Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 12, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, Sept. 12.
Hon new ml of Ditrkhoiinor V Co.
Vi, It, Mcllnloy h.w locn appointed
tiniwtor nt PrnirioCity, vieo J. W.
Mnck, insigned.
Tho financial buccom of tho Monu
mental mine is nsstiird by tho finding
of additional veins of rich ore.
Mr. Donning is nocotnMnitd ly his
ostiiimble wife during hii Uy in town
this wosk. Wo ncknowlttdgo a pleas
nut cnll.
I Grant county horias carried nwny
V nwHt of tho purses at tho llttrni race.
Mpin Kr" nnd "Napi" wore union.?
too winners.
v J). IS. Ovorliolt ii ntwunt in t
Vhftd, to which place Ji accoinvanied
lihqtwo childnin Klmor nnd Mis
Jio, wlio will iilteiul college tho coining
Tho iarty given by tho Hoso Ton in
Friday ovening whs not such iv "select"
affair us it might have boon, but was
well Attainted nnd immensely enjoyed
by nil.
fc'ovoml i-iMideneos in ISoar vnlloy
jivo by hnrd work leon saved from
flrA started by Mwaahos, nnd consider
able fencing nnd hny has been already
Under tho laws of Chinn tho ndult
who loses his temper in n discussion is
isont to jail for fi o days to cool off.
Wcro that the rule here our j.iil would
need 13 cnlargod.
iVhito frosts have already this seti-
visited rrinoviiic, ami 1110 inir-
ney country lias loch in ppeu ny irosu
Thus far we have been bloat but
then wo need not expect frobt for a
month yet.
f" Tho Ux levy thin year is slightly in
advance of that of last year, being
nineteen mills for county and school
purposes, with tho state levy to hoar
from yet. Jjist year it was seventeen
mills for county and school puriKWes.
In consequence of tho frequent rol
bcries of tho U. S. mail tho postinas
tor gcnoral has offered a reward of one
thousand dollars for the arrest and
conviction of any person making an
armed attack upon any stage coach or
railway mail coach.
Wo hear tho nam! of Henry Illack
mau of Hoppner spoken as tho proba
ble democratic candidate for joint sen
ator from Morrow, (.hunt and Harney
counties at the general election next
Juno. Mr. Ulackman is well spoken
of by both democrat? anil republicans.
vTndians set firo to tho forest near
15iir valley and burned nil tho hay
thai a poor settler named IColler put
ujjjr his few brad of stock. Lazy
si washes, howover must como oil' tho
reservation and have their fun, oven
though white settlors lose all their
hay, and their chance for meat to feed
their families lie taken uway. Send
tho Indians hick to tho reservation
if ncod be, with a bullet in tho log.
It is said that Sheriff Hamilton of
Union county, Ilinshaw of linker, nnd
other sheriffs in eastern Oregon mo
planning a tall for a slioiiflV conven
tion to consist of tho sherilfs of east
ern Oregon, the object of which is to
organize and perfect plans to co-operate
with one another for the detection
and capture of horse thieves and oth
er criminals. A similar organization
exists in Iowa and is said to bo more
offectivo than the present plan of
each man paddling his own canoe,
says an exchange.
Wo received a call last Friday from
n pilgrim printer who has tramped all
over the United .States and imrt of
lanopo. Ho footod it from linker
Oity, nnd his first modet request was
for n nss on tho sUigo to Ilurns. We
were just out of passes, and so infoiui
oil him. Perhaps he thought we
niieht diir Tin some old second-hand
ones the next (lay, mid suggested that
wo give hint a "check on tho hotel.
Our credit not Iniing good there wo
could not accede to his modest de
mands, so he stiu ted on up the hill
headed for the sawmill, where ho no
doubt lodged that night.
Tho free thought orator, U. I'. Put
nam, iitod this city and lectured in
the court house Saturday and Sunday
evenings. Jlo said lie Had no iigni to
make on tho churches so far as their
principles conformed to reason, science
and common bouse, but ho loliovod
the movement to unite church nnd
f.tate, ns licgun by the introduction in
congress of the Jllnir Sunday Dill to
ix) a meuanco to our institutions nnd
frought with danger. lie did not lo
liovu in the enactment of laws to en
force a religious observance of the
Christian Sabliath nnd the suppression
of tho Secular Sunday, or lest day,
which ho thoroughly believed in.
