THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, October JO, 1SSO. Tlie papers are full of accounts n 1S "'creasing in nuss.n. of terrible holocausts nrd fatal ae- ,I?,ir,mg t0n J'01""3 torty-ninc pa cidents occurring through the uso I ,e" J wc;ro roat,)d .n the St. Co of the coal oil can in kindling I ""burg l.osp.tals, half of whom fires. When will people learn to I"0!"?. "n,,vos. of ! eily. Jlio exorcise a little common sense in j c. Princes sulTor most from such matters? ! the disease. When New Mexico comes . tho union we shall have a state the majority of whoso inhabitants speak Spanish' The predominant languago in the courts, schools and newspapers is Spanish, This is a queer country. According to advices from "Washington the work of the Con. bus Bureau is tiow about organiz ed. Superintendent Porter has assigned them to their respective tasks. The directors of tho statis tical work are ready to go on with the collection of their data, and in some cuboo have already begun work. Out of 1000 convicts in a l'cmi nylvuuiu prison but nine were trained up for mechanical pursuits. A man with a trade is seldom tempted to commit crime through want, and parents aio criminally ncvlirnjut who do not compel their children to learn some useful han dicraft by which they may always retain a complcto independence. Sarun Ann Sandbar, near Dear Park, in Maryland, left two small children aged 5 ami !i years, at home, while she went visiting. During her absence tho house took tire and the children were burned to death. When the mother returned home "tho black ness of ashes marked whero it stood," and the chared bodies of her babies rebuked hoc for her carelessness. I lor entire worldly hopes were stranded, so to fpenk, on n saitdbir. Washington, Montana and the two Dnkotas held their elections Oct. 1st, to elect ollicers and vote Upon tho new statu constitution. All of them havo adopted tho con stitutions submitted, and Wash ington, South and North Dakota are republican, while the result in Montana remains doubtful until tho ollicial count shall be had, but republicans havo probably elected a congressman. Olympia leads in Washington's votu for capital, but it is thought she may yet fall short of a majority. Mother Dun i way's woman kuffrage movement was snowed under several thous and votes deep. South Dakota is thought to have been carried by the prohibitionists. A proposition is advanced to consolidate Utah and Nevada, and thus make of tho two, ouo statu of HUliicicut population to bo worthy of the mime. It sounds well, hut it will not do. I'tali iiuit-t not be brought into tho Union of Stntcn through the back door. Until she is purged to the uttermost of tho craft of tho Mormon priest hood, and has a' amloucd polyga my einuplutoly, statehood Tor her, in any form, is not to bo thought of. United with Nevada, Utah would have the political control of tho ujilnrgcd htatc, and with x Jygamy uncrushod, and tho Church of jlesus Christ of tho Litter Day Saints inculcating the doctrine that tho church is superior to the Stato and tho Nation, and that it order and decrees must be olanod in de fiance or tho laws of "the land, Utah is a good hit of territory to keep under the Federal thumb. -Record-Union. Tho Kov. Charles II. Fo.vlor, I). 1)., of San Franciteo, a bishop of tho Methodist Episcopal church, who has just completed a trip around tho globe, expresses tho be lief that ten years heuco America will pay for its aiiti-Chinufo laws with the blood of her citizens, lit speaking of the law prohibiting tho Chinese from coming to Amer ica, he said it wasthe moat das tardly ami disgusting thing that America ever did. He thought every Ameiitan should blush for Bhamo when ho thought of tho vi olation of tho treaty with China, whoreby Chinamen wcro refused permission to laud on our slioie?. HiBliop I'owler may he a lover of 1 l.n 1i,,, nU :.