Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 17, 1889, Image 3

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Thm'sday, Ocl. 17.
See "t" of Pianoi, Organ and
Sewintr Mnohintw. in nnntlicr rnlmiin.
---o '
Notices for the location of placer
ntul umt7. tuition etc., for sale tit tlio
Xkw oflieo.
NYititor i fast approaching. Thoro
foro Ik) ye ready, nnd lmvo your wood
fh(l I II 1ml in timo,
fotiu-otuiiml report of county otli
cors are in tlio hands of tlio printer,
niul will Ihj published in noxt issue.
"vOtiiwpji City ought to lw a moral
r domirtunity just w; nil tlio lawyers
Mil gone to Hnrnoy uxcopt ivttornov
.Itiwett of tliu Harney ubigo lino,
wn n thefty tliu week to ot n loud
of eirfi chopped nt South worth's
pinning nnd feed mill.
Mr. D. II. Kinchin t informs tlio
Nkws per notes tint lie ii busily on
gnged in gathering his winter fruit
which ix of lino ipmlity.
.Senator Hamilton" "Xnpxi" has
Ik-'oii making good time over tlio trnck
ut Haker, giving some of tlio celobm
ted nicer something to do.
Tho'ctitlior linn U'n cooler tlmn
usual during the week, and iukI a gen
eral nun w'ns threatened for while.
All signs failed again, however.
Hay! William Sheets, your mother
wants you. You will lift n great load
of anxiety off her mind hy writing to
her and telling her your whereabouts.
Oregon newspapers arc requested to j
imtno their favorite abbreviation for
tin. fioit. cffif.t rt Wtiulitlifitntl Tllfi j
Nkws would prefer to write it simply
llutlor and oggs are .still scarce in
the market and command a good price.
.HU IIVI1 'I V. ... U. . I..... . . tmy V(. .. .. i
.Nothing would tiny bettor in this Jec- j
tion than tlio dairy and poultry busi- 1
i kiss well managed.
Wo aro informed that John Carrey ;
of Ij. valley has sold u band of sheep i
yrtmfsting of over four thoui-nnd head, ,
at $1.75 per head. And now, who1
hays there is no money in raising
Mr. Guernsey took his four-horse
team and two-horj.0 team to Haker
this week after a load of provisions to
feed his sawmill and quattz mining
crew noxt winter whnn stormy blnsti
blow and men can do little except eat.
Donis McAtiliU' is at Harney dur
ing tUusQpn of court which coin
iiuiicoffMbiiday. Denis went over
pillared to pay tlio highest market
price for their scrip, and has the mon
ey to do it with.
.Mr. 1. M. Foster and his daughter,
Miss Claude, dopnited Tuesday for
Portland wliet) tlioy will hereafter re
side. 3IUfJulia (iuudlach accompa
nied tltwfi, and sho aho will make her
future homn at Portland, residing
with relatives there.
TilknuinMoo accompanied by sever
al red bucks and squaws passed
through our illahe Monday on their re
turn to the reservation. Pity they
left hero alive, after all the depreda
tions committed by them in this coun
ty during the summer.
Jlenry Illackwrll in doing an im
monsti business in stock shipping this
year. He will ship over three liun
liitudrcd head of beef cattle from Arl
ington on the 28th, all purchased in
Grant county. This is not the first
lot sent away by him this season, ei
ther. Died, at her homo in Prairie City,
October 11, 188'J, Mrs. L. IS. Chain
Itors, aged 2', years. Mrs. ChamWs
was the daughter of Web Anderson,
of Prairie City, and was a woman of
great loveliness and retineinent. Sho
leave.) a liuslutid and one lonely child
to mourn tlio absent one.
Ami now the mining excitement
has moved up to the vicinity of old
Marysvillo, where rough gold is found
underneath tlio cement which was ta
ken for Unhook by the early placer
miners. The gold lay in cement
gravel, and if the lead does not run
out there is a ton of money beneath
the old iiUindonod placer claims of
years gone by.
County treasurer Holey acknowl
edges the receipt of S I, .'1:1,57, the
amount duo CI runt from Iako county
on the Warner valley account, which
was decided in our favor by the su
preme com t. We understand the
coats of the suit were to bo paid by
l.ako county, (.hunt county only hav
ing to htaud the attorney's fees,
amounting to about Sl.fiOO.
