Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 29, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday, .'lug. 20.
Til cool vrentltor is winding tho
mountain ontiipera homo pretty f.ut.
Circuit nnd county eouit onch eon
rones noxt Monday nt the court homo,
VC Dayville folks tiro anxious for n
wngon mil to connect them with tho
railroad nt Hppfior.
VTI.o 1hi5iio ofllc of tho Pacific
Live Stock Co. hut U'tm moved from
ltoukdi to Jliunoy City.
Mr. Strother lnon, fnthsr of Hon.
I. II. Isou, (limt at bin home near
Wingville, linker county, lust week.
David lilutttou Bcconiutied hy his
daughter tmesod through town last
M'gk on rout to tho Konr valley
.Mote I Town Imm Mild hit property nt
Onleb and will remove to Western
Oregon. Omul county ltm a good in hi removal.
A Imckwood&mnn, while visiting
Kook Spiing, W'yo. T., a day or two
no, learned for tho flint timo of tho
Johnstown disaster.
The weather prophet pwik out
iind say wo aro going to have a hnnl
f winter"; hut ho don't know anything
f 1 mut it met Mm fen inn
TnliiHtgo my, "that a good newspa
per is the gmndoht tempoml blessing
that Cod 1ms given the people of this
century." Sfiliqr.EiUHui' tlnr.JjHA
Tim Secretary of tho State Hoard of
Agrioulturo has our thanks for a sea
son ticket to the State fair, which
coinmoucos at Salem on Septemlier 10.
Kocoivod and now being display
ed, ovor 200 men's and youth's
suits, which wore inndo expressly to
ordor for Hnplonstnllj Dart A Co.
Win. Altnow of Otis valley, con
tomplatos erecting a d.un six hun
dred feet long and twenty feet high
to raise water for irrigating lsjuch
This year will lie remarkable for
extreme low water in rivers and
streams. Snake river is fordablo for
the first timo for more than thirty
yon re.
f Al
yea re.
A haiiny event which was to have
akon tilaco yesterday at Jloct creek
was the ltiurriiiKO of Miss Lulu Las-
well and Mr. Chin. 1 Johnson. The
Nltws Minds congratulations.
The jury list is composed mainly of
men of our county who pay taxes on
comidcrablo property, therefore they
will look to the county's interests
which is a part of their duty.
The county board of equalization is
in session this week, listening to the
complaints of tho who thought they
wore insos) 1 too high and arguing
with whom the lioard thought
were assessed too low.
' The two men, Alcorn and Malonny,
arrested in linker City some weeks
ago, charged with handling counter
feit coin, got oil" very lightly. The
former was given one year in the pen,
and tho latter his liberty.
Some alterations are being mndu in
the circuit court jury rooms, and a
partition run norms so that the mem
bers of the jury will not io under the
necessity of passing through tho court
room while going to and fro.
I liuvo nbout 'Jo tons of liny on
tho Middlo Fork near Middle Fork
station on tho Maker road, which 1
will soli cheap for cash. Inquro at
this ollico or of K. 0. Staiisell, 1 1
miles up Canyon creek.
The improvement in the Nkws
hinted at in last issue has materializ
ed and now exists in that each of the
'JS columns lms been made almott a
fpnrtar of an inch wide., giving more
residing matter to the page. Now is
tin time to sultfcriho..
A llamey gentleman who had tar
ried at u wine supper, found his wife
u waiting his return in a high state of
norvotmuess. Said she: Here I've
been waiting and rocking in a chair
till my lieud swims round like a top.
Joss so whore I've been, replied he;
it's in the atmosphere.
A genuine trump claiming to have
an "tlUter" or something in his stom
ach and a hitch in his spine worked
this vioinity pretty otibctually last
week for money to enable him to
reach his niece in I'rineville. " Ho
guvo his name as Walter Jticliaidson,
and looked font fully ill. Mr. Rich
ardson is nothing but an opium fiend,
though, and his lameness was all as
sumed. Quito a number of the kind
hearted perious hero coutiibuted to
his relief, and he went to John Day
am! Mowed it all in for strong drink,
n&vfli' ay much as treating any of those
WhVliulpod him. Ho deserves no
pity, und if you open your heart and
your purso for him you nro doeioved.
