Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 12, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, Dee. 12.
NnOea for m11 iironomil.1 under
"New to-day," for keying the county
Me limit ia-Jtrpijpj irtf to put sluighs
ott lih rani ir Lite unow nerws the
mountain and in Hear valley holds.
Atkmwon's little liy went hunting
n tltott Umm ngo nit nkne, and kHlel
n cougnr. Pretty good work for n
twelve year old lxty.
It sowna impMibl for iiiow to lay
tnorojlwii three lioura iit this immedi
ate vicinity, llowovcr, wo may havo
plenty of it liy mid by.
LOST, A miltnbU reward will Ito
given to the finilor of n Gold Quaitz
Watch Koy ly returning nuo t tho
low, M. S. Uiiixma.v.
Our nniUMinunt loving pooplo will
plan) obsorvo tho ltd of tho tall to bo
given nt .lohn Day on Christmas
night, proceeds for publio school Iwno
fit. A large tpmntity of Slmwlierry
mills (lour is Morod in town for tho
winter trade. This is Rood Hour, but
would lm lwttor if intniifneturod by
full rollor prooota.
Leo Miller roturnwl from Hlk croak
hst week where ho had taken some
Canyon mounlnin rook for assay. Ho
toiwrt tho oro averaging vory well,
considering that it wns from only
tho croppings.
ShorilTGray who hits just returned
from n trip to Long Crock rt-jwrt thnt
n hod man whoso name ho had forgot
led, cursed n preacher in that republic
and was placod tinder bonds by tho
jutico of tho pence.
James I'. Cleaver, of Cracker City,
writes to tho Nkws that ho juts just
recovered from a sovero sprained an
kle, and that his daughter, Miss Kttn,
lias lioen afllicted with rheumatism,
but was much improved.
Jullbraoit Davis, ex-president of the
southern confederacy, died at ov
Orleans last Friday morning. If the
old man was a foe to tho government
in tho CO's ho did it good service prior
to that time, and now removed from
tho scenes of war and strife.
A surprise party was tendered .Miss
Katio Palmer at tho home'hf her aunt
Mrs. Jonoll, at John,lny last Friday
evening. A largo number of Canyon
City folks were invited, and after a
pleasant greeting repaired to tho hall
and tripped tho merry waltz.
The Harney Press says .John Par
ker, whom many of us hero know, is a
raving maniac, and will 1h3 sent to Sa
lem. Parker and Hugh Smith took a
croy.y man from Harnoy alley to the
luyliim a few yoar.? ago, ami tno war
den aaiuo nuar looking Parker up
A nuw ntrttnfliuo called Homer has
Iwon established in the western part
of Hoar vallov. Mr. W. Stone post
master. Next thine: in order, which been agitated a long time, is to
gel a mail route established from this
place to Stewait, liy way 01 mo nuw
Sloan llro's left last week for their
minoil at Klk creek to complete the
iwliiialninnt. of the steam derrick on
the placer claim of Slam t Haskell,
in liionamtion for next season's run
The derrick will perform tho lalnir of
several men, and will aid very materi
ally in nuking their claim the largest
paying ono in uraut county.
Thoio who Uko an agency for a
reliable enterprising house, learn their
biifcinosH and stick to it, "get on in
tho world. People who haoany idea
of engaging in any canvassing business
will lo well to write Ceorgo Stinson
A- Co., Poitland, Maine thu great ait
anil ionoml nublialior. Women make
nuecuafcfiil canvassers, as well as men.
Full iKitticulars will Imi sent to those
who millions the linn their full ndilrosa
is given above.
Joseph linrkor was committeil to
nrion last week on a charge of oblit-
nmtini or ohanuiiiL' brands on horses
on tho ramie. Mr. Uarker wns con
viotoil in the justices court in NVarin
fViriitur nrocinct and held under SfiOO
bands, which ho failed to give, and
now saws wood for the county along
u-Uli liu China Dalits thief. Hostile
all his other, alllictions and misfort
num. llaiker is Iwth (hf and dumb,
l.nt. uould minikev with brands that
...... - ----
warn not his own.
