Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 14, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, .A or. J 4-
Gmin on tho foothill mncIuM ii
nlxnit nil sown nntl ready for tho
ruins nml wnriii sunidiino.
Scjicol will liegiti no.t Monday in
Urtfjolm I.uco school house, with Mr.
Kite, recently from Scuttle, ns tench
or. Tho Harney Itotiu lim lxon pur
chased ly n syndicate and will honmf
tor W publiihod ns n ropublicnti pa
Ir. VMflfriml, nt Council vnlloy, Wash
ington county, Idnho, Nov. .1, 1889,
John V. Mulonro nnd Nnttnio M. Ad
nmtoii. Tho California Specialty Co., will
give nn onlortninment nt .Masonic hall
noxt Saturday evening. Ho Mint to
Fourteen four-horse tenuis from tlio
viutlNoinplctod thuir loads nt tho
John Bay stoma last .Monday, unking
buninoM lively for n tiiuu.
Win. I.uco filled tho Nkwh shop's
applo 1 last Thursday, nnd said wo
needn't ndvertiso nny morn for him,
ns lio had sold iiIkhiI nil his fruit.
Crass nil over tho county is spring
ing up nicoly. .Mr. Johnson of Itook
creek says tho mngo in his vicinity is
in lino condition grass nu inch nnd n
half high nnd still growing.
President Harrison did not issuo
his pro:lnmation admitting Washing
ton to Statehood, lcauso tho consti
tution nnd certificates of election wero
not signed by tho governor.
Married, nt tho residence of tho
bride's father, Wednesday evening,
NovejnlK)!- 13, 1889, hy lle.
Knd.s, Mr. Theodore McLclt.'in nnd
Miss Maggie Ilerliurger, lioth of tho
John Day vnlloy.
The stray sheep that were advertis
ed in tho Nkws wero claimed hy Kd.
Hanloy of Ilaniey valley, who came
over nnd proved his property last
week. There is virtue in printer's
ink when properly spread on.
Mr. W. L. Campbell, a genial soul
from Mountain creek, who at one time
represented San Joaquin county, Cul.,
in tho legislntuie, was in town last
weok instituting proceedings ngainst
Louis Collctt for trespass on his lands.
Tho coit of last term of circuit
court was not as great as many sup
posed it would be. Only a little over
eight thousand dollars was tho amount
allowed by tho lato county court, and
this included witness and jury fees,
etc., for tho ciicuit couit.
Observe our inducement on fourth
page, to tho1. who desire to sulncribo j
for "Texas Siftings," tho great illus
trated humorous paper. Texas Sift
ings and the Nkws both one year for
$1.00, to nil now subscribers to this
paper, or all old 01103 who square up
their accounts.
Mr. I). l. Kinohnrt received a let
ter recently from' a grocer in Maker
City, inquiring after his apple crop,
nnd informing Mr. llinehart that his
apples brought one cent more per
pound in the market than any othqm
which ho handled. Craut county's
fruit is becoming In'tter known each
The biggest mineral strike of tho
season in tho Cumr d'Aleues was
made within one mile of Mullen, Ida
ho, by John W. Smith, n deaf and
dumb prospector. Ho found n live
foot vein of eighteen iiieluu of solid
galena at a depth of fifteen feet bslow
the grass roots. A quarter interest
in tho proporty has been bonded for
SI 0,000.
Henry Kinchin I, of tho Ii (iraudo
land ollice, notifies tho people of his
district that no moro filing or entries
can le made till tho aeaucy is filled
caused by the death of leceiver J. T.
Outhouse last weok. However, coun
ty clerks and judges in the district
may continue to take final proofs as
usual, forwarding the same to that
ollioe where they will bo filed in the
order roceived.
Died, at the residence of .Mr. James
Small, Friday, Novoinlwr 8, 1889, at
2 o'olosk4i si., Mr. Henry Broyor,
aged absut CO Mr. IJroyer
was born in Westphalia, Coiinauy,
nnd has been a resident of (iraut
county since lSG'J. Tho funeral took
place last Monday, Nov, 11, conduct
ed l)y Hokih lodge No. 22, I. 0. 0.
from the lodge hall, and was largely
nttondod by the numerous friends of
the dooonsod.
