i4 ' ' vr THE wisirs Is a nnwiiwpor for the iHwplo, laboring for tho pcvrplo nuil voicing tlw sen timents of tho pcmplo of iU own Grunt County. TJUS JfJiWS Is tho oldust nown jmr Imtweoii The Dulles nuil Winmmiuccn; ihu lar gest circulation, thftrcforo is tho host for mlvei Using. I cv.yiw city, aiuxr county, o keg o.y, thu us day, jwckmurii m,jsso. Number W. Volume XL grant COMTY THE GRAM COUNT! HEWS. llUlLISIItl) nVEUV TIIUKHDAY MOIlNISO II V D.I.ASBUliY Editor nnd Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Snbsoripliou 1 yuar in udvanco S2 f0 If not paid within it months . .S3 00 Six Months 1 150 Three. Moulin ADVKHTISINC. ItATHS. 1 inch :i oh ol 1 ol it 1110 !! mo .'1 mo It mo ;s mo si.r,o S'J.OO 12.00 '21.00 10.00 1 year $1(5.00 1 yo.ir $32.00 I year i Sll 00 1 year I yonr StiS.OO 110.00 SSiT For standing display ads only. All Handing Nolicos in Local 'Joluuiu will bo clmrK'o.l nt tho rnto of 20 cents por lino for firt, and 10 cU oach subosquont insertion. Spocialratca to regular advorlisors. --WB AUU l-llKlMnill) TO KXECUTI HfFifie Job Printing- Or EVEHY UKSCIUl'TIO.V, CIIKAl'LY Posters, Dodgers, Billheads, Letter hcadn, Nolohoad.i, State ments, Invitations, Tickets, Curds Ktc, etc. l'IU.NTi:i) TO OUUF.K. OFFICIAL DIIUXTOHY; Co. Judgo Clerk Treasurer Commissioners j Surveyor Sheriff. Assessor School Stipt Stock Inspector.. N. It. Maxcy. . Phil MctBchau . ,N. II. Poluy. J. II. McIIaloy. II. II. Davis. .... J. II. Neal ....V. P Gray , Clins. Tinum. E. Hayes. ... T. II. Curl Dint. Judjjcfl Disc. At'ornoy. . L. It. Ison James A. Pco ....J. 17 Rand Church Dircctoiy ltov. A. Kails holds rlivino service at tho Winogar school housoatll o'clock a. in. on the 1st Sabbath of each mouth, mid at 7 o'clock in Urn evening nt tho M. K. church in lY.ti rio City. Also nt tho Strnwborry school' house at 11 ft, in. on tho !lrd Sabbath of each month and at Prai rio City in i ho evening of the snino day. At. John Day City nt 11 a m. on'tlio 2nd and 1th Suuduys, and nt Canyon Oily at 7 in tho evening of ll.o same ihiya. DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS NOTICE is hureby given that I have appointed the following named persona as my Doputies, viz: VAlIIVt. 1'OHTOmCK. J j. 1). Luco Wanton Win. Hall Prairie City Joo Kims, Fox Yul John D.iy Lovo Ilailoi Stewart 11. V. Carter Hamilton Yv V. Ilintou .Monuuieut John C. Luco Join Day Warren CaiHiier Wugnor Jaa. Wullaco Long C'reoh L II Johnson DayviUo John 11 Dukor Caleb V II Gillia Hitter T. H. Cum., Slock Inspootor for Grant County. Poslofllco Mt. Ycruon, Or. C ax von City Oiiuook. imta or Shua maja to nrJ' r, or natly rrlriil. All Work Wirrn teil rlrt-olft. J. Li B. VIAL & SON. watchmakers aid JUWULEltS, Uakuu City, - Okboos. Dealers in WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARP, VIOLINS and CUITARS. UuM) U Mta uii Collateral. SJic Opposilo Union Meat Market, Mn'ui Strut