Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 14, 1889, Image 4

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iistit ! Ala-cV sr I -'Jpt,,
ieat!i y-ar. It :i i . -i'.y-jctopouia.
ut wio.c! loCor-rrn,-'
for all v'io pur-
iSWivC' eb' '' ll.XU. :' ' r (he
nSm li... (:.-. a! i.U. VT.
cm cloths ye-i r rl tw, a'i : utii
all IP ntf"-.i '! " i"1' " "ttiy
RVIiiltnbll tG ..-'', W .',. 't'.l.llO. AlOei,
en, ftsb, tuiar, .r.:. ( ottutran,
or 's.y it kerow, nut ... viiftou.i risae,
Btylaa nud tiusntltles. .7iutt figure out
what i riiiin to lo ail those things
COHFOHTftBLT. 'ul 1 ,p"i nMtoftfatr
estimate of tho varao of tho BUIfBItfi'
CHJIDM, wrhtoh will bo Hilt upon
rocaipl of 10 cents to py postage,
1U-114 Jilohlgnn Avenuo, Chlom;o,lMl.
tp you viBii a qood nnvouvca
Ftnt tinal.?.
. at A M
fjctti. In eitm I
ifniitriki4. KpfM Hum
r-tUa itni 1rcl imIU
fur tvnrktnAeftttfnanil fttnek. tot I
nnlah. ilnritblllir nml nicarnrr. H.."t-'
hii he ilet-a-lrtat tif elirap ataKflW Im IwHMIlunl
ofd n Mid lor I ho gvntiin aiiw-i-. Tt-T in our
llrMo and ilnvfio The flairs A Ws., K
Y.iLTcn sr MMtni-fNl tim tl e i urn I w lib Arm
luce, tiMmi sttdnsleanf Mi i.'. and am triiMr
linlet'rt svifttet. Iim tiin l.filn- llnw, ai.d II
y.rtir iwfrr nrnvil .iiii'jf an "fiti-r td
,lrilieityw will teceOaornmpi alianti' ti. 'wcrli
IS cstaloea awl prlnr-tiii.'ii aMi'tcOo-..
fcOIITIl Ai WHtMllN.
HprliiclltM, Ains.
L'lirali, and Trstio Msrk obtained Slid ill I'll
ut builneM conituctiul fur MoutnAtt net
Orh Off let is omitc ,U, rTiKT orriet
nud wscaa ircnrj (latent In Icn time tUu lliuto
remot fmm hl-al-i. . ...
nd moM, drawing or lioln., Willi ilrtl';
lion. Wo ailm. If ftt'-iilM or not, frw of
cJinrw. Our Ne not dno till plrut l ntnrwl.
A PAM PHtCT. "Ilntr loObUln I'U-nli." Willi
ntmm of orimf client In juur Btatu, countf, or
town, nl fr, AJ'lren,
Qrr. Patcnt orriet. Waihimoton, D. C.
ThU popnli'rpiiiciljf liavur tuiU i
tofrcttillmrj i,
Dyspopsla, Consllpaiion, Sick
tlOiUhcilO, BiliOU3IIC33 j
Ami rlt J1;obiici ni-lnlns Irora a j
Torpid uvcrr.nd Bail DlHoslion.
Tlioiiotin nl rcitilt i ctil ipt
(lluliml xiillil IUmIi. UiikU hinall.
. Irwt.iitlv M:-Ji' roiiloil bikI tuiy
' .nullum Skill! vurj liro. ;
' .n.f"' ' I limit"
ioiii, II Brtl)l",', i urhroi h" wHlo
j i frrt "li iif'li
Wlirn : Crur I '- "t ' ' morciy to
toil th m :ur i iini-. fi"i i "i h
luin .Hn I mi " A'' tWUfc.
1 llAVll Uiniti t.lU j i ) of
A .i : i nlr- I VAi:r.'ir my rtniirtr to
Cliut: n,i v,,tl !. Ihm:i io otiii. lif
IhIIi n-nr,. -nil fi.r r.tilnu r ri-reivuw nci.
9iiii.i'iii'n! iirc.tniii'ltt r iiuummui
of mt Isru.LiMu: UMisur One Hxi.a
Alt.! lo l fifti It rcW )oi nu'lilDf kir II
Irul, iiJ It mil 'U'O y"u- Atf""1
M.O. ROOT.M.O., U3PA.ST,HttfY0l
Ely's Oream Balm
CloniwcnthoK'acalPassapoO' Al
hxya Inflammtitloo. Heals tho Soro!.
Kostorofl tlio Sunuoa of Titnto, Emi.U
und lloaving.
A rottlrlo Unppllnl lulorai linn.vrll iiil
U utlrrnlilr. I'rlrf .!(. nt IlrungUla ' !
tnnll. TI Y IVl(OTIlKKf,MWm)nrH.,N Y rfk.
T l.f Movo l'lvi'ii euro
for (ii!iii!ir.t wn nu j1
mv life A. II. Iiuwi:-1,
i.'.Ii.h r.,. i'. i....
'"-'' -.! luj
Inn V. IV Ai.rl "!l lhK7 3
Til IIK-.T PoiikIi Meill H
OlllO in l'lsn'K I'flli: Hilt KJ
UOS'ilJUTIi.w. C'lillilroa
tAko It wlllioiit olijoclloii.
ny nit (iriicttiHiM, vnc
(fj LWlS WlUlirAUllffTA'lS. I;,
LrJ I11 tliuiv. . 1,1 l'jr.lriiii!Ut,
t 1
t it n
and fun i
1 M K ir tin wt, ) .
tfiitfi I tr 1. ... k. v ..1
irlhly lu -U I fir ) t.r kH 1
vtffUijr Ilk- r.l.ii ; ml. u
!ly w orr V.1 J I
" t, mrr Mr . w 1 1
ty Ui. I
11 i.una 1 1 k 1
r a 1 1 1 1 1
fe&ci.'r.rr.v. ,
Klmll wvs fclurt VOl In tins lii.-nt. t WtUf u t t' 1 . 1 .1
n 1 , w 1 1 1 '
) 1 $ tb i 1 1 tt I'-H 1 i i
t. U I t H !ll ! -I 1 I I 1 c I 1 , f r 111
On . mm li 11 1111J1. ikmiiiu 1 . .. I .'.'i.OO'l ri
tlolliii- JlMitii:rwti Aiiiiin -t '
Mtc'ir ( r ti'4 li uit.t t I 1 1 1
1 MiHt i b4iiuhijr'tktWwlJi ll II-kJuu.
ui v4 liiMiil IMIM4- m luraruiiit a
t4MVa MUctMftfl fMl. - II bti ,l
lllklH MWUIf. HlM't ' ' ....
iliw AfM4 lakt ili 'w ' 1 -
Ufwknvu. Ofi-! i t .in nfii j
tM.ftUtf A414ML 141 .... 1. t
du . 1 uil Uli.iM.tli uiiii" lrr
UlltOM Mb twU wt Ml, nit 1 JltH J i
Iftlull lutM, Uw. 4m4 JNrt-.U4i k ,
1 lift t
1 11 3
H .