It is repotted that n man pretend
ing to represent nu ugeney iu San
Francisco, through which goods of all
kinds can 1 purchased at a reduction
of from 10 to 110 per cent, cho.ipur
than they can Ihi Itought from home
merchants is swindling farmers in
lvistorn Oregon very extensively. Ho
taxes the granger ?f and make hiina
meinour of tho association. lSewaro
of him and trade with merchants
whom you know.
A jsirty of men last week started
from John Day to Big Basin with tho
usual amount of "bug juico" to ln.t
thiMn on tho trip. Arriving
nt their destination what was their
surprise to find a live lish iu one of
tho MUus of whisky, Thoio outside
of tho jwrty who saw this wonder
worn groatly surprised until tho theo
ry of its existence was explained.
Tho party had cnmpwl nt Middle
Fork, and friends had made such in
roads uiMjii their stock of tho nucoswi
ry, that thuy had to dip up water
from tho river to replenish some of tho
bottle, hence tho fish.
I a (imitilo will soon Ixi lighted by
Tkoi deer lnw is now in forco until
thoiirst day of August, IS90.
Last weok tlio U. S. Mint at Car
son, Nevada, coined tho first money
since 183").
St. Paul, Minn., horso-shoors on
tho lloor cot $2.75 per tiny ; those
nt tho firo from $3 to M.
A Cincinnati couple, named re
Bpcctfully John .Sweet and Millie
Iloncy, were married in that city
A hnndsomoly printed thanksgiving
proclamation was received nt this of
lico Thursday, probably to remind us
of our duty.
Still tho march of improvement
gracefully prrwrosses. l'ostmnster
Crosnp will havo a now fence sur
rounding ins resilience.
Tho turkeys forsake their glee,
nnd breathe a long-drawn sigh;
they Fcnn tho almanac and soo
Thanksgiving drawing nigh.
Tho little !oy 10 years old nnd his
little pistol got in their work again nt
Castle Hock, on the upper Columbia,
nearly killing a young woman.
Wo would thank people from all
ovor the county for bringing to this
ollico, when thoy come to town, such
news items as may Ik) of general inter
est. Any man who lias tho misfort
une to he a (leccndent of Ham, or
any of his kindred, iM in dnngor of
being arrested nowadays, for tho
inurdoror Gibbs.
Carlos Bonhnm nnd four other
teamsters from upper South Fork
loaded w ith fruit and vegetables nt
Trowbridge's much one day tho latter
part of last week.
Oregon has shipped more mutton to
lvistern markets this year than dur
ing any previous season, so say the
managers of the Noi thorn Pacific and
Oregon Short Line.
K Hull called at the Nkwh foundry
yesterday and paid tho printer consid
erable mono', nt tho same timo saying
to continue the paper to tho address
of his nephew in P.iigland.
Judge Shields of Harney county is
in town looking over the tax roll of
CSrnnt county with Judge Mnxcy, to
arrive at a conclusion concerning tho
amount Harney county must pay her
Tho chihi born without eyes at
Weston, a few weeks since, has
been secured hy Fred T. Merrill, of
Portland, and will bo exhibited in
Furopo and America for tho next
few years.
Oregon lias at last been able to
manufacture something for export.
Cast iron pipe and-pig.jroiio iB
now being shipped froth 0nvogd' to
San Francisco at the rate of forty
tons a day.
Weather prophets have been
'ahroadijrggon this fall predict"-
ingfll l:(mi?oulhSfijL'H regarding a
hnnPwinter. Tile from
the east indicate that winter Is coin"
mencing there earlier than usual.
Henry Apple owns a small min
ing claim in Sierra cpunty, New
Mexico, that hasaidjnni.lS.OOO
iu five months. Ho employs one
man, and the ore is crushed in a
hand-mortar. Apple is pleased
with the fruit of his labor.
A gambler wbb buried in Monta
na a week or two ago, and noxt
morning an anchor, formed of play
ing cards, was found on his grave.
Somobody seems to have thought
tho most appropriate way to deck
his grave was to euchre deck it.
To an anxious public wo must state
that up to tho present time (iov. Pon
nftviir has not said that Petor Sullivan
shau oncumlter the earth longer, and
tho prolmbilitios aro that to-morrow
will lo his last day on earth among
the living. But such is tho well de
served doom of a murderous brute.
Henry A. Hyde anil his new biido
(this was not intended for poetry)
wore not mentioned last week Iwoauso
the editor ilid not loam of tho wed
ding until after tho Nkwh was print
ed. When you get married don't In)
ashamed to inform the newsKiper man,
who takes delight in giving the facts
to the world.