t. rHOcTJSSlONAL CARDS. Q "W. IUHHHH, M. D. I'liyslcliin iV Surgeon. Canyon City : : Oiugnu. Oltlce next door to Co. TieuiurBr'ii ollico, Main .Street II. YOUNG, M. I). Xtouiooopntlilt Vlnjalcian anil Surgeon. John Day Citv, Or, g 01111, M. I). Canyon City, Ogn. Orilrc an Mln Street In IUmrii rarniirlf oq- lcl b) Dr. Ilowinl. Q I. HAil-:r.TlNM X'liotOKi-aplio r CANYON 01 TY, om:aoN. g S. DENNING. AUorne3'-ut-I.iur. Lono Ckki:k OltUOON J J McCULLOUGH. Notary Public. Canyon Citv - - Oiikoon Oflico with M. D. CliftVd "Ba Uml fillmri ml Coltvctlona -rnintljr tlcn.IJ to. Iiwli ml Morten Ann, utA l..rjn rcaaouatile. .OA T E 71 A. KNIGh., DENTIST. CANYON CITY - - OltKUON. Oflico over John Schmiilt'H cabinet sliop; oflico houi-s from Dam to 1 p ni ALL W0HK WARRANTED. Pamusii it Cozad. ATTORNEYS AT LAYv" Canyon City, - - Oukcon. pO llOllSLEY, M. 1). GltAliUATKOFTHK UnIVHIIHITY OF P,:nnhvi,va.-ia, April 8, 1818. Canyon City, Oregon. O lico in his Drug Store, Main Slieol ) ni era for Drugs promptly li'.lod No profehxionnl patroimgo solicted iii'jhs iliiections aro strictly followed. O". W. 3Vtvolt, ttorney-at-Law AND Notary Public. Pu.wuii: City - - - Oiikoon. Also Agont for tho H.ilo of School Lauds. J. 0LLIV2R, rroprietor oT tho John Day Milk Ranch Prosh milk delivered daily to my custoaioin in John Day and Canyon cities. Civo 1110 your orders. II. DOLEY, DiaNTIST. ((Jflui 11 jio lU .Ma ,01111 Hall) Canyon City Oregtn. . rfo'A- Warranted. Livery M stitle. LEE SV1ILLER, Propr. Cnuyou City, Ornut Co. Oickoii. I r jrriut kvjiih 01.11 ktand) Having bought thnso populai StnblosI rcspoclfully Holicitnbharo of the public palronngo. Piist-class Single nnd Double Teams to lot. nNi: ni'oaiKH iioad cauts. Special nttcntion given to the enro of transient stock. LSINDEKCOFMS. TU ' t mr. rwi'7. "s:" 0 ill . IJrtttUfcCUnak'UU JUstMX I'VX, If. Y, . POWDER Aboolutoly Puro. Tlil 1 . 1. r ne-at pi A mr' cl i.f irlljr, tlrn Ktli ami mmo n M' i.".inlcl IUu t M O illlKIJT klli.U Khll IMinit Ue .l.l IN C Kll rt lion l.ti ihr in n't. m l "I luo tnt, fl" I milil, luni or rliiin i'-' I"' '' nnly Inoin. Iloj.l IUVmk- I'uwd.rtv., H1 Wall St.. N. Y. PIANOS, J3RGANS dXsewikgX H. H.lYi:S, John I)nY, Or. Ajjont for tho While Sowing Maehinn, tho bout in tho world. A'so for tho EarhulT OrgaiiH, nnd Hush k (ieits Pianos. Those iiistruuieiils aro tin excelled and sold at fair priccn. Mr. nays will call on you for ordors for Dr. Snolt's Electric goods and solic its your ordors for Gold and Silver watches, Charms, Sol'd Jewelry, ami Plalcd Tnbluwaro. All goods war iniitod as icprosoiilod. Ploaso give mo a call. CITY LIVER! STABLE! AND CORRAL-, ar.d FEED STAHLE W. R. CUNN1NCTON, Proprietor. (Wood .t Church's old Stand) ll.M.I ,nj tt i ami nlr Sa.l.lU llorari rurnUlinl at all hmtrif u( thu ilay or iiliflit a rauxinaUU iflco I 'a i titular alUullMi paU lo IrfiardliiiC ami Krouinlng tmt.lant