M'licu willielmrncloriatkeynlsijitn, Hi ron derided the credulity of liim who wou'tl " liellovo a woman or im otutupli," ho may liave li.nl In mini! lieu Jonson's famous linos on tliO C'ountcts of Pembroke: " I'mlrniaalti 1 1 I uUe lira Um H e nlit ( ll ierr, Hy iln)'i akin I'tniliri k' rrn.tlitil lwith tr tlioit I til thin ¬ mr Klr, nil Iciriit'1, ami coo.; i aba, Tlnn llu.il tl,ror tt at lltsvV Could the tufiiMry of Kliakenpeara demand loftier strains? Compare tho above with tlio o,uainlness and ulmillclty of tlio lines: " Elcat b lh nun who tjvtrct tritf I utonei. And Hint ImIic Ii ui'iiatmjr bm." Inscribed on tlio tomb of tho Bard of Avon ! Stilct ndlioronco to mcro matter of fact litis ncnrcely loen eonsiderml tlio Miuctalnttiitintuofiinopitiiili-tlioiii;li tlio three followlnjj nro well authen ticated oxniniilcH of unvarnlilicd do tnll: "HhiIi York (Mi llf dU it.lfti. SfUtton hunJral anJ niciili-ulnf." -ISoniUh. "ct n Mr wniim mr, Oai ItiiHiMDt mm bun Jralaml ilitr-ili." lalilra. M Here lltt tl.r M? nl h i,i Tout Vie. Whadltti In tl. ttilrti thlr.1 tt r o Tilt -(Nviwlcti UtlK.lul. And ill tlio R.11110 connection may do Instanced tho inscription on tliotomli of tlio iiui-koi'or, burled In tlio churchyard oppoMto Id hoitelry : " llara lira Tmnliir lit jr. Ilemorcil from ovtr ilia way." Lntln was long considered the only appropriate liinftuiige for nn epitaph. It Ih well known that- Dr. Johnson refused to dir.Ko thti wall of WcstmiiHhir Abbey " with an Kn pli.h inscription to tho memory of Oliver (loldMiilth. 'l'hU Im tho inoro to ho deplored, since tho doctor could fund did) wrlto J'tiyltali epitaph of merit witness Hint upon l'hllllps, tho musician "Strep uriili.titrUtl within IliU rful ihrlnr, 111! atijrtll w ika IIki Willi a mt Ilka taint." lirovity, "tho until of wit," hns lieon little considered In this elan of composition, and ("U, Uaro lien Jonson" excepted) there owur to tho wrltor hnt threo as iPinarkablo In this particular tbitt upon Dr. Ful ler fuller l!atU." Upon Hurbngo, tho actor, a simple stago dlrculioii: IWt llirtnj" Ami tlio happy combination of oulo iiimn and farewell to tha inamory of Knight, the puLIMior "tiwtl Kirsl.t!" Wim'iMalveBimdr'iD.iriili.ivo pressed into ihi isei vice stii h l'm9 honored it!'iil(ins as " . mictions sera lon t n.f 1 b'irt." v. At! I Use rcr.lly heii-tlul llnurt by Jioiino ikveawjil iiifanl " f.fo ln to il.! Lli .., or iir.iw'd, thai'i fnit e wit t frlencfljr Nie; llii uivnin, t.iiil i llMon vnniI A nil 1A v H 14 v.,ui il,t." II.. ve niuwaitHl upon hiimlreiN of t- uilw. TIih touchliiK tfubjful of hi' fai t ninittility li-uU also lUthij ex j 'cis ion hi tho two following: " Jnt l,er I.pt Die cup i t IKailie preeecd, I'l.t lid lle tnele l.ttler- anJJei lined t'lercil.'1 : " 11 1 ldlxt en Ui uIm 1 ihi tho kii.M did i"p. id.l'ke.1 ll-d aetl IU f)e-nd foil a.lce To form, uliilu yet living, ttui sub juet of an epitapli, in one of tlio puli ation of KieatiiMH. Soino Idni!-!, and initiiy prumlniuit politlcI.iiiH, liavu liml tbift o.tier.i'iiio. ltooliesler's cpttiipli upon Iliu muiry iiinimtcli "wlio neter caiil a foolish IIiImk', anil iiuvuriliil a wIhu iuio," is too welt Known lur inputltion ; wliilo hliuli'iilrt of KiiKlirfli literatiiro aiu all fuiuiliar witb tioliUiultli's lines in mcinoiv of tlio Mill living Iliuke, (iiurii k, ami Reynold in "Tlic ltelaliiitlon." An es-Cliaiitelor of tlio Ivxelioipiur, Robert I.owe( Viscount lierbrooke), bad appruprialed lo liim ouo ol ex cniplary venom and profanity, atlu ally written la memory of an obseiiru ISolivrt Lone of liy-Konu davs. Tlio statuinnn lilmM( is faid to