We are aUmt to lose the patronage
of n valmxl subioriber because wo do
nut "boom tho mine." Tho mines
referred to ato thu recent discoveries
mi the crook, and as yet there is noth
inir to l)Ooin. Scarcely a hole has
lieon made in the rock large enough to
sot ft hen, and for goodness sake what
more oan tho Nnwrt say than it has nl-
r.ulv said alwut this lodi-ot It has
eivuit the assays as tho mineralogist
enrtillod to them, and has never exng
genitwl nor misreiroouted a single
fact relative to mining prospoei, aim
never intends to. Wo shall give the
facU us they exist There is a moun
tain of ore, wu Iuino no doubt, but
whether it is valuable or not we can
only conjecture; wo only know that
euoourMgiiig proipeets have boon ol
taiuwl from the mopping. This pa
per olttinui to bo reliable and we al
wuy fctnnd rowdy to enoounigo mining
veuturoi and givo them muritett praise,
but never for inireprointntion whieh
will lend outsider to think wo lmvo
developed uiinw and oro already pro
duping ton of bullion. Cot your ore
in light, my friend, and then blow
nlout it.
Mountain Crook Dec. 8.
John Fopinno started this morn
ing to The Dalles with fifteon hun
dred head of mutton sheep, which
lie expects to distioso of nt $3.50
per head. '
Mr. McDonald, who tt seems
was not informed of lior husbands '
(lenlh until after tho funeral, nrriv-'
od Friday and liad the body disin-
torred. Shots taking it to I no
)alles where it will undergo a jwst
mortem examination. !
Mountain Creek boasts of one of
tho urittioat juris in tho state. The
other morning she concluded that
there were more dogs on the ranch
titan wore needed for is or orna
ment, and forthwith murdered sev
en before breakfast.
Last Sunday several courageous
muter reMiired to tho mountnins j
search of bear. 1 Hoy visaed a i
but it proved to be only his
. . i i i
summer residence ami tinnn nan
epnrtcd for parts unknown.
Thoro is more snow in these
mountains now than at any time
urine- Inst winter, so tho nrosiveots
are that there will bo plenty of wa
ter next season. h. .M.
Morton Cliflbnl is attending couit
at lak?.
h Moi Uurklieimer of I'ruine is
Spending a few days in our city.
Ike Iker is interested in the erec
tion of a nmguiticont city mill at
ITlm ground here ha loim pretty
.veil covrreu wiiii nrauiuui imv
Mis Mabel
position of
Ha.eltino has accepted
cuverness in the family
of .Mr. J. C. Oliver,
White johnrubhits are reportwl
pute numHroui on the lulls, wineii
fact denotes an easy winter for coy
Juilije Ison is said to Iki regotning
his health. Many true friends in
Grant county wish for his speedy re
covery. Cresap has gocxh suitable for the
Holidays, and will surprise you with
his low price.?. Seo announcement on
this pige.-
The 0. K. it N. is no more, nnd
everything between Portland and
Omaha will henceforth be known as
tho Union Pacific.
A. It. Jack of Umatilla turned out
to lo a tail man and shot a patron of
his saloon. He stood the sheriff oil'
with a shotgun tovnral hours before
arrest was accomplished.
I'he Daily Koveille, Maker City has
beon enlarged to six columns, the
siimo 8i7.o oi tlio wemoorat. nasor
City has two dailys which would
' !
credit to a much larger town.
A saloon keeper of linker City who
was convicted of tho erimo of selling
liipior to minors was sentenced by
Iinliie Fee to pay a lino ot fcliiu ami
had his license revoked besides.
Few people over hoard of I'M win
S. Kbbert aged SO, who died in
West Virginia tho other day, yet in
1SH) ho built tho lirst human naui-
tatiou on tho site of Chicago.
