Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 26, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, Sept. 26.
Racing nt Ing Creek begins next
AlJoni, in this city, Sunday, SepU
2!, 1 889, to the wife of Clay Todhun
ter, a daughter.
N. II. Cottroll tnwicd througli town
lust Friday with n largo lmnd of fino
"liux," on rout to Rear vnlloy.
A littlo daughter of Mr. Collins, of
Jolm Day, received n broken nun
Monday by n gate fulling iqion her.
Minx ISirdio iowis, who 1ms lwcn
vihiting nt tho rosideiicn of Mr. Sels
1ms returned to her home near Day
villa lloppnor is to have n COO foot arte
sian wall, n Ixiring machine and a lor
cr lwing nlroatly on tln road from tint
.Mr. Kelsay has been in this vicini
ty Intoly buying iriUtton sheep for tho
foreign market, tawing some twenty
pieces with tho loys.
Jiuii Kvortsbuseh, nmimgor of the
Soda Springs eating stntion was in
town during tho week after n load of
vegetables and other supplies for win
tor. "rlMur .Sullivan was sentenced to Ikj
hango'd in mi enclosure of the jail or
jail yrl at two o'clock in the aftor
noon of tho fifteenth day of Novomlicr
Young Lowit mentioned last week
us being under arrest for larceny of n
horse, was tried Wore Justice Kuluon
and acquitted for want of Millicionl
Something awful bad is the matter
with the nmil routo via Heppner.
Kither the railroad jwwtnl authorities
or the Heppner postoflicc is to blamu
for our delayed mail.
We do not want tho eaith, but wo
do" want more subscrilers to the Nkwh
ut SL'.fiO per year in advance. Also
mora mail routes mid postofllces
throughout Grant county.
Distant mountain peaks appeared
white a few mornings ago, but the
light sprinkle of snow has not sent tho
mountain streams rushing down the
hillsides to any raging degree.
Manning and Flarity who were in
attendance upon court here and after
ward taken to Crook county, had an
examination on a charge of shooting
at each other, and were lth discharg
ed. yMr. "Win. II. Davis is duly authoriz
eillo solicit subscriptions and collect
money for tho Giiant Co. Nkwh. He
will give a receipt for your money,
mid his receipt will Ihi honored by this
Peuchc.'i, plums and all manner of
fruits in abundance, mid the market
already supplied. Why would it not
Iw a wise plan to can or otherwise
prosurvo the surplus, thereby prevent
ing such a great waste!
As yellowjackets were scarce this
yeai and as fearful storme have visited
the Atlantic coast even so look our for
ii severe winter on the 1'ncitic slope,
mul gather your stock where, you can
look out for them and throw them a
bunch of hay occasionally.
-A. C. Halt of upper Canyon creek
tells the Nkwh man that he shot u
fox last week, and the charge of shot
cut tho fox completely in twain in tho
middle, mid that the front end jumped
up mid ran away, and is running yet.
Who can lieiit that for a liel
- -The Ni;wh from this date one year
for S'J.fiO paid in advance. Wo have
decided to allow a reduction for ad
vance payments, as twolifty comes in
letter j day now at this gas fouudary
tliMi three doltais one or two years
jieiiee. 1 Mease pay up your old account
mid legin anew.
Mr. Jacob Heliiicndach, who is min
ing over on tho Middrti Kork left at
our ollteo wliilo in tow.n recently, some
of the finest specimens of iuiuU that
lias been found in Grunt county. The
rook represents three ledges, owned
by Mr, llelmendach. and all of them
assay well. Verily, uoithern Grunt
is l)ouud to have u genuine mining
boom at no distant day.
Died, nt I'rairo City, Sept. 10,
188'J, Mr. Albert Imnzet, aged alout
18 years. .Mr. was a native
pf France, and had roniilttd many
yirs in 1'mirio City. His remains
tveift wired for uud buried with Ma
roniu !iouri on Tuesday. He leaves
jio relatives in this country so far as
vvu know, but wm followed to tho
grave liy a host of lifelong friends.
