Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 19, 1889, Image 1

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Gim into almost evoryd
loins in Omut County,
mill is I mil hy nil, both?
old and young, o
a Is tliO lt advertising
S medium through which to
2 roach the pooplo of Jnst
l cm Oregon.
oeooo oooooeooooooa
'olumo XI.
Member 30.
v y -i- ...a. ju
iifULisnim r.VEitv tiiuksoav mohnixo
Editor and Proprlotor.
Sab.winlion S3 00
Six Months 1 fit)
Throo Moulin 7f
All Heading Nolicoa in Local
'Jo) u ui n will bo cliargod nt tlio rato
of 'JO cents por lino for first, nnd 10
cts enoh subesquont insertion.
Sjiccialrntcs to regular nil vorliMcrn.
fine Job Prmtingip-
01' KVllltY niaCIUI'TIO.V, OlIEArl.Y
Posters, Dodgers, Hillhcnds, Loiter
bonds, Nolohcads, Stnlo'
monts, In vitjitionfl,
Tickets, Cunls
Ktc, etc.
I'llINT 10 OUDKIt.
Co. Judge .
School Supt
Stock Inspector. ,
N. R. Maxcy.
. IMiil Metscban
. .N. II. Boluy.
J. II. McIInloy.
II. II. Davit-.
.... J. I!, Ncl
....W. P Gray
. Clia.i. Timnn.
K. 1 laycfl,
... T. II. Curl
I j. It. I son
James A. Feo
J. L. "Rand
Dint. Judges ' "
Disi. At'ornoy . . .
Church Directo y
Rev. A. Kads holds diviuo service
at tho 'Wiiiegnr school hotisontll
o'clock a. in. on tlio 1st Sabbath of
each m -ntli , and at 7 o'clock in tlio
evening at tlio M. K. church in I'mi
rio Cily. Also at' tho Strawberry
school hotiso at 11 n. in, on the Krd
Sibbath of each month and at Prai
rie City in (lio evening of the nnino
day. At John Day City at 11 a in.
on tlio 'Jml and -1 tit Sundays, nnd nt
Cannon Cily nt 7 in tho ovonitig of
lLo satno days.
NOTICE in lmroby givou that I
havo appointed tho following
named persons as my DoputioH, viz:
L V. Luco Hlaiilou
Win. Hall Praiiio City
Joe Huns, Fox Yal John Day
Lovo Hailo.v Stewart
R. V. Cm tor Hamilton
V. W. Hinton .Monument
John C. Lnoo Join Day
Warren Cnrsnor . . . .' Wagnor
Jna, Wnllneo Long Crook
L II Johnson Dayvillo
Joint H Uttkor Caleb
T. II. Com,,
Slock Inspector for Grant County.
PoBtoflice-Mt. Voriion, Or.
Canyon ClTV
Iht it iboti undo lo unlrr. or tiMtl)' rtpalrt.1.
All Worli Warranted Flrat-cla
J. L, B. VIAL & SON.
and JHU'hWJflS,
Dttojoni in
lour) to 1411 on ColUtinU:
Stjtr Oppeilo Union Moat Market,
Mniu Strut t.
t ORR, M. I).
Canyon City, Ogn.
OlSw en Main Slml In IWwmi (ariMtly ou
41 hj- Dr. Howard.
otORlwipli a e
.U(oriioy-nl-I.ii vr.
oturv I'ublic.
Canvon City - - Oiu:fiox
riST Ofllco with M. D. Cliflurd s
Uml flllnyi n.l t'dti-rtlonr i roiupll)- ltcn!d
lo. ikhii ana J(uiut. urn, nj ciur;ti
Oflic-i ovor John Schmidt's cabinet
shop; oflico hotiin from !)a m to I p m
Oanyo.v City, - Oiik.oo.v,
nxicl Collootor
Canyon City, Orou
All hutlnni entrmtixl m lit. cirf ll rwlit
rromit altrnllnn, ami all raoiiry llll juM a.
jp C HOKSLEY, M. 1).
P ,s'n.syi.vama, April 8, 1819.
Cnuyon Citv, Oregon.
Olicoinhis Drug Stoic, Main Slicct
Irdcrs for Drugs promptly
No profuwiouitl patronage solictod
in fss tin ccttoiiH nro strictly followcii.