A gentleman informed us a few
days ago that ho saw an Indian set
ting firo to tho timber south of here,
und knew of thoni setting firo a dis
tauoo of thiity uiiloa in one day for
the purpose of oormling tho deer for
Otto great slaughter. Tho proper
thing to do when an Indian is seen
firing tho forot is to put a bullet
through him. This smoky atmosphere
nnd the destruction of our game is hid
enough, but to have the rod devils de
stroy the lnwt timlHii in the hUto is
worse. If you can get n quiet shot lit
them with a gun that is not loaded,
of voui-bo they will h-como suddenly
nlarmed, and may never, no, never,
fuel inclined to set lire and burn anoth
er foret. Let them stay on their
own reservation.
Mining location notices for snlo nt
the Nkws Office.
Fijml proof notice from tho new
Hunts land office this week.
jDistriot nttomoy llnnd arrived
irom tsaKcr luocuay uvimiut;.
N. II. Cottroll is nt Trrjwbi idge's
mnoh with n band of fine bucks for
W. II. Newnnn, representing the
San Francisco "Palace of Fashion" is
in our oity.
If you can got time to go out ami
oatch an onglo .Mr. Ilowiok of tho
Monumental mine will jy you ton
dollars for him.
store every night this week, only.
Hig bargains, ns I want to clo.o out
tho i;oodi. 11. Koiiison.
Some of our oxclmugOR want to
trade a lot of blue skv for fresh mud.
Wo of Grant would moke such a
tnido providing the buyor would throw
in n littlo water and take some smoke
nnd dint,
Tlio familiar fneo of John Dovinc
is around this term of court, but
Doc. Aiidurpou, John .Million and
other Harney county men who al
ways were interested hero wo fail to
A suicidal mania seems to prevail
to n cortnin extent in 15ntorn Oregon,
but so far thcru has not Ieon n genu
ine case materialized although we un
derstand two attempts have been
made in tlmt direction within the past
ton days in this and Harney county.
Methodists of Portland liavu de
clared their intention to nreeent to
tho next legislature a hill making
drunkenness a crime, punishable
by fine and imprisonment. That is
a good scheme, and should we bo
comc so low down as to go to the
legislature wo should certainly sup
port the bill.
There is tall: of incorjioniting ouo
of the numerous quartz ledges in this
vicinity and throwing tho stock upon
the market. Should this lie done, if
tho capital stock is not put at too
high a figure, this might bo the moons
of awakening a fair sized mining in
terest in this section. Fifty thouwind
shares at one dollar each could ityidily
bo disposed of, and that amount of
capital would Ihj sufficient to do con
siderable development work and get
maohinery for working a mine.
A couple of kids, onn mimed Joseph
Itninvillo and tho other named Ken
nedy, entered Martin tlonliam's resi
dence on South Fork last week and
took therefrom provisions and led
clothes amounting to nlout twenty
dollars, and started to travel. Their
possessions becoming burdensome to
them after n while they built n fire
nnd burned what thev did not want.
Young Ilninvillo was biought to town
and had a preliminary trial Iwforo jus
tice Kulison, and wna bound ovur in
tho sum of 250 to appear before tho
grand jury. Kennedy (led to tho wild
and wooly Malhour but wo nro inform
ed an officer is on his trail.
Jtoulien Fields who obtained a di
vorce from his spouse is now in troul
le. His testimony before Judge Uon
was to the tll'oct that tho woman he
married had .1 living huslxind already
unknown to him, from whom she had
not been divorced. Upon those
grounds her marriage with Koubou
was declared off, and tho grand jury
begun an investigation of- tho case
with 11 view of indicting the woman
for bigamy. Mr. Fields was called
upon to testify befoio that hxly, and
"as 11 shoop Inifoio her shearers is
dumb so he opened not his mouth."