W'rt learn from Mr. Keller of Hear
t'ujluy tlint it was not Indians who
p.( lire to lU(i nmge causing him the
Mi of his luy, but that the fire was
carelessly allowed to get out by cattle
men who failed to look after mid ex
tinguish their camp fire when they
iHOVed. Wo beg pardon of the In
IUiii for all the harsh things wo said
;ilM)iit them on this occasion, but still
lelievo they ought to lsj run out of
flic country.
Tli firt copy of tho illustrated
urnekly of t)io I'.icilio Coast hai reach
ed our table, mid wo must say that it
fiurpssi IJ our expectations. No
jiltt-viiul jouriml in the world is supe
rior it (Jjis oleint nuiuber of tho
West Kleviq, ;ind the thought that it
in o Ix a weekly visitor is n very
j(siiit one. .Suc)i mj PlfiIii and
rtitistjo Journal us .hjs wjll a in great
demand everywhere, ospeoiully with
thine who feel an iiitmtwt in the
rnnd sconory of the West mid the
jiiliic blutvhej of l'acilio iuci
jdeuu It will contain. For sale at nil
nows stands nt 10 cent n copy.
IWnches on tho river have Iwon vis
tied by white frwU.
Weather report: A sprinkle of
rain mul cooler ntinospherc.
Health item: Colds prevail, owing
to warm days mid cold ti'glits.
T. J. Smith is acting deputy klieritF
during Mr. McCullough's sickiuvw.
Ilic nvenigo price paid for horses in I
.Malheur county this summer was $.15. !
Equinoctial storms mul other nt- j
inosplieric disturbance!! nro now ,
A Cliinninnn lind just died of
consumption nt Astoria, not n very
common occurrence in Oregon.
A Sandwich Islander stnblied and
killed an Indian hnlfhreiHl on the
streets of Tho Dalhw last wek.
Mrs. Jeff KimWly, rmployod at '
the Now IlntM during court, has di
jmrtod for her home at Baker City.
Deputy sherilV John McCullough
has lmen ipiite sick during the week,
but will soon be able to runtime tho
duties of his olllce.
On Mondny morning of Inst wcok '
about -I o'clock two simultaneouH ,
incendiary attempts were mado to
burn Hoiao City. v j
tlrnnt county sporU have rountcd '
from tho mens nt Hums ami llurnoy, j
mid genemlly their animals ran in a '
manner not to lie nshauied of. t
Vicc-l'rusident Morion linn won a j
number of prizes at the Cattle Show ;
in lUilTnlo. A vice-president has to j
have employment of one kind or an-1
A new tiling in the East is a pro
fessional superintendent of wod-'
dings. She bosses the wholo busi- 1
iichh and in fact is mi expert in ar-1
ranging matters in stylo. j
The "sere and yellow loaf" up-!
pears on the mountain sides, but ,
leaves, that nave bail no
rain on them for three months may
turn yollow very gracefully, and
without a struggle.
You can savo big money by go
ing to Coilin fc McFarlaiid, "Hep
pner, for your Fall and Winter Sup
plies. They keep everything, and
nave cut prices down so that they
are tiie lowest priced store in Ore
gon. Hill Lane brought down from the
Monumental mine last week five
tons of rich ore that is to be shipped
to England by tho Monumental
people. There is a deal on for the
mine which is the making of one of
the best projierties In Eastern Ore
gon. Blndo,
Now while Hro. Eads is away at
tending conference, would be a
good time to put up your parlor
hIovch for winter. You will then
be through tho swearing job unless
the pipo falls down and can attend
church regularly with an easy con
science the balance of the senson.
The East Oregoniiin shows tho dep
uty prosecuting attorney nnd his part
ner and the grand jury of Umatilla
county up in a not very enviable
light, charging them with favoritism
in finding bills of indictment against
certain ones mid letting others equally
guilty escape.
We did not learn tho sad news of
the dentil of Mr. until one
week after his burial, although numer
ous persons were in town from l'miriu
City during the week. How me we
to iisceitain the news unless friends
stop into the gas foundry and tell
what they know?
