Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 31, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, Oct. 31.
County court, regular lenn, begins
Jfa-.' next Monday.
The people generally nre getting i
rwitly for winter, nml expecting n long
cold on.
l'roqucnt showers hitcly have con
tributed n grent degree of wetne to
the iviith.
See Dr. Itoley'n card in another col
umn. Ho bin nn entirely nun outfit
just from Chicngo.
Win. I-'ry of Indian crcclc, has sold
his ranch to Sam Hillin, o we !ac
leaii informed. Consideration fight
hundred dollars.
More pcoplo are coming into the
vtilloy from xouth of the mountain..
for supplies this year than over onnie
before in one season.
Uliris Jlnnly who took A bum.
ulieop to Montana in tlio spring, writes '
that ho inlond wintering them there,
being tumble to find a market for any '
of them.
Our Mr. IJugler fcUrted last Friday i
on n visit of a few weeks to the Wilnin-1
incite valley, now, therefore, the editor
has to play the devil and dun deliu-1
quenU too.
It is thmiL'lit the stale tax low !
sShis year will bo nliout six mills. All
HO counties havo not sent in the nu-1
struct of their assessments, therefore
the state levy has not lecn made.
.Snow already gives a whitish Vnt
to old Strawlxirry mountain. That is I
- right. What this country wants is
plonty of snow piled up in the natural
resorvoirs the high mountains.
Crass is Itcginning to spring up, but
in this immediate illaho thu cattle aro
so hollow chested and consumptive
looking it is doubtful if mnny of them
survive to see it grow long enough to 1
bite. j
After to-day it will lo unlawful to ,
kill deer in Oregon until next August.
If a big fat deer attacks you, however,
and trios to bite you, wo advise you
to throw a rope over his ho us and
lead him over into Idaho, where ho
can bo slaughtered with impunity.
Wo understand that Mr. Guernsey
contemplates getting out a ton of rock
from his prospect shaft on the moun
tain, and having it crushed by the
Koystono mill at Quartzburg. 'He
certainly has some fino looking ore,
and is confident that depth will add
richness to the ledgo.
A eorrcspondedt to the IS'kwh from
Little Ulackfoot, Montana, says that
wages of mechanics and miners up
there aro four dollara per day. Farm
hands get from foity to fifty dollars a
mouth; cowboys from foity to seventy
dollars, and sheep herders forty dollars
a month the year round.
The most absent-minded man was
not the man who hunted for his pipe
when it was botweou his teeth, nor the
man who throw his hat out of the
window and hung his cigar on a peg,
nor yet the man who put his umbrella
to bod and went and stood behind the
door, but the man who forgot to pay
the printer.
1 ho editor ot an esteemed contem
porary wonders how ho will getll.
clothes on over his wings when ho gets
to heaven. Don't worry, dear brother
on that score. You may sometimes
find difficulty in gett'ng your boots on
over your cloven boon), or making your
hat cover your horns, but don't lother
about tho wings.
linker City is to havo a street rail
way. A franchise has Wen granted
by the eity council, and the line will ,
W in operation by tho first of next I
June, linker City has had a wonder- 1
ful growth during the past few years,
nml the rich mineral Wit surrounding j
thu eity is daUiuod to make in timo j
truly another Denver.
A couple of men passed through
town last week, with the following ,
painted on their wagon cover: "Is'o 1
grub and no money. Starved in liar- ,
ney valley. Spokane or Jlust!" If
thu first sentence was true I hey aro in ,
no condition to tench Spokane, and 1
should they fail to reach tho promised
land cannot W much worse "busted."
Tho Ni:wfl received a letter Saturday
night that had Wen eleven days com
ing up from I'oitbtnd, via Jleppner.