A cat owned and raised by Mrs.
Gumming, of lrwington, (5a., is one
half rabbit. Its head, front feet nnd
front section nre like an ordinary
house cat, while its hind pint leseiu
blo that of a rnbbit, iU tnil U'ing
short and perfect, and when not in
motion will sit in tho same position as
a full blooded rabbit.
President Harrison issued his
Thanksgiving proclamation, for
Thursday, Nov. 28. He says: It
behooves a highly favored eoplo to
look back with thankful hearts over
tho past year and bless (!od for his
infinite mercy to tho blessing of our
land, tho enduring peace of our peo
ple, freedom from jieslileneo and
famine, our husbandmen's abund
ant harvests, nnd to them that la
bor the recompense of their toil.
(ioveruor Pennoyer has issued
tho following proclamation: "To
the end that public acknowledg
ment may be made to (iod for his
unnumbered mercies, 1 hereby ap
point Thursday, tho 28th day of
November, 1881), as a day of thanks
giving, and I would remind tho
good peoplo of this commonwealth
that no expression of gratitude can
ho more acceptable to heaven than
aro gifts from their abundance in
, aid of the poor."
MtyGrnham of the Middle
wnsln town last week.
NToni Mondor is hauling shakes to
cover Ids liouso in town.
Tho farmers are busy killing
hogs and making sausage and lard.
Miss Koio Mack gave an ajiron
atyl necktie parly Saturday night.
AVeb Anderson started ovor the
mountains with his family on Sat
urday. Amy Bates was given a surprise
party bv her Bchool matos Friday
tight. '
Mr. Clcnvor lato of this place is
laid up with a sprained ankle, at
Crackor City.
Kico Mclialcy has moved and
will keep the ostoHice iu the front
part of his residence.
Mrs. Hess had the misfortune to
full break her arm last Friday, Dr.
Tllibadoo was called to set it.
Vplr. Loo Miller of Canyon Citv,
aim .Mr, money oi imKur uivy niiiy
ed all night in" Prairie last Sunday
Henry Dodson and Will Cohearo
going to do tho assessment work on
the Keystono mine of Mr. Watson's
at Quarlzburg.
Quite a number of the Prairie
City boys attended a party at the
residence of Mr. Kiinrey, on Straw
berry last Friday evening.
Mr. Shumait of this place intends
tp start in a few days to Illinois
with two car loads Of fine horses.
If he can dispose Oftliotii profitably
ho will bring back: two or three car
loads of fine cows.
Mr. Henry Hydo look Miss Louie
rdtiranco toCanvon City and came
. . t . r till
uacK witlt .Mrs. liyue. i hey were
pleasantly entertained until a late
hour, by tho beating of tin pans,
blowing of horns, nnd the yelling of
all the boys in town. Anvils were
fired until about two o'clock.
Mr. Jones nnd wife who havo
been working for Nic Ollivor up the
valley, got an ovor-doso of gin or
something worse, which sot them to
lighting; she came out second best,
then came to town lo havo him ar
rosted; ho followed with his wagon
and thoy showed tho young people
how married folkH live. She got
him out of the wagon nnd threw
plates, pics, onions and tho monkey
wrench at his head. She flnaily
brought hint to time hy using the
halter over his head, Tho next
two rounds wero fought in front of
Bates' saloon. They made their
way back to Ollivcrs the samo
night. They wero not arrestetl on
condition that they would leave the
valley inside of 21 hours.
.Mr. Bugler of this shop, returned
Saturday o veiling. from a visit to Port-
laud ami tlio Wolitoot country, re
turning via Baker City.
There have ijA&'ii no complaints
heard lately nNmiti tho dust. One
rami did say liif.thooht it was going
to. Ihi muddy lofbiiSjgon.
The California "nig?Br show" per
formed at Masonic hall Tuesday even
ing ami .iiiiiouucod their intention of
again giving an onteitaiiimcot Satur
day evening.
Since the election uows, lepublicau
roosters havo been confined to their
roosts by a pulmonary affection.
Demoonitio roosters are doing the
crowing now.
Iwilltakoa limited numbor of
horses or enttlo and feed lliein dur
ing tho winter, nt roasoiiublc rates.
