complolo stock of
... . a