.State school superintendent MoKI
roy writes to county sshool superin
tendent Hays to please inform the
public that old school looks will Ihj
exchanged for new ones up to Noveiu
bar first, by the following agents: At
Canyon City, O. P. GroSap; Prairiu
City, Mrs. A. V. I.iurance; .ML Ver
non, Taylor it Co; Dayvillo, J. K.
Snow; Long Creek, J. M. Connawny.
Alter Nov. 1st Itooks will also be for
salu by those paitios.
Tlio columns of the Nkws nro over '
open to thco who have anything to '
say concerning tho country which is j
calculated to benefit it in any way.
'I'h ore nro plenty of men residing in
Grant county who could do a good
vL'rifl 111' U'ritiiwr nt it ulii k tA'ntjtli if
111 IV 'J I 1 ( Ul V BVVSt l'
tho suction whoro t hev reside, showin-'
iU growth, prudent condition and fut
ure pnvtpecU. ICaHtein Kuhiciibori
are interested in just such matters,
and ooiiimuuiuatioiis of this sort will
not only help tho Nkws but will great
ly lienolit tho country.
fPliil MeUolian and wife nro visiting
in Hnrnoy county.
John Robertson of Drowsoy spent n
fow days in our city this week.
W. H. Johnson of Dayvillo has
moved to John Day with his family.
I will soli applos in tho orchard
nt 1 J ct. per lb. cash; wlion gath
ered tit higher rntes.
D. IJ. IllNKHAllT.
Hugh Smith nnd Frank Sols intend
skirting to Portland this week with a
lxind o? beef oattlo. They will ship
from linker.
Just arrived nt tho John Day .Mil
linery Store from Now York City,
the latest stylos in fall nnd winter
I millinery.
At the Octolnir sitssion of the Oro
i gon Slato Supreme Court, just ltoguti,
j twenty-one studeiiU were admitted to
practice in nil tho court of this State.
School Supt Hnys has just return
isl fiom n isit to tho Willamette.
While nletout he visited tho Industrial
fair nt Portutud, ntul pronounce it a
gtnnd nll'nir.
Horace Greeley gnvo wonderful
.good iiuvico when he mid n man
should never change his huxiueM after
ho was thirty-live year old, utile ho
wiw n horse thief.
A scientist writes a long article on
the subject, "Why Wo Grow Unld."
It seems to us easily answered, lluld
noMi is duo chielly to a lack of sutli
cicnt hnir to conceal it,
Krwl Mosier who hns Ikhmi working
for llyeiitnith nt Stein mountain came
ftvej(h() other day to trace up about
sixty dollars worth of clothing sent
over on the stage last summer.
The pconlo oil tho Owyheo rivor
hitvc decided to have u CtiriHtuins
tree. They believe in beginning on
time with everything, and Christ
mas trees are no excoptiotiH.
In otic noighiorhood in Dakota re
cently thure were only two lucifer
matches to go around among twelve
fnmiles, nnd persons were detailed to
build (ires and keep them alive night
and day until a supply could Ihj had.
The first quarterly mooting of tho
Canyon City charge for this confer
ence year will bo held in Prairie
City on next Hatnrday and Sabbath,
Oct. 1'.) and 'JO, Ira Wakefield pre-
sidinir elder. lirosiditur
All are in-
vited. . A. Kaiis
A Memphis policeman, who was
called to shoot a dog, managed to
hit a boy in tho leg, a man in tlm
foot and a horse in the hoad, and
while ho was scattering twoorthrco
more bullets along tho street, tho
dog trotted off.
Formal charges have been made
against Chief Justice Wright, of
Arizona, on account of his banish
ing several prisoners instead of im
posing tho punishment prescribed
in tho statutes. An investigation
has been ordered.
Deputy sheriff Yorgonson returned
Tuesday evening from Umatilla coun
ty, having in custody a young fellow
named Williams, who was wanted for
larceny from Smith lttos' dwelling up
the river. Williams was captured ut
Alli by the sheriff of Umatilla coun-
Information is wanted of one
William Sheets who left IiidoiHJii-
j deuce, Kansas, nino years ago in
I company with a man named Col
well, anyone knowing his whoroa
: bouts will please kindly inform his
; anxious mother.
