eT TIE GRAHT COUNTY NEE Thursday, JVor. 21. 2 LOCAL BllEVITIES. JunVo Iiion remains very ill at hit home in Ifakor City. TatohorV examination noxt Wed nesday nt Orange hall, John Day. Another kit of millitiary just re oeivoil nt tlio John Day Millinery .Store. Invitation !mvo-1n!un issued for tho A. 0. IT. W. Iwll to the number of fiur hundred. J W. O. (.lontry of Fox, litis boon as sisting Mr. Watd in his harnesa shop during tha of work. Now mus tlie lint once again and let us havo a Mile walk from Main ktreet to the con it house. i tlacksmith Miller hus liuilt an ad dition to his shop to accommodate his rapidly inoreniitig limiiioM. Honylxxly plcmo make a movo to waiitnproving tho Hour-making ca pacity of tliu John Day valtoy. Tho Into rains have made tho grass vory good for shuop, and tho owners of thosv animals are Reeling letter. 0. 0. Mtutsiker, justice of tho pence in llayntack precinct, has sont in his lojtigimtioii. who says republican oltico holders nuver nwignl Sheriff Oniy in kicking locausu tho state tux levy has not lceii made so that ho could busy himself collecting taxes this fine weather lieforo snow gets too deep on our mountain roads. Tho JJrowery .Saloon advertises un der "Now to day." That house is cel ebrated for keeping tho bust goods in tho stoto besides that, tho prices have been reduced by tho new propri etor. Mr. J. J. Malloy usos tho columns of the Ni:ws to bid for a share of tho patronago whiuh the public has to lie stow. Ho warrants his blacksinithiug all first-class, and asks you to givo him a trial job. D.ikerCity Democrat: Over 1000 per day is paid in this city alone on froight charges, not to speak of tho charges for freight for interior points. This of itself is enough to make mon ey scarco in this market. A wheel on one of Mclvinnou's freight wagons dissolved while tho wagon was coming down tho street Monday morning. Fortunate that tho accident did not wait and occur in the mountains a way from a wagon shop. Tt is to Im) hopoil Grant county will net lto called upon to execute any more criminals erysoon; two within seven months is doing pretty well for a county whore murdorors have gener ally been acquitted, notwithstanding the enormity of their crime. Dr. 0. W. Harbor after a few months wandering in Iowa and Cali fornia, concluded there was no place liko Giant county, and has again loca ted here. Mrs. I'arl-or will prolably spend the winter in Southern Oregon, returning hero in tho spring. Neither an editor nor a correspond ent can possibly gather every item of interest in a community unless assist ed. Wo would thank people from all over the county for bringing to this ollico when they come to town such news items as might be of general in terest. Gibbs, the Portland murderer, has at lust leen captured, this time in Yro ka, Cal. It is homo comfort to know that tho right darkey has leen caught. Now tho daily papers will not an nounce about every issue, "Gibbs cap tured, sure," as they have been doing for the past.three weeks. Married, at New York, Nov. 13, 1889, Mr. W. JI. Brown and Miss Kva lngersoll, daughter of Col. Inger soll. Theio was no leligious ceremo ny, lliey simply agieed in the pros- ence of witnesses to lieeomo huslxind i I ...If.. I .1 -..1 1 1 ... and wife, and sealed the contract signing tho necessary papers, Jlro. Wanuamaker tays ho is a "tlyetl-in-the-woel republican," and proposes to beulit the postal service by every means in his power. If cutting down our mott important mail loutos to ono trip per week and other little aet of oourttny is what he calls lionofitting the postal seivice Hro. Wanimmakor has too much pow- ! er ulruuly, Deputy U. S. Marshal Harper, came over from linker City last week on his way to 1ong Creek. Ho had a warrant in his pocket for the arrest of Charlos Williams of that placo, who was charged wit!) tho roseut uuil rob bery. Williams was placed under ar rest by Mr. Harper, but wo aro in formed ho was turned