What a mistake was made, after all,
by tho postal department, in not con
tinuing our mail matter by way of
JJaker City, us formerly; thon wo
could bo reasonably sure of a letter
from Portland in four days, at tho
Dr. W. F. Prudon who purchased
the late Dr. Him arson's interests at
Pruirio City is building up a successful
and permanent piactice for himself in
that community. The Dr. during his
twenty years of practice mostly in
( 1 rant county experienced aflluenco
and privations, but as long as 11 physi
cian is honest and successful with Ilia
patrons it matters little about his fi
imucinl affairs.
The road between hero and Itakor
on llumt river mountain away over
by tho county line is said to bo aw
ful lad. Freightors report it nearly
impassable for a short distance. Can
not something W done about itl We
of ton wonder if I laker county would
not send u imui or two over to repair
this particular mountain. It is just
across her county line, and she wed
tho gets all tho money of freighters
who go over tho road, and if wo re
inmWr correctly she tried hard to get
tho last legislature to give her that
saiuu piece of territory,
Sec at! of A. 0. U. W. Hall.
Wasn't it cold Monday momingl
Yc.a, verily it snow on tho mountain.
Our pocketliook is now in such n
feeble condition that it cannot stand a
Ijiuranco it Howell nre doing n
good morenntilo business at Prairie
Horn, nt Ijiycock's ranch, OctoWr
2Uh, 1889, to thu wife of Kd Hagcny
a son.
President Harrison anil Jimblaiuo
aro planning a visit to this coast next
Col. John Green, commander at
Itoiso Wrrnoks, will soon W placed on
thu retired list.
W. H. Clark has returned from his
trip to Haker, and reports that city on
tho quiet order.
U.A). fc Co. of John Day havo just
completed an additional warehouse for
tho toring of goods.
Tho Oregon Pacific railroad has let
another grading contract, and is now
liable to W rapidly completed to Hoiso
At the rate tho population of the
United States is increasing it is oti
Hiatal that it will foot up over 67,000,
000 next year.
Lester Greonweil was released on
$1,000 bail lust Thursday, J. W.
.Circcnwoll, Ham Ctosh nml Dolph
llond being his Hiiretics.
I-nke county is alio in the seal)
Wun ty business. Sho paid $3,310 on
tho scalps of wild animals from thu
first of April to tho first of OctoWr.
Tho assessment roll of Marion coun
ty of which Salem is tho county sent,
shows a total valuation of S'J,20D,'JG9,
nn increase of nWut forty per cent
within tho ast year.
Miss Douthit had a grand opening
of millinery goods Friday. Wo are
glad to see her stocking up, for cold
weather is coming and the ladies will
need a now winter hat,
A cat which was carried from Oma
ha to Idaho by rail in a Wx, was five
months in making her way Kick on
foot, but she got there in good shape,
and immediately resumed business at
tho old stand.
Williams' relatives living near
Pendleton, sent over their bond in
tho until of -fUoO, which arrived hero
InHt Saturday evening, but it wan
incomplete, bo tho sherifT returned
it for correction.
Pursuant to a requost of the Interi
or department the Nkwh will hereafter
publish notices for final proof forSG.00.
This sum does not include publisher's
allidavit 50 cents which must W
paid for by claimant, making a total
of SCfiO.
Jiudcs Lofton lost 0110 of his team
liorscH last Monday. Tho horse was
in the pasture, and hud just been
stabled about live minutes when he
fell dead. The sudden death can
not be accounted for, as thu nag
was in perfect health.
We aro in receipt of a communi
cation from a gentleman reviewing
the lectures delivered hero Friday
and Saturday evenings, which he
very much desired to have publiBh
h1 in this issue, but owing to the
into hour in which ho sent it in we
regret not having room for it this
Tho question of improving tho de
signs on our coins is likely to come
Wforo congress ot its next session.
Please leave tho designs on our coins
as they are now. As far as wo recol
lect the design is pretty enough, and
should a change W made in thu design
wo might think tho next ono wo saw
was a button, and throw it away.
A young man claiming to bo
from the Malheur country was in
this vicinity during tho week trying
to sell a span of horses. Ho seemed
so anxious to dispose of them that
most people were suspicious that
the fellow did not raise the horses.
