Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 03, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, OcLm
ilml! have ruin when tlto
fat down to iU lust tptmtor.
Pt Mulonre who tins just rcctta-fcd
from n Mrcre nttnok of fever, isStgnin
II 1)1 o to li about.
Tub Xkot S2-o0 per year in nd
vniiwynr SJl.OO on tiins. Now is tin)
tiniu to sttlswrllle.
M. Ij. Doutliit will soon
full and coitiplut took (if
whiter millinery cood.
receive a
fall nml
Alts lilmiolit) Clark returned liortfo
Saturday, from Fos vallev whotr she
ling tntight 11 four inonthh' term of
Mrs. OInm Ioekwood had tho
fortune lait week to lorn1 lior dwi
house in Boar valley, together w'
its contents, by lite.
The merry jingle of the school
Monday morning liendtled the firrivul
of tho days wlion the small I toy says,
"I lirivo no pleasure in tlitun."
ludgn Ihoii ii remaining in tilts val
ley resting and regaining his health
until time to hold eouit nt llnrney, to
which place ho will go from lions.
Mr. Ah Toy hns token his depot t
ttie for 1 1 mif Kow, Cliimt, on u visit
to his mother, Yi-o Iveo him loosed
the laundry during Mr Toy's ttlwonco.
Diok Ilicknrd has leased tho brew
ery building, suul will apply to tho
county court for n license to dispense
tho luxuries of lifo to thirsty people.
Mr. llnzeltino found n crotitttro en
dowed with animal lifo in his well
l.ut week, which is neither llsh nor
snrpont, but iipwrently halfway 1k
tweon. Itomombcr the fclierifP's sole of the
Ftizollo properly next Saturday. At
tend and invutt some 6f your surplus
ooah in ood land. Should it. bo re
deemed it is a good speculation, nny
how. .Mr. J. :i. Stttrgill, of Ilaker City,
was over in (.Irani county last week
on a nioiioy loaning business trip.
Wo didn't have to borrow any, but
nevertheless acknowledge a pleasant
.Mr. Oo of linker City will hold
divine services in this city next Snb
luttli, morning and evening. Let ev
ery one turn out and give him a way
up audience. Show that you are not
dead, spiritually, morally or financial
ly. Hitler .1. A. Orchard will preach
tho funeral of Annie 0. Luce and the
ohildien at tho (Jrango hull, .John Day
on the 2nd Sunday in October at 11
o'clock and will give a series of chart
lectures during the following week.
All are invited toatt-nd.
Sheriff (Jrny had a narrow
i ron i lire m ins House the otlier ni'j
Ono of his daughters had retiiYdniid
"left a piece of caudle burning Wn tho
tnblo after lemoving it from tho can
dlestick, and in consequence thereof
thoro was a burned tablecloth and a
girl's pretty lwdly burned hands.
1aL Kiiday a centleiiian
rustling into our omco witn a some
thing which might have been a gat
ling gun or an infernal machine, but it
was neither. Wo wore just preparing
to sooot out at tho back floor when ho
explained that it was a patent Hour
ohot and sieve to hang up on the
ITiiole Johnny Kirk, of Dayvillo
was in town last week shaking hands
with his many friends and empiiiing
after those who woro nWnt. Undo
Johnny does not often come to town,
but when ho does no man is moio
welcomed by our people. He was
hare in onily days before thore was
any town and can recount somollirill
ing adventure.
One evening last week a Chinaman
entered IT. I). v Go's store at John
Day, and while everyone was absent
from the front end of tho store he
grubbed a pile of pantaloons und stint
ed away with them, but was met at
the door by u gentleman who gave
tho alarm, nud the C'hiiiamnn was
pursued, lie dropped tho goods, but
was arrested, mid upon preliminary
trial Ifoforo Justice Itulisou wis held
in tho sum of Sf00, to appear before
the naxt grand jury. John languishes
in jail.
