THE GRAHT COUNTY HEWS, ' "October 77, TSSO. In tlio New York hospital they can cut n innn up four hours after his death, in tho interest of sci ence. A few Now York Rurgoons should he sent to the penitentiary in the interest of common decency mid humanity. Another bogus medical college j lias been exposed, wiiicli lurnihlics the various quacks witli diplomas nl so niiich pur head. Its nomi nal headquarter; is at 15jiinington Vt.f and it calls, itself the Trinity University of Medicine and Surgq ry. It was proving a great eon voniouco to unlicensed quacks when its inopportune exposure oc curred. It really matters littla here in Oregon, as our license law is probably unconstitutional, ac cording to recent oasteru decis ions. Attention has been directed to the law against trusts passed by the legislature of Missouri. The law declares it to be a conspiracy punishable by line and impro-ion-inent to enter into any trust or combination to regulate or lix the price or quality of nny article, eommodit.v or merchandise to be inuaufactured, mined, produced or sold in the state. The Secretary of State of Missouri, after some mouths of preparation, ha? now entered upon tho task of enforcing this law. The states of North and South Dakota, Montana, Washington and j Oregon have an area of 103,0 11 I square miles, and r, tiopulation of about 1,000,000. Pennsylvania has -I5,0b0 square miles and a population of 5,000,000. When the Northwest is as thickly settled m the Keystone state it will have n population of over 00,000,000, find not a great deal less than the present population of the wholo united States. Petition fir Liquor Llcemo MONEY TO LOAN! NELSON JOXKS, I'lIKST. II It. I1I8IIOP, Tlil'.AH. The Statesman says that nearly every man coming to the peniten tiary or asylum lately is it mor pliiue fiend. It is hard for the in dustry and sobriety of the com monwealth to have to support such miserable victims of a de praved appetite, but the demands of humanity are inexorable' and there is nothing to do in tho prem ises but to pay the bills and be thankful that there is a cjiance to restrain biicIi men of their liberty, and rid the .community of their balel-)fesence. Mr. Jefferson Davis has sued the Appletons of New York be eauso they did not sell more copies of his book. The Messrs. Apple ton plead that they did their best, but that people would not buy the book, and tho publishers could not make them. They pushed it as vigorously as tint memoirs of (irant, Sheridan and Sherman were pushed, but it railed to suit the public taste. The court will have to decide in favor of the publish ers, and the chief of tho Lost Cause will be in for his coats. The wanton destruction of the American bison fifteen years ago was a great wnsto which is now deeply regretted, but thoro was not enough interest taken in tho matter at that time to refrain the practice. It will be tho same thing a few years hence with re gard to the forests of tho North west, which aro every year uso lossly destroyed by lire," which in time will moan the destruction of millions of dollars. Secretary Noble of tho interior department has decided that where a young man and some other man's daughter each make a homestead lilirg on adjoining sub divisions of public laud and after wards marry, ovou though they may live in a dwelling astride the dividing line hutween theii re spective claims cannot both prove up and (ret patent for the land. To tho Unit, tho county court of the stato ofOrecon for O rant county. ' Wo, th o undersigned lo;al voters ' of