Influenza, now prevalent in St-,
etersburg, r.s declared by eminent
medical authority to be tho forerun
iter of cholera, similar signs having
preceded the last live cholera epi
demics there.
To day wo present our sulcribur
with president Harrison s message to
congress. It loo not contain a ymiv
amount of interesting rending, but
come handy to paste over that broken
window pane.
Professor Loisette's Memory sys
tem is creatine: ercntor interest than
ever in all parts of tho country, and
persons wmhing to tmprovo ineir
memory should send for his pros-
ectua, free as advertised in aiiotuor
Tho common council of lloppner
havo a proposition from an Hastorn I ing winter will be a cold winter,
artesian well boring outfit for tho ; and that the summer of I81K) will
sinking of an artesian wo!l. Tho ! be a summer of oxtrotucs in torn
cotnimny nuroo to bore to a depth ' pernture and rainfall.
of TilXJ feet at tho rate of $.r iter
'Pimm will not be a dollar left of
it.,, i miir Pi-mtl u-muiii rrvwl nniiro-
priation when tho road is finished,
say the commissioners. Tho Uma -
tilla county court will make a small
appropriation to aid in the payment
for bridgu work. H. O.
The Demoomt says that Chus. H.
Miller who started a few day ago
from Gi-anite to Greenhorn on snow
shoes was reported lost, and a party
had left Granite in search of tho mist
ing mini. It was feared ho had per
ished in the mountains.
Marker who is here in jail is the
sou of old man Harker who was killed
in I nnitl a I'll V M)llie limn K".
i........ i-iii.wl nl.l lliirkor. is said
fulfil, nnu nt -- -
in l.i. Mm uiiiii. .lonns w no was Kiiiuu
near Heppner last Thanksgiving night
. M'l...l' ,.n i, .!,..
in a saiism row, iran mvi
tiou Harker Usirs to tho Jones family.
Tho Washington legislature a Sleeping car jmssongers from Pa
few days mo had nnnionriation , cifio Coast jioirts via Chicago, Mil-
bills for consideration amounting
to !K)0,OOQ. It U (wtimatod that
tlio whole oxpeneo of tlio first
year's stnte govorniuont will roach
Come, Settle Up.
All porsons indebted to C.roth A-
Thompson, arc hereby notified that
they mint come up with the cash
on or before January 1st, 131)0, or
ousts of collection will bo addod.
(iuiKt n A- Tiio.Mi'soN.
Canyon City, Nov. 27, IBS".
15d. Nkws:
Snow shoeing id nil tlio go now.
Quito n number of freight tennis
nro hero with winter grub for the
different mining camps.
The Monumental hns shut down
nml all tho men lmvo loft. The
cause is unknown, they havo ro-
moved part of .their ninchinory and
took two tons of candles to linker.
It is rumored that thov will resume
work soon.
'n,0 clear creek mill started.
ntrain yesterday. Thov have added
some machinery and will run until
they freeio out, which is hoped may
not'lH) thin winter, although tho
thermometer registered 10 below, a
few niglito ago.
There will be an entertainment
soon, given nv the school ami oui
0rs. M ho proceeds to bo distributed
well wo do not know now
There woro four persons among
the "Kxaminor's happy fiOOO" at
Granite, these drew books so tho
paper said. Aytcii.
liss Hnttie Mack has returned
to Prairie.
There will bo
calico danco
Tho masnucrado ball has
poitponed tili New Year.
Mi iss. Mary Mcador ontcrtaincd a
few friends Monday evening.
J Mr?. I less, who fell and broke
her arm some time back, is slowly
: recovering.
I Vl lorry Allen, Willie Starr, Geo.
Chambers and Latiranco, have gone
to tho laud oilice at Hums to prove
up on their claims.
Messrs. Dodson, Coho and Hough
have gono to Granite to do the as
sessment work on Dr. Thibadoe's
mine nt that place.