Joe Combs at John Day finally gavo
him f.r)0 for them, and ho went
away happy. Wo did not see tho
horses, but have been informed that
they would probably weigh 1150 or
1175 lbs each.
Several ndians wero in the upper
valley recently, ami uy some means
perhaps from tho Chinese at
Prairie City obtained whisicoy. A
number of the bucks got roaring
drunk. One of them lost his saddle
pony, and when a couple of gentle
men came upon him where he was
stretched out on a log noor Lo was
sober enough to pull a pistol on
them about as long as a short man.
Siwashes aro becoming too insolent,
and if the agent don't keep them at
home some of them might got a leg
Friday and Saturday evenings at
tho Court housu Prof. II. A. Wilder
of Spokane Falls, assisted by Prof. K.
Andross of Walla Walla, lectured on
tho theme of "Civil government and
religion." They do not favor tho pro
posed amendment to tho Constitution,
introduced by that old crunk Senator
lllair, making a national Snblwth law
and thus virtually uniting church ami
state. Thoy claim that such a law
would W an infringement upon tho
rights and liberties of the American
nooiilo. and in time would cause our
fair land to rank with tho priest-ridden
despotisms of ancient Hurope and
Asia. Owing to the rainy weather
and tho short notice given the gentle
men wero not greeted by a large audi
ence on either evening, but their suit-
I jeet is 0110 in which every Amotieau
' citizen should W iuturosted.
Call and seo O, t M's. new goods
and bo "fleeced." They don't sell
nwaybclow cost.
'Due Chinese companies have a
TuU head of water in the Lone Star
ajjeh and aro working their claims
down 011 the river.
Jlin llrandl has been busily cn
irned for some time in making
pbnildmg improvements at Harvey
I r iclds ranch
down the river.
Jake Simon, who is credited with
being one of the most export "mix
ers" in the state, is running Smith's
snake factory alone during the ab
sence of Smith.
Wo have recured tho servicoaofa
regular corrusiondont to tho Nkws
at Prairie City, who will inform our
readers each week regarding that
progressive village.
From the appearance of the ele
ments the last few days wo Bhotild
infer that considerable snow wa
being piled up way back in tho
lofty mountain ranges
Isaac Winters, indicted for
v "m
lawfully cutting a fence, and
A. Mason for fencing up a public
highway, wore each fined ?f0 in
tho circuit court at Harney.
Gibbs, who murdered tho boy and
shot thu man at Portland has not
been catured or had not the last
news we had. Citizens of Portland
havo mado the reward for his cap
ture $1,1100.
Congressman Hermann says that
he hopes to secure tho passage of a
bill pensioning all soldiers of thu
Indian wars prior to 1S50 through
the noxt congress. This will include
the Cavuse Indian war of Oregon
in 1817 and 1818.
Now stormy weather has come,
and the more or less cheerful fact
confronts us that with our already
irregular mail service we shall be
even worse off now. Hut let us look
on tho bright side It teaches us
patience and submission.
Circuit court for Crook county,
which is in scssioc, has a large
docket which has sprung into ex
istence since last term. For a few
years after tho Prineville vigilance
committees got in their sure work
her court dockets were rather on the
light order.
Hinger Hermann's daughter was
married last week at Koaeburg, to a
man named Miller. Hinger wanted
her to attend school another year,
but the girl just fooled him a bunch
and married without thu old man's
consent. Ho forgave her, though,
and now they aro all happy.
Horse thieving is being carried
on extensively in tho Snake river
region, according to tho following
from tho Wallowa Chieftain: Mr.
W. A. Caldwell, who resides on
Snake river had 1!I0 head of horses
stolon from him. Ho oilers tfiOO
reward for the horses and .fL'iO for
the thieves.