It is with pleasure that tho Nkws
oulli attention to the advertisement of
tho widely and favorably known I'ort
hind lliuiuoss College, and its associ
ate school, tho Capital Husines Col
lege of Salem. Hoth those schools are
perfectly equipped for the work in
hand, and oiler superior facilities to
thoio who desire to take either a bus
iniis course or a shorthand course.
Hundreds of their immer student
now occupy responsible positions in
various sections of noithwest, both as
book-keepers anil stun gmphet-'. .Mr.
A. 1'. Armstrong, tho iiiiuagor of
these institutions, is an experienced
and uueeiful oduoator, and is doing
grand work in fitting the youth of our
hind for business ouruurw.
Tho H.kor City nrtosinn well is
down 17f foot.
Under "Now to-day see ad of
Quong, Yuen, Lung Co.
Como look at our quarl7. collection
boforo purelmiug a mine.
Hugh Smith is at his pott of duty
nguin, after nn extended buihitw trip
to Cracker City.
M. 0. I'ierson yesterday ordered
the Nkws wnt to his ifnughter in
MorrUtown, New Jersey.
M. A. Sharp, n noted stage rohlior,
who was serving a twonty-ytsxr sen
tence in the Nevada State prison,
has made his escape.
Walton the lmrlr retunuNl Tttee
day fptn a nwk's trip to Haker City.
While alotit his shop was aljy pre
sided over by .lack Stevens.
We ucknowlsdg the receipt of the
seventh annual catalogue of the Ore
gon State Normal school at Monmouth.
Write tho president for a copy.
Mr. Kit Carson who lias been ovor
at Hole-in-tJie.ground beyond Fox val
ley prrupwiting, brought some good
looking rock into town Tuesday.
Mr. Win. Luce's team driven by
Mr. 1'ierwm Mimed through town
Tiiotslay loaded with delicious plums,
apples and other product of the ranch
Iwuttil for llamey valley.
Hy reference to the county treasur
er's notice in another column you will
see that all outstanding warrant pri
or to January 17, 1K87, will lie pnid
on presentation. Not a Imd showing.
It looks incredulous to state that
wild strawlHtrrio are in bloom now,
but such is the fact On uppr Can
yon creek whore the earth is moist
you can find them in great profusion.
Hnplonstalll, Dart fc Co., John
Day, are now oK.'ning the ftnoat
lino of MenV, Ladies' and Cliild
ronV SIhvh in (Jrnnt county. Also
a full line of Uubbor Footwoar in
tho latest stylos and novelties.
To all who contemplate a trip to
tho John Day valley after their winter
supply of vegetables tho Nkws can
truthfully say that not a new case of
diptheria has developed, and all dan
ger from thcdreadod malady seems to
lave iu
TJltr ltluo mountains are rejtorttxl to
JhVI'uII of thieves, some thitty head of
Horses having leen stolon from tho
Onind Hondo valley within the past
two weeks and run off into the moun
tains where it is asset ted tho thieves
have a cache. Kast Orogonian.
Died, at Prairio City, Oregon, Aug.
2(i, 18SU, S. M. Habcock, aged OS
yisirs. Tho funeral occurred Tuesday,
and was attended by a largo concourse
of relatives and friends. Mr. l!al
cock was a cousin of the late N. S.
Habcock, and came to Grant county in
early days.
A gentleman living nt old Camp
Watson recently dreamed that in a
certain hole under a f tump of a treo
he would lind a fur collar which
had been stolen from his house. Ho
visited tho field, found the stump,
nnd placing his hand in the hole,
felt a furry substance, pulled it out
and dropped the skunk on short no
tice, and has since been fumigating
the clothes he wore on that occa
sion. Fiod Miller advuitises his mine for
side in another column. And why
shouldn't he? When a man has real
estnto for sale he advertises it, and a
gold mine is just as good propoity.
Hut laying all arguments aside Mr.
Miller has a valuable lodge and oilers
it at bit-gain, as specimens of his rock
at this ollico will show. Taken from
the face of the ledge without lieing
picked over they show "colors," and
no doubt will assay well. Men of
money, take notice.