Judge Isou had a bench arrant issu
ed for him, and on his appearance be
fore him inquired why he had lefusud
to testify before the grand jury, lteu
Imjii said that the evidence ho had pre
viously given in the suit was made in
confidence, and by answering ques
tions before the grand jury hu feared
ho might criminate hiiuolf. . Tho
judge informed him of the panalty at
tending a lefusal to testify, but lluu
Ihjii declared that he had given all the
tostiuisuy ho intended to give. Sen
tence was then declared that ho ho.
imprisoned in the county jail six
months, and Ihj fined two hundred and
fifty dollars, or imprisonment 0110 day
for every two dollars of tlo line.
Last woek M. J. Manning swore
out a warrant before J. W. Water
man, juBtieo of the peace for Kock
Creek preoinct, charging Mat Flar-
ty with assault with intent to kill.
Deputy shorifl' ICads was sent after
Flartv and caught him in Wasco
county, and brought him to town.
In tlio meantime Hubjtoenas were
issuod for tho prosecuting witness
Manning, and for othor witnesses.
While tho grand jury was investi
gating tho case a deputy sherilf
from Crook county arrived with a
warrant for tho arrest of Manning,
charging him with assault with in
tont to kill. It apiwars that Flurty
had been herdint; Bhcen for Manning
and tho two men had a quarrel,
when Manning shot Flartv twice in
the arm or shoulder, and then
sworo out a warrant for his arrest.
When the ollicer arrived from Crook
county, howover, tho tables were
turned, and tho prosecuting witness
was placed under arrest by him.
The rnurl and ollleors beini. Hatisll-
ed that tho shooting occurred out-! and not the public, thoy refused to constitutes tho membership of tho
side of Grant county tho case was , accept the report of tho commission-1 club.
dropped and Flarty turned loose, ' ors and make it a county road. Women of ill repute meet and
Manning being taken to Prinoville. I Tho consequence is that tho money fight with Knives and forka in tho
It has been said that "law is a cu- will ho expended in Umatilla coun- hotel dining rooms of Ihiker City,
rious thing," and in this case that ty, making a good road to the lino, j Where is tho "law and order lea
xnviiH. ban beun verified, for a man ' from which a little work and ox- i guo" of that city? Sho needs the
thought ho had a "suro thing" on
another, and was himself arrested
for tho samo crime.
At the regular September term of
this court, full attendance, the fol
lowing business was transacted:
Liuuor licenso granted to W. T.
Hamilton of Hamilton precinct, for
the poriod of one year.
In the matter of the militia roll
for the year 1880 the same wns ex
amined and approved.
In tho matter of tho proposed
county road commencing at the SK
corner of Sec. 7, Tp 11, range !H),
thence running to the NV corner of
Sec 13, Tp 11, range 20, it was or
dered that W. 0. Gentry, Henry
Murphy and Frank Mcllirr were
appointed viewers and CIcorgeKnis
ely inrveyor.
In tho" matter of tho proposed
county road leading from the N12
corner of section I, Tp 1 1, range til),
to tho present county road known
as tho lielshaw road, V. 0. Gontry,
Win. Wninscott and Win. Shank
were appointed viewers, and Geo.
Knisely surveyor.
Scroggins iV Kconcy wore grant
ed liquor license for the period of
0110 yonr, in 1Oiig Crock precinct.
In tho matter of the county road
loading from aionl on the South
Fork between John Hyde's and I).
Itainville's anil terminating nt the
Wnrni Springs on the line between
Grant and Crook counties, the same
was declared a public? highway.
In the matter of the tax levy for
tho year 18$') it wan ordered that
tho following rates he levied on all
taxable properly in Grant county:
For county purposes, fourteen mills
011 ench dollar; for school purposes
five mills 011 each dollar; and a poll
tax of 0110 dollar.
Countv warrants to tho amount
of $.'!,8f)l5.Sl were allowed, and tho
clerk ordered to issue warrants
In tho matter of tho report of tho
board of commissioners for the im
provement of the John Day wagon
road and the claim of Peter Caris
for damages by reason of the change
of the present county road as pro
Ksed by said commissioners, Geo.
Heck. J. J. llinton, and M. I lay
were apjKiinted to assess such dam
ages, and to report at noxt term of
this court.
A. Hacheiioy vs D C Curl, judg
ment by default.
Phil'Motschan vs Granville U
Clark, same.
