Aii OttuWu editor longs liereoly to soo tho Dominion give the t'ni tod States a complete whipping. Ho does not pcchi to have any 0011 nCctlfll 0 coherent ideas 'about what tlioriiicd States will ho do ing wliilo this process is going on. Oregoniun. THE BRANT COUNTY HEWS, August 20, ISSf). The constitution of South Dako ta is longer and stronger than that of the 1'nited State. There has not been n single dentil from small-pox ir. London thU year. No Chinamen there. Within tho pnst yoar Knglmid has invested SCUO.000,000 in for eign coining $30,000,000 of this hoing placed in the United States. A number nf young women fn.j Cu-dibert, (Ja., have organised tin anti kissiiifr tooiotv. Thoso wlio'i have Foen tho inenibors say that tH.or years tor murderous as. such a nrcenution won not nuewwn. nH Uli tho condition tlmt if tlio SI; Francis Academy BAKER CITY. Or. Con dueled by the Sisters of SI. Francis. Tho Nvnda"por give doleful j ,M,AH,),K' Asn nAr "m"- rmi accounts of cattle nwislifng tor want of water in that tnte, one tatotnont i to tho I'llcet that from Humboldt House west, the water hole in the river bod in said to be lined with dend carcasses. On the little Humboldt similar stories are told. Tllf (joi'cruor of Wyoming late ly ln1ttlt0d A man sentenced to a Studios will (jo resinned Supteinlmr 2nil, Tonus moderate. For furtlinr Mrtioulara AddroSH Sisthii SetTiiiou. ry. convict ever drink another dron ' of llqimr he shall forfeit hit liber- A If the bride at n recent wedding i ty and be sent back to piisoti in Xcw York received 1,000,000 ! Minitar jmiilon wr grouted worth of presents, as stated, it Miof Usippi a lew year ago. scorns about time to bring to a cIopc the discussion of the ques tion, "Jb iMarriagj; a Failure?" in OREGON STATE FAIR! Twenty-ninth annual exhibition at Bulem, Oicgou, OmiinwiufT .Moiulny, Srptoinlirr HI, Continuing one week under tho management of lliu Ore gon Stslo Hoarc of Agriculture. OVER $15000 III NI1LSON JOSIH, I'llltrr. 1!. n. ntsiior, TUBAS- MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST GO. MONEY TO LOAN! On Improved Farms in Grant & Harney Counties. (iii.niomti) Reasial Bales; i Delays wHeii Title is MiGcncral wm.onso&ror,vnrdi..g asi,. y xvcl Sootxrlty i &ttlr Tn olorv If .you contemplate borrowing money call on or address- - STUHGIL L STU11G I L L, : lktkor CUy, Oregon, . . . .on. . . . UILJ.Hj1.YC1C $ HOWELL, Frairio City, Oregon. JLaurance Sf Howell. Doalors in PREMIUMS The Wnlln Wnlla Journal, hnv ititt weoklv retreated from its ik- 1 hit foil, mid ill tint (iifttnm'ti nf n Tho latOBl combine i "the now- j firm of Portland lawyer givon a , Oflorul fur agiirullural, Uok, lr trust. Troubles thicken eoiiplo of female a 'faty0 wmf'nS around tho imtion' brow. We j high recommendation as "ladle" I (ar . , i J ' of tho bet character, the lyist Or- I rMiRoioioE & Trolling Races "cabinet" performers, and all oth- uu,,UIMfa u ""'""to Jnlinngois not a iioliever tn : en ot tlmt ilk are swindlers, and t-av missionary work. Ho says that anybody who iwvs thcin.anv nion. , VA X. pcoplo who wofo croniod ignorant jey for anything they inV do oi- , . . . , , . ! cannot bo .inner., mul that tho y, i, a fool.- O. ' lhl ff "! " j tllltntOrud Afriwill Will bO iHVOd if' aagriaasr-ar.igr.a.- r.