-". I. .t il.rt ..... I tlio lieatlieu Cliu.ce, out too ma- jonty of )co))le on this coast aro ; in lull sympatliy witti tlie rest no tiou act, ami will support it. No clanger of China lighting us ten years hence, on that account, if tho United States shows "backbone" enough to still prohibit tho land ing of tho leprous heathon laborers on our peacenil chores, bho will havo more respect for us than if Wit rrer bphm.I imil i-ntuvil tlm tu- C5 - ... John Wiinaiimkor's life is in sureil for n round million of dol lars, which a statistician computes is at tho ratu of S7,G0O for every pound of his llcsh. t . i . Statistics of tho value of Amer ican machinery importod annually from tho tTnited States to Mexico, from 1SS0 to 1SS7 inclusive, show that tho oxponitioiu grow in valuo from $l(J2,3t in IS?0 to S 1,000,- 000 in 1881 NEW TO-DAY. FGIl SALI5. 200 of owes, cloau and in good condition. Olioap for wish or will trade for yearling wethers. Address Niivra Ollico. NOT! OH. All pirM)iis indebted to F. It. Hlnonrson, deceased, will plonsc call ond suttlo immediately, or their accounts will bo placed in tlio hands of an attorney. .Mas F. I). TiiNKAimo. Prairio ' ity, 'r., Oct. SI, 1889. l'ctitlon for Liquor Liccnsj- To tlio Hon. tlio comity court of the state of Oregon for Grant eon illy- Wo tlio undersigned your petition ers respectfully represent that wo are each mid nil rosldmitH and legal votors of John Day procint in soid county, and wo ask that a licnmo bo gran tod to J. 1). Cottilw, to soil and disposo of spirituous vinous and limit liipioiH in said prooint in lcm quantities tlmn one gallon for a peri od of ix months, from Nov. 188'J, Dated tho 2 1 hL dav of Si'ptotnber 188!). J ii Svi'linaor, John Notveomor, W it Kelliy.j K iMuntomon, j W Wol llnger, A Knight, (ico w Halt, J5 P I.ovijoy. john Sholly, Milton Voung J CJ Diinoui, C ii Tirnnif, M U Tiinuit, Flunk Hampton, O M Macy F J TiiiiuiH, j w Suudmlaiid, ICd Shoniuld, 11 V Hunn, Charles Skin ner, K A Iv it i; Ii t , K Motinr, 1'j Duncan, T ii Curl, J u Hoborts, Tlio ordoio Mol.ollou, S J lOlliutt, w P D unci u, w Winmr, V Fontor, i It Jackmiu, ICdwiu Hall, j Marshal, I) H Kanmhy win Whitney, O u ToinpHon, T Hooves, w L wilvon j i K Noble, Francis Wallace. Notice is hereby given that on ll-e I Dili day of Novouibor, I8SH, ilionn I ilotsiguod will upply to llio county ! court of tlio titato of Oregon for (iraut county, for the iami-uiaoof the licouso uiuiiiioiiod in tho foregoing petition. J. t). Comii.i, Applicant. ADMINISTH ATO 1 1 .S' OTICH. In tho county court of thettato of Otogon, for tirant county. Ii. the matter of the ostato of Al beit JJanxot, (l-oa(hl. Nnliro is iinroliv ffivioi llnit Vint. A Hartley Ii.ih Loon appointud by tho : county court o( (Jrant county, s'-ato of Oregon, adiiiiuistnitor of the os Into of Albert Ha", deceased, late of mid county, and nil persons liav- ing I'lidnHagniiiMt the eiitato of the said (IhcomhoiI are heieby uotilied and required to piesent thosamoduly verified to the uiulcisigwd at Prairio ni... r... ...... ...iii.:.. .......ii.n I v.i'j, ,1111,111 ni.v ii,iFiiii 1 loin the unto hereof. Vint. A Haiitixv. Adinininlrator of tho oslato of Al bert n.niacl, (IhuomhinI. M. I). ruiTOim, Attorney. nuy-.u Pity. Or , ot . 