The I'liueeUiu college students
from Princeton, Now Jersey, complet
ed their researches and staitod home
this week, and one of them chanced to
scrape an acquaintance widi Mr. M.
(!. l'lvrhou. Then it came to miss
that the young unit was from Mr.
! I'ierson's native eitv Morristown
although quite a small Isiy when the
latter came away, but many reminis
cence of old time, were awakened. A
d iss of student! from this oolle go is
rsent out every year, aitd just seven
years ago Mr. 1'iersoii piloted ur jMirty
in charge of Prof. Hruokott over the
mountains of Coloiado.
Mr. S. (i. Mcduire informs us that
ho met twelve of tho Princeton col
lege students Tuesday on their return
home from tho fiMsil Issls of the lower
John Day. These boys are of the
graduating class of 1HKU, and were
sent to Oregon to collect fossils and
antiquities fen tho college museum.
They met with gixxl success, and re
turn with many hundred pounds of
Ikhius of prehistoric animals and shells
collected from the numerous mounds
in the northwestern jsirt of Grunt
county, in the vicinity of Monument,
which country is richer in fossil re
mains than any poition of the United
Mr. li S. Penfield is in a peck of
trouble.' Ho resides in Grunt county
and owns a Uiud of sheep, which were
this year driven into Harney county
for summer range. . He was assessed
in this county for them, also in Har
ney county, and our Itoard of (vpmli;i
tiou refused to remit the assessment.
Will he be obliged to pay taxes in
loth comities! If this is made, to
stick it is a good pointer for tlu as
sessor of Grunt county. In future ho
nan make the owners of roving bands
of shaep from other countiea jwy tax
es in this county when thuy are driv
en here to summer.
Horses in Wallowa county ar6
dying with mountain fevor.
A dispute over tho pnymont of
22 cents lias led to a lawsuit in
Old rosidontors recall tlio fact
that the summer of ISfiS was simi
Ir in many respects to the present
Garfield is said toVulMT,rInmK, i iB
Mrs. Junius A.
lie worth $500,000. When General
Garfield died His estate aggregated
about if 30,000.
By it vote of Idaho's constitution
al convention, tho capital will he
permanently located at Hoiso City
for the next twenty years.
A young man attempted to com
mit suicide at The Dalles by cut
ting his throat, hut will iive. ' Po n t
Tito latest Arkansas sensation is
a negro Imby with two heads and
face, one arm and three logs, upon
which it stands trtKd fashion.
A pocket-book made of rattle
snake hide, wich is so repulsive to
ladies thrtl thev won't touch it, is
j having n large sale among married
' men.
j Melbourne, Australia, is to have
, a public clock which will roll oil' a
popular air every hour excepting
j during .Sunday, when only sacred
music will te played.
This valley can furnish Uaslern
Oregon with fruit this soofon.
I .urge quantities of plums aro hound
to go to waalo unless some prepara
tions are made for drying thorn.
Groceries, Flour nnd Farm Pro
duco always on hnnd at bottom
priceX All goods delivered free of
charge within a limit of three miles
by ILutonstam., Daut fc Co.
If you have doubts of tho exist
ence of fine fruit up around Prnirio
Diggings, just call at tho Nnws gas
foundary and see those He!" Junes
left here by Mr. Hermann Loho
nian. Tiger shooting continues to be
excellent sort in India, there seem
ing to l;e no diminution in the sup
ply of t lie fierce creatures. Same
way with rabbit shooting hero a
few yours ago.
Women should pay no attention
to dreams. A Walla Walla woman
dreamed of finding a pot of gold in
the collarand noxt dny she wont
down ami oozed around and found
a keg of beer which her old man
was keeping on tho sly.
hyf. urtver rocontiv kiiicu a line
. . , . r. ..... i , l i ti
15 me iiiouuiniuu aim toaiicu 11
to one of Moso Hart's Mules;
tliSlldnkety-black critter got away
and "leifrainou three nays, then
turnning up with a very ripe elk oh
his back. Ontario Atlas.
The latest crank prominently re
ported is the madstone crank in
New York cily who sublimely oilers
to allow himself to bo bitten by a
mad dog for and in tho considera
tion of 'foOO, relying on his proeious
madstone to ell'eet a cure.
