Unit l.n lt'il.mn Wrlglil, Do not ty It. Tlio f.on J n Pithl ia atiKlotta to helnco liuti.liii; men to mlopt nuas'iwj to ro lues their v(xht tor itio while. 'fh!j (sour advice or) tho subject. Kot auroil no mtin.' tiro will Mtllhto wttlfti l not Injurious 10 ho.illh. On? man will put on waljtht with vc v little foul, while another will nnilflrnilno lila stability by u reduction which ujipeai to bi mo;Ier.ue. 'flio rimp!o unt t;otiI jri rule ia to oat 'ovty ami masticate thu food taken thoroughly, so that there may bo time for tha organism to m.iko known itH satisfaction with tho niii!y placed at Ita disposal lforu 1 tie tom:trh i overloaded. The ml.t lake nude hy litui(in inoti nini otlior.i who, to 110 n coii'mou expression, ".ro as hungry as hiitrirw, I tlmt of coming lioinsoxhtiUAtcl and i-ilin iiiVL-noiiBly. Hy thlslmto no liino is allowed (or tho organic nd ot tho outer to cry: "llo'd enough!" It la liku emptying n whola miultlafol o( i-oaI on the tit.' whmi it In only In nosd of n few dextorotisly ilael Iiiinrw. Tho digestive oxniu lK!nr In hihly good worsln-j ordsr, tho re pletion U not reaonto.l a il would ho hv a weakly 'Myi.ii?ptlr," and nun tie nml fat are laid on in oces. H wo only nt- inor.' thlilurntoly, wo xh'jtilil Ihtil lutlf oiirnrviintoiunl quail tity oi ftrful cuflleiont to putl-fy tho most cunororuvliiir ol hunger, what wo cull "appetite" Is a moat mUloatl tny sensation. It Isonly rcmotolv re l.ited to tho aeln.il demand, ot tho iirnitimn. Lot Imtitluu men, uml Insn of nil cht who lend healthy, net ire live, no!vd to ottl nnd ilrluk slowly. With thin ntnifi precaution they will rohi flit.l that their tend c".n:y to "wt'lah" ilimlmthe. while Urn ntipefllo In'inn dia,:i)!liiol tincon i.. n:ity hy th-iormatlonof thohahlt, 11 it 111 ir.'o Hess, nit it Is iidcU'wi, to IH liy in if hn re-tat ds tho nature or llto tpiiili.y of tho (yvl t.iken. t ver f Mtinttii Mlio'.li. Com vvsry i"iii.-i ix'eiiwmti with uVninnUn p -;. till-1 en" mi le o.if V..w .iri(i;iti r.icetiUv, iiinlxr the i ipl!rt i h s nit j Military com i.iitu.. i . ir eiiots w.'to flroil with tit hu!i !i witlmiaiuof 1 ,0-JO .,i.N. Tii.1 t'ret wrni it . atiiliiru tar IuiIko i if solid tmp roi k on tho f'lHli lunik of tho rivur. flu flmt uli !t hfuuk lieu r tho tctli margin of 'ho !i(lfa, an. I rxti'oh'.l hy con i-nnlon, ali(it;.Tirirf tin' face of t'ut loi-k fir a in I'umo; n'lont !H foot, ar.d I'riyinx nwy .t.iI lona of ilchim, which rre Lurh'.l fur hundrc-W of yu tin and Invn r tin. Tho -on I ahoil Mtt-'.irK nearly hi tho ci'iit.T of tho Mgt 'Kph-dui-j a I' -f"tc. it 0hiiu'; u im ,ly in the faco of tho I.- I,ta al0!it iW fft't In (liiiinetcr ; ex o.iV.it'Jil .i pit fix tout deep. Himf of tho Ir.i,'iili'til of to.'k Ihjiii tin-ox piotdou wi'.e hurlod half a mil', one jiltH'O u'tiluhhiK ni'iirly tuulvi' iioiukU houiK thrown rleir n;rui I he and iod.tiiis n'ar a farm houo ad Junius llio O.wjjutuwn rourvoir. Tiia othor t: wore similar in tlicir on'iii. Tlie Iri il i roard 'd im " cj-nhillu cvitv pattiL-uljr, anil tho mfety of tho t!,jU3f rlpits-fri.uni to , luUrrT!iM, STii-'j tln uliell feaVi-H tho Itun at a.ifoly m an ordinary powdor i liiirue'l nln:ll would do. II