r-V4 iL.sS Ill Tlio tn.xnllo tiropcrty in Crook county nugrcgntcp n tnllo over tl, 000,000. The Income of the Princo of Wales is nbout $900 n day, yet lio Is always ns hard up ns n ninn who gets only $2.50 n tiny, and more bo tlmn n man who cnrim 1 1 .50 nnd Jives within his income. 'IV (inquired llohby, ns they were returning from n " revivalist meeting), "wliv do thoso people shout bo loud; is God deaf?" "No, Bobby, but in n case of thnt kind, lie is n good way olT." "Mrs. MucPowors, don't ho nf-r-thcr iwkin' ycr tongue out nt tne,. but net loiko a lady for ivtmst nnd come outsidi' the door for a moment an o'ill make 'tho ugly fai'o f'you look loiko the Pan Handle route to Chicago! "I don't liclivo you have boon In the Sunday-school. You've bron in swimming. Your hair is wet nuil your trousers nro hiudptirt fore most." "Well, you hup, mar, I was ninnin' ho hnrd tor Sunday ncliool thnt my head got all wet with prt- firntion, and thou I fell down, and was going 80 fast I turned over in my trousers." Nell They say there is a scarci ty of women in Australia, and when wom-Mi go there they llnd hus bands before thoy hnvo bjcn on land an hour. Hello (approaching .'10 and not yet married) I wonder if the cli mate of Australia would agree with me? Omaha Housewife Yes, N'orali, 1 llko you real well, nnd I want you to stay. 1 hope my husband's grun'ness will not scare you away. You must not listen to wat ho says, business bothers him." Norah No, iudade, I'm not afraid of him. He tickled my chin this morning' before you wero up, nnd asked me did I lovo him, and I Bald, "Clo awav, or I'll plap your face." A justice of Logan township, Ulair county, Pennsylvania, hns a perplexing case. A blacksmith limit u wagon for another citizen, painting it brown, and refusing to change the color to green. In the night the citizen entered the shop and gave the vehicle a coat of Paris green. Early next morning the blacksmith's cow, spying the verdu ous tint, licked it ntf and died. The blacksmith now wants damages for the cow. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tim KniTon Pleasn inform your readers iliat I liavu a positive lutncdy for the above named disease. ly its timely iihu lliounuiils of hopeless rjig en have been permanently curol. I shall Iki jjliid to send two bottles of iiiyrumcdy free to any of your wad ers who linto eoiiHuinptiou if thoy will solid inn their expuiHS nud post oflicii uddrcHM. Itospitotl'iilly. T. A. SLOUU.M. M. ( 181 IVurlSt., N. Y. NUT IciTTO "SI IKB1 OWN liltH The Stock Inspector's law, Seel. I , amended nt UioIuhI term of the legis lature ronuiruM nil persons moving shoppjwilhin the county to rot a per in it, and miy person moving sheep i ...t I 1 - iviiomu M'rnnt nun ihtuii j;mm iu cord f!0 davs piior to iiioting bin fclioep lays iiiinself liablo