189. NOT1CI5 FOP PUIJI.IOATION. Un1 ontiM tl tlurti, Or. Oc. Ul, tW. .V'clk U Strthy glrn lb Mlawtti-iuuitl Ml.ltr lii. HM nolle f hi. Inlaiitkm to mV fluil , onl in auMri uf hi. rUln. n.l lb tt .0.1 lirwi uiil it undo Wor.i t'i mnUtar nj cm, U n. In4 oidm 41 Hud,., Or , u Btlunlt N'i. I , nl ill- U 11,1.1AM II Si'llKoKliKR I'r. II N U;i.- lor th NK !! U I I Htl IK 11 Mi i ii nii it Nv iimiu T, i; h a it u. II. turn tM tlti folluKlmr toTO III fonliiiuiwi tolilmci upnti ml cut 1 1 itkxi ol, mil Ubd, Ib; ltliut:i Ml. Iluland lUnklii. Jr . Jnhii l (JUal, Ih-tt Ciit.l.l. i ll l el l.hmtoN. or. mill J II. lll'.STiMiTD.S llfl.l,r. NOTICB FOIt PUni.ICATION. .n J OMw tl Iiurm, or. Oct I, m, N..ilt. l.tirrab) clll that Itw f.ill.mlMf-iuninl ttlrr bi Slut ImiIIc or til. InliMitltm la mull flm: inul In iiiHital Ut tUim, ml Out mIiI u- t I huiU' ImIuo lh Coaiily eluk of (Irani vumur, xt Cttii)u Clt. Orrron, on hil.'r. rfj Xur. 14. l. lt: tU.ISIIA II. Al.l.H.V. I'lr US No. ant tot Ihe h r NV nr V, qr Mid I', halt iK qr tt Tl l S II JO K W l. Il miiiM tlx lollowlair wHIomi. tn tiru hi. iMMlllUOUt ICIilltlMO UKKl. iixt cuitlv.twii U lukl, vl: JAIaitur. It II Klwlwrliu.1, ol Ml. trut.n. dr.. it-l W IV Slime, aii.1 Jtmo. I, llarti on. ol lllaklon, Or. JMI J. II tlttXTIXHTO.N. ItwUlor. NOTICE YOU PUBLICATION. Oitlco at Horn , Or Oct. &. Itail. .SoUcr It Wr.U)' cltou that lb M ol" ohiI iMIIrr li CM 0011(0 l Id InlooUw to ioVt Anal liruaf In i0Mwit j.r 1,1. cMm, ami Ibat raid niaol Mill bo maJe Wlmo thr I'unul) 'lrx .1 llrklil To., or, at Cilliou I'ttjr, Or., bu M.ihJ.v Nor U. law. ). I'UAIII.KS II uim:j.mi. I'r.-1) 1 No. 77! for th fiK qr j U Tp U S It M K W . llaiMUiri Ina ll'oln hIIiim.m to i,r..v Mi ioiiwuuuui rxamiiicv umu, aim cuiutauuii or, uu uu.i. u: p ii rrttun. feu Ttuwr j J ll'Ung,TS WliUinlrr, ill fl'Mul I'ltjr, Or. j, u iu .ntinoto.v, uVcuur. NOTK'H FOR PUI1L1CATIOX. Lail llllln at lltirui Or. Oat. 4, la0. Kbtleo U Itorauy ulieu Hal Ik. rulk,v.lo oaiuaJ ivlttor Lu Ulwl notico ol hit lotoHtkm tu hmL lliwl iro-4 lu 0Mlioa I ol olalw, awl Out MM inuol win im lwi Mora tbo count! tolrt i lit abkouoo bolero Uta UxuniUlaik of (Irani ouunl). Or , at I'sniouCltj', Or. on Salunly Nor. iu, laav, tia: OIUIHlii: Itll'LKV. lid No IWtortli SltalfhW qrSor i awJ N U'l .N iv qr av iu T ii s II n i: w it. Ilo uaiuol the fidkntlur wIUuwki to lucre 1.1. I coiillnuoua reaUlNHO uui, antl rulilmllini ol, tiM liM.I, ila: John ibh, IIcikwuii LatiawH, Jo- Ml,"r'..J.,r ' !..'! .ft "J ."r- jj, J. It. IH'.VTI.SOION, ltofl-tur. Petition fir Liquor Liocma To tho I fon. tlio county court of tho slnto of Oiegon for Oranl county. ! Wo, tlio niidorsigneri IonI votors of Union precinct, Grant county, HtataofOrogon, ros.ectfuiiy petition Hint n license bo granted to . I. W. Hates, to sell BpirttuntiH, vinous nml uirtlt liquors at Prairie City, in said piecinct, in qiuntitiwi loss thon ouo gallon, for tho period of ono yonr, from November Olh 18!). T N G union, Paul Faimann, C C Thomas, H C Phetioplace, 0 Taylor, John Lnuroncc, L F Nierumn J A JolliHon, Scott Hydo, Clma Ilolinon d ith, Josoph I'ruitt, H VV Anderson, l Ed K Armor, I tarry Pice, It Dour- dorfl, S I Coats,. J JJnnibergor, u II Wood, W IJ Carnen'or, John Seta onn, John Aydelott, M Howell, Ish- nin liauranco, James Matins, James O regaliy, S Hougli. J M TIioiiijikoii, O V Itiloy, Loo H Kay, W U Pink, S J IIofTen, T I. Hlookniau. Frank L Haidman, II M Tlioiiinc, A M Hani man, O O Miller, Hen Parrel, Will ' N Col.oo, Win Meodor, I. Ii Day, J M 1 Dickson, Cal Johnson, J W Martin, I I) A Mntlioufioii, Wm Shuaiiin, K 1 j lWv. C II Hich. W Iivtho. J W King, Abo Hick, UL KuborU, Jot I)ais, J W Hritpn, S