It not liiiiomiiilo that tlil dofttructivoao'it of dynainitj Ik dedlnod lo rovol'ition ho tmrnt waifaro, nnd it Is noteworthy that llio i-upro.iiitatlviwof tho fuieiun jovointnenti haw inauifiwled tho lfni.iUt intenmt in the oxperhnonta. r.i.id, ICirrnWw nuil llroiilli, "After n inal," sayn a llrooklyn jihysioiun, "1( you fool dtxiwriy mid nlu"cpy, yon may ho suro you havo oaten too tuiteh. Of courna, if a man liii-i hu )MrformitiuexevMlvo bodily labor, ho will hnvo tho H.uno fooling. Hut, an n uvnoral thine, tho rulo of lri)vnlno.i lo a t',0" I oiio to follow. Itnfoio mid after n moat lliuro hIioiiIi! hu an ho-ir'n ret bofow any ruvoro bodily oxereilo Is p.'iforini'd. Wo liuod from kix to eixlit hour'! hhcp a liiitlit with two or thiPH hour extra one nUht a wook. Tho iidief for luuntai Htri' n Ii liodiiy exiuvio. You havo no doubt noticod how much iiii'liu.'d peotdu nrc to go to eli'op in rhurcli, no Hint tor how cool tho Heuuou. Iliii all owing to tho had vciiiiiation. C'oopor In tltute, In Now York, Is tha only larxo hall that I know of that In properly ventilated. Thoro Ian littlo aniur hole miller o.u-h no.it and through thi, hymuaiH of iliinlnutlvo iin, tho cool air la brought Into thu hall. It comes llko Ann pray, fitrnUhinu otyijn, but not caunlni any iolu drufiri. It hi imporatlvely important lo havo well ventilatud Hleeplng lODiiis. If you awako in tho mornltitc uml llud you havo a hcadacho ami a bar, tanla in your mouth, Iki ii mired tho room U badly entilnted. You need throe thousand cuhlefuot of air an hour. It li a fault with Amcrlcani to havo their uleepiu-; toom-i too hot. It in a plHiir-l to havo them like hv, h'lt It woithl lo ivoll if wo could li.ivn then w.uin wlien we ko to ld, cal during the tiliit, and vi.iru .iraiii iit th- m ! n- h ti a b a o 111! S FII1S 'Xlilupopulur rrmcily nevur rutUi t o cl Itiv I u n I ly o ti ro Dy&popsin, Constipation, Side Hcadaclio, Diliousness Anil oil II-.oiitcM aililnif rr.im n Torpid Liver mui Bad Diijuation. Tlie nnliiral ruiult lu foml ujipr. (He mill hollit lleili. Iiitsti nuiill, C'lcr.-uuily uuifnr ciialvil uml vuy lo hiraUon. Hulil vver'ulivce, ('atrmulluii fur lit 1'iitin, Jiiiitp' J,uU, Hvi:.'nputl StrAt-lvm" trttlli- mrtitftXitOU llj'4lll((00. vho unYKiizrotmiB u Imi'.v I March cud flnpt., jOAi.1i rcr. It 1 4 i4 oucy a(.Upndu ol ujful lulor. Mii.it.-n for til who pur- ctaic ttio laxorliH cv ibo UOC.- i.ltltii of llto. Wo can olotlio you iuid AvrnUh yuu Willi nil tlio noc.'fcjury i.nit iionooitery oppllancct to rlilo, wiilU, itaoce, Ump, oat, ll!i, bunt, work, co Ui eiiurah, or stay at boras, an t la various iit, itylos nod o,uaiu.tlj. Jut t1uie out what In roqulrod to do all thn tliluisn COMFflKTrtDLY. ar.il you oan iiu.uoitnir ettliu&tQ tr tho value of tho lJUVUnH' OUIUU, wtilcU will Io ciit uoii reoolpt of 10 i'4nt to pay poatacu, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. UMl'A IUclUiii AvcmiO, CIU')ko,1U, TLU paprr it Urvi tin Clo ot tlie nrd "f DVERTISINq f lUFfl Rim ni!)fl S-VA!?! PlifLADELPHK. i - oi a m aim i , , , , . ' . ,-, CollMAICo at Loivavt Cach Rata inCC V,:i;:t.'