liavu diorovered it and rendorod it Into Latin liexiiiucter. A koihI example of IIiIh kind of ante-mortem literature is tlio epitapb written during tlio lifetime of Iloujainiu l)'Inraoli need it be tmid by u " I.ibornl " cu ; 'Ttiare Iter I.rd Iltni'nifl.ll (It vtai a way lie liad.) l'rcKoiiTO of mind bits ulwayn beou hold In just estimation, tlioueb It bus been Hluowdly remarked that in moments of pet II, nbnelico of boly is even more dokirable. It is certainly ahtnet of totfj wlileb foniiB tlio clilnf ebnruclerlKlle of tlio tlireo following: " ffcre l!e tlie rmulm ol Thmnai Nlrrli W Im dltd In I'lilladttpliU. 1713. 1 1 id l.e IJird be would liaie Urn burled licie." -IKIr Kiel. "Here llei tlie UiJy of J.ntli Oround Wbo wan lit at lea and neier fvund." -lCl.t4t. " Here lie the My ,.t John 13 Ircd Al Itatt he will lo It re when lie'a dead, llutaltliUtlmehe U elite, rouitceutli ot Altjutl, lUtjr.Sie.1 . . , -0forX 'Detroit rreo Press. Thlwioiittlni'rciiictIj- lltt ci'Tullu tocrrccluutly cutn fiyspepola, Conalipalion, Sick HenUacho, BiHousnoss Aix! all dlucnnt"! arislnir; ftom a Torpid Liver am' Bnil Difjcslion. TliSHHf ui ul retill H tftmil j 1 1 1 ; o tlio null Mtllit rtvhlt. Moa .tllllll. olofruiilly Hiiiri i- t-wateil 11 rut outy to khhIIuu. tdilil njiynln iu. 'TilVriHUIIon far Iho I'm , ffmiee J.nU, inl. -;. iinf .itttrwiu" trill tn cil j)roii nj-i'ltrittont 'iUo uuvunu'auiur.io li'.UB'l March and Bopt., icoh yisr. It is nn Mioy. klspcdlA of ujoful tutor 'taclK n lur oil who pur iha.u lbs luxiulue cf I bo UOOC.Ultloil of llfo. Wo csn clOtUo J'au :-.nd iurn'.ali you with nit tho hoc .-.try ,i:nt tiiiiioeotiMy uppllancou tu r.vta, vm'.U, dar.co, 1 loop, ost, flab, hu '. co to cbwrcii. or ntay nt !i..i. a-l l.i vnrlous 1I10.1, Dtyloa and ij 11 .li. it to". Jual llaaro cut what la rocju:-otl tj do nil tho tbliiBK COMrOflTAULY. nnd you c&a muronfnir catlmata n( tho valuo of thu IIUYBHtl' OUID10, v.'hic'i will bo eoat upon reoatpr. of 20 rente to pay postttRO, IVIONTGOMERY WARD & CO. lXl-ll'l illchlKun Avontin, Uhlgimo, 111. Tfale nprrilrplou filont ihounice of mx m &t v. ADVERTISING bGENTSs iueq nuiLP'WQ ftiffift Philadelphia F5TIUATPC. rrHWrr IKKTime rorc CollMAICO at LowoatOueh Uutoc tntt W-iKtS-AyEB a SOU'S MANUAL aAHPV&Y'TAL HEOEH ERATO llfn4 rifcu. xv(ouuiv(u iJf U f louth. Cum iukuMpt ci.mu uui tI. Stn hvUUl Djuual iuliatutlun, tpt inbLiJ, ttc oftrfainanrm trlu"fctitr iit4 rwnl.rt ott'3 Pi s An Unsuccessful Illustration. A ti'iicliur una tolllni Iter littlu : lmv bliniti tfinitt'itiiiii mid MtOW ' itip how it sotiieliinci enuio in iliu . most iittmctive ttttiro. Sl.o ttswl most nttriictive itttiru. blio used uh mi illiistmtiuii tlio p.iw of it cut. "JS'ow," stthl slio, "you luivo all sotn the )Ru- of n cut. It is as i oft n vulvut, lMl't it?" "VoVni," fi-otti thu c!w. "Ami you hnvo icon the jmw of " OB'em." "Woll, nllliotigh tho cut's jmw teems like velvet, tlicro i$, imver thulOft, colietlt(l in it something that htirU. Whitt is itf 2Co niuwor. "'1 ho tloa ljito," Mikl the toncli- or, "heii ho is in imgor, hut whttt j dues tlio cat dor "b'emtchos," rupliotl tho hoy. "Correct," said tho icneher uotl ding her head npjiroviiigly. "Now whitt hat tho cat got that (he dug "Whiikon," said a hoy on tho hack font, mid tho titter ihnt run around the class brought die las son lo n o!oso. Kervous Dljoriltis. j DU. FLINT'S KBMBDY immt he tnkon whon excetsivc or contin i uouh muscular exertion, exciting passions, or ovcr-iudulKOtice, stimu lating food or drink, or nervous dis orders hnvo long coutinurd. I)o seriptiivc ta'iitifo with each l.oltloj