f ,1 THE6RAHT COiTUEE Thursday, Dec. 10. " LOCAL BREVITIES. A neat Ufw sign adorns the front of the City Hrowory. Ilomeo Oibt, tried nt Poitland for the inuitler of a hoy and shooting a ttolioa nffioer, was found guilty of mur ilurtn the kocouiI dugrea Marriage license was sold hy tho county ehtrk last week to Tho. It. Smith mid Lillian 0. lliiyden, nnd Ittnmut Cochmn nnd Km tun 0. Alton. Pott Olson, tho California mttrdurur for whom tho authoiitioA hao lioon searching nliout four years, is again reported captured this timo ovor at Otirfwlil, Wnsh. Indiana at tho Warm Spring rosor vntioit aro now Hjpplict hy tho gov ernment with spring mattresses to sloop upon. Whnt i fool thin govorn inant of ours is gutting to lw. UttAMli H.mLK. A grand mlllo for turkeys, gooso and ducks, will com mence nt tho Hed Front saloon on Monday Dec. 23, nod continuo until after Christmas. Tuko a chance, f Tho high mountain south of us is a good weather inilicator. Just 'ooforo a storm or chinook thoro Ih generally a terrihlo uproar on tho mountain, in dicntivo of a commotion in tho' upper atmnrihuru. Y Miss ConU, of Praitio City, who is attending tho State Normal school nt Monmouth, is tho oidy representative from Grunt county. Thoro aro twenty-four countios of tho stato represent ed in this school. Johnstown, Pa., booms to ho an ill fatsd city. A falso alarm of firo was given thoro a fow days ago, and a pa nic onsuod in a crowded theater, when several persons lost thoir lives and many woro wounded. Wo hnvo been handed a wool circu lar tolativo to tho importation of "c.irpet wools," with tho request that wo givo it publication, and will givo tho matter attention ns soon as wo have sufficient spaco for it. Tho sheriff's convention which re cently met at Portland, decided upon publishing a rogue's gallery nt their own oxpenso. AH tho prisoner.! in tho .jVonitoittiary will Im photographed and afull. description of them printed in poufjihlet form. Hobt. lliniw is assisting Mr. A. 0. Hall during tho winter in developing his mining property on tho creek. Mr. Hall has worked faithfully in en deavoring to discover mineral ledgos near his ranch, and now his labor is alxmt'tp Iks rewarded. Iiiugur Hermann and a number of olhur reprosontativos at Washington lost largo sums of money recently on account of unprofitable gambling vent ures of Kilcolt, cashier of the houso of leijregentativos. Tho money with wlueJi to pay them is gone, nnd so is 'SilHk For tho information of all parties wo will stato that Canyon City has no national bunk. There was a hanking institution partly organized last glim mer and a building prepared for the Itank, but tho plans novor matured, and tho cold frosts of autumn nipped in tho hud tho first national bank of Canyon City. .loo Combs has returned home from an unsuccessful chnso of a horsethief to tho totithorn part of tho state and down into California. That is the fellow wo mentioned some time ago as having sold a span of horses for fifty dollars. After ho was gone tho own er of tho horses who resides on tho Malheur wroto that they were stolon from him. Kiiuoumgiiig assays aro continually lwing received from ore out of the Ophir and Gopher lodges up tho creek, bo that there is no doubt hut active development work will lo commenced as early in tho spring as it is possible to loud a pack animal up the moun tain. Tho trail which was Uigun a hlmrt time ago will Ihj finished when tho snow goes oil', mid then powder ' nnd tools can bo transported to tho scene of operations. The Sued Annual for 181)0 issued hy D. M. Ferry fc Co., of Detroit, Michigan, has reached our table. Its cover this year is especially artistic nnd attractive, and its contents as us ual, interesting anil instructive. Fer ry's seeds aro thoroughly reliable, and always comu true. Tho directions gioit in tho Annual for tho cultiva tion of both llowers and vegetables are so full and explicit that no one can fait of success who uses their seeds uud follows the instruction:!. A ru stiest sent to tho firm at Detroit Michigan, will bring you a copy of the Heed Annual for 181)0 by return mail. U. H. Coopor, whom it will lw re membered drovo some of 1), W. Jen kins' lioros from Hear valley last summer without tho knowledge or