. Naples, Scott Co., III.
I In estimating the number of school
I books required by the pupils of Oregon
' the iiumlx'r fell shoit a few thousand.
1 The state superintendent estimated
the iuiiiiIht at .r(),000, and found uf
, Upwards that 71,000 scholars wete
enrolled last year. He thinks there
are prolwbry N0,000 pupils to Imj sup
! plied with now looks this yoni.
! Stnver A- Walker, of Portland will
furnish free of charge to any one
I writing for it, a ticket entitling tho
I holder to a prize drawing to take
' place on the '.'Gth inst. A largo list
' of article will lx given to holders of
lucky nunilwrs. Write to them and
they will give you a ticket numbered,
and you may lx the lucky one.
j A great deal of annoyance has iceu
j experienced by Americans visiting
i Ireland by the prudent prohibition
I against carrying arms in that country,
I and only tliu other day a Califortiian,
' quite unconscious that ho had com
! mittcd any offense, found himself
hauled lxitoro n imigistruto and lined
5, husidoK foifeitiug his revolver.
I Prof, and airs. Do Itudio gnvo one
of their highly in tei citing, eutettaiii
iiioiiU in this city Tuesday evening,
cotisutiui; of Icduerdemuin, nm-'io and
wiered mysteries, singing nnd ventril
oquism. Mr. and Mis, Do Kiulio la
lorcd under omlurrussiiig circumstan
ce, inasmuch us there was a poor at
tendance, and to make matters worse
tho local musicians whom they had en
gaged for tho evening failed to appear.
All things considered, their perform
ance was excellent.
George MuIIaley and his daughter
Inez, of Prairio City each mot with
a serious mishap a few days ngo. A
pan of Uillow which was in the stove
ovon IjocntuH'too hot and was blazing,
anil to eomnguish it Miss Mollnloy
Juoww.itor on tho blazo. This of
made matters worve. and the
hot grease Hew over her clothe and in
ler lace, iiuruing Iter in a feurful
manner, liur lather camo to her ri
cuu, and was himself seriously burned.
.Miss Mellaloy wns at first thought to
bo fatally injured, but now is consider
ed out of danger, although it is fuaiud
tho nwful casualty will ouuso a perma
nent disfigurement.
All of the Olden Time.
Sheriff Gray has been hoard
from. Tlio Iloise City Statesman
gives Mr. Gray or Joaquin Miller
tho following "sondofT:"
Wr. W. P. Gray of Canyon City,
Oregon, is in the city, stopping nt
the Overland. Mr. Gray came to
Idaho in 1801, nnd was for some
time engaged in mining in tho
Hoise Uasin. In lSGft he was a
resident of Canyon City, where he
has since made his home, lie has
some rich recollections of Joaiiuiu
Miller, who was also that year a
resident of Canyon City. Mr. Gray
niul Known Miller venrs before
while the latter was distinguishing
himself as n Modoc Indian brave,
and practicing the use of the lariat
in the mountains and valleys of
Southern Oregon and Northern Cal
ifornia. At Canyon City in '60,
Miller was a candidate for thoollico
of county judge, and meeting Gray
one day said to him: "Gray, voii
aro familiar with some things con
nected with my early history and
exploits, which would servo no
good purjwso at this time to venti
late. Supjxisc we let bygones be
bygones for a while." Miller was
succjlssful in his canvass, and was
sooiyaftcr duly installed as judge,
wheii hu went simultaneously into
thetudy of law and jnictry.
l(o had married Minnie Mvrtlo
some time before, and a part of the
fortune she brought him was mi old
rhyming dictionary, from which hu
learned that very stupid prose could
bo chopped up into lines of varying
length, and made to pass for poctrv
provided the linos wore constructed
so as to end alternately with words
of similar found nnd appearances
Miller afterwards distinguished
himself as nil express rider, turning
his knowledge of horses, learned at
some expense in the Modoc country,
to good account, in carrying letters
and newspaer8 to the mines in the
Hitter Root Mountains. It was
during one of tlieso trips, that his
imagination painted the word K-
dah-ho on the top of a mountain in
the Nez Perce countrv, upon which
pretended discovery ho afterwards
founded his claim of having found
a name, which had been far more
than a vear familiar to all the
travelers through that region.
The Assessors Meet.