or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Hteton Cow I'ny IInti, Mlvcr Hits ntul Hpvir; Cnlfxkin CoutH and Vests. Choyenna A Wan Josm Bad dies, at Coflfn & McKarland't Hep pner. A Die In tha )tlt3, It on the rlclit tIJo and lowr part of tha dlijilirajm, tltauali playfully meant end do limed, l3c.ilculit;l to crofco profaally f rom a clisppy iihots liver is cut of order. When that rejlon l sore rind conRestetl. pokes seem flcudteiv Look st a man's countcnanco cro you juoG him under the rlbi, U his tkla and eyebilla have a sallow tlnne. you may Infer also that his toncuo Is furred, his breath apt to bo sour, that ho has pains not utily beneath hit ribs, but nlso iinili-r tho tlcht tlinulder bladn. Alio that hi Imvvrlsnrp Irrcpilnr and his dlePMinn Impaired. InMMd of niakliiR a tocoiodemiintlratlon on Ids rllis, reconinirnit lilr.i In tako, nnd slcadlljr mlil tu tnklnir. itottetter'.i Miiiinru iiuirr. ino iineu aim. lillluua nint ultrnitlvo iiiedlclno ntunt. la- comparable Is it, nlxo, fur djspepi'n. rhcu ujspepi a. rneu aey trouble, and iimtljin. iirnnusncsJ, KIUI tcu'road anno. JOJfA' J'OS'S Vatch-maker and Jevvelur. CAM YON CITY, Orogon. Koops for and Jowolty, llopaitin?. sale Walchi'M, t'loel.R uiul dnt H all kinds of il' nil lnl i. ivi 'i, It- .iai4 liakii-s and e'l tul.ii and ill i t '.tk VIi-um Ii mid ivwelA, f. el I'WujU C-5IMDERCOR5SS. eur-et anil be-it e ro forOornall '.in.A r.n.ir,u I U lt i tU ler(a: JiUHU. llioii,sfn..K V. PARKER'S '; vvnit" raits lo IHtlors 0,-ai l J -i?TtM "in Touinrui ibujr. li' I'.KVJ aii1 Kkir f 4 liim ' ti t, . 1 : ii iMlaniEititwXil M i:i 'iioirly to ' . iliv'ri rq Al. Cl'liU. tits, xwx&r.ptw or FAXXINC! SCKN)StS, Atl!o-'i' ' . ' ' ' i';" i .V r" nr- tvto CPiu. ..' Illllwl 1 1 : h(.ud 'it of my t v n.il I n ; I11..I. -i. ' bar ... .. ' 1 vtvim; Hi-ma -a 1.1 iti" .ud.i I I'ti. linn mi .0 f., i.iuii U' ir n" one r.vp.cu nn. o 1. iku ), i.iimi for n :, i l 1 1 ;. "ii. AiUl.u;u k. c. noo r.tti.o., iMi'tAsisr-HiwYeiui 51 i Ml UrTI?J & M Y OF PURE ODD LIVER GIL AljOKYPOPHOSPSrx Almoot 03 Pa lot a bio a j Ti-Mk. Hnitlat1iite.il that It cnu li fultrii, Uliio.ud, unit uiitiniUttil 1, t.t. im,i tenalllvo alDiiiacii, i Urn lie pi... t tit CHiiiint lio t (ill riitnl I nnd by t:.t- rri.i I1I1111II1111 if (lit ml vlll. the uypo. )Uoepltltoa 1 inuili i.inro iU. tu.um, KtBUtlillC M X n?a tt.T. l'trscn.; Rla wpWI; vl.Jt talk li. BCOVVti JlMUl-SiON i 1 r.ci.l; ,,t, . .. y l'bya im uloli llm I'iiil stand 1 '. .. 1. rutlouiiUbovi,-.;d fr llm rah f.r.d :i COHfSUfrlPTIOM, CCROFULA. GENERAL. DEHILITY, WASTIKC mSUA3E5, rirrlACIATIOfi, COLDS nml OHnovtO COUCHt n tjrtnt renirt'y f-r (humnjm, '..u Watting tn ChlUrtn. Sold by all Drujoltit 1 V.' 'i.-'.i I c.i 1 t li.. I ! '. 'i l(j,i il; in I 1 lir : I' 1 41 1 I 1.,'MI.I i A - ' 1 1 liiitt) li. .' J 11.0 di-i-.i ! ByHk" P- Mi'. Kcport of Treasurer. Hoporl of tlio Irocfliiror of tlio Ladies Ouil, St. Tliotnns' Church, i Ctiyon City, from April II, 1837, lo SU 1 188!)' clvc! KKCKII'fl. From Mrs. Horburger, for rent of narsoruite I o.oO. Krom I). I. Aabury, for rent of jmrsonage , Krom X. II. i'oloy, for rout of iNWonnuo 1 1)0.00. 112,00 ! 5.00. 80.80. 2.f0. ; 1.10. ' t Prom Bttlo of articles Krom collection! in church Dues from members Contributions from children Itev. Mr. Gom on nccounl of church lot 10.00. fiuo.ao. Totfll CO.VTHA. Paid P. Metschmi & Co., bill rend. $27.10. II. It. Scls bill rend. IO.oO. S. Sired hill rend. 12.W). lirirovements on pnrgonnijo li',)M). Mrs. Vincent 1.00. Repairing fence 2.00. Lator on now sidownlk -1.00. Cleaning church nnd yard G.50. Heeording deeds etc. 1.00. Foreign and domestic mis bions 1. 