consent of .Mr. Jenkins, is by this time far beyond tho rwich of tho sher iff, and still going. Sheriff Gray was appriixl of tho fact that Cooper had relative in Jaoksou county, ami sup nosiiicr ho would laud up there with tho stolen animals, wroto tho sheriff at Jacksonville to look out and arrest him if on thoro. it appears that the sheriff was ulont, but tho deputy, 11. T. Armstrong, through ignorance or some motive unknown, told a friend xif Cooper's lulativos that there was a warrunt out for him, thoroforo Mr. Jenkins is out his horse and tho thief is out of jail. Cruaap has a fine display of Holiday goods. . j Dick Clark is nn apprentice in Iho lnrbor shop. Six days shnlt thou Inlwr nml then oomos Christmas. This slip ie indebted to U. S. Sen ator Mitchell, for favors shown. Judge Dustiu nml family are occu pying tho Frank Hut-, rosidonco. Next issue of tho Nkws will con tain an illustrated Christmas story. ' (Jhampngno cocktails and Tom A Jerry every day nt Smith's strnik fac tory, t Snow is rojiorted twenty inohos deep on the summit between Hums and Trout creek. Senator Mitchell will prawnt n bill asking an appropriation for several light houses along the north west coast. Hall at John Day Christmas night w ill l,o in the load in the way of Hol iday festivities. Circuit court for Grunt county wilt convene in regular sosaion the third day of next March. A public Christmas troo will o decorated somewhoro in tho city-f Tuesday ovening probably at tho M. K. church. The two legislature in Montana continue to hold tho fort, but the Or ogouian says tho democrat legislature is weakening. Louis Kvuttsbusch has vacated the Soda Spring station, nnd John Mill caro and wife aro keeping that popu lar stopping place. Hy a stiango oversight Postmaster Gouoml Wanamaker dill not say any thing aliout his lino lino of holiday goods in his rupott World. In Mexico forty-eight languages nro spoken, not including the one in com mon use by peoplo who miss the trains by only a few minutos. Mr. J. Sloan was down from his ranch on Canyon creek Monday. Ho s.iys the coldest weather that had boon up there was two degrees abovu zero. Thermometer rangud a few days during tho week pretty regularly at alout 18 uliovo zero of mornings, anil not n great deal higher in tho middle of tho day. Harney county's expense bill at the last term of her county couit was S7, 801,82, bosidos tho warrant of 810, 000.G1, in payment of her indebted ness to Grant county. Jerome Moore and family arrived homo last wool; from a visit to rela tives in .Iinnosota. Mr. Moore re ports some winter ovor there, while wo in Oregon were enjoying splendid climate. Hev. Father Charles Lang was mar ried last week at Little Kock, Ark., to Miss Helen Hillxitch. Lang was a Catholic priest, but ho became infatu ated with the girl, and was deposed from the priesthood in consequence. The iKJstmaster gonoral recom mends n double postal card for re turn answers. This will enable one to make nn inquiry by tiostul card and at tho panic time pay tho post ago on tho reply to hi inquiry. Tho .Multnomah county court has admitted to oitizchship George Steve fnchottoH, a native of tho island of Crete and a subject of tho sultan of Turkey. What names some people do have. A few like this fellow would make a lengthy petition for liquor li cense. Kuprosoiitativo Hermann, has so cured tho establishment of a postal money order ollico nt Prairio City. This will bo a groat accommodation to tho Prairie folks, who have heretofore had to send money by registered mail and tuko chances of being roblxid, or coino to Canyon for a money order. Hev. Father Heinrich, of Haker City, locked the church door tho other day and refused to preach any more unless his congregation would potlatch more ehickouiiu for his support. Min isters like money same as other folks, nnd fool it thoir duty to look after their temporal welfare while saving souls. Chas. .Miller, whom wo advertised as lost, surprised everyone hero by marching into tho postoflico ouo even ing during the weok. Nothing like advertising. The searching paity sent out from (intuitu found Mr. Mil ler in his log cabin preparing for a trip bulffw to look after his coal prop ort.M. yDlliceis of Homer I.odgo, No, "8, Af. 