In another column the Nuns ptil
lilhos a communication fioin the pen
of Koubon Fields, giving his "under
standing" regarding his .entente for
contempt of court. We published
last week a synopsis of the judgment
in this wise, Uikon from the circuit
court journal, and we lioliovo that
public records of (Irani county will
always stand longer and carry more
weight in an argument than the mem
ory of Mr. Fields, whose sentence is
substantially the same as was piiln
liihed in tho Nkivs last week. The
Nkw'8 gathers such fact from the re
cords, and therefore seldom errs. A
portion of tho judgment which we
failed to publiih, however, believing
it tmintorosting, is ns follows: "That
tht state of Oregon havo and iccover
judgment from the defendant (Houhen
Fields), for tho cost of and upon this
contempt proceeding including sliurilFs
fees, jail charge of his keeping to the
data hereof, eloik's fees mid district
attorney fees in the sum of 8'Jf.00,
that such judgment Ikj docketed in
judgiiisnt criminal docket of Craut
(lounty, Or., and execution issue at
once ' for collection of nocruod costs,
mid fm t her exeunt ion for accruing
cosU in default of tlio'r payment after
other ooi U ahull havo accrued uud
same are unsettled.
Volitions for liquor license.
jjMklheur county is said to have
tor, nnd wants one.
Hemmler tho
time fixed for the
end of the world is next Monday.
Greenhorn nnd (Imnito mining dis
trict are still attracting tho usual
amount of attention.
The condition of deputy idiorilP Mc
Cullough is improved. Js'o other sick
ness of a serious nature juit now to
Hortd Stiierisor l.uais has made
some changes for the Ix'lter in tho
county wvul leading over th hills by
SherilV (!rny ndvertist this wit'k
for sled pit)Kmli for furnishing the
contt hotiw with wtxvl and coal oil.
Put in n hid.
Hyo, Bnrloy, Timothy, Alfalfa,
nlways on hand in large qitnntity,
at Cofl'in t McFarland's, lleppner.
, .. . c. ii ... i .... .......
peniteutinry from .Multnnumh county,
cut two of hit lingers otV with a hatch
ot to avoid work,
W noticed several Prairie Cityite
in town this week, among whom wore
Vint, A. Hartley, Sam French, John
Marshall and Sam Tucker.
Hen Krway hns the until division I
ft out here to Dnyville. lien is a grad
uate at handling the riblsuis, nml no
doubt will deliver the mail on time.
Come on with your proposed tele
graph line, ye Hoppner and Castle '
Hock folks, or some other good coiiixt
ny. We need it and will xitronize '
such an institution.
Foit S.U.K. Aliout forty tons of
wild hay, at the "Big Meadows" on '
upper Canyon Creek. Price six del-
litrs per ton. Hxecllent place to win-!
tor stock. M. M. Aiumso.v. '
For tho lirst time
.1. ...... .1
mouths water is runuiiii' ml Cau
running inl Cauvon
Creek at this place, Neverfore in
tho history of the county has tins and
other streams Is-en dry for so long a
JOiig Creek town came near having
a destructive conllagration during the
week. An old stable buruiHl, and on
ly owing to the providence of a favor
able wind was the destruction of other
property prevented. 1
Any person knowing the whorou
Units of (leorgo W. will
please communicate to him that his ,
mother, Louisa Jane StubUifield, is se
riously ill at her home in Suinmerville
and desires her son's presence at her !
bed-sitle. ;
Hon. D. II. Itinohaitand Mr. Klli-1
ott of the upper valloji woro uiariied
yesterday by Judge uMaxoy. The
JS'kwh congnttulates tho happy couple,
and hopes next week to publish a 1
more complete report of the wedding
llroady Johnson, nowly apjiointcd
Deputy U. S. .Marshal htr Harney
county, it serving jtaperK Uued from
the U. S. District court, wltht fear
of assassination. They writ not diaw ,
Winchester rifles on llroady, for they
all know him over there.
Tuesday when we were awful hun
gry and had no meat in the house and 1
had oaten no meat for a week, Mr. 1
(loo. Itoudebttsh made the Ni:ws a
piosont of a tine ham of fut venison.
Thanks, Mr. Itoudchush; may your
residence among the hills of '
(iraut county )o the happioH period
of vour life.
This postollico notfi betweon four '
and live hundred dollars tier year clear '
revenue to the government, so post
master Cuuap inform! us. This be
ing the case we certiiinly ought to lie
blessed with Utter inuil facilities,
liro. Wanuauuiker, hsik at these
things and give us a mail route direct ,
from Canyon City to l'rineville.
A Chinaman nearly dead with
leprosy was found picking grapes at
.Nappa, Cab, tho otlier day. Jus
toes and fingers woro rotting away,
and his countenance was hideous to '
behold. People who oat raisins and
drink California wine, as oft as ye
do these things, remember tho di
seased Chinese who have a hand in
their manufacture.