The grizzly bear is following in
the footsteps of the buflalo and
gradually going hence. It is now
only among tho most broken coun
try of the territories that ho can bo
found at all and ho isn't htdfns
full o' fight as ho used to bo. '
Polouse, W. T., has a vouthful
bigamist. He is not yet old enough
to vote by several vcars and is the
husband of two wives. Tho last
one was onlv l.'l vcars old. but nov-
j ertheless she skipped with him and
tho nutlujties are hunting tliem.
Tlio first meeting of tho Maker
tCity Stock and Agricultural Socio
Vv X-ill take place on October 8th,
aWl promises to bo a great success.
It ifces will form a great feature of
the meeting and many of the nota
ble horses of the coast will he enter
ed to conli st for tho prizes.
A witch-hazel man persuaded
Charles McDonald of Winnontucca,
to dig a well in a certain place for
water. He has gone down Wo feet
through solid rock, und the prospect
is good for another thousand. 'Mc
Donald is now looking for tho man
with, tho forked stick. Lakoviow
A weather prophet says tho Miss
issippi will ovorllow portions of
Louisiana because of heavy rains in
tho nour future. In proof of tho
fact that faith in weather prophets
is not wholly lost, it is stated that
Louisiana hens have roosted so high
since tho prophecy was niiulo that
half the colored' population is
throated with starvation.
John L. Sullivan has boon son
tencod to 0110 year's imprisonment.
All but 0110 of tho grand jury re
commended punishment by lino of
t 1000 only, hut tho court said the
lielit ivns a eross nnd Hvstcmutical-
ly arranged violation of tho laws of
Mississippi, and the Kontentenco
! was "imprisonment for twelve
I months." Tho case will ho appeal
' el of course, but it is not likely to
' he reversed.
It is rojiortod from Salem that a
i two-year-old flu treo has this year
produced fine figs. At Pendleton
Horghum presents it fine nppcaraiico,
some cotton is being successfully
raised in tho northeastern part of
Umatilla county. Practical tests
j may demonstrate the fact that figs,
sorghum and cotton can bo profita
bly grown in cortum sections 01 ute
state, thus adding three more pro
ducts to the already long list and
variety. ,
Dry weather,
Dust and profanity.
Mining interests at an advance.
v Ajtow null (5 stamps) is Iwing
uccted on the old Grnliam lodge.
I tiftii nM tiiinf nOafiMi'linro mill
uui ocr.
Granitejjas three mails per week
w. awrfwith bettor roads sho imiv
'ecognued as the coming town.
Cabbel Hro's have nbout sold the
La llellevuo mine, consideration
not known, but several thousand
dollars is the sum.
The Monumental Co. aro still
-Jkfi u r 1 eI g
rjmnmg their two tunnels, using
i drills. Just what they
will strike is to he found out.
Tho Greenhorn country seems to
be the great attraction. Several
cood mines have been struck and
surely more will bo ere the season
closes as there is a camp lire with
prospectors jou every point of the
How is this? a J. P. of l'mntilla
Co. emtio ovor into our district, and
was luckoy enough to kill a door,
and having killed it was not satisfi
ed hut sold some of tho meat, also
wrote a poem and after nailing the
deer's bend to a tree, attached tho
following lines:
"1 thU i n lif
So thai M b- !)
Ttil MnUr without limit
IU pit llicr JimI lb mm.
'In hw lli ilnr mm Wlsil,
01 conrM llttl limn,
lint luiHUir llil up from thlml
Awl jot nitre Jmt lli m."
A saloon will bo opened on tho
1st of Sopt. in the now town. Since
the have got water there is a pros
pect of another addition to the old
town. "
Tho festive Siwash has begun his
niiuunl hunt and white folks must
suffer his depredations because he
is a government ward.
A saw milt is being erected by
some Prairie Cily parties on Gran
ite creek near the mouth of t(?n
cent gulch.
The names, of tho aliovo hunters
can be found on a treo on Heaver
creek. Giia.nitk.
Suits aro pending against four
teen ex-countv treasurers in Arkan
sas who are short in their nccounts.