Address M. M. Aiumso.v,
Canyon City, Or.
The Kentucky legislature will Imj
asked at its next sesxiou tn insert a
clause iu its game and fish laws plac
ing a yearly tax of $1 on every shot
gun as soon as it passes the dealer's
Two men, pnqtoiting to Ui deputies
from Canyon City in pursuit of horse
thieves, nssud through town on .Mon
day. Some of our shrowd ones seem
ed to "hae their (loots" ulout the out
fit, Harney Press.
I don't K'liove, says one of the pop
ular priHiehers, that the cultivation of
a horse's speed is a sin. If the !inl
made a horse to go fast he meant him
to go fast. Then sin logins when
betting liegins when fast horses make
fast men,
Tho Oregon Short Lino Comnanv
hns mndo another change in their4-.
schedule time, wins increasing ine
rate of speed to -IH miles an hour
from Portland to Omaha, Nob., and
10 miles an hour coming this way.
This is a little faster than the nyer
ngo citizen euros about traveling,
especially through Oregon's can
yons. Baker City Democrat: Beliable
news was received iu this city last
night that the negro, (iibbs, the mur
derer of young MoDivit, in Portland,
was captured yesterday alsiut noon on
tho road loading from Big creek to
1iwor Powder, about 20 miles from
this city, by lid. Turner, a fanner of
that section. Tumor took his charge
to Union. It is said the description
of tho man arrested tallies exactly
with that of (Jiblw nnd there can bo
no question of his identity,
Its Excellent Qualities
Commend lo public approval the
California liquid fruit remedy Syr
up of Figs. It iB pleasing to tho
oye, and to the taste and by gently
acting on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels, it cloaiisos the system olToot
ually, thereby promoting tho health
and comfort of all who use it.
0. I). Hickard was granted a li
cense to sell spirituous liquors in
Canyon City precinct for a period
of six mouths.
J. W. Bates granted a liccnso to
soli spirituous liquors in Prairie
City precinct for a period of one
In the matter of the projiosed
county road leading from tlio Long
Creek" school house to the Wnlcrbu
ry saw mill, Chns. Bnllance and
Allen Porter nnd S. P. Fouring
wero apiKiinled viewers, and Oeorgo
Kinsley surveyor of snid road.
In the matter of the proposed
countv road commencing at the
SK co'rner of Sec. 7, Tp. II, S U M),
thence running west four miles, the
samo was declared a public high
way. In the matter of tho proposed
countv road commencing at the
NW corner of Sec. I, Tp. 11, S U
20, ami intersecting the present
county road, known as the Belshaw
road, the same was declared a pub
lic highway.
In the matter of tho proposed
county nnd running from the west
side of strawberry valley to the
west branch of Strawberry creek,
W. B. Davis, Thos. II. Mondor and
H. Olf wero appointed viewers and
Geo. Kniselv surveyor.
In tho matter of the care nnd
board of the county poor for the
year commencing Jan. 10, 181)0, to
Jan. 10, 181)1, it was ordered that
the clerk give notice that scaled
bids will be received by the court
dii Thursday the Dili day of Janua
ry, ISIK), for tho care, board, wash
ing and lodging by tho week or day
for the yoar commencing Jan. 10th,
of the county poor and all persons
who may bo declared county charg
es upon Grant county during said
time, excepting the "two Bed Wil
liams boys who are otherwise pro
vided for.
J, D. Combs was granted a li
cense to sell spirituous liquors iu
John Dily precinct for a period of
six mouths
Bills amounting to about .fS.OOO
were audited and warrants ordered
drawn for the same.
A Unit State of Affairs.
The Wallowa Signal says:
"Judge Fee is our ideal of a judi
cial ollicer. I'pou the bench he
knows neither friend nor foe, but
meets every question from the legal
and judicial standpoint and dispo
ses of it without making a political
speech to tho 'people' or the 'tax
payers.' Tho only speech we ever
iieard him make was when the
grand jury returned no indictment
against Sutherland for having com
pelled his child to swear to a lio.
lie said: 'The court finds a strange
state of afl'airs in Wallowa county.