-st.jf.Mj, j , , lot nlon. as q,,icl; , ,1, n.HHo,, ; SHW TO-DAV. "SS. TJ'Lu prr- v mm can tio longor oven go to war with foreign iiiiOiiiiug without paying tribute to tho powers of wealth. Prairie City, O, egon. also AGi:ira ron tiii:- lohn Swift, u Couiiotluut man, lived to tho age or oighty-cight without being ick ono hour in hit whole life. He never had uiuinpi, mausles, headache nor toot bach, ami when ho died it was more became a tree fell upon him than from any fault of hi own. A colored boy, whilo cutting wood near Johnstown, S. ('., w bitten on tho leg by a largu rattle snake, lie screamed for help ami his elder hmlliAr ran to hi ait unco and iintnedintrdy began tuck ing Hid woui.d and spitting out tho poison, lie continued thin for a ipinrtor of an hour, whon their rattier reaehod the nt with omc whisky, but the Riicking of the poison had already wivoil the boy' life. Tho great utumbling block in tho way of denorviug but poor young inen who arc in purnlt of a rich girl has been removed. The poatmnstor-gencrrd in hit great wUdom has usued an order modifying postal rogulntions m that here.ifter letter not Btnmpcd will be forwarded to thoeaddre- od, from whom poolugo will lie . collected. llen-tofore notice of i jHJStngo due Iiuk been oeiit out and i tho mail withheld. ! SOTIOB. k mntj mdani btrli .4 irr iwtorlo ' .Jnnunry 17. 1887. Ill l tnlu m tTrlallM ut uUrcrt will ctw ffi-w thlt data. K. II. IIOLRY, VonnXf Tiom. I'myon Oily, Or , t. MO. r:tv ciiii:sh i'ih.u. W. II r. A I. I ck, AhTIWl4 Abtnf, AimoiiBr to the publle lib aewilla4 ity, Tbal Wt'n baagttl tk in nni All Um u. I'onntrly omttd hr Ur, Bof fi, In bnjr'ns Uiim, w boat lit drht,' Koran; III llMl dvbl btii H.H imrtnlM by lllnt 11 r, Th lapwil ird to evr !.. II Ihtn og wl.h t trull at all. .! tH lo lhwllb mi ctlif ctt; A4 l( our i mn ) f I la know, ' Wir print II ltt Jmt lr j M . QUOHC, YUEN, LUNC. CO. Jmim Ui Crrr. tlr , Au. , w. 15STH.VY NOTICK. firm tlie fir PRICES of ADIY1MISSI0N Mi'ii tiny ticket -. - f0 Vih(.h tin v ticket - 2fie Men' noii ticket - f 2 fiO Women' mnwii ticki't - ?1 00 Semi to tho aocreUry at Sitlcin font j pri'iniiiin litt. ! .1. T. APH5USON, i l'loailent. rJ. T. C'HKCiO, b'ee. !CITY LIVERY STABLE! Frank Uio'h Implomonl Co'h Mnchinory, CouBihliiif,' of Moworn, Honp cw, Self JUndlng llarvasUni, Jtakoa an! wngonu. A full line of Ay ricultural ImplimoiitH anil exlraa f6r nil Mnohinns imod in thi country, Which wo will hoII choap for Cnsli or on tiino with approvod BCourity. Gfeorge Gundhrch &f llro. UKALUHN IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAXYOXCITY - The ( ompuny has recently constructed a two-story warehouse SO x 100 feet, with wool press and all con von iences for It a n filing wool- Tho Warehouse Gi urges a I ' leymcr will b& tho same as those ul. Arlington, less cartage: Freight upon haled wool from Jfcppncr, sumo as from Jlrlfngloih Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. THERON E, FELL, Manager. 