Stockmen in this valley antci
pato an open winter anil think they
will have lots of hay to sell, but
spring is n long way off yet nnd
plenty of tinio for snow.
Mr. F. llinkle hns returned front
the Sound where he has been the
past summer. lie reports times
good and money plenty down there.
t All claims not consistent with tho
j high character of Syrup of Fig are
j purposely avoided by the Cul. Fig
j Syrup Company. It acts gently on
' the. 'kidneys, "liver nnd bowels,
cleansing the system effectually,
but it-is not a cure-all and makes
no nrotentions that every bottle
will not substantiate.
Go to tho Red Front Uillinrd
Hall, Canvon City, for lino wines,
liquors and cigars.
The finest stock of Drygoods,
Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, at Collin
tt McFarland's, Heppner.
Stoves cV Tinware, Doors it Win
dows, cheaper than anywhere, at
Collin t McFarland's Heppner.
llun Iturlix- 'I'imiilliv Al fit I fit.
nl ' ' in nrK0 qutiiy,
, al Co'mu & Mcl.'uri,lluiH Heppner.
Stetson Cow Hoy Hats, Silver Hits
and Spurs; Calfskin Coats and
Vests. C'hevenno t San Joso Sad
dles, at Collin it McFarland's Hep
pner. Vou can savo big money by go
ing to Collin .t McFarland, Hep
pner, for your Fall and Winter Sup
dies. They keep everything, and
have cut prices down so that they
aro tho lowest priced store in Ore
gon. Weather prophet Hlake, of Tope
ka, Kansas, is out in another letter
warning the public thnt December
will be a cold month; thai thocoin-
G:hm1 urass and water all tho
1 way to Hennnor and KiO miles of
travel saved on tho round trip, over
I over Tho Dallea route. 1'ricen of
J goods lower and wool higher. Co
; to Collin and McFarland, they keep
I tho largest stock and sell more
' goods than any store in Oregon.
I Why? Hecauso their prices aro
' lower; they buy everything by th0
car load.
Want Borne School Hooks?
Prices of school books furnished
by Ivison, Hlakenian Ar Co., as per
contract with tho Stato of Oregon:
Fiidi's arithmetic, No. 1, exchange
Iflctu.: introduction, .'10 cts.; retail
after March 1st. .'15 cts. Fish's
i Arithmetic. No. 2. oxchanuo. !I0 cts:
I ----- - " -
i liiirouiieuoii, ouuia., iihiui uiiw
j March 1st 75 cts.
A Tians-Contincltal Innovation.
wntikee v St. Paul and I'nton pa
cific Overland Fast Mail Line no
longer have to wait in lino at Coun
cil Mull's Transfer Station lo ob
tain sleeping car berth reservations
cast of tho Missouri river.
The new arrangements mndo by
tho Omaha and Chicago Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee V
i St. Paul Kaihvay obviate all such
delay and annoyance. t
Kor further par iculars enquire of
nearest Coupon 1 iokut Agent or a
drew .1. W. Casey, 'I rav. Pasa. Agt.
, 8 Stark St. Portland, Oregon.
Prnirio City, Dec. 1, 'Sfl.
l.'ufi-ni) 'i:uw It has been SOII10
timo since 1 writ you, should lmvo
writ woner but I have U-cn in jail .
for contempt of court, how 1 con
tempted it is nn indefinite idea in
my mind. As 1 remarked before I
am still out for commissioner and
have fixed (this is private) tho pri
mary, and will have at least of
the ilelei!ates from this place. Of
course 1 will come out on tho repub-1
licatt ticket, if you think it the
strongost, but to tell you the truth,
tho high tariff nnd my honesty has
always kept tno ioor, hut 1 have
L'real hones of celtinK a -1th clans
postollice, or a mission to some for
eign land Siberia for instance.
Doc. Homer runs a restaurant.
Meals at all hourt.
Kd. Armor has leased tltc G. W.