I! aod grass and water all the
way to lleppner and ll!0 miles of
travel saved on the round trip, over '
over The Dalles route. Prices of
goods lower and wool higher, (io .
to Collin and McFarhinil, they keep
the largest stock and sell more
goods than any store in Oregon.
Why? llccaiisu their prices are
lower; thoy buy everything by the
car load. 1
.Senator Stanford's phenomenal
fijly that last vear trotted as a 2- ,
year-old in tho best time on record
for that age, 2:18, last week at Sac
ramento, in tho raeo for the Occi
dent stukes, trotted in tho remark
ably fust tt mo for a .'l-year-old of
2:H1J. While she cannot yet com
pete with Axtell for tho 'honor of
having tho best record, she can give
odds to any of tho otlier aspiring
youngsters on tho turf.
.Mr. Aldrich an aged gentleman for
merly lesiding it John Day, and who
has for many years Ituon a resilient of ,
this county, met with an aocident on 1
the read from ll.tker City last week
which resulted in his death. He was
freiuhtiiiL', and in some iimnner fell
lionculh tho loaded
wagon, when a !
wheel passed over one leg and up over
his iKsly, breaking his leg anil injuring
him internally. He died at the resi
dence of Tom liiiriiee, Uiyoud Middle
Folk station, Friday night and was
buried bete on .Sunday last.
Sun swings southward.
A grogs liar is ono who tullx
Iwolvo lies per day for twelve days.
Iny aside your Iroublefl and nt
tond " tho Palo of the Mrs. Mirgo
.Messrs. Cosnd nnd Hunter armed
tlieinwlvefl yestoniay ami wont out
to Hunter doer or two.
Of the lo.OOO tK)8tmaster8 ap
jmintcd sinco March -Ith, over one
linlf arc Union soldiers.
Miw Douthit coinieiteel to tenoh
the young American idea in Marys
vilio district tho direction in which
to Mioot last Monday.
In the second triul at iloisu City,
Win., 15. Iletlell was found guilty bf
iminlcr in tho second degree for
Killing dreen Miction and etvoti Jo i
rears imprisontneut.
London wants to build a tower
twice ns high as tho Kiflel ytructuro
in fans. Mte also wnnW to arrest
i .lack tho Hipper, hul tho chances
. . 1. , ..I. .....I' 1 .
are that she wlli do neither.
Although there nro seventv-throe
different languages anil about eights
Imnurcu tiialecla snokon hy tlio
mericrtii Indians, tho sign Inn-
ciiBgo is oriuuiiv understood nv all
tho tribee.
A quarrel over a passage in the
Bible tit Saratoga, California, be
tween Major Stevens, a rancher,
and William Moors, a laborer, re
sulted in the stabbing of the former
by tho latter.
Crook county lias always, and
still keeps up a good financial
standing. Treasurer Baldwin ex
pects to be able to redeem all out
standing, county warrants by tho
middle of next month. Hoview.
You can save big money by go
ing to Cofl'in it MoFarlnnd, Hop
pner, for your Fall and Winter Sup
plies. I hey keep everything, and
have cut prices down so that they
are the lowest priced store in Ore
gon. The naval commission appointed
"to select the site for it navy yard on
the Pacific const, has formally re
ported to tho secretary of tho navy
that in its judgment Pnget Sound is
the best locality in the entire re
gion. The city of Atlanta prides Itself
upon the fact that it is making a
piano a day, beside the lino gold
watches, double concave razors and
sowing machines, where twenty-five
years ago were only the ruins of a
Adnnison of tho "Summit,"
brought into town the otbor day a
livo fawn, and sold it to Dick Hick
aid, for a valuable consideration.
Those animals make a very pretty
pet, and along about Thanksgiving
day pass current for turkey.
Mr. John Folsou of the City Meat I
Market has in his possession a conv
of the Boston (lazotte of the year
1 770, giving a full account of" the
famous "Boston Massacre." The
publication is prized as a relic, and
is unique as well as interesting.
Mrs. Lucas nnd her son Tommy
wero arrested on a charge of burn
ing Mrs. Loekwood's house in Bear
valley, and a trial had before Jus
tice Hulison, which resulted in a
verdict of aeqttital for tho want of
sufficient evidence to warrant a con
vict ion.
