Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 06, 1890, Image 1

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Is the oldust iiowsp
er lietwtnii 'Jim Dulles
mid Witmeinuccn; the lar
gest circulation, therefore
in tlio liost for ml vci titling.
Is a tmu txtnr for tliu
twU InWing for tliu
iopli nml dicing the sen
timents of tlio people of
its own (.Smut County.
Volunio XT.
aLYVOy cry, gumyt cowry. ohkgojY, ri tjisxd y, F&ditu.-iitY a, isqo.
ruuusutu kveuy tiiousuat uohnino
n v
Editor and Proprlotor.
Subscription 1 year in mlvnnco S'J CO
If not paid within U months . .83 00
Six Months 1 CO
Throe Mouths 75
1 inch
'.t inch
1 col
1 col
It mo
:i mo
.1 1110
:i mo
II mo
1 year I
1 year
I year
'1 1. 001 1 year
10. 00
1 yoar
For standing display nils only.
All Handing Notico in Local
"oliinm will bo clt.irgoil nt tlio rate
of 20 cents per lino for first, mid. 10
cts oach subesqucnt insertion.
Spocialratcs to regular advortisor.
or cruitr dkschiition, cheaply
Posters, Dodgers, Uillltonds, Lotter
hoad, Notolioadi, State
ments, InviUtioiiH,
Tickets, Curds
Ktc, otc.
.'HINTED 10 onunn.
Co. Judge N. H. Mascy.
Clerk Phil Mutschau
Treasurer N. H. Poluy.
,, . . (J. H. McIIaloy.
Commissioners j f ,, Davi'M
Surveyor J. H. Ncal
Sheriff W. P Gray
Assessor ChH. TimiiH.
School Snpt H. Hayes.
Stock Inspector T. II. Curl
M. I). Clifford
, . James A. Foo
... J. L. Hand
Dist. Judges
Disc. At'ornoy. . . .
Church Directory
ltov. A. Knits holds diviuo sorvico
t tho Winogar school housn nt 11
o'clock n. in. on tlio 1st Sabbath of
tach uiontti, mid at 7 o'clock in thu
evening at tho M. 13. church in Prui
rio City. Also nt tho Strawborry
oliool houso nt 11 n. in, on tho iird
Sabbath of each mouth nud at Prni
rio C'ttr in Mio evening of tlic snino
day. At John Day City nt II a in.
on' tlio 2nd nud 1th Sundays, and at
Can) on City at 7 in tlio ovoniug of
tl.e sauio days.
Canyon City
Iioot or hhia intl to order, ot neatly r.palrJ.
All Worlt Warruuteil rlrst-cliM.
J. L. B. VIAL & SON.
and JKWHLfltS,
IIakkii Citv, - - - Oiieuon.
Donlors in
Money ta Irfitn an Col!trU.
i" Oppodlo Union Meat Market,
Uniu Stri'tt.
Canvos City, Oiicuox.
And gouond Bupplies constantly
knot on hand.
Saddles ordered nt n small dis
count. Kopairiug done on short nctioe.
Job Printing
llmicrr if A'lmlnUtorlne .Mullein..
lltiil Mistical A.IUrr.
TJwre r (ow rmiHlie llit It l
ufe u Mttvout sIiIIuhI mIvIi-o,
Karjwr'. lUtur, nml lU o oro tlio
iupt-t, ii . I miKht nil tiO m u lUt
uniprioi g only Itol water. (Mtei oil nnj a
i y tliiM tliicium of rhubarb. When
iillj n Wii ImliiiK'iMK In Illicit fcxxl,
iaH.nvm cbrrry uin, or outlnB unri
lbrrto ihco Iwnl rtl loO'a In the
.iliW iu'lc ihut tnini to bo In tlio bowuU
or lboifrc imrfooof making trouble,
tve iKMir nmiber's llmt hint U to yo it ut
hhii u reuuvtiiK ilUcharKlni; iKiltOti;
ami he imiU tin) rlillil under lmmIiute
uiilenco of ilouih In ilultiK o, ttio !iyU-
HmvIui; sn lj,iiuiiiiurr Intlusiice which l
tiie vi-r)-thlK to bo uvoKlnl. And, on tlic
ithir Imiiit, whan th t-blkl Klvi ovhleiice
I ii illarrbuMl illtoriler of the bool, tlic
iKxir mxtlier lli to her iikhIh-iiio oloot.