Fish Commissioner McDonald
thinks salmon can bo made as
plentiful as ever in the Columbia
The deepest artesian well in Rus
sia opens with a depth of 520DO feet.
Tho sinking operation took two
There aro just as good prospects,
and as good undeveloped mines in
Grant county as anywhoro on the
coast if people would only believe
so. We are oil' the railroad, ard
tho country has not been prospect
ed for quartz.
A Catholic priest in Chicago ran
away with a man's wife and is said
to liavo married her and gouo to
Hurope. She took her husband's
money and diamonds, so that if the
priest" loses his job she can supjiort
them both.
Tlfti original of "Old Hlack Joe"
died at Mount Holly, X. J., recent
ly. His proper namo was Joseph
Queen. lie was the oldest man
in New Jersey, being 1 1'J years old.
He was a runaway slave, going to
New Jersey in 1SU7.
Kx-county treasurer Miller of
Harney county left the city of Har
ney between two days, owing sever
al parties and having an uusitislled
judgment hanging over him. The
shorilVwent after liim and captured
his wagon, hut failed to find Miller.
A Methodist preacher named
llolniicic, of Neola, Iowa, wilfully
murdoiod a young man named Pal
mer because Palmer was to marry
one of the preacher's congregation,
which engagement he objected to.
Preachers have no business to in
terfere in such matters, neither in
Malheur county girls have a now
metod of discovering their futiiro
husbands. Thev count the number
of gentlemen wlio lip their hut to
them, and the hundroth man ie the
follow. One gir,l tried it, hut it
didn't work. The hundredth man
was a corn doctor who has a wife
and seven children.
A largo number of Grant county
young men aro invited to puriise
tho following, and then go to bed
and dream over tho matter: A
young man, of New York, 20 years
(dd, has grown to bo imbecile from
excessive cigarette smoking. Three
packages a day was his quota when
ho was taken in charge by the au
ilwiriiies. I'n to six months n uo
ho was bookkeeper for a responsible.!
firm, at which time two packages ol
tho little rolls of vile tobacco sulllc
ed to quiet his nerves.
Tho killing of Judge Terry is mo the columns of tho press,
and the man has gone to his grave
without any ex pressed regret. Aside
from marrying Sarah A Khun Hill,
lie was a fair representative of thut
class of fire-eaters who attempted to
rule the country by brute force in
ante-bellum days. Tho caning of
Charles Sumner, the mobbing of
Lovojoy in Upper Alton, and the
threats made against Abraham
Lincoln after his election as presi
dent were all indicative of the same
Bpirit. Mountaineor,
Who wants to Ims justice of tho
Arent he a daisy? Who? Char
lie Kami's dog. Itnts.
Chas. Itann is spending a few
daysiu town with old friends,
everal sheep herders in town
trying to drink our saloons dry.
John Day drinking water is get
ting very low nnd whisky is getting
Mr. Pierson stalled to day for
Hums with n load of fruit nnd veg
etables. Several largo loads of freight
came in from Maker City during
the week. Wo hear no kicking
from the teamsters about the roads.
Next Mondny circuit court begins
nnd all evil doers will bo oxiwetod
to walk up to tho captains office
and take their medicine like n little
The lame man who has been so
liciting alms in Canyon City dur
ing tho week oame down to John
Dny nnd had a jolly good time set
ting 'em up to the say Mr. Kd.
when you follows get "any more
monoy we'll send another cripple
dp after it. Thoy make Home howl
you bet.
We heafd a regular old-time
Comnianchec war whoop in John
Day last week. Somo evil minded
erson saitl it came from the barber
shop, that a stranger was the vic
tim and that the barber's chloro
form had given out, hut wo found
out that Dr. Prtidiu did it with his
little forceps.
Wo understand that Grant Co.
is to be well represented nt the Ha
ker county fair to he held at Haker
Citv in October. Mr. Hanisby is
training one of James Norman's
blooded mares ami also a two-yonr-old
golding, and wo hear that
Hlaeksmitli is also in active train,
ing and will no doubt make somo of
tho fast horses of Haker get there
in good time. Grant county has
somo good running horses but I
have not heard of anv going to Ha
ker City.
Poor Sarah Althea. Once more
this dashing beauty has been loft a
widow, and that she is doomed to n
life of crape and salt-water tears,
there is no doubt. Why not hie
thee to the land of the sagebrush,
Sarah? bury thy aching head on
the broad breast of some Oregon
sheep herder and not soil thy pret
tv face with tears for California
ifudea and quack lawyers. Como
to Oregon the land of milk and
honey, straddle tho woolly broncho,
brniiil the festive slick ear and grow
up with the county.
La iik.
The Idaho couforenco of tho M.
K. church convenes at La Grande
Septemlier 27th.
The Presbyterians aro taking
measures to establish a first class
academy nt Union, Union county,
If vou borrow, you must lend;
therefore whatioever you nro un
willing that men should borrow of
you, borrow not of them.
The United States has exeuded
f 1,112,500 on the Cascade Locks of
tho Columbia river between Port
land and The Dalles within the past
Hurtled penrs are being shipped
from near Salem to St. Paul, Minn.,
by tho carload. Oregon fruit is in
good demand wherever it can be
The pleasant flavor, gentle action
and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs,
when in need of a laxative and if the
father or mother be costive or bilious
the most gratifying results follow its
use, so that it is the best family rem
edy known and every family should
have a bottle.
For sale nt the orchard of Mrs.
Phillips, Canyon City, a largo quan
tity of the finest fruit in the market,
consisting of plums, prunes, poa's,
apples and currents. Will soli
plums at two dollars per bushel.
All other frui.ts cheap.
S 1 1 E K P MIC X Ta'kfT NOT1 C 15.
I will bo al Canyon City the fi rat
part of .September with a "choice lot
of Thoroughbred nnd Grade Merino
Hucks for sale all parties wanting
llucfcs will do well not ( purchase
until they see mine. Thanking tho
public for past favors, I remain
Yours Truly
N. II. Corritr.1.1..
A most ludicrous picture was
presented one day this week by a
gentle and familiar 1 ovine peram
bulating through the alleys and
getting nno of her feet encased in nn
oil enn. M10 was considerably wor
ried over her predicament, and tho
more efforts made by Imuinnitari
aus to relieve her from the medica
ment the more excited she became,
until she finally released herself
from the can. What a blessing cows
are, and how gentle and docile they
become in our highways and by
ways. Mountaineer.
It is said that one woman out of
three all over Utah drinks whisky
and gels drunk nbout so often.
They claim they do it to l:op off
This line is only to till up with.
For the circuit court of tho State
of Oregon for Grunt county, .Sep
tember term, 1SS0:
Thos. Highland,
Andrew Lytch,
W. II . Johnson,
It. M. lluntan,
T. L. West lake,
K. P. Laurance,
liham I-aitranco,
W. It. Fisk,
Win. Wright,
Miles Tltomon,
John Austin,
llenrv A. Hvde,
limil" Mcharf,
1 lorn co Trask,
('has. Hclshaw,
J. W. Marcus
Stephen I lore r,
J. 1). lCaton,
J. W. Waterman,
W. A. ItichardNii
Win, Pearmaln,
llenrv Murphv,
G. I. 'Shank, '
F. M. Uarr,
James Hughes,
Ferdinand Hunt,
J. It. Hogg,
It. II. Donnelly,
Perry Pearson)
T. J. Smith,
F. It. Sels,
Hock Creek.
Prairio Citv.
ML Vurnon.
Long Creek.
Shoo Fly.
Hear valley.
Canyon City,
Long Crkuk, Or., Aug. 21, 'SO.
Kd. GnnxT Co. Ni:ws: Dear Sir:
I wish to offer a fow facts in regard
tq tho Pendleton and Canyon City
road. Your item in tho Nnwsof
tho 3th inst in regard to tho matter
I did hot see until the present, for
the reason that you failed to send
my pnter for two weoks after it ap
peared. As yon are doubtless awaro I
went before tho court and endeav
ored tti induce them to approve the
report, I lndiovo then I was justified
in so doing nnd I believe yet 1 was,
as we were very caroful in locating
to avoid damages and made some
slight ehnnges in tho route we had
marked out for that purpose. In
one instance only wo could not
change so as to avoid it, but the
only damage he set up was for the
actual cost of the extra fencing it
incurred which I believe would not
exceed two hundred dollars and
which 1 thought we could nllbrd to
pay in view of the fact that we
were gelling so much greater
amount fioin tho stnto to bo used
in tho county. Ontsido of tho
above there was no claim for dama
ges, although I understand that
Mr. Denning was out on the
lino trying to induce settlors to put
in claims for damages. Hut ho
was not aa successful with them as
ho was with tho county court. Thoy
wanted the road and not damages.