Notary Public.
PitAiim: City e Oukoo.v.
AIho Agent for tho Halo of School
Proprietor of tho
John Day Riilk Ranch
Fresh milk delivered daily to my
custotiioin in John Day and Canyon
citii'H. Civo mo your orders.
Hugh Smith, prop'r.
A Pull Stoat of (lie I'ure.t tl WlDri ami
Livery and IW Hi,
Conyou Ctty, Omut Co. Orcuou.
rKTI'.lt KI'IIIh Ol.l) bTANIl
Having bought llieso populai
Slnbloal rcnpeclfully Holicitnulmro of
tho public palronngo.
FiiHt cliisH Singlo nnd Double
TeauiH to lot.
ri.NR llfOOIf.8 Jt IIOAII CAItTfl.
Special nttontiou given to the
oaro of trauniunt btock.
Canyon Citv, Onr.oox.
And gouorul Mipplios eontitantly
kept on hand.
SadiUoa orderoil nt a small dis
count. ltepniring done on lioit uotiuo.
nSLi p "Hj
mm '
Absolutely Pure.
iX i'fri'jt!i ai) 4no'fiiirc lnm r -noia-teat
llau t, trinur Vt- 1. tu tunnot to
tod in 4ifnprtHt-irt with t.'ie inu4iruJ o( w
Sold only In rh. ICojl lUVIiiv t'uirOer Co.
100 W.U Si.. N. V.
Wholesale r Jielail
ih:ai.i:ii in
Floor mo Food.
JJ.Jh'EJi' CITY, Or.
E3T (foods found to lx not limt
nlnu may lm returned.
Situated fivo miloH from Canyon
Citv, and Known as tho
In partly developed, nnd carrion
free gold, nwnving from bovoii to
twenty livo dollaia per ton. Situa
ted on the mountain, ho that tho
cost of getting out tho oto is nomi
nal. CoiisistN of about L-IOO feet of
main ledo and spurn tunning there
to. Uo jd wagon road, oto ehnte,
and about fifty feet of tunnel. I'rico
Two Til
Reasons for dolling: Owner docs
not dosiro to engago in mining him
nolf. and being interested in numor-
ouii other locations wit-hrs to disposo
of this proporty to indueo capital lo
llllti li:ililiv. npu.-llllUIIH ui uiuuoill
thin initio can lo toon nnd obtained,
at this oflico for testing purposes,
and intending purohiueni will bo
shown over tho groundo at nny time
try .Mr. .Miller, ror fnrthei infor
malion luhlreHH AI it. I'iiiid .Mii.i,i:ii,
Canyon City, or tho Nmvh Ornor..
(Opposite poBtatl'ne)
John Day, Orcg.
Ueef, Pork, Mutton, Lard, otc,,
kept coiuLuitly ru hand.
Fish, CltiekeiiH, Egiisnml ull l;inds
oi tiamo constantly on hand when
they can be had.
Ordora from a diatnuco promptly
attended (o.
A Olil's Horrible ratc-.llcr Shin Uoncs
I Were Dainty Morsels, anJ Were
i Cracked for the Marrow.
! Tlio Capo Times i Africa) snv
tlmt Sir Tlioojiliiltn SliopMoni', in
' a luttor to tho IIovnl Colonial In-
Utituti!, tolls f-oitio horrible storio
of the caiiiiihalisin of tho African
rnco. llo mym ul havo heard
, many a stirrint; story of tcnpc
iroin tlio ennnitmis Irotii tlio lips
'of thoio who woro captured, ami
1 1 ml tlioiiiH'lvos listened to discus,
siona us to wlietlicr tlicy would
cat totiuh or tender when the)
were cooked. 1 havo invrfelf eon-
versed with suveial men who es
caped nfler having boon captured
liy 'Ainnziiiiti,' or '.Man caters,'
utttl after Having bcou taken olf to
fiiniieli thu next fettht for their
captors, ami with ono -a eliief
who was comj)elled by the caiuii
bals to carry t ho pot in which he
was told lie himself would ho
"Old .Mnrwoni otio of the Kafirs
told mo that recently lie nnd two
companions had been deputud hy
.Miitiwnne to tnko n girl to a chief
tain beyond llabiitolatul, to whom
she wits to ho given in marriage.