Assessor Marquis has advanced
tho itlea that tho interests of all
tho counties and tho state would bo
subserved by a meeting of tho as
sessors of tho various counties at
some central iKiint, Salem or Port
land, in February of each year for
tho purposo or agreeing upon a
method or rate of taxation, The
idea is a good one and tho legisla
ture should provido for such a meet
ing, and, in the meantime, the as
sessors can meet voluntarially. Ab
it is at present there is a disposition
on tho part of county courts to cut
down valuations and raise tho levy
for county taxes. This is donu un
der tho impression that this county
or that, under a full valuation
would pay more than its just pro
portion of state tax. This maybe
true, but tho principles aro wrong
and a meeting of the assessors for
the puro.o of agreeing on a basis
would bo of iinnienso benefit. Prop
erty should be assessod at its value
and then tho rate of assessment
would bo lessened in proportion. If
wo need $100,000 of taxes it stands
to reason that tho levy on a valua
tion of .f.S.OOO.OOO would be only
half as high us on a valuation of
$,000,000. A high rate of tax cre
ates a had impression whUo a low
rate produces the contrary ofleet.
Pendleton Tribune.
Fou Sai.k. AUnit foity tons of
wild hay, at the "Ilig Meadows" on
upper Canyon Creek. Price six dol
lars per ton. Excellent place to win
ter stock. M. M. A DAMSON',
The democrats elect everything in
Montana but congressman. They have
a iiinjoiity of seven and maybe nine
on joint btillot in the legislature.
Thi will secure two United States
senators. Monti na went republican
last fall by 0,1 tin majority and that
xuty had IS majority on joint I hi 1 lot
in the legislature.
The old Ilatliold-McCoy feud has
broken out again in Kentucky.
Pete McCoy's (laughter was to mar
ry John Hnulcv, n relative of tho
J llatllclds. Tlio members of both
j factions swore to prevent it. As
I they stood up to bo married, a vol
j ley wns poured in on them, killing
! tho bride and groom and fatallv
wounding the preacher.
For tho whalers in tho northwest
seas the government is building a
permanent refuge and life saving
station at Point Harrow. Many
lives have been lost and horrible
sullerings havo been endured in the
past few years. A number of
whaling ships with their crews' have
been lost and novor heard of, swal
lowed up in tho eternal mystery
that broods over those far northern
They my we aro bound to believe
everything the astronomers tell us.
Their latest one is that our sun, the
center of our universe, is a sturthat
is moving at tho rate of JO,00()
miles an hour through space and
drawing all of his planets with him.
He is going at this breakneck spued
into the constellation Hercules.
Hut llorculos is so far away that
tho sun and his train of followers
will not got thoro for a million
yearn yet. hot us bo calm.
Salt Lake in Utah is roKrted to
be eight and one-half feet lower
than it was two years ago.
A dressed hoof company has been
incorporated at Portland, with n
capital stock of $ 15,000. This
should make n belter market for
lcof cattle in Oregon.
It is assorted thal-thcrffrtro uigh
ty different varieties of tomato un
der cultivation, litis considerably
less than eighty years since the to
mato was thouglit to bo a poisonous
trim, not lit to be eaten.
loiai vni
? j ty in WnVef
" j Not syverv
' y ner ail.
l'otal value, of nil taxable pronr-
rt count v is l.iilll.oiO.
far behind Grant coun-
all. Her tnx levy is eigh-
u mills, being a reduction of two
mills from her lew of last vear.
They halo groat nnd sudden
changes of wentlier in Dakota. A
week or so ngo the mercury wns 100
in tho shndo, and Thursday last it
snowed. A Dakota mini frequently
has to rush in his shirt sleeves to
an ovorcoat.
Soinebodv with n tasto for figures
has made tlio calculation that in
thoyoar lt90 the United States
will havo n population of 1.000,000,
000. This paragraph should bo cut
out anil preserved for reference at
that time.
William Watkins, chief of police
of Parsons, Pn., sat up nil night
watching for burglars, and in tho
enrly morning went to sleep on tho
edgo of n railroad platform. Tho
lightning express knocked him oil'
and cut him to pieces.