H. II. Davis.
A small piece of gum camphor
burnt on a hot stove, two or t hi eo
times n day, will rid a house of
Hies nod mosquitoes without tho
use of screens, besides purifying the
air and make the building more
healthy, says an exchange.
1AX& A
Coml'iivei tlic juice of the Blue Flyi of
California, 1." laxative ami mitniinuo.
with t lie 11.nln.inul virtuci of plam
(known to lie lnot lieneliiial to the
human s)lrm, forminK tlie ON t.Y IT-U-I'iXT
lU'.MKnV to act c''y
iroi.)j lly on the
Cleanse Hio System Effectually,
iunn blood,
Hlur !l f. !l'w. Kvcry one li uilng it
ami nil air lclit'litcil with it. Ak your
(buns:. -I (( SYKUl' OF FIGS. Maim.
(3 ti.t' cl onl by the
M FkAMvltlO, I AC.
Locum.) , I. .. N Vonic, N. V.
To tliomi wishing to buy fruit ami
vegetable, f woiibl say that I will
sell apples on tlio rmieli nt fiO otn per
lox, ,ilno n good imsortintint of voo
tablos lor snlu ut rmiHouablo pricoa.
All nidus will 1m promptly attend
ed to. Order loft with 0. 1'. Crosnp,
in Cnnyon I 'it , will roach urn ovmy
wool;, nn I will usually Im in tnvin
SatiudavK and Tne'-dyH of o.tfb
wuuk with ft nit to lli-Mili'iici'
twoniilon Ih'Iiiw .lo'm Day City, on
Tho Dulhis nmil.
W.M. LlI.T.
iiiniui Ohnn
00 1)111) I,
AM ON' t'lT ,
UAKXK&i, WH. I'd, cii'LKS,
And geiisul stippllos eotigUmtly
1: opt on hand.
Saddles ordered at a snndi dis
count. Koimnnb' done on ohui t iiutico.
How ihe Drown Sequnrd Discovery la
Dr. Urown-Sequnrd, tho most fa
mous living authority on physiolo
gy, hns mndo the startling (Iiscovo
rv thnt nn injection of the vital
glniidulnr secretions of nnininnls
into human beings rojuvcnnled the
entire system.
While this ' Elixir of Life" trenl
mont is creating such n furoro
throughout the country, wo must
not overlook the new uses for tho
trontment of diseases by jdoctricity,
ns doiiionM rated by Iw Durrin.
For instance, the awe of Mr. Cun
ningham. Ho live in W'npinitin,
W'nsco county, Or., and enn be seen
by anyone.' His enrd tells tho
story. "Judge Kalahan's enscisno
less" remnrknble, and gives great
weight to the skill of Dr. Dnrrin
nnd liiH electric troatineut. Tho
following aro relinble testimonials,
nnd should give scientific nnd
thoughtful men cause for study and
TltlCITV. W'npinitin, W'nsco Co., Or.
Uditor Orogonian: For tho ben
efit of sull'eriug humanity I wish to
mako known tho following facts:
About two vents ago I wns made
totally deaf in one ear and pnrt tal
ly so In tho other, so I could hear
with great difficulty. I was per
suaded to consult Dr. Darriu
through the remarkable cures of
many others, nnd thanks to his
skill, I have reason to rejoice, ns I
nm cureil so I can hear n whisper
or tho tick of a watch. I think tho
euro a wonderful rcmilt of ehvlrio
treatment. Refer to me.
Juan: kalaiiam's cam.
Kditor Oregoninn: This certifies
that Dr. Dnrrin hns cured tuo of
polypus. During one treatment he
removed four from one tar. I enn
recommend him to the public as nn
intelligent nnd skillful m in. Hefur
to mo at Knlnmn, W T.