loose. Just why he was released our informant did not know. Tho poor woman who has lieen all over Oregon in bourch of her lost bus lmud has not found him yet. Chris tian DumUkuh is his name and ho left Pennsylvania in lHriH and purchased a farm in Linn county, Oregon; sold his farm on the 17th of April, 1888, and was afterwards seen at Baker City, Oregon, where ho talked of go ing Romo place and engaging in tho stock business. He is about 17 years of ago, black hair ami sandy whiskers. ' His wife is hunting for him now and , wishes to know of his wherealouU. , Four of his children and a numlier of 1!. t A I. I... :.., .I 1... l4 1 his friends have died since he left them. Any one knowing of tho said Christian DamUich's whereabouts will Ihj lilemlly rowardod by addressing Mrs. Mary Dambioh, lloiso Oity, Idaho. tho mountains; nun- inz on tho olaiiif. Jas. Alloiunli family have moved into town to fjht tho winter. w Kd. Waltcn,i again in his Inrbcr' shop, havingaiHunied from tho vH;H latnotta. In the oity of Now ork, thorsjmro forty fivo national looks, with an. ag gregate capital of $38,800,000. Mr. lllakc, representing tho Kiitiitn lilo life imniranco cotnimny, wa in this imighborhood during tho week. A ly was digging clams at water lay, when ho found a silvor fif-ty-ont nieeo of IS 1 2. Ho sold it for 55. llaptock and Dayville folki aruritv termiued to huild a good wagon road to lluppner, their neorot railroad point, Tho celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Carts, IHiggies nnd llnck boards nt Collin it McKarland's, Hoppnor. Tho Cronin trial ecoms to havo developed the fnct the Chicago po lice linvo corralled a. nest ol mur derers. Four inon, after serving five years in the Pennsylvania penitentiary are found to bo innocent, of the crimes charged against them. j "sIossrs. Wallace (Irogory, Hilly Young anil Jasper Cochran, who were in town iTiuay witnessing tho execu tion, pad tho Nkwh an interesting visit. All four of tho now ntntos have been successfully admitted into the Union. Idaho wants in pretty bad, and will bo the next star on the banner. In North Dakota it i'h stated 'JO, 000 fumilios, roprosnting 100,000 people, are bordering on starvation. About a thousand families in South Dakota aru destitute. Tho show which advertised to ap pear hero last Saturday oveninif, fail ed (o connect. Mr. Groth is aliout tho only one in this burg who mourns their absence. Self amputation scorns to have become coutagiouH at the Salem ponitontinry. Two more convicta nave made nttcmps to cut od' their bunds in order to escape work. What was thought to 1k an Indian Miminer hazo in Washington turns out to have lx-on smoko from tho cigars of ollico-seokors who still haunt tho streets ami corridors of that city. What linker City needs is a rail road to tap tho valuable mineral and lumber resources of Daker and Grant counties, and a railroad we will have if tho people urge it, Democrat. W. A. Miller was convicted of man slaughter at Albany for wrecking a S. P. train and sentenced to ten years in tho penitentiary. Tho Holfe loys indicted with him were admitted. Tho nioit deadly weapon of tho 10th century is tho unloaded pistol. Tho dosjieradoo's weapon, carefully loaded and looked to, sometimes misses (ire, but the unloaded pistol never fails to do its work. The days are' sensibly growing shorter, and tho long evenings coming on apace. Every ono will want a good paper to read during the winter season. Suliscril) for the best; tho Nkws and Texas Hiftings. We did not learn of tho bad calami ty which bofol ex-county clork Maol, last week until too lato for publica tion. His house and all its contents burned, tho lire originating, it is thought, from a defectivo stove pipe. Chauncey L. Dcpcw is not nt all afraid that tliis country will be overcrowded through tho rush of immigration. Ho says that the area of arable acres in the United Stales is 20 per cont. larger than that of China, which 