Chambers blacksmith shop.
You can mo your stars at the
skating rink and hear llowels too.
Mr. Whituiieres' new dwelling is
Hearing completion. J. W. King
W. H. Johnson of Cracker City
visited I'rairio last week, also Minot
Austin, of Middle Fork.
One livery stable. N'et Habcock
proprietor, Jimmy l.ebrel hostler,
and Jimmy is a good one.
Prairie has two hotels uiidor the
'management respectfully of Mrs.
'Jos. Hates and Mrs. II. F. Dodson.
Thanksgiving passed off very
quietly and was a decided failure as
a turkey day an far as I win con
cerned. J. W. Hates has moved his bar
from thu front to a side room of his
hotel, materially increasing tho
looks thereof.
Hay is being delivered in I'rairio
at $S" per ton; barley, fl.oO; oats,
$1.75 per cwt.; potatoes lo per lb.;
butter, II lbs per
The I'rairio City school under
the management of I'rof. and Mrs.
Slaughter and Miss Haily of Pen
dleton, is progressing finely.
Ouartzburg is vory quiet now,
;t list in Henry is doing assessment
work on the mine formerly owned
by I.awranco Henry and Chariot
Reynolds. Parties in Drowsey aro talking of
I0anng a new road through Logan
and over Strawberry to connect
with Howell's now road at the on
ion hods.
We notice sonio few farmers doing
fall plowing. Would it not bo a
good idea to plow nioro in tho fall
and inaugurate a more thorough
system of farming?
Wo noticed the eorpulant pros-
ence oi sneriii urny ui i ruino n
few days ago, consequently have
kept out of town, so yon will not
have much citv news this week.
J. D. Daley is propelling the
shooting department of the Wine
gar district. Thos. Geurneo acts in
a like capacity at tho Mcador
school. I loth schools nro well sjmi
ken of.
The uront race for two horses and
a coyuse, came oil" at 1 past one on
tho private track of Sam French,
Thanksgiving day, long before the
time appointed lor the raco the
first boat arrived, her decks crowd
ed with passengers, etc. At 10, a.
in. the first tram on the lireaK lino
Arrived, golly wasn't there lots of
us.' mo too 1 arrrv wnn mo rest oi
them. The glass widow won the
raco by ! feet time-, less than n
Wo aro willing and think it per
ly legitimate for sheophcrders to
shoot and otherwise mutilate each
other, but when it comes to shoot
ing innocent parties like poor old
Tom Mills, thoy should moot with
tho severest condemnation of a com
munity. A Gmiwi.nt.
Heport of John Day school for
first quarter commencing Sept. Hi,
and ending Dec. Sth, ISS'.I.
Number of pupils enrolled, Sit;
No. of dnvs attendance, ISO."); No. J
of davs alisence, S8; No. of cusch '
tardiness, '20; timo lost by tanli-
ness, 110 min.; average daily at-
tendance, UI ; No. of visitors, ."J". 1
Following nie the names f the ,
pupils who were neither absent nor
tardv during tho term:
lifa Combs, Olive Hall, Amy
Combs, Minnie llonham, Kddio
Hall, Frankio llacheney and John
n v lteevcs.
M. N. Hon ii am,
llaH no eiiml Is ili'liveinil free t u'iy.
wlu-ie. Pli'tme keml full 1'iwt Oflii u ml
ihek, ini liiiliiiK Comity, nml nU.i your
t.lii.illiK aililivHK, ItirltuliiiK inllioail kIh linmt convenient to )m. One lint expciiMiwill briint to you Mime
thing new nml iiupoi f.-reveiy fam
ily. Tor full ptnimu Mini lo
No, -l.Vf Went '.'Otli btttet, New Vmk
or noppuor,
(!. A. IIIIIIA, I'llANK M:i.l.O(;0,
President. Vice Ptexidclit.
(iuoiuii: W. CJoNHKit, Ciu.hier.