Ukei iluirn the nlilul oCilinlU uuituro, ami liomel tor utopiuin; tha linmodlalo
vnii ioin, not I. no win it tlnii tlio tevtr anil
illilri'nJ nud woro ousiiii K "jtx.pUMin nro
iluo to tho cReul oi tha cliaiic iniiturc,
which provonu tho )slcm (rum nwiov
Ini! Itscif, uiul llmt .hi) should luvi
civcn lustoad an unlculinx nnd olcur
Ine ikwo of CTMtor-oll. That ho U do-
tcrml from plvini; tbo oil bjr tho dlnlrult)'
of ntitiitiii; a child swu:iow thn nuunraus
druachl U not to bo nlloMod In herexouto.
fur tlio child tuMhl not know what Is clvcn.
ami thoro uro tunny wayi of mnklni; Ii
Utiilo3 Ik)iJo that of udiiilulstcrInK It In
o.iuics; for, w ht'ii Kiven, bcnlon up with
thu whltoof an p','. n if for what ii oulliM
vbb-iioi:." with sjmo suifur nml a dmh ol
lemon Juice nduod, or u drop of ottunco .l
pcpiiunmiit, tlio uuiia will tlitiiK it l Inirlnu
somo unusual ImliiiriOiioo Krunicd Uwiuo
Hdiioi not feol well, rouituiiDorlni; to It
udvuutaKO tho old nursury line:
' Oh yen. not writ ; jrou'r cry sick.
I don't txillot o lf true.
Yot only want to mat uatnm
Tc n.oke mco tbiiict fur jrou.'
Of coursa In tho wlidurtiu, on reinolo
furms and suburb, tho mother of a family
uiutt, In spito of any dancer from Igno
rance, keep many romodio on hand aud ad
miulilor laem a bot shu can, Uvauo a
phjsician I unntta.nabio then) at short
iioluo. Hut, In thatcae, an much her duly
u It Is to havo tho medicine. It I to know
how uud When to Uiiinlulslur them; and so
ho tuutt uiaso her own a minlcionl
knowliViro of too slmplor and ttibro com
mon ullmonu to bo ub!o to trout them prop
urlylnthulr prolliulnary sttwos; and thl
ouuhltobaas inuoh a iwrt ol uvery Klrl'
education as bruad iiiukltic;, sawlui;, road
lis t; and tho multiplication tablo.
Hut when a doctor 1 in tnu next street
or within ony call, anil drugs uro nt hand
round tho corner, a mother I wUa who
lukes no moro Uhiii herself In tills roirurd
than ii ho can not help, uud coutci.ts herself
until educated help can bo tiiul u'lthmaslni;
use of copious draughts ot hot water and of
noolhinK siveats.
A utiwtso as It Is to admlnUter other In iKiiorauce, it I to Uiko tho va
rious patent nied'.cluo prescribed by no
ono In nuthorlty, und cotniiuiidcl of noono
know whul thoo OiliiK" that uro recom
mended for tho "blood" tonics, purlllers
and uiilvonul euro nmdo In reality,
und as a Kenerul tiling of tho stroiiKest
di ui' and tho vl.ost alcohol, uud capablo of
proc'ucinK thu worst results lu thosyatmii,
oven to tho inllauiinalloii ot tho stomach,
the induration of tnu liver, tho weakening
of thu heart and tho deccuurutlon of tho
kidreys, every ono of which evil can bo
wrouk'hl without the patient's knowledge of
what i coInK on until tho uud approaches.
Tl.o youth who I "trentliiK" und bcinK
Q W. HAHItEH, M. 1).
IMijhIcIuu iV Sttri;'o:i.
Oanvon City : ; Orooit.
Ollici) nuxt thxir to Co. Timstimr's
ollice, Miiin Htroiit.
jy H. YOUNU, M. D.
J'ltiNt'oiaii and Suru'eoi.
John Day Citv, Or,
g OHH, M. D.
Canyon City, Ogii.
On1r on Mslu Strt In IUmiu furiiMrrly Ouci
)lcd If nr. IIsmwJ.
Q I. HAZKIriN 11
IvOSO CltKEK Olti:(iON
ODlco over John Schiuiilt's cahiuol
shop; ullico linum from i) a m to 1 p in
Pamush it Cozad.