J Durkheimer vs Chas Hussell,
Guudlauh llro's vs John Loarncd,
John Sollinger vs John Learned,
John McAlligott was declared an
American citizen.
In tho matter of tho estate of
A. Kodinau the samo was transcrib
ed to Harney county.
Kstato of 1). I. Parrish, order to
soil iorsonal jiroporty..
ICstato of Norria Hobison,
account filed.
Ksthto of 1C. H. Ilammaek, final
account lileu.
V Horn, at Long Creek, Sopt. 0,
)S0, to tho wife of C. H. Dustin, n
son. ,
Hnrrv Allen the Prairie City bar-
y t i 1. 1..
Ujh lias neon very alilv lining a po
siiion in tho Canvon shop for the
past two weeks.
In figuring up his chances to
"get oven" a man should not forgot
tho extra lighting the opposition
will do.
A man hns paid Dr. Allen of
New Vork 8.r,0X) for two month's
attendance upon his daughter, who
died a few weoks ago.
Ah wo go to proas the case of
State vri Peter Sullivan has just
boon tal:eti up and too labor of oh
taining jurors commenced.
Go to Win. Luco'h for Damson
plums. Only l'-'J cents per gallon
if vou pick them yourself tho best
fo preserves or putting up fresh.
Mrs. Duniiiway is to "slump1'
i ushington again in favor of wo
irin suirrago, after which the votu
against it will be practically unani
mous. Young Ladieu' Sociable at Grange
hall in John Day City, this ( I hurs
day) evening. Refreshments serv
ed "by tho young ladies. Hverybo
dy invited.
lCx-Govemor Moody has gener
ously offered to furnish seed wheat
to any farmers over in Sherman
and Wasco who may havo lost his
crop this season and is therefore
without grain to put in noxt year's
crop, tho terms of tho oflur boing
that tho farmerwill roturn a like
quantity of gram when ho raises it.
The L'ast Qrogonian which sees a
large amountof Grant county trade
directed towards Pendleton on tho
coninlction of the wuuon road, savs:
! 'I he Grant dounty court has done
something bright in listening to a
' pettifogger ho wanted to seo some
1 Iitigation OVor tho Pondleton - Can -
you City Wifpou road, so ho could
get some fco. Listening to him
and a few kickers who wanted the
road bcated list to BUlt themselvos
1 penso will continue it to Long Creek,
, and (Irant county oan build
road without any Stato aid.
Frank Couroselle vs John Carrov
apiKjnl. Jury returned a vordiot
for nlaintill for ? l.uu. Motion
plaintiff for now trial denied.
C A Swcok vs John Carrey on
account. On motion of plaintiff
the action is dismissed at his cost.
Dallomand A Co. vs J W Bates
on account. Judgment against
Geo. W. McIIalov vs J A Chris
man, Hart Curl and T H Curl-on
note. Settled, costs paid and ac-
(inn ilimnisHi'd.
tiou dismissed
II A Cupper vs T M Godley and
L A Kimberly for jtossession of
personal property and damages.
Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff
for possession of jiroporty and for
$25 damages, and judgment forlT'JO
sheep nnd for costs and' disburse
ments. Polly Wilson vs Thornton Wil
liams, administrator account. Stip
ulation filed, and judgment in pur
suance of stipulation.
L K Cozad vs W S Sonthworlh
and Minnie Southworth suit for
foreclosure of mortgage. Settled
by stipulation.
" Ada Currin vs John II Currin
suit for divorce. Decree of divorce
and judgment for costs of suit.
Ulla Spencer vs Anson Spencer
suit for divorce. Default of defend
ant entered. Suit dismissed at
plaint ill's cost.
Matilda Ilayden vs Dehnarcus
Haydcn suit for divorce. Decree
of divorce granted and judgment
for costs and disbursements of suit.
Heubcn Fields vs Mary H Fields
suit for divorce. Docroc of divorce
granted, and judgment for costs
and disbursement!!.
John Schmidt vs John Carrey
foreclosure of mortgage. Dismiss
ed upon stipulation, at plaintiff's
fiu.Mi.vAi. nocKirr.