5 1MUCF.S OKBATIjY JtHDUCED. Front Milliard l9 Oil ICO ox 5S COK It A b -ANO-aul FKH1) ST A I ILK i iWXSra KV.''VJr T.rt -.21,13 I A mwnnl f five .lullurs fur infor illation that will lea l ii llto rocovery or ten doIlurH lor tho dvlivory tit Oanyoii Oily at Cunuii.gton'n H'.uhlo ana roan liorw DC on lilit fllioulilcr, mul ill 8 liora dnrl: main and tail white sivta in forahcad six yo.un old. Ono iron-jpHy yoatling lioro colt brandod Run leftttillo. W. H. Caairiiuk. ryon City, Aug.Sa, 1S80. S30.00 It IS WARD, W. R. CUNNINCTON, I'ropiiftor. (Wood A Church ' old Stiwirf) Oeoil Irtijuy Inn ah.l nlc Si.l.lle llorxa (urulilirl al all liourt Ilia ill)' or utiflit a raawiiubla t.rlcmi. I'aitlriilar al(nlloii vU la toaiillnr; ami kiiviiiIiik tratiolrnt itnck. K.NTItASCK Main ami Valnn;l.ti itrcrU. H. TANSELL, Proprietor. . Dealer in ine Wittes, Liquors (intLCigfti's, ClXrO.,Y CITY - - - - 17 MnJCGOX. Henry Musi's CeleboaCed Beer Consta'Uu- Jap A. ISA CHENE Y. -t DEALER IN General erchandise. JAMES & JONES. Proprietors of The City Drug Store. Keep constantly on hnnd a complolp aleak of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Palont Mdlicincs, Toilet Articlos, Pcrfuinos, Soaps, Powdor, uffu,. Ooinb, Tooth Nail, Clotlicn nnd Ibtr Uruulios, Druggist's 31111 drios, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Olnss, Putty, Ohinvys, and and ovoiythiug to bo found in a firsl clnss JJruj; Storo. Nothing bul Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. o Onloiflfroiii a diHlttnco will rocoive prompt altontion. Prescriptions especially UAK1311 crry ; ohegon HaptonstaSI Dart 8c -BIXTCSSOIIH TO- JUPTOXSTALL S- .DART, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO , OREGON. her. - fi Have now received the largest andmost camplctc stock of nsw goods in Grant County, which they will offer for sal o at prices that defy competition. If. iSELJS. Genera M 4. JOHN ?D AY CITY. CANYON CITY Or. TUFF ID' JUIOS. Fropr (lot out of pasture two dark bay or light brown moras near Hurim rm r.i " i 'HftllU'y COUUty, OIt llflll Oil I ho Spoknno halls paper eon- ,, Ml an1tiil brando,l on loft siiro tho inofllcioiit lire department si,0nWr thu, 7 olno long inuil nf Mini nlni (riiiini-nllv tmr!iifT tlm ! l tromentiouR low by the recent fire I nhroU.', ''? H had star in . . rJ. ... i loroUead ami wluU on iina lirani od to thwr imporfect organuation, ! y(,oU f Ut hj wej ,it ,0 and tho inullicicucy of the water iS0,.nch, ouo was bougtit in Fox supply. The lesson coines hiah, ' vmIIcv nu t tlm other on Huttor oioul;. . ,. . ....' . . . ; mil i no more progressive cuies on i uo noove rowant win io pain to an 'ueliu uiiiiiKir as will this coast are rapidly leurnttig , on.-uiai win mvr. nnn.iriniun timt cft! n?xfU unit it pays to equip aii'i imnninin a thoroughly orgauixed tire dejmit meut and cnnblu them to combat (!xxl ftxxl, cxoellunt cooks, nicn clean roouiit mul liwla. This jtintly populnr llotnl 1ms l.nitn roopunod to tin) puMio, autl tlm propri etors will eniliavoi;to srvo Hitnms in iittlueo tliuia to City Mipt Market, will to thi-ir locwvtiy. Address A. J. Wiijicn. lbirns, Orogon. small fires buforo thoy develop in to conflagrations. Tho Poisil Jounml nays the fol- fiQLD MINE FOR SALE lowing ami it u about correct; Tho gentleman who edit the erop Sit tinted live miluH from Cunyon weather bulletin in the olhVe or My. "lid known as tho Vtl.oQrfgon H.ate weather Im,jm ' D JVj!LLFR LEDGE, ig quite ingenious, out ittr tan Ii- , juots are rather dry, ami the it- Tm partly dntlop'd, and ovrnos ( nnrts are iiecesaav verv muiioto- i fieo ifohl. niin vinif fiom seven to. 1 . . .. . I a... .I..H.. ..... i.... nous. Alter rending a sories oi M,B " !' 