A band of wild hogs which range
in tho mountains west of town broke
into Ja(f. Lofton's field the other day
(lnriug his absence, and destroyed
neiWly all of his potatoes, so that he
will have none for market. These
wild hogs were first seen in that
section four or five years ago, and
appear to increase rapidly.
Wo have
received a
large invoico
of Now Goods
which we pro-
ose to sell higher than anybody
else in the State, If you don't be
lieve us come and see for yourself.
Oviiunot.T A Mfi.imitK.
Moore, tho Harney bigamist,
entered a plea of guilty, and was
sentenced to imprisonment in tho
penitontiary for ono year. Just
why thu Eontotico was made so light
is agitating the minds of those who
are cognizant of the facts in this
case. Surely tho crime of bigamy
demands a severer penalty. Possi
bly there wero extenuating circum
stances. Some of Mother Donea way's fol
lowers at Walla Walla have brought
suit against tho inspectors and
judges of tho dilleront wards for re
fusal to count their votes cast at
tho recent election in that city, lay
ing their damages each in the sum
of $G,0O0. That is a big price to
put on bogus votes, nnywny. Those
poor deluded women, if they could
vote, could be inilueueed by a much
smaller sum than that. Hut the
sensible voters of Wn. have said
that women shall not vote and ride
horseback like cowboys. This they
will do, however continuo toquawk
and try to crow.
Afte,r examining and rejecting
over two thousand men a jury has
at last been selected in thu famous
Crouin trial at Chicago. The pres
ent custom of excusing a juror be
cause he reads tho newspapers is a
most unreasonable one. A man
who is not a reader of nuwapaor6
whether he takes one of his own or
borrows his neighbor's and does
not sometimes form au opinion of
his own, is not fit to sit 011 a jury to
try a man for his life. A man who
does not read newspapers has such
an oddily shaped head that when
lie sheds' tears they run down the
back of liis neck, and wo would not
like for him to sit on our case. Tho
law governing the selection of jurors
is no doubt one that wo inherited
from old King Goorgo, and is .too
ancient for this progressive age.
Thu United States should revise the
I law.
Judge Snllous is limping with a
sore ankle.
Mr. Howell is having a cellar
built at his dwelling.
Miss Clara Davis is stopping at
George Mcllnley's.
Miss nmanda Hardmau is very
low with typhoid fever.
Tho merchants have about got in
their winter supply of goods.
Jo Hates received a load of fine
wines and liquors the other day.
The man with a seven hundred
pound record is not seen often of
Web Anderson and family will
soon move to the Malheur for the
Miss Inez Mcllalov is very much
otter. Mr. Mcllalov is able to bo
p and around.
Mm. Dndsni) lint lenxrd the Vint
Hnrtly hotel building and will run
a limb linos iiuii-i.
IIIii... f ,1 I , t.t ia lilnniitii ttlfil fllil
xH l,,n'll,n ilding; it will soon
tie the postollico.
Mr. Wright is getting to be quite
11 business man. Ho has made sev
eral trips to Granite.
School oioncd three weeks ago
with Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter and
Miss Haily as teachers.
Mr, and Mrs. Donaldson havo re
turned from Cracker City, where
they have been visiting.
Tho mines at Quartzburg are
shut down awaiting the arrival of
parties from Salt Lake, who have
leased them.
Mr. Coats, wife and daughters,
took their departure for ebfoot
Sunday. Ono young man wept
tears of anguish.
Mr. Shearer is finishing up a new
store building whether for his own
uso or for rent, wo have not been
able to find out.
Tho child of Tom Hlackman's
who was so badly burned about two
weeks ago is recovering under the
skillful treatment of Dr. Thibadoe.
Several of tho Prairie City boys
are gone, getting in their wintur ba
cpn. They will soon be back, as
feed is getting short probably with
a broken arm.
The first Friday night dance of
the season camo "off last week; it
was well attended by the young
bloods of Prairie. Mrs. Pope and
Mrs. Moss of John Day, who are up
on a vtHit to Mrs. Dodson, also at
tended the dance.