S Durkhoinior, Wnt Arnold, J T Sullons, O Cooloy, V (i Taylor, J Uarton, H II J i 'oiuer, ) IJ Fisk, J A HoloBWortli, Hon H Carson, William Voilch, John Moisliall, M Hess, M H Davis, W W Stair, H M Craig, W D Johnson, It IS Allun, Cation A Coats, M Durk lioimcr, W F liiwrmice, M O Mc Ouim, Sol To) lor, J J Maiiwaring, AJIIofl'inan, AJ Thobido M D, JohnT Haminaok, W A, Lay- fiiynlte Hov.oll, Hub!) Johnson, Sam uel Tucker, rainier Reynolds, Hon iv C Ijoiuance, O McL'oiil, J M ouiig, l T Mumvariiig, Dol Dim iniek. fleo. Cliaiiibftic I). P. Tavlur. Cliarloi Mai tin, Thomas Mills, J Holouvortli, 11 A Johnson, F Hois, N It Oliver, Kd Lancaster, O Hobs, j hit Jin man, It Uiitlemlcn, 1. ul Hlinn, Honry A Hyde, A A Wazol, Frank .Markhaui, V A Hai tloy, Dan Parker, Henry V Dodon, John Ture.iinii, M K Hausd.ile, SU Thom as. B P Laurancc, F Doaidotir, J H Dixon, C Chambers, William Wiight 1 (bo Slieoror. J D Daly, Walter: Still, II H Moador, U Jolnuon, T w; iw. ,,.. ,i 1 ; , n , Kin.zey, M F Hudson, II A Tucker. I V p Only VlCrcMdllls that CMll f UMtsIl, Notice in hot eby given that on the Ml Willi (ill JOll Wdlll, (III (I (llwai.S Oai'VlJ (I CO))h (th dav of November. 1889, I will vjclo stoch. apply to mo county court tor mo is . ... su.ncooi iiio license nieniioi.o.i in t mfmivrii ntr neli mi. (1 o J. . Hitkh. Appitoint. I'cllilon for Liquor License. To tho Hon. tho county com I of tho stale of Oregon for Grant coun ty. Wo the undersigned your petition- ets respectfully represont that wo nro rosi.lents and legal voters of Oranito iiroeinol. (irant eoutitv stato i f Uio. con, and wu ask that a license bo , granted toWilliamson Sc Hilliurd to HellHpiiluous,maU and vinous lit uois in less quantities than ono quart for n peiiod of sis months at their pluco of business in Granite, Grunt county, state of Oregon, and as in duty bound will overplay Ac. Taylor AtthoiiHe, John M Carroll, W W Loonoy, Aug Bachmau, Grant Thornburg, A G Tabor, W. Graham, O A Ihornlmrg, II I'obison, )as O Horrin, P Skoglund, II McUanii, ln.n'f.i A tnlii.Qit,, .Tnliti ll'llni,!,, M D Miles, L. N. Foul. .v....,,v ........................ .. ... Nolico i'h hetobv given that on the . 18th day of Oct.18Stl, tho under-', siguo'J will apply to tho county court ot the stato of Oiegon, for Gram eouuty, for tho isstiaino of tlioliconso montioiiedin tho foregoing petition. , Williamson t HiLi.iAitn, Applicants. NOTICK. Notico is hi'iel.y given that on j Tttesduy tho 22nd day of October, j 1881), a petition will ho picfcontcd to . the Hon, Sylvester Ponnoyer, tlio Governor of tho Stale .f Oregon, for tho pardon of Anton Mourn, who is now In tho poniteutiui y of tho State of Oregon muter soiitenco reiidoiou by the circuit court of tlio Stato of liegou for Grant county, on the 2 Jth day of April, lKttfi. Ity M. Dustin, His Attorney. Bucks for Sale. We havo about Ninoly hoad of thoroughbred Hpnnish Morino Pucks at our ranoh in Vox Valloy, which wo ill Eell yoiy rousonablo and on onsy toruiH. Wo, ouraolvos, imported (huso httoks from aniongHt the best bteedorsof tho State of Vermont, j and have had Ihoin in this country for over a your, eonsequonlly I hoy nro well aecliuiiitod and in good 11 Shcepiuou wishing to improvo the griulo of their Iwnds hhould givo us a call befote purcliaing elHowhero. '2D HHCK HHOS. CITY HOTEL!; MAIN HTIII.LT Canyon Citv, Okkuon, G HOT 11 $ TJIO.UI'SOA Vropriolon; Traveling men will find this n ploassut it nil dosimble placo at' whiolt to stop. Olvu us a Call MONEY ' , , On improved Farms in , Iteonal Rates; No Delays wta Title is (loinl ud Security i Sitifnotorv - If you