Canyon City, - Oiuxon.
OltAllUATCOKTIIK Univkiihity 01"
Pennsylvania, April 8, 1818.
Cuiiyou City, Orupm.
O.lico in his Drug Storo, Main Sltoot
tnlura for Drugs prouiitly llllod
No profeiisioiml putroiiuo Holictcd
mljHs (iiti'ctions mo strictly followod,
treated by his coapAnion, with tho idea
that ho Is making a tusti of hlmtelf,
hi father, who I taklni; a "llttlo nome
thlDK" for Ins stomsrh's sko bctoro din
ner, ura both, oven It In perfect heiuth now,
divine tho samo thine for their vital orrfan
that tho (latent med .ctnos nro dolus for those
wtmriro not In perfect health, and both cus
toms ara tho resultof Ignorance, and shouhl
bo correoteU equally. As no ono nowaday s
would think of taking ratotncl In tha
huge doc formerly K'ven, and eun-o-ly
at ail without a phylotan's onlor,
aud oven then, oihly, with soma
doubt anil quesltoulnir, so It limy
oometo pan that In lime thevatent tnodletne
and tho unuenlod stimulant will bo IookhI ut
with similar ititrust and dufa.-or. If one
is so 'Kuriy" as to feet the ueetl of a stimu
lant, winch l, after all, of but tuiiiornry
re.H'f; If ono Is tniserablo mid dix nut
know what tho inuttor is tho only couro
tn Ik iurueil is to oil! In u practitioner
lio bumntMs It I to bo familiar with such
affairs, and who, with rmltetico and obo-ilieiii-e
i ii tlio uirt of tha sjfterer, will put
tliluiis Into a nearly rV'ht lmo us It Is
HMiblo thoy thould ixx o are npl to y
that to cull n ilivtor Is to mako ourselvo 111,
lu nixxinlaiuo with tho old epitaph bov,'iu
ulii: "1 was woll ; I wanted to bo belter,'
ortfcttlug luat It would nut havo occurred
to lis to ea.l a iliKior at ull If wo hail not
beii 111 aliuady ; und that, at any rate, ono
w!iuo bum. cu It Is to know, as It Is tho
doclur's, 1 h.oro prciuiuahly sufu In tho ill
rectliiKof Hi.!i aflsirs Hunt ono who, llko
uurilva, know nolhliiK about tha way
lu which wo nro o fearfully and wonder,
ful.y in ado. Kternal tliOLKh the ilfo beyond
the uravo, thero Is btl oi.o Ufa hero, und
llmt has to bo lived In connection with tho
1mIv; mid It would neeui II. ul ultho sllehl
ul hint of dioistur to tliu so necessary
UhIv, wo should put tlio euro of illnlitho
hands of tliwo inixil tkiKetl In such in alter,
and not run tho risk of purUiiK with IU or of
doliiK it uu irreuiellab:odunini;o.
.MmiImiii'. Irlt Terltu
III n Vine ntieet ciihle-cnr, tho other day,
says tho Cincinnati Tlmrs-Hlur, wero uu
old Kcnt.etiiuti with u ii i ar trumiwt and n
very pretty youi woman, iicvouipanlctl by
a It. lid boy. Hhe smUod ul Interval on tho
U.y ami lamed her pretty teeth in ubo
witchlie way. Allutoucu tho old man, In
the way MH'ullar to so many doof eoplo who
do not know how I.) m.ilulato their voice,
said, in lime so loud at to bo audtbluall over
tho cur: "1 only paid live dollar for my
upper leelh. H'liat did your cost I" To
ity that thn pretty woman wn mail I put
II iik- it mildly Hhe llouuceil arouiul Willi a
ttushof linger blnilnit in her cheeks, und
signaled tho conductor to let her out ut tho
ucxt crossiCK-
A Hlulilr'l'ulil Woman.