When a man is indicted and re
mains iu the county, the indict
ments aro stolen. If he leaves, the
undertakings aro stolen. A party
will go before tho grand jury and
swear lo a statement, then tome in
to court and testily that the state
ment to Ihe grand jury was false,
compelled another through threats
and duress. And now the grand
jury returns 'not a true bill' against
the man who used the threats and
compelled the false swearing. The
court is not responsible for this
state of all'airs, but if tho people
can stand it the court can.' We
regard this iih a blow ut the grand
jury system, which is rapidly be
coming a farce, and at the still
stranger fact that county vaults
and safes will not hold the county
Snow was visible on tho moun
tains yesterday morning.
The citizens of Sacramento have
organized a project for a Pacific
('oast Imposition in 181)2, to be
hold in their city. A committee
has been appointed to agitato on
tho subject.
Tlio Statu of Washington will
not bo admitted in timo to con
vene the legislature according to
the provisions of the constitution,
owing to tho governor's failure to
sign the documents forwarded to
Comblnef the Juice of the Blue risof
California, to laxative ami mitutl"Uv
with the medicinal virtues of planti
known to be mot beneficial to t lie
human yletn. forming the ON I.V IT.K
FKCT KIC.MKDV to id cently )et
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow, Kvery one U uilng it
ami all ere Ulieliteil with il. Alk your
tituRuut fur bYKUi' OK FJGS. Maim
faUuicil only by the
Sam Fkahciko, Cal.
Loi'imui.-i.r. Nw Yoic, N, Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morgan of
Malheur county have boon visiting
in this valley.
Quito n munbjsr from South Fork
coming and going. Among the
number Mr. John Hyde and wife,
guests of Mr. M. Honham.
About twenty visitors enjoyed
the Friday afternoon rotoricul exer
cises bv tho school. W'o under
stand these exercises are to be licld
semi-monthly and hope to be able
to attend nnd give more extended
notice of the next.
All report having a splendid
time at the danco Friday evening.
It was tho first held hero for some
time. Some talk of organizing a
club for the winter.
Tho ninny friends of Miss Mabel
liaxeltiue gave her a .wry ploflsnnt
surprise parly Monday evening.
North and South Dakota, by
proclamation of the president (luted
November 2, 1SS1), wero admitted
to the union of states.
It is belter to sulTor nn injury
than to commit one unless you
are jiositively sure that you are dig
ger than Ihe other fellow is.
Tho elephant is sharing tho fate
of the buffalo. It is predicted thai
- -
twenty years hence not a single
wild olophanl will be found on the
Postinnster-tieneral Wiinaniaker
has brought suit against a temper
ance 6rator at Sacramento for.f i;t:t5
and costs. Amount secured by
promissory note given at Philadel
phia in 1SS.
First Comptroller of tho treasury
Matthews the other day approved a
draft for if'iitll in favor of Honore
I.evernier of Chicago. This is part
of the $ 100,000 prize money offered
for the capture of .loll' Davis.
Piiraimnt to n reipiiMt of tho Interi
or dt'pnitmcnt the Ni:ws will honxiftcr
publidh not icon for timil proof for SG.OO.
This mim doox not include publislnr'H
ullidiiwt 50 conti which iuut bo
paid for by claimant, milking u total
of 50.50.
Hundreds of men were seen at
the Van Wert, Ohio fair, sucking
lemons bought on the ground, and
thev enjoyed the fruit so much that
an investigation was niude. When
a tip was removed from the end
good old ryo oozed out. Three
lemons would lay a man out stiff as
a mummy.
Senator Hdmunds declines that
the first duty of Congress is to pass
a law providing for Federal super
vision of all elections of a National
character. "In some states the
eluctions are little better than a
farce," he says, "and it is necessary
to ilo something to guard tho puri
ty of tho ballot."
Tl.r fhlrf Itrl.-nn for til Krtut "
tr i( II." .'AMI- p nil1 I U fuUIIll III tlio
aitlelc IU. If. It I. i:i il Hi .1 lu. nml Urn
fiirl Hint HikkI'h S.r-iMitlU actually at).
rtiiiilllu's ei l.iiiii''l far II, li lil
13 1,1 van to Oil iiii'itlWiii) Hiiularlljr ul
mtf crnlr lli.ui t any Ul-r ;irM.
Ilmxft H.irn'iirlll i inr' A-iufulj, Unit
IIIii'iiiii nml M lim.r, l);.l.
llcml.ielir, llllluiwuvui, (nerci'liH'i 'llial
riuM IVi-liiiK. ori-almim Alilr. lrriitlli.
rut the Ni'iw.tiiilM nt' lh W'lwlo Hytlrm.