5a 5a WiiHliiitglon Stieel, Canyon City, Oregon. GRAY A. VfOS, Proprl.tors. -lllUMlIfi IS" orixoppuov. 1 v. luii. , i ii.vnk i.imiii, Piv.Nid.'iit Vu-f Pitidi-itt. i (ilKHICi: W. ClINHCII, t'ltsllilT. I j. r. iinr.A, t. . iiiii:, i. t. imnxox, i Pilivtnix i Traioint'ts a d'cnenil lliinklii? fiiislncs. i All Kinds Of mmi meats It) Wliolrsalr ftinl ItHallf " .lll.Q)'(lersjWrd on Short , nitre ILiehiui(i( lintn in. Tiwil MLfl fftrfilltlir 111 n ! tetl s011 nil (Htitt of tin. world BOUGHT and fciOLD- Collection? umdn at all xtut on Ittmsoimbk" Turn is. Monoy lotinwl at from one to tu Situit on tlm uiouiiiaiii, so inai tno ...v... .... ' , ' cost ol gcltiug out tlie 010 is noini- few voluines of imtent oiliee report ,. '.. ,f ..iulll, i mui ft ,tt hi the riiuuieh back ol our olllco ,nill i.,.,n nn.i .,.. rilinir thoro- lr cum. ami ncriuing them just to get to. (load wuroii roml, oi elinto, ! (something refreshing and lively. 1 and about tlfiv foot of tunnel. I'Hou j Tho n.iiiu fant we flntl with some j III'. ,S'. SOUTH II 'OFT 11, tXm Tlionsaiiil Dollars. ! ISM), ho leaves crop and weather , . . n i wl " ""'"w u" "r- Steam Sasli & Dior Pec on jt'ct no snjs. ' is cr lol Icgjr(, , ,.nsoge in milling huu- ! searco in hastcru Oregon. Ail g0f, nd lwin mtrroHtwIln numor-I spring and most of the creeks are oiih other lofiilions wishes to dispose Canyon CltYi Or. dry." W'ator nmv bo scarce, but of this property to indue e.ipiinl to tho slatoinent that am. springs had ih vicinity. Spe imons of oro fiom . Bash. Doom, Windiws, Olaw. Putty, gono dry i false. TheJe aiS tens '''" 7i?f WifflSf of thousnnd.) of iino springs in nl ' m" fo' ,, l'"'! Kasten, Oregon that j,'; r,f,g tS'ffi .to nl FurnilUrO Made lO Order, tho sniiio to day that they have for , j,3. j,r-Mllori j?,,,. t,nliwl infol tiino immeiiiorial. and not one in motion address ila Pi:i Miller, -nA I . I.... ,...VI .... . 1 1 i.:... ... .!. V l ! OUU IIIIS goiiu un. i uu i nviirr v iiTan i iiv, in uif niirn urnrt. MP 117 1VT h T) TV VI Y1 ' )iii ill your unit- un rnpi aim weather and in drawing your sala ry and let the spiing of Kastern Oregon alone, or else guess again. Jf the State weather bureau per sists in lying hIkuI the larger por tion of the State, or state, such CITY H9TL a I 'I MAIN KTltr.CT Canyon Citv, Oukoon, G. HO Til TJlOMFSfjf.' Proprietors. Traveling men will find this a pleasant and duflintblo place at M 1 1 1 1 1 t i-i (. t r 1 1 1 (jtvo iih u JOUV'lOSS Walch-nufef and Jeweler. H 5 to SO a a t. CO P3 3 U u c o s Canyon City, Oregon. 0. 1 CRKSAP Doitlor In Slalionory, Uooks, Schtwl Supplies, CJilt Hand and Olnsawnre,' iufEndlcsa Yaiioty. h'anoy Waros, suitablo foi pustmU (for both QhV and Young. Do)h' Iron WngoiiH, Unby Ourringwfioin Four- teen .to hightoon Dollars apioco. Cundios & cigars. Tobaccos, Coffee), Teas, Lard, iMotir, .Pried Fruits, Canned Fruits, liice, Cream Wheal, the liuost breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fish Polos, IJaskuts, Tub3, ltrooins, Iditnps, Uiid cages and ovoiylliiag that in usually kopt in n Variety Storo.all of which Gun now bj Potight Cheap forCash it the Old Stand iuCanyouCity Wegef Ifje Mule shod LUiuii n. (Opposito postoflicc) John Day, Orrg. etc,, Vot bn;iua urau!t al Uw D'tnt.a l'ollrr l-.iilinl. Oirntii. ur at tbr t.' lln tiirv. V alt ,ir Ril. in lu.lh aiiuaila . ll.v uT A V Aim.liouic liatr .luