Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 05, 1889, Image 1

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    B'ooooo ooo-o-ooooooo
77f E 3fE IV'S
the we irs
Is tho lxt ndvortising
won nun nunou every
Home iii (Jmnt County,
mill U nuti by nil, With
old and younir.
(nicilium through winch to
frenoh the people of Hnst
Sern Oregon.
ooooooo ouoo ooooooa
Volume AY.
CVM')'(9.V r7'i; GIULYT COlA'TY. .Oh'EGO.Y, Til UJtSltY, SEPTUM li Ell o, JSSO.
.Yam her 24.
fUULisnr.11 tiiuksiuv mohnino
n v
Editor nnd Proprlotor.
'" " ' -
3ub.Miiption 33 00
Six Months 1 fiO
Thrco Months 75
All Reading Notico in Ijocnl
'Join in n will bo chnrgod at tho rate
of 20 cents per lino for first, nnd 10
eta each aubesqueiit insortion.
Spocinlrntes to regular advertiser.
4Rnelob Printingjc-
Posters, Dodders, Billheads, Lcttor
heads, Nutohcuds, State
ments, Invitations,
Tickets, Cards
Etc, olc.
1'lllNTKI) TO OlttlEll.
Co. Judge
Commissioners j
School Hunt
Stock Inspector. . .
N. H. Muxcy.
, Phil Mctschnn
..N. 11. Holey.
J. 11. McIIalov.
II. II. Davis.
.... J. II. Neul
....W. P Gray
Chns. Tinuns.
K. J laves.
... T. H.Curl
Ii. H. Ison
Junius A. Feo
... .J. L. Rund
Dint. Judges j '
Dint. AUorncy . . . .
Church Directo.y
Itov. A. Kails holds divino sorvico
at tho Winognr school honsontll
o'clock a. in. on the 1st Sabbath of
each month, mid at 7 o'clock in tho
evening nt tho M. H. chinch in 1'nti
rio City. Also at tho Strawberry
school houso at 11a, in, on tho Did
S.tbbath .of each month and at Prai
rio City in I ho evening of the sumo
day. At John Day City at 11 a in.
on tho 2nd ami 1th Stiudayx, and at
Canyon City at 7 in tho evening of
ll.o sauio days.
NOTICU is heroby givontlmtl
havo appointed tho following
named parsons as my Doputies, viz:
I. 1). Luco Wanton
Win. Hull Proirio City
Joo Hiias, Fox Vul John l).y
Lovo Hnilej Stewart
It. W. Carter Hamilton
V. W. Hinton Moinnneut
John C. litico John Dny
Wtirron Caisnor Wgnor
Jas. Wallace Long Crook
L H Johnson Dnyvillo
John H linker Calob
T. H. Cum.,
Slock Inspector for Crant County.
l'osloftieo Mt. Vornon, Or.
Casvon City
IUmIi or Shot. iud la oiJcr. or nclljr rtpalrsd.
All Work Warranted t lrt-clui
J. L. B. VIAL & SON.
u nil JEW'ELEliS,
IIakeu City, - Oiikoo.v.
Dealers in
Monty to Loin oo CoiUtaral..
Opposite Union MontMnrkot,
Main Stree t.
g ORR, M. I).
Cnnyon City, Oyn.
Offlr ou Main Slrtrt In K.nmih (oruirrly oucn.
M b Dr. llowarJ.
q i. hazi:ltinh
X3 llOtORfftpllO p
Votary I'ubllc.
Canyon City - - Oiikoos
C3" Oflico with M. D. Clifford -ta
Land Sllniri and Collrcllont i-rouiptljr attended
to. I)ed and Mortgagi. dnn, and clr.-tt
Oflico ovor John Schmidt's cahinol
shop; oflico hours "from Onm to l pm
Canyon City, - Oiikcon.
niicl Collootor.
Canyon City, Oroa
All biulnm. .ntruttrd to til cr ll rrUf
rrompt iltnillon, in J ll money will txt U
t u collfclcl.
p 0. HORSLEY, M. I).
Ohahuatuoktiik U.viveiisity or
P t.v.vsYLVA.viA, April 8, 1813.
Canyon City, Oregon.
0 lico in his Drug Ston, Main Street
lixlers for Drugs promptly tilled
No profetisional jmtronngo soltctwl
in'.iss directions aro strictly followed.
,T. avtrt.oic,
Notary Public.
Puai hie City - - - Okeoon.
Also Agont for tho salo of School
Proprietor of tho
John Day Milk Ranch
Fresh milk dcliverod daily to my
custoniors in John Day nnd Canyon
cities. Oivo mo your orders.