William 15. Srorny, of Auastola,
X. V., is a man of !!.", who has just
got his reward for tomporato living
in his youth. When lie was 15 be
was promised $"000 bv his uncle if
he would let cards, drink and to
bacco alone until be was . of age.
Ho became of age in 187.1 and de
manded the money, but it was not
paid. The uncle died in ISSo, and
yooung Storev has now proved his
claim to the $000 and interest,
Henry Day, of Dayton, Washing
ton territory, recently sold his en
tire band of 10,.'t.r7 sheep to a Mr.
Win. Biddoll, for $l.7.ri per bead.
Mr. Biddell is purchasing for an
lCnglish syndicate, which has secur
ed control of an immense tract of
laud on the Canadian Pacific in
Canada, and which they aro stock
ing. The syndicate expects: to pur
chase .'!l),(XM) sheep in that vicinity
and in Whitman county,
Tho Hstul department has ad
vertised for bills for carrying tho
mails for the current year beginning
tho first of next July. Contracta
are to be let for the route from Can
yon City to Monument and from
Hoppner to Monument, separately.
This U not right; the lino should
extend clear through from lloppnor
to Canyon, As it now is, only ono
sack is carried over the two routes,
and no through sack, therefore our
mail is worn out with much hand
ling at over' little postollico on the
line. Postmaster Crosap will call
the attention of the department to
this state of all'airs, and it is hoped
that Heppnor people will also oxort
themselves to have tho entire route
embodied in one contract, as that
will moan twenty-four hours differ
ence in communication between tho
two pitted.
Gratifying to All.
The high position attained and
tho universal acceptance nnd ap-
proval of tho pleasant liquid fruit
remedy hyrupol rigs, as tlio most
excellent laxalivo known, illustra
tive tho valtio of tho qualities 011
which its succoss is based and aro
abundantly gratifying to tho Cat.
Fig Syrup" Company.
Mil. Kit: The real estnto boom
hns struck John Day and town
properly is changing hands fast,
Mr. Duncan has bought of Wolfln
ger the unnnished liouo near the
Echool house and will soon haw it
ready for rent.
Mr. Hall has nl?o bought the
Wolfinger hotel. Wo hone Hall
will t-qucozc bliuee out of his he'is
so he will ho nhle to give tho hoys
moro than ono egg for breakfast
and don't cut small pies in more
than six pieces, lira. Hull, for ono
egg nnd small nieces of pie is gol
darned small picking for sheep her
ders and eowlwys.
11. 1). A- Co. arc doing a big busi
ness now, they entoh most of tho
China trade, fhov caught a Chi-
j nanian last Wednesday walking off
with eight pair of the best pants in
the store, they tout him up to board
with Hro. Clray and sleep with Reu
ben. Tho John Day Bchool ttnrled up
last Mojiday with Mr. N. M. Hon
haiivrfstcaohor. We are troinc to
hivv nine months of sehool and will
,J. the best in (Irani eottntv. If
you want schooling for your child-
ron como to John Day.
1 ovfTieard someone Ray tho oth
er day that John Day had fallen
froin grace ami dropped its old cog
niHuen of Tiger 'l own and will be
known hereafter as (luitswabville.
News comes to town Hint Mr.
Aldrich of this phtco hud bean very
dangerously hurt by falling from
his wagon and the wagon rur.iiiug
over him breaking his leg.
Mr. Honry Johnson was in town
during tho week. Henry is coining
to live with us and help us build
up tho future city.
(loo. W. Halt, our city barber has
loft John Day and gono to help tho
milling boon! of Bakor county.
H. V. Bunn is running a regular
fruit anil vegetable wagon Iwtweeti
this place and Long Creek
Thinks He Understood It.
.1 ah., Sept. 1 SSI).
I sco ill the (5 11 a nt Co. Nkws
that I refused to testify before the
grand jury. I refused to make a
statement twice and hesitated to
answer a question and gave an in
direct answer to another before
Judge I son. I said 1 might refuse
to answer some questions 011 the
grounds that they were revealed to
me in confidence when the woman
and 1 were living together as hus
band and wife, but I did not. I re
fused to answer some quustions on
the grounds that they might crimi
nate invself without tho privilege of
answering others. Judge lson ask
ed mo if I refused to nmwer ques
tions. I answered, some I do, with-
out the right to answer other?