Editor Oregoninn: 1 wi lt to .iy
that Dr. Dnrrin cured 1110 ji p.ti li d
deafness and ringing in tho ears by
electricity. The enn- wus p-rfunn-od
ill five ininntis.
Cor. Water nnd Cur y "$ts., mull
I 'or thi ml .
Ur. UarrinV Place of Dusineas.
Dra. Dnrrin ut 1 1 1 conult-d fi o
at 128B Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portland. Ollltv hour, from In to
oVIoi'k daily; t-vei log. 7 to S;
Sundays 10 to 12. All em. .bio
chronic discuses, loss of luait nut,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, ninnir
rhuDU, stricture, Hpcrnmtonliu .1,
seminal weakness, or loss of d .-mi
of sextunl power, in i-ither inn n ur
woman, cntnrrh and denfrus.-. arc
confidentially and BUrrissfull) t id
led. Cures of private dima-frf
guaranteed, nnd never publislu d in
tho papers. Circulnrs sent (Vie.
Most ensca enn receive Lome
treatment after a visit to tho
doctor's ollico.
L'.vtyt ly tKe'tmoM An',!;. 1,'
To t'.-j lopmott plotuvdcoi . HI"" W li
tcr'i t tmnach IHUr ttiivts a kUu.'
11I iv hit gunuUii) Bfrtt, te:-ril Vl!..i '
forco ot proven ftu '-, oca MtiV.x T)
nntl South American cmitinott, .
Australia, thv Weil Itv1lf, UuotD' 1
Moxiro liavo nil roinj-ilrui.wl wldo t
nnl liwtliu -7 of i!m iiiiki invMni !
Imt ni.Ai'll.'tttsil in 1 "ill Hit- r))'. 1'
tilt torllu itimil' .' n'.iaa 1 1) 1.'.
fur mIiHi Ibu ni'it ing ii
lirnlMlluunl Ic.Uwi'ii.v i. . . i tlin i
mi t
txinUn curative. n 1 1 1..', fen 1, I
rcmiliriil, iluion tiiiu I vuu a),- . .
)qili,llvi!romt'lttiiu, m nouno' . Oi
tiilnoy nnil lilatMcr cuiiiplmuu. It nutir.i
Iim n tfiHlmioy tit prvvanl ill CMci'iiur. . . n
from oxpotur mtil yjihttuMiao. 1'er.i.n d
K-drnlarS' litbltn apa luliorlou ewufk.Uu. u
will nwl It m over umIuI UU&
UNlVKltaH'Y " OF"1Tl.t;"N
Nit wnicii begins un Muij.I v,
tho Kith uf SrpU-mbcr 1886.
I'nio scltolnrsliips. from imiv
county in the state. Appl.v " r
Cotinty Suptii'iiiteiideiil. Vrvv tui
tion iiftei .liiiiiuty 1, I 90.
Four Con rn's: Clnmiasl, w u 11
t i fie, Litornry nud sboit 1 tli h
Coiiiho in whiuli thoio i no I. mm,
Oimik, I'Viuieh or 'Gorman. T
ICtiiiltali is pro miiiiifiiily n Mumm.
C(nno. For ostslogues or i'l"r
infill 111 itiun, U'liln-sn
J. W. JOH 80.
1 mi niurmiiwi 01 nt, niu oonvA.t
' d r til-- misj.!!') v - I tl, 1
II 01 To in will !' !i..'ti ai 11 1 v
! hOllill lillll. Ill I xliMHi Citv, Oi
Friday evening
Sin'TKJrJlEH Gth. 1SS:).
The bout of inunie h.i . in u xcli t -
' od nnd nothing V ' i '-pnn 1 to
iiinko the dmieo un lmijiauI'Iu tifl'.iir.
Com. ox Anew i'
Ml, 11, .!. I I. M U ,
and 1 . I .
FWOB Cov: 1. 1 U 1 1
Smith, (J. D. lii. k 1 I.....K.
ItRCItll'IOK Coil: C. 1'. i i iy, ( iuy
TodliunUwr, Sig Dmll.i iin-i- an I F.
M .
1 Piy'lf V Invi; !