Prospectors continue to biing good
looking specimens of rock into town,
iliingiiig specimens into town does
not signify much, however, only that
rich ledgos exist in the country mid
only require proper development to
make them wealth producing proper
ties. Steps nro leiiig taken by the Amer
ican brewers to combine, to combat
the Hnglish syndicate, which is at
tempting to corner tho Uer limning
businiMui of tin! world. It is the in
tention to form a gigantic stock com
pany, with a enpitul stock of 8100,
000,000, with which virtually to buy
up every big brewery in the country.
Fat sheep are hard to find just
now, judging from the experience of
tho mutton buyer who is now in
this county. He failed to secure
any satisfactory sheep in the John
Day or Hear valley, no wo have
been informed, and is now over on
Heaver creek. Perhaps he is over
particular but then the range is
short this Hummer.
Tho statement that Jack Frost
has made regular visits to this val
ley for several months past is true
as wo vorily believe. Jack Krost is
a stage driver on the Canyon-Haker
I route, and comes down mo .lonn
I Day valley every two days. He is
j not of tho sort, however, that ripenB
' pumpkins and makes it necessary
I to bring all good things into tho
Koubon Fields having reconsideied
his emphatic refusal to testify Uifore
the giand Jury, mid having announced
his determination to give jijs to.tiliio
ny, and having testified, Judge I son
remitted that (ortinu of the sentence
relating to imprisonment for six
mouths, but ordered that tho line of
.2f)0 lio enforced and that Mr. Fields
i confined in the county jail one day
IVir (ivury I wo dollars of said line, and
that judgment bo bold ugajnst him fur
all costs pertuiniig to the case of co
tempt of coin t. Ueub Is still hoard
ing with (liny, earning hi two (lobars
1 a day mul board mid lodging.
Nearly every town in Washing
ton territory wants the capital.
Uyo is advortised for sale at
$3.00 per hundred pounds in Lake
Weather prophots are precicting
rain for this section within the
next month.
The stockmon throughout the
stock ranges are buying up all the
straw they can find for sale.
At Hoiso City the jury disagreed
in tho trial last wcok of Wm. E.
Hcdell for killing Oreeit Shclton.
.Send tho Nkwh to your friends
East or at any othor place. It an
swers better than all tho letters
you can write.
Thousands of dollars worth of
fruit is being shipped from south
ern Oregon nt present and much
more will follow.
General Crook has been directed
to take steps to prevent trouble be
tween the Indians nnd whites in
western Colorado.
The childish miss resents n kiss
and runs the other way; but when
at last some years have past, it's
different they say.
Two colored men named Young
and (Jnrrett have induced 5)1 1 col
ored men to locate upon govern
ment laud in Oklahoma.
Heavy payments of river nnd
harbor appropriations have caused
an increase in tho public debt for
August of fO,070,02.'-.r).
(ins Witherspoon, a colored man
of Yorkville, S, C, ate seven dozen
fried eggs for a dollar wager and
then died in gr?at agony.
The habitual smoker of cigar
ettes, the girl who chews gum, and
the mnn who whittles dry goods
boxes should start a museum.
There are eleven or twelve thous
and less Chinese now in British
Columbia than there were some
time ago. The foO head tax had
its oiled.
Senator Harbour of Mississippi
favors tho exponditule of $f0,000,
001) to remove the negroes from the
southern states and colonize them
in some other coutry.
11 is whispered that the war is
unminentin Europe and that Switz
erland will be the battle ground on
which, Krencb, German and En
glish armies are to contend.
There is n fear in Washington
that President Harrison will sutler
the fato of Garfield. His life has
been threatened, and in consequence
ho has a strong body guard to pro
tect him.
A most disgraceful scandal has
been brought to light in Spokane
Falls which consists of testimony
implicating members of the city
council in larceny of the funds do
nated for the relief of the sufferers
by the late lire.
A new enterprise at San Francis
co lias started with a capital of
f.'IOO.OOO, to build timber rafts on
Puget Sound and transport thorn to
the company's mills near that city.