0.1XYON CirV - Oregon
Hugh. Smith, prop''.
A Kull SImI ot U" I'urt.t ol Wlnci ml
Tlx lint cln in Ibf Miiktt.
Livery and Feed Sialic.
Cmi) on Oltjr, tlrut Co. Oreuuu.
Having bought theso populai
Stables I respectfully solicit n share of
tho public patronugo.
Piist-ehiss Single nnd Double
Teams to lot.
i i.vk mmoiKB i. iioah cAiim
Special nttontiou given to tho
earn of transient stock.
Canyon City, Oiieoon.
And general supplies constantly
kiint on hand.
Saddlos ordorcd nt u smull dis
count. Repairing done on shoit notice
San Luis Potosi, Mexico, is linv
ing n mining boom.
A Inrge emigrntion from Scotland
is now going to Chile.
And now u clnm tniPt in proK).s-,
otl. Mornl don't bo n chun.
Tho )ension ollleo nt Washington
is Miid to ho overrun with liens.
An advertisement in a London i
pajwr offers to pny a fair price for
.second-hand tooth bruslies nnd
cnst-olf old teeth-
Unless all signs fail, Texas is go
ing to have this year the biggest
cotton crop in. her history, some
estimate it as high ns 2,000,000
There are now in the treasury
vntiltn at Washington pretty nearly
a pint of diamonds and other pre
cious fttnncs that were presented to
various presidents by admiring
In New Haven recently n travel
ing salesman wns fined f0.-l2 in the
police court for getting into an ohmi
freight ear to escape a shower. He
had been calling and had no um
brella. A French coin of the time of
Louis XIV was found in n corn
field at Marengo, lnd., a few days
ago. It is supposed to have been
there since tho tlavs when the
French traded with tho Indians.
Absolutely Pure.
Tim x oiler n cr vri- A it nrvcl . puri
ty, aim . ih mid 4 ii toiuiit . M irw t- "iiom
Kal II iu 11 c utlli,iy V .If. kill ba
ohl in iviiipcti.i hi Milh tlio ui Hit loilf il low
tuftt. frhuit t.wlil, alum or hoptito i'Hi1tr.
.Holil iinlv In out llcnal lUV.ri; I'owucr L'o .
1W Wall M N
Wholesale Retail
Flonr and M
ftj' (SihhIs found to Ih- not tirnt
class uiitv Ixi returiuxl.
E.P. L0VEJ0Y. Proprietor.
John Day - Oregon.
No Chinoso emplo)Oil about Iho
prnmiiios. Evory oftbrt willbo mndo
to plonso guests and ninko thotn
feol welcome.
Stop nt tho "Amoricftii."
New Under the Sun.
Marshal Wheeler is the author
or the news and startling theory
or science tha earth has a thiiil
motion. His theory, which s
bornt out by all the truces on the
surfaco of thaeartli" - and the won
der is that it lias never been ad
vanced anil adopted before is
that at ccrtnin regular periods the
earth revcrces its position, so that
tho equator becomes tho poles and
tho polos becomes the equator. At
each of tlieso turns tho water is
thrown over the earth, and tho na
tions and continents disnppeur in
the great oceans, with only ft fow
exceptions in certain parts of the
earth, while new continents nnd
new nations rUo, in the march of
ages, whore tho oceans of former
periods rolled. Tho last turn
brought tho continents that now
exist out of tlio grent waters, and,
at the next turn, where we now
live and where the great American
republic flourishes, the oceans will
again roll; the great ico fields of
tiie poles will bo thawed out and
run down over the laud under the
toirid zone, nnd the present trop
ics will become solid ice in their
new position at the poles, thus ac
counting for the vast quantities of
the remains of tropical animals
and plants found frozen up in
Alaska and Siberia, and the traces
of ice glaciers in the torrid zone.
He maintains that the e.ntli is nut
a temporary body, hut a pennr.
nent part of the universe that has
always existed and never will end,
and lias been washed over and cre
ated anew at regular periods
throughout counties millions of
years, man and all its other pro
ductions having been swept olf,
leaving only hero nnd there enough
for seed, and their locatios chang
ed at each turn, and that this pro
cess willl go on forever n now
earth washed clean and a new deal
at regular periods throughout eter
nity. He is collecting a vast nr
ray of facts, gathered from all
climes, to piove this theory, which
he thinks is already established by
well-known facts "that cannot bo
exylaiiied in any other way. Kx
press Journal.
The Salvation Army is endeavor
ing to convert the editor of the As
toria Transcript. Men pray with
him by day and ladies by night.