to prosecu tion. " Jons (-'. l.vc.r, Doptitv Inspoetor. John Day, Or., May 'Jti, 'SO. Tiin- Harnoy 'Sifltro Lino. Jowott & Mcbean. Prop. ' Hitfelnvr. Call) mi MonUr, WrilliMUy nj ' I'rliUy illt in., anl lwr llurnt wi t ut.lj Ttiuruj) ami SUUtrlnjr. ' IVutcnrrMinl ricljhl t ri-annnali mIm H.lKIMi ami CA.WOX CI TV Jill STAGE LINE, MoQUEN &. GUIl'FIV, Proj.ro. Uoo.l leiiat, t,-J punrcj aul tit I tlinc. LNirjr ltculL)u iiliiu lo IU foinlurl of iil 'iiffr. Charcot Rnaaounbla. Huncr & Canyon City Via. Long Crtwk and Monument, nirrrj-ing mail, nxprvsa and firil.t. bvciiv rnovisioN aiadk tint tub COMrOUT OP J'AJWKMlKlt.M. Tliero is a suing of 2 1 hours timo nnd 810 cash by taking thin iout to , Pott land. Stago loaves Canyon City every dtv except Sunday, at I a. in. ' V. If. OLA UK, Agent. alesweh wanted. Ak t.lrrn tW.L rk.U la- il ltd till aJJislttl IX1UIIV NHtifH of turn ID r"ti lm liH 1 liUllllu luakra HO tnilrdtit, ifvmiM' uf rtwi'Unttt wUrlf. but filth in i.i ' Uiil'l t'iln 4iil vli. . runtlh iufarlori ivt h'l r. tu lrulurt(iiu'M iliUiilMr(ijr lufj in riHjniun tu ihu blltiy llr CiuwnintU. Jtir rriuliriurU til not of ivmUj Inififrrv with buaiiin iu tMli pliitit nuf turn PRAIRIE CITY, CANYON CITY, y w w . i utility J. MRKMMER & do ! Gr WHOLESALE JXT) RETAIL DEALERS' K ENERAL EilCHANDIBE OTJIX MOTTOB0 SQUARE DEALING, LOWEST PIUCES AND FIRST 'CLASS GOODS We (ire thoroughly established at the above .named places, and carry a very complete slock of everything required by the Farmer, Stockman Miner. Our facilities for accommodating customers with credit are superior to any firm doing business in Grant County. Farties contemplating to change their place of dealing will save money by giving us ther trade. 8X5? Cash Advances Made on Wool! Orders jrom a Distance rueeire oar Prompt Attention. , DURKHIMR & CO, Petition for I.timor License. To the Hon. thu county court, of I lie statit of OiDgon for Grant coimiy. Wo the undersigned your peti tioners rospectfully tuprosoiit tlml we nro residents and loyal vou-m of (lianito precinct, (Irani county state tf Oieon, and wo ask that a license be (jranted to Williamson & UiHiatd to soli spiiiuinua, malt and Iiiouh liq uors iu less mmutitiufl tliaii one ipiai t fur a puriod of six months at their pUue of biisincwiu Granite, Grant county, state of Oregon, and ns iu duty bound will over prav .Ve. l5atl Granite, ttnnl county, Orcgu, July 'Jnd, IBS!). Taylor Atthouie, John M Cur roll, V W fjoonoy, Aug Unclunan Grant Tiioiiibing, A G Tabur, V. Oralmn, O A Tliornlmrj;, V 11 Itobison, JnmoHO liertin, PSK-og-lund, H Mcl'aiin, Genigo Atchi son, Jolin O'Henin, M I) Miles, h. N. Koi.l. Notiro is hereby gh on that on tin fith dy of Kept . 