.'AVER t SON'S MSHUSL r j II Nervous Disoritets. FLINT'S 1UCM1CDY muet bo laUen when cxcewiive or contiti ttotis intiwulftr exertion, oxciting passions, rir (ivcr-iti'lultrotiee, utimtt Inlitig TcxkI or drink, or ii'Tvoub tlis onlors have long continued. Do scrijitllvo trcatiao with ench l-otljo; or, ftthirew Mnck lnif Co , X. Y. i Tr Thoro in ft tribo of Indians in HritWi CoiiunWa, wlio lmvp n ho licf tlmt if in tho lnornitif? they meet n rertnin spirit called Ila-tnad-tdi it f-ivii the pot-win inrtlng it tho privilege of biting whonoevcr he or nlie pira-x duriug tho contin uance of tluiiitr ditncea. whkh HeiirraUy hid two inoitths. Krom the iirippih (lispcttitioti of onc men wo conclude they haVr met n whole troup of IIa-iiiii(I'l.i. -- ' A merchant in IMtihvh-lphiti hail in hi pootion vcn quarter dollur that In had taken at differ ent ItiiK'i'. Thco qnarh-r had a holu ptinclitMl in i well of them, itrd tint mt'irlmnt placed them on n he1f in hU coiintiiiK room, in tending lo lukt! thctn to n hrokcr nnd them for what thoy wnro worth. Somobody etolv th quar tn, ami whil the mcithant wu tbwnt lovk advantnp- j" iliOMJ. ucvoil qtt.tr(i'- nacK :i tin 'lerke in one ')' in '-I ' : pttn:l)a.-cd j;'m - - ""V A Dig la tho Win, If on the rlslit M4e end V.tr pert cf ttio dhphrasw. tlwmrh plsjfmty meant and de llrmJ.lioAfCTiloUd to evoke profanity from a tiappy w how liver I out of enter, tt'tieu that region U torn said congetted. okM am Oetvllcti. Iiok t& a tun' co'intminco ero you prol him nuutr tha rlin. It hit iVIn nuil ejebotia hsre a willow time, you me7 Ictcr tdio tt.t till loni-ue li furre-1, his bifatli apt to be tour, that ho lift palno not only heawtli hit itte.but alo titi'ler t'io ttKht iliMildr iiimlr. AlxiOiat III Vivr! rri irn jc1 Inr nuil iiiitllRMtlon imi-olrcit. In-tcnil otnmklrKa incoio ileni'innrfttinu on liti: riliS. rc-romnienit ilia lo tnJ-e, nnil HOiilllir pr!it to talilnc tnittttrr' hintnarli iwn-rs. ttio tliint nntl Ulcus nml nit'-nttlvu iii'Mllclas eilatit. In comparalila l It. alio, for Oyiptpin. rlifii malum, nrrudui.cs", muuey injuuic, ouu t-vcrauit 'ijtf mil When I v Cuai: t do " worciy to I ,vo made tlio Uueiia ol TITS, EP2LKPSY ov FALLING SIC7XHESS, Allta-lmiK ti ly- 1 wAnn4T ray remedy to t!l aS Iib ori :ie lu oiin ollin . Imv lift I !.., u., t..r .. a ." eeiMii ruro. Mnclntii- '" iui-i. la Htm. ItoTri i. and i-o-t im-' I )'! n-tt't'-s tor rt ItUl, nnd II "id " Ald! H,Q.ROOT,M.C.,l3PtAeir..lttfVfM lfcii -ti ii l.iWft.4 1 Bli -, Ki ' I"" Ii UiWttln p MINDERCORNS. .i .fc t. mii'-l 4 I ' ' ,r' " ' l' "'A "wiiiiici'i'- mxmu..y. v PARKER'S HAif! UAl.UAJW ' .nl- htid lAii)ltll4 Ihu IaU . i u hi-.i.rL.n'irr, ttilt. SHrrtr t'oll ti Bftrt Ol) 11-!. I , .1. Vw.'SAjI t.t.L. if ' - f , I I .. I Il JlU .WI .. Mi -MWflM r . -i -'. re. r If In t-IPI!i, Htl.i. pUWMIIVIIMIWfftWI ADVERTISERS : can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Miwinpor Advrtiinu lurau, IO Bprvina 81., Now Yorli. 9entl lOoto. tor lOO-Pnpa Pempl t lunutsui 340 H. Charles St., - M 1 sm It v y s ri it ah si..,), . . - rod rc.:.iylviuiia Ava., WnUiington, D. 0. by buyh.Q your Shc.i ATZhlMCTIO'i ONLY for Sho-i Hint ut 1 JSKlt. 1LCV. CONOHEflfl On r.it cf MJ.r.O Tl f-ronly-avo oni to imv oxi r.