6upjort8 a population of nearly 100,000,000. An cnliro family of nino persons wero drowned in an attompt to cross Yaquina bay in n worm-eaten k XT .f 11 I. ....... old boat None of tho party know how to handle a boat, and a squall which struck tho boat put them at the mercy of tho elements. Sovon bodies have been recovored. Did you ever slop to think what a tirelosK letter writer a good local pa per isl Week after week, reaching into year nftor year it goos on, telling of the marriages, biitlis, deaths, ami coming and going of the people of our town, busiiiuiM success or failure, acei dents, crops, improvemnuU meetings, in fact events of all kinds. All this tho Nkwh deos. Now is tho timo to sulnciibo. Harnoy Press: Old man Haskoll, who went to San Francisco some timo aj(o to have a cancer removed from his mouth, died there a few days since, without having the oancer ex tracted; but not, however, till the can coflHy)w.lit had gotten over 8500 from tho poor old lady, who mortgag ed her littlo home to raiso the nionoy to rojieve her sullering huslximl. Is thorn no way of making this Dr. re fund! Tho measuro which wo advoca ted some time since of n convention of assessors u very important, nnd should receive immediate attention. There is a necessity of an equalized assessment, and this can only he accomplished by a meeting of tho ollieinls whoso business it is to nt- tend to this mutter. We hok) tho nssoskors of Oregon will rightly un- .1. .!., , I u. I, I.,..! nn,l l.-ill til. UUinMtllll HUB Dlt"jvif ..It. ft Mftftl low no dolay in taking action. If tuxes were equal in nil counties there could be no complaint, ami their collection would bu much eas ier. Mountaineer. lllirzarda on nr , .PRAIRIE CITY PRATTLE. ; George Jones left this jJ&icfcful town for Eugone City. , Hill Shuinan started on tho loth with a band of horses for Town or Illinois. , Carl ('oaft'liad his wrist Kpraincd by a horse? falling on him lay I Thursday. -Wo noticed Miss Davis, Mossrs Davis, Gurney, Ciillenwater and Vench in town Sunday. Mr. Hucklohouo was in town this week. Wo understand ho bought a yearling colt of Mr. Cozart for $250.00. Mr. Maniwaring returned from linker City last week; he brought back a supply of hairpins big white mis. Messrs. Young nnd Ollivor of the South Fork country wero up to Prairie hying grain and vegetables Inst week. i lie young man Willi the race horse is very quiet now, since ho got mm boat by the mow, owned ny Sam Kronen. Carl Him left on tho Mth with a hunch of horiios for Kugonc City, his intention is to keep a liverv sta bio thi(vli there. Harry Kico no- conipaniod him. 71 r. Tom Howell and Willie Starr liwc n skating rink nt the Grange hall whero the skating public can skato or full everv Saturday night for fiO cts. apiece for tho whole oven- hl'WIII, I1UH Will, IV tllU I1IIV Ui IJ. .aufance, n girl; Nov. 12th, to the iin Vv.. mi. i-.ii :c. .,r i wtfo or Hon DoardolT, a girl; rsov. ljith, to tho wife of Al. Gollet, a girl; to the wife of Jako Hardmau n Eon. Sovcrel of the 1 oys aro going to Logan valley to start tho geese out to keeji them from starving, ns they think it is going to bo a tough win tor. Tho boys look out for their property very "closo for iUs all thoy have got. OnsKiivim. Will meet to pnrt no more the comb and the bald head. Lively times are nwaiting tho northwest, cuch as littlo dreamed of, noxt yoar. An English hangman oilers to come to this country and execute murderers by the job lot. At San Francisco, tho California three-year-old mare, Sunol, bent Axtoli's of 2:12 by a second and a half. Tho three-year-old record is now :10. A Nebraska justice has declared n muii accused of stealing an um brella on a rainy day, guiltless on tho ground thnt ho acted in self defense. The president's mcssago will be sent to congress in typewriter form. He will n6t natronize tho irintorn ns hns been the custom of his pre decessors. Washington hoard of her admis sion into the union in