II r. .,.ii:im lllu It ml.lti) all UriiK-
jll IVi'iii'iHiyC. I IIimkI
i ti., Ai'llii'VJiiu. Ifll, Mum.
I'or liviiiur iiirmllU nt llir- r-.llt.iml IW.lnrM
Coll. i IVjtluii.l (Hrii'.ti .Tallin t.iti.ul Hub
Iflf'MH 1 ..lit Kf SAtctn Oi'.;.Hl k.l. I. - U ulf
Ullil' r llw in niniMllrnt I V Ainl'"K Iiun?
aim ...Li-, i.f iii. ho uu.l Mine ralr ol lull im
II tiui ut' ms, Mi or I hn u il ,
T) willmii, l'( niiuukliii an. I HiikI'-'i II' m''
lurm li.iy nn.t rvfiiin,- hmoih Hu.triiUn.l
imin.l at miy linir 1.. lolntCulnl'it'lic nl lir
NrtUi.4 I'n.ln.ii ( llrfl, ft UIM Ili.Ufu Ullf.t.
IMMI.1111I. Oiruim Oil halcm Uinl'itl
1 . 1 1 I. 1 'I 1. ' 1 1 1' wtrntltlc nrrl
i.i h ... .1 1.1.1 ii' i-li. nrnl hat !) lariri l
. . . .H f 11' r 1 i . r . r it 1 in tin. .ilil,
t iiu ri.i.ii 11...1. I. -i lint Ui.od Krmrnv
lni.. I'ui.ii.i... 1 ! .ir VtuA f..r .. .inn
...i.r I'ii. la r. ,1 i . nr n .nlln' tll.l. tl.
Ml NS A 1 (i., t'l mi. mini". 1.1 llioAlwr, N.V,
Cl Edition cf Sclcntldo American. O
. .1 r li ' ue ninlaint rotorcd
I..I. . . .1 i.i- t 4 t "in.irr hii.i i ur fiUrii
r." 1 1 ..1 .11 in. N I't.'iit rhvratlnjrt
... 1 r., . in. a" 1 . ' r1' fcr ti.a uin ol
., 1. n,.., 1 .,i,i, 1 . 1 .in,' I'llra UUIa Ir
. i" Ml X HI., (Till lilUliH.
nir tdrjr
1-I I.f M'l'l)-
ln Ui jli vN
Co., Wilt
liaM liul UVCI
"4 Hi 'iu' rr 1
Hi.'l liatv lutdo in
r Amarirmi nti.l I "r
II 1 111111 niiiit-ai !( i
imiiii tmtfiit f
I I. r Handbook, lollva-
1. 1.1 1. 1.1 lal.
Iu fs four lunik i i.'.t fcciilnroil la tba I'at
am tm--, umi'I Ml i S Hi., and frwuu
'm.uhiIuii' ti"la-li..u. ttiii fur IfauUlNWli.
Cnl'VltKillTH fur tbniU, mill,
11. qulrtlir iw-uiimI. A ldfaM
1 1 1 1 N N it CO., I'ii I nil hollclloi.,
Wasiumito.n, Nov. 8, '89.
Kn. Oit.vxT Co. Nkws:
Congress will bo called iijon ear
ly in the session to discover and put
in force soino methods of relieving
tho supremo court docket of its
enormous burden of cases. When
the court opened its prcsont term it
found over 1!100 cases awaiting final
action. Without tho filing of an
additional case Ihe regular terms
for three years would be occupied
in clearing the docket. Hut every
your increases the nvcrage number
of eases filed. Widening business
transactions start legal questions
that as yet have not been answered
by tho courts. The supremo court
is inadequate to consider half of
thom. As it is, suitors wait for
years to bo hoard or, warned by the
example of others, rather suffer in
justice than ask the court for a de
cision that may not bo rendered in
(leneral Nelson A. .Miles, com
manding the division of the Pacific,
has submitted his annual report to
the War Department. On the sub
ject of desertion, of which there
were lO.I rases during the year out
offi.OlO men, (Sen. .Miles urges,
among other things that their en
listment he made for three instead
of live vonrs; that worthy men be
allowed to re-enlist for one year;
that sergeants be paid $.r0 a month;
that the artillery branch be increas
ed, and that men so far as possible
be allowed to choose iu what, divis
ion they shall serve. (Sen. Miles
has much t'i say also upon coast
defenses, lie says that to properly
dofend tho Pacific coast would re
quire r7"2 modern gum ami mor
tar?, at a cost of over thirty million
Ux-Secrelary Hayard and .Miss
.Mary W. Clyiner were married on
Thursday, tho 7th inst. The cere
mony was performed at the resi
dence of the bride's mother on 11.