10. Mrs. Catharine Kelly for lot -lO.OO. ltev. Mr. (loss, services nnd expenses. 1)9.05. Total 2.17.'i5. llalanco in tho treasury $09.55. MlU8 M. h. Doutiiit, Treasurer. Consumption Surely Cured. To tub Kmion Ploaso Inform yonr J roadors that I liavu a pooitivo toincdy j for tho above named diaease. Uy itH timely use UioitanrlH of liopuluHS can- ; e have boon lioi iimiuiiitly em oil. 1 sliult ! ulad to -einl two bottles of t inyrfiiii'd' fn-e ''i niyof,'mr r':cl eix w 1 1 -. dur i if p'.t mi if tin'v N'-'TK'E - ;tl: ..I I I- I ( i I . It Caroata, and Trade Mark obtained, and all Tal ent builnrea conducted fr MooinTt rets, oyn orricc la oeeoairc .0. a. Patcnt Orriec ouil no can tecum patriii In Ice I lino than thwe rcmota fnmi Wn-ldnslon, Hcnd modi I, ilran Inc or photo., with dtKrlp tton. Wo nJle, If palcnlatde nr not, are of chatce. Our reo not due till patent la ttenrcd. A PAMeHLtT, "lloiv tu Obtain l'alenli," with nsmoe of a-tul cllrnu In your State, cuuuty, or town, tiial free. Addrett, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Pattnt Orricr, WeMiNoioN, D, C, l?r.cuRreC0y, - J Jkk J, Try,!ioCurc iiy3s Cream Balm Clocvnues tho Nasal Passages. Al lay o Intlammatlon. IIcalHtho Soros. "ftciitoroH tho Suuaoa of Tuuto, Biaoll iujU Iletirlng. Aliartli-loiaoppUpilliitoenrliiiaMrll nnd e nuiri nblr. I'rlroftOc. lit IlruiiuleU or lir taall. ELY mtOTIIi:it31MYluwEt.,Ncw Yori. G01D Hi FOR SALE Hiluiitod fivo mi?i from C nvoii Citv. ami known as tlio FRED MILLER LEDGE. Ispaitly dtivolojicil, and carries fi(u filil, aHMivinj" ftoin novon to twenty live dollatH por ton. Situa tod on tho mountain, no that Ilie ooHt ui yottiiiK out tlio oro is nomi nal, t'oiihiaia of about 1,'iOU foot of main lnl;n mi l iiua itiiinii)(,' there to. 0'iud wnKuii 10ml, ore ehnte, ami ithout liltv foot of tunnel. J'tiee 1 lifnsosin fot olliuir: Owner iloi h I, not (loniiu to eneauo in tniniii'' him golf, ntul lieiiiK mtetoittetl in uumer oiih oilier loeatintiH wislitio to tlioiioHO of tl.ia propert.v lo imh.ee onpital to ' .i.i-. 111114111. ii id iiiii'iii ui iiiuiiuiu thin luins eau lo seen ami olitainctl al Hi im oflh-o for ioHtiu(r pttrpono , ami iutumliii ptuehaaers will lie ehown ovtr tho (i'oiiiuIh at any time li.v Mr. Millrr. For furtliei 'infor maliiiii a ! I'ri sK Ma. Fiikii 'Mili.iiii, t'.my.m City, irtlic Nkwh Ot rien. A VOICE jmOlela. tt U ir4it r Mr. 11(1 , Um. Ohlt. Hit M. 'At M19II if nn, I r I l AH 1 1 .,1. ia-if. tnj tntu it h'jr ai ' to tl. tiifciK.n, HUM KUn, lUtrlibtir. It. mjtUlag u . i :d.t t ui ilUm ttltnlij t k riia-utnvwf Vf W niN'J.V ' J. 11. 1 ir ioji inn nr 1 a r i ngrlf d. IMDll' OiUuti il .le tl lets Mif ba it 1 fa li 0 . Ik .1 Miall start VOl in M.ler IVrttt UtM iJ Ifiitt 1 I ' ' Pi I vfl I, llil. tiiniiirss 1 11 r t un if u iii1Ib( tatuf . wwllltui ) a n 1 ot tK'ti ritli kbtJ til yen m ui if tit ut,t t 14 yn will t tblatt 1 1 h . i ( u tKIl I dl Uf Hum 9" if Huil- 1 1, tn i ntfif rUf. .4 mtni-r 'un ( l UTV.UIIU frit UUlllir I'lMltturillll AllMIIM ttc 4U ah Kli f'f HM4K Wutt4 i I! .l CnuMku ilk Vfh.l I) lfcIValHlrdCrl4lMUt lljMWlllUutttlftlft wvi -1 Uryfil nil, tjftttrtl Ui(ln trr knunti Afrntt UWrtl ttrtat. Utg m wkiftiu Ar mm lafftMfal ftal. lli imlf i ilk ttil mho Ullif mftfutr- to tin ftt m n, ttrry kni iaamI I ir. tMit. Aftnli UilbMU f tnlff Willi ttiHMif h UtWlkiMMi, tlrttl fBUisilffytNrktr Aft lit !' ! . imi tffmiiiiiwifiHi irrr Biutlr Uai... ltk. bbJ l .riaKlU.U irtil ftm Lbmw All. Wll'lf. CATARRH mm .aiBiBH ' a aaaaaaaL NOTIOK FOll PUIILI9AT10N lni OfUc t llurni, Orrn. KtpU 1. ISW. Not I re In lif rebjr siren tll