Union precinct, Orant county, ' .... .. state of orefion.rrsi.oct miiy petition On Improved Farms in Grani & Harney Counties. that a license bo granted to .1. W. j Bates, to soil spirituon, vinous and nnnnnMntlln nAinn, n1 h mSHn in flnnrl M Wlluil 11UU IS UUUU limit honors at Prairie City, in said precinct, in quitntitiet loss than ono gallon, for tho poriod of ono year, from Novo inbor (ith 18811. . T X Gurnoo, Paul Kaimann, O O Thomas, B O Phettoplaco, C Taylor, John Laurancc, L F Xicrman J A JoIUhoii, Scott Hyde, G'has Holtiicu duch, Joseph Pruitt, II WAiidorson, ldl H Armor, Hurry Itice, R Dour doiir, ST CoalH, .J Bamborgor, O II Wood, W 11 C'nrnoiiter, John Sotg nan, John Aydolotl, SI Howell, Ish nia Lauranco, .Intiioa Mathis, Janus Orgby, H Hough. J SI Thompson, O W ltiley, Loo It Kav, W U Fik, ri j noiieii, t i. Jiiacxman. rrani; u Hardiiiua, II M TIioumm, A St Hard man, O C Sliller, Hon Parrot, Will N Cohoo, Win Sloador, L Ij Day, J SI Dickson, Johnson, J V Martin, D A Mflthowson, Win Shunian, 13 I Twey, O II Rich, W Lytho, J W King, Abo Hick, 13 L Hoboits, Jos Dm in, J W ItiitoN, S H Durkhoimcr, Wirt Arnold, J T HuIIoiih, C C'oolov, F O Taylor, .1 W Button, It H J I'omnr, I) B Fisk, J A Holosworth, Pen H Carson, William Veitnh, John Marslitdl, M Hess, M H Davis, W W St.irr, II SI Craig, W D Johnson, II lv Alluii, Cailos A Coats, SI Durk lioimor, W F Lawiiincc, SI (! Sic Ouiru, Sol Tn) lor, J J Manwnring, A J Hoffman, A J Thobido SI I), JohnT Hammaek, W A PtLlt, Lay- Soourity 1m SatiMfnotorv If you contemplate borrowing money call on or address STU11G1L L ST I 11G TL L, : linker City, Oregon, on Prairie City, Oregon. la uhjia ve j- no j r y; l, J. DURKHEIMER & CO. -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, n the easo on appeal the hiuhand fnyolto Howell, Hulib JoIiiikoii, Bam was allowed to prove upon his hi- ! el lucker, l'nlmcr lloynoltls, ing as the head of a family. This decision knocks another easily worked schemo in the hea l. We are receiving daily the, Mr (j est slock Of goods ever brought to this 'county. NEW TO-DAY. PIAN06, Or. II.lYi:S, .lolui Out Agont for tho While Hewing Machine, tho bo.4 hi tho world. A'sa for tlio KarhulT Organs, and Hush .v. Ocrts Pianos. TIicno instruments nro mi excollod and sold at fair pricoM. Sir. imys will call on vou for orders for Dr. Scott's Elocirio goods and solic its your orders for OohU and Silver wntchfis, Oharma, Solid Jmvolry, anil J'latrd 'J'ublHwaro. . All goods wnr lantcd as rupioHOiilod. J'Joaso give ini a call, m fnStfAIID. Hon iv t; l.oiunnco, u .llctoni, J il " oiiug, b T Sloinvming, Dot Dim niick, Cloo. Ohanibots, D. P.Taylor, Uharioi Slartia, Thomas .Mills, J Ilolimvorth, II A Juluison, I' Hces, N IJ Oliver, Ed Lancaster, O Hess, Eli 'I'm iniiu, 11 thitUudcii, K.irl Ulinn, Honry A Hyde, A A 'nzol, Frank Sfarkham. V A Hartley, Dan Parker, Honry F Dodson, John Turooun, SI K Hausdalo, S U Thorn an, K P Lauraiico, P Doardoifl', J P Dixon, C Chauibuin, William Wright (Ion Sheoror. J D Dnlv, Walter Still, II H Slomlor, UJolniMiii.T w Kimpy, SI F Hudsoii, II A Tucker. NoticoiX hoioby given that on tho (5th day of November, 1889, I will apply to tho county court for tho is- su iiico of tlio licouso mculioi.od in thofoicgoiug iiotilon. J. W. Hatch. Applio.iut. MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST CO. (IncoriKiratcd) General Wareliouso & forwarding Agts. .