vtock. j;,STUANOK Main aii-l VVaaliliiKlnn ttrMla, PAT CAMPBELL. Wholesale S- Ji el ail di:ai.i.ii is GROCERIES PROVISIONS feFlonr and Feed. NEAR THE DEPOT, BAKER CITY, Or. Cj Goods found to lie not lind elass may he ruturiiuil. If. A'. SOUTH WORTH, I'lifii'iuirrou of - - SIbbio SbsM & Door Facterr Canyon Citv, Or. Sash, Dears, "Windows, Glass, Putty, Moulding, and Dreticd Lumber Etc., ViOnhtantly on Hand. Furniluro Made lo Order. Slime k Miss Slop. Canyon Citv, Oiimiok. ROBT. WARD, Prop. HAUNESS, Will PH. SPUHS, And (fouor.tl feiipplies eoiisluiilly kept on hand. SadilloH ordeiod at a small dis count. Repairing done on slim I notice. Tin:- lEarnoy S Intro Lino. Jowott Sc Mchean. Proprs. Mwrlvain Oali) 011 lliwuy. WwJd!!;' FrltUy at u a hi.. an4 lam lluriu tu Tutriij Tliuriir aiul lUlur.Ujr. Faawit (MiiJ Frllit at ruaiouab rte . Dr. Ilunry M. Suiiddor rolales 11 , rme of Oriental jiislico thai eoulil hardly bu outdone for sliiirn and itup tie discrimination:'. r u 11 r men, partner in lutiiinus, bouglit soiiio cotton bales. That thu rats might not dtsttoy Ill's cotton, they jinrohnsed a oat. They agreed that each of thu four should own n par ticular leg of tho cat; and uneli adorned with bowls ni'd other or nniiiotits tho log tliui iiiportioniHl him. The cat, by an accident, in jured 0110 its logr?. Tho ownur of that member wound about it 11 rag soaked in oil. The cut, going too near tho (ire, sot tlio rug on lire, and, boing in groat p.tin, rushed in among tho cotton bales where slio was accustomed to hunt rats. Tho cotton thereby took liro and was burned. It was a to tal loss. Thu throe other partners brought an action to recover tho value of thu cotton against tho fourth jmrlnor who owned tho par ticular log of tho cat. Tho judge examined tin: ea-u and decided thus: "Thu log that had the oil rng on it was hurt; tho cut could not use that log in fact it hold up that log and nut with the other three logs. Tho three unhurt logs theroforti carried tho liro to the cotton, and aro alone culpable. Tho injured leg is not to bo blnm od. Tho three partners who own ed tho throo legs with which tho cat ran to the cotton will pay the whole value of iho baloa to thu proprietor of tho injured log." MAIN HTHIXT Canyon City, Oukoon, (! HOT 11 .j'- THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling 111011 will find this a pleasant ami desirable place at which to stop. 'l t tts a Call nopir & Canyon City ' iu. Ia)ii Clock and .Moiiiiiiii-nt, cairryiny mail, o.xpreMS ami freight. i;m:uy ciiovision madi: kou tiii: COMl-OIIT Ol' PAHsr.NiillltH. Thero is a Hiving of 'J I hours timu and $10 oath by taking this routu to Poitlaiid. .Sta;ii luavos Canyon City every day tixcupt Sunday, at I a, m. Y. II. OLA UK, Agent. NOTICE EOlt PUULICATION. an I OiUd at Hum., Or. Nut. II. I WW. Ni.tlr t lii-tfl.) ilii lint ttw fillli.wllu-iialiiril altlrr lw rtlcl inMlrc ut lirr lutriitiuii to nillio tliul (iiimiI u .uHMirt Ittir rlalm, ami llmt mII mil "ill Iw nul.