I lion my sentence was passed. 1 no
way I understood the Judge, im
prisonment in the county jail till
the first day of next April, and fif
ty dollars fine uud cost. I was in
jail I thought about twenty minutes
when the Judge sent for mo and
said ho remitted that part of tho
sentence in place of imprisonment
to the first day of April to the first
day of February and two hundred
dollars fine, 1 thought 1 under
stood the sentence plain, and ! find
the fine two hundred and fifty dol
lars. Hkuik.v Fnfi.ns.
Want to Sell Your Wood?
Sealed proposals will bo received
at the sheriff's office in Canyon
City, (Irani county, Oregon, for the
deliverance of forty cords of good
merchantable wood, also twenty ca
ses of coal oil of good quality, the
wood and oil to be delivered at the
court houso in the month of Octo
ber, lHHt). Bids received up to and
including the lfith of Oct. Bids
opened on tho Kith at II o'clock p.
m., at the sheriff's olllce. Bids re
ceived for eitbeir ono or both in the
same proposal. All bills must be
put in on the basis of county scrip,
ami tho lowest bidder will be
awarded the contract.
W. P. (ilt.w,
Brick Pomeroy says tho Ameri
cans and he means tho people of
tho United States !'chiefly wor
ship ono find whoso minted imago
thoy carry in their pockets and on
which is elevated in old Knglish
letters the mournful national nnd
political joke 'In God Wo Trust!' "
Letter I.lst,
List of letters romnining mi
en lied for in tlio postollico at Can
yon City, Or. Sept. SO, 1S81).
(irnnito Doduirc, Andrew Koch,
Joseph Mitchell, Mrs. A, Man it
Co., Mr. Miller.
Persons calling for the abovo
will please say advertised.
0. I'. Oiir.s.w, P.
Letter I.lst.
Letters remaining uncalled for
in tho postollioo at Prnirio City,
Or., Oct. 1, 18SU.
John Brandenburg, Miss Mary
Baily T. II. Douglas, J. Hutching,
W. A. King, J. J. Leabo, A. Litdi,
Benton Marble, Hunt Moro, Samuel
P. Putnam (2), .Initios Pratt, Louis
Schaodlich, Frank Solders, II . A.
Persona calling for the above
will please say advertised.
J. W. Mack, P. M.
SepU SO, 1881).
As you havo not hoard from 1110
for some time I will drop you a fow
Hues to let ron know how things
are progresine in th vicinity of
Trying to ruin.
Kvcrybody well now.
Judge Greenivell is buck from
linker City.
Why don't some ono glvo Hny
wood ii horse race?
Bob Stockdalo has boon "shak
ing" old Mo. fashion.
Our blacksmith is now ready to
do all kinds of smithing.
Everybody be ready for tho
grand ball on the eleventh of Octo
ber. Brown and bis girl looked well
together at the ditneu a short time
It is tho reporl that W. H. Mas
call has sold his property to Mur
ray Bro's.
AloMtirrny and faintly loft for
Poyffrtnd where thoy will probably
fcinaiii a month or six weeks.
Mr. F. L. Wootl nnd wife return
ed from Kllensburgh where they
have been visiting their children.
Judge Greenwell returns grieved
to heat' that his best girl is ready to
depnit for Idaho. Our sympathy
is with him.
Something pnssed through town
last week that looked liken train of
cars but some thinks it was proba
bly a threshing machine.
We would like to know if anyone
can outrun B. or H'a horse or growl
moro than J. G. 0. L or "gnu"
more than C. K. or say lees than D.
Judge Greenwell found his sad
dle that was stolen nbotit the first
of July, tho thief finding a better
one swapped with the mail while he
was ash op.
Our school is riming in full blast
with twenty pupils nud more to
start lo-nior'iow. Thanks, too, that
we have a teacher who is not afra'd
to use the birch to keep order.
Billey Mnskell and Tom High
land are to starj for Idaho to-mor-jrow,
IjiWtT-f'with them about lflO
liexd'of horses. Wo are losinu two
of our I est citizens, but what we j
lose some oriier community will
Wo had a very pleasant dnnco at
tho Dayvillo school house. Mr.