1 8SS, the tin dorsixiiol will npply lo thu county court nt thontnto of Oregon, for Gran, oonnty, for the ismiaucn of tiiu liuausti inontioued in the foio goiu;: petition. WlU.UJIdO.V k llll.MAIID, Applicants. Petition for I.iUor License EH O w ft. 5.U "Si 3 , IS- O V a - '5 s. I $ 3 ? Si S 3 EH M O C s 2 : i IS V u $1 Cl ,H 23 9: 5 Hi? 8 I . .5 IS u p 2 c ? n To the Hon. the county couil of tlio state of Oregon foi (iiant county. Wif'tho undei signed your jioti liinicni rosiuctfiilly rupresent that we are each and all ruto'dents and legal voters of John Day proeinct iu Mtid county and we unk that a license Ih grnntoil to A. C. Young to suit and disposu of spirittioti!', vinous and malt liquors in said proeinct in 1oh quantities than one gallon for w period of six months from the 5th day of Sop torn hoc 188U. Dated this 12ih day of July A. I). 1889. W II IColloy K.Shefliold Goo W Dorby, J. 11. .Sollingei, 15 P Lovo i'iv, 0 M Maov, J HoloHWortb, AV U'Sott Geo W" Hatt, A (' Carl, 15 A Knight, C II Cobb, It V Huun, A Gordon, A Knight, SJ Hlliolt, C II Timms, Goo U Cattunncl, V P Duiioan, .M 15 Timms. f! II Thompson, J V Wolllnger Tlioo. .MeClollan. John A Shollv. Chas W Prey, J 15 Mnsterson, 15 Mo kior, J A Wilso'i, 15 11 Hanisb),l It J Ambler, M G Pierson, J C Cattanaet Jos Kobetts, 15dwin Hall. S P Morgan, Prmik Hamp ton, 15d Nul le, John Newcomer Win Whitney, K-nncis Wallace. Xolico is hereby givon Unit on tin- fith day of September 1SS0 tho undersigned will apply to tlio county court of the state of Or. gon foi Grnnt county, for tho li csute iixMiliuuol in the for(;oing petition. A. 0. YofMi. Appl cant. 11 11 rViARVELOUS ran u mAJ m w ra 1LNUI It 1 1 rir.i-ililo t'-i 1 1 f -ii'rr Trnliiliit. i a. ir IIim:i I. - .iiii-il i.i uii i i iti'.lnH. niiu i uiiii.-i in. i .-in rii. 1 :-! rlnl.l H I ihIm'i i. r -"ii r linnrllliril. ( .t ' ' 'iin ' : i i b luhi, V . 'i . i.i i.i I". U m . Iltiw- Ill I I I. I IT I' I I I II ? I II I ' ii i ,i i i- i rrii i -i . -,i ii i" i. .I.a-I i! ii V .: .l .- ii i i ', - 1 . K v I.I r i ft , i I . , .1 i V , .. V rt o o - bfl cii o -5 U S c S 8' !0 r; g. 1 1 i i i. 1 .IV it,- I III 11, . I , J. ll ll. 1' Cs2 u o Si o j. I CURE FITS! s .. to -l - o o a a- .as,. vhonuYuna'auipnu SnKH Umioit March and Uopt., Igf oach year. It 1 u ouojr Bf KTlolotxHlu or mcful lulur. Tl, JK mation Jor all wSio jnir HHflr cbaao tbu lusurioa or llm noouailllcj of Hlo. Wo on olotbo you anil furnUh ou with nit tho r. c -iiury and niinoccmnry apiilHnuci tu rlJu, wlk, iltnco, tloop, cm, fluli, I. lint, worii, c to church, or ci7 nt liomo, nnt iu vnrloiu tl:c, it 1 aniX qu.mtltici. Jiut lluuro out whi.l U roi u i roil tu ila all thuo tbliiK COMTORTiiliLY. you jaii innxo a fair itiiunti oi llm vdlnoof llio UUVKItH' OUinU, vrliloli will Im kimt upon rccalpt of lo oiiti to pay immibi MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ul-Ui MluUlgun Avu:iu0. 0)iidnco,Jlt. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i-iw. l ii lltUI th.i llt I'i -tit A' ait.ij.iuititr-jwi'i, NotCi- r ail (a lltitoro fl.i H i'tuli YoulSful Color, 'ii- i iiH. ii 1 1 luii ruiiK - .11 . r '4 (AflKER'SCINCERTONU JTutV. (.1 C(MU.,CIOa, uU I ItUU. lUUluWil Wlifii I rny C uiir. I ilo not mean mcrt-ly lo ton Uii-in for n lime, ami limn liavo lliyin ro turn airum I "UN A UM'KAl. ttlU.. 1 Imvo in ail o tlio illioaio of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llfe-lniiR Huily. I wauiuxt my remedy to L'UHU lhoiirl coii lltrauiH ollie.a Iuvb I mluil it no renmii fur not n ju- rn uu uu a t-ui o solid nt mi' o furitliuiilmoiiitiln I iil.i. Uoi rl.K ol my INHI.I.HU.K itKuvnr iio l-.iei ami hi-1 (lli It t-utu )imi imtlilnc for a lri:il, ami ll "ill cuio jou .tlilro4a Hi. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 PfAH St.. Htw Yom era o cd cf)d '5. SB q. a u a. S 2 3.1 -Is? j W 25 a $ z 5."2 'I . j - JLe 9 6 Turf's Pills mm riilHoiiilnrr-iiitily novcr rll iu vffvvliiutly ont o Dyspopsla, Constipation, Sick Hoatlnclto, Billousncs3 Antt nil (lUciihvri urlklni; I'l-iiiu u Torpid Livornntl Bail Digestion. 'I'tio iiulnrut ri'hiill In kmkI uitir MIoiiiiiI 1.11I hi lli-th. Diihi- kiniill, cli-ifiuill) hiicnr t'linlt-il mill .-uny ! ktiullun. holtl orj titiuro. ''fnbimiilloii i'C J'urm. uo liuhl, H ot ."; "ii' Alr.(xom" u tlt lo 'rut frcaun iij'jiflmf Ion. Hi ADVERTISERS , 1 II i0.f,i .Vlllil can learn the exact cost I &aufc of any proposed line of advertising in American i 1 papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nuwipnpiir AitvartiailiQ UuroaU, to 8ptuoo 6t., Now York. somt jogu, tur loo-Hog pmpC t. P: Jauweek 'l.ClubSyittm vlill. convenient to th tucr nt any iniulmtni yil n, Ii i.titt to ui 1 he co!'cimiiuii i'i iiiv 13 witLiifi in en m la. uw out. Otvit;tt mh iiic-mlxr only . IS 11, ft w f . in uny mcgni )iu inr ic fur - tir uioiirv than ant inc 1k Uyl auj why arc iluin the ' J.WAbll Utunrnt In (lie c icll Kjonly flrtt quality eoods. lut oui, Ti prjrel ir abukl u tit ulhcrt rc f ktt on J ijiuiui i mr in rtu vrr v mi n U mlm-iiiul Miter (nst lilti'H ttijttiH.: win iiku Aweni.Ti i.eti Wnlih- cntirr liuittuif cue cr I'prti )ur 5 i.i, tit) U'utt h Ua Sum u.J, Id M (i'C ii , fnt nuail-iy, inlTii.c.H.oU Amriuanl rvcrWrfi. h.r ur.iK.' . livar .'J ,t iei. tt fullr equal loan) i r.JwtJtfc. lJMr48 ty uilirrt, Wtf.nd TrtT a ftitl iIaii SliitciK J (;4J Ce ir.iali Hmon 4iuUt toty .in J wrtkral i (halt any SuittJOuld C .w ihuau tciUJal ji itti iti.iq uuumi trie money, aa incip J oli 4 iJici ate in Jiul'ly iluti. ck. c lowtjuIiy, and turUi'ki tftrr liuiiu tturSJS AViiU Ii - unit immerout lmnortanl luiiuurd Im- prdvcmcDti.U' tul jiupoiumc i o or I ie tuning -.i. W Imt wjt J',t, nt s'tm II 4H4f,C. .Vlltt.ll WlolUtultHUllrl II ju uc.it y , 'arji)i r ttnr .r. Jtiv tu W li h. e.iT f O,,.,, Kaftrlttiiitni tHii S lU.COHnll ro Wutili t i..M-tUHy i(iir utr.ifir hr inoi ci4cl iu i:r, nI u ).t Itrkl i..it r jJ Wdiiti fluAe, twn ir Ifunnnj All i .cm )iiMM tif tulu-r IU.t)iir lUfcluUa, i Thak'flvc nnaWa rhP ithRnCi Sin HWItUWIWIIW iiuiwiiwi.uw. I 1VI Uki.Diif.i.r.'