0. V. W: V. G. Cozad, P. .M. W; J. I). Sutherland, M. W.j F. P. Horn ley, Foreman; (i. 1. HaZoltino, Over seer; C. Vf. Parrish, Recorder; Peter Kuhl, Receiver; Clay Todhunter, Fi nancier; C. W. Honhani, Guide; M. A. Lucas, I. W.J A. 0. Doro, 0. W.; 0. Todhunter, Trustee. A Portland paper Bays: Mr. John Parker is a shareholder in tho Portland Consolidated silver minus, in Grant county. This iniiio is Hitunted about forty miles from linker City and a littlo ovor four utiles from tho famous Cracker minod, that wore Kohl to a St. LouiH uyiulicato for fl,5(X),()UU. Tho com jinny, composed of thirty gontlemoit including .Mr. Pnrkor, bought 100 acres of Huh mineral country for $ 1(1,1)00. Sixty ncrcH aro placoru and tliero aro two lodges of oro that will assay $80 to tho ton. Tho tninoa have boon btilliciontly tlovol oped to provo that tho company aro Hiiro of u hand hoi no return on thoir i inveatiiiuiit. MOUNTAIN CREEK MUSINGS. Mountain Creek Doc. lfi. Cold. Ton degrees bolow zoro, this morning, nml nn inch and a half of snow. Mrs. Younger lmtl tho misfortune to slip on an icy porch a fow days ago and falling, nnd was ho sovoro ly injured as to he confined to hor bed ever since. Mnrtiu Dow, Jr., had quito a narrow escape ycslordny; ho was splitting wood, when the ax became entangled in a rope which hung from a rnflor of the woodshed, caus ing it to turn over and etriko him on the head, cutting through his cap and making quito a gash in his bond. Fortunately the greater part of tho edge had been broken oil", or the accident would in all probabili ty havo boon fatal. Avery pleasant dance was given lait Friday evening by tho citizens of Rooc Creek. Though your cor re8oniujit was not present, has heard that all who woro, enjoyed themsolve immensely. Mountain Creek ih)svmos at lenst ouo llddlor to every half dozen inhabitants, and the motto is, "wherever two or threo aro met together, bo sura to have n dance." S. M. Let I Mm 13 c From Grant County. John Day, Dec. I I, S'J. HnrroH Nkws: In a late issue of your paper you very magnanimously suggest the propriety of one or both of the great parties giving the nomination for joint senator of Morrow, Grant, and Harney counties, to somo citizun of Harney county, and give as one of the reasons for such action, that Grant county had tho senator in the last legislature. This item has been copied by a number ol papers throughout Konstorn Oregon, and also hy the Daily Orogonian. As j no one, so far as I know, haa pub-, licly expressed any contrary opin-1 ion, it would appear to bo tho sen-1 timont of the community in which it originated, and yet I am porsuad-1 ed such is not tho fact. It is true the senator in tho legislature of I 1S.SS), hailed from Grant county, but that county at tho timo tho ( election took place was one sonalo- ! rial district, and the senator had to bo elected from among its citi zens. It is also true that that sen ator labored as best he know, to legislate himself out of Grant coun ty, while tho representative who hailed form tho territory now con stituting Harney county, and who owed his election, not to the people of Harney county, hut to tho north ern portion of Grant county, suc ceeded through combinations with the supporters of Portland's Water bills, in legislating himself out. No ono in Grant county would havo complained of tho creation of Har ney county, except perhaps a fow ollico-holders, whoso revenue was considerably dimiui'hud hy that Act, had the bill been a fair ouo to both sections, or if tho lines had been established at the point desig nated by the Johnson bill two years before. Hut the bill presented and passed was so manifestly unjust to j northern Grant that tho people i tliero concluded that Grant county was not represented nt all in either branch of tho legislature, as it would havo boon an easy matter for the senator to havo it amended when it reached tho senate. Tho senator and representative elected to represent tho peoplo of Grant county, in thuir zeal for secession and division overlooked and neg lected all other matters of interest to their constituents, and I may bo pardoned in occupying bo much of your valuable space, by referring simply to ono matter of interest to almost every citizen of the