- m!'Ha IRv I'liuilljr ildk uf (irant mnmr, al Ci uu City. Orrvun, .i o.iinr. ilny litii-. m, litwi, ixi .SAIIAII IVKV. I'rt- U s N KAI 1 lui I In fi ir sV i(r. a.r -.'I. Ti 1 1, h II U I! U JI. Mir iuium llio full.il); wllnai' ti ir..ri Imr .I i.liinmin rxlilanoe iln. iul rulUtaOan ..I. a. I.I Uml. Walter Carnnr, IUI Duim, .( Ill Yrr mm, Or.. Juh-I'Ii Ma.Ur.iii. '( .loliii 1U) Or , ami Iti-liUli I'leliliol til. VrriiiinOr. JIM J. II. IIUNTINIiTON, ll.fl.t.7 NOTICE KOIt PCIILICATION. lam (Xlli-u at lliirna. Or. Nov. I, IMS). Nailer Itlwrclir Ueh llmt till' folio" Ins nmwl .filler III. DM IMilltP ol Ml InU-lltlou In liltH Dual ir.M( in tHpl'i'tt of lit. i lalin, ami I list M iiroul lll U mail U lorn tlir Cuiily I'lira ol ilruiit l o.. Or., al Canyon I'lty, Dr., nil 'IIiuimUi Hit. IU, IMS, lU." f" rmiK Liiui'nnro, In D hNu. Ml, lur lli SWir . Iirilr It 31 K W l. Iti'liaiiic. loo folloolii- Unau. to rr III. MNillitiKMH iwUImii uj.ii, ami rultiiatiou of, uhl Uml, tie Juhli I'raUr. Jam. A l.oltnu, Jolm KtwariUlil. JuIim I'owall, ol Ch)0,i City. Or. ill Ml J. II lll'NTINOTilN. It.l.i. r. NOTICE KOIf PUIIL1CATICN. Uml OlHto al llurii. Or. Nuv. in, l--i Nnlleo U Imrtli) iilmn Iliat llio fiil owhii.- i.on-l 4 Itlir Ilia flLil liotlr of lila Inltiillnn lo malm Diul Iirouf In ai.Mit ol lit. claim, ami Dial ulil iirunl villi Ixi niulv bifotar tliu r-.uiil) i li k ol I . r.lllt nmiily. Or'iiii, at Cuiiyiiii I'lty. Or. on f lkau, Cvori: V' Uhlilillinra, I'ro l .No. lalll. fr till- W 1 Mt I I. K I NW 1 I So M tii lus it i i; W M . Iln iwiiim tl. follali wltiMKHia to imm lila imnlliiiioii, ri'iUvuca mii ami ullt il..n of, mill Uml. tl Carlo A ('"..I.. ly K II. uiolil., Ilnir) I lurauur, U-iijaiulii I'ariuil, all of I'uino (Mr. Or. ...... ... S4 ID J. II III .-iM.Miliir.. liitfi.mr, NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION. j lul OMmi at Iliirni. Or. Not. Ill, I Nolle 1 Imraty ylrwi that III" tviUmiuit naiiii-.! ai'lllar lu lllnl iiutk f lit" litlanUmt I" n Dual iirutf In wi'lt u( hU claim, ! llmt mH wool U mailt Wfom Dm county clril ( Oranl ' . ........ Ill llr ..o llM fit ttv'J. tl: Ctmrhia A. Con In. I r D S NUU (or Ilia K I t SW 1 I aim ! nr. i-i w w 1 1' i It Mil i: W l. UauaiwrlH Mloln' llrtaM In iMt hla mwUiiiiou. rraVlrMa uhiii, ami uUlrallou of, iol btal, vial dpi W ('hawlnra. Ilmrj I Uuram a, Mary K llamflji, HiiiJiiiiIh I'anott, all i.( I'raUU S'ii1"' J II lll'.STI NliTON 4 l!Bllvf. TYHOT Tho wiiulnw'.ginu umutifuct ur o mo jicrfeoting n "glgniilio ivool" lo ngiilrtto prodnotioii nud fix prices. - . - - ludignnnt eitiscens of liovorly, X. .1., captured u nmti who hud doseitoil his wife, nxlo him on a rail nud guvo him n cont of rod paint. Though not exactly - cording to law, one is constrained to approve of almost any punish ment for such olTcnse !igiuut so cioty. . . 