They expect to make rafts contain
ing 8.000.000 to l'.'.OOO.OOO feet of
Dr. Green of tho Western Union
is very much inclined to doubt the
financial success of extending tho
telegraph lines to -10,000 littlo post
ollices in order to make the bless
ings of the telegrnph service well
nigh universal for the ieople. Mr.
Wanamaker has set his heart upon
the scheme.
A road is projected from Spokane
Fall, Washington territory, through
Alaska to the mouth of tho Yukon
river. When this iH finished and
tho great Hussian railroad is also
finished through Siberia to Heh
rings's strait, wj will be able to
travel to Euroo thiough China,
Japan and Siberia by rail.
(Juito a number of young ladies
in this county have taken ranches,
and some are becoming quite ex
pert farmers. One energetic young
lady, who recently made final proof
on 1 110 acres on Hear creek, informs
us that this season she harvested
eight tons of hay, which she cut
with a pair of scissors. That's the
kind of girls wo have in Crook coun
ty. Ochoco Koviow.
When the survey of the state lino
between Oregon nnd California was
made boiiio IT) years ago, tho wit
ness trees were mostly of a younger
growth, and the prevalence of forest
fires in recent yeara Iimh about ob
literated all traces of the survey.
A party who recently took tho con
tract for surveying livo townships
in Curry county was obliged to sus
pend operations, owing to there be
ln no corner monuments remain
in j along the surveyed route of tho
state line,
The following bills wore audited
prior to tho adjournment of court,
and ordered paid by Grant count:
J. L. Hand, Dis't Att'y fees $237.o0;
S. S. Donning, for defending
Peter Sullivan bUOO;
E. P. I.oveiov. genoral baililf A7.00;
W II Kelly, special b'llfl' 2.00;
V (I Keller, graml jury b'liff -18.00;
C 0 Massiker, spcciarb'llfr OO.fKlj
Thos. Reynolds, special b'liff 311.00;
Phil Motsehan, clerk of court f0.l0;
W P Gray, Shorifl"
Total MBO.HH.
This small sum of courso doos not
come near to tho amount of indebt
ed no whleh will accrue on ac
count of tho fees of witnesses and
Court adjourned in due course of
time and judge and jurors have
gono from thority, as well as the
lawyers who woro, sojourning with
us. Following is a list of the re
maining cases disposed of:
1) H Kinehiirt and A E Starr vs
Daniel Hutler suit for injunction.
Continued for the term.
Joseph Watson and Thomas
Higno vs A G Tabor et 'als suit for
foreclosure of mortgage. W. S.
Southworth appointed referee to
take testimony and report same on
or beforo first'day of next regular
: term of court.
j I.ina HaskiiiB vs llnirisou Has-
kins suit for divorce. Continued
for tho term.
Nellie McCoy vs E A McCoy
suit for divorce." W S Southworth
appointed referee, to reort at next
term of this court.
Wm Kiloy vs M H Drake ap
eal from justice court. Judgment
of dismissal of this oato in this
Tor Mlnets or I'rosptctoti,
In view of the fact that satisfac
tory returns can seldom be obtain
ed from distant assay offices, nnd
in order that the readers of tho
Nkwh may Dave the cost of sending
away their samples for assay we
give a very simple method, of tost
ing rock for gold, which has been
found effectual in many instances:
Grind up the rock to n "fino powder,
after having thoroughly roasted it,
add a little potash ard pour it out
into a saucer or small pan or dish
of any kind. After standing a
while nan it out, and when nearly
all panned down examine it eloselv '
for line.colors of gold. The potash i
acts as a cleansing ugent, removing
nny particles of rust or dirt which
may adhere to the gold, brightening
it up so that it can be readily seen.
Rye, Barley, Timothy, Alfalfa,
always on hand in largo quantity,
at Collin A- MoFarland's, Heppner.
California holds the cake on
snake stories for the season of ISSt),
with Georgia and North Carolina
crowding each other for second
In Mexico tho tariff idea is carri
ed to such an extreme that cus
toms duties are levied between the
states. The general government !
also levies tribute.
Down in Georgia a woman evan
gelist, who operates among the col
ored jieople, opens her meetings
with a distribution of watermelon.