county. The terms of our circuit court were changed from the second Monday in April and the first Monthly in November, to the first Monday in March and tho first Monday in September of each year respective ly. Tho former arrangement was , by tar tho most suitable and con venient for tho people, of Grant county, and I think it vory doubt ful, if tho sheriff during some sen tons would succeed in reaching cer tain precincts to servo process for tho March term, or if peoplo duly served, would ho able to reach tho county sent nt that senson of tho year. Not a word of objection was raised by tho Hon. senator or rep resentative to tho passage of tins iiiqiortant change when under con sideration by tho legislature. As a citizen of Grant county, I boliovo tho joint senator for Morrow, Grant nnd Harney counties should hail from Grant county, anil I know thoro is plenty of material within its limits fully as competent as any that can ho produced hy cither of the othur countios. Yours, lite. Justin:. lu a little town of Schluswig-Hol-hU)in there is a tux exemption for dogs "that sluep with their masturs ami mistreasoi, and so preserve tliuiii from gout, rheumatism ami like im." Attention Comrades. Mombors of Gen. Iluncock Post. No. !M, G. A. It., are requested to bu prosout nt n called meeting on tho ovening of Deo., .'list, at Grunge hull, John Day, at the usual hour of meeting. Husincss of import ance. Ity ordor of i Post (,'ommandkii. JOHN DAY DASHES. Mr. Frank Kisk ia having boon quito sick, improving, Miss Jessie Booth is stopping with hor sister, Mrs. Timms. Th Sunday law went into oflect last Sunday. Our saloon closing for tho first timo. Mr. Kd, Sheffield has opened the room owned bv Chas. Cobb and you can plnv for candy, nuts or ci gars, instead of drinks. On Friday evening an entertain ment will bo given by tho ncholars of tho school assisted hy a few of tho young people, to conclude with a social (lance. Mr. Joe Combs returned Sunday evening without tho follow ho was looking for, having gone na far as California, returning via Portland nnd Haker City. We will havo a Christmns treo Tuesday evening, and school dance Wednesday evening. So much go ing on wo anticipate a lively time in our city during the llolidavs. UMvekvi:. One Hundred Years Aco. Mr. Otis Guernsey handed tho Nkws man last week a clipping from an old newspaper with an article under tho above hum!, to-wit: Slavery existed in all tho states thon except Massachusetts. As late as the census of 171)0, tho first ono taken, all tho states except the one noted hud servile inhabitants; even Vermont had seventeen, . anil New Hampshire l"8. Ilowsirungc it is to read now of tho buying and Helling of slaves in New Knglaud a century ago nnd to find in Hoston paers advertisements of runaway negroes. The following is a verba tim copy of a bill of sale of a slave given in Connecticut in 1871: "To all men to home those Pres ents comi. greeting: Know yeao that I Jojiah Crampo of Milford in tho County of Newhaven in tho State of Connecticut for the consid eration of Sixty Pounds Lawful money Do Sell make over and con forme unto Abraham Clark in Mil form in s'd county and state afore s'd as my one Proper lCstato on ne gro Hoy named Ilnndoiv Coggs thirteen yearso and During s'd ne groos naturall Life and if said ne griH) Im fcet free within six years trout this Date by tho Laws of this state then I Josinh Cniup Do bind niv Self my heirs Kxecutors or ad ministrators to Pay hnik to said Clark so much of sM sum as shall be judged that s'd nogroo base not carnt and I Josiah Cnmpu Do bind my Self my heirs executor or ad ministrator formerly by these Pres ents to warrant and Defend s'd Clark from all ('lame from aney Person or Persons whatsoever for s'd nogroo whorounti) I havo Set niv hand and sell this IWtli Day of January Ad 1781. Josiah Cami'." About live thousand Dakota Indians will bocomo full Hedged citizens as soon as lauds aro allot ted to them in severalty. I'lit.il under hor now form has adopted tho stars ai.d stripes of the United States, hut instead of the gorgeous red, white and blue thero is a sickly green and gold. George Coulter of Charleston, W. Va., while sound asleep, got out of lx;d at night and swam across the liv er