Abraham Lincoln F. Brown and
bis partner won-Trronouiieod tho
niHlMinio&V-'cottpIe on tlio lloor.
ginning of the dnnco thoro
hardly girls enough to dance
two set, and but for the arrival of
Mr. 1. O. Brown and his partner,
Miss Christina Murray, the dance
would have been an utter failure
they wero tho best wnltzers in the
brill room.
. We are contemplating a grand
time nt the ball on tho night of the
11th of Oct. Music by violin anil
organ, with plenty of room and
good Biippcr at reasonably low
The boys have quite nn exciting
game of base ball once and a while.
A now blncksmith shop has been
erected by Mr. Mnloy, lie intends
to make his homo nt Dayvillo.
Miss Birdie Lewis rotiirnod from
Canyon City. Her many friends
were glatl to see her home again.
Ward Swift is thu most popular
young man among the belles of
Dayvillo. I'no.
Combine! the juice of the Blue Fi;sof
California, to Uxalivo cut nutiitiuu.,
with tlio medicinal virtues of plains
known to be mot benefit ul to the
liuinan system, forming llie O.N 1 V 11" H-
l-JXr RF.Mr.DY to act nenily yet
.romilly on tlie
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow, Kverv one Is tiilne it
anil all are .leliclited with it. Ask your
ilruc8't for bVKUl OK FIGS. Manu
factuicil only hy tho
8am I'kancuco, Cau '
Lowmvilik, Kv. Naw Youk, N. V-
I'or tiH.inen mrull t I tit- I' tlliml ll'jinr
Coll. rcrtlaii't orr-goM or at tlte CmjiIi il Itni.
tllrfta V ullre hxlrtll lllrgnll. 1S..I Ii x h.-.U tut
uttdtr Ihc mai.AKrim uli-f A 1 Anii.iiimjr have
miu com c i f t(u.tic nml Mtiif lui. of luuLm
EE 11 Mine h s, .Short hit nd ,
TvnrnrltitiK, IVuinauthlt) ami 1' Iriwil-
I mrnl l'i uuil rtiutiiK rm Mti'lciiliml
mlllr.) l any lliur I'urjoiul Catalogue, BtliJirM i
UrU-4 rtlfc fin (H' fcnW' GMIf. I
IVUud, OrrtTJU. Oil Bjttru.WcBdu.
"r am glad that tho
doctor cured him; 1 nm glad that
the doctor put it inlo the paper
that ho could cure him. And if
any doctor i certain he can cure
sucn discuses nnd don't put it into
tlte naner, I am sorry. What n
pity it would have been had this
doctor eoiuo to town with his woaltit
of science and exrwrieneo and gone
away leaving him unt nredl What
a pity it would have qeon if he had
lteon so prejudiced against advertis
ing as to read the responsible cer
tificates of the doctor and and give
him tin go-by as a quack I Wlutt
are itestiiH.'r8 for, if not to circu
late information? What more val
uable information can a newspaper
give than to tell a aiek matt where
he can I cured? If a man has tie
voted his liff and hit or to the study
of a special class of diseases, tl.e
necessity of saving so I oooines all
the more pressing. His duty to nd
vertise becomes imperious. A re
ally able man, whatever bo his
ifts, tuskes a great misttiKc if he
tails to use those gifts tltiougli want
of advertising."
Tito a' ovo extract from an able
article by the Hev. Mr. Heochor em
bodies a sound view of tho subject
of advertising. Suppose Dr. Dar
ritt had como to the city and not
advertised who would know of his
presence? Who would know of the
following almost miraculous cure he
jwrformed in 1872, had not Mr.
Dibble put it in the paper?
Mr. lSditor: In 187- my daugh
ter waa taken with tho inembranoliB
croup, and, upon her recovery, was
left totally douf. 1 culled on two
eminent physicians, who said they
could do nothing for her. As a last
resort I took her to Dr. Darrin, who
cured her, anil she has never been
troubled with deafness since. I
consider it one of the greatest cures
of olectro tiirtgnetic treatment on re
cord, nml with great satisfaction
give this testimonial. I reside in
Berkeley, California, and will take
great pleasure in answering any in
quiries concerning this moat re
marknblo euro. ours respectfully
MoitE i'i:oi'i.K oriti:i nv im. n.vuin.v
Ilcv. J. IS. Coenour, Portland, Or.
Skin diseases; cured.
V. T. Binkley, Centralia, T.
Sciatic rlienmatiumj restored.