IOUlun M. Kuapp, iHlltrens of tlio Ijulle'
Home Journal, cumns to rece.vo tlio lari;el
sn.ary of any In AmurU-a. Kho 1
aid 1 10,(1 0 u year for i-oiiduclluK tlio
iaier under her cliuruo, which I u pub
lication not much ovor ten year of afc-i',
aud hits u circulation of over .Vil.OT.i, a
rosult duo entirely to tho ubillly of Us
talented edltrem. Miss Kuupp, uuw Mrs
Curtli.i, Is a woman of intMium height.
than nreltv. Kho Is uld to bo a iiouv"
.I.i Itvlilnirnnu mil.,.. I ,t f . I . t, t J
house wife, uud inuna'o hor handiomi
homuas successfully as sho uiauaeos liei
All lliimrn.f, I.rutlll.r llrlU
Quo of tho larKent leather lx)ll ever made
Is on oxhiblilun In Hilton. It U I.VI fii-i 7
tnchc kniK.-trt iiichet wide, double thick
in- and wi-nths l.t'4l iouiid. The lilJes
of (ii ui.i mala wero used for Itstnauufncluru.
(Wood .V Church's old Sttiiul)
Oorl Vui) tM'tiKl nli. HatlilU UorMi
furnklwl at ll liour ul thn day or lilifht a
rudiill. l rlc. Particular all.nllaii W to
UturUlt.;; auu itruoutliit; Iranil.nt itock.
Ualn and WaahlucUili itrttta.
Wholesaled Jielail
m:.u.i:it ix
iFIoir ai Fee..
CJ" (iixxis found to lo not lirst
ul.iss inny Ix) ruturiiud.
I'ttci'iiiirrori or-.
Stoi Mi & Dior Factory
Canyon Citv, Or.
Sash, Doors, Windows, Qlnss, Putty,
Moulding, and Dressed Lumber
Etc., constantly on Hand.
Furniluro Made lo Order.
for men mm
Qaatral a4NEUV0U8 UtDIllTI'i
w.ako.aaer 111 an4Eii, EStu
nt r.M.a A. V.u.... 1-111 V
th.HSAk,i asiiiurKDiiKLtisarisiior iosr.
iwiiw .i.iil.t uoss Tuntaor -lUII. u , ,r,
SMUflllr ttm lIUMullml,iU.lil, WrtUIUa.
l.vlH' S, .ilu.iua. .rM'o.lU. (HiUllm,
s.u a.aiiouu ruiit iimi.... .71
A Uotn Lawyer.
Ono of C'olonol liiRcrsorn stories,
nccortling to the Now York Stnr, is
thnt he found liimirlf nlono in tho
ullico ono duy while as n young iiitui
ho wnti Htinlving Irtw with n linn
out Went. lie wntt internipted by
tho entrance of n rnvv-liuned, clmrp
featured country-woinitn, who nm
bled into the room, lending n freek-le-fttted,
watery-eyed lOyearohl
boy by the hand. "Air you tho
lawyer?" idio began. On answer
ing the nllirmative nhe went on to
pay tliat she had brought herliov to
town for tlio purwc oTbintliiig fiim
out "nt thu lawyerin' trade." She
was morally certain, she averred,
that Jim was a born lawyer, and
that all he needed was a chanr.
"Hut limdatne," objected the colo
nel, "ho is entirely too young to be
gin tho study of law." "Too
young, indeed," (milfoil the fond
mother, contemptuously; "you
don't know Jim. llo was jest born
for a lawyer." Much nintitcd, tho
colonel linked her on what grounds
she bated her hopes of future great
ness at the bar for her darling
child. "Why, said she "when he
was only 7 years old he struck
work, and swore he wouldn't do an
other lick if lie got killed for it.
When hu was S he got sassy, and
put on moro airs than n prise horse
nt the county fair, and now, law
bless me, he just freezes onto every
thing lie can lay his hands on."
Be Sure
If you haro nuulo tip )our uiliid to buy
Hood' Sarvipaillla do not be Induced to taka
any other. Hood' Sariuparilla Ii a peculiar
tnrillclne, poMCMlng, by Mrtuo of It culur
combination, proH)rtloii, and cri'iuratloii,
curatho Kivrrr superior to any other article.
A Itoiton lady Mlio knew sho Mauled,
nud whose example It nurUiy Imitation, tell
her experience U'lowi
To Get
" In one toro whero I went to buy tlooil'i
BarsaparllU tho clerk tiled to Induce uto buy
tlirlr own Instead of llooil'; hntoldmatheli's
would last lonserj Uist I InlRlit take It on ten
dayt' trial) that If 1 did not llko It I need not
pay anything, etc. Hut ho could not prevail
en mo to chance. I told htm I knew what
Hood' HarsspartUa was. I hail taken It, wai
satuncd with II, and did not wont any other.