A jmlicoman offered his hand to
a young lady and was refused. He
arrested her. "What is the charge?"
asked the sergennt at the station
house. "Resisting an oiler sir,"
was the reply.
The constitution convention of
North Dakota has suggested two
novel experiments. One of these is
that the state shall dispose of none
of its school lauds, and that the
tens of thousands of acres of this
property shall be leased only. With
its vast area lilling'with progressive
settlers and property rapidly in
creasing in value, this means that
in time the income derived from
this source will be sullieiont to pay
the state's expenses, practically
making it unnecessary to levy any
tax whatever. The other novel sug
gestion is to require railroads to
furnish members of the legislature
with transportation at the rate of
one cent per mile and charge the
same to the state. Thus it is ho
ped to do away with the charge
that railroad companies buvup leg
islatures. There would lie a tre
mendous strife for legislative honors
in Oregon, if the same system pro
vailed liere.
41 Huron St.,
Uli.bojrf an,
Wli . Nor. 12,
I bat mad
1. Jacob. Oil fur
clilcWn cboltra,
wltli gttat iuo
ecu, Every foul
aflt .'Uil m 1 1 U
Hie illirat. uai
turitl by II tint
r.comnitnd II at a litre cure II lis aeJ
liamaur dollar. II A. Kl'KNNE,
Ilictilcr (jl Fine fouli.
JUkmlU'IJ, Cal , Oct. I), M.
I hat. ukJ St. Jacob. Oil (at loitbtad ol
ihlckcui wild (i(oujiI. irmaneiit em. On
httlv will cur 10 lu UclilcWni; 2 to 3 ilro(i
I4IM Wbctlti. JAS. I1ET1UL
f QKSUHA t DIKF.VTIOSS -Xli a ytll V
Wraii or tlough lalwruJni uith St. Ja&ii Oil. IJ
fu jut ciMnot iitottuv Jattt it iloun lht Unni.
UU taint cvtn mat ilaugh ullA ( OU. (7t
VUMitj tUi, TUy uiltlnaUy r4l on J U rurtii
At lUl'caini isu PiiMki.
tHtCtMIUEl A.V0CCtCR C0.,Bittlatri,Ut
A traveler, riding horseback
along n lonely road in Texas, wa
startled by what seemed to boa vi.
olent commotion. He rodo into
the woods and there camo upon n
man who stood striking a large
trunk with a hammer.
'What are you doing!" the trav.
eler demanded.
"Trying to break into this
trunk,'' the fellow answered.
Whnt do you, want to break in
to it fori"
""Wnnt to rob it."
Why, you trilling scoundrel,
I'll arrest you right here."
"What fori"
"What fori" the traveler ex
"For stealing the
"Didn't steal it."
"Then how did you got it I"
"Took it out of the house."
"Whobe house!"
"Whose tnunk is ill"
"Yours I"
"That's what I said."
"Then why nre you trying to
break it open! Have you lost the
"Why don't vou unlock it,
"Hecnuse I want to rob it."
"You're a fool."
"Ueekon you've hit it."
"1 don't undeiMtand why a man
should rob his own trunk."
"I do. A feller come along
here this morning and gave me a
quart of Mexican licker. I took
throe mild snorts and then slipped
into the house nnd got tho trunk.
There ain't nothing in it but a
hair lariat and n pair of eottonade
britches, but I'm going to tteal
them and run away." Ho turned
about and Btruck the trunk a tor
rilllc blow.
"Say, hnvc you got any more of
that licker! 1 mod a dunk."
"Tho bottle's by that tree."
Tho traveler dismounted and
took several drinks. "Why thiB
is as pleasant and as rainwater,"
said he.
"Help yourself."
"Thank" you."
He took several more drinks
and then rodo away. He had not
rode far when he turned into the
woods and tied his horse. Then
he went olf a short diatance, lay
down behind a log and began to
gaze at his horse. Pretty soon he
got up stealthily, crept tin to the
horse, searched" the saddle bags,
mounted the animal and dashed
away, looking hack occasionally to
see if he was pursued by a vigi
lance committee.
Further Inveitlctin.
A well known citizen who is a
wag in his way, was standing on
the east portico of the city hall,
the other day when a colored man
came up and inquired.
"Iioss, kin you dun tole me if
din nr do place whardeo pay taxes?"
"I can. This is the place where
they used to pay taxes, but you
won't have to pay any this year."
"llu! Co!t to' dollars last year."
"Yes, but you needn't pay any
this year."
"Owing to the mibeorvienoy of
the syndicate, the city Inn decided
to emulate the consanguinity of
of the reflection and aemit the tax
es of all poor men."