contemplate borrowing money call on or address--- BTUJiG TL L ,j- STlfllG TL L, : Baker City, Orago", . . on . . . . Ul UlULKCli $ I 10 I VF L L, Prairie Oily, Oregon . DURKHEIMER & CO -WHOLHSAfd: AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, j. We are receiving doily the largest slock of goods ever brought to litis county. -stfill & NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS 35 FAMILIES SUPPLIED AT WHOIESALE RATES ProlrI 0,, GrnntCollIlt . . I r.i, .. n . r I J. l j wuuul i : Bum., Hrnoy Couiitj-. ) fjauvance Doalors in j . v-i-j . tr-i ((HlBraiMiiAan iij - i 1 i I Prairie City, depon. AI-SO ACKMTS Frank Pro Iniphunont Co's Maohinory, Consisting of Mowerp, Hoap Solf Jtiudim Harvesters, Ilakos and wagons. A full lino of Air- eri riciilliiiYil liiipliinenls and extras for all Machines used in this country, Which wo will soli cheap for Cash or on timo with npprovod security. Petition for Liquor License To tho Hon. the county court of tho stato of Oregon foi Grant.coutily. W; tho undersigned legal voters in Cn'iyon City precinct, Grant coun ty, state of Crogon, rosprctfully po litico that a license ho granted to G. D. Hickard to soli spirituous malt nml vinous liquors to less qmin titios than ono uallon for '.ho iiuiod of hix tnonihs from Novouibor tith 1881). I 'atod at Canyon City, Or., Sept. 20th 1881). Kd Sels, John Urandt, Frank H Sels, Clay Tedhun'.er, Lee Miller, II Hunter, Hobt Ward, 0 P Crosnp, .lake Simon, C S Grigsby, JO Par soil', llowanl Corml, W H AVtillon, K A Knight, D it Hill, T J Ceztid, ' 0 Guerntov, Geo Solintier, A W Shaw, L K Cozad, Ira Sproul, T H i ; Ptigler, John Sohuiidt, V G Coz.ul, i W P fSrav. j Voss. J.uiios HabiiiBoii.' MA Lucas, Win P MoOlure, A Hup prich, A H Gtoth, W H Ciinningti n Fivd Millor, J w Moody, A C Doro, HOStatiBoll, llalph ltyrain, G Mar tin, D I Asburv, i D Sutherland, Thos J Smith, F'C Sols, Geo E Sol linger, Sam Kirod, M S iie'linau, S Oir. A It Jlrwuy. II It Sels. W n Clark, u Stonsoll, Denis McAuliff, N ii Holey, A J Stcphons, Thos Crnwfoid, W S Southworth, Geo A Pioson, Phil Molsolnui, Fred Trofry, John Moutonyo, Woiley Silstoo, tJeo Hitudebtish, G Topkins, Hobt Nccce, M I) Clillord, Thos Itoynohls, M K Stannell, W H Htuls, A 0 nnll, P Mttlcaro, F 0 iiorsloy, w J Uarton, iionry Uenz, Geo Loaineil, Peter Ktihl, j Duikheiiiier, HS Dnikhoim er, Chaiio'i CiimpUdl, w 11 Lincoln, I M Foitcr. Notico is hoteby uiven that on the (!lh day of Novouibor 1889, the un- lorsigucil will apply to tlio county court of the stato of Oregon for Grant county, for tho issuance of tho license mentioned in tho foregoing petition. f). I). ltlCKAIII), Applicant. When iu Hoppucr den't fail to call on l.EKZKR & THOMPSON for iiaudwaiik, tin WAiiu, woon and willow w,i!it, iiKi)ci:itiat, toiiacco, irra, irrc. Agmey for tho Nuw Homk Sl'.WlNO Maciiim'. D2X. Orders by mail promptly and carefully filled. TO LOAN! 0 .. Grant & Harney Counties. HHTAIIi DKALKKS IN- nflR h' H FI M FR C. To U U t W tt C. 1 III L tt (V LO.. 1 1 M . . . I. , J ho Leading Merchants. Howell. 1'Olt THK- NOTICE. In tho mnttor of tho estate of Win Axe deceased. To all Whom it Mav Co.nceun. Notico is hereby givon that Mary D. Axe, ndminiitratix of tho above ontalo has tiled hor final account ami by an order of tho Hon. tho County Court of tho Stato of Oiegon, for Urtint county, made and onterod thereon on tho 'Jllrd day of Septom hor, A. D , 1S89, Tuesday tho fith nay of ovemlier loo!), tlio smio be ing the 2nd judicial day of tho noxt logtilar term of said court has been appointed as tho time and tho coun ty court rooms in tho Grunt county court