Itsrj CUIUS IVMIKI All llSFlAllS. fcr
KAl Uoll'i. "i, lu.'.-k'.' 'J. L'-l I'-J
Irl Inliiur. lw..My iltiyni'U. N.l
ALUS 7 C. ilJ.tN k in,
AtkllK, tliix.
Important to
J $11 Pniior, f00 rnijM, 1S00 Illustrations. R000 Colimnw
Killing ia Ibis age tf Cttip I.ilfrilare er is aj ether age bs kjdiIW the following
To every person who (within 60 days from
the date of this paper) will subscribe for
Subscription Price Three Dollars per rear
an I , iv in m1aoc tba .vomiI 8tilcr iion iiii' nml g Addition al
tvi .1. .t -titl for one year wkly copy of TIIU NKVH mid nlo for 0110
vi ar weekly n copy of
TEXAS szTicisra-s.
'IIh inWriiillou pri-o rf SUTIXftS In $1 t joor. It U n lC-iat;o iftior, jiro
fnwly ly tint l itliti nrtlW nml CRtimlnrlnU of lliailav u llio ni,ilir
of origin tl humor, it U fti i.uinlotl)il to tl.tnil i.t tint limul of lliu llliutrntcil iirosn of
tli counlrv, nml hit Uuiwill iihiikhI " Tu j Willy Woiulor ot WorM." H li
pnlii:'io.l l.t New York u::il liti it Nntionnl ropHUlioti. Tlio nioiiH of SIITIMt'S
uiii mi w. 11 l.nowu th t vj i! t l.ot il ..m It siecovrirjr to ri'fcr lo llicin furthir
Jl'itii nevf Bubmribtm ninl Uiimo tho rtiov thoir Htiuncrli.llotii v.ill haro llio
nrivlloao of tills olfi r.
ltKlir.MllEU tlutt Ti:X..J SI ITIN'dS In offereil M llili prico only to llioo wlio
kiilKfrilto vltliiil tlio iiixt l.D iUr. NomicU offer m tliU Im over Ikcii iiiajo. e
offer llio hi o papcrH for less limn llio prlro orTKXAS SIlTIMiS.
tin on I. Kt our Mil.cril u cm u t Si IT I MiS lor Um iLnn $ I n jwr.
Tlio r-iuulnt prica of that jtat or w now, nml will cotillimi In lw, $1 yoir, liut llw
ptibtlthrri, IkIiik (loNiraut of rvl lliiK to tlirlr Hat of KiiWr!lMr4 iu tliia tCMtlou, linvoiniulu
n upvalnl anil uxtroorjiunry ritliicliun to ti for n llmitml )rioil.
TImj nmount tar Itotli (inper hIioiiM 1o wnt ilirttt lo u Iry 1 O. OMf r, 1'otUI
! Nelr, or otlmrwlw, iiuil wo kliall order tbo puMULoM to mall SllTIXd'S from Nw j
j Vurk to you for enn ymr.
Call, or write lo ttiU ofikti, nml you will i;tt n namplo copy of SI1TINUS, j
Forariliiil iiuil Goamissioi Hoose.
Bilker City, Baker county, - Oregon.
Cooper's Shcop Dipping Powders For Sale at Wholesale
i li . I , 4,ii, mi .11 i.i,i:i.. the iiilieHt 11111 ikt-t pricoM on wmiIh,
i . I' 1 i.urtu". i i.i,.' imiiji in, tiime, liuKI or forwAitl thu Kiiinn 110-
t'si'ir 'lintfH.
77, ,'; CIT)', OL'KCOX.
J. JJ'. B.ITEX, Proprietor.
Tin) 1 uliimry Di-pariim ut ix in clmrgo of Ciiinpotoiit nml otioncoi'l
C-oU, wl'o mwiro im lnlior in do honor lo Mia tnlitl of tlio Public.
In (Vinitpolimi with lliiii l'opulnr llntol in ut nil limos upiliod willi
tlio lleitt llraudti of Vi: t, LiipmrH mid C'iir.
1.1. :.iui;s nut cxjiMriicut, tiuvi:i.i:iih. j&X,
by bnyinuyoiir Shoea
:-; HATBSlMt-i'IO.V
for SIiooh Iliat tt.sunlly ri'lnll
nl $1.00 ami 55.00.
On welpl of IS J.r.o mJ lwonty-ilv renin to py ovprcAn.iijo wo will boiuI
one P' lr of our I'llli t'V- It HIioi-h. (leniulici Vnmpj, olthir Iliitton, lico or
(kiiKrti Wo Vut oi ly miU-oioiI lovk . i.l iho let workmuunliip, tlvory p:ilr
Warrantoil 'XTy our Mioo ouco mi'l you will buy no otl.u.-j,
tn-Mi t.ll hi hi-nii.i Wi.lili h.aiiIisI l'-i .1 1- u i ii..ttur JJ iliali Wi,: j-i. jr ml.lrvti
.alnl. T'iwii, futility unit Hl.llo
IIicm twin illM ftifn caui' uutoU urfcrlnij,
IhK i. irs admit Dial tU'-y uro illfn. M to cure -
WilolUurpalkni. I'ttluo"!!
t'lb-ry Couiiv.iniil Una jvr
inanciitly rurnl Hie worm
lain of ibiiiiuatlMii an.l
in umlgla-Kutay tbuw wlio
lisvn u X It.
Ilnvlnu' lou trouUoil
wlib rlwumatiitiiiai l iir km'-'
uml fuut fur llvn )i'nr4, 1 uua
uliiiiMt mi ibii' i"i;i'i .noiinil
nu t waa ivr ufirii riuiiuml
In my l"-l lr w,r nt
H'ni' I ninl oiiljf ou but
lli' i f r.ilne'4 LVIl'O' l'o:ii
v iiivl, u .,1 wan pvrfivtly
curi'il I i an In."' Jill.'li
arouiiJ, and l ' l pi llvrly im
Hbo)." J nlNK I'lMnU.
Kiim'kj, Ncv.lilu.
1100. hlxforucv iHU'rsUU
MamtiKHIi teailmonUl pl"'r frvn.
Wriu. lln.iunnnis.lco. VrorM liurllnifton Vt.
n IA !in AJn nvro "" l'"lrr nud Hnu'tlfr I
ecNO ron oun catauouuc . , pr.icrc
no uboto
Our Readers.
of tlio Manufacturer.
I'ttlne'mvlcry (."oinioiiiiJ 1ms Iwii a liml
M'ml to In-, tor tin' wi.l twniiMni I linir wif
, Ml wlili in,.'! mt Hid Ii-art. ibvinr nlirr
iliKlor falling to, uru nir. I' rum Ukni
m nrlr four Vh'iltet ot the t oiiiimuul, uml am
In i' Imm tli , otn lnl!il. I fii-l i"ry tmU'lul
.i)ull." ClUH II. I.KWHI, (rlltrulYUIOCt'.t't.