-..qp w- will und ono il!' of ojr l-'tiK- '..ll r'li'M' . BesiiJt Viiiiiim, wllhor t'littou, lun-u or Ounsroii We l'e or,y t.i' O ,')U unit tj. Uwt orkiiuuitbip. LTery pair WNrrealiKl. Tr our bboi.4 uujj joa wUI buy no othntw. r-V, i,t!.n W- and i.'.ti tn.M tv : ! KU.I uoW t.r N V.dntTt. W:iM yourtMnti Jilii).' 'I jh ., LVubiy ind m:o CUSTOM BOOT A littlo drl wat rwitinn iitr Icn son in coujuualion: "Verb, io Jove, indicatiw inootl, precnt tent," cailwl lJw tuaclior. "I love, thou lovoat, he or alw loves." aaid the little girl. "flc. she or it lov," nromptwl the preceptor. "It enn't love onything," pleadwl the little girl. Ami the teaclier, uddenlyatmel: with n now idea, only replied : "f lo on." Ami thin idea new to the teaclier, . . . .i it.-i i nut not to noinc oincra, wnf uitu firaintnar a tnwght hy look ia ti mmbug. Only very lately, to quote one instance from a myriad, did grammars reeognixc that you" Sit! a Pingulnr pronoun, lliotign it I Ime lcii m nwtl for three centuries ' nnd "von arc" and all similar nhra- 6o arc panwd hy their rulei a sec ond jterfon plural. lhwlon Trnn-tram-iiript. Consumption Sutely Cured. To tub KniTon Plonno inform your rondrn that I havo it ponitivo lemody for tho aliove imtneil diHennc Hy ita timely use thmiMiindti of hopelosM cas ca Imvo been pormaiieiitly eiuod. I film! I lx glad to muni two bottle of iiititnnedy free to any of your lend er's who "hnvo eonniniption if thoy will sen I tin their otprca and poHt ofllce il hlri-HH. Itettlieetftillv. T. A. iSI.OtTM. M C, 1HI Pc.itlst , N Y. Cotm'i, init Trs't SIiL cl'fc'ntil, t.J Ml Pit nt br.-l icm c n i fur MootnATt rrct Ou.n OrriT ii Opp-nif t ,U. O Patiiit Orrict (ill wactu (m ur ('' i. lu leu lltno ll.oa ilit ruiDxto fio i W i ' I t n ... ttoint noi l. I'rinli i cr j.lo'o.. n Itlt efx-tlp-lion. V 3i If ad nut M or not. fri- uf cbkripl, 0'ir W Pol ilo 111 fiiirtit ti ircblt-1. A PAMwatr. ' lt'r l" Ol.tnln l'tnt," llh nnK ufsrinil cl I. n ' In four fctaio,C"Untjr, Of lOHti, lent frm. AllrMi, Q.A.SNOW&CO. Ofr CATtriy orriec. Wahihotom, d. c. ill. ess VyihoCurcgs-I Kly'sGreamBalm CloanBtwUioHiutHtrojiaapoa. Al my is Inllnmnwtlon. Hoala tho Sorou. noatoroa tlio Uonno oi Taette, fSmoli nuil UcnriD--. A prmMo In op-illrnl lutfir-ietioemrll nnd 11 ntl rc-ililc. I'rlr 0. nt Uiai)Cji l I'f i -all. U.Y ItttOI WKItAM VfatrrtlSL Mtm York. ft VOWS, !,. - . a.- u ' ' If i , ' 'r -A. hi. M.V V.J It. . r f r jur (j 'mi - - ' L- tir yi-il ita r r. m-. u; V-- . . . WW t I . khu it. (P YOU VIBH A GOOD REVOLVER lM,',W: SMITH & WESSON'S llll (maJiri. anna ore- " imiiuiHu'"F. 11 1 iiKl llto nr.i fiinh'i.'r . W Mill ' "''"' " dmiMeoclloii. Hiifi)r Ham elcid, cai.l'.ri;- IminM.'.l -- Wflf nr HmkUIOMlllllOIKlallioll I I !! " "I f"i lMlfJI llulab, ililiKhllilT mid OPouiiicy. 1'". , II .1 li,li'lr. hjf l'i'M,l ' nl rnbu I " H l. loll ' f t .-n told lir iho ruitliip mi.c't 1'' a" mom II .be ond ilaMHsnoia. Tl'o Him.i A W'ik- l.i r i vtS' are luunjotl Hm i' ri ' win. nun a ii .... ailUrw ani'(lattir ,u til. atii .ire ntit' linn d ,K'ifev".. In-Ul u,h.u I."' ii i: !'"'' . I' i iir -ii ait-r ciimuH .ui'il 3 '.i, on uli i m n ifjul m ii.'i'iw wt nv neiriiiipi i.no nl i Oiri, iuiii-rH. (!