J. I IIIIIIA, T. A. lllli:A, I- T. IIOIHtON',
Transacts a (.'iincriil Iliuikliig Ilaslnos.
on all its of tlm world v
Collectmiii miulu at all iinU on
Hontonablo Tormit.
Money lonuoil at fiom one to tun
i per cent.
lt. Nkws: Supiwsing you and
some of the renders of your vnlua-
blc per would like to hear from
our jmrt of th country, I will give
you a few items which will perhaps
be of interest:
All the stockmen and vaqueros
are out weaning calves.
Mr. McClain front Cracker Creek
is over on a visit and attending to
some business.
Kverylhing is quiet al Drotvscy,
and should bo at, for tho U. S. land
oflico is onlv sixty miles away and
the U. S". signal station at
Houlah, Mr. A maid presiding as
high official, staunch democrat at
School at Drews-yis progressing
finely. Why should it be olhn
wis when as fine a young lady as
Miss Hy rum presides over it? Also
tho Otis school, with their teacher a
line young gentleman from tho
east. " Now young men and ladies,
look out if you don't make a
match now I don't know when you
will. You might have to do like
quite an old chap did not 25 miles
from Drewsoy. For you have all
seen in pajiers how young Indies
oven Inixoin widows correspond
from the cast with western gentle
men. Our old gentleman's young
nature got the uper hand of him
and he oommcneed writing to a
widow at Witchita, Kansas. She is
a milliner by trndo, intelligent and
good looking, about forty years old,
and would adorn most any homo, if
correspondents judgment is right.
So our old lover or wouhl-lo lover
stated to her what a line home ho
had here, how nicely fixed and how
happy he would he and make her
the queen of his residence. Our
cliiiinto and lovely country well ad
vertised by your valuable paper
brought the lady to the conclusion
to try her luck for our lovely Ore
gon and our mountain scenery. So
about six mouths ago she arrived
at Ontario to meet her bvey dovey.
How she met him imagine! lie
did not appear dressed as neat as a
cowboy, for they always dress re
spectable, so liiat neither them
selves nor a lady have to blush
when they meet. No, indeed, he
came dressed like a sheepherder.
She told him "you are an impostor,
and not the man I would take as a
companion for my remaining days!"
Hut tho hotel keeper and a lawyer
persuaded her to marry him, for un
der the laws of Oregon it would be
the best she could do, so she made
the fetep for worse. How did she
find her future home compared to
the one she left behind (for she
owned her house back in Kansas)?
Hut as you all know it is a hard
lot to make a living with a needle.
When she saw the log hut, about
l lxlli, no chair nor stove, nothing
but old box seats, something of a
bed, n good natural dirt lloor, in
fiunt of tho lire place about three
feet lower, she says, "Is this your
house?" "yes, it is, and good enough
fur you or any woman!" She made
nn iiLt- mind nt once, and said to
him: "Don't you address me as
your wife, for I will not live with a
'man who docievos nn; so shameful
ly!" She is on her way home now,
with a new name she hates. Now,
boys, belter try your luck at hoim ,
that you do not have 1 1 - same
perieiue. If you write to one t ll
her the truth nnd don't decii v.' a
lady. Ni-i!i:it.
A Valualito llnllrnl Tnitlo.
'tho (xllllun (or lie" l Ilia torlliiK Mcdk'nl
Atiniinl, l.noivn nt llustottcr'n Alumnae, I
now ri'Ailjr, ami may Iki oMnlnixl, Irua ol ri I,
odli uitRl-l" nml KDiicral country iliuilrm In nil
partti.if lliu fiuifil Stnlr. .Mi'Hi'ii.niiillnil.'i-il
In nvi'ry mIIImI porlnmof lliu V.'i'nli'rn llim
lajiliurn. 'I lil AlinniiiK ha Imh'II HmhM txu
Inrly nt lliu f.niiiiiL'iii'rmi'Ml nt uu'ryjuar tar
nurunu Iiiiitllindiriinliiiy 1 1 ii until in.. it Ii
llidtoiinili'! riirileiil uilvi. o fur llwiirttunn
tiou nml n't"rnti'in f lic.nlili. n liiruu niiioinit
of InU'runliiiK nml nilin-liiit lliflil rr.ulluK, ami
tin. rjOiuulfir. Hatriiluitntrtil rltr,).