Celery Compound
1 linio Ivi'ii irrrAtly nniUliil Willi nrnti
rhcuni.ill Jii. unil coulil Mini mi ri ll, I in, ill I
iiM'il l'niiii' h li n I'liiiiimiiml. mii r usi.i.r
MX Ixitlli'K 'if till- III' till IIIK I Hill !" i llri 'l "I
, rli uiii.iib' timiM' ."
8AUVLI, llt'TCIIIMiMN, l-O. t urill-ll. N. II.
Effects Lasting Cures.
lv.lao'ifli'i7Ciiiuioviml Um in'tfcirini-l iiiiuiy
ollirr rutin ln.iIVi'l"in Ml IImih'. -milHol riii tuAiir uiUrfM. l'l umiiil loUko,
ki, uot ilMiirUbiit uliUillifi'tlloU. nml nil Ire.
I) uip-labln; a iIiII.Iimu tuku It. WlMt'H I In
ui "I kuNt'iliij luiiyvr wlib rbnukwUsia or
iu urulirur
n in iro IMngurm lodhklfl (iJ mi llextthf.
Il l.itt Oi.m ail No
Ukj). liLr it l'..l)biHly
Val.l.ll.UOllbttrMKi k.
I, iii.rv'iu. I'allicli, .141
inning, llundrciit of
.1' 'i.u iu ImmIi.i HI. I
i.u )oiitf l'u, al
II.,. i4i,iU of li A k
aii, I Sim r.f Yf i, i.iii
lli.r MCCtil lla. oitltifcj Tuilooli Aauibit fTfrV & I k
i.m,Ici3 ml an MiSiXIvi'
Mktr uA tlotiWii In .Hi ---Irnlt-V
hiii iu , i H. J'O.1
I l,(Mr iriniMy a I out
u iiim.iiv iiiiuikihhi. Vs mii .rtfe
iicc vusciicuuiibhO iMtni Mm.
rc vusciit-uuitaao imbii W,ii.
N. c. Hnmilton cV Co.. l 'laiicu
'J I.uikiiui Slitl 1 l.u.l.n.1 t . 1
, ' Mu
Mtlll'l-a (ur III" M.1,1.
Man onn not niniikoy with ilojlinr.
"0, thnt Is only my roinmon-placo
iKxtk." Dullnnl 'TIiuPh wlutt I
KtipMi'iol. Hut which ono of them 7
You've written ipille n number, you
Two jirli met nnollier, who worn n
jorny, wlilcli wan pilrhe.l In plu-cs.
"(inirlous mo," irniil ono, Jint iuo
wlmt it Jjraey Hint kI'I b'f" on."
"riml'ii no Jrroy," rrplicd lira
other, wild roiifitlrni'.
"Yn, il Im, too; I uium I know.";
"No, it ln:i't olllierj il'n uti all
Jiirnoy." "Nyiliiiinnft, or owllliillou of tint
oyetmlU, in un e(tleplifi)nn olf!-liitii
oi tlio otTtiU'linlur ivn
t ." Wo rjti-jtv tli hIkivo fntin n
Inoilll'tll 0M'liiit)0, ilintcrt'l of priulin'
mi iirtk'ltt of our own on the Mtbj . t.
Il t'livvm tlio ground wt i-omplel 'ly,
Hll' I Willi Hlli ll lnllvillL'ill I'llMTII '.-in,
nml i'iiiiJtt'iii;iiio that imlliln mo.o
iii'oil lie Milil UNtu tho Hiihjit'l.
"I.t joit (roiii to In- mv new Itrotlf
it?" .Mr. lo KIWi (nnvnlp.1 ttuimr)
"Yoe, my litllc follow' "You ih
(nl ii ' to ffti hitt'hoil lomy )Alor, ain't
yoitt" "Your lovely alMer nml I
ore ere long lo Ik nulled In llio holr
Ixmili ii iiiiitrjiiony." "IM like to
set Vm." "too what? H.e
Ixiuil'i. Hiiilur linn Iteen b.owiu' hIkj it
li'tw many you h.ivo to OOIIIOM."
"Who U Iho llr.t linlv in Iho l.iu.l,
Hliriilu?" WjII, w.t'ri'.tlly ijiii'I
f.iy. Kor ii while il noenicil lo tr
Altlivu Sliuroii, thou YicuM Diul'i
ir.niK-1 it few l.lpa. Wo don't klluW
wlio him the 1 1111 1 juit iiiiw, but it in
protwilily tuuiio i ii' a v.ttioly nclrom or
ioiiio New Yit.k 'ft'iieo.' Aiiylmw,
Iho iiioel ir iiiiiii'iil woman in A r-
Lit In llniially KninulnHiv you don't
w out to eno'cmU' uiih V.'lliiilu."
"I'lu )'iill-J tu ?i't lll:irrleil," rt.ii l
In, u. i In pluro.l il h.ilid Uli)
hi iiiUtiih litru tin n llnteli chre k!,
"mid I w.inlii .',liliii( I'.iko."
"It in L'lMtniii.iry," uttid Iho preliy
Imkorv lrl, ''iiiiw.iil:tyn to hnvo tlio
lii.itorluiM of tho I'tiko liiiriiioui-ee'with
Iho lulling of the liri.K'Xiojiii. lr u
iniialcian, now, wo lutve on oat nike,
(or it until uh'-i hai no onllin mi l
livoH iljoii hit frljinlti, I In) -sjittiifju
cuko, for n n.i)papor p.iriirpluT,
ipioe c;iko, un I ojii; vli:ili.i your
v.tiliiu. pleuto?"
I'm n p'ljrli-t."
" i'hen you want pound enko. '
A (j 'tilli'iiun liviiisntiirimtoll In.,
N in thin oily ln ilny und tehilot it
i. lory lo.ieon'iiiiK tiiu. Hon. llutlor
wliii-h wo h.ivo nover mhui iu print.
Itelt. win dflivorim n tsp'Och itt
tiriiinull in thu o.iim -p.iigu,
whoii eom i p inion utcomlitil
ii lico ovoriOuUiiv "'J viHiikor'n
Hi it ml. Vi'Ii.mi Iho Ui'iiecil hipiu hirl
million thoy loworo I oer hU lumd u
Htiin i from" which u (.piion il.mnl.'il.