- .,. "i " r.uii'li tV ui:!is. r- , i liiLll- Id, Mnaa. o. - BALTIMORE, MD. rr'J-'riv m nil " i.- i i i NttW RAPID BI0YCLE3, NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRIOYCLEB. QUADRANT TANDEM3. Two h'.ndid ecoiJ- 'ri; h.n I m.rl.in.a. oil Vlndt. rv inc. iJ prtut. Illcy Silciict ad Truy- cl. (ur Uov anJ GlrU. Send ( jr Ctulauc and 1 I'll v I itn .Mailed tror AOEN1 3 WANTED' of tin. Mtnufactu.or, G I' All tXTl2i:i i , $2.50 itktndl' ill. ill ami .V.oo, 5? BtJlrys:s.Ti.fJ & SHOE CO uy CM LIVERY STABLE! AND ', COnil AIi, ar.d FEBI) HTAHLH ! W. R. CUNNINGTON, Proprietor. (Wood A Churoli'ii old Stand) 0n.l txr ' Mkl nfee XMU lfr i tHrntOI l a ltri M tl ilty or nljhl a rnaostUt lln. 1'jrttfuUr ltfille M to lMrMiV mI KWimlnf tnnrlwit text. K.STI1AN0E iltln in-1 WuhlncUu itrU. KOTIOK VOR l'UBI.I'JATION Ijhh OITIm l lkun, OrH. bfpl. 1, IM. Nollfo In Uinhf glxii Out Om follo!it-f.iianil Mtlltr l.i AUtU MrtM at hrr iiUntlan tn nuke AmI iinef In inifwt at lirr rtalm, MJ tbal ;ld must kill ht mult Ut.ic Hit rHDt flrrk of llmnt Mxmtjp, Or.,ilCifl)enritr. Of , on Silor .1.) MCtotirt6. Ka, tin JIAItIA e. )ll'nt.LHII, II KNolltl.forlbafin l-l UK l-l of Ck 8 kI NV I 4f8t:i lrBl VM of NK I I of St II tii t; h it si i: w m. Hl.r i jiih III tollottlnl llniM U ptT W tnnllnumii rrild'im upon, nd onllltnllMi ef, uld Uml. vli. Alni llMdaH. of HuhhI VnHMi, Or . Jolifi SrliiiMt, f n)on Oil. Or., stpl U'm. M Jl)trml llmrr Mrtliri, ! Illtntun. Or tit J. If. llfSTINOTON, Hnt.tfr. NOTICB FOll IUIJLICATIOX. I.und (l.llf f lit llnm. Ornuii Hvi'l. i, 1S0. Nnll In hirtbjr -rlrri tint tb lulone.Muiil lllllil im r)ll until ol il Inltiilloo In rtt flntl rMt; In ufi-ilot till t'alm, od tht nil no nf will Mintdr Ixftrf Hit nHttity )nlit cf tlrnl (mint, Oijon, or in hU ttfnc- kfir tho tUrV f lb ttntni court ot tM CMinlr. t Ounjon ( Itr, Orrfftii, en Mutonltr Nonmlwr 18, IM Tit: JOtU U. A BUI ITT, ii i: so tiWfor ii i: i toixw i;8i im sir 1 1 of Mr Hi, lid Ml I t .NW II of 8m ill Ti II 8 ii it i:vm ll nw Ik fHoloir ltoM trt jirote Ui . '.i.iinufiat itldmat upun mI oalttttllon of. km U d. lr W. II I'rtjSor, )l. itk. Slootr, e."i Jo Itobton, nil f HWwort, (irtnl Co.. Or. : :n J. H, lir.VllSIITON IKfLUr. NOTICK I'oli PUBLICATION. !.u! OMce at lloinx. Orofun. Hrfi. t, IW. .Smlci ii Ii. r i) :j :i-t Out tlio totlowlng.noiao-l u!.r lit I) .1 ni.tlee of hit ll.tlin to mtkr .l pr.." T In : , nl l.t el!m, niut that told (rwl I'j i dr !for Iho omiily cltfk at iiiaul ciaiiir I'MlCiiijtivllf, Or., on hlnr- , Oot. IV. ISO, tit; JOMirtl RXirOBTIIV. l-- II SI NoTttM Itr Hi- .V 1-3 om: 1 I and B i f of s i; 1 1 i ts i i a it ss i:i m. lie oomtt Iho fulloo-lux wltnrOMi. toinott hU roiillnnoui nildonoo uwn And uIUiIoh of, mhI land, viz : 11. 0. I'ltrwoi, UtoU Thlbtill. linli.il lirrtm. oi iiuhioo, nr., onu w.n .nl. of ('anion Ctti .Or. ii J. II. liL'NTIMrTOJr. Urn later XOTIOB KOIt PUIILIUATION I and offlcf at IliirtM, Orovoii Stit t, lori Nolle l IrrM'.r rlrtn that tho fnU'ivliic naiitr l - 1 11. r liai lll'l nnlim l kl lnlrHl"n In in ilt. HikI priKif In ott cf hit claim, aod that uJd pr-.f will he tnidf Ixtoio thr coiml) i ltik of liiAiit vuuuly, lit., ot t'iiuii Cil, dr., on Kildy. (ilobcr 1. IR3. tit. AUTIIl tt