Professors A. Wilder of SiKikane
Falls and K. K. Andross of Walla
Walla gave a free lecture at tho
Grange hall Sunday evening, on
"Civil Government and Religion."
Thov had quite an audience, and
made an interesting talk.
We noticed Mr. Gumee in town
a'tjtmor so the last of the week,
HoSWned school on the 128th at
MoadorsSjchool house. Mr. Gurneo
is a good teacher, and the scholars
all like him; they havo the right
teacher in tho right place.
Wo'hn Herburgor has a couple of
new gates on his ranch.
I The coinage of silvor dollars at
, the San Francisco mint is to bo re
sumed shortly.
The worm may owe you a living,
voung man, but tho account cannot
Lo turned over to an attorney for
Only seven women havo been
sent to the Oregon penitentiary in
the last thirty-five years, and only
one is there now, thu first in several
New York Germans havo sat
down on a proposition to have a
German national holiday in this
country. They say Fourth of July
is good enough for them.
An eastern vegetarian crank re
fuses to cat vegetables that havo
been placed in the same refrigerator
with meat. That samo fellow was
once caught kissing a butcher's
Among the aged domestic ani
mals owned by Farmer Hrown of
Truskowas county, Ohio, aro a dog
sixteen years of iige, a cat that is
nearly seventeen, a rooster of thir
teen Bummers, and a cow of twenty-two.
Tho jKistmasler genoral has
adopted as tho abbreviation of the
now state of Washington that of
Wash. Therefore, when you write
to a friend in our new sister state,
simply toll the letter to go over thu
Colunbia to wash.
Rather a curious specimen may
bo seen at the Bowman House, says
tho Kast Oregonian. It is merely
a common, ordinary frog, but do
rives its interest from the fact that
it was removed from tho stomach
of a patient by tho cancer doctor,
who received $500 for his trouble.
Don't ever havo a frog in your Btom
ach, dear readers none except a
Frenchman can successfully do the
frog act.
Qratlfyinc to All.
The high jwaition attained and
tho universal nccoptaiico and ap
proval of the pleasant liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most
excellent laxativo known, illustra
tive tho valuo of tho qualities on
which its success is based and are
abundantly gratifying to tho Cal.
Fig Syrup Company.
From Mr. Jossio Holesworth who
arrived in town Monday uvoning we
learn that the jury in tho caso of
State vs 1). L. Shirk, at Harney,
late Saturday evening rendered a
verdict of acquittal. The case was
begun Monday, nml Friday tho jury
took the caso for deliberation. The
first ballot stood eleven for acquittal
and one for conviction. Knch sub
sequent ballot was the same, and
thus they hung for thirty hours.
Tho eleven were determined to stand
(inn to their honest convictions, and
in this imperial virtue the one was
not lacking. Ho was persuaded to
join the majority, however, after a
long lime, and then there was great
rejoicing. Mr. Shirk's numerous
friends at Harney were as highly
elated over thu termination of thu
trial seemingly as were the defend
ant nud his family to be rid of tho
awful uncertainty attending it.
This caso was the only one of
great importance on tho docket of
Harney county, and had the coun
sel for the State on the one side and
lion. M. Dustin and C. W. Parrish
on behalf of the defense. Mr. Shirk
lias a number of tried and true
friends in this vicinity who are glad
that ho stands vindicated by thu
law before his follow men.
I ?ou S.m.k. AWut foity tons of
wilil buy, at tho "Big Meadows'' on
upper Canyon Creek. Piico six dol
lars per ton. Hxeellent place to win
ter stock. M. M. Adamson.
Just before Frederick Douglius
sailed for his post as minister to
Ilayti ho was called upon ny
Lieutenant Kdward Lloyd, of
.Maryland, whose grandfather own
ed lionla? and his mother when
they wero slaves.