Wilho'lt Mhoivinj tho Fili(h!oMt oui
li.imii.menl, lion. Itmlor, iih i-ooii ih
liu h.iw tho d.iiilin-f Kvin, i Lili li nl
it und iliii'id it in bin picket, io
inurkini;, "Wliv ihiit'M ono 1 didn't
The joiulfi of winter aro Ik-I'Jiiiiin-;
lo i (ilit, ii -t It wero. frint'H tho Hold will
not fringe it inm-li lotiar. for hihki
will llio lio'Milink break ill lio.iit with
wild iHlrftH of kiiii iu tho field of
viivii:n clover. Tho noil; of iheiuock
liulle will wikjii lie lienril i'l llio lulnl,
the fn dl; until Iio'h Ihkiihii,
uml tho whippooruill will i;ot in bin
work o:t nluilit evimini, whon tho
l.iilvdi I uml tho tree-lo.ul uro nuikin
IllttlllliolW'n folt.
I lovo lo liny, i in the broody wood,
h"ii tli- pink 111-11111114 Inulii nlon
the miowy urouinl, wh"li thedowo nl
I, lulu il miiiwi apruya iu tho uub.'iileu
p.illlH nf liie fitleal, unil the b.o iUet
uuixleti muaiV.illy tin on 1 1 the crovieu
In vo ir I out.
Thoroforo 1 Hindi liaiu my IkhiU
Uk) my mLiII'iiii'I nt.irt for Iho rotin
try JilHt'iii koo.i im the w inter p.imhoh
n:id the Jtoct bejii'ti lo litke heildeM
ilown I be Nt.iilW:iy. II'HV
my lie.nt oo.'n out In u.ittiia in nil iu
varying ioiiiw ninl i iiudi'iniii! I lovo
1,111111111111:1 1.iui1kiMn, with emu in
tho brook, mi l u liuiiler in thu lurk
lliound loiikiiiK iluun llio biirrol to
it o if it in Ul.U'.l.
Soon ul'.ull I lio iiHiu the pleiisitnt
i wurd, mid fool tbo apple lilo.sonn
lilow diuMi on in iu Hpruy of pink
tout while. 1', be. ir llio little
liinU iiiiikint: lore on thu hiiihlintc
liuilm nud cur' in,; Iho utiuwj fniui
jo:i lor mo.i low to make their voy
in h!h. And at nttit 1 sluill eruwl
mi'ler the liuyMlitrk ami fall aalt'op.
1 tokinvt ut llio lu iuk.inji Kture mid
li.'liilU bii'.'.m niallo niiioii llio
viuoi mid ealtii'lii.
A tliii'iht of nature in Iho b nt
ilniiiubt o it wliou you't K-t any
ot'uT. How mvout, on a froi"li, iir,i
i,iu niJiuiuif, ulii'ii I'll i liii.i in jfei
luiK In lier li'il lb ks, In aleal don
1 hi' pTftuneil ineiiili) r unit purloin
Hi mill; (nun tho mioiap.i'tln cowl
MV lUKlk I (llll Of illljllVH.IllIM il(
Hlli'i-piierH, o-i hiiU, tildbilii, liec-i,
d.iil'iim Utlmlinl; i. Inillnrlli,"i, Ihiiii-
iii nit bir !, aid 1 1 in l..iuir,io.-itH,
uiO'.n'iD'ol r.iiiib!." in 1 twilight K.iilx.
I nin a old iiickh'-iil.tied
tr.itup Pan, mi I when I net my iiuIih
lodliicr nml com.' o it with .in obi,
WUUII, I'llipUrpled, nOIIMIIOIH ill 'ale
l;iu..-i4tK novel, I ahull knock "Nut
iiim'm Horial Js'lory" Iduhor a
pluniber'it hill.
tlutl .nil frnoi a ilaatb IILu
O, IU MulklAl It I', itiw.
Huiiri i'i, ii, r,
Mr. Swoole "llo.o Is en account
of a Si. I.uiiIh ivoma'i. oulv a (ow
uookg imiriiod, who i-iioi wr Iuik" Mi.h. Hwoete (lui lo of a miiilli)
"On piirpoiw'.'"
"Yin; und tho liutlot l.mdo I In IiIa
"Uh! Then proh.iblv alio only
wauled to prove to hiiii ho w.t.i
"In wli.U witv?"
"IIj piolm'ily iia-otti'il thnt lu'r
liiaciillrt I'.oro iieuvier Ih.iii leail."
Ilrxill.illn Tllliml,
Waller It. Ilydo id mi Au.din duda
ivlin im ulnua thai hu hm
l.iloni. Wulioi p;illed lo tho man
ir Iu.1 a potiUoii.
" have you played?" asked
liie luaniiver.
"Yei, wliat do you play?"
"Hi Ii.iiiI-i, prnic pally', but I'm no
l',, i.l. .it pike. I b.Mi my llil'te out
i I '.' i .il p"ke; , and ho ia a inmo
I , ..' ill I f.-i i,illO."
I tt hi. I'.i v., i, -ii w'4f oukMtrb l4iUirfiikthiu
iniivwt i, 'i.i. I.Oj.u.U'1.,. lmalutl f
li. 11. Irii.tlA WiaknrM. aiul 'l k1 rtl
Tl. .lii. uiwi aiwI l-l purt furforn., t(ul.n..
I., 1 , 1,1 1 hii I i.iiirrvi.ifatit'iOu, (,'rt. rirJ
amor in.titni t'luj.-in. ilujui cou.m; V,
Ntiifl luiil i irimnva an ciuiiriiui'iirri
III w! ail, rn i.lto-
nr. courts antlili
Iiwh. Hviu MbuwiluiuJ.nJMi.hiiii
.U1117. uiiu.i irih.u.tiKi, U-.i n..uhooj,.t&
fiaallul luanuu, lu.lMtfilw .nj Mi.t(irMlla P.
!. t, liAi.i'u iii:m. ii.. liu. i'J l:ua.iii .'Ji.
How tVarrlora nf Ol.lni Tltni-a llrn.tnl
'I'litilr 11 nml Ailurniiiriil.
HU Paul held Hint It was n hamo to a
man to wear lmir tonif, nnj o ho tells
tlio CuritiUitana hi hit llrslcputlo to them.
On tho other Imnd, llujctnui, patriarch of
Jtruialcm, A. 1). (VjU, ileolarod the outward,
vlslbto aiKii of manly jiorfcolloii to oonll
In an nmplo tieanl nml In hair llowlnK down
tLo alioaldiTa. In remote nires tho l'cr
Max, wlio now liavo their lionds Itavcn.
wore lonir hnlr. Darius liml n moil luxuri
ant (Kill, nml Alexander, who oonrjuorod
hltn, probably paid foiv visits to tho bnlr
euttor's In tho courno of his llio. Al
dblailrs and his cllquo of rouos Introduced
tho cffemlnnlo fashion of hair Into Greece,
llaforo their tlmo tho Athonlnns wore
rounilliooili, nml It Is fair to prosanio thnt
Aiistttb's the Just, who did not pride him
sslf above moamire on his devotion to tho
Krncea, nirl(il 11 jrood crop of bnstles nud
Ignored a comb.