4 . - Major Wall, of McDonough, On., sot u stool trap for a ml. 'llio lirst puss tho rodent mndu at tho trap lie got his tail clean oil to whoro tliat nppoiidtigo formed u junctioi. with his spinal column. Not being sutisliml with tho fond ling ho received at liiu jaws of tho trap, ho returned after his wound healed and had another sot-to with thu trap, iu which encounter lie lost n hind leg, which was shaved oir closo to tho body. After this had got well ho returned to thu trap and thrust his head in it. ecu.aap Jt:tnjr peculiar o!iit.i nnko llooj'j R.ir MjiariU.i (upcilur In nil ullmr nieillclncj. lVf ull.tr la iMiiililii.iilnii, I'rojHiiiiiiii, ,y ami prrparatloii iJ Ih.tti- llrnti, J IIihkI'm Hirsapirllla i .es jTt vV llio (nllcurnlho .-iluu ol lliu lout known rciacill llio vrgrt.illo Kin toiii. Peculiar la r .G.irZr slronslli ami economy -VIIi).l'a Bar- aimilU Is r (no omy incti). ttlili li can truly rllln i.f I raalil, JO Oiiollunilrvil Dom'.i Olio r Doll.ir." Hcliol:!,.! In ri-J btf. r nml nm.iilcr l.i.ltlei li'iittlrL' lafL't-r ilo..t-4. ami! tin nnt V jr rmluco as tool rs'ilis HimhJ's, r pc-:ili.r In II j ni'HjIi.liial merits. Hood's K.itMparill.i ntcrinpl.tlirs riirts lillli- trlu liiiUiumn. ami lias won lor llti'K S llio llllii i( "Tl.u cnalcst Monil purmcr over iiiscnvrroa." y q, lVrlillnr In lla ' rnii.1 iininii r . . N at tiniar, uicro is now X.V rmoro of Hood's HaniparllU S toll In l.owoll, wlioro S itjJyltlsmado, Hi an (if all Jf nnx Mond purifiers. vO.zVrcriitlar la Its (ilieniimo. nal iccotil of sales y' no iillwr preparation il'n..d, , ins rvrr att.tinril sucli popu- larlly la n.i eliort a time, n...l ...IhI.ia.1 II. i.nt.llfiltrv raiiil runflilriicn nrnous all clasaci S at iplo mi r.'.oaiH.i'illy. Di) not W Induced In tiny oilier i reparation, but 1'0 miro In fit llio Peculiar Moiliclnc, Hood's Sarsaparilla HoMliyalldiUKiiltK. l.lifora. Praparmliml; VyC. I. II(Hill.l.CO.,A;oOoo-atlu,!w:l,;!311 IOO Doooo Ono Dollnr "BIT SALOOK!" CANYON CITY Orrgnn Jugh Smith, pro)''. A I'vill iiiatV uf tl I'lltSrl f Wlmas ai.l ll'iuon. Tl lloal clfaraln tit Mnilac Your, ai.ti iii i ' ' (! I llrftl.i:v Aak yui '1' 1 1.1. 1.. llunili) ftC'i.'J If iur lav nla mo not In tlui liaiulo itt rmxi KTOHKh! Kl'l H In vour m tl.m, ynu inn I'll!). Clllti; 'IIII.M from III.' llhhT liXilWN Mul niri al tl aii. ()i..i:ii V!:nl.uiu4o OurTitlKn llnui u In 11m t orl.l. rA prl.oi tlutl will UKI! VOl'll I'ten niMpiuul I.I KI' (HI gap laliiv liow urui (.fit id '10 ixi IT. If itir I'KAIiKIl iloo nut kii'tiour KkIo. iui! Iu iu anil u Wll.li fur. nl .1, you a Bull or Orumaat, opa or mnll atlil. on H-O'lptnf prion. Wii will ln mill ImjH tour i'i.lriuao If yuu try mi ltti all unltr I tVi. dayo li-if It ui llila Iimm Had I ualno hy out PAlNh't'AKlNi uwlkwlii. wul UyiUilim byutli. IIIMl. oillll tie llOUA by. r i;n. Ik HiiTi.ur ii (.., tt-t OilfcltwUirM. liM-TTC" I" onl. rliig Kultu "r Ovoronftls cliai rvn Sta trrtl fi.lUilni! ml fur iiimuuru. imiil - lliit.i no aai.u', ovor vnkl, Ihhi iii uu U.ruiuin Wmil tiMiu'iro, or paliU. lualila luai imuaurw, fmui eruloli to bu 1. cnJin. i"ir V"iJ '.w' . ( ontlii. jUI Niulunol lluuL ul fblstuo, lOi'lt'U i- :.i"J,0UI. ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufact urers and Wholesalo Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boys anil Children, 122 and 124 Market Si , Chicago, III. P. 0. Oox GG7. Ifiiisil Mil "mi: ii'i' M.ii icii.i h ri.n iiiai,..!' fo. HOIST GLOTHINe Only a Sail Accident. a Western .1 udgo- You aro charg ed, sir, with boing tho louder ol a party which hunted down and lynched a horse thief, Tho days havo gono by whon oitixonsof this great coiiiinonweallh can thus laho tho law into their own hands! bunco your arrest. What havo you to say . lYoiniiiont citizen I ain'l guil ty, jodgo. I'll toll you how it was. Yo caught tho fuller, and tied his hands and feel. Nothing wrong about that, was there, jedgo? "No, that was no doubt neces sary." "Wall, jodgo, I hero was a storm coinin up anil wo couldn't spam him an umbrella very well, so wo stood him under a tree. That was all right, wasn't it." "Certainly." j "Wall1 tho clouds kept gathurin and tho wind was purtv high, ami wo didn't want him blown away; bo wo tied a ropu around his tied; and fustoned tho other end to tho limb above - not tight, jodgo, just so us to hold him and wo left him B'uudiu' bolid on his fuut. Notion' wrong about that, was there T "Nothing at all." "Then I kin ho excused, can't I "I 'ut tho mini was found sus pcrdod from that tree and stone dead tho next morning." "None of us had anything to do with that jodgo. You sen wo left him stundiii' there iu good health and spirits, for wo givo him all ho could drink when ho miiiI 'good bye;' hut yon 6t' diirin' tho night the ruin eouio up and I s'poao tho rupo got purty wot nnd shrunk a couple o' feet. That's how tho sad accident happened' judge." The California papers say that the brig, Natalia, which founder, ed iu tlio harbor of Monterey in 1S!1, in lo he raised, or at least what ih left of her copper shafting is lo ho brought to tho surface. It is said that this is the mi mo vessel that brought Napoleon back to r'ruiii'o from thu lelo of K!lm in 18lo. A eairiago road has just Leon completed to tho top of Pike's l'oak. It is sixteen inilos long. NOTIClf UV KINAIi SH'ITIiH MHNT. I u the county court of tho stato of OrnL'on, foruiant county. Iu tlio iiMtti'i' of thu ontato of Itatl .1. Todd, dceoaiod, Notiuu of Kiittlouiciil of Finn I uu- (lOlllll. To all whom it may concern. Notieuis hereby oivou that Thoin- n ii MiilCwiin, administrator of Iho oh- tuto (d Mat' il. Todd dcceiscid, has liliid his linal uicoiint mid by an ol der of the Hon. tho county emut of thoslaloof Oiei'on, for O rant eotiu