AYIirn I bcRan taking Hood's Hanaparllla
I was feeling real miserable, aalTerlns
a crcat deal wllh dypeila, and o weak
Hiatal time I could hardly stand. I looked,
and had for sonio time, like a pcrvu lu con
sumption. Hood's Ham irllla did mo so
much good that I wonder at n.ytclf sometime,
and my friend frt o,irnlly apeak of It." Mil,
llu A. tiorr, ci Tcrraco Htrccl, Iioitou.
PoUliT-alldmiiiliH. fli sis for I'r.paroJonlr
I e I. IIOOI) A CO., Aiollicar.ii, Mail.
100 Dosoo Ono Dollar
i:. n.vvr.s, joim duv, or.
Agont for tho White Sewing Machine,
tho best in tho world. A'so for the
HarhuiV Organs, and Hush A (ieits
Pianos. TIicno instruuionlH nro uu
excollod and sold nt fair ptic:o. Mr.
nays will call uu You for otdora for
I)r Scolt'H Electric ffomU nnd solic
its your orders fur Gold and Silver
w itches. Charms, So id Ji wclry, nml
Plated Tubli ware Al otds War
ranted as reprcseute 1.
Please give ine a nil'.
CaTealt, anj TraJo Mark obtained, and all I'st
Mil builacM couductcil far MoornaTC ric
Oils Orricr is Opmjitc .0. B Patcnt Orricc
aid w.can arcur. lu leaa tliu luu Ibo-o
rvinoto fruin Watiln:ttoii,
BcdiI model, drawing or I hnlo , llh drterip
Uo. Yi sdiiH), If patrniatilo or not. frca of
charge. Our ho not iluo Ull patent la atcared,
A Pamphict. "Iluw to Obtain 1'aUiil.," with
name of artual di.nta III your Stats, county, or
town, ivDl (r.o. Aililrcn,
Orr. Patcnt Orricr, Wminotom, o. C.
Wo have Iho CHEAPEST and Oetl
kWiro Ropo SoIvhko.
iNciirs man at do cents rrit rod
Iwawn Oard.n. !' ultrr and SUek K.nrtriir. a;
ili.a anJ wioilia, (late. l imalrh I'rlevalow. H-.l.t
by ila('f.. I't-rtglil I'ulil. Hn4 for elrnulari,
tilt lllUXKOtMIHttrSIII., IUII1U1, uu
H !.. ICr.MKII.KV '...
99 ft
A Case Which Causes One to Doubt
the Value of Circumstantial Kvl-dence.
About twenty years njo, says
thu Now York Sun, a furinor en
tered a farm house of .lolm West,
of Indiana, ami being discovered
while prowling around the house
lie hhot West in order that ho
might iimku his cciio. Tho hour
was midnight and thutu was a
bright harvest moon lighting up
the room in which thu shooting
took place. West hud a club be
side his bed ami he gavu thu intru
der a powerful blow with this bu
fore tho shot wits lired. The bul
let entered bin abdomen ami hu
lived about three days and was
perfectly conscious all thu time,
lie declared on his dying bed that
his murderer was a young man
mimed Solomon liichards, a law
less character who hung about thu
villinge two miles away. Mrs.
Wont tcoognized him as well, and
when Kicliurds was arrosted ami
charged with thu crimu he did not
deny it. There wasn't the slight
est doubt in his guilt, ami but for
the firmness of tho sherilf thu fel
low would havo been lynched. He
liml been in jail two weeks beforu
hu declared his innocence. As he
had no money hu could not en
gngu a lawyer, but ho Hindu u
statement to the sherilT which tct
that ollieial at work to prove an
alibi for him. On tliu night of
the shooting Uiehards hail sat in
thu villagu tavern from D to 10
o'clock. This could bo vcrilicd.
When hu left tliu tavern hu visited
two saloons, but this could not bu
verigod. Several persons wero
almost sun! of having tccn li i it)
hut no onu was positive. Ho
claimed to have spoken to a host
ler nnined Wurner, but when War
ner was consulted he could not bu
suru whether it was that night or
the ono preceding it. On his way
from the saloon to the barn Uieh
ards encountered, a pcron who
was dtcsscd like himself, ami
whoso general reseiiibhintio was
very striked. I'oth halted and
looked each other over as if as
tounded, but neither spoke,
i Not otic man in a hundred
would have taken any stock in
such a story, but thu shcrilf, sin
gular as it may seem, believed liiclmrds was telling thu
truth. West had struck the man
with a club. liiclutrds had not
thu slightest wound or limine.