State vs John Mayor larceny in
a dwelling house. Parrish and Co
zad, defendant's attorney's announc
ed that they would not apjiear any
further and were without their cli
ent, therefore the court ordered the
defendant to be called three times
at tho court house door. There be
ing no response to tho call the court
ordered his sureties, Martin Gund
lach' and M. A. Lucas be called
three times und bidden to bring tho
body of John Mayor into court.
Hut tho said sureties camo nut.
Therefore on motion of tho district
attorney tho forfeiture of taid de
fendant's sureties was ordered to bo
Several of Long Creek and Ham
ilton boys wore in town difring the
Times are dull in John Day ev
ery 0110 goes to Canyon while court
is in session.
Haker City will have a groat
time during the races and a good
number of our people from Grunt
county will attoml.
tome of our spoils camo buck
Tr4ji Hums Imdly bursted. The
countv will attoml
rest of them will come as soon as
tho walking is good.
Our free 'bus has 8topied run
ning, which makes it very incon
venient for the boys who havo to
walk to Canyon every day.
Young's saloon is u thing of the
past. Young has gone out of
business and has taken Maud S. to
Haker City to put hor in fix for tho
fall races.
Don't.. Read This.
C.SuL-ar 11 lbs for $1.00.
C1IIV0 5 " " $1.00.
Ileached Muslin 8 eta jx-r yard.
spools 01 thread for 25 els.
ood Suit of Clothes $7.50.
Buckingham A- llecht Hoots $.'1.50.
J. Di itKiii:i.ii:it k Co.
Tho breakers of high prices in
Grant county.
Good mountain wood for sale at
livo dullars por coid. Enquire of
0. P. Ciotmp or at tlio N i:va office.
The auti-bustlo craze has struck
nlmoot every town in Uustoni Ore
gon but Canyon.
Cool evenings and mornings are
warning us of the near approach of
winter. Get up your wood.
Died, at his homo in Prairie City,
Wednesday morning, Sept. 1 1, 1880,
of consumption, Dr. F. H. Hinear
son. Following are tlio bids offered for
keeping tho paupers of Haker coun
ty: T. N Snow, :?10f)0; F. M.
Smith, I700; II. J. Fuller, $1100;
J. W. Ashford, 107-1; H. M. Pobst,
$1500; O. M. Dodson, $1708.50; J.
P. Atwood, $1580.
I " i
1 rB
It was proposed recently at Hoso-
organize the Patriotism Po
litical Club, one of the requisites to
membership being that no member
should hold an ollice. Up to dato
wo ' uo maiie no projioMi.ou
j swooping effects of a groat
I wave of morality, for law and order
I appear at a discount sometimes.
LUUK1. 1 r UAI VIUUU i i IlrLU IIIUll lllliU MIUH Ul HHIPv llllit I I Jjw
ManM M M 1 flFf I I? TtAQWLTU I riM.x.. i.k.... 1ii)a tliml Al III HI AIWI - M r
Dayvu.i.11, Sopt. 5, 1SS0.
School is in session.
Cross and Young arc receiving
cattlo at John Hyde's.
Hill Mascall is preparing to
11100, bag and baggogc to Idaho.
An uncle of Mr. McUac, a Mr.
MeKinzie, is stopping at the ranch.
i"lKlying Heo" got a fearful tongue
.switching at his own expense late
V. .
lJolm nmpbeii .Martin lias ucen
Vented n lino 12-pounder
G. Stewart is turning out lumber
at a lively rate at his sawmill on
Flat crock.
Win. Murray, wife and family,
departed for their winter quarters
at Yaucouvor, W. T.
John and Finloy Mclluo depart
shortly for Idaho to engage in tho
wooly broncho business, s
Mrs. F. L. Woods arrived at Cot
tonwood Kanch from Hllonshurg,
where sho has been for t-'onio time
investing in real estate.
Mr. Donning, brother of Scotch
lawyer Donning of Long Crook,
presides ablv over tho "Scotch
Thistle Har,'' which does tho host
business in town.
Talk of organizing a sheep and
land company here. .The piinci
pals have met in session nnu dis
cussed the subject fully, Adam
Murray in tho chair. I fear it will
como to naught.
Two John Hulls arrived lately.
This portion of Grant county will
bo taken by tho Hntish it they keep
coining; then, Mr. Kditor, you can
refer to Davville as "Tim" British
Isles Settlement."