Tho Golden Cross Minin.; Compa
ny has filed articles of incorporation
with the secretary of state: canitnl
Mock. $10,000: place of business,
Maker ( ity; object, to locate and
operate mining property, ditches
and operate plants for the treat
ment of ores Haker, Grant and Un
ion counties. Incorporators, H. W.
Dixon, M.. O. Shaw, C. Herron and
K. II Howard, of Haker.
An absurd paragraph has been
going the round of the papers, stat
ing that a mild winter always indi
cates an unusual number of thun
derstorms, in tho succeeding sum
mer. Thunderstorms, more than
any other incleorogical phenomena,
are dependent upon local and tem
porary conditions, and the unsea
sonably warm weather of last win
ter had no more effect upon tho
summer's electrical disturbances
than it will Uou the next presiden
tial election; in fact thunderstorms
havo been conspicuous for their ab
sence this year.
Union county has recovered a
judgment of -ifTlii and costs against
A. T. Wyatt for damage done to
the county bridge spanning Grande
Itonde river at morolook crossing.
Soon after tho completion of the
bridge, Wyatt's sons drove a band
of horses onto the bridge, starting
tliom down grade on a furious run.
The result was inevitable nnd a ru
ined bridge followed. Whet he the
judgment is collectible or not re
mains to be seen but tho veidiel
was a righteous one and it took the
jury about four minutes to return
it. Thore is a law regarding fast
driving of stock over bridges and
stockmen should heed it.
Another Qood Man Gone Wroni;.
For something over a month past
the pulpit of tho M. U. church in
this city has nut been occupied by
its regularly appointed pastor,
known to tlio lambs of his I lock as
Hov. J. M, Haughn. Hy many it
was supposed that tlio reverend
gentleman's absence was due to
conference proceedings requiring
his attendance while his statement,
previous to his own departure, that
ins wife had been called to tho bed
side of a dying brother in tho east
explained the absence of his good
lady. It now transpires that this
expounder of truths divine one
evening met a gentleman, a resi
dent of this city, who had known
him back east in other days and
who cordially greeted him by a
name that Hev. ISaiighn had forgot
ten to bring out we t with the ret
of his baggage. This unexpected
meeting wo perplexed our worthy
pastor that lie left bis supper eook'
ing on tho stove at the parsonage,
locked up the doorH and as he had
no time left to hunt up a custodian
for tho koys left them in the par
sonage d(H)l, and iih ho litis not been
heard of since it may reasonably be
inferred that ho has answered "a
cail" from somewhere else. Tho
woman who posed as his wife while
here was a widow, whoao husband
died of consumption, eleven years
ago, at tho house of one Hev. How
ers in tho state of Kansas. Shortly
after her husband's death she m il
Howers, whose wifo and two chil
dren still reside in Kansas, eloped
together and during all those years
have been unheard of in their for
tnor homo until they turned up a
laborers in toat part of tho Lord's
vineyard known as Haker City.
Key. Haughn, alias Howers, has
doubtless by this time rejoined his
guilty partner and their children,
and as he is the hanpy possessor of
a voire thrt crn bo heard n dozen
blocks it will not be long until hu
will again make it hoard calling
sinners to repentance. Hakor City
Ud. Ashley, of Drowsoy. was in
tho city Sunday, returning from
Portland, whoro ho sold a car of
horses Hint netted $60 a bond.
Ontario Atlas.
I A Palmlitr Ufiiui Wliv Thrn Shnillil
. - " I"
not all be Adjudged Impostors.
It is invariably the rule that
among advertising doctors one out
jpf a hundred performs tho pures
nnd rouoi jio' advertises to, nnu
among tltos few who cure, Drs.
Darriu stand in the load. Their
testimonials alone are sufficient to
bear witness to the foregoing asser
tion, and it is doubtful whether,
among the thousands of advertis
ing doctors in the country, there is
a single one who lias met with such
eminent success as those above quo
tod, as tho following extracts from
testimonials will show:
Ct'llKt) IIY IHtS. IIAItltl.V.
Mr. Isaac Wingurd, Contrnlia, W
T. Asthma of eighteen years'
standing; restored.
Geo. II. Hamilton, .'12 stark St.,
Portland Stoppage of the tear duct
Joseph Moore, National holol,
Portland Polypus in tho noso Ill
teen years; cured.
Win. Kahler, aged 72 years Jack
sonville Or Deaf in one ear thirty
six years; cured.