Ikr Mlnvlnir-nsmtd titer li f)l)l nsllreof lirr ihUnllm in make flrvtl 'ioof In tnfjiort of litr claim, and IMI ld preof will be made befwr the ronnly elrrk of Unnl rountjr. Or., at Ginren (Mljr, Or , on Hatur .) MtloberM. I(W. els: m.m'.ia r. t'KM.r.n. II i: So llil. f..r tire hV I I Hi: I I of 8w S arrj NW 1 4f 8K 14 and WI S of NK I I of Kec 17 Tp 17 8 USt K W M. She r.n Ihn fullonlnr wlinram to plore Mr ewtlnimin rnldriipe mn. ami rnltlrllnn of, MM lan.1, 't Adam lloidnn, of Xount Vernwi, Dr., Julio Kfl.mMt, tM anjoii die. Or., nnd Win. M Ititr bihI llmrr Mtedirr, ll'anton. Or t30 J, It. III'STINOTOJ, ItfRUItr. , NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. l.aI OfUee at llnriu Oreyun. i svpt.s. at4. 1 Nollee It htrebr eHten lint III foil wlnr-newe' itlllil I n filed iiuCie nl ln Inltnllou til mtte floil pr.t In rt of lile c alm, and tint il1 proof will be made liefor the rotintjr Jul; 'I ' lluM (iMiiilr, Orien, er in hie aliarnce bloie llir c4erk tl tHe eounty eonrt of aild touiitr. at Oanjon Ollr. Orrcon, on MaturJtr .S'OTeiubrr 111, 19 U: JOEL U A11UOTT, , II K Sn ti0 tor ItiC K I t of .HW J.HW I I of W I I , ol Hoc xt, inJ .Si: I 4 of .NW 14 t.t S 1Q T U 11 , IIMKW'JI I lie nimre the folloolng Hnen t i prore Ida i tonlliiuone refMente iik.ii -nil raltlrallon of, ald i la.l. tin W. If. I'niler, 11. Hltk, Uv Slrtra, ml Joo I)bon, all of Him art, (Irani Co.. Or. I USJ J. II. Ilt NTINdTON Itettltter. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. land Omce at Hume, Ortxon. hfpt.1!, 1. Nnllte ! Iitleny vlieil lliat ll.r follu Inc-nainrd titter ha filed ai.tlee of hla InUMlon to nuke flnal proof In tuppnrt ol lilt claim, and that ulJ proof mill hi tmde leforr the rount)' rltrk ( Uianl eoiinlr. Or., at Cinjo i 'Jlljr, Or., on Katur tfay, Oct. I, IVW, lti JO.SKPH r.XWOUTIIV. Pre II 3 No TIM) for the.N 1-3 of hK I 4 and S l i of N K I I of Pee M Tp 10 M II M K W it, lie naniei Ilie folio In c wllnetxa lo prn,e hie conllnnoui rcdJrnre upon Ami ruliltallon of, M land, tl : )l. (I l'lerevn, Ihllieanll, Ualpn Urn in, el I'lanlon, Dr., anil IV. H. fruiti worlli, of Cnnn Cltr.or. on anion nir.fir. S40J J. II. HONTI.NOTO.V, P.riiliter. j NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION ! I and Oflte al llurni, Oregon. . Ktpl t, IW 1 Notice U hrrrlir gltni that the fntlnnlnc-name'l ectllrr liai Alfd nvllre t( lil lutrntlmi to nuke Snal proof In luppml cf lili rlalm, and that eald proof ulll be inxlr Lefore the county tltrk of (Irtnt county, Or., at Canyon City, Or., on Krldiy, October IS. I. lt: AllTIIL'M III,ANCIII,nV PATON, Pre I) M NoOIWIfi.r tl.e K Hef NK 1-4 and K 1-2 of hi! I 4 of See 31 Tp IS ! II 2 V. W it lie niuKi IT. fn Iul!t7 wltnen'ti In prnre lil continuous rtn.lti.ee upon and cultltnllun "if, Mlil IaihI, tIc: Tlmolhr lnoran, Jaend llrlmcii' ilach I'AUl AltunJ'i Nlolit, Itrniit llaTirrmann, II .if John Dai. Onint c-ninlr.Or. Sf. J It. IIINIINOTON, )!(l.ter. FOR PURLICATION. l.iud Olllte al llurni, Oieiton. Kepi. S. IWI li e l lititliy glreu that the follow ln- utniml 'Her li.. fltl notlee bf III. InleiHtoii lo make -ii.nl pmd tu fttipiitt of rite :Hlm aiel ttat retil t will t made before the cnunty rlerk of ... i i v . (ir , at Uuiv.i Uil) or.,oi I ililuy. i-. I l' MP.NUV i . pavm:, - -"WS fo'iln II ..f Sil I 4 of S.-C IT I I of Mill iifNeelSand NW t I ..f .NW . iOT2H It St K W II i.e ,).. full. twin leltneee-e til pfve hi .! hi. ii-ldniu up. n and cnillvnlliw ul, .ld I. " Oworce l uyli J,.m Cinnti-i., Cluuiea p. lor Krtvel, II of ll'antnn. Or. J. II Itl'NIIMITON, Hrjl.ur SOIP K F(.U PURLICATION. l.tud OIHce ..t llilrn-, Orrtfoti. hept. li, ItsO. It I. Iii-it lij- (Inn Hint tlie fullowlnciianinl 1 1 i r li einl iiotleo if Iter Intention to nuke lli.