----; Tho Compavii has recently constructed a two-story warehouse SO .v 100 foot, with wool press and all conveniences for handling wool- The Warehouse Chamos at iroppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Mppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consist mc-nts of wool or wool in storage. THERON E, FELL, Manager. JAMES & JONES. Prvprielors of The City Drug Store. Keep constantly on hand a complclo stock of ' DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Potent Mwlicincs, Toilol Arliclos, Perfumes, Soops, Powdor, Puffs; i Comlw, Tooll'Nail, Clothes nnd Hur llrushcs, Druggist's Sun- dries, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Glass, Putty, Chinoys, and 1 and everything lo bo found in a first- class Drug Stoic. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. 0 Orders from a dialauco will roceivo prompt attention. Proscriptions aspeciolty UAKEIt CITY OREGON FAMILIES SUPPLIED AT WHOIESALE RATES j H 9 ptO fl Sf 3 1 1 Daft & CD Hl'Cl'KSSOItH TO Petition for Liquor License. .ludj'e sawyer has made a ruling in tho case of the United State against Tho Dalles .Military lioad Co., decidedly adverse to the plain tiff. Tho matter cainu up in the shape of exceptions to portions of bill for impertinence. Tlioiludije in it lengthy decision sustains too' exceptions and virtually decides the case. He says that tho com pany was hound to construct the road, but that having constructo.l it thcro was nothing in tho bill compelling them to maintain it. Tho matter will probably bo drag ged along for a year or two in tho courts, but the remit in plainly indicated in the above ruling. Nhnyoil or stolon fiom PirkB station, on or about the first of Slay. 1880, ono sorrol mar, weight nbout & in !l liiiiwlru.l turn nil ti ItiMmlml fitC (eonnootOtl) en riijlit shuuldur. Little u'liito in lorolioml, also widdlo murks. A reword of ?10.fX) is offer -od to tho rlnd.'r, wiio will dulivor said Hniund at Haboook's bam, at Piairio City. D-jck .KOTICJ2 KOIt PUHIJOATION. Und OIQm at llurm, Oibki. hi i. !t, im ,SoU. U Uitly rlxii tlwl 1 1, a fullowine mini J uli-r h (lil nntlci ft liU immilon lo nuk niml 'wiiaI Iii tniipnrt uf liU Mitt ami iIki tM (Tool l , ni.l Uloio tin niJi.t.t fUtk nf (Intnt OHtilf, Or , at Cunvwi Olli Or., xt KUiinUr Nor. U. 18. mttiiao: I'ret) S NoTWIIftftlHi W 1-tHW l-l, NIM-ISW I I sml Si: I Ml' I I S.c U Tit is S II '.. IU luintt tli (onnwliif lUlnoa.t In cic Mi cnl,tlnuii Kfl.lnic iiiioii u, I unttl vst Inn nf, iM I mil, rl: llojliin I'loul,, Tlinmat OConimr. Al.ruUin lliumi, J W flfiMixfll. i l Diytllo. Or. 3ta J. It. lll'N'IIS'irruN, ll;l.ter. To tho Hon. tho county court of the stnto of Orogou for Grant conn- Wo tho undurHigned your jiolition ors lOHpoctftillr ritproscnt thnt we nro residents mid loul voters of Graiiito procinot, Grant county stato if Oio gou, ami wo ask that a license bo grantnd toWilhitmson k Hillianl to bollspiiinioiis, malt mid vinous liq urns in loss quaiititios than ono quart for a pet iod of six months at their phico of business in Granite, Grant county, state of Oregon, and as in duty hound will ovorpray Ac. Taylor Atthotno, John .M Itarroll, W W lionnoy, Any lluchmaii, Grant Tlinrnbuiff, A G Tabor, W. Graham, O A Thornbuij,-, W II Hubisoii, .Tas Ollerrin, 1 Skogluiul, H McCann, Gonrgo Atehi-soii, John O'Horrin, M I) Milos.L. N. Foul. Notice is hereby fivon that on tho lHthdnvof Oct. If89, tho under- IJ'ear the only merchants tha t can famish you, Willi all you want, and always earn a. com plete stock. Prolrlo City, Grant County, i I Onuyou Otty, Crant County, Dunn, Ilurney County. ) DURKHEIMER J- Co., Tho Leading JIorchanlH. LimiraHce &f Howell. -Deolors in Prairie City, O.eon. ALSO AOKMTH TOIt TIIK UAPTOjYSTALL s- bMu JOHN DAY, CRANT CO,,.pRECON. 