A Cincinnati girl fifteen years
old, dug her elbow into a police
mail's ribs with such force as to
crack two of them, and yet alio
called it a light dig. Snpposo
that girl grows up and marries
and hears burglars some night and
kicks her elbow out for her hus
band's side. Just think of itl
Tho governor of Rhode Island
declares that the abolition of the
death penalty of that state has been
demonstrated to be a wise law. The
penalty for murder in Rhode Island
is imprisonment for life, and tho
governor presents statistics to show
that as to crimes of violence that
state i'h exceptionally free as com
pared with other states, and that
trials and convictions there are
At Stockton, California, Sept. 28,
Mrs. Lucinda Rami, relief, of Caleb
Rami of Grant county, aged fit) years
and eight days.
Lucinda Sanders was bom at
Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1HH0,
crossed tho plains with the Donner
Lake parly. Her mother perished
there leaving her alone in tho world,
her father dying when she was 1111
infant. Sho went to Santa Clara,
Cal., and worked thero until sho
iimiried her first hushnnd; then
they went with Marshall it Sutter
to build a mill. He fell from the
top of tho mill and was killed in
stantly. Sho then married Caleb
Rann and survived him ten years,
but the horrors of Donner Lake to
gether with tho loss of threo children
in ono day preyed upon her mind
until it gave way entirely, but left
her quiet and harmless.
Mother, tltr Mutlicr, M10 )wii beta Ion,
huirn Ut lietnl jour lull l.y winir.
Vou'io Julncil our dear I'atlior In lilt lt ilnumttu
Nr liermflrr lo mourn or U .
Tlir Oilrf lira. oil (or tlio Ktrat III
coti ol Uootl'i'JirllU I1 foiunl III llm
stllclo lltvlf. Itlilncill Uiat wlM.aiid tlio
(act tint Hmxl't Har.iirllU actually no
ntnillslivs wliat i flalmfl for II, I' wlist
t'At Liven to t!il liii'itlcluu .1 I opuUrltjr aiuI
air ureal" limn U' tt o( any otlur .trnpa-
Merit Wins n,rif..Mii..iM.i.iie.
Ilno.1'1 Harnaparllla rurci Hirolula, Halt
itlicum ami alt lluniori, Dynx-iula, Kirk
Heartache, llllloinni'M, cnurcomci TI1.1l
mot rcclliiK, create an Airlil. Miriifcllt
(in tho Ncrvci. ImiliU li Hit) Wliolu S tti-m.
Iloo.r Nnr-MiiirHlu It lolil liyall illtix
Ititi l, III fur (ft. I'rri.irdbyl!. I. Iluoil
U Co., Apollii'CJllci. Uittcll, Haw.
I'or lulurM putnutU t tlir I'oitUml llulnr
CulltKr I'mtUml Orrk'on. or ul Hit Capital llu
Iiicm I olttxr. Salem. Giruon. Ilolli kIiuuIi uic
liinlrr Dm luaimtfciiirulorA 1' AiiiutluiiK. Iwe
nine ruuiKiil iiuilkt anil umc rutrt of tuUluii.
It ii i lie km, Shorthand,
TyK-wiitliiir. I'mniBiiihlp ami Hncllili cirt
luiuto IMy nii'l rvciiMK mIoii htixlrnliaii
nilllr.l at any llmr. t'orjolnl CluU)fur,oilJi
CtrUuJ CkIui.i rll. All Ciu'UI ttthm XMif,
1 Vttlati'l, Dicuuu. VII Hakm.Oitguil.
Whoopup is the name of a Dako
ta town.
A Donver paper has been fined
$!UX) for criticising the court.
A bridge is to be constructed
across tho Columbia river near Van
couver, bv a company with a capi
tal of 2."(XX),000.
The governor of North Dakota
telegraphed tho governor of South
Dakota, saying, "It's au awful long
time between drinks."
General Greon H. Hauui, tho
uewlv apointed Commissioner of
Pensions, has entered upon the dis
charge of his ollicial duties.
A girl baby was born at Weston
a few days ago, who was eyeless.