Miss Lueli Mornn, Monmouth Or
Cross-eye; straightened in ono
Judge C. Kalahan, Kahuna, W.
T. Polypus in tho ear; removed
with one operation.
Mrs. H. II. Frnsor, Fishors Land
ing, W. T. Hheuinatisin and Kid
ney trouble; restored.
j. W. Hottom, Astoria, OnKid
ney and liver complaint for years;
restored to perfect health.
Fanny Kennedy, Walla, Walla,
W. T. Hoth eyes crossed since a
child; cured in thirty seconds.
S. I. Whitman, Monmouth, Or.
Deafness and ringing noises in tho
ears twelve years; restored.
Miss Mamie McKcau, 2H0 I street
Portland Deafness and catarrh,
fourteen years' standing; cured.
IJ. K. joslin, Tho Dalles, Or.
Discharging ear twenty-one years
from effects of diptheria; cured.
Mrs, A Shea's daughter, Col
umbia streot, Portland Cross-eyed
all her life; cured in ono minute.
Mrs. I. It. Kennedy, 251, Sixth
street H h e u m a t i sin thirty-five
years; cured six months ago and
remains permanent.
10. A. Shaw, Forest Grove, Or.
Total deafness; so far restored as
to be able to hear ordinary conver
sation. Mrs. li. Mann, Pioneer, Cook
county, W. T. cured of painful
rheumatism of six mouths' dura
tion. Mrs. II. S. Young, Huntington,
W. T. Kidney and liver complaint
dyspepsia and general debility;
JntnoRj. MeGowan,
teenth street, Portland Heart di
sease, palpitation and general ner
vous debihtv; bured.
Or. Damns' Place of llusincss,
Drs. Darrin can be consulted free
at 2;.1 Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portland. Otllce hours, from 10 to
" o'clock daily; evening, 7 to 8;
Sundays 10 to 12. All curable
chronic diseases, loss of manhood,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rho'it, stricture, spernmlorrhti'a,
seminal weakness, or loss of desire
of textual jMiwer, in either man or
woman, catarrh and deafness, arc
confidentially and successfully trea
ted. Cure's of private diseases
guaranteed, and novor published in
the papers. Circulars sent free.
Most cases can receive homo
treatment after a visit to the
doctor's ollice,
This Year's Elections.
Elections in ton states
place on November 5th.
Iowa will oluct govornorand lion-tenant-governor.
Maryland will elect controller and
attorney general.
Macsnoltusotts will elect govern
or and statu officers.
Mississippi will eloot govornor
and state olllcers.
Nebraska will oleut a supreme
court judge and two regents.
New Jersey, will elect governor
and state officers.
New York will elect statu olllcers,
except govornor and lioutonant-gov-ornor.
Ohio will elect govornor and state
Pennsylvania will elect state
Virginia will elect governor nnd
istato olficjirs .
Hums woman cured her litis
baud of staving nut late nights by
going to tho tloor wlion ho camo
and whispering through tliu kov
hole: "Is that you, Willio?" Her
biikibnnit'u iinniit In John, imil lie
pfltays at homo every night now and
I filcjyw willi ono oyo opon ami tx re
Orailfyinj; to All.
Tho high position attniaed and
the universal acceptance nnd ap
proval of the pleasant liquid fruit
romedy Syrup of Figs, as tho most
excellent laxative known, illustra
tive tho value of tho qualities on
which its iticcwjc is based nnd nro
abundantly gratifying to tho Cnl.
Fig Syrup Company.
Wasiii.voton, Oct. 11, 'SO.
nt Co. News:
The election of .Mr. Hlainc to tho
presidency of tho Three America's
Congroi'8 is warmly endorsed by
President Harrison nnd thfS selec
tion appears to please the .foreign
: 41... t.. ...... ....... ...
lllllll', IUI II llll'IV in uiii; mini in
the United States with whoso ca
reer they are familiar that man is
James G. Hlaine. There was a
carefully laid plan to secure ljo jio
sition for William Henry Trpcott,
of South Carolina, though why snv
clique should nk the soleetion)f a
man of whoso existence the great
majority of bin fellow countrymen
tiro blissfully ignorant, is beyond
conception. " And yet this is alwnys
so. No sooner is n famous man
named for an honor than all his
enemies in his own patty combine
on some new Mows. The new Mo
ses may have Raeefullv slept out a
particularly long life keeping the
Hies off of himself in county courts
but still his selection is insisted up
on and his astonishing ability
sworn to by a thousand good liurs.