Of course, she always has crowds,
nt least till the melons are gone.
A dime museum trust is the lat
est output of the doctrino of pro
tecting home industries. It is jus
tified UK)ii the ground that freak
competition was disastrous to the
business interests ot the country.
Hill Vanderbilt, the railroad man,
has discharged his French cook ,
who was receiving .f 10,000 u year,
because he failed to cook a couple
of partritges to suit Hill. It takes
over half a column in most of the
New York papers to tell about it.
Hob Younger, tho youngest of
the Younger brothers, confined in
the Stillwater, Minn., penitentiary, '
who were sentenced to life impris
onment for murder in connection
with the robberv of the Nnrthfich!
bank, died of cnosumption, last
Trusts, in salt, sugar, beer, whis
ky, iron, leather, grain, Krk, oil
nnd newspapers is bad enough in
their way, nut when it comes to a
trust that raises the price of dia
monds, every well regulated jour
nalist feels called upon to rise and
enter lii b personal protest against
the increased cost of living.
An inveterate tobacco smoker, of
Newburgh, New York, died last
week from the effects of nicotine
K)isouiug, a post mortem examina
tion revoaling tho fact that so thor
oughly had his system become im
pregnated with the poison, that the
stomach and other organs wcro un
able to perform thoir functions.
Kev. Mr. Gogs will (D. V.) hold
service, nnd preach, at Prairie City,
on Sunday September 20th, morn
ing ami evening, anil nt Canyon
City, on Sunday Octolier (th morn
ing and evening. Tho Holy Com
munion be administered at each
morning service; Holy Baptism
at nny service. All are inviied and
friends requested to extend the no
tice. tl lod grass and water all tho
way to Heppner and 100 miles of
travel saved on tho round trip, over
over Tho DalloB route, Prices of
goods lower and wool higher. Go
to Collin and McKarland, they keep
tho largest stock and sell more
goods than any store in Oregon.
Why? Because thoir pricos are
lower; they buy everything by the
car load.
An cxoliumw tells how tho hide-
, hunters used to skin buffaloes,
i They would split tho hide down the
I belly, cutting the legs a little (lis
1 tnnce down. Then they cut around
the neck, and slipped it back a lit
I tie. Taking a loop in ti rope, they
' would hitch one team of horses to
I the hide nnd one of the horns, ami
whip tho former oil' in less time
I than it takes to teil it,
Methodist Conference.
Tho Idaho Conference of tho
Methodist church docs not promise
to bo a very harmonious session,
says the Union Republican. Inter
nal dissensions, clerical jealousy,
and a dog in tho manger jHilicy of a
few will give tho aged bishop who
is to preside over the conference a
fair sample of the disgraceful con
dition of allai's that has been al
lowed to prevail for the three or
four past years. There is to be a
continuation of the Klenner fight,
which will create eonsidornblo of n
breeze. Flenner was badly worsted
in his last encounter with Hro. Ir
win, nnd now seeks the scalp of his
prosecutor. It is generally under
stood that the presiding elder of
this district, Hov. Ira Wakefield,
will bring charges against Hov. A.
Thompson pastor in charge of the
Summerville district. Elder Wake
field is a .Methodist from "way
back" nnd the progressiveness of
tho age, the acceptation of new and
more liberal ideas regarding the
theories of the Christian religion
and the plan of salvation find in
him not only a bitter and relentless
foo but a valiant defender of the
antiquated hell (Ire and damnation
theory of the darker ogesof our his
tory when such belief was the cor
ner stone of most Christian relig
ions. The exact nature of tho char
ges against Hov. Mr. Thompson are
not known but it is surmised that
tho entertaininont of views nntago
naslic to those of Elder Wakefield
is tho foundation of the same.
Mrs. Mary Dambach in
of her husband, Christian
bach, who left his home in
Rvlvania Januarv !, 1SHH.
He is
fair coniplexioned, six Aet in
height, is bald, and of German de
scent, hut speaks good English.
When last heard from he was in
Linn county, Oregon, and had there
purchased a farm. He had .f-1000
on his pereon when he left home.