.1. T. Georgo, lilenedon, V. T.
Cbiouio rheuuitttitmi five years;
cm od.
Mrs. Mary A. Jolunon, Saloni,
Or. Dsafnoss many years; restor
ed. C. F. May hew, 1S8 1) fclreol,
Portland. llbeiimatiem in its
worst form; cured.
Mr. J. lillis, 825 Clay street,
Portland. Or. Deafness uud diseas
es peculiar to liorwix; regtored.
Miss Minnie ICelley, The Dulles,
Of. Spinal complaint and norvotih
debility; cured.
D. S. Wells, four miles north of
Albina, 0:1 Vancouver roatl Deaf
ness live years; cured.
Chits Muguusson, Salem, (Jr.
Asthma so he could scarcely walk
or sleep; restored to health.
David Vain, Seventeenth street,
near Market, Portland. Deafness,
ruining iioists in the ears; cured.
.1. II. Tichnor's daughter 10 years
old, Salem, Or. Both eyes crossed;
cured so both eyes nro perfect.
.1. V. Keenov, Lone; Crock, (Irani
comity, Or, Kidney complaint and
pains in the back and down tho
sciatic nerves; restored.
Isaac Tlioniisoit, La Center, W.
T. DenfwftMi; cured in flvo min
utes. Willie Clark, 10-1 Front street,
Portland Discharging oar twelve
vears; cured.
D. .1. (iraham's child. Springfield
Or Painfully alllieted with grunu
lak'd coiijuuctivilu.', complicated
witli ulcers of the eyeballs for nine
months; cured,
David Boss's son, Woodland, W.
T Painful hip disease; hud to bo
carried to tho doctor's oilico, cured.
Mr. Boss has u daughter residing
at the .Merchants' hotel, Portlam!,
and run be referred to.
Dr. Datrins' Place of Huuiiiess.
Drs. Darrin can li consulted free
at 1M3 Fifth street, eorner of Main,
Portland. Ollice hours, from 10 to
.1 o'clock dally; evening, 7 to 8;
Sundays 10 to 12. All curable
chronic diseases, loss of manhood,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea,
siMiiinal weakness, or loss of desire
of Hcxtunl jxiwer, in either man or
woman, catarrh nml deafness, arc
confidentially and successfullv trea
ted. Cures of private diseases
guaranteed, and never published in
tho paKrs Circulars sent free.
Most eiif.s etui receive home
treatment after a visit to the
doctor's olHce.
Notice is hf'ieby git on that on
Tuesday tlm 22nd dy of Ootobnr,
181), a petition will l presonUU to
the Hon, K.v'vt'Bter Vounnyor, tho
(lov.irnor of tlm State of Oregon, fur
the pinion of Anton .Mourn, who is
now in the pouitentinry of tho ijtntu
ot Oregon under snittaneo rendeien
by the circuit court of tlio stato of
Oregon for Grant oottnty, on tho
'JOth day of April, 1B88.
jsy .M. uuktix,
IliB Attoruoy.
When Itoltrrt MVm r Iloj.
Joint W. llunlotte. for many years cilt
torlnl writer mid uusinem mnnriEor of tlio
llurllncton Hawkovc, U a yonngcr brothor
of tho fiimoiis humoriat. IIo taya: "or"'
nhvnyrt bubbled over with fun, am. liH
took of atorles was oxlmttstlei!". even
wlion a child. JIo could molco tin a R oil
fairy tolo or story of ndvonturo nt a tno
mrnVa notice, nnd hl yotinRor brothers
wero ntwnya after hint for 'Jut ono moro
atory, Hob,' wlienovor wo got him alone.
At boil timo wo were eapociitlly annoying
to him. Attor wo were All enddhxt up-for
woMcptthrwe in n botl-Hob would tell ti
a Mro of Ktorlo. nml wo constantly
boRROd for ono moro until ho would bo
oomo weary. I mica that somo of llobM
btiittetorlt'i woro told tou. la thosotlnya.