Do.NAi.n McTavisii.
The favorablo impression produc
ed on the first appearance of the
agreeable liquid truit remedy Syrup
of Figs a few years ago has been
more than confirmed by the pleas
ant experience of all who havo used
it, and tho success of the proprietors
and nianufactiuers tho Cat. Fig
Syrup Company.
llatk, all ye People.
Come and examine the mammoth
stock displayed by J. Durkheimer
ft Co., tho leading merchants of
Grant county. Our stock has been
selected with the greatest care and
is suro to please you. Our new
pi ice list does the talking.
J. DntKiun.MKit it Co.
Tho man is rich who doesn't
want more than ho has means to
got. Some one has said that riches
consist in tho abundance of things
a man does not want, and theio is a
great big pile of solid chunks of
wisdom in the saying.
Many prospectors arc starting
out from different parts of the conn
try to explore the sand bars along
Snake river. Many of these bars
paid well in former years and tho
low state of tho river will mnko it
possible to work them again profita
bly. Hoiso Statesman.
From Mr. J.lobie Howie!;, man
ager of the Monumental mine, who
arrived in tho city yeslorduy we
learn that two rich wins of ore
havo been found in tho lower tun
nel and tho ore is very rich, fully
demonstrating that tho company
havo not "reckoned without their
boat" and proving conclusively tlmt
tho ore veins of this mine L'o down.
Tint vein found are widening and
aro richer than ony yet obtained on
the surface. Large quantities of
ore is being taken out of tho lower
tunnel and tho company's 20-stamp
mill is started up and "with a fair
probability of continuing for nomo
time to como. The members of the
company, now hero, nro greatly ma
ted over their prospects and they
havo a right to be. -Haker City
Fein do Specialist Huh pmctixd
on tho Pneilio Count for the p.t
iwonty liAo years. A life time dovn
tod to tho itmly ol female tumbles,
their cmiihoh and cures. I Imvo
thoiikiiiidi of trbtiiiiuinulti uf puiuin
luuil euros f'oin the hcU pcophi 011
this const. A positio gtiurautoo to
pt'iiiinnriitly cure iny ease of female
wofiknotM, no matter how longMnud
ing or what 1I10 stngo may bo. Char
ges roasonablo ami within tlio touch
of all. For the bent-tit of tlio tiy
noor of inv fcox who uro wuflVriiii'
from any of the grcit multitude of
ailments tlmt follow in dam of that
tonibl'i discaso known nr, thu fomnlo
weakness, and who aro not ablo to
pay for traatino it, 1 will treat free
of chaige. Cuiiuiiltation by mail,
fioe. All cot'Kspondonco strictly
confidential. MedieiniH -packed,
boxed and uent by oxprohH with
charges j re-paid for "homo" Ireist
inont, with specific directions for
use. If you 1110 sufleriiifi from any
fomnlo trouble, poiiodioally or con
stantly, AddrcfcH,
Oi.Yiiii.v H MraiiAV, M. !.,
Hmt Portland, Orison.
I'ar li'itliirM purwilU at tlir !' illun.l IWlnf
lullrgi , lluillniiil Uircun. nr at llc Cuiliul lluv
lll . Collrnr. htllcniylllirg.ill. JMIl fct tl--1 ate
umlrrlhc nianaKriiiriiti.r A ArmtlimiB. have
Miiur cuurvo f ktuUlci nnd aulc rU ufluilluii.
hi it n inch n, n li o r 1 Ii n 11 d ,
rvtrwnliK rrnmatithlp ami Iluglith ticrvttt
111111U I ,v ul cvriiuiic vriuiiutit MtiUci tvail
unti it al iiny iimr. rxrjaiiit CulalOKUc.B'lilii'ki
rtflJMl lH-ie.l (Mtft, ftp UNUl Eltlultl Mi,
fuitlJial, Oictou.
b'ilciu, Urrtfuu.
Three nion havo died of thirst and
starvation on tho Colorado Desert
during tho month of August, and
within a radious of fifty miles.
A society lady of Tojwka, Kan.,
issuod invitations to a "breakfast,"
mid tbreo.fonrths of her cilOBts nut
in an appearance before she was tip.