less timo than two ininutea; Oregon had been u state nearly n month before she received oiliciul notification of the fnct. "You girls wnnt tho earth," said a Fox valley father when one of his daughters asked him for SO to buy a now jacket. "No, papa." said tho ingenious child of twenty, "not the earth only a now jer sey." Tho Aalorian's plan to obtain a beneficial change in the assessment laws is to "send to the legislature men who nro not in dobt." Hut perhaps a majority of voters who aru not in debt would first have to be obtained. Henry V. "Waters, of 1'oston, has been looking up the genealogy of (leorgo Washington, nnd finds that he dccomlcu from Lawrauco "Washington, who was olected to parliament in 101!! as a malignant royalist from Ks&ox. ruder tho laws of llulgaria if a patent medicine is warranted to cure n certain disease mid faila to do it tho meiiufactiirer can be prosecuted and sout to prison. No cures lor consumption can Do found in that country. Tho Detroit Freo Press pays it will cost 100,000,000 to put our eca coast in a itato of defoiiio aguinet a foreign foe, while it won t cost us ten cents to mind our own business, nnd keep out of a iow with the rest of tho world. A Kansas City boy has been granted by tho court a chango of nnino on account of his father having disgraced tho 6amo by per. mitting his infant child to diu of neglect in order to marry immedi ately after the death of his first wife. Tho all pervading religious question has found its way into tho "Washington legislature. Homo of tho members do well to get along with prayer at the opening of tho daily sessions. The consti tution carefully prohibits appro priations for religious purposes, so it is not possible to pay u chap lain. Tho resident clergy of Olyiupin, however, aro willing to take turns in invoking divinu blessing upon tho legislature without remuneration. Under those eireuinstnncos," nobody ought to object. Uregoniaii. GRANITE GRAINS. Ew. Nkws: Tho sawmill is running its fullest capacity. J. P. McCoy has moved into bin now dwelling. Doc. Thornborg is the now clork at the Now Storo. Ed. Olcolt of Pilot Hook is in town on business. Changoable weather with snow, rain, etc., but not vory cold. News items arc not liko bad colds here, they aro harder to catch. J. J. Hilliard has also finished his dwelling and takes his menls at home. Quite a number of men will win ter on tho Greenhorn to work up their claims, and in fact nenrly ev ery ono who has a promissory ledge will well put in n winters work on it. Our town is lively and every ono thinks that noxt spring will bIiow 1 or f thousand oop!o in and about Granite. They will come when thoy lenrn tho vast number of extra Hold and silver initios there are hero nwaiting development. This lido all other mining sections, has difficulties to overcome, and the backsets that it receives from want of enpitnl, want of energy, discre tion nnd good mining management, nro many. fomo who havo good mines can not work them and will not sell to tluno who can. Others work their mines on such a saving, close way, that they fail to get tho amount of benefits they should, nnd men who have worked in them once will not work again nnd tell other miners to look out for such mines. Our mnil hns been cut down to twice n week, which inaks trouble in the camp. It would seem that as thrifty n mining settlement nnd us much mail, should hnve their mail oftencr. I). I. ftowart nnd wife left a few days ago for Hitch creek, Umatilla county, where thov will pass the winter. Josophus 'iVyou wont the Fame way bent on the samo mis sion. Messrs. Gutlridgo nnd Benson Qiave added to the looks of their store room ny putting rustic on lite trout. 