ty, in tilo fiml eniircd llidieon on t ln 1 1 1 1 d iv of Noicinber lhMI, .lloinlav tluidili day of ilaiiuaiv IMH) at tho hour uf 11 o'clock p. iu. of H.iid day, the Miniiii liiuiiK llio Hi st milium) uuy of tho next idguliir toriu of said eouit has hauu unpointed us tho titne, ami tho eoiinly court rooms iu tho (irant eoiinly coin i hnimo id Canyon City, Or. the ldauo when mid whcuo nuil linal aceoiiiit hlinll bo heard; at which time and phuii all heira, cioditois and porsoiiH inti'iestcd iu said eslato may appear or lilo their objectioim with llio elcik of bid. I court at any t i mo theioloforo mid show caiun it any tl eio bu why tho said fi'ial ae count sliould not ho ullotte.1 ami np pi oved ti'i'l thnt the osliituaiid its ad ministration bo closed and the al iiiiiiihtrutor and his boudsinuii (lis clmrgi d. Dnttid (his (lis 20th day of Nowm ber 1HMU. l'ublislitd byoulerof the abov naincd iioiii t for four sueopssiv weeks in tho (Iiiant Couki v Nkws, printed and pulilisliitd at Canyon City, Oregon. Tirjus ,MoKwr..v, Adiiiiuimlrutor. NOTKM5 TO SIIK1!1 OWNHItS Tho Stoek Inspector's law, h'o-d. 1, ninonded at thuhist tcirin of the lois latmo, ic()iiii(is all persona moving shoup'within tho county to o,ot a per uiit, and any jkusoii inovini; sheep whoso permit iiaa boon fjivon to ex ceod HO days prior to movinjj his shoep lays liinisslf liablo lo prosecu tion. " Jons C. liiior, De-put Inspector. jthu Day, Or , May '20, '81). Lcin llllt'n I'uiieral. Another of tho qutor chiractera iu While Horse Camp was ;i man known ns hem Mill. lie was us mild as buttermilk and n dull its a hoc, and no ono over thought of asking his ndvico or interesting themselves in his nlTairs. OliU tlav ho touk siek. nnd after n linri- od lasting about six weeks it whb scon that ho must die. It wut deemed best that some ono should break thu news to him. ntid so ".ludgo" Kelso dropped iu nnd said: "hum, you are going to turn up yonr toes before iinother sunriso.' Tito judge (lulu t menu to ue suddon or unfeeling, but that was his wny. "I guess 1 iuf ipnetlv ruphod l.oih. "Wdll. llmt n'int bciiiL' euttod and no o.veoptioim taken, wind last request hov yo got lo inrtKet no want to do the fair thing, you know, although il's a busy lime." "Kin 1 hov a funeral." qnirud l.um. "You kin." "Ueg'lnr procession?" "Yes." "1 don't ox ncct uiiv collin. of course, but I d liku to hov tho uf fuir pulled oil roasontibly ducent. t i 4 1. 111 : . I 1 Oil Kill pllllll 1110 Oil llli) iiiiimik; beside the h'teiieliiuan. I guos.i wo won't iiuarrol." . . 