Well, pooplo of my father,' Miid
he, '1 tola tho motlieis to make
some bread of boiled and then
hard-baked maize, mid the i.e.M
morning wo each stuck our flick
through a louf of bread, and taking
our kiiobkerries nnd our assegais,
and rolling our blankets up and
biinging them over our shoulder,
took the poor, wieping maiden
from her mother mid started.
Through two livers we had to'
swim, ami get through as best we
eonl'd with tho girl, who cmihl not
swim, l'nt we cut down a large
bundle of dry weeds, nnd binding
thorn to-fother so us to make a
sharp point of their cuds, placing
thu t. rule-elect ou it. and piloted
it, point forward, over the river.
i he lions about this timu were ve
ry numerous, uud it was n com -
moil matter for tlioto who were
too old to catch gitino to eat peo
ple every day until they got used
to it, ami preferred human to game
llesh. Oh! I will never forgot
that first night. Wo hud to sleep
in a bleak, miserable spot, and had
chopped down a few bttsliis with
.Ma.iiku t. (one of my companion)
ax, and made a screen for the girl,
and (hen made a lire to winward
of the screen, ami having set an
ant heap alight on either side, we
nil lay down to sleep.
"It was pitch dark I fell
asleep i uwoko wan a tear
ful feeling. The water was (low
ing nil mound us, a dark baud of
thick clouds which as the sun set,
we had seen to northwestward, had
rolled down upon us and hurst
over our heads. Tho lightning
was blazing and blinding- broad
and quivering ribbon-liko streams
of it daiiLod hluuly on every side,
and the bellowing thunder crushed
as if it were going to kill tho
earth. AVe woro too frightoiied to
sponk, or even to get up out of the
water, when suddenly the dog that
was with Ui howled and yelped
and tore as hard us he could right
over us, mid the next iintnnt with
a terrible roar, almost liko the
thunder itself, a lingo lion sprang
upon us and hit Muku.a.
y I'ricntlri, I shall never, never
forget tho dull, scrunching qmedi
that the brute's teeth uiiuhjon -Ma
kuzn's hones. W'u struck wildly
at him with sticks of the dead lire,
ami snw by tlio blaze of the light
ning that' ho wits u male lion of
the large blnck-mtiiued species.
Hut, my people, it was over in a
moment, at.d the groat beast leap
ed off with our friend in his huge
jaws, whilo another vivid lla-h of
lightning blinded us again, and
another clap of thunder seemed to
deafen, stun and deprive us of nil
"At hist tho niisemblo day
dawned, ami wo hud to go on as
tho girl wouldn't be left alone,
ami wu woro afraid to take her
with us to look for what was left
of poor .Makuza's body, because
the liyn might take her also, and
then our chief would kill us. How
ever, it was no uso looking for our
lost companion, especially as after
tho lion had done with him the
hyenas, jackals, wild (logs, etc.,
would fall upon all that was loft.
After wo got some tlistitncu from
the spot, oud tho sun was up ami
hot, wo looked back and could see
thu vultures circling ovor-hend
alwut tho place where wo had slept
nnd ever uml anon dropping their
long legs and claws, and swooping
down to the ground, and we knew
only too well what that meant.
Alas! it whs a iniferublu time that
--those two awful days in Hustito
huid; and I the only one that was
to return!
"As the old Kiitfr was reciting
this story, with all the over-glow-ng
eloquence nnd strong graphic
K)wers of oratory jvossessed by
these people, I say, to an eminent
and singular degree, it was most
interesting to watch tho faces oT
his mute and iuimoveoble auditors
as in the Kafir hut the flickering
lirclight danced upon their swar
thy ami etintpt fcatuia. Not a
sound could lie heard, except the
u o'V iiwvnnil then a deep ches
tintoned 'Oughl' which spoke elo
quently of the concentrated atten
tion paid to the tale or the narra
tor." 1,4 Yes, people of my fathor,'
resumed the old .Mnrwcui, 'the
next day! The second day in Hu
sutolatid wns cnen more terrible,
if possible. Wo had not gone fat
when tho girl, pointing to some
thing running down the steep side
of a gteat mountain wo were talk
ing pist, said, "what s that! e
looked ami iiniiieniately recogniz
ed from the wild look, thu head
long speed, and the long, upright,
uncut hair, tho fearful "I.imii,''
or "human body eater." I quick-
lv told the mrl tt was all right,
and not to ho afraid, ami told uiv
e mpauiou, Sondoda, to stand by,
and wo would kill him, as ho was
only one. Hut alas! Soudada was
yoniiL'. ami the shockiii!! stories ho
liad hctrd about the Auiazimu lu.d
now, when he wits actually looking
at one of thu demons of his nure
ry tales, uttorly punlzed him, so
.that he was alimift poworlocs,
while tho strange being ran (.hom
ing down tho hill.