1 hey should paint and have a sign, which ot course tnoy will do. Tho Clear creek quartz mill is running ami night. Thoy have ad ded an engino so they can run when tho water freezes. The City hotel is crowded to such an extent that an addition has been made for the culinary department. It Is reported here that it was some fellows from Long Creek that rohbciLihe stage. Avrnt. . . oft . country editor who takes tin unusual gloomy view oi ino up proacihing wintery weather, be- wnils tho hazardous condition of lis wearing apparel in tho follow ing delicate manner: "Lives of groat men oft louiiud us honest toil don t Maml a chance, more wo work wo leave behind us bigger patches on our pants. Oh those pants, onco now and glossy, now nro patched with many u hue, nil because subscribers linger, will not pny us what is duo. Then let them bo up mid a doing, send your inito tho be it small, or when 6nowBof winter strike us wo hhall have no pants at all." TRADE MARK L- Cures' aMmYANoTEiitaAifEirrLY HilftiToil 11 your Cnrril SJ KcrrKt. n.luniLin.O.JunoaJ, IMS. Ttlca will) rlieumutlim 1.' jrnrt ncuiuf foml till ono year bko i cured ly 8t JncuU Oil. Xo return tlix'O. K K 1IKYAN'. KufTorril la Vi'r -Ouroil. MM'lo mil, Midi , March b, UA. Mr. John 1, Kinltli, Kiult'jr. Ulrlilgmi, ni mictyl ultli rliiicniatUin 15 )inii, lilt caw pruiinunrol Incurublo lijr two i.U)lelniu. bet wn ourdl ly St. Jucuta Olt mi'l lins mnnlnwl two) turn. H. M.OKVItY. DruasUt. At DnvouuTt Ann hrxiw. HIE CHARLES A. YOGCIEII CO., Ctlllraoro, lid. or Hoppuor, C. A. IIIIKA, Kit AN K KIU.I.OOO, Piosiileut. Vice-President. Okokoi: W. Cos-Sim, Cashier. j. v. un i:a, t. a. itiu:., i. r. nonso.v, Directors. Tninsnrls a (ienernl Itaiiklng UiihIiics. Exchange , on all pints of tho world v BOUGHT and SOLD. Collections made at all points on HuiKOiiahlo Tei nu. Money luinod at fiom one to tun per cent. When in Heppner dc-n't fail to call on LKlCZKIi & THOMPSON for iiAiinwAiti:, tiswaiii:, woon ami wiulow www., (iiioei:itiiM , ToiiAtro, irTc.. t,Tc. Aueney for tlio Ni:w Homi: Hi:win(IMaciu.nil XfSk. Ordoi'SIr by mnil promptly mid caicfully filled. Ptienfflatssjji J IT IS THE BEST. i THE MY OF DOOM Polcr Sullivan Dies On Tho Gallows Tor tho Murder of John Bronkeo. Docs Not Complain or Murmur At Ills .-ate. THINKS IMS SINS IIAVUIIIiUN l'OKOIVKN Friday afternoon Peter Sullivan was executed as per sentence paw cd Uvon him last September by the judge of the circuit court of Grant countv. The crime for which Peter Sulli van wns tried nnd convicted, was that of murder, committed in tho enrly morning of tho first dny of Inst April. John Uronkee wns kill ed in his enbin on Pino creek n few miles enst of here, the enbin being occupied only by Hronkee nnd Sul livan, the hitter being much the stronger man. Sullivan, after hav ing committed the deed, repaired to n neighbor's house nnd stated that there was a "dead Dutchman up the creek," and that he had killed him. lie stated that the deceased had made an assault upon him, nnd that for self preservation ho had shot him. Sullivan then came to town ami surrendered himself to tho authorities. A coroner's in quest established the fact that the victim had been shot onoe in the center of the back with n Winches ter, and had two other wounds about tho breast and side. Evi dence went to show that ho had been lying on his bed upon his side with his face toward the wall, and wns evidently asleep when shot in tho spine. Therefore, at the con clusion of the preliminary examin ation before Justice of tho Peace, N. Hulison, Sullivan was held with out bail to appear before tho noxt grand jury, which, according to ev idence in their hands, indicted him for murder in the first degree. The case was tried at tho September term of circuit court Tor Grant coun ty, District Attorney Hand, nnd M. D. Clifl'ord prosecuting. S. S. Den ning was appointed bv the court to defend tho prisoner. Insanity wns the extenuating cflort made in be half of the accused, and the onlv plea for lenity which could have tempered tho decree of justice. This failed, however, to bear the test, anil the jury's verdict wan that of "guilty as charged in the indict ment." Judge I son pronounced tho sentence