Honnlnlus relates that in token of mourn
hit; the I'erslans were trout to cut off not
only their own hair but the inane of their
horse. Tlio sauio historian tolls that the
Ayrtiins, uelmjdufoiited by the I-n-odinmo-tilnn,
made n saorltU'e nf their liarks, nml
vowed that they would remain shorn in lon(f
as they hail not rooonquoroit Thync.
At Hmrtn, I.yourpis had decreed tho
wasrhiKof loiiKhnlr; but this law, to which
Iluturcli alludes, was never much obeyed.
Tho Htmriatis, when thoy iilUlncd their six
teenth year, did as tho young Athenians,
and Im r mil tholr hair upon tho uilar of
olther Dlann or .Mnrs. Tho fact Is, nit tlio
barbarians who used to cotno from noross
tho sens tu Ihoxo times wore flowing locks,
and the Oreoks had 110 wish to resemble
them, suys the lloslon Traveller. Our prim
itive nncostors, tlio llrllnns, and like them,
(lui (latils, nllowetl their hair to prow mulls
turlted. It often reached bolntv tho Waist,
and men hko Cnrartaeus mutt have looked
curious. CoiKiuorcd by the llomniis, tho
(Iiiuls and Unions weio Ignnminlously
rllpiKHl. In his enumeration of the (Initio
tribes lent into captivity by Ciesar, l.uclan
aHiaks of tho blouses, "now shorn, but cro
whllo possossoii of nn ubiinilant mass of
hnlr." Thoso of tho (Inuls who obtamod
their liberation hastened to lot their hair
grow again ; in older tho more to murk tho
luiiortii!iro Uioy ntlached to Hawing locks
they took to shaving tholr nlnves.
In Franco whon 11 noblcmnn was convicted
of any felonious olTouso tho ratur whs In
variably applied In his palo. Clolalra 1 ,
King of Frnnce, caused his own son, (londo
band, to bo shorn for conn phi tig iigalnsl
hliiti and, by Wuy of uddlng to tho disgrace
of Ins sentence, ho Immoiliatety ufierwnrd
Issued uu edict coiidointiliig to tho severest
pomiltlos nnyotio w lio should by stealth or
violence out off llio hair of nu honest 111011.
Tho hair question assumed disquieting pro
portion in Franco, for lu tho year l'-Mt
l'lerrc IOinlmrd, Archbisltopof 1'arls (who.10
bond lufl much to bo desired hi tho matter
of capillary nilorninciilj, wns prevailed un
by the malcontents to li"ooino their cliiini
plon. Ho was 11 learned nml good man, und
no doubt ho had often him.ercd Uin the
uiikeeuily iippeurunco of his close clipped
crown lu tho silence of the cloiet, until he
took up tho cudgels likou man dotermhied
to win.
Thu King of Franoo at that tlmo was tho
gallant 1'lillllp II , generally known 11.1 I'hll.
Ip Augustus, After giving tho matter his
most attentive consideration ho signed tho
magna clinrtor of capillary lloerty, at ubout
tho same tlmo his royal cuiiimi'i-, John of
Ktigland, was making a diiuiul face over
tho charter of Kunnymcdo. '
Uoiicrully ajwaking, tho Kuullsli follow
the Fratirtt in the mnttcr ot ieroiiul adorn
ment, but In tblt ouso tho Kugltsh wero be
forehand. Bo early In tho roign of Henry
11. ourplcbctan forefathers hod obtained ex
emption from tho obligation of having their
luilrcut, und Uioy obtained it without much
Wo hoar nothing moroitbout short Itnlr
until thu sixteenth century. Frsiu thu tlmo
of I'll 11 lp Augustus to that of Francis 1.
every one, lord or luiiipklii, let his hnlr full
down his back.
Historians mid chroniclers sjioak a great
doal nlKiut nils and olutmonts that wero
used by tho weulthy and uobloof tho middle
ages, uml it upponra to havo been n pretty
prevalent custom to powder one's locks
with gold dust.
I J very ono knows how long hair and short
hair had a 111:1 rkud jHilitical algiiiilcuni-o dur
ing llio war nf Charles I. iignlnat tlio I'ro
touder. It was no Joko tlu-n to bo caught
with brlallon la I'ritico Huporl'ii camp, and
tu Imvo come Willi curling looks umtor
Ciomiv- ll'soyo would hnvo boon to run tho
risk of Iwliig sent, uot to the hair, but to
the hondcuttcr'B.
Charles II. brought back tho fashion of
long cavalier lock", but theso wore Mon su
IKirnedoil by tho towering wigs Introduced
by IaiuI XIV. Ho had a cory poor head of
hulr, thin, lank, and of 11 dirty buff color,
nud his barber devised u most voluminous
poriquo to muel tho emergency. Tho fash
Ion remained in 11 so until tho middle of
IaiuN XIV.'b reign, when it guvo way to
thu famous twdurod wig. Tho greol to
publio swept a wuy the wigs and many of
tho heads that worn in them. It was thou
that the pig-tall (million eumo lu for belli
high und low, und lasted long enough to bo
rtiinemboreil by twine, tiion of tho present
day. Nopoleon I. mercilessly cut 1 It tho pig
tail of hi republican aoloicrs, and nearly
caused a mutiny among tho iinny of Kgypl
by an doing. Hluilairly, immoiiku discontent
wa-t excilisl in tho llrltlili navy win 11 the
Admiral ubo.slnd tho ingtull some, seventy
yours ugo. tlo wo coino down to tho pionul
time, when wo gratify our individual taste
iu tbo matter of our heads of liuir, utilesn,
Indeed, wo are privnto holdier or Kii)oi'S
erconvlels, or aro put into 11 reformatory,
when, for tho general good, wo must yield
tu similar)' cropping laws.
Ilow 11 l.lttlo Tnl.Mitilti Hit Mamma's Vis
itors Tool Uiieumfortulilii.
A iMiipIo of ladioa who wero rcoontly call
ing lu llrookllno, nays tho lloslon Uourtor,
were usheml into 11 pirlor upu tho Hour of
wliutii lay u rug with 11 middle of solid crim
son, After they hud crosns! Oil brilliant
nxiKitihti thoy wore horiiaul by tho dUoov
cry that every fooUUp thoy had taken was
lourly printed in dust upon the otherwise
stainless surface of tho rug.
As thoy Bat guiltily regarding tho soiled
rug thu smalt daughter of the hoslons cuiuo
Into tho room, mid the mliiuto she entered
tier ores fell uku the footprints.
"Oh, Just sou there what you've done,"
slnl cried, "You just sea what my mamma
will do to you; she hut Hint ruijl cleaned
11 1 00 this morning for cuinpaiiy to-i.tghL
Kho told mo she'd solid 1110 lu bod without
any tvo-cream if I siopiK'd 011 lu"
This was all delivered lu 11 tone of voloo
which loft no room fordoublof Its (Unco rlly,
unit tho callers woio divided between n
souso of tholr guilt unit an Inclination to
laugh nt tho manner lu winch It was lining lit
homo to llioin. Fortunately for their poaco
of iiitnd Iho 1. Oslo entered ut Unit moment
and explained that thu rug was 0110 which
showed every trace of dust, und Unit alio
found It itivossiiry to Inko strong measure
to keep il frco from tho hacks of her chil
dren' foot, but that II wu not nil offense to
s'ep 011 it for which sho could not forglvo
her frloiiil.