"However, I engaged him my--elf,
but it was all to no purpose.
I must cut thu story short. It
sickens me. With a wihlyill sev
en or eight more cautiibais burst
out a little knoll to our h ft and
were on us like lightning jut I
struck my opponent down with my
baitle-axe. ' now received a st nu
lling blow on my head and in
stinctively ran. The cannibals
left me ami busied thuiiwelves
biudinding the girl and Soudoda,
who had, however, so far regained
himself to strike a few blows to
wound one fiend with his assegai.
Just as I got to an nut-bear hole
in the long grass I looked back,
and seeing tho Amazimus still se
eming what they doubtless thocght
their birds in tllu hand, I popped
down into tho hole and drew down
after mo onto my head the earth,
grass and twigs that the ant-bear
had cast out. The cannibals came
after meiind looked for me awhile,
but, not seeing me, seemed to
think that they had enough for
their larder, and returned to their
"After soino time, at I heard
The 'Mrf IlrnMti fir Uto sr--;.t Hie-r-M
ol II.H.'a s .i.i..uill i t f uiid In Uic
aitkle ItirU. It la I'.ml U-i wins. JtJ liie
(MI lliat llooJ i tUrauimrlllA MuUljr
ronil-llklitit wlut it ti.iln:-'. for It, la
.i.i Jvn M U.l Hitilk-iuv i I til-illy .-I.
Mtr greater Mmii tf- 't t . 'U r i ui- 4-
Merit Wins .::U.
Ilii.r K-traiifUlllU cures HtrulitU, Hill
lllii'iini an.t itll UiwiH.r.. Dx--i''. K-'k
llij.l.irlic, lltliimautxi. nu-iv.-liira llwl
fliiM IVranii, mulr ii Ai'-liU Intmlli
mi llir l'UlM i-l' Ui WlM'tu S)UIH
lliiuil'. NiifiiHirllli ! aul-l liyall
U Jm''i wl ly C. I lli"J
V Co., A'Uh:iI. tuv.cll, Maw.
them busily engaged, I ventured
to pop my 'head carefully out of
the hole. I cousd see nothing at
lirst. but. gently dividing the grass
with my hands, miw the brutes
makiut! a lire, while the uhnstlv
looking old hug : p pea rod on tin
cone with a large, roughly-mado
earthen Kt. I now found I was
badly wounded by one of their
broatl cutting uscgals, and had
my head nearly split open. Why
say anything more? I saw them
stab tho girl ami Soudoda, and
seem still to hear the dull th id
of the usscgal on their bodies, and
their thrilliuglv mournful shrieks,
but what couhf I dof half stun
ned ami badly woiimhtl mid one
to eight. I saw them cut my
dear friuuds tip roa-t the shin
bones first -eat tlm nut it olf th -in
t I . t t ml
nun craei; t tut nones lor tlio m ir
row. I sat enttaiicrd, qui o for
getting 1 was showing my head.
. . . . 1 hey boiled the rest, ,
I can't tell any more The
night now falling, I crept out of
the hole and ran steadily toward
N'alal for my life. The go al spir
it oi my itui I latlicr, l Hiipptihc,
K pi tlio lions nil me. 1 never
saw the dog after the lion had
killed Makurxn, I got homo the
next night half in a dream, sick
at heati, miserable and melan
choly. I told my sad tale to the
chief nnd indium asemblid. Thu
dog was at home."