.Qi..aHii4iB. C' 004 WAlhUT IT, FllltADA. M, AetnU AJi WiUh iMtilJor, C awi,i.iii. i-.-Ih P7rj VI run'. rii VilVl lC h lawlJor. $1 00 Vk WWllilii 'HH.a H VLsijN I Mlmuiit i-.-Im 'o'lOrl CATARRH TM Sterling Go, IN l" TrylhoCuro" fifinuUcturtn of -1 " J -i- -L.O." r iWfc.'. I:'.'. Mf9f. IJI'nf; Ely's Cream Balm Cloniwon thoNrmall'ivwaEon. Al lays Inflammation. Ilonlii tlio Soros. Hotoroa tho SonBOfl of 'IHiato, Kuioll and Ilcaring. A parilrln In nprllril Inlomrluio.lrll nnj U aarrrnblr. I'rlrrftlk-. nt lnilM or liy tnall.iaYili'CriUEli.'SJWanutl.lVcW Totk. CateaH. ar.4 Tr ' Jttrn c' "f ant all I'at rnl bu'ncM c.njsrl If.r Mootmtt rtta aun Offiet i Oppoic.U 8 PTtNT Office Sit hc i an --Br- l-a' 1 tu Ic lln; ila j tnoo remote from 11 a.I.in;," it. liij mo-1. ' ifiitnj ittlmj wllh d' xrlp lion. 11V J. e If i'l.-n(ii le or tint fien of tlnrjte. Oor f- ti--' dui-1 I ilmt I. wcoml. A PAMfMitT. Ml"tr In Obtain I'ntenU."' llh nunc, of i ml ciii-nu in your rUlc, cuuuly, or town, not free. AiMrex, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opi. patcnt Orrier. Whihinoton, D, C. Unit Oi-olnr-Viirhlnl-Tl .Mil 1 the mm fmos, n r---a Quality of Tone, Pcnuty of Dealgn, FINISH and ntlaptablllty for stand ing In Tuno hnvo no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years . An.1 tlfrtl"ii nnrnt".-il t-. r-rrry tirctiaer. All- Mjii.it.iciurc tin- V"i i Hr wnfo Tactorios, Derby, Conn. mum 10 r r cur iki k'r m vlv litrt t pt ran iw4 ltrb W ttf.iwttry M (Id MlthBll Ih iltal.hMMaU Mb(-.. t fa mat nh 'Hit ai vvr Ikm tad aflr 15 wn'frr lH pao niiMH m4htr ih Mn err patat. Sn iltM)iirf MttU, wt'hlb a it ki.i!!. AmA avtrM o iUby k. Pc 'u 1 ti-i tiM' n lh Kurid, ah is Wf tarj i i k - b ? - i at fan m rr IVcr !. ... .. h . iba a nt.i. .! Ih nM !( .ri i b '1f 'h 1 1 -Va. Tilt T, .V CO., IKtiK Till, Aufitiatiii Malue. IF YOU WIOH A GOOD REVOLVER WiffJiV" SMITH & WESSON'S Fliiett tnall3Ul .1 III" v imhufArtmr. mil Ih (Irnt ciioliMiof riiMM. Ill iMillm- : .ti ami II till UlllltlO ir iloulile action, rniy Ham tnrrlM ami Target tiimlel. lie. I iiunllty irruualit ..M..l iionifiillr lntitflf-t l.r .. ...titufiriklifn ftlul hlK-l. Ulirl. All ft foi flnl.ll. illllll'imiT .Him "rcurin . lint liili-lil liy i-lii-uii mnlleiilfc- dm Imllulium i.nn K)M lur tho n-nulnn milch-. Tlii-i atoiinrc IUIiKi ami latirruw. Tin- SaiTII tt lCw. Itr tutrix re uiiiiiiI iiikiii tliii lm I with tirm -naiiu-, aililnxe aivlilalioiif iruw. niiilan- emir-nntt-ril tn-rfict. In.l.t in-'ii IiioIiii; tlii ni. unit l( ruur ilinhf eunin.t ui.; Ijr an "nl r m-ii1 mml "lr.MM M'iw ulllri-ii i'ii.iiiit-i nlti nil. ii Ut K.