IMl.iflil Iti'ina, Ao , nr.) lirrimrwl ltli Kri'iit
iwni, nml will liu f.niii'1 1'lilln-ly nrrnriit.i I lin
ImiiuoI lliMlctti'r'i. Almanac fnrlwwiUili
r.lily Ui tin. Iiirgc-t ciIiIIimi l ii iiifiIii-jiI work
ororinililUliixl In nny country lliu iiroirlt
tnr, Miiure lliuti'ttcr A i ., 1 'lttliiirnli.
mi rocolpl ol n two rent Umi. will forwnnl
n l.y innil to nnv run who ouiiaut
irucutc unn In !! lielglibuiliouil.
Canyon City, Or.
This lontlar irsarl has
lire it reopened lu I lie jiihlie,
and now, as in Ihe past,
keeps nothing hat (holiest
ICines, L'uptors S- Cigars-
(.'. I. ItlCH.tltn, I'ropc.
UihI nillr l IIiiiik. Or.
N. ia, iua
Nllrr U hor.lijr li-n Oml thu fnlkmliiir-iiM)l
Ktili rl'M Hint liutlra nf I.U IiiUrIIihi U IMiAt
niml ,iof In i.fw't lit rlaliu, mul llil m4
pr.Htl Will Imi am.l lOTT. w '
i or . ai i mi)"i i.y. " "., .-p.- n.
Onrlna f. C'.mt, l'r l' N"ilf
i - sw 1 1 an'1 nsn i h c :.i Ti w
i lie Ot fitl!oln vllnrMn t IM bit
I ii,utiu,Mi4 rHUiiiw . l .uliltlp W
llw W liuuulHra, llaurr I' Uiimihv,
M ir, II ltrtn,,ld. nH)awln llllull. all of I'lallU
I cti. or.
! J It llt'.NTI NllTOK It. tflur
II tu. C. W II.
iMtl ollltw l Hum. IH"U
Nut. In, I MM.
SaUf l Iwnb ' giVMi lkt lb (nllu Iiik nml
KtUrr Iw niivl uutliw of III lNtHtl U nultr llital
uroi4 In muiorlof kit rUlio. nml that Ml.l ,,i.k(
will Iw mJr furs llw Ouuirty Olert ( (;r .
Or., al ('. Ml). Of. January Bin. lauu,
Ut Ffodorlck Holti, I'- U mm ( iht
aw l-l I T la S H JW I! W M
Us Hanwa ll l.ilkmluf wIIihm lo tiriKaWa
eoallhiMua io.ttln. upon, and ruliliaUuit of, aaitl
Uwt, JadiaMiltuwbata, B4. (I. N .bit, )'. I,.
)luliiiy. J- !' MulMir, all ut IMaalwi, Or.
M J. II. IIUkllKeiNN, IUlUf,
At the Washington UullJInc Cottier
Koutth anil Washington Streets
Another Wonderful Cute. ,
Mr. Kditor, Dear Sir: Alwtitlwo
year ngo I wa stricken down with
psralysin, and confinetl to my bed
for tux inonths. About that time
tny lung" and liver Ifcatnc congest
od, antl indigestion followed. My
lungs Itectttne disonaod, with a heavy
cough, and 1 gradually failed in
health. Fur months ago I called
on Dr. Darrln for treatment. Ho
ha so fur n stored mo to health in
all respects, that I nut able to I
around, and have not the slightest
doubt of an almdulo cure. 1 reside
al Milwankw, Or., and my son can
bo Been at tho ICsmond hotel to
vouch for this treatment. .