Wo take pleasure in announcing
to our readers that the History Co.,
of San Kratu'iseo, have just pub
lished in Iniok form a work entitled
"The Living World," which is ex
citing a great deal of inten-st in lit
erary circle in fact Kaetcrn man
ufacturers have pronounced it a
marvel in lookimikiug art. The
latest improvement in engraving,
lithographing in nine luilliant col
ors, printing and I hiding having
I veil employed in its einbehishnuuit
and adermiieiit. until it is indeed
one of the most charming and beau
tiful volume that has ewr come
from tho prewu To the merits of
the subject iuiitt-r is added tuelve
hundrvil magnificent illustrations
and th-' most striking colored' oleo
graph pl.tles ever piinttd; making
them p rfeet jetns of art, which fur
beauty cannot bo surpass--I hy the
finest paintings in fact nothing
like this grand feature has ever be
fore been atlempU'd in bookniHking.
It is the very essence of advi-nture,
wonder and romance, and hemo
possesses n eliiirin and hold upon
the public that no other work can
begin to compare with, and present
ed in a stylo that doen great credit
to the publishers.
It will he Fold by subscription on
ly hence the publishers want
agents to sell thu hook, to whom
most I i hern I terms will he given on
application. Wu call attention to
the advertisement in another col
umn. A .Montreal clnirch holds 12,000
The Chtneuo are swarming inlo
Nevada hits also found a fountain
of votith.
I'ourteon oyeloni'S in one
the record In" Kansas.
voar i
Utah has a colony eonipond of
natives of the Hawaiian Island.
The first hydrophobia hospital in
America is to be established at Chi
cago. Tho totnl circulation of money in
-thu United States August 1st was
Of New York's 800.000 voters on
ly 1 -1.000, or less tint f or cent,
are taxpayers on leal er-tnto.
State HunvMir Gene al Ti-y'or
estimate!) that there are '2O,00J. 00
acres of miMirvoyod land in Ore
gon. A farmer near Shclbyville, 111.,
bus raised nearly four hundred
bushels of wheat this year on six
Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue Mason, anticipated the removal
of the revenue on to' itc
co, and favors it.
In a sermon lust Sunday night
Sum Jones said that the (fiilbie uo
between lull uitd St. Louis is tin. I
St. Ioui has a riv r ilougside of
Tho fluhl over the location of the
world's fair in 182, grows hotter
nnd notter. It is about time that
Portland was setting up her claim
ns a dark horse candidate. Sbo
might como in on the lurt ballot
Ninuty-threo por cenj of the con
victs of Alabama nro negro?..
A tree was cut down at Orting,
W. T., that measured 810 foot long.
A loiter can now n snt nronnil
ho world in sixty-nine days, via
Carriage horses, only fairly woll
matched, in liuenos Avers, bring
$5,000 ter pair.
A Chicago man is (ho fastest
shortmuid writer. Ho has nmdu
yo'J words in a minute.
In Prance the doctor's claim on
the etate of a deeeitsud p ttiont Ii:t8
precedence of nil others.
Including the In r sen I. the on I ire
annual fur yield of Alaska isf-sti-muted
at '2.I61,S;12 in vhIu--.
Tohncco. giwg enip'o.-meiit to
!!0,000 persons in Now York. CJcr-
niaiiH, llohemiaiis and Knglish pre
dominate. Wolves in Unroponn Russia an
nually destroy ISO.000 bend of cat
tle, oOO.OOO slieep, 100.000 dogs and
loO human beings.
Pernicious l fleets of tobacco.
Da. Flint's Ri:h::y is the only
antidote against the inlliienco of to
bacco which the smoker or chewer
of the weed has, and it should ho
taken regularly to prevent the heart
from becoming diseased. Descrip
tive treatise with each boltlo; or, ad
dress Muck Drug Co., N. Y.
An exchange says: "If you loll
a friend your trouolwt nnd he wecpa
with you it is not for your trouble
that he weeps, but at the recollec
tion of his own."