nnd lck again. Do was oarriod homo by somo Boutlniiiau who had seen feat. him perform this temarkable Heart rendering talus of destitu tion and suffering among tho fisher men in Labrador aro pouring in. Near Point Ksquimnttx, entire fam ilies aro on the verge of stai vation, and are subsisting on tho flesh of dogs. Gold is still being brought to tho surfacu in fair volume. So fur in ISS'J slightly over S100, 000,000 worth or gold litis been dug from tho earth on tho four continents. Tho largest quantity camo from Australia, California and South Africa. Chief Postollico Inspector Ihtlh- I) ouo reports that during tho hut fiscal year BO 1 persons were nr restod for robbing tho mails, of which Ol! were postmasters, 25 assistant postmasters, lH dork", II) mail carriers, 27 lettor carriers, 1'27 burglars and I highwuinou. Ono hundred ami forty-seven con victions woio obtained and 550 nro now awaiting trial. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs aro purposely avoided by tho Cnl. Fig Syrup Company. It nets gently on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho system effectually, but it is not it cure-all and makes no pretentions that ovory bottle will not Euhstnntiute. Want Borne School Uooks? I'ricoH of school books furnished hy Ivison, Hlakoman fc Co., as por contract with the Statu of Oregon: Fish's arithmetic, No. 1, exchange Hi eta.; introduction, MO cts.; retail after March 1st, 116 ots. Fish's arithmetic, No. '2, exchange, HO cli; introduction, (10 eta.; retail after March 1st 75 els. WASHINGTON LETTER. Wasiii.vcjton, Doo. 12, 'SO. Ki. GiiA.vr Co. Nkws: A rwtlly complete concensus of the opinion of mombors of tho House and Senate us to the Presi dent's message is of course impoMi ble to seeute. The majority hnvo no definite opinion to give. A fow Southern democrats express thoir opinion of his lomarks on ballot box frauds against (ho negro in rather picturesque language, but that is about all. Tho message is an unusually long one, but this is tho fault of necessity, as the mani fold interests of tho government broaden with every year, nnd it is tho duty of the president to "givo tho congress information of the states of tho Union." Viewed from a literary standpoint the document is much inferior to such polished ef fort as President Cleveland's lalor od ufibrts, full of strange words and German mysticisms. Hut while tho language is commonplace it is also business like and there thoro is no straining for effect. President Harrison is not the man to lie awake nights trying to think up some expression that shall tickle tho ear of the groundlings. Per haps, unliko Hencouhfield, hu does not believe that "the world is gov erned by words and not by ideas." The president's position on tho colored franchise in tho South, on tho civil service and on the silver coinage, will meet with most oppo sition. On the tariff and tho stir plus question he adheres clearly to the declaration of his party. As to pensions thero is no doubt of his liberality, nnd his wish that no Un ion soldier should ever bo allowed to die in a poor house, will meet it hearty response. The president is opposed to freo coinage of silver and doubts the wisdom of any consider able increase of tho present rate of coinage. In other words while ho likes silver he is not, in the beauti ful langungo of the street, "stuck" on it. The nomination of David J. It re we r of Kansas, to succeed the late Stanley Mathews on the su preme bench was a gnat surprise, having only been rumored about twenty-foil'" hours beforo it was act ually made. The uoininutiou was due largely to tho inlluoneo of Sen ator Plumb. In view of Judge Hrewer's lack of party record fur ther than having always been it consistent and persistent office hol der, it is likely that his nomination will be less' popular than would havo boon that of certain other prominent candidates for the posi tion. Judge Hrewer is tho son nf a missionary, being born in Smyrna, Asia-Minor. He was educated in this country, lie is connected with several prominent American fami lies. He is a nephew of Justii Field's and it will bo tho first time in tho history of the country when two men so closely allied havo sat upon the bench together. Judge Hrewer is a victim