-J li I'tmilal'vun . i.il i rl - ..11.11 oi i iim-H .. WIITII A WirsMHN. r(nlii.!rlili n'. i OF PURE COD LIVER OIL ampHYPOPKOSPHITES Almost noPalatablo as Milk. S iIUruIi! thai It ran lio tnlirrj, itlgp.l.il, mill ntilliillnlnl !' llm iiio.i antlth n atmiiBcli, lirn the plnln nil rn nn nt lio mlri iileit t mill Uy tlio rnm lilnntlnii of Ills oil with Ilia ti)'io liliotp hltea l much mora oflUacloui. lUniarVahlo a ficih prcdactr. ! I'crsoiw gain rtpiii.'r irlillc taVlng Id ! BC01TH I.5IU.SION in nclamwlc.i.jctl by ' Mjva-.dr stol ' I!. l'inrvtai: ll!ist irq u- mtioniu tboivorlilfor tho roll fund euro ut 1 CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENERAL DEBI'-ITY, IVASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, i COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The grtat rtmnly Jw (hnsunipllan, ami Waslinj in Ch?.Jrt) SoVX &y all J5ruyjtj( C22SSLS.li' iV-3" i - '- raftjv L&zttt&i- .', i 1 5i ij. ii ii iii '.'.. i nn wmnz: V - - i.ib i Ititr ol lldUarliMltl Ihtrn Inr fi t; i. ... 4 Hi t.ti un u iUh (T4H..IIt J,Ml,t. 'Ii. .f. l J ...I- fC. iB'laf ha i.i- t v a tura f r- c - ),c Wntrh -4 Siilili. Waj )U . iiirt tji flu A 14rM HJuauaiSs Co., 12 ox H I ,S i-Vt Hurt J, Ialulnu. 1 1 o .. m .. a- I 'mm I (iuii ir, wiila Hi,tk -' ui rwl tlio tlllU lt-'aOlt liiaach le .illljr ran IT'm Utic tr, 1 r tti ii .iLr lrrr anil Ititr i,1 lltlUarlMlltl I m Kf&W Delicious Biscuit Wj $r$$$?Tr&'f 'tftfp COVJ BRAND tf i "N&fatJr I SDA SAl'' R'T',S, I-.tcmi .it i--wiAViinA-miaafaaMiirij Hamilton Subgy Sompany, Mnniifucluroi.s oi' Haniilton Grades of Vohiclos. crj O CO CO 1 iiuiTOiuAL bi'scial uuaay ov any btym vehicle. KMflAL t CATt'UM I Proporllon, Kt!i-:ttillty, lVHtniMon of irinlNlt. Thia " Mirn" l.m.l- i.v!'. ii ;Lc I-.:; 1 1 ilium -H. cl ..ik in I'n. l'blli-4 Sulca. viutb I mi t.mitnii":. n.vMiin jicocjv co. The Clark Cycle 340 H. Charlns St., - - BALTIMORE, MD. NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Tim luiulnj Tr lianil mu. linn mII Lm.K lv ,llr jn I i,m llu)-- ..liic anJ Tncv- ili t f r Ikiyt mul (.jrl. StnJ f. r ( atalofiue an.1 ' I'rn elt.it Mailed free AGENTS VANTCD- Unir.i 't f tore. 008 PoniiHylvania Ave, Washington, D. O. s by buying your Shoes of the Manufacturer. ..LI I I . 4 OKLY $2.80 58?ffiav for Uu,i ,ls" My ntnn tK-4i!vr?K lit nl.lid mul f. mi On roccipt rf m-,:(i ntn pn pmr of 'inr I Mix- t'r.ir L-niiruaa Wo Uo only oly Warrmitod. Try our Khoix oi LACE Jmm CONaitESO. '.'"."S? .?." aP-'V oxTreamiBo wo will ..onil 'l.:.?r".7.' "T." vrmpa, olthur lluttou. Wu n- VVaiitoaaVyouro''unrS'llY Hvory.mlr T' ",, ,,' '" hiui UIH4H. B IMI IHJaial note tir N V .lf tJ4lUy. Iohii. Cuuuty iujHUl. Unift' " rito J'our kMlVM cusroa'j boot & shoe; oo.