&l iMixif In eiippiirt of Itri claim, and tint mid n Hid w-i Iki nude wfure the regliter and re-olv. ir l K Land oinee al lluiuiOr., on liaturdai, O.-l. ?idli, U.iH. tin CI.AI1A . l.OCKWIlOtl. Pre II H No Htwl fm the NK 1 I Nl. I-1 See 0, N I S NW I I aiidHW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec 10 Tp IT h II SI i: hbenauinr tin follnvlHK ltnie to proia lur i .Hi ' I iiuiiii joldcnee upon and rulilrallvti of, ald hud, ll! W. H. s'aulliHortli, of tlin;oii Oar. Or. and l"rnk Mcl'.mn. Jotcpti I'xwurlliy, Leu la Till la Hi, of lltauto-t. Or. 5-at J. It, IIUNTINOTON, ItegUler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION l.tud ORloe at IIuiik, Or. hcpl. 1(1, Ihsy. Nutice li liireby elvin lht Ilie fi.lluwlni.- lamol H':it lia Mini nnllre nf ln Intuition lo make rlnal proof Pi uppori of Mi tlalm, an i that old pri-of will lie nude before tbe tvunty lrk nf (rant lUiinlyOr. atOanon City, Or on I'rldij' .Nov In, 1.1 A), ilit ANDIIKAH fiPIIOt h, Pre II H Mi lor the W 1--J of W 1-i Hccllnn 17 Tp 13 H II tj li W M lie iiRime llm fulloln- vllnn to pr.i i) I.I r ilillnuiiiit irddenee Uin and cullliallnu nf, il I land, il.' lUmeroii Andermn, 1. V.. Hoop. urn win, ii i. inner, an or iiniune, urrvon. J. II. IIUNTINOTON, Ilt-Kltltr NOTKK FOll rUHWOATION, Uud Orflre al Ilurn, Or. Hrlit. S7. lKV.) Notice l heriliy jflirn that the follnwltij- ntmed cttltr la tiled nutliv of lit. Inlentlon to ruako Unal proof In tuptKKt uf lilt claim, and thai ald prootHllllie mailtliefore tlie rryl.ter and readier land oillco at llurn Oregon on Holiday Nor. II, iw( 111: ii.i.iai Al l I'.ll OSI0JJ furtlieN l-JNK 1-1 Nee SJandN I !! NW 1 I heeStTplOMiai H lie uiniet Ilie folloln; ltuee to prove lil conllnuniu realdcnce U"on, and cullliallnu of, raid land, lit! Wlllltm 8 Huntliuorlli. l.imU ThlUiult IV.lik 0 1'uliir. Itkhar.l Dauby, all of libntiiti. Or. saw j ii in .vriMi ro n HeirWur. NOTH'K FOH PUBLICATION. Un.l Oitlee at IMrnt Or. Ocl. , 1U. N.dlco It licrelij rtven t teat Ilie foll.ivliu named nttltr Uf ftlivl nolle- of l.l Intriitlon In make lliulprmf In tupiwit of Id, tlalm, and tint uld iiro.il will lie liml i' U lore llm count) Jiidueorlu liU Iim'ihc Uifore the Count) Clerli of (Irjiil county. Or , at Can)tr.Clty, Or. on Saturdij Nov. Id, I set), vli: (iKOIIlii: UIPI.KV, lid No. 30ti for the h lielfhW or Mc 3 and N half N W qr See 10 Tp II H II SI K ' Jl. He name lb fullouln; wltueootoprtire ld cnnllnuoui lealdeucv upon, ml cullliallnu nf, ld taxd, ili: J. lin :.enti, Hermann l.otinun, Jo ei li McAIIUIrr, Ji-b llam.in. Cnion City, Or. il J. II. Ul'NTINOrON, Itrsl.tcr. XOTICK FOIt PUHLICATION. Land Ol'dce at burnt, Or. Sept. T, IBM). .Nolle le licreliv k-lven Out the folionlrix-nenkid etllcr tii llleil rmllie nf hit Inlenll.uito 111. tu rlnal proof In upK.rt ot hit claim, nml lint nld primf mill bo nude tiefore the loiinn lu.lire or In l.l. Kl .enco the nuiutjr eletk of Orart ouiinly Ornpui at I'anion Clly, Oivuon, 011 Mnmltr Nov. II. linu ili- miitiMtr t iinni'siT ' ' ii- Koui:itr loiniiyr. lid im, for Ih hW nr K 4 Tp 11 K H M K ' II. lie iiamea the fnllimln; ultnee In iiroie Ida C"iitlii..oui rlduiii upon, ami cullliatlon ot ulVVurV.V iiJM':!? vWZ ". i'w Is W J It Ill'NriNOTO.V, Pvttlcr. xNOTICK FOIt PUIJLTCATIOX. I IjiiiJ O.'licuat Iturm, Or. (kt. t, t&O. NuUtr Irliiribx aiirn tliattlin fol'unlnc namctl rdtlrr Im dlnl imilco ol l.l Intinilou in mtVe Biuil in.if In .iijiiiuit ..f ,t i-ialii,, ami tliut roul irut.f UIIh lim.l Ufuiu llm County Cli rt. nf (Irani Cu., Or., al CUniwi City, Or., 011 Monday Nuv. IS. lkW. ila.