Iial oniwst Horns, Or , Ot, f(, m,
Kn:l'i l Initvbjr v'ixn Hist Ilia (ullualii; iiii.imI
1.111,-r liai llltitl nolle of lililnli upon t ItlAtii Ansl
I t.."l In iuiii,iil ol Mi abba, sutl Hut uM uti
a ill U laufn tu .ru lliat'imui) Clik of (Irani (.'a,,
"r , si (Annuo lit), lirastai, ou TtmriJii, Ilea i,
kv, vl; )Ioncy O Piiyno, l' UkaaMiTw,
fur Ho- bsll HW aunicr Uve 7, sud qnr bK
nw ktf lj l.d MV iUar,SW n,uir Svt (tiTji , Sit
III naaiM tin fulluam allnasMu t.i prowhli
onulluHo-ji rtl,lwv 11(11111 sail cultivation nf, nkl
Und, il ; i.tu I'uiUl. Jjliu Cjwj(i, (Jluti llt'lar,
I'ttr' llli"l. all uf IIIauIuh, Ufciuii
M7 J. II. Ill Xlixgtu, llrtlttlT. 1
Tim (Jnrrr Proff i.lttn (Jtirrrtl Out by n
Uttti-riirliliig IVoinail.
Abselutoly the latest lnirUttlon from
Ko gland Mtitbttahcd herself yesterday on
Upper llroodwmy, ays the New Y'ork
Hcrukt. Hlw is n tail and ruthor hard
foatureit woman from .lanchestcr, wltodtv
plays tho extraordinary sign on the door of
herllati "tJiditlmerlanol CbiMren." Hor
later MtablHbrd the partk-ular "profes.
Hn" Whkh sl.o follow iu lndoii nearly
twoyeorsngo, unit Ills now trnnsplnntetl to
Now York. Tho mothers und father of
families will probably be able to judge
whether tho idea is worth encouraging
or riot.
"My sister," miW llio Manchester woman
who bus onlettiiahed liersolf ticre, "reollt
IngtlMit tlwtoBirlly of molliers lo'e their
children too much to iwnlsli them severely,
conceived the wlonof setting herself up as n
public disciplinarian. Hh is u woman of
great force of tharacler uml unerring
judKinenl In nil inntlers oonrarulng
children, nud she had extensive ox
jMrtencn as a visiting nurse Iwfore
nilnpllng tier present business. Il Is her
Jdee that children nre more severely )un
tshcil when they are frightened than
thrmiKli miy physlcnl means. To slap n
child in tho bout of (kusIoii while tho child
is excilctl unruly doe not havo half n
salutary nn effect as tho inoro mature and
cotiskleml p iiiithmcnt in 11 dark wnrdrvbo
or sending tho little onn to bed without
supiwr. lienor than this Is to threaten tho
child with n visit from tho bugaboo, Tbo
dread of the nrnval of this awful per
sonage will actus nn Incentive, to good con
duct with the most fractious chlklreti in tho
world. Mysiiberitn bugaltoo, mid that I
about wlmt I aw. Tho fee In Kngland for
vlsitiug a house and dicipllnlng the chil
dren Is two shilling. This Involves inedl
cat mlvfee driuvn from tho fond ofcotiskl
1! ruble exporloiK-o in the world, besides
whatever suggestions tho itnndlilon of
tilings may naturally load up to. besides
this part of my businea I hopo to teach,
doctor mid nurse tho little ones. Ofceurso
thrro aro point of utilagnnlsm liolwoon
theso different functions, but Iho effect Is
good ujion the rhildrcn "
Unman Nitturn lit hern In Onn of nw
Yoik Largo C'Mriii-Hiiatle.
"Human nature, us seen In 11 big hotel, is
ruthcr envious, Isn't III" 11 New York Hun
man queried of tho day clerk us ho loaned
on tlio counter.
"Y-o-s," ho slowly and dryly replied.
"For Instance," tho reporter continued,
"I havo a chandelier with live burner in
my room, but tlireo of tho burner uro
plugged upend can't bo ightod. Tho soap
Is choop and poor, tho looklug.glus Is
cracked, tho marblo-toppod stand is stained
with Ink nnd one log or tholouiigols broken.
How's thai for hotel nature!"
'My dear sir," ho replied, ns ho mused
for u moment from his work uf pigeonhol
ing tho noon mail, ''1 was obliged to put
joj In a room just vacated by 11 Western
morchHiit and his wife. Ho gut drunk and
broko tho lounge and cracked thu glass.
Hho took away Willi her two towel uml two
cakosoflhio soap. Ho Is rosKuslhlo fur
tho liik-slains, uml ho stuffed two table nap
kin 1 Into his (KS-kel uml carried them off,
mid kho broko 11 dollar pitcher and 11 hovcii-ty-cont
patio of gluss. Wo pluxgod up tho
burners because they lighted tho whole llvo
unit went riff to tho theater. I think ho car
ried off 0110 of tho keys to the door, and I
know she cribbed it bouquol holder from
tho pirlor. How's that for traveling hu
man nature!'
Tno uowpiiM'r man was silent fur tho
want of argument, nud tho clerk presently
"Hero aro half a dozen telegrams ami n 10 of letter from mon who will call
around lu dun season und inquire fur them,
or wnul lliein forwnrdod to pilnt.n in Maine
orTcxas, and giro 1110 my trouble for tho
profits. And niiliiipt you'd llko to buy
souio of those doen worthless check for
ten cunt on tho dollar, or lako some of tho
score of trunks lu tho atoro-room uml sotllo
tho bll.s for which they aro hold. Oh, yes
oh, yogi Thin human nature is it big
thing, nml the longer you llvo the moro you
will Ih convinced that ml tlio udvautugo is
not ou tho hotel man's slda."
The Annoying I'rotlif uiut-nt In Which Ho
tViot I'liti'cit by 11 Siinuls- Iiiltif.
Will Hansard, u li.iviilng salesman of
Louisville, wu once ukiii a tlmo pursuing
hi calling in Hell and llurlati counllon,
Ky. Those two counties nio tho moat
mountainous and thinly inhabited lu tho
Statu. Jubt boforo starting back to louis
vlllo hu passed the night nt a farm-houso in
Ilaiiau. When ho went to bed hu hung Id
trousers on 11 chair uenr the window. Next
morning thu trousers woro gone und 110 0110
know whore. Homo ono passing in tho
night hud reached lu at tho window and
taken them, for bis heal was ubovo sus
picion. Mr. Hansard called loudly for tho farmer,
expecting to borrow it iir of trousers from
him. HI wife cauio to the door und said
that her husband had gone hunting uu h ur
before, nml, us ho hud only 0110 pair of
trousers, ho bail very naturally worn Uc-m.