house at Canyon City, Or., tho placo when and where said final ac count shall ha hoard. All heirs, croilitors and persons thereforo intoroated in said cxtato are hereby notified to appear at said timo and place oi lilo their objec tions with the clerk of said court nt any timo thoretoforo and show cause if any thoro lie, why the said account should not bo allowed and approvod and why tho prayer of tho adminis tntix that tho esta'.o and its udniiu istratix bo closed and she and hor bondsmen discharged should not be granted. Dated this 23rd day of September 1889. Published by oicer of tho com t for four successive weeks in the Qiiaxt County N'kws, printod and published at Canyon City, Or. Maiiy I). Axk, Administratis 7 'OSS a- Watch-maker and Jeweled CANYON CITY, Oregon. Koeps for salo Watches, Clocks and Jowolry, ami does all kinds of Itcpairiug. H2lMMMl)Iill JillLSOS JO.VKS, I'llKST. MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST CO. j (Incorfiomted) ! General "Wnrcliouso & Forwarding Agts. I The Cowmm has recently constructed a two-story i warehouse SO x .100 feet, with wool press and all conveniences for handling wool' The Warehouse Charges al topwcr will be the same as those at Jlrlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Jfeppncr, same as from Jlrlington. Cash advanced' upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. THERON E, FELL, Manager. JAMES & JONES. Proprietors of The City Drug Store. Keep constantly on hand a comploto slock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Patent Medicines, Toilet Arliclos, Pcrfumos, Hoops, Powder, Puffs, Combs, Tooth Noil, Clothes and Har llrushos, Draggist'B Sun dries, Lamps, Limp Oils, Glass, Putty, OhiiioyB, and and everything to bo found iu a first class Drug Store. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. 0 Ordors from a disbiuco will receive prompt attention. Prescriptions OBpocinlty UAKEK CITY OP EG ON Hapfanstall Dart 8c Cd hUCCLSSOUH TO Jl JP TON STALL $ DART, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO,, OREGON. . - f X. -I Havo now received the largest and most complete stock of new goods in Grant County, which they will offer for sale nt prices that defy competition II. II. Genera CHABDWaRE,)00TS,XHATS,XFURNISHIN0XG00D5l) Canyon City, Oregon. 0. P. CRfiSAP Doalcr In Stationery, Hooks, Sohool Supplies, Gilt HjiuI and Glassware, in Endless Variety. Fancy Wares, suttablo fot jresontN'for both Old aud Young. Hoys Iron Wagons, Uoby Ciiiriog(wfrom Four teen to Eighteen Dollars apieco. Candies t cigars. Tobaccos, Coffees, Teas, Lard, Flour, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Hice, Cream Wheal, tho finosl breakfast dish known Fishing Tacklo, Fish Poles, Hoskots, Tubs, Hrooins, Lutaps, IJitd cages and ovorytliing ' that is usually kept in a Variety Storo.all of which Can now bj Bought Cheap forCash utthoOldStaudinCanyouCily Weget the At Miller's Blacksmith Shop, ) J 'IS IfJ A '(I TO. ' STlilC FT, c . . v.j v.vci T ) yon. IteeaitKe his prices are low and all his work warrants first-class. HORSESHOEING AFTER MAY 20: For Huff Shoes all ainid, $4.00 lo. $5.00 pr Snail roil oasii. Ho keeps constantly on hand and for ude, miiiswiioiis, Htt-d and unfit ted, also iionsi: nails "tox, stlli, coai, wiiurLOTituns, nkqk YOKIW, WllliKLS, BI'Itl.MiS, I'ICK IIANDLia, HLIJIKJi: 1 ian Ul. us HLimniia and wuiKiits, etc., etc. TIRE IRON REDUCED TO 7 lo 8 Cls. Per lb. 3T A FIHST-OLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STAND. CAttUIK.l.S mitaJll.S A HUCKHOAUDS MihIo to order. r it. iiipnor, tiiiias. SELS. JL anmse Mule shod rch no