lll.ANCIII.KV I'AToN, l'r II 8 No 9m tut thr I: I t of M: I I aod Kit I m: i iniwd Ti t.i s it t : sv u llo namm In IaIIuhIh; llnoe In r hoi coiitiiiuuni rttidrtiri ouon aud rntiiialloii of, eald land, tla: Tluiuthv hunoran, Jacob llotmcu ilarh I'aiU AlriandT Sloolat. Ktntt llaiciniann, ,:i..f John Hay, (imni eomiiy.Or. 54 : J. II. lll'K I IN'ilTON, liv-rbtor. NOTIOK F01J I'lUn.KJATION. I.iml Otl'ire at rilina, Oiriroii, Ki'i't. 1, IHHW NolUci U Uroby (Urn IU.t Ihi- lothiulnt iianidl nUUt h llli.l untlto ol hl Inteiilluti lo make flnnl t"t In uipt if lilt ilalm and that raM pronf lll be Inadt Ufoie the tiimil.v i left, of !-int county. Or , at (') OH). Or., on Friday, Oelulwr I. I!i. -t: IIKNItV C. I'AYNi:, I I're II K No flrn. tor the h l-t of NW I t nf S 17 , and ri : I.I ol si: I t of hce til and NIV I l .. NW Mof eVrTii.H list H W M. ' , ll naintM the following hIIimmm Ui roe Ida I oan tin unit, if .Wines upon an I cuUlvallno ol. ald I Itnd, tlai (Inrftf 1'iajrlt, John Crf). Ciiajioo llayrr. I'eter I'n.'el, all ol llUutnii. Or. ' 54 j J. II. ItL'NTINttTON, l!o-rl,tr KOTICK FOR PUIJLICAT10X. I, m l Ofllee at lliinu. Ori'iron, nept. Ii, IHO. KnlKm a Imrahv tni that Hit lolloaliiir-noineil lll.r In. tiutlri' ot het liilenilon lo male Itnal pioof In rnpport ol htr ilalm, and lint iakl pitiot a Ml be made icfor the reattUr and recelv. er f. S. Und Olllco at IlurmOr., on S-tt ur.l . Oil. AllH, tlti CI.AItA ... l.OCKWOOn, lrr II S No KIM lot Om Nt: I I Ml I I 8r 0, N I i VW t l andNW I I NW l-l Ker Id Tp IT S It ll K. Mienamea Ihi follovlus Hllntaaca In pinto Iitr nlnuutit jifldrnoe uimin and cultivation (d, aald land, yUi W. rt. Siiiitnaorlh, ol Ifanyon Olty. Or. ami I'ranlc Xlrllean. Jonjdt KtHurth), Unit lid' hoalt. of lllanlo). Or. W31 J. II. Itt'NTISOTJN, Itecliler. XOTIOK FOIt PUniilCATIOX Land oniee at llnrni. Or. 10, IMS. NoiUc Ii hereby irttdi Ihtt the Mlnalntf iwnol leillm tin. died iftilltr i t Ina Intuition to main final l-ioid In euppori nt Ida i-laiui, an 1 Ihr-t ald ptiot will lie ,naUe be'ore llu mnnt oleik n lirai.t ionnl)'Or. at(an,in i ll,', Or o t'rlda, Nov lit. law, vtai AXDIOIAS (PHul l Pie 11 K Hvt fur the W I f nf W 1 i See tun K Tp IStUrfUWU lie li.tmw llm following nllnraaea to fr la bU r iiiilnitiMi. let blent un and cultltattnti uf, jJ laud, rla.- Cameron An l. rioo, K. K. Hoop, U.r.l - wilt, II I. illlitr. n of liaullle, Oran. J. II. lltlf.T .Mnil.V, llagl.ttr NOTH-I5 KOK PUBLICATION. Uml Ottlrt at I lu ml, Or. Kept, trr, IMM Notion la hneb) niirii t'al the lollo I lit! turned aetllrr hoa tiled notion of lila InteiiOon la walw Hnal proif In aoppit uf hla rlahn, and that mM vrvMil will be mailt before the roglater uhI rootlvar land oittce at llnriia Drr.'Mi on Monday Nor. II, IhWI. ii. WILLIAM 1IVKH1 II TiU fur ih- N ; NR 1 I See SO vnt K I I NW I I Kec ti Tp in s It Ml i: lie iiano-a llm following wllncatee tu proto bte uontinuoiH leaUcnce u on. and eulllvatluii of, rani land, i la i Ullllam ! Honlhuorlh. IrfmU Thltaull frank C t'lther. Hirhanl Hanh), all of llhiit'tu, Or, J II III NTINtiTO N r.