- l'II.MII.i:s II WISIIO.MI, MV if N' iJ1 ,M th" B ,r " Tp 13 S It " Hi- mam Im ful'iilny liiiie In prmo ln e 'ittHUi.iii riKliUiMX U,, aiul ciilliiatoii i.f. a IU iml, il: V It Prct .11, Sam Tu. kir J J 1Ii.iiii.TS Uhltuiln, all .( Pmirlir ( lly. Hr Bi-ai J II lll'NTINUTU.V, lliKiicr NOTICM FOH PUHLICATION. ami OiIIj at Purna. Or , On a. W-o. Nnllvc Ii lirrvby irtiMi that tU fullavliie-a un i ltlr l lllwl riutir ul lila Irilrmhtn tu inako lliml priwf In Mipiwilul l it tUlo,, M,a tt Mu p w f will Im uuiltf Iwfure t&ri Cnniily e'erk n (irant iviuitjr. at Canpua Ulr, driL-wi. 011 H4tur. day St. II, Uf, nxi IXI8IIA II AI.I.IIN. I'rr l S No. km fur tku MM' nr t! nr Kll' nr Ki- Hr ami i: l.a I kK qr dr.- si Tp 14 S li Ml i: W )l lli nanio lli. Mlonln ultilx... luprun- hi. , cwitlmKriu roalilviii- ukhi, mnl cu'lli.t on if, ulJ ' ii. iiiinr. ii 11 iiiin'iaruii , nr nt Virunii. Or , aril U iV S-oiic, an I Jam. I. Ilarit mi. uf lltatiton, Or SI ! J II IIUSTINi.TON, U i.t r Of Interest to ladies. -X! '.".?' f n e c V A M I-C wnd .r fa' ricir.oforr.uiUi.u,pruuiiloaurUl,.r,o wlIm u Wat IU .Bimmij balura tiurvWIiv. tbr.4 Man v t UMKfl HtyiD UO, 0n IM, BidUk S.Tt NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS The Stock Inspector's law, Seel. I, aiaomlod at thclnst term of tho logjn lrtluro, requires all persons moving filicopjwitliin tho county to got a por rait, and any norson moving Rhcop wIioro permit has been givon to ex ceed 30 days jirior to moving his nliocp lays himself liablo to prosecu tion. John C. Luck, Depute Inspector. John Day, Or., May 20, '89. TIIK- Hanioy Stage Lino. rrjrrn Jowott Sc Mcbsan, Proprs, U;etMrcf Tanyon Mmi.t.j-, WtdntedLtt- and rrkljr at S a. m., and leatti llurni en Tseeday Thurtdty and Hiturdajr. I'infrunJ I'rtlght at reaeonab ratee. THE LIVING WORLD JUST I'UIII.ISHKII. Tlio moat lnteraattnc Inteinaeily fi cliiiitlni; nml popular bio'ii tlou book over PublUbotl. lly J. -Y IHJEL. Tlio mogt famotiH and Hiicccssful Amoiican Writer, and author of "Tho Uoaiiliful Stoty," "ica aii-.l linnl," "Iho World's Wonders, Htc. It i;i a taatelili'SH woiiK or aiit. Over 1,200 iiiagninofnt spirilcd en graving?, designed and executed hy tho Ix-dt nrliKta and engmvenion two CoatineuiH, emhullifih its pagon and add ox'iL'inent to wonder. In ad dition to this iucomp.tralilo font tiro in supplemented many grand nml beautiful fli.i.-paoi: coloiiko oi.i.o oHAi'it i'i.vTim Tho nino brilliant colors mod used in the pictures pro iluco an almost dazzling cflect, inali ing llietii perfect gems of nrt, uud mecuicd at a cohi of f.5.00 ). AGENTS WAHTEO, Everywhere to sell this most roninrk able h ok Oltt expenenced agents grasj) it al nishh for.tlioy roalizo there is big money in it. In reality it is a marvel of bookmaking art. If you want lo make some money, hero itt a golden opportunity for you. An agency for this work is worth From $5 to $25 Per Day. It is acknowledged by nil publishers ami agenda to be tho handsomest, fastest selling and cheapest book ov er jiut.Iished. Sond immediately for illustrated circulars and tonus fn o, or tho opportunity will bo lost. To save timo and to socuro it instant ly, send $1,00 for n complete canvass ing outfit and namochoiro of teriito ly. I'xtra Liberal Terms and In clusive Territory guaranteed. Work ing agentR are coining money and you can do thesiimc. Neither oxporieneo nor capital is required to ongngo in this enterprise ns the book will ell itsolf if propor lv prpMintod, and wo givo our Agents !10 day's timo in which to deliver