that ho bo hanged Novem ber loth. Prior to passing hentenee Sullivan was asked if ho bad any thing to say, and replied that his "life wns a misery to him," and that he "preferred to have it over with as enrly as possible." Shortly before two o'clock this fa tal afternoon the priHoner,!iH8islod by Slierill' Gray nnd deputy Fnds, mounted the scnflbld. When ask ed if bo desired to make any state ment his only reply was to "show respect to bis body." His limbs wero pinioned and the bhu k cap adjusted, and at precisely 2:01 the drop was sprung. Tho knot slip lied around under the victim's chin, and the horrible contortions of the body were discernable for eight minutes. At the cud of nineteen minutes Drs. Orr anil Pruden pro nounced life extinct, and after hang ing twenty-eight minutes the rope was cut and tho body lowered and placed in a coffin, and convoyed to its last placo of rcposo on the hill without a friend to shed a tear over his departure. So ended the enrth ly enreer of tho second murderer executed by tho slierill' of' Grant county within a period of seven months. From the time of his sentence till a few days prior to his execution, Sullivan appeared in good spirits, the least of his troubles lieing his approaching doom. Hut his de portment tho last two or three days of his life, evidenced a troubled con science and rontlc&a spirit. Foeling the dread hour of death approach ing with eternity nnd all iu uncer tainty about to dawn up ai his guil ty soul, his rest at night wns nro ken and his food often remained uutastcd. Kev. Mr. ICada, and oth er leligintis men were then called to his side for religious counsel, and all the bravado which had marked his career had vanished. A short time before the hour of his execu tion he informed u Nkws repoiter that he bad lepunted of hii evil deeds and felt himself forgiven; that for tho pant three yenm life had been a misery lo him, and ho had no rest. Ho wns satisfied with the result of his lute trial, and preferred hanging to life imprison ment. No mention was made of the man whose soul he had hurled into eternity. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public npprovnl the Cnlifomiu liquid fruit remedy Syr up of Figs. It is pleasing to tho eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver nnd liowols, it cleanse the system efiivt uaHy, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. You onn save big money by go ing to Collin it McFarlautl, Hep puor, for your Fall nnd Winter Sup plies. Thoy ketqi everything, and liavo cut prices down so that thoy aro tho lowest priced store in Ore HORRORS OK HONESTY I'LAT. Haystack Valley, Nov. 12, '80. Thoro'nro but few settlements In Grant county but what have soino place or section cloio by culled n lint, our settlement being eomowhal more enterprising thnn others, hns several fiats, such as Fiddler's Flat, Hurricnnc Flat, nnd last but not least. Honesty Flat. This last one 1 will try nnd describe to the read era ns also the observations I made during n few hours ride on Honesty Pint, surrounded on the cast, south and woat by rinirocks, creeks ami cany onn, nnd on the north by high mountains covered with thick tim ber nnd being awny from any pub lio highway; tho greater part of it owned ly one or two men, it oilers facilities to carry on a horse steal ing buwness unsurpassed by even Pniiovillo iu its paltnyest days. Hoft.cs cnu bo gathered in tho hills surrounding Canyon and the John Day, driven down the fionth Iork, thence fired into the brakes and canyons southeast of the fiat, from where thov can bo oasilv driven back into the mountains towards Heppner, Pendleton nnd other ship ping and trailing MintH. I don't mean to say by this that such things are done here, for that would not agree with the nnino of "Hon esty Flat." The Bottlers on this flat are a very energetic and enter prising class of people, some more than others, but the cake must be awarded to "Honest John," about the