of asthma and tho moist climate of Washington will bo the grealebt draw-back to his new home. The Senate adhered to the lime honored plan of the drawing of lots as to which of tho Senators from the now states should ho designated for the short terms and which for the long. Prior to tho adoption of the motion Mr. Collum presented a certificate from tho two houses of North Dakota, designating Mr. Pierco as the long term senator. Tho Senate hold that the legisla ture, under tho constitution, had nothing to do with the matter. Mr. Pierce proved as unlucky in tho casting of lots as ho wan beforo tho senate, for Mr. Casoy, his colleague, was tho lucky man who received the long term. 'fho House, though only occupi ed by a score of people, looked like a mysterious school rojiii last night. Mr. McPherson, tho newly elected clerk, was testing tho fourteen gen tlemen who appear as cnudidati'H for the two positions of reading clerks f the House. ICailt man was given ten minutes hearing. The reading was Washington's farewell address, being selected by Mr. McPherson as an especially difficult composition. It was given in every stylo from tho business rntlle of a roll call to a sing song, and from cast iron delivery to the most ambitious manner. The sala ry of reading clerk is J.'l.CiUO per annum and tho plum therefore worth trying for. The trial of last evening was not conclusive, howev er, and several of tho best readeis will hu given a chance before the House to-day. If tho trial proved anything, it'proved Iho scarcity of gout I readers. Some of tho readers perished up on the shoals of hesitation, while several bhowed the part of the country they were from by amazing provincialisms; while still others merely nlteuiptod to roar. The last was a great defect, inasmuch as a sharp, metallic voice is requir ed in tho House in order to ho hoard above tho din of conversation: A voico of groat volume nu'ght drown the noise, but could not it self bu hoard. Witness tho num ber of butts voiced readers who fail beforo political conventions, and similar noisy bodies ovory year. Oregon is shipping bridgo timber to China. The celebrated Mitchell Wagons, I lucks, Carts, Huggies nnd Ittiek boards nt Collin it MoFiirlaud'H, JIuppnur. Go to tho Hed Front Hilliard Hull, Ciiyou City, for fine wines, liquors and cigars. The finest stock of Drygoods, Clothing, Roote nnd Shoes, nt Collin A McFnrlnnd's, lleppnor. Sloves tfr Tinware, Doors v Win dows, cheaper thnn anywhere, nt Collin A" McFnrland's lleppnor. Kyo, Hnrloy, Timothy, Alfalfa, nlwnys on hand in largo qunntity, at Collin t McFarlnnd's, lleppnor. SloUron Cow Hoy Hats, Silver Hits and Spurs; Calfskin Coats nnd Vet. Cheyenne it San Jose Sad dles, at Collin A" McFnrland'a Ilop pner. Professor Uiinrtte's Memory sys tem is creating greater interest than ever in nil pnrts of tho country, nnd lierfons wishing to improve their memory should scud for Ids pros pectUd,"freo nsrtdvertitcd in another column. Good grass and wntcr nil tho way to lleppnor nnd 100 inilra of travel snvod on the round trip, over over The Dnlles route. Prices of goods lower nml wool higher. Go to Collin nml MeFurhind, they keep tho largest stock nnd sell more goods thnn nny store in Oregon. Why? RoenuM! their prices nro lowor; they buy everything by tho car loud. " A Ttatts-Continental Innovation. Shaping enr jmiUHUigfrs from l'n eific Coast ivoirts via Chicago, Mil waukee tfc St. Paul and Union Pa cific Overland Fast Mail Lino no longer have to wait in line nt Coun cil Mulls Transfer Station to ob tain sleeping car berth reservations east of tho Missouri river. The new arrangements mndo by tho Omnha and Chicago Short Lino of tho Chicago, Milwaukee v. St. Paul Railway obviate all sueh delny ami annoyance. For further piirtictilnrs enquire of nearest Coupon Ticket Agent or ad dress J. W. Casey, Trav Pass. Agt. !!.'! Stark St. Portland, Oregon. 1 TOC 1'AN WHAT IT IS. SIX STANDARD VIHTUIS. its r.rrir.wv. I. u invci to iirniiit. -. It nllrf In uro. :i. It anr' nro ii-rimtiiniit. . It rtirot iik rrlnru f pain. ti. II ruii'i In nil rmri imul nrreiillnc t illr.'i tlnin. I It i lii "tio wi.M n : It l not merely I SI. A ri'llr find In mMMionctiru-6ll;U ti tho pruilui-l of njIrtitMit n-morcli. n, II trriiBllminwlillt" It citlie ntiil -tilt-l II, dm, TiortU aikI ctinn; It literally eon iUinxilll. n.,1 lu rITbrt ro rwnlive nml "rmanftil Oflli l Hi" wlml"' K'tp "f iatuiiUriiil' vflin anil tiervutiii ggiuilw. !, It inc ti"l merely Irrllnle tlic miltr iur- -411. !