stieet, instead of the parish church
St. Johns. The event wiih desired
to be a (piiet all'iiir, and the bride
therefore preferred not to have a
wedding in church. After the cere
mony, to which a small company
of the older and most distinguished
friends of Mr. Ilavard were bidden,
the couple started north, lo return
at the end of their tour to Wil
mington, Delaware, where they will
reside. Mr. l'.ayard's political rec
ord is probably closed. The State
of Delaware, small as it is, has
found that it has men of fair intelli
gence outside tho blue-blooded Sal
isbury and Mayanl families, and
their royal prerogative is no longer
It is gravely announced that lion
John It. Thomas of Illinois has
again declined to accept a lucrative
jiosition, this time it being the place
of Cherokee coinniitsioner. It is
further alleged that Secretary No
ble urged him to accept, but met a
linn refusal. In other words, after
worrying his heart out in the tight
for a dozen prominent affairs, Mr.
Thomas is not willing to accept h
riiiiiII a bribe as tho Cherokee cotu
inissionorship. The case of Mr.
Thomas is a sad one. Since Match
lib ho has been it candidate for
every prominent ollice iu the gift of
the government. lie personified a
longing and hunger for the spoils.
He has had sufficient opportunity
in this year of our Lord to learn
that the way of the ex-congressiinin
is as hard as that of any common
The civil service commissioners
have decided to ask tho district at
torney (0 bring action against all
persons concerned in tho prepara
tion and distribution of tho Kilitioal
assessment circular recently issued
by the Old Dominion Republican
League to republicans in tho gov
ernment employ. Those jwrsons so
concerned, who are not in govern
ment service, will bo prosecuted
under section 12, of the civil service
act, which provides that no person
shall, in any government building
solicit or receivo a contribution for
any )olitieal offense. Soliciting
and receiving in a government
building is thus tho gist of the of
fensoand tho sending of 11 circular
for Such a purpose addressed to 1111
employee at 11 government building
is believed to bo covered by this
section. Messrs. Klan, (iod win,
and Verser, will bo prosecuted un
der section 1 1 of tho net, being gov
ernment employes.
Mr. (Soorge W. Childs, on one of
his flying visits lo Washington this
week said thai while he did not
care (o tulk about tho promised re
moval of (Sen, (Srant's remains to
this city, he would probably have
an early interview with Mrs.' (Irant
on Ibis subject. Ho further added
that at tho time of (irant's death
no definite offer of a I urial place
was made except that coming from
the mayor ami nlderinuii of Now
York, " While Mr. Childs was so
intimate with (Sen. (irant, especial
ly iu his last year, ho heard him
expreKS no strong desire thai ho
might even ually 1-e I uriod at any
particular place, althiugh ho ex
pro M'I some prefoienco for West
! I hnvt; wiino high (,'intlo Meiin.)
liiicl; for ale. Tonus oiuy. Iliej
nre iu my pnituro, situated iu the
west oiul of llesr vnlloy on tho main
riwd te South I 'oik and Hoar creek.
I wish to soli thorn by tho 10th of
Hoy. You can havo 0110 years'
timo. J, li. Kiunotox.
How Remarkable Cases ore Disposed of
t ajs I'lfth Street, Opposite
the Court House.
McMi.NNVH.u:, Oct. 8, 188!).
Dits. Dakiiin Dear Sirs In an
swer to your letter of inquiry I onn
only say that after nine mouths my
hearing remains good, can hoar tho
clock tick iu the next room plainly.
No ringing or buzzing noises in iny
ears, and I feel as though thoy wore
permanently cured; and I feol ns
though you could cure all curablo
diseases. I am truly grateful and
feel that you will treat all fairly.