It's a good thing for Columbus
that lia is out of tlio way. If he
bnd to locate tho flbow of '02 it
would bo a tougher job than discov
ering America.
John Fairchild, of Hutto Creek,
Cal., took a neighbor's band of 1,000
cnttlo to feed this winter for half of
tbem. The neichbor had 110 feed.
nnd expects n hard winter.
Tho State of Oregon is now the
proud possessor of n farm which it
nronoses to run as a rural retreat
to patients of the insane asylum.
It is about three miles and a half
from that institution.
Tho Chinese on Altn street aro
housing a very obnoxious pot; it is
a skunk, and this oxnlains the nen-
otrable, oppressive odor proceeding
from that neighborhood. Last
evuning, a score or moro of Cinna
mon were noticed surrounding the
animal and fondling it as if it were
a kitten, seeming to drink in and
enjoy the ull-poworful stench as
thoy would tho sweetest perfume.
K. "O.
ReSult of an Investigation by an Or
econlan Reporter.
For tho past two vcars tho daily
press of this city havu been record
ing the many strange and wonder
ful cures performed by Dih. Damn
at 235 Fifth street. From curiosity
to learn something of tho doctors
and their method ol treatment, wo
concluded to visit their parlors.
We found their rooms tilled with
patients Millering fiom almost ev
ery conceivable furm of discus , and
much to ou: s..lisl'a turn, Uhi:i in
terrogating a num.ior of ttioso pres
ent, their answer was anatnmniis
that the doctors V u rapidly dis
sipating their ailmciiU. A utiiii er
of person who had not yet seen tho
doctors, were anxiously awaiting
thuir turn. An old man, just 111 liv
ed in the city that morning from
east of tho mountains, was speak
ing of the hard timu ho had to Hud
the ollice. At last, said the old
man, 1 enquired of a small boy on
the street where 2!55 Fifth street
was. Tho kid spoke up and bright
ly answered: "Oh I vou want to
sec tho Drs. Darrin, do you? 1
know whoro it if. The other day
thoy cured my ma, who has been
lame tw.j years' with Hhotiinatistii."
As tho old man had finished his
story, tho doctor came into the
room with a young man whom bo
introduced as William F. ILisen
borg, residing at tho southwest cor
ner of Twelfth and Washington
streets, recently from California,
and who had just been successfully
operated on for strabismus. His
eyo had been badly crossed since a
child, and in onu short, painless op
eration tho evo was perfectly
straightened. The reporter gather
ed several names of piuties cured,
who had no hesitation in giving
their reference.
Mr. J. U. Cunningham, of Wap
iniUi, Or., was cured homo days ago
of almost total (leul'iios, in a fuw
treatments, which was considered
by himself and friends almost a
Judge lvalahaii, of Kahuna, V.
T., hud four largo tumors removed
from his ear, where they had baaii
glowing for Iwenly-llvo youiri, and
was very high in praise of the doc
tors. Among the niot enthusiastic
was Dr. McDowell, of this city, who
was relieved of muscular pi ot ra
tion of tho back ami lower limoe,
and alto uf a 01 tlio eye
He had ox haunted bis own knowl
edge and practice in th cum-, mi-.l
was linaiiy iH'iMiadi i tu tn the
electric 11. !n 1', i : 'i i ":,''!
in his curt..
Mr. .1. M. TajfUi. of .'I hi
Crook county, Or., wti next Sum t
His cm Wi ;. wo ot ' yi.nii ji ;
Though i.t. u i..' up-.
iucurui'lo i'V piiVH.iiuu.. . au
Francisco and other pmcus, iiu if
now greatly improved by the sys
tem of rectal injections.
Thoru wore scores of oth.s, too
numeroii" too imntio'., .n Dur
rin lire no. en i v vo
They practic upo.i .). sci
ontiilc principles, and tin- multitudu
of cures they luvo perfurmcd, and
aro coiihtantly olioctiug, is a full
and ample refutation of any and
all charges of "ijuackory" which
may bo made against them who aio
envious of their succ ssftil treat
ment. Dr. Oarrhu' Place of Dualneoa.