Tho colored brother scratched
his head and scraped his foot for a
moment and and said:
"Hoss, inny he all right, but I'll
go inside iiuif sec. It it substan
tiates de propaganda, den I was
worry much obliged. If de inves
tigiisuuu opinionatcs de sublimity,
tlen I'll know you was foolin do
o'o man, and tie first timei hev a
load of ole cans an' bottles to
draw oir I'll dump it in yo' alley,
suah!" Detroit rrco Press.
Uletiini; of Sleep.
Dr. Flint's Remedy for tho man or
woman who finds himself or herself
tumble to sleep ni ;hts, is nn inval
uable medicine, which will not only
procure tho blessing of Bleep, but will
prevent a general breaking down of
the system. Descriptive treatise with
each bottle: or, address Mack Drug
Co., X. Y.
Inventions of Our Arc,
Those of us not jet fifty years
of age havo probably lived in tin
most inijKirtant ami progiesMvu
period of human history. Within
this half century the following in
volitions and discoveries have been
among the number: Ocean steam
ships, street railways, elevated
railways, telegraph lines, ocean ca
bles, telephones, phonograph, pho
tography, and a score of new
methods of picture-making, ani
line colors, kerosenu oil, electric
lights, steam lire engines, chemi
cal lire extinguishers, anesthetics
and painless surgery, gun cotton,
nitroglycerine, dynamite, giant
powder, aluminum, magueshiuiu
and other new metals, electro-plating,
spectrum analysis and spec
troscope, audiphone, pneumatic
tubes, electric motor, electric rail
way, elettric bells, typewriter,
che.ip postal system, steam heating,
fteain and hydraulic elevators, ves
tibule enrs, cantalevur bridges.
These are only a part. All posi
tive knowledge of iho physical
constitution of planetary itiuf stel
lar worlds havo been" attained
within this period. Homiletic
The Canadian Pacific railway
runs the fuitherest east nnd weal.
It runs from Quebec to the Pncific
ICuropu nsc about four bushels
of wheat per capita each year, of
which only half a biuhei! is im
ported. An old lady in Vermont who
had been maintained for years by
charitable acquaintances, fell hen
last week to SDO.OOO. Old ladies
received on subscription at tho ellice.
"Gentlemen," said the candi
date for ollice, as he t-quirted a
hti-Mini of tobacco juice on tho
pavement below, "my character is
spotless." "Tin n it's a pity,"
said one in the crowd, "that you
can't wear it for a shirt."
Somebody tied tin cans to a
Ilillsboro cow's tail and she rush
ed out into the world at the rate
of a milo a minute. lu half an
hour shu encountered a hack, and
ran under it. After carrying the
vehicle on her back for ton mitt
utes she laid down and begged to
bo killed.
Texas has what is called a weep
ing peach tree. It is located n.
Denihon, and attracts a large num
ber oT ititors. It throws oir a
perfect mist, which sometimes has
the appearance of spray. The
phenomenon is vouched for by a
correspondent of the St. Louis
Globe Democrat.
The function of a negro, s black
skin is Mippniicd to he the eouve
sion of the sun's light into heat.
The heat thus generated remains
in the skin and docs not penetrate
to the deeper tissue. Reing thus
provided with a mn proo, armor,
the negro can stand an amount of
heat that would be fatal to tin
white man. and ho runs hardly
any risk of miinitroke.
Tl, rhlrf llrn.un fur tli great fue
led ul Hi 'a hua.ip.irlll.i Ii found In the
article Hm-iI. It I. mci it win.', and Ilia
fact Unit lUxta S ir.i; .-rtll.i Actually no
cm'lllie tid rl.ilim-d for It, H w I .ill
lxu to thl HiiHlklim . ularlly r.i.d
i.i I r i;rwitr than l! uf nny utlicr aarifli'.v
Mrrir Wlni ,m r u1""1 rv
IVIClll VVII15 nrl.iTlhoiiibiic.
n.V K.irMparill.i iinei Scndula, H.ilt
Itlii' and all lluiiHir.. Iy ili. Hlrk
lliMitai'hi. Illili'ii.iit cvin'iiH H Hint
find I' u t i i :i! , .ii A; i.i. iiiniilli
nn tin-s. in t .i '.t ni-iii.- Wl.i It S)-li'in
lloiiil'. M,iiii;NirlUu i- l) .ill drux
ll fl..l.i! 1'n'i iriilb) C I llvud
Vv., AiNAUOIKa, UiWtH, Uii
Rharacter is truu wealth.
Any one can act uatunil by
keeping still.
livery throb of tho Iiourt is ti
new birth.
None but the rich can niroftl
"dear" friends.
The only "fall of uinn" is when
he falls behind.