Very truly,
Mit. KniToit: For months I have
been nlllietod with actito rheuma
tism in my hip. Tho pain was go
great that 1 could scarcely tit in u
chair or walk without a crutch. 1
applied lo Ihe Drs. Darrin ftir oleq
trio treatment, and am now entirely
cured. Can bo referred to on Hutlo
creek, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Mit. KniToit: For tivo months I
have been troubled with chronic
catarrh, also a cancerous growth in
tho nose. Through Dr. Damn's
electric treatment I am permanent
ly cured. My wife is also enroll of
malaria and liver complaint and
general debility. I can be soon nt
Mount Tabor, and will live in San
dy, Or. I have witnespod their
skillful operations on others.
Mit. Hnrroit: For twenty years
I have been cross-eyed and had
great fear of nn operation. At last
1 was induced to try Dr. Darrin, ns
his system is almost painless. Last
week' I came fiom California to
visit my sister, Mrs. 10. II. Marshal,
living on tho southwest comer of
Twelfth and Washington streets,
Portland. I applied to Dr. Darrin,
who told me he would euro mu or
no pay. 1 was cured iu one min
ute. WM. F. HASttNMCHG.
Dr. Darting' Place of Utuliicua.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted freo
at 2Jlfi Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portland. Ollico hours, fiom 10 to
o o'clock daily; evening, 7 to 8;
Sundays 10 to 12. All eiirnbh)
chronic diseases, loss- of manhood,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhii'ii, stricture, sHrinatorrhn)o,
seminal weakness, or Iohs of doisiru
of sextual power, in either 1111111 or
woman, catarrh and deafness, nro
confidentially and miccesgfullv trea
ted. Cures of piivato diseases
guaranteed, and never published in
tho papers. Circulars sent free.
Most cases can receive homo
treatment after a visit to the
doctor's ollice.
Foiiiithi .SociiiliHt, Hits pruutieod
011 the 1'iioillo Coast for tho past
iwenty li.o years. A life timo devo
ted to the ittnly ol foinalu troubles,
their ciiuxoh and euros. I havo
iIihuhiiiuIh of tustiuioniids of purinti
iiout Mires from the bobt pnophi on
this const. A positive gtmrantoo to
permanently onto nny cuno of faumhi
weakness, no matter how long Mum!
ing or what t lio hIiio may bo. Chur
ges lonsonublo and within tho iohcIi
of nil. For tho ho nu fit of tlio oiy
poor of my sox who mi'o sniVeriii;
from any of tho grout multitude "f
uiInieiitH that follow iu tiaiu of timt
terribh' dmciiMo known as the iVh.u'i.
weuliiieHH, and who aro not 11 bin to
pay for treiitiiio'it. I will treat Hen
of cliatgii. Constitution by limit,
ft . All coirespoiuli'iico Htnetly
confident in). Medicines pneked,
boxed nml soul by oxpioss with
charges ro-paid for "homo" treat
ment, with specific directions for
iiho. If you uro siitl'nring from nny
fomnlo trouble, periodically or con
stnutly, Address,
Oi.VMin S. Muiiiiav, M. I).,
Hist Portland, Oregon,
Stoves A' Tinware, Doors it Win
dows, cheaper than any u hero, nt
Collin it MoFnrhind'H Hoppuor.
You onn save big money by go
ing to Ooflln fc McFarlund, Hop
puor, for your Fall nnd Winter Sup
ilios. They keep everything, nnd
have mil prices down so that thoy
are tho lowest priced store in Ore
gon. , The Chamber of Torture
ll tlio nirtinent to which tho unhappy 'Uf
fercr (rum Inflammatory rlicuinatUm Is cou
flntJ. If, ero tho crista of pain Is reached,
that fine preventive-, Hosteller's Stumach
Iiliters, Is used by persons of a rheumatic
tendency, much unnecessary tulterlng Is
avoided. Nervines, anodjnes nml scdatlrcj,
whllo liavlnir nono but a specific, effect, are yet
wry dcuriblr at times, Vet can they produce
nulaitinE rflect upon tlirumallsui. uccuuse
tlicy liave no ihjwit to eliminate from tlio
blood tlio rheumatic virus. Hosteller's titoiu.
acli miters doc-s thl, and cheeks at tho outset
n il lii-no which, II nllowrd 10 r& n
It next tn lniponlblo to dlslodce or to du moro
than relieve, lllituniatlsm, It should la re a Ulseuno wliii a filial teudeucy
from Its pronencis to attack tho liKirt. A
rokort to the Hitters should, therefore, bo
prompt Dyspepsia, kidney complaint, ma
laria and uenousness are relieved by tt.