1 ' 5 Have now received the largest ami most complete stock of nsw goodi in Grant County, which thoy will offer for sale at prices that defy competition II, II. SELS. General Frank Pro s Implement Co's Machinory, Consisting of Mowers, Hoop ers, Solf Pintling Harvosters, Itaken and "wagons. A full line of Ag ricnltural Impliments and extras for all Machines usod in this country, Which wo will sell cheap for Cash or on timo with approved security. ',,' j siiiol will apply to the county couit i ot tho stato of Oregon, for Grant county, furtuoiKsuaucoof tliolicouso montionodin tho foregoing petition. Williamson k, Applicants. At its twenty-fifth annual meet ing, held in New York last week, tho National Association of AVool Alnnufucturcis adopted the resold tious agreed upon at the Uoetoii conference or. the 17th nlc. No demand was made in those resolu tions for lower rates of duty on wool as a raw material, the fixing of tho duty which should be ap- Idled to the same being left whol y to tho determination of Con gress. Tlio resolutions do, how over, complain that in making the revision of the tariir in 18SU Con gress reduced the specific duties upon the manufactured product so far boyyond tho reduction in the duties' on wool as to destroy their compensatory charactor, and they demand of Congreos a revision of the tariff in which there shall in every instance bo placed upon the manufactured product the full amount of the specific duty neces sary to componsato for whatever rates of duty public policy may require to bo imposed on the raw material. Thoy aro opposed to any increase in tho duties on car pet wool3. In a paper reviewing tho situation in the wool industry nor, K A Knight, K Mosier, Pj Secretary Xorlh attributed tho do- I Pnafan, T u Curl.J it Hoborls, The pression to tho agitation for tlio"! ?!x,0, MaUllnii, H J Elliott,, w P eduction in wooVduties to tho or- )"?ou,1; I ,W mVx' ,1" ,l'$iorl , " i .,. ., r . Isokhu i, Kdw hi Hall, -I Marshal, K ronoous c assi cation or wortod , I iUml)V wm w,,itn..y. C u cloths and to tho inti-oduction of . Tompsoa, T Itoovoii, w 1, wiliou i Jnrgo amounts of wool a win to. j U Noble, Frnnoiu Wnllaoo. Tho latter inllucrices, he said, h ive , Notioo is horoby givou that on tho boon eliminated by rulings of Swj- jOthdnyof Novoinbor, 1880, tho nu- rotary Windom, but action tv : IH,n"tT' , w,u PP to to ooiinty Cnnaress is ncco-sarv to onablo V""".01 '0 '' 01 "l,' NOTICH VOU PUltl.ICATIO.V. IjinJ OIKoi lit Hurn. 0t. o. I KM). Nollcc U li'irlt bIitcii lint IIhi MIiw(iik-imiihI lllf litllial nutU-c uf M lliltillnl tu iimVs ItMl irunl lniiiiinrt i f lil cUlin ntnl lint hU jni( III bo iiuJt iMfuni Cuiititr I'ltrk tl llnii.t I U'Hiil). at lu .in Clt)-, Ur (in MuixU) llta. Sh.l i , ! : JlWIU'll I'. SCIIAI.L. Ill II H Nu tills, (nr liio KK r MS iir X lull SI: i.r n IDaiulSWiirhtVqrSrvll IpUSKltlL ll uhiiim Id IiiIIohIu.- wltiti In iru l.l ounUiiu-a ii.lJrm iiiiuii, ul ciiIiIiaIiihi uf, iM Uii'l. CliarlM Ntwmaii. Arthur McSlill ln, i. irfcv I'liaiwun, K A l.u.a i.f Itattlllt, Or. J. II llt'.NTINUIO.N, ltc.