An exchange says that an editor
once applied nt the door of Hades
for admission. "Well," replied his
sable majesty, ''we let one of your
profession in here many years ago,
and he kept upn continual row with
his former delinquent subscribers,
and as we have more of that class
of persons than any other we have
passed a law prohibiting the admis
sion of editors," so the editor had
to take up his abode in Heaven.
J. D. Freeman, at one time a res
ident of Pendleton, met with a
frightful death on Shell creek, Wy
oming, on the ISHh of July last.
While out hunting, ho was attacked
by a bear, and beforo assistance
could roiich him he was Utterly
torn to pieces by the savage beast.
The remains were taken back to
the road, which is known us tho
"Old Cherokee Trail," and there,
all silent and lone, were laid to rest.
After leaving Pendleton Mr. Free
man went to Louisiana and marri
ed. His wife stopped at Boise
Citv. E. O.
Combines the Juice of the Dlue Figs of
California, 10 laxative anil,
wllli (lie medicinal virtue! of planlt
Juiown to be most tienelkial to the
human syttcm, forniiui; the ON I.Y 1TK-l-KCr
Kr.MKUV to act Kemly yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
. to THAT
Naturally follow, livery ono U lulng It
ami all are !cli;lited with it. Aik your
.lrut;cut for SYKUP OK I'IGS. Manu
favturcil only by the
Fan I'aAxcitcci, Ct.
UovnviiK, Kv. Nw Yonic, N. V.
To thoifi wishing to buy ft nit nnd
vegetables, 1 would say that I will
sell npplos on the much nt fU cln per
lox, also a good iiKsortinont of vege
tables lor sale at reiiKouablo pricos.
All orders will be promptly attend
ed to, Ordors left with 0. 1'. Crosap,
in Canyon t 'it , will roach mo eveiy
wouk, as I will usually be in town
Sntui'dayrt and TtuiMliiyH of each
wcok with fruit to sell. Itohideuce
twoinilon bolow John Day City, on
Tho Dalles road.
Fruit exchanged for all kinds of
grain delivcted at my ranch.
Wm. liUt'i:
Kotieo is hereby giion Hint on
Tuesday the V'Snil duy of October,
I ft 80, a petition will bo presented to
the Hun, Hy.'vostor 1'onnoynr, the
Governor of the Stato of Oregon, for
tho pHidou of Anton Mourn, who is
now in tho penitentiary of tho Statu
of Oregon under sentence lemlerod
by tho circuit court of tho SUto (if
Oregon for Orant county, on tho
J6th dtiyof Apiil, 1888.
JJy M. Dcbtin,
Ilia Attorney,
Electricity long used in the la
boratory for o.xerimontal purposes
. only, is fast coming hcroro the pun
I lie as an agent of great valuo in the
arts nnd in the affairs of every day
! life. By electricity power to drive
machinery can be "utilized nt the
and by electricity thanks to Mr.
Edison's recent" discovery o u r
streets and houses are lighted more
brilliantly than by gas, nt less than
' one-half the cost." While all those
I results are evident to the public at
large, there is stiil another field in
which tho use of electricity is rap
idly working a profound reforma
I tion the field ot medical science.
The following remarkable cures,
performed by Dr. Darrin, show tho
new uses of electricity:
TION cfitnn.
Editor Oregonian: Being a con
stant reader of your widely circula
ted paper and noticing the great in
terest you are taking to direct tho
nllllcted to Drs. Darrin, I will lend
my name to tho long list of cures
ps'rformed by them. Fifteen years
ago catarrhal and bronchial troub
les commenced to annoy me, and
soven years later a complicated
lung trouble showed itself. Alt ef
forts to cure were fruitless, until
coming under Dr. Dnrrin's electric
treatment one year ago. Now I am
happy to say 1 am cured. I am
news agent on the 0. It. v N, H. H.
nnd will gladly answer any ques
tions at my home, .110 0 street,
Editor Oregonian: For live vears
, I have been deaf in one oar, accotn
j panied with terrible ringing noises.