first settler iqi heio, who, al though he claims to have lost one hard and honestly earned stake, through the malice and perjury of Home of his neighbors, has not lot his grit, and with renewed vigor af ter bis pleasure trip to Salem, he is now hard at work to lay up a pen ny wlierenitu to pay tlio oxpoiifos of another trip. His record ns a stockman, I defy anyone to bent. .Starling Inst spring with about o head of cattle voting and old and about ') head of mares, of which four had no colts, his iron now will show from 20 to 10 head of each, to bo increased at tho present rate un til the neighbors will bo afoot and import thoir bacon for inent. This latest stylo of branding nnd mark ing cnttfo thnt get lost in here, is ns follows: 1 he cow, two year old, or yearling, ns the case might be, is corralled, roped, and thrown down, next securely tied, and then with knife, ax, and rod hoi iron, handy at the work of barbarism, cruelty and torture, begins work, which a Siwnsh would bo ashamed of, or would make a barbarian blush a job which could bo performed only by a brute utterly devoid of any human feeling, tho critters tail is cut oil, horns chopped oil with a dull ax, and if maggots start iu the stump of the horn, boiling hot wa ter is lKiurod over the poor critters' head, regardless of ears, eyes, or scalding; but before this the ears nro cut nenrly clonn oil' nnd the cntler partly skinned, which is cull ed n dulnp, 'hut iu reality, cutting oil' n slrlii of . hide six inches or more wide nnd from a foot to two feet long, leaving tho windpipe bare, and cutting down so low na to lame the animal. Next the hot iron is brought, and if there is tiny room left, or rather hide on the cow, this is burned, and now llial cow belongs to Johnny. This, in thu year ISM), in a eivil- iod country, under a protective government, in a county which claims lo punish ufl'ondeis of the law, and whose sherifl' has combin ed with sherill's of other counties to put a stop to horte stealing. Ni:.T. --- . H Postmaster-General John Wann maker shaves himself. A case of razors, six in number, has been sto len from this good man. Cnmliinet the Juice of the like Fi;sof California, cn l.ixilivc atel rutnti..u with tlio mcilulnul vlrluM of plunu ain to lie ino-.t lcneiuil to t lie tiuiimri Uei:i. forming the OM Y I'l II l'lXT KKMKDV to an t'eady yet promptly on lite KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AMI, TO'- Cleanse i!ia System Effectually, tO THAT punn DLOOD, IJEFnESHINO SLEEP, HEALTH nnd HTHENQTH Naturally Mlovf, Kvcry one li Millie it aiut a1! me ilclielitcil with it. Atlc your .IriiMi.t fur SYKUr OK FIGS. Maim faclurrit only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Kan ruAMiitio, Cal. Lovuvii t -i, K .. Utw Youk, N. Y. I'of ImvllirM HIIMllt at tllC lulltjllll 'WlllC4 l'ol!i: I'mtUi,.! UirKuu, oft Un Capital llu. lnr- Ci'llt-Hc Hilrm. tfeoii; lk.tli lirhooU ore muii r llir maunuriiiriitur A I' Ariiutiu";, have Mint- cui uf Miulteaunil game ralcn of lulllun. V. (I K i I V S K, ,S l V t ll U 11(1 , TyK wilting. I'rniiuuttilti ai"' I'.nsll'li l)cuil lurm 1U) mt rxiiniK wwIoiih. hliuU'iilui! ml'.tr.l at miy time. I'urloiiit Calatiiuur.oiUrrM rlUl l4i. f.ll.K, Oil CjiiIOI BiJuiu Ullrrt, IVHllainl, Ult-KUil. VIV ball in, OlrL'un. DR. DARRIN'S ART. Orgonhn. Of fronting tlisen?e by electricity is, liko ninny other good things In medicine, not new, but its principle of action is so littlo understood that its employment at tho present day makes it practically u now discov ery. Tho medical profession at larue. not nossessinir tlio truo sou ret of tho projicr remedies to use, aro still blundering in the dark, and throwing discredit through (heir ig norance on ono of tho greatest mod icnl ndvnnccs of tho present day. For tho benefit of those to whom this plan of euro is now, nwl who may bo seeking aid, though dis trustful, after many failures of ev erybody and everything, tho Dre. Darrin'desire to