-I.Ur. Petition for Liquor LIcenie. To tho Hon. tho conntv court of tho stato of Oregon for Grant coun .V. Wo tho iinilorbigiit i your petition ors lespoctfully reproscnt that we ate each ami all rutidouts and lognl voters of John Day procint in said county, and uoask that a licnso ho grautod to J. 1). Combs, to m-II and tiispono of hpirituntis vinous nnd malt litptois in said preciat in lens quantities than ouo gallon for a peri od of six months, from Nov. U, 1881). Dated thit 21st duv of RoptomlHT 1 881). .1 ii So'linjor, John Newcomer, W ii Kolley, j HMastoiHon, j W Wol tingcr, A Knight, Gi-ow Hntt, U P Lovojoy, John Shelly, .Milton loung CITY HOTEL MAIN KTItlILT Canyon Citv, OitnaoN, ciiOTir y- Thompson Proprietors. Traveling pli'rwint nuil uliiclt to stop. men will fiml this a dosirablo phico at Jlvo iik u Call A DM IXISTHATOItS NOTICK. Overholt Muldrick, -DEAL12US IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ajjVr0jY CITY, Or. George Gnndlach &f Itro. DEALERS IN' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ercSiandise. Canyon City, Oregon. o. r. CRESAP -Dealer In- Statioiiory, .Books, School Supplies, Gilt Hand nnd Glassware, Variety. Fancy Wnros, suitablo foi rcsoals for both 01 in Endless sals Ffor Iwlli Ohl nnd , Young. Hoys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriagcsfrom Fourr i. tfr. teen to Kighleon Dollars apioco. Candies it cigars. Tobaccos, Coffees, Teas, Lard, t ' ' Klour, . dfLYrON CTTY tar PRICES '5 GREATLY REDUCED. OUEGOjV In the county court of the Mate of Oregon, for Orant county. In tho matter of tho estato of Al beit Banzct, deceased, Notiro is hereby given that Vint. A Hartley has hoon appointed by tho county court of Grant county, "h'.ate of Oregon, administrator of tho es tato of Albert Baiuot, deceased, lato of said county, and all pnrsons hav ing flaiiim against thu ostato of tho said ducoasod aro herobv notilled and J G Duncan, ( liinms, M h ie jrf(1 , nl t',0 ,,, l.miu iTiuik Hampton C M Macy V)1.ifl0ll , ,ht.,umcrHiKll0(1 ftt irnr .I, '"f;.! w S.indorlaiid Ed ; ciiy, Oregon, within f,ix months Sholllold, It V Jlnnn, Charles hkiu- . tro .. m.o ,1,,i l.mnnf court of tho stnto of Orejion for II I ...I... ! .. . the nanufiieturers to compete with ' VT" ' ' .... , V Q poiiuou. il, ). l.OJIUS, foreigners in the pioduction of yarns and dress goods. Applicant. from the date hcroof. Vint. A Hautlkv. Ailmiuihtrator of the oslnto of Al lan t Itjiiziit, ducoasod. M. D. Clii'ioiiii, Attorncv. Canyon City, Or., out.. 9, 188i. When in Huppner den't fail to oflll on LEEZKR ,t THOMPSON for MAiiiiWAiin, tinwaiiii, woon ami willow waiii:, onocmiuw, toiiacoo, irro., r.To. Agmicy for tho N:w Homc StWINO Macuist. j Oft. OiiIaih ly mail promptly I ami carefully tilled. A. IIACITENEY. DKALIilt I.V General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. City Meat Market. 5k 3a Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon. OR AY A. CADS, Proprietors. -UKALEIIS IS-- All Kinds Of FRESH MEATS llj Wholesale ami ltetall. .' orders filled on Short A'otiee.- Dried .Fruits, Canned Fruits, It ice, Cream Wheat, tho finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamp, Bird cages and ovorythiii" ' that is usually kopt in a Variety Storo.ajl of which Cm now bj Bought Cheap for Cash at tho Old Stand inCanyonCity. Wegef the SVMe shod At Miller's Blacksmith A7o, 1 r ISIflA V TO. Vfi'ft F FT, ( A ' J V. ' ( I T Y;o 11. Itecauu. his p. ices are low and all his work warranted HORSESHOEING AFTER MAY 20: For New.SIioes all aroma, $4.00 lo $5,00 nor Span OA81I. Ho keeps coiutantly on hand and for Kale, iioiisijuiolh, iitted and te.1, also I.O..KK NAII.S, IKO.V, STllKI, COAL, WlllmXT.UKS, NrCK YOKIW, WIIKI.IA SI'lllKOS, VK IIANM.lw, SLIIIUIi: iiAN'iii.iis NLi:iKii:s ami wldoks, etc., utc. unfit- TIRE IRON REDUCED TO 7 lo 8 Cls. Peril). A FI RbT-ULASS WAGON SHOP AT SAM K S'I'A n 3IiuIo to C3T A. UUOItUO.lUDS order