With Dr. Damn's electric treat
; ment the ringing noises are all gone
(and I can huarord'nary conversa
tion. 1 reside nt '-'O") Eleventh
! street, Portland, and can be refer
red to.
Dr. Damns' Place of Hunlness.
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted free
ut L'.'tfi Fifth street, corner of .Main,
l'oitlaml. Olllce hours, from 10 to
f o'clock daily; evening, 7 to 8;
Sundays 10 ti) 12. All curable
chronic diseases, loss of manhood,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rho'ii, stricture, ppermatoirhu'n,
seminal weakness, or loss of desire
of sextunl power, in either man or
woman, catarrh and deafness, arc
confidentially and successfully trea
ted. Cures of private diseases
guaranteed, and never published in
the papers Circulars sent free.
Most cases can receive home
treatment aftur a visit to the
doctor's oilier.
Ily viiiiie uf wairnu'N imih 1 nut !
coiling cnitit of the Milt' Un-i ii,
tor (lit) (.alii y nt tit l)', li lie thlt'fi
eil, euiiiiuitii i in,' me to levy uu tliu
goods ami ehutluU o the ileliuiticiii
taxpayer ii'iiued on the delinquent
tax roll of said county fur the yoius
18H-2, 18SII, 1881, Itfao, 1880, t87,
and 1 S8i, ihereiiuto attached, inn) if
none be found then upon the real
piopoity uh Net forth in Hind delin
quent tax roll, or no much theioat .ih
shall Katlxfy tho ntiuuiul of delin
(uent taxes ehutgud then in, togeth
er with eons anil oxpoutoi. I luivo
therefore levied, being unable to find
siillleieiil personal property to featis
fy tho amount duo from the lieioiu
after named taxpayers, upon tho fob
lowing dodciihi'd piucen unci parcehi
uf laud, situ itu, l)tug tod being in
the county of (.Irani and ftUto of ')io
goti, and piiiticiihiily described uh
followH, to-wit:
Tho NJ ..f HK SH of SKJ -oc
12. the Mi ul XUJ See til, Tp.sK R
'2:1, H W M, and the VJ of ' of
See 7, Tp 8 S R '21 U V M, to satth
fy the Mini of fhoi.f)'.), being tho
alii. unit of rbdtpion liUOrt dllu
Giant cni. from .1 soph Krizello
foi the jon l'8!t, If-'Kl ami 188ft
open said abino duhCiibotl IiiimIk ami
personal prupuity u( the imid Joseph
Kiizullo as appear fully hut forth on
the luuoMiiiiieni lulls of tmid county
for Hind winu.
That 1 luivo ulo upon and
Hoix:( tho mIiovo iecriltid lands to
sntitffy the Hutu of $51.57, delinquent
tiUOH due from I'olly A. l'liiollo for
tliu yeam 18S7 and 1888, tho unuie
appearing m bo tliu amount duo an
per the i!eliiiqunt tax tn'l of said
years from the said I'olly A. Krizello
iqiou the iu 1 1 IiiiiIh.
Now. therefore, to satiufy the
niiioiint of delinquent taxes now due
Grant county fioni the mud Joseph
Krizello and Pol y A. IVizelle, inuiie
lv the Mini of 81101 111 for said vchih
188:t, 18KJ, 1X8.',. 1887 aud I8S8 to
gether uilh $18 08 delinquent pet
centum theieou and the oust of aud
upon said warrant, I iv i 1 on Satur
day tho fith day of October, A. D,
1880, at one o'clock p in. of xniil
day, at the court house door in the
town of Oatiyon ' ity, county of
Grant and ittato of Oregon, sell the
above described promibcH together
with tho appurtenances thereunto b.
lonying to tho hiidiot and best bid
dor subject to roloinptinn in accord
anco law.
Teruik f Krila omhIi.
Datod at t'linyon Ojly in the noun
ty aforesaid, luU tho 3rd day of
Sontombor A. I). 1880.
Shorifl' of Grant Co. Or.
Deputy (Sheriff.