Drs. Durrin can bo consulted free
at 'J.'lfi Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portland. Ollice hours, from 10 to
fi o'clock daily;, 7 to 8;
Sundays 10 to All curable
chronic diseases, loss of manhood,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhain, stricture, spermatorrh(ca,
seminal weakness, or loss of deniro
of textual MJWor. in either man or
woman, catarrh nnd deafness, arc
confidentially and successfully trea
ted. Cures of private diseases
j guaranteed, and never published in
, tho papers. Circulars sont free,
j Most cases can rcceivo homo
treatment after a visit to the
1 doctor's alike,
Comblnei the Juice of the Blue Flgiof
California, 10 laxativu ami nutritious,
..III. I.a moitli-lnsl v!rllip of lllanti
tnown to be mot beneficial to the
human iy!em. formlnp; the ONLY I'KH
KECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
nurrtESHiNQ sleep.
Nttutolly follow. Every one It utlnp; it
ami nil are dchchteil with It. Ask your for SYRUI' OF FIGS. Manu
facluied only by the
Sam ?aANCiico, Cal.
Loi'itviiir, Kv. Niw Yoaic, N. Y.
$10 will lw poi i t.i noynuc who
will llrst supply a Jive li'ild h- ado I
englo lo J II Jiw etc.
MontiuiMitil inivi-, thin ifun'y
Sopt 10, lf80
not;- i: to wuom it ,m y.
CO own
All ar h i by wu'ie ! n it
to piirolinse a . er. 'i.n n t-
JoIhi Diy, ( Iroutui, Mept (. i
in fnvor of John .li or r,rrt r
the Mini of $11" fit), puvnu'. 'ivv
(In H lift' !:(' uti.l '
II nut" ii ' I. mti M idi, . .i
ll"t W tfivt'U tth.i(l i,inMSrH-
ii"ii H fiRC"i v
1! tu l!n v
I'auy 11 " . . Sb-pl 0. Ht'.K
In iiiiintints to suit on improved
farms. Tho lowest rates Kiiiianteod.
If you want to borrow it will pay
you to bee tno.
H'rillei in lite C'onipa
mv. V. b. DAvas.
I'rairio City : : : Oregon.
Bucks for Sale.
Wo havo ahiii Ninety head of
thoroughbred Spamii Merino lluol;n
at our tnnoli in l'.x Yulloy, whioh
wo will toll very resnotiiihlo and on
mdy torniK. Wo, oardolves, imnortcd
tlicM) biniks from auiniifrsl tho host
Inooilor of tho Statu of Yuriiiout,
mid have hud tlmiii in Huh fniutry
for over 11 year, i.n ipietwi 1 .y
,iiv tell aiiolnnut.'it . ul i ,1
Hheopinon' wixluny tn iui.i v '('
grade o 1 lion Ii.uhIh hhoiild ivi- nx
ti call befoi'u pnreliii-inif olsnwlie1.
T" )' n l.ui-
'( iitl'b t., J ' .,
..!'.,:. I. .
t' till, fllli ili'i
i ln". i'h .
mi.'o. t ij . , . 1, .
All 1 t'f -i wtil I
c.i u. Ui.)i-. . . ,11 1 1 ' '. ,
n f ',i;, ii( 1 't' ( ,t 1 ,
w.ifk, 1 ; u , :
ShIuhIii. and ,' - '
week iv 1 hull to 'K '? '
twoinileh lioloM- .lo 11 ,.-''
The DnII- r. ,d.
I'rr n ' ' . '
Hi- in '
For sale at the on hard of Mrs.
Phillips, Canyon City, 11 largo quan
tity of tlio (inost fruit in the nisrM,
consisting of plums, prunes, peitn,
apples and currontH. Will Kill
plums at two dollars per i uslicl.
All othor fruits cheap
A!l parlios knowing theuiso ven in
debted t tho tiiiibiistgiiod will
ph iiKooili and ssttlo ,by iho First
of Octo .er. 16SI).
(1. MH.LFlt.
I will be at Canyon City the first
part of September with a choice lot
of Thoroughbred and Grade Merino
Bucks for sale all parties wanting
HticKs will do well not to purohaso
until they beo mine. Thanking tho
public for past favors, I remain
Yours. Truly