-'. !' llu1 " tHutflr wnmor tela ii c.,ii.lili t'l tntiM-lp. To 1U tcillfl Actluii A kiifH-rtr t'umllvr irttto U uwrmlxl. Cl, It iH-m-trAl.-.iWi'ljr liut MiiUys ioaicIi- 0111. IkI aii.1 urt ly. Mwkliia tlio lln- tpul ill mi twK.it )ii.Uir. n!, lUirh c iiUlwnt of llt furinulA li a Dill, ri'TKiU.''l liittliinic vlnuo to nrv mutt mirvl Hi.-1 im' of alu. At IHiiiKiiin ami TlKAi.sr.il. TIIS CIIAIUXS A.VOCCLtIR CO., IU1llmoM.rH Come, Settle Up. All iersonK indebted to Groth v Thompson, are hereby notified that they must come up with tho cash on or Iwforo January 1st, LS1K), or costs of collection will lw added. Giiotii tv TimiirsoN Canyon City, Nov. '27, 18811. rUh dig Ws TTSTT p'. 'Qu J kJ JL JL CRESA Postoffic- Ami buy your wife mid little ones a Christmas I'm-' nt, as you will find anything that you wish, from a hoy's whistle to n gold wati h such us TOYS, BOOKS, ALBUMS And it hundred ami ono things too somo Fiuo Silver Ware. AFFLICTED KIKTY YEARS. And Restored to Health by ElectrfcL ty, Tlitouch Dr. Daritn's Pecu liar Mode of Treatment. Orrgtmlin. Mr. Kdilor: During tho past two yeftrs I hnvo been reading in the Oregoninn of tho wonderful cures iwrfurmcd by Drs. Darrin, with their Klivtro Magnelie Treat ment. I boenmo very much inter ested in them, as I hid been sorely alllictcd at intervals during tho pnst fifty yenrs, with neuralgia of the slotiinch, liver and kidney com plaint and nervous tlysKpsia, and at times so depressed that it was almost unbearable and ltordcring on insanity. During nil them' years 1 have consulted innny physicians nml taken their prescriptions, but none that seemed to do m any good, nnd last spring having it bil ious attack which nggrnvntod my old troubles, I began to run down and lose vitality, I resolved to try Drs. Dnrriu's system of treatment. I applied to them, nnd after a thor ough examination, said they could make me a well, but not :i young man of mo, with six months oourso of troatmenl, which 1 ncccplod. I commenced to improve immediate ly, ami now acknowledge their suc cosh in fulfilling their contract, nnd will say that for the past two months I havo enjoyed pur foot health, and sincerely wish to ren der my gratitude to the Giver of all good nnd to His agents who hnvo curotl mo of my ntllulioiis by thoir peculiar treatment, and willingly recommend all who aro alllictcd to call on the doctors and bo healed nnd give them a thorough trial be fore crying humbug. 1 am a home steader, mid can be referred to nt Woods, Tillnmook county, Oregon. H. H. CHAM HUH LA IN. Tho uliove remarkable cure is an other proof of Dr. Dnrriu's power ovor disease. Mr. Chamberlain is it mult well known throughout the county and Slate, and one whoso word can lw relied on. The appli cation of electricity to nomly all forms of disease is certainly revolu tionizing tho proiticu of medicine. We can with all candor recommend Dr. D.trrin to the alllieted. Dr. Damns' New Place of Hustuesn. Drs. Darrin can bu consulted freo at the Washington building, corner of Washington nutl Fourth streets, Portland, ltooms Id, 17, '2'2 nnd 'J.'i second lloor. Ask the elevator boy for room Id. Ollico hours, from 10 (o I o'clock daily; ovening, 7 lo S; Sundays 10 to 12. All curnblu chronic discuses, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, sporiiiatorrhiea, seminal weakness, nr loss of desire of loxtual power, in either man or woman, catarrh and deafness, aro confidentially and sttrrcssfullv trea ted. Cuius of private diseases guaranteed, and never published in tho pnpers. Most cases can receive homo treatment after a visit to tho doctor's office. Inquiries answered and circulars sent free. (Parties writing will plcitso mention tho mime of tho paper you saw this no tice in.) You can save big money by go ing to Collin A MoFnrlitiid, Hup poor, for votir Full nnd WinUir Sup plies. They keep ovorvthlug, mid have cul prices down so Hint they 1 are the lowoat priced storo in Oro- gun. over lo e numerous to mention. t3t Also