Thus Mr. 'Vrescott, of Hah! Knob,
S. C, was insisted upon as a candi
date against James G. Hlaine.
Hon. Henry G. Davis, who is utio
of the United States representatives
in the Congress, says that he be
lieves some valualdo wort; will be
accomplished. The majority of the
visitors express an earnest disposi
tion to promote hotter commercial
relations with the United States.
Many say that a large projxirtionof
their trade that now goes to Kuropc
should go to tho United States. A
fow of the delegates on the other
hand, while cordial and friendly,
aro reticent as to the eomiuotmil
opportunities. Mr. Duvt. adds that
ho is confident that United Studs
delegates will not make the exclu
sion to tho various industrial (.en
tors but it is proposed to h .w at
least four or five ol mn teprcsinta
tives always with tie puty.
An awkward thu g happened on
the (lrM day the hctuhimirtuis of
the Throe America' (.'tngres wns
opened last week in the pleasaiit,
tooniv old inuiihi.'.i i lint has In en
iiiriicn over ir wish p'ujwse. .Mr
ICstee of Cahfoi ns.i, atul a iiunil' i
of othern of uur dchgati s were hand
to receive tho guests, wiion it was
discovered that not one -;f the party
could speak Spanish and only one
or two could speak French. Th.
colored mesM'iiger as called into
the conference umf it wati am i talli
ed that ho could ttpe.ik a little dev
iled Spanish, so for a long hour be
fore Mr. Uomeio, the Mexican min
ister arrived, tho colored messenger
was the sole means of communica
tion between the delegates.
Handsome, courtly Judge ICsteo
is ono of the leading spirits of the
Congress, and, despite his amazing
faculty for saying the wrong thing
and at the wrong time, ho is well
liked by the visitors. Tho day of
tho reception, ho made one of' his
enfitomary mistakes. He alluded
several times to a resemblance ho
thought was most striking, between
Mr. ltoniero. the Mexican minister
and Mr. Pachcro, who used to be in
Congress from Californi. Tho re
semblance he confidently assured
the party was both physical and
mental and extended to tliu tricks
of manner. Now, Mr. Homero has
spent nearly as much time in the
United States as in Mexico, and he
usod to know Mr. Pachcro, toward
whom ho bears much personal ill
feeling. Mr. Pachcro was notorious
as one of the most incompetent and
unimportant nioii who over sat in
Congress nnd his election was a
disgrace to tho election system in
California. Mr. Homoro knew all
this a gioat dual better than forget
ful Judge ICstce, who if he had lim
ited himself to the commonplace
and indefinite compliments of the
day would have Ix-tler lotainod Mr.
Romero's regard.
Feinnli) Specialist. IInh pmctict d
on t lie J'noiHo Conut for tho piht
iwotiiy-liAe yours. A life timo devo
ted to the Htmly ol feumle tinitbln-,
their OHimoH and ctuo. I lmvo
thousand of tejtinionnd -.if pnrina
nont euros fttun the bent, i i,n
this count. A poetise .'It ,i ulilee to
perinaiieiitly cme M rm t.f .'ei.i .It.
weal. Ileus, no 1 1 1 ta i luiw hii; sfui 1
ing or what In- Ktuge n,ny l ('h i
gcs. loaoiiiib:u and itliiii l'n- le.ieli
of all. Kor tlio lo-iisflt ul tho xoty
poor of my sox who mo HiiflVrinjj
from uny of tli grin I npiltitiido f
inline ins thru follow in ( a .
ternbl" diaense Know ii the jf-nm!n
wviiloiPfcs, and who 'ii" ii't 'ililt- to
pay for J will treat Inn
of chaigtt CoiifttilUiiofj Ly unit,
fiee. All oorresponjoiU'o nlneilv
confidential, .Medici ih-h packed,
boxed ami tcui hy ex pus with
charges ro piiid fur homo" n-at-mailt,
with iipecillo directions for
inw. If you ro ufl'eiin from uny
foiimlo trouble, periodically or con -
HUiiiuy, Adiirwts,
; o
)i.viiu.i S MuaiiAV, M D.,
I&ist I'oilland, Oregon
I'ot butlutM xitau'.U at lltr IVxtUml IWtlncu
College IKrtUiid Oreiioii, or at the Capital Ilui
lnr Collcgr. HkUhj, Orruon. II. all clioult ate
uu.trrllif iuj.iKcinriU.f A I. AriuUiui. Iae
aatuc rotia ( f atuiliet au.t Mine ratct of lulituu.