-ifl.lvr. GOLDMINE FOR SALE'.. Situatod fivo miles from Cnyoti City, and known as tho FRED M2LLER LEDCE. Is partly dovolopi-tl, and carries fioe ;old,n8vn.viii; fiotn soveii lo twonty fivo dollnrs per ton. .Situn tod on tho mountain, so that tin cost or Kt!ttin out tho oio is nomi nal. Cotifcistrt of nbout ljt)0 feet of mntii ledge and tur fuiiiiiii(,' tlure to. Good w,i(oii lOHil, ore chute, and about fifty foot of tunnel. Price Two Til no Reasons for selling: Owiier tiers iml desire to ougnyo in mining liiiu self, and hoiii" lntirostod in uiimtr- utiH other ligations wishes to disposo of this property to induce cupitnl to 1 this vicinity. Spe.-iiiiens of orofiom I this mino ran lo koii nnd obtained nt this olhVo for lestiii(,' purpugo , and intending puiclinseis will be sliown over tho jironnds at tmy time hy Mr. Miller. For furthei infor illation nihlrobs Mit. Kittm M 11.11 it, tHinyon Oity, or tho News Orncr. 1 NOTIOH TO SMI315L' OWNKUS Tho Stock Inspoclor'H law, Seol. 4, amonded nt tholnsl term of tho lofjis Utnre, requirm ail pononn moving Rlioopjwituin tho county to got a per mit, nnd any noraoii mo.ini sheep ' whoHO permit linn boon given to ex ceed 80 days prior to moving his 1 aheep lays filinnolf liable to pronccti- i . r t lion. juh. uuuri, Deputy Inapoolor. John Day, Or., Jlay !2G, '80. - Till!- Karnoy Stage Line. JoWGtt & Mcbean. I'ronrs. lfflri Cinjron 1Imuj, IV(Jw) and I'lkbl' 4t C a. in., an.1 ltn Dtirin m TU) TlmtkU) in. SttHnUjr. l'iKii'tfiid rrctglit t rntlontb rtr. THE LIVING WORLD JUST I't'llMSIIini. a Tho moat iutornatlnc, liitenanly Tita cliintlui; uml jHipiilur ailiio'lji lion book over publlalioil- iry .i. )Y num.. Tho iiioeI fmnoiiH nutl tuccowifttl Atnsrionn Writer, nutl author of "Tho lknutifnl .StoijV "fo mil Inntl," "'iho World' AVourlwti." Mto. it in n inntuhloM wohk or akt. Ovor 1,200 iimgniiloent Hjiii itcd on gmting4, dosigncd ntul oxocutod hy llielw.t arliHU itnd fiiyi.iVeiBOi) two Conlinenw, oinbollish ita MtgH nnd mid ox-it.-iiifiit lo wotitlor. In ml tlitioti to this iticotniMt'fible fo.tturo ii Hitiiletnrii!itl nniiiy ifllid Hlid iH'ttiitiful rii i.-i'tui: (,iLtiftK.i oi,i:o (iHU'ii I'I.vtix Tlio nino htilliitnt colon tthod tiaod in the picluros pro dtieo nn .ilmoHt ilnzxliii" tlToct, mnk- ni; thorn pcrfi ct onis of ni t, untl i ovoentod nt ti oust of $.1 ()0 ). ; AGENTS WANTED, MzS ... i t - r o in n r k n h I o li ok Dili cxi'OiHMicptl ngonls Kiiikii il nl night, for thoy realize thoro is hi money in it. In reality it inn j innrvol of bcoltiimkiny nrU If you I want to tntiko soiiio tiionoy, horn in ti goldrii opjwittmity for you. An Hgoncy for tliij worli in worth j From $5 lo $25 Per Day. it in acl.iiowli-dKCMl h) all pnhliuhcin J anil ii(Uit to ho tho liiindsomost. I fiulcst 8tlliiiR nnd clumposl book ov- or jml.lislifd. Solid iniinodintoly ' for illiutrutrtl circulars nnd tortus fiio, or tho opportunity will bo lout, j To siivo time nnd to necuro it inntnut ; lv, Rotid 81.00 for n comploto cnuvnRH iti outfit nutl lmino ohoico oi tormo ry. Kxlrn Liberal Tonus and Kx clitHivo Territory k'linnintoed. Work ing ngonts mo coining; iiionoy ami you enn do UieHninr. Nuillior oxpoiifiioo nor cnpiUl is rf;tpiiiod to oiiKiigo in this ontot piiHo iib tho book will noil ittiolf if ptopoi lv piv.