Lew Johnson' colored minstrels
were nssnulted nt Chohalis, W. T.,
Inst Saturday. During their par
ade thoy stopped in front of the op
era house to play n tune. Tho dem
ocrats wero holding ft politicnl
meeting inside nnd n lot of theni
rushed out and knocked tho ne
groes right nnd left. Tho negroes
claimed that thev did not know of
the meeting and the democrats
claimed they wero sent around
there by the .republicans. Mountaineer."
The favorable impression produc
ed on tho first appearance of tho
agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup
of Kigs a few yenrs ago htiB been
more than confirmed by tho plena
ant exjierienco of nil who hnvo used
it, and the success of the proprietors
and manufacturers tho Cal. Fig
Syrup Company.
London is to havo a "monkeries,"
at which 1,000 monkeys will bo on
The owner first breaks tho race
horse; then the race-horso proceeds
to break the owner.
Keiniiln Specialist. Has practiced
on tho Pacific Const for tho punt
iwotuy liAo yeara A life tinio dovo
ted to the study ot female tumbles,
their onuses and cures. I luivo
thousand' of tcstitunninlH of perinn
nont .'iitea fiotn the best people on
this coast. A positiie guaiaiitoa to
permanently cine any caso of female
weakness, no matter how longstand
ing or what the stage may be. Char
ges seasonable and within tho teach
of all. For the benolit of the very
poor of my hex who are HulYerinp;
froni nny of the gie it multitude of
nilineiitH that follow in tiniit of that
terribl" disease known as tho female
wtmkntmi, ami who ore not nble to
pay for treatuie it I will treat froo
of charge. INinsultniion by until,
ftee. All correspondence strictly
confidential. Midieiues packed,
boxed ami sent by eprona with
charges ro-piiid - for "homo" treat
ment, with upeeille directions for
use. If you ate MiU'eiing from any
feiualo I rouble, pet iodienlly or con
stantly, Address,
Ui.VMm S .MmtitAV, M. P.,
Krfht Poitlaiul, Oiegon.
Bucks for Sale,
YAri Iiiiv'ii iiltitiit' ti.infl tt
""'- -..........
thoioughbred Sjm n ikIi Merino liuelm
nt our much in Kox Valley, which "
wo will cell yery ronMoniihlc and on , y'"
why tonus. Wo, oiirs.dves, lui'.orted' ,
tlnsn IiuuUh from iimongHt the b-ht
bleeder- of tho S'lim of Vermont,
iiid hnvo had them in tin enuutrv
tni mrr a year, einiH.'quouth !h'y
irettell acclimated and in 1.0 d Ik.
Hhcoptucu wishing to improve lb"
urnde o' their bauds hhniild give til
a call before pureiiii-ing elsewhere.
21) I11JCK I'.RoS
G "d mountain for Mile e'
ll-e dolhii'i. per eo.d, Ki.qiiuo of
0. P. UieHiip or at the N i:vs ollice.
All prrojH nro hereby warned not
to piuchnse n cei tniu note dated
John D.iy, Oieyon, Sept 1st. 18SI),
in favor of John Myor or order for
the Mini of $117. fit), payable sixty
ibiyH after date aud signed by W. R.
Uruntou and Ruth Ilatdy, "us said
unto wm given without considora.
tion. V. R I'.au.sro.v.
Rt nt Il.uttiv.
'nuyoti City, Or., Sept. U, 1881).
In amount to mit on improved
fun in. Tho lowpbt nitcs guainnUttd.
lfyotiwnnt to lxnrow it will pay
von to mo.
Written in lite best Compa
nies. W. B. DAVIS.
l'miriu City s : Oregon.
First) NflIi?MD85
Of XX oppuoi-.
Proidont. N i.'o-Pieii lent.
(ii:oitoi: W, Co- st:it, Cashier.
J. V. JlIIKA, T. A. ItltJ'A, U I l-ot'SON,
Direct r.
Transact a ('rnernl Hunktiu; Uunlnes.
on all patti of tho world ,
Colhk'ti ni nv.i le at all point on
RoftMumble Term-..
Money loaned at f uui uuc to ten
ner coot,