Hero wut a dilemma, but hi hoU', w lio
wa 11 woman of oxikxIIoiiU, solved It. KI10
ca 111 0 to tho door with one of her .Mother
Hubbard ami suggested that the drummer
put it oil Ho ooosoiilod. Hlio tossed tho
garment lo htm and closed the door. Ho
got liilo tho Mother Hubbard, went out to
the stable, hitched up hi loam, and chin bed
into Ids buggy. Hero ho took Iho garni, nl
off and liaudid it back to the lady, v. h.i v.-.i
full of sympathy for him. Tho buggy 1011
cculod his lower extremities, und ho
wrupiied bis linen duster urouud them lo
keep ilium warm.
Mr. Hansard drove quickly to thu near
est store, about four inllea iiway, expecting
lobuyuiKtir uf trousers I hero, for nil llio
country utore kept loady uiude clothing.
When ho got thero ho found iiumcroiK
ludles who had congregated to koo Iho
opening of some new good, lio could not
leave the buggy, but ho yelled fur tho
proprietor tu come out, und to him lie made
known tii predlcamont. The inerohntit
brought to him 11 vo or six pairs of trousers.
Ho drove down into a neighboring hoi lev,
tried them on, found u pair to 111 him, und
thus his tribulations woro ended.
llnvv ti. I'riiit'iil Aoeiilt'iila,
Tho Iliiiider unit Wood Worlior i-omarhs
Hint many of tho loaioa of lingers uml hands
sustained by oKU-atlvi of small saw In
factories could bo obviateal by fallowing
wlmt Is called llio golden ruloi "Nover put
your hand back of 11 running saw." Tho
tomplutlon to roach Uick tu remove or
ktralghten soinolhiugi uutural ami didleult
to resist. Hut 11 man can novor afford to get
catoloss around a saiv or uuy cuttlut; lool
I'rcoautlons ugaiust nocalouU ,smld be
taken to much groutcroxtcnt Hum they aro.
Paint hlilntlti Itouf.
To mako u good point for khlngle roof
Hint can bu applied cold ami dries quickly
Take 0110 ban l of ooal tar, ten pounds of
tt.iliultum. tun wuuduf ground sluui; mix
thouldof heat, nnd add two gallon of
Uml OAlce al Hum., Orvvou.
Oel. 0, 1 !o J
Nolle Ii lurcby ilicu tltit I be fallnalui, utui .1
leltlvr lui llll nollca of hi Intention lo intto
II ml prnnf In .uwil uf bU elaliu. aiel that laid
I'lisif will In mule Ufore link of Ursut eouuiv. st
(Uaiou til), OraiiAii. nn 1'ild.v. Par. 11. tsi,
vIZi Wllllrim T MiiKnrtl. rralUN. litf...
fortlMi.N lull SKip.r u cc an, fp u, sitoo, i;u)
lie miihi ttm lolliiuliiL- aitnai.ia to nruiu lo.
ciwilhiuoui rvldi-nrv Uwi, sud rulllvnilon of said
laud, tit Jauiaa VV Imiiiiih, II jury Woiklm, Joint
I, kli'ford, WIIIUui AtuittmUL', all of JIl Vernoii, Ore
M SI J, 11. Ill xiixorox, ItcrliUr.
fowl OfflM st Paras, Or
OX , IS).
Notlr li hersby rtm that Dm foRsiinHMnisit
i Ur h AM ratios f his Intantton lo mtVa
a asl pn-( Hi inpkwrt of Mt ttalm, mI that l.l
i.ouf UI U m4 tiafcit th Cosktr rltii of
Orsnt cantor, al Csaynn City. Orrfon, nn islur.
tlsjr Xt. 1. ls, rti:
I'.f.lllllA P. AI.I.KN,
Pr l N !o. SJJt for th MW qr NK ur XIV or 8K
i,r and ft half K or Sr To l 1 K l K W U
lit mum la foUoalac t"lf hi
eiHillnusni rMbtsnn nmn. ml rullltaPon . f. Mid
Uml, lit: J A lark. II II KIsstwrlaiHl. nf ML
rum, or., surf w W tlooo. ami Jaiaai f. lUrit
,on, ot IllsnUm, Or.
SO 'M J. It, IIUnTIXdTO.V, llrtiitrr.
lasd OOc st IhHNi, Or
Ort. , l.
MM- lilwribr lr tbaltka followlnc nmn
Mlln Im. Bird uoUrs ( hi Hilrntimi lo nulla
anal tirwaf la.pii'il"f M il.lw, nail last laid
rtnnJ will U toad. Ulutm Um IViaaiy I trrk . (
llrit .. Or , at Uanrnn t'.ly. Or , n Moniliy
Nat IS, IN. tU -
ilAHI.Rn II WI.VKIltn.
I'sr II No. ,177 fr the r lUc ii Tp U n K it
: tV H.
II asa.oi Uw M'tto lliiait) lo ir,,a hi
matlnooai imMos anmi, awl animation of,
tM UM, the P H l'rtl.a, Ssai TiirVcr J J
UartwartaM.T W klimlr.. all nt Prairl llijr. Or.
tell J. II. llt'NTISOTO.V. Ih-u'iUir.
land Oflloj at ItunM. Or
ih-t. 1st. 1SSO.
Votlra l horrhy jltrn that Ins lll,mln nunMl
Millar fllad twiicn uf I.l Inlrnllon to uik
Ami pront la Mtpt'l"1 k' cl'a, sx.1 that 11M
prt nlll In mlx W-fora llw rlnr ami ll
crlivr V. S. Und MM st Ilumi. Ur, on Hatun'ty
Ne. Id, IS, tUi
I'rr II 8 017 tar tho NK l-l KK I I and SK 1.1 NK
M H SI h4 8 I i NW lISccllTpli il 11 31 K.
II rMtnM the folktslnx wilneaac to prova lilt
ronlliiuoa rsalilttico npniiamteuttlrsllon nf, Mt!
Und, tlx; llclnslt Xallr, HaUiut Hankini Jr ,
Ji.ltii Cmdiloct., (Ian Msk, all A llb.iilou, Or.
31 J. . lll'NTI.MJTOX lloglittr.
IjuhI i BIcj st II urn 1 Or.
IM 5, !.
No4lce la ksraliy rites thai Iho rnUnttliitf niinnl
.rltlsr BM ninl IioOfc nf 1,1. iHti-iitioii In naita
Uml proof 111 Jpioit of hit tlslm, and that said
pront will bo HMtjv Wforr lb' raunti pida-c or In
till abifnr Im'tira llio CkiiIj('I-rk of (Ir.ltt
iniiiily, Or.. t cM)iHi(it', Or. mi Slunlr Not.