and collect before paying us. Adtlress THE HISTORY CO. Tli:i rtlurlu't Ntret Son Frnnclaoo, Onl. fleiper & Ganynn Cilj STA.GH1 XjI3NT3D Via. Iong Creek antl Mommient, earrrying mail, express and freight. KVUIIV PII0VIS10N M Alii: FOll Till! cojuoitT op I'.vssi'.Nnr.us. Thero i a E.tving of 21 hours time and $10 cash hy t iking this route to Pottlaud. Stage leaves Canyon City every dav except Sunday, at I a. 111. W. II. CLAltk", Agent. ll.VKKIt and Ll'AN YON CITY STAGE LINE, roCUEM II GniFFIM, Pi-opr. dood learnt, so.t cinr)ii and fait time. Eur) attention given to Iti comfort of patiiHcir. Cliarce Uontouulilo, CUHIS VtHtHt All tUt f AllS. IUOUHU HrUp, TWUM IflKkl. Ill tlmn. H-ilJIirilrULvUu. iKir.Tjriiaiii'i ralKlJouu Hjruii, tu.iw ifiioil. Ueo lu tlrnn. Kild lir ilruuirUu. H I liellovo Plan's Cure I for Coimiimiitlon mivihI M I H my life. A. 11. I)ovi:i.i., i M Kdltor Kntinlier. IMon- 1 W ton, N, V., April 21, 1S37. IpisoI In i.uu rimia i-i-iiii run Hi n Consumption. C'lilKheu ff 9B iuku 11 minimi onjuciKin, Hi H lly all ilrui;KltH. 'Jic. 11,, CUhtsTirilHE Alt llSf. Ulli (ul IloitOuugli Hjrruii. Ta.tvav'i.l. Uo rf tXl In timn. t 'l.l byilnigirUia. IM trBfrri7y;i The Qlark Gycle Qo. 340 H. Charles St., - - BALTIMORE. MD. Branch Storo, ... 008 Pennsylvania Avo., Washington, D. O. A, IIEILNER, Forwarfling; aifl Commission Honse. Baker City, Bakor county, - - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale at Wholesale Willalwavs oudoavor to obtain tlio liiclioBt market juices on wooltt, otc, for jmrticH consigning to inc, store, hold or forward tlio uamo ac coiillt. i their doniru. KM . l1tnnntiU. in BAKER CITY J. K ALL O00DS: Whivh tells you all about tin Fimcial ud Moral iw&n aim Welfare 01 GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, And is a fearless advocate of the principles which contribute much to tho nrst principles of good government, viz; Treat all men as you Wish them to treat you! Come on, then, and Subscribe. PRICE REDUCED TO $2.50. Cash on Ike block, slricly in advance! CITY HOTEL! PPwlVtllK CITY, OltliUOW. J. JJ". BATES, Proprietor. Tho Culinary Department ia in clmrgo of Cotnnotent and Kxrcrioiicocl Cooks, w'lomro no labor lo do honor to tho pnlales of tho Public. In Conneelion with this Popular Uotol is at all limes sunnlied with tlio Jlest Jlramls of Wines, Impiora and Cigars. JSC HAJlt'LK 1I00J1H 1011 COMMKIICIAL TIUVKLIIIIH, ZcX $2.00 SAVEDC by buylat; your Shoes of tho Manufacturer. ATItiFACriOM ONLY for Shoes that at l.H.00 IiACC. .2?-rJ??cJ.pl Si.l'.W.'UV.pn-r-Cy ono . . .,"v . '"""'I n' nn.1 mtli ivmiUi!. lion J .-OLlal coin or 'i v .irr m.j. ., liiny, Tuwo, County nikt KUto. ' ' Uraft Wrllo your aOJroM CUSTOW3 BOOT & SHOE CO. XH'l' -WliJiotJVST. MAMS, NEW RAPID DICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS, Two hundred accond hand maclilntt. all kiodl, Sliea and price. Dicjr- dtf, Safetlc and irtcy- , dea (or Mora and Ctrla. j Send for Catalogue nd t I'rke I.litt. Mailed free. AOCNTS WANTED. IN Till: I.ANflttAOK OK A Wlf E WAN FROM THE EAST: "GET THERE, ELI!" Now, tlio quciition naturally atises, got wlipiul Get whence Foohiwobi tunjoali w'a's iimlla now The amjwpi in 8iniilo enough in its application. It is that tho people should "Get their Kli-montaiy powers for doing good put in repair.' Nor is this all a nioio liberal translation means for the people all to "get their" and pay it to the printer in a May that is called "in advance." Advance and do this, and he will send you one year, poitago paid, G UARAVrEiUn ! $2.50 4 usually retail uud gu.00. mmm CONOnPfin. to. pay oxcrossaoo wo vrlll n.nrl mm