I would not like to any n thmnaml tlmos for
four of cxncKorntlon, nnd If I said los than
a thousand timo It might not bo up to tho
nuuicorof occaiilotia when Hob wrv.i obliged
to Idci: ut Unlit out ot bed nnd roll hlmaolf
up In tlio blnnknttt nml jc to sloop In aplto
ofu. fur wo in var Urcil of hearing hlin,
nonmttorhow oleopy nnd tired iio mlht
become. Yc, If ono-hundredth part of tho
ftinclua, wlttlcUma and Inventions which
lloli ontorttutind hit llttlo hrothoro with
could bo prlnlod, tlio world would onll lilm
Kcutiisof the moat marvelous kind; for
the thoiiantid tulo ot tlio Arabian Nights
wcio never more intoi jgilii": than woro
thou winter iiIkIiU' tale of ley roo1
brother Hub. There nvr wat a bottor
"irother.'l .-.,-.
Foimtlo Specialist. Hits ptel
on the Pnoillo Coast for the patt
twonty ti.ui years. A life ttine uvn
ted to tlio sillily ol fmalo tr. ubs,
their eximeB and cures. 1 lmo
t limine mix of testimonials f porma
iient eutCH ftinii the 1hI pcoj l,i oil
thiti const i poHili n ;tininntee to
psi tnnneiilly euro miy case of tonmle
weakness, no nintterbow Unix "'"lid
injj or what i In utii.ue uioy Ut. (Char
ges toiiHouitblo and withiu the touch
of all. Fur the I tu lit of the very
poor of my sox li nro ufferiti
(rein any of lh urn it inttltitildo of
ailments thai follow in ttniu of timt
lorribl" dit.ense itnown as the feuntlo
wniiltness, and who aio not ablo to
pny for tretttnio'it I will trvut freo
of charge. Conxnlt niou by uisil,
fieo. All eorrt'spotidcitco i-trn-tly
ooiillib'iitinl. Melictres packed,
boxed nnd sent by cxpresH with
elmrges j re-paid for "homo" treat
ment, with specific directions tor
iiso. ii you me siHit-iiug iiciin any
female trottblo, poiiodicnlly or con
stantly, Address,
Oi.vmha S MrutuY. M. D.,
lirtHt Pot tlnnd. Oteg:"i).
To those wishing to buy fruit and
vegotnblof, I would sin that I will
sell tipples on tho mneli at fiu els per
box, also n Rood nxnorlnient of vege
tables tor snle nt reasonable prifcu.
All ofilers will be nrinpt1y ntteiid
ed to. Orders left with O. P. Crehap,
in Canyon fit', will remit nto eveiy
week, ns I will usually b in town
Stitimliiys and 'Pttasdnys of each
week with ft nit to sell, llesidenco
twniniloN below .lo'iit Day City, on
Pile Dalles load.
Fruit oxohmiflod for all kinds of
grain delivered nt my reh
Wm. Lvck
Bucks, for -Sale.
Wo lrnvo nbont Hittnty ben 1 of
llimonglibred Spanish Meiin i Huck-t
ai our ranoli in F.isYull. , i.
wo will toll Tory reasounbli- anil on
enhy ternis. V, onrsclvtt, itu . sled
iIilko Imekn from nintin.'st (, I , -t
til-coder1! of tho State of riiiiii,
iititl havo hnd thoiu in thi-. ciiu(i y
for oer a yenr, consi quontL iu y
tie well tieultrunted nuH in k" d ti
Sbeepuiou wishing lo iuiprti' lie
grmlo e' tlioir Uinds shoiilil ivc n
i call bofot'u iliraliiHnif nUewln'iv,
-21) BKcK
fined inounttiiti u.)d s'. r il n
11-e tbilhirs per f.t.d, Kmiuh if
O P l.'iettt ir m ' i -. ill. . .
In niiiounls to suit on huproMtl
fnnnj. The lowest iwto uiuantt t.l. j(
If von wsnt to borrow it will i,:v " ,?
yon to tno.
Written in Com pa i'-1
B . t.7. 1- J"! W Vj . ,l .
Pniirio City : ; - : Oin-nn'"-
U. A. IIIIIIA, THANK lini.LOtiii,
rrositiom, ioe-1'i evident
(UOiKiK W. Covheh, Coshii r.
i. V. ttlir.A, T. a. uiti:.v, 1. t. i on
Tiansiicts a (tencral llnnkhi;? lltikliic
-.on all w.U .f the worl.l.
BOU HT and HOT.n
Collsjtioni lun-Jo c ul point j trfStt- I
Ufwicnnnliln Tartna ?Vi
Money loanod at ftom ono to t
our cent.
2k v
K (I
SB" :