Competition is a ncewtity to
tho activity of life.
Education that restrains tl.o tie
sire to learn is faUe.
.Nothing great wns over achiev
ed without enthusiasm.
Chnrity and petvounl force nro
the only investments worth i.ny
thing. Most pooplo would succeed in
small things if they wero i ot
troubled with great ambitions.
We do love beauty at lht sigl t;
and we do cease to love it if it is
not accompanied by amiable qual
ities. He who is false to present duty
breaks a thread in thu loom, ami
will find the Haw when he may
have forgotten its cause.
Candor is the teal of a noble
mind, the ornament and pride of
man, the swcetei-t chai in of woman,
the scorn of rascals and thu rttrcct
virtue of o .iabilily.
Thu training a man ets is ho
staging by which, if lie cliiHjres,
he can guild hiniiclf up, but iT thu
structure rises to any great he'ht
it must support the "staging.
Whatever thu nuiul or oT man's
friends, there will bo timer in liis
life when he hat, one too few ; bur
if ho has only mi - em my. h is
lucky indeed if he hue ot one loo
People wh i speculate about thu
future from ihtur ilevoteil study or
tin past, nun iw wull In-pn iiuunr.
ed dead, fi r i-un-ly liny do imi
live in the pivcfiit, which U a il.c
time the re is to txi-t mi.
Thu Willainutte v.illey is boast
ing of a threshing uiaehlnu which
averages 'J.'.'OO UuIicIij per dny.
Neither privat" individu .'a 1 or
I th.' Mexican ,;oV . rn n rftu en
I c lurageiueiit to thu sdu iuo of Lik
ing negroo. from the co ithern Htnles
and colonizing thiui in Delected xr
lions of Mexico.
Samuel Roup, well Ropu'i
licau polititiou of Westminster,
Md., was badly injured while open
ing a bottle of oidi-r. Tho bottle
burst, and a piece of glass Htruck
him in the eye, cutting open thu
ball. The sight, will be destroyed.
Hweit by the Uda of I'opnUrlty
To tho topmoit !lnnacloot auceen, lloitct.
tor Stomach llltlsra ttandi a iluuliitf proof
of what eenulno merit, ImcVcil by tlio living
foreo of proven UcU, ctn nttalu. Tlio h'ortlt
and fioutli American continent), Kuropo
Au.trs.lla. tlio WcU InJIci, Guatcmaln aud
j Mexico have all coiitnhutetl wldo pitronaco
i anil testimony of ttid moat tavoralilii Unl
nui un.oiicricu io mm mu ii'puinuou or
Uil. aterllair rt-mrilr, Amonir tuu ninladleu
for Mhlcli lliu mint commtlng public ami
iirofe.ilonal tfttlinony iirotea that It U a
Lenlitii curatlvu, nru clilll. nml finer, billons
remittent, dumb aguo unit iikiio cnLc, ilys-
1il, liver complaint, ucrrnuiiiv.., ilciniriy.
Iduernml bladder complalnli. It inlllnatr
tlio Imlnnltloi ol ago, lileria convnlcfci-nro,
liaa a tendency to prevent III conotueiicc
from riuo.uro uod uili.tu.lMi. I' of
nedenlary habit, aud Inhorlouu occuiiaUotut
will Dud It an iter uncful loulc.
Sit lluttitl fu llllir fimn ( ill. oil
City, mill kiinwii an lliu
Ih paitly tlovelopi-d, and cm i tea
fieegold, iiH-avin fioin soven io
iwentv-livo dolht'N p r Inn. Siioa
ted ou i lie uioiiii'n u, ho i Ii I mio
cost o1 getting out i In- on' i- iii iiii
n il 1'oiisisin of t t 1.MI0 t . ' i f
in a in 1 1 d j ii'i I : ii Mii.i, ii K i ' .it!
to . (Io d w.ipin roiiil, i i, i l t
aud about lit'.v tout ot luuuul. 1'iieo
Two Tliousana Dollars.
Ruiisons for olliiitf: Owner Hi es
I lint dOH'lo In I'luilK'' in minium
1 self, it. I lit.Mii imi i. tnl in mom.
' HUM Otll.'l .-i .ll Ulllh :-ln lu tl).- nH
I of this property In uiiluc t upi h)
this viumiiy. Hw iim-i of 1 1 1-1 .
thi-i mine can le h u mid a
lit lit -a idlien lor 1 1 :il)' i: i
lid in" udi. r iin. I i,-i i.. M
tdiiiwn live, i ii . 1 1 .ii .in
by Mr Mdl.i V . i-n i
luutiuii nd ire iVit l ii
I t'auyou City, ur tlw uwj Orntu.