Assistant Secretary Rtisscy, of
the interior depattnieiit, Iuh decid
ed that the fact that a rohlier witt
dishonestly discharged (Io'm not bar
him from receiving a ponsion.
mvept liy Cio 'llilo or Vojiiilirli
To tho topmott lihiBArlaof lucrcai, Uoitet.
tcr'a Homed) Itllliat alaruU u rhmlng proof
of wlitt ucimliiou.ciir, t ickcJ by Ilia llvlnif
lorco of proven Hcl, can attain Tlio Kortii
ntul Booth Am 1 1 Icon co.itloenU, Kuropo
.uitr.illn, tto Wert In Uei, Gualmal.- cuil
Mexico liavo all coiilriuleu ?Uu palronnjo
jiihI icatliipur ot thi' tw fatoral.lo kliiil
l.ul uiiaulleitrtl In uull tho rciMilaunii of
llil il ril I uk nmiily. Aiun-s- lUo mnlatllfla
(or trliloli Hip u.( enui mi uu iiubllo mill
rrorriiimnl u itiiuuiv n ot It i n
Iwiiittii cnr,ttli i.:.! :.! 4i I fnor. Llltu ui
roinlliPiit, numb ,utj i'u.1 hiu. .u,tn d;., Hvi v uoun-l.liM, DvrTbuaiMiac, 'IcU.ilv,
Llilnei anil hla.M.-r iurl..lti - it mti....
......... ..... ... . iv. . Ul
tlio lailimilip-i oi lifeft. u rri vaiei'i'n,x,
lis" n IriMli-ncy in iiM-.'ci-l lit tol'.i'in.'noe.i
(Mill iim,iiii. n 1 1 tni.iirn. I muni of
antoutnry l.iliii. r.i'A trbjri-ia occutHkilot'ii
uillHutlll .in .i ! . .....
Jt'ST l'lMM.ISHHl).
r IlLllkt Isi t nt'dtit Illlr. (ntitiiafilt fan-
oiiiiillni: unit imp, ilte vlMuiliittua
iioiik ivir I'limikiiuii.
i.'y .i. w jii::,.
Thu muti finnoiiM ami hiu-eiMful
Ameiiean cotter, mid iiiitlmr of
"Tliu Huauliful yt"iy," " en an I
Duid," "ihu Worl.i'H WoilI.-is "
it in a nuiiidil wuiik op akt.
Over i ,-(H) magliifiewni hpir.u tl en
giiniug , di-Higneil mid m eutt d by
liio l- i aitiniK and cni viiumi two
ij.iiitiniinis, emliulluli iu pagex itml
add ex -iieiiifiil to wondi-r. In ml
ilitiwii lo ilns nieouipitruliUi fe tare
In Mlpj.h me. .ti ll yrlld and
l.illUlillll ITM.-IMUK (OL-'IlkO OLtU-
oiiaI'ii i'i-vtih Thu nine
inliil ll-ed il-fil lit I llo .el ill'l-u pio
unco an .ilmom daziiug tfiunt, mak
ing IIh iu perieet K- i'ii --I art, end
executed at a C"Sf DO '.
HM iywheru to
I cll tins most
- r e id a r k a b I o
n ok. Urn i ij.eiu mi d iifCi.lK gvtikp
it at siht, foi ilny ruabo (Imu in
lug motey in it. In utility it in a
marvel ul b iukuiakiug art. If you
wan i to make mime money, l.ern is a
gulden uppui tunny lor 3011. An
iitjuiicy for thin woik in worth
From $5 lo $25 Per Day.
It in ufknowlwlgeil ly nil pitblinhois
and ugeiitH to Iik tlio liuu(li-ome.t,
fastest H-iHinu ami difaieMt Ismk ev
er pill Unhid. Send immediuioly
fur ilhiMliaied ciicnlni-fi and terina
fivo, or the opp"ilunit W'i be lost.
To Havo time and to secure it instant
ly, Kon-I $1.00 for a n inpb IP eutivnsH
mg out lit and U'iiiim li.'i e of 1 1-11 i to
re Uxtrn Lib ral Tcrma and I?x
c'usivo Tertiiory juiiihiiiicimI. Woik
inu agcni nro coining money and
yiui 1 an do tho inn.
Neither oxperiene nor cspit il is
ri quired to enu-i:,'" inil.ix tiuidipiiso
as im lunik will Mill ilelf il
Iv prsnt.I .uid ve jjivii diir Agents
!10 dn'ii lime in which to denvor uud
ci Hoot Iwforo pacing us.
TS" wsstv CO.
:2a Mit.Uct Ntrctt
Son Fruttolo, Owl.
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