Thu pistol with which tliu shoot
iug was done had been left behind.
No out) about thu village had ever
seen it before. How could Uieh
ards, who uevur had a dollar at a
time, havo purchased iti Hu was
on the street, perfectly unconcern
ed when arrested. If he was gul
ly why had hu waited right there
to be taken into custoy when thu
farmer had called out, "Nil Kicli
ards, you havo shot me, but I'll
live to see you hiingi"
All thesu points were overlook
ed by uvoryhodv except thu shcriir.
Mr. ami Mrs. 'ut dcclurod that
Sol Uiehards was thu man; that
was evidence enough, especially
when Sol was a good-for nothing.
Three weeks hud pasted when the
sherill got track ol a man who had
passed a tole gatu at an early
morning hour carrying a bundle.
Further on ho found that tho man
with the bundle had a bloody ear.
Five i ii i It k further hu had entered
a farm house, alleged that he hail
met with an accident, and hail a
Hf tip wound dressed, lie hml jour
ii yed a hundred miles before tho
shcriir overtook him, but hero and
there hu had sold fragments of his
plunder. When linally overhaul
ed ami arrested hu nifmittod his
crimu almost I oforo a ijiiustion
was naked. lie was n profession
al tramp, and robbery wits nothing
new to him. I lu was not only
dressed precisely liko Uiehards,
hut ho resembled him so closely in
lu iglit, build, weight, and facial
expression that people cuiuu to the
jail ami called him Uiehards. lie
gavu his tut in i) as Terry, but ns he
could remember little or nothing
of his childhood, and as this was
also tho oaso with Uiehards, it was
generally believed that thoy woro
twin bnttherd. Thu one was to
leased as an innocent man, and
the other w sent to prison for
such a long term as nraetionlly. as
sured his (loath within thu gloomy
A diamond in Paris is worth
Chicago has over o.OOO licensed
liipior saloons.
Salt liko was 1,000 foot highur
than is at proMitt.
Telegraph wire havu to bu re
newed ovury live or sovon yours.
Ktuphnuts have been known to
live to thu ago of four hundred
A tortoisu has been known to
live to thu ago of one hundred and
lCaiietu adopted a prohibition
amondmunt to thu constitution in
Camels sometimes livu to thu
ago of onu hundred; stags are long
Thu National house of lopruseii
lativus is larguly niadu up of young
A dog lives twenty yours; a
wolf twenty; a fox fonrWvun to six
teen yours.
A swan has attained thu agu of
two hundred years; pelicans aru
long lived.
Ovor 700.000 people havo mov
ed to Kansas to stay within thu
last eight years.
I'igs have been known lo livu lo
the age cd thirty u-ars; tho rhi
noceros to twenty.
Moro than a billion dollars has
been uxpjiidel by thu United
State in pensions sinco IS(H).
According to a recent ealcula
tion, thero nro 1 00,000 govern
ment employee in thu IJnitud
Thero are seven monuments in
the various cities of Italy to Count
Cavour, hut not one in K'oiue.
Tho great slave mart is in Con
stantinople. There thu human
Irallic exists in the highest devel
opment. Thu ItraxilliaiiR tiro said to form
tho largest uud richest foreign col
ony in Paris. They never haggle
over anything.
Cuviers eonsideiH it probable
that whales sometimes live one
thousand yroire-. A bear rarely ex
ceeds twenty years.
Thu latest flgiiros show there
are 'Jod.-OOO Indians in thu I'ni
ted States, living upon 1 1,0110,10.1
acres or 100 acres apioce.
The .lows in Now York city
havo forty nine synagognos, and
constitute it larger population than
in Jerusalem itself, numbering
nearly 1)0,000.
Tho Pilgrims Progress" hit
been translated into Ainharid, the
language of Abyssinia. The boa!;
has i.ow been translated into eighty-four
Tho ago of the new mouther of
the house of representative. avur
agu not less limn forty years. A
generation ago they thought a leg
islator should be lifty or sixty.