J. .1. Itl.A lit.
Dr. Datriiw' New Place of HusIiicm.
Drs. Dnrrin can lw consulted free
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland. Uooins Hi, 17, -'2 and 2i
set ond Moor. Ask the elevator boy
for HHm 10. Olllee hours, from U) lo
I o'clock daily; evening, 7 to .S;
Sundays 10 to 12. All curable
cllronie diHeasos, loss of niniihood,
lilood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rlui'it, slrieturt, spernuitorrhd'a,
seminal weakness, or loss of desire
of sextual K)wer, in cither man or
woman, catarrh anil deafness, aro
confidentially nml successfully trea
ted. Cure's of private tliseai-es
guaranteed, ami never published in
the papers. Most cases can receive
home treatment after a visit to tho
doctor's oilice. Inquiries answered
and circulars sent free. (Parties
writing will please mention the
name of the paper you saw this no
tice in.)
'I'he celebrated Mitchell Wagons,
Hacks, t'atts, Huggies anil Huek
boards at Collin .V McFitrlanil's,
Canyon Clhj,
I W ( t
-i !. nf the ctri
1 'l ining in 1 1 1
Mmle a hj
ii'ialty, ami nil
rntitcil til ht dans.
work war-
Wagon and
Carriaijo work
mi l all
nf ri'iiiiriug
llttl'llll'l to.
ami job
h m
If t il rV"
And buy your wife and little ones a Christinas Pi, hen .
an thing that you wish, from a boy's whistle to a gold
And a hundred and one things
Homo I'inu Hilvcr Ware.
1) HA
.. i -
.lohn Day, Or., Nor. 80, 'SO.
Pumuftitt to tho call of county
Sujit., a nuiuber of Uachers and
friends of education met at tlio ap
pointed time and place, to assist in
the organisation of a ruading circle.
K. Hayes acting as chairman, Mrs.
S. C. Honham was appointed Sec.
12. Hayea read and explained
communications front V. Klglor,'
Sec. ofO. S. T. K. 0.
After a few ininuloa discusiion,
jiro and con, proceeded to organize
as follow :
H. Hayes, county Sup't, wur ap
pointed president of circle. Motion
made ami carried thnt Miss L.
Parker, of Canyon City, ho Sec. of
The following refolntions woro
suggested and adopted.
Hcsolveil, that thin organUation
shall be known as tho Omul Coun
ty Teachers1 Heading Circlo, auxil
littiy to the Oregon Slato Teachora'
Heading Circle.
.Resolved, that wo earnestly po
licit the hearty co-operation of all
the teachers niul friends of educa
tion of the county.
Umilved, that tho editor of tho
( ! u a nt Cu. Ni:ws, and of the Long
Creek Hngle, be requested to pub
lish the minutes of this meeting in
the interest of the cauw of educa
tion. Minutes of mooting rem! and ftp
Motion made and oarriod Ur ad
journ to meet again to 28th or Dec.
KSS'.l, at John Dav school house nt
11 A. M.
Following is a list of nicntliers to
date: Slella Allen, Lillio H. Allen, S,
ICIlio Mack, S. C. Honham, 0. IC.
Capwoll, I.. Paiker, May Haily, M.
I,. Douthit, 'l'lionias Clurnoe, li.
Hayes, M. N. Honham, Geo. Ontt
nach, W. P. Davis.
U. H.VYice. .
S. 0. Ho.smi.ui,
Sec. pro tout.
In amotintH t
farmi. The lowc
If yon want t
von to sec me.
Miit on improvetl
-t ratiM ytiarniiteed.
Uniwv it will jay
1177(7 ; c brsl Coin ta
llies, W. B. DAVJS.
Prairie Citv : : : Oregon.
t you will find
watch Mich as
Uo numerous lo mention.
rr Alio
J '
,a.y 0mfn I aMiiiayiaiMaiipiii, ii im ;ai; a't-"
, i