In, !ao, lis:
(ilioiu.i: Ulli.l'.V,
11,1 N' aur far the K Inif SW ip 8c 3 and N lull
N W .p 10 Tt II M II It i; W JI.
Its nanii-a tb Ml"ln wluw totirote Id
cniitliiuoiii rr.lilciK-a iii-.hi, anil riihlistlnn nl,
akl laait, tli: John iiili. Ilarmaiin l.oliinsn. Jo
Ml li McAllltlrr, Jt..b ll.iii-.n. famon Citv, Or.
tll J. P. llt'NTlNIi TON, lligtiter.
notu'H I'Oir'iJiTrtii'.vrioN.'
Laud O.Dcj at llurnr, Orrnti.
Hit. , IM'.
Ntitltr Ii lii-rub)- glreu that th felliwlng iisinnl
srttlcr lists IHc-l notltti of lib inlrn'.loii tn iiitka
llnsl Ti.v( liiltir-t"'tt nt hl claim ami that mid
pioaf will bo mad 11 bafme County Clark nl (Irant
(Viiinlt, al Canjnii City, Or,, on Jlundsy lire, ini
1 see, ili:
.nisKril p.,
I're US No. tni, fnr l!i 8K iir HIV ur H half HI' or
Jet- 10 sud 8W ill 8W qr S.c tl i p lfl S II .' KttM
lit- naiuui Hie fiillowltiir iliHWt'i lo prove In
coiitlnuoMi ro.lili-iuo liisin, anil cultlialmii of,
ulil laiul. On: (iiarlai Ncuiiian. Artlitir MrMul.
Inn. (IsorEe Chaiinuii. li. A. Lucas of Haytlllc, Or.
iMSO J. II. Hl'.NTI.NIiTlIN, ltngliler.
Luiil Oflloc al llama, Oregtui.
Oct. f. lswi.
Not I it Ii tnircby 11 uu that tlio lollnwiiii; luinctl
sfttlrr Im nttl iiii'.kd of bis Intention to msko
llnsl proof In snppiiit nf nla 'lilin and Hist said
proof all! be unsilti lufore llio rnuuty clerk of
l!rHt tonnly, Or., nt Canyon Oil) Or., oil Saturday
.S',,1. Si, lsae, tlx:
llt'.OIUir. IIAKK11,
I're 1) S No 7lii lor Um W 1-i HW 1-1, Nl'. I 4 SW
I I ami NK I t NW I I Sic ii Tp 13 S II S7 K. W. JI.
Un nainii Ilia fullnalllK Hllnt'.in to prolo Ids
inl.U niuiill li-fUmii-i iiIh'ii nml eultiration of, laid
itnil, fit:: lloiil.i-n lie.da, Tlioiuan O'Connor,
Abraham lironii, J V lm.-uuell, of llayilllij. Or.
30-S5 J. II. IICNTINOTON, ItujUtcr.
Ijml OL'U-e at HuriiH, Oregon.
Oct li, isihi.
Nollcr U hereby ii 1 tin thai llio follnnliig-iiaiiii-d
ctllrri hate fitotl li' tK'i- of tbt-lr hitoiillnii to tnako
anal prnnf in uppiiitof their claim, und said
proof will be mole li'foio llio coiint.i tbik of
(irant county. Or., nl Canviin City, dr., on Friday,
Noteuiber XU, lfcklt. ill: THUS. II. l.SlitlNCK.
Pro US sail .V J. II. LAtilANCi:, I're lib 8111
fm tin- hi: or Mlijr kit- il, NK ip UK i(r n(-c iit,
Whalf NW or Nit S7Tii 10, S II 3U II W M, and
NK or NW qr. W lnlr ffi: qr and MV (r bV. qr
bee il Tp In S u il( 1! W JI.
Hu iiaitiis liie fiilloaiinf wlincsci Inprise till
t-oiittic! iiii reililoacc upon and rnltit.ili n of.
mi.i Inn I, Hi; iii w .loiin, (.11 .loiiiisiin, inoiu
ai II 1)1.11; In., llnirv Allen, all nf l'rnirie lit
111,, IT.
Sl-31 J. II. lU NTINliTUN,
Land Oltlcest Duma, ()roj.-uu.
Oct. ts, 19.
I Notice I In rifle xivrn that the fiillo In;; minii-1
.tiller haa llli-d aullco of Ida inttiitlon t" nuke
Anal prnnf lu upsirt ol Ida claim, and that mid
piool sill l.a liuilo Ufiirt' Iho Itogiater and lie.
rettcr l'.M Lunl oilko at lliiriu, dr., mi Kiiday
lire. 6. lskll, tli-
IIAIlltY K Al.l KN,
i Pre ll.s . Sn IHiui, fur Hu NW ur SW i;r mid K liulf
SW ur and SW ur M: ir of N, c :,;. Tp in It W , 1.
Id naiiii-it tin ri'tliising loproiv hi
t-oiiiii:uoiii rt pi.'. 1 it 1 ) - -11 .out 1 itlto itl.'ii of,
Mid land, tl-. Hi nn C Ltt.r.tii.'i-, Win W Starr,
Gci W Jin . , (1 n W ( 1 ut In ia, all i'f Prairie
:l 1. J I. Ill NT.M TON. It. . iter,
Almost asPnlntnblo as Milk.
No tlligtil.til Unit it van Im taken,
ttlge.iril, uml nailtiilliitrtl by Iho moat
astialllvo liiinar Ii, t linn tlio plain all
taniinl Lo Inlet utcilt nnil by thu corn
lilnitllnii of lite otl Ititll (lie liypo.
pUoipiillrs la much more olllcut-luu.
UrtuarValile m a Cnli proJatfr.
l'crsoQt r-aln lapldly wlillc (aVlu It.
1 SCOUTS KMUI.S10N i ncknowlnlged by
! Physicians; to bo the Finest nnd Dent prepu
ration in tho world for tho relief nud euro ot
TVie grtal rtmrdy for Vonsumfiian, and
I Wattlnrj (n ChUJrtiu &M ly all Druggists
niniia iimiaiiBir-"y"'H m
can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
Howapnper Advortlsuirj IJuronu,
IO Spruoo St., Now York.
Sand 10c te. for lOO-Pugo parapt-
('Irsnire tu,, braulllU Ilia Loir
1 i-oluoleaaluiurUnlgrovllu
Ncftr Falls to flailoro O.-ii
1.1. ,1. V...ILH.I i.l.. '
I CMn kv . ii Ul ns an.l hair f allint
' M . h I.U
Ji .iiiat'j f, . CotkuJ.fukl,lriBariH'aliovIiiti3alol
Of MIuterest to Ladies.
.AlJinV, . rwrsK oimi'LCornurttonUerlo;
Ipacllle fori, mala etuupTaloL lo an lailr aim wl.lia
iL',,U?.m,,"''J,''''J,'l,u'tb''ll'- fenilamcf"!
om. funiuiDyco..i3w:w,i!tt2actd.v