1 ... . .i .i i .i "l es, wo II ilo llmt, iiiougn us putty hind diggin up lhar. ".N'cedii't mind going over a conplo of ftot," said Loin, "and tho rollciM Willi the Insiy nail not tor take iho left hand path as thoy go up; il's easier to climb." "I Sot any wealth?" asken tho judgo after a moment's silunco. "A conplo or ounces, inctibe.' ".Mighty slim show for a big spread on that, but wo can't help it. Woll, l.om, it's my husy lny, you know, and 1 must cut this short. Hope von won't take of fense." "(Mi. certainly not. Dou'i m led work on my account. .vunil. iu said at the grave (" ".lust a fow words, hem. and I'll s v 'em myself. I'll pi n ti up this Afternoon and git wuin' whisky to clear my throat. I want to niiiitO a ducent job of it." "What'll you Miyi" "Why, that you died hippy -hov K-rt an noliing void wo shall miss you cut down in yor prime. I'll put it on purty thick." "Woll, I'm euro 1 ceuldn't nlc for mom, and porlmps It's hotter than I could expect. &) long, judgo. (So hack lo yonr work, mid I'll go on with my dying." And tho j idgo loft" tho ahniity whistling, mh whs his wont, uml Loin hiuVbeen dead ovor uu hour before word oitino lo us down iho gulch. Tho funenil oiime, oil' uet uiorning, and it has always been u pleasant leineiiihriince with um thnt the judgo did considerably better than he agreed to. He gavi two eiil(igi( in place of one, in"! after iho burial ho licked um tho men who wouldn't knot ! work to itllend. The rejiort of a revolution m Cuba is not oonlirmed, but no where is I hero belter reason for ono. 1 1 is in the air, too, that it is about limo for Kurnponn domi nance and monarchical institutions on thu Western 1 leuiisphoro to come lo an und. Prof. Lolsette's DISCOVERY AND TKAINIHG METHOD In r 'la of fb '1'iiif'! Imiialnnt lii u mla llnj 0." onil! 'a ii ii- -. li.ofliia Oiie ii... lI';"f r .mt' ( I'll II Llllfroli'lli.'ii.l"r-,lll i.f will. t ll.Mii li.trlll'i in. I. i I ' 1 f . Tiotily i""l l'l"i"IUl! "' "l-acln i), J, .t.'aA'I'ifN'K' F'lll.irf ln:il i.lia.i f "liaanil II 'I I'll" - I, lOO II.,,. I'.il .1 id li'ill IU HO.I'lll'nMI IOroi n 111"- XlMu'itl llullu. III. IV'llwdoKM nl Kllr.iUlli V ' . ... Li,. .Tl i,.,Im.,I llo. nl im l.olliiUl. uVhr midte.t l.laHyatMu l.y r.i"i thai In Mali in '" H-l' uflr.ruiif Oiiit.ii'i likcm fctf 1 lr : . V,.1. . i . u i i.w n..i.M.,H.iu,w. iImmiuj fitfliit ariuiiru. no. Itat lurtt IM 11 Nlriill ri-d'l: " . nut m if f, ,i e. rol Cctirjilii., IVo'r'. a .Mmi :!rri JsaTmni. AvU.e, n.y CI ii 4 nTIItn I S'H-FRpE drill lur tflliusaii 8 . Iho wtirlil lur tflliusii 4Dqul4, Ul Is riilitttlur out CBrsitifi SUtx nor ruxui wm wilt mhhi mw m laUKK I mt?i in wb locslMr, Jttftlsov. Oltljr I bos wbv villi) ut oucttsu niW Bum t I bclasnr. ah you ntvi laiaii I tlunUla buw ur vovds I J tho wb rll f our itrlilittsj and iboM round jvtt, 1fa tr. frtmitpg t litis lvertlsrrutitl In a Us mill nd Of Iba lala. fop. Ib. Ml unt ful elft b- iruc vf ll i4uctd U bwl iu nntfih iri i nsi'iii inn gituu, uouiit imiiiii M,t)Ur(sis lffr tr W U1jIisIiow yvubotr ou ul II ill fcteac. Wi ijriltcilfisiclrr. 441li,U H4l.Ll.ir 4 CO,, Uti MHO. I'UliiLAlIP, UilKI. Hirs Hilr-I B I I raiHaTM v 4 : id a. 'A . j . - i iV .'-X ' ' trT wiwiiyiMiJwahia.aiwaiasp.aiia.. a.'..