.Nenr IJoborah's Uoek, oil the
Mraudywinc, stands a ennou
growth in tho shape of two large
trees, onu uu oak and tlio other a
hickory, which have grown togcth.
A imrly of surveyors in the
wild Ugutlmiiru country, in Now
Zealand, Iihmi discovered and
biotight buck to civilisation a white
woman, who has been idnntilicd by
a scar on her liody a the daughter
of a settler, stolen llfteen years ago,
when a child, by thu Maoris, Sho
was living with a Maori and his
wife, and could not remumber a
word of Knglish.
Tho St, Louis (iloho Democrat
has made the surprising discovery
that in order to be eligible to fury
duty in Missouri, it is not neci-i
sury that tho party summoned
should bu !il yoar of age. A gen
tleman, whole sou, aged U0, wa
iiicludcd in a lint of persons cligi
blu for jury duty went to .1 udge
Withrow in his behalf, when tlio
judgo said that if hu was but 0
years of ago and possessed of tho
romiisito intelligencu ho would hu
obliged to iurvo.
Tho prcucher w ho dropped into
an oflluo in Alpena, Mich., the oth
er day when? four of the biggest
gutis ln town weie playing poker
for money, may not havo known
what hu wits about, but then again
hu inny. Anyhow hu Hashed u
Rtihferiptiou pip'r for
nuvolunco before tl.o blnhiiig play
ers, ami quickci'ii you could say
lack Uobinsoit, took pledged for
- - 44fr
The race problem is one that per
plexes the thought fid nnd makes
the thoughtless mad. The instinct
of eneh race treats a enemies all
other nirod. Where instinct con
trols tho condui t, vinlenee is tho
suro outcome of contact IsHwcon any
two ween. On the Pacific coast
this instinct leads to the demolition
of Chinese wash hutisi's, in other
part) of the Union it breeds rackot8
about negro questions. Them may
be a timo when "the lion find lamb
will lie down together," but it will
bo a long while before tho Anglo
Saxon will dwell eonifurlnblo with
olthor black, red or yellow neighbors.
Alisolutoly Ptiro.
Th i "i-i H i .i , in ii .i 'f pu- t ,
Irri'iMh m' .....(.. '.t , . ..
l'n aiiin, i a i . i . . , , ,it,i..i ii, i e o.) .-it
Uw miii ii ni-n'.i'. i -1 t'-.i -ii i .an, i,t.
tum or I'ltii.,!-, it ) i. ii. huhl -'ii. in r.tit.
llojIIUl'iu l'n i Ul i i ., uu U.I! -1 S Y
jr. w. 3vioii-,
Notary Public.
I'ltMIlIK ClI Y ... OlIliniiN.
Also Agent for tho sale of School
I'rnni'ii'tor of tho
John Day Milk Ranol1
Kiesli milk ibdiverod daily to my
custouiei'N in John Day and Canyon
mliiiH. (live uto your ordotH.
jy- H. 0.V. .
(Dili. .j.... it Ma urn Hill)
Canyon City .... Orogtii.
gflr .III JJ - Warranted.
Livery anil M ulalilc.
Cnuyoii Otty, Oiuut Co. Oircoti.
iT.-rv:u kciii-'m u staku
Ibiving bought tlnsfl popular
SlublesI K HptTifully solicit a nluuu of
thn diblic puli'inarte.
PiiNt-elitsi i mglo and Doublo
TeaniH to lot.
I'lse a ien iA'.its.
Sni eial iiltelitlOli KIVi'Il to tllU
I . ,
eato of'iit stock,
Prof. Loisette's
1 t iim 1 1 vi u iuIm Hi
Hi- 'I. M
t-.n 0 t -
lllllislr ide I i
flat (ll
1'M.I 1 1 - '
t.s-rtny fl t IN M
i (I . Up.: i il, t"f'i
ii It, ir -ii wmiM
i , mi 'iiti t tub' lilm
i . 'i' il it -tKtrtLA U.
I t- -. II "I I 'sPVlt(ll
' t k ' ! is'"'
H4MII kllltf fll (M4Sth In
i.i'ihi.'s. i 1 isttM frvwislltitt
4 i ,1 , ' i tt i i i'i 1 1 41 ftlititttireiul
t ,ll( ItsU , )tsWiCS
i , . ')!( rttulHI. Ht
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