-oiited, nnd wo ivo our AoiiIh !10 duj'H timo in which todolivormid collflc't Iwforo paying iih. AddroHH THE HISTORY CO. 7211 Market Street Son Frnnclaco, Onl. t & Giiroi Citr STAG-H XjiIXT23 'i.i I .,imr f t-iuttr iitiil Miitlltlllllllt. , ...... - i : :i I ,t I 1'II1TIVYI!I IIMII, l'AHI-e lll ll,'iiv. i:vi:itv I'Hoviriio.s MAUtt itut tin: com ran r or pAWKNtiniw. Thero in a vinj of 21 liotim tinto nnd 910 cash iiy tiki 114 tltU routo to Poitliuul. Stngt lt!ivo Onnyon Oity ovory day oxoopt Suntluv, at I a. in. W. II. CLAIUC, AgonU IIAKIIK uml ;(..V.VY0X CITY STAGE LINE, McCUEN Jc OltlFFIN, Propra. ikI trami, goo,! cniTcjantn aiul laat time. ' ,:,r MU",lon " " fr'-"-i(". j cimi-cou KoiuouaUo. i , llest (.Souxh Hjruii. 'I aaltw gKOMi, Vto in nine, n .1.1 nr uni.'viii. I hollovo I'lso's Curo tor L'oiiNiimntti'U kiivcki my life. . II, How 1:1.1., ldlltor I'liiiulii'i ton, N, C, April LVIen- L3, lhb7. Tho iikst Couirh Modi- clno Is I'iso I't 111: ton COKSUlllTION. ClllhllOll tako It without ohjoctiou. Uy all ilrtiKKiits. HMim.-ifa4llr CUSFS Wllfiif Alt lllsf fill!! IlMttloiia-ti Siriiu. Taalea iinul, Uao imiiuw. t"iu iiyiiruyLi.ia. A. JIACITENEY. UIJALEIt IN General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. City Meat Market. Wflnliingtnit Street, Onnyon City, Oregon. CRAY A EADS, Proprlntorn. inuudts IN All KlndG Of ll M holrnalr- anil Kclnll. .' orders tiled CITY HOTEL! rjuid i ic riT) onvao.v. J. ''. JJjrjM, Proprietor. Tho Culinary Deportment iB in clmro'0 of Compotoni nnd Usj erionce("t CookB, whojyiaro no lubor to do honor to '.ho pnlnlos of tho 1 ublic. - -rxx'in " xx-A.ix .. , ... In Conneotion with thin Populnr Hotel in nt nil limes supplied with the liBt Brands of Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. BAin-Li: itoojts roit George GENERAL ad.YVO.YCT)' - - " -tcir PIUCES GREATLY RHDUCED. S. A. Forwai'&i mi Conimissioii House. Baker City, Bakor coii'ity, - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale al Wholesale Will al wnyB emlenvor to obtain tho hifihuBl market prices on wools, etc., for parties coiihigtiing to me, storo, hold or forward tho saino nc cordii. o thoir dcsiia rJ . fgi BAKUR CITY X x all goods: $2 I XMXt 1 iriich tells mi 1 Fiiiiciiil aiii Moral staaiiii ami Man oi GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, And ia a fwitloss advooatH of the priueij.le whieh contiiUite much to tho lirot ptincipltM of good govurnmoiit, viz: Treat all men as yon Wish them to treat you! Come on, then, and Subscribe. PRICE REDUCED TO $2.50. Cash on lite block, slricllv in advance! FRESH MEATS on Short A oliec- coiiMi.isctAi. thavklkiis. &t, jfundlach Sf ,.D13 A LG IIS IN MERCHANDISE OREGON -IN TIIK i.A.sniiAOi: OK A WISE MAN FROM THE EAST: "GET THERE, ELI!" Now, the pjption naturally uiisos, ct whoiet Cut whence! I'oohiwobi tunyonli w'n's iiuilla nowI Tlio answer i simpio enough in its application. It is that tho peoplo should "(let their Kli ineiitary jiowers for doiii; jjo.1 put in lejwir." Nor is this all a more liberal translation iiieaiis for the peoplo all to "get then" and jiiiy it to tho piiiitor in a way that is called "In advance." Advance mid do this, and ho will wild you one year, postage paid, you all ((hunt the