The unfortunate little being is live
ly and healthy, but the beauties of
this world she can never behold.
A gun capable of discharging
1000 balls per minute has been pat
ented by an Indiana man. By this
it will he seen that all the Indiana
men have not been appointed to
ollice by the president.
ComMnet the Juice of the blue Fu;iof
California, 10 laxative ami mi'tin u.
with t lie medicinal virtues or .
Lnown to be moit liriteltcUl to the
human ivitem, formlni; tlie ON I Y ITK-i-l-CT
KKMliDY to act sently )t
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally MIow. Kvery one It uilnj it
anil all are ilrlif.htetl with it. Aik your
tlriienitt for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factuieil only by the
Sx 1'aANClico, Cal., Kv. Nw Voa, H. Y.
To tliOM) wishing to buy fruit and
vegotablox, I wuiibl nuv tbitt I will
sell apples on tho luiieli iitfiu ets per
box, also a i;ood assortment of vege
tables lor sale nt rouHoiinblo prices.
All ordeiH will bo promptly attend
ed to. Oidors left with O P. Cii'snp,
in Canyon t'it, will reiieh inn every
week, nn I will tiMially be in town
.Sitturduyx and Tuuidnys of eauh
week with fruit to cell. Hesidiinco
twoiniloM bolow .lo'tn Day City, on
Tho Dalles rond.
Fruit exchanged for nil kituln of
good clean grain delivoied ut uiy
much at 1 1 ce'its.
Wm. fjtICK
Chas. COBB. Prop.
John )d, Grant Co., Gin.
To stop nt this popular house once
is a sin that you will come niiiu.
Tho best of ajoonnnoihi'ioii'i for
gtiustH, and ratui of bonid and lodg
ing roiisou-iblo.
Idtid OUIft at llurim, Orvipin.
ol 16 info
Nolle U lirlir tm tli.l llm filluliiH-iiatitJ
t11rr Iiai nltf nollf i.f ttirlr Intenllnii In umke
nnal rwif In iippuit ul llmir vlalm, ah.I that M
lirtmf will tin hlad Iwforr llif cuulli.t ilrrk f
ilmut cuutiiv, Or . ai I'iiivmii I'itt Or . Krljjr,
.Notamlirr at. I HAD. la Tlio- II I. ft" XOK.
I'mllHUkM I J. a UUHAM'K i l It Kill
for lh SI. or ft! nr it, MI ir t -it ,
Whall JiW hi r VTn 19. S It KlU I'. V. ami
NL'iir NU ur W lnlf.ST. 111 ami W iir ali r
. it T1BH II Ut H W M
ll IHIHlf Hi filllO107 ItltO-.M tu pflWi' l
continuum rtiduep utmii 4mI rullt. itl n cf,
f-iiil UimI, tla: 0i W, 1 LiUii-tiji Tuftm
a. II llotiyU., llmr Mn . . ' i'r'r,.' i .1 , Hi
31W -I t M -'I",. ,T' V !f.i-l-'.r
All pci'MiiiH inib I'teil tu F. i.
ItiiU'iiiHon, (liii'tnihcd, will plenHO
call and not tie iiniiiinliiiinlv, or tlieii
aecntinirt will tut plueetl in the hiiiidri
of an nt'oriiny.
Mto F 1! HiNP Rhus.
Pi nine in , v , Hi t t,
Slh dumml Vail
JS. O.
Canyon Cily, Oiepn, al Ik Court House,
iW-'-ir n-
A H It A NO KM UNTS: K. 1. Hornlcy, C5. I. llazeltinc, A. 0. uoiu.
INVITATION: J, 1). Sutherland, John Lauraneo, Wm. .Miller,
M. is'. Hoiihain, C. V. Parrish, Clay Todhunter, C. W. llonliam,
FI.OOK: V. 0. Cozad, 0. P. Cremip, Clay Todhunter.