SS ti m a n t' m h, N It o v t Ii :j ii d ,
Tyv'lt'u, rcnmauflWp and i:nslUli Ociwil-Bi.-iii-
IKy atul tvciiluiMflon. NiidciiUad.
utltUtlat my lluie. t'urjolnl CaUtluk'ue.ailarct
WrtitftJ UUti, Art fipJUl tiJitu Ultir,
IVnlUnU, Orrgou, Oil Ka1cui,Orr)rou.
County, slato and dint riot fftiH
everywhere, have proven u juoccss
during the past month, on the Pa
cific coast.
"Homicide by imprudence," is
a new crime according to J'ifnoli
law. A similnw law is in force in
Belgium. Such n law.ultflit bo
imported with the result of Tliinin
I'shing tlio nuiuhoi' of didn't-know-
it wns-londed" idiots.
WeM Hros, of Salem have just
sold fifteen hundred head'of mutton
sheop to tho Victoria, H. C. inarkut.
They hnvo been keeping them above
Moliema. They shipped part of
thorn yesterday. Price paid all
nround'wns $2.50 Albany Demo
crnt. An Albany gentleman hits dis
covered the fnet that this cllinatois
not conductive to epidemics; in fact
that it is contrary to thoi rule for
one to catch ovon what is generally
known aa a contagious disuse, from
another, such is the peculiarity of
our climate. This is a fact deserv
ing of attention.
Combines the Julco of the 111 to Vi of
California, to laxative ami nutritious,
with the medicinal virluet of plant
f;nown to be mott bcncliiiul to the
ium.iasYttem, forming the ON 1 Y I'I'K
Ki:CT HKMICDV to act ceady yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one It iiilnj; It
ami all ar' ilcliehted iti it. Aik your
ItuKRui for SYIUM' OV 1MGS. Manu
factuirtl only by llie
Bah I'iianciico, CiL. I.v. New Vok, N. V.
1 oit sali:
200 bond of owns, clean
good condition, Clump ioi
o ittb
will Untie for ymtiling w
Addrows Ni.'wrt OlnYo
i en.
All peiMiiis indebted to V. ft.
Itinenrsoii, (localised, will i Iohmj
call mid hot tie immediate , , or til tr
accounts will bo placed in ; lie hands
of an attorney.
Mas. K. H. ItiXEAiukix.
Pruirio City, dr., Oct. l),.ltSI.
To tboo wishing to buy fmit and
vogetnbloH, I would say that I will
hoII applet) on the rmieli ntfto ct pur
lox, also a good nnsorlineut of vego
tabloH lor snlu nt leamniuble prices.
All orders will lie promptly uttund
ml to. Order left with 0. P. CieNim,
i in Cnuyon ('it. , will leach nie oveiy
wee!;, as 1 will usnnlly lw in town
Satin dayx and Tiuwdiiys of onoli
week with ft nit to sell. ltnsidenco
twmnilon below Jo'ui Hay City, on
The Hallos load.
l'Ynit oxclmnged for all hinds of
gtnin delivaiod at my ranch.
W.M. Ltc.n
In anioutiU to suit on iinpi-t l
farina. The lowest ntM iMtaatced
If you want to borrow it ill pity
you to e ins.
l 'rill fit in fhrht'st 1'id in -it
W. 18. DI8.
Pniuto Oity
First) mogfiNK.
Of Hoppnor
0. A.
Piositlont. Vice-Pi cedent.
Guoikii: W, Co.vbiih, Cttslu'or.
IIIIIU, T. A. ItllKA, U T. IV l ,
J. r.
Trnasnrts a (Icncrnl Until, ut. i m
-nn Ml pnitt of th woild-.
Collections made nt nil poiuts cn
Reatioiinlilu Tonus.
Money loaned nt from ons to ton
per cent.