explain simply and logically the theory of oleotro-the ranoutics, and leave them as men of common senso nnd judgment to take or refuse tho aid ollcroci, ns (heir nruumeiits and examples nro based on known physiologicnl'faotrt and experiments. They ask noth ing beyond a fair hearing and a fair trial. ok.u'nkss cumin in tiin .minitiis. Mil ICditoii: For some timo T have been troubled with nartinl denfness, nudlatcly could senrcoly hour in one enr, with a conslant ringing noise. I consulted a doqtor in Portland, which did me no good. I liiialiy went to Dr. Damn, and in less than ten minutes ho cured me with electricity. 1 nm engineer on the steamer City of Torio, running from Astoria to ICalama. G. SMITH. onci: nu iiau riMi' on u in pack. Mu. IOiutoii: For (on vonrs past I have been troubled with nervous debility and pimples on my faco and bodv, as hundreds of young men are atlbcted with. Have been under Dr. Damn's electric treat ment for six months and now find luvself restored to health, and the pimples have almost disappeared. Hefer to mo at Mulino. Clackamas county Oregon. C. IS. K.NOTTS, Dr. Diurlna' Place of Uuninesti. Drs. Darrin ran bo consulted free at 2115 Pifth street, corner of Main, Portland. Ollico hours, from IU lo o'clock daily: evening, 7 to 8: Sundays 10 to 12. All eurablo chronic diseases, Ions of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gouor rhti'ii, hlriclure, Hpcrnmtorrhum, seminal weakness, or loss of desiro of Hextual power, in either man or woman, catarrh and deafness, nro confidentially anil successfully trea ted. Cures of private diseases guaranteed, and never published iu tlio papers. Circulars sunt free. Most cases can receive homo tieatment after a visit to tho doctor's ollico. School Teachers' Uxamliiatlon. Notice is hereby given that foe the purpose of making an examine tion of all perHoim who niny offer themselves as candidates lor touch ers of the schools of this county the county school superintendent;, thereof will hold a public examina tion at the (irange hall in John Day, on Wediiesdy, Nov. 27, 1880, commencing at m. of that day. Dated this Nth dav of Nov. 'Si). l5. Haybs, Co. School Superintendent of Graiit county, Oregon. Stoves A Tinware, Doors Sr. Win dows, cheaper than aiiyw.liere, . at Collin it .McKarland's llurTpncr. Kyo, Parley, Timothy, Alfalfa, always on hand iu largo uatilfiy, at Collin it MoKarlnnd's, Ifoppnor. StoUon Cow Hoy Hals, Silvor Hits and Spurs; Calfokiu Coatu ami Vests. Cheyenne it San Joao Sad dles, at Collin it McKarland's Hop pnor. (lood grass and water all tho way to Heppner and 1(10 miles of travel saved on the round trip, over over Tin Dalles route. Prices of goods lower and wool higher. Go to Collin and McKarlnutl, thoy keep the largest stock and fdoll inoro goods than any storo in Oregon. Why? IJucnuso thoir prices aro lower; thoy buy everything by tho car load. OLYMP1AS. MUltltAV. M. 1 Peinuln Spouialist. Iltw practiced on tho Pacific Coast tor tho puhb twenty-IIao years. A life time dovo. tod to tho Htudy of female trouble, their imiihoh and cures. I havo thousand)! of togtiuionials of perma nent 'tires friitn the bent poophi on this uoast, A positive yuuiantoo to permanently euro any caso of fomnlo woaknofiH, no matter how long btninl itig or what the stage may be. Char ges reasonable'iind within tlio loach of all. For the benefit of tlio vory poor of my box who nro iiufl'erin; from any of tho groat multitude of niltuuiilH thai follow iu tiain of tliat lorribl'i disease Known m tho fotutdo wunknosn, and who aro not ablo lo pay for treatment. I will treat freo of charge. Coitsullittion by mail, froo. All corrospondonco strictly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and sent by oxpratm with charges j ro-paid for "homo" treat ment, with specific ibrootiotis for mo. If you uro 8iifl'ojin from any female trouble, poiiodieally or con stantly, Address, Oi.vmi'U S. iMumtAv, M. D., East Pot Hand, Oregon.