KKCK1TION: M. A. Lucas, It. Hyram, W. II. Clark, W. P. Gray.
TICKETS (not including mppcr) $2 60.
LETT. Ell.
La Ghandk, Oct. 12, 1889..
Drs. Darrin, 235 Fifth St., Port
land Kind Sirs: I write this let
ter to try and oxprcsH my thanB
and gnititudo better than I vui 'A'
word of mouth. I know 1 nn '.In
most happy girl in La Grande rinob
you have "cured mo of so great a
misfortune as crooked eyes. Thnnkp
to you, my eyes aro straight oncis
more atid'my sight is perfect. I
am nine years old.
Gratefully yours,
M.uion: Synhohst.
Dr. Darrlm' PUca of Duiinets.
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted freu
at 2;ifi Fifth street, comer of Main,
Portland. Ollice hours, from 10 to
. 5 o clook daily; evening, to " .
Sundays 10 to 12. All . i .'i
i chronic diseases, loss of maiutoOil.
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gouor
rliiea, Htriclure, speriinitonhiKa.
seminal weakness, or loss ot'iicviut
of sextual jmwer, in either man or
woman, catarrh and deafness, nr
confidentially and successfully iron
ted. Cures of privntu dibeasert
guaranteed, and never published In
the papers. Circulars sent free.
Most cases can receive homi
treatment after a visit to the
doctor's ollice.
Oi.YMPi H. MCUIiAY. M. U.t
I'Vui I SjiitMulittt llm pret.lctl
on tli" Pueilie I'onat f tho p.utt
iweii' liAi' vouii. A lifo timo doro
tcl i the itutly of female trouble,
Hum- imhaoh and omen. 1 livo
thuiMiituU of tiMfimoiiihi of rrtim
tiMit :uicm from the heat peopJ on
this ooiutt. A poflitivft guttrnutoe lo
permanently pure ny p-v of.fwt.iuU-vvMikue-H,
no itimtorluiw b-ntfMMud
tu-i .ir wlna the i!.:t tv t'iu.r-
. if i-Kii-ililc nt,,3 vuute H'r-h
i .1 I ii f-. l-.-iittlh of Hie
: r or hi.-: wh" - -stiff- nu
If III HII.. of lb (rrvi! ItKillltUtU' "f
ailments ilmi follow in onui of tliat
'ii M d.nt a ii- KM.,,!) ,ti th frtitn'te
v il.ncw., juttl wi'. :u-. ti'ir ubW Ui
,my for inmiiut it I wit' m-t tm.f
if i-lini i'i, (Ji.t,
t ,iiyji,
U'l ')' (V ..t"
five. All oot"--, 1,
Ibl. iil
: .. it ;ilt , -..; '"v
..U't') 1 re puin- ;
Illl'llt, Willi H).-r II. 1 ' n,
ton). If vol! nre M1IIW1111.' ii"'
foiualo trouble, pcriodiurtlU ti ("!
Mtuntly, Adtlii'HN,
Oi.vmmv S Mciiiiav, M
K.iHt Poitland, Ur.-f?
In iiinoiiuU to fuiit on iiuproio-!
fit 11 m. The rates , un.iiiit !,
Ifyouwuut to borrow it will pay
you to roo me.
N'rittcn in tht'hesl f'f rio
n '.v.
Piairitt City
Of Iloppixor.
0. a. t' 11 1: . nuMi ut i.iOOw,
! 1'ioaidimt. Vie- 1'iewirlwit.
j liconiii: W. Co. ir, r.itihier.
, j. r , 1 . ui;. v. !- 1 iohmw,
1 I'm-., w
' Tr.111 -.irl 11 l.cii'-t nl lluiikiiiir Bulue.
ct nil I'tiit.' f the vnM x
Ctilleutioiti. untie nt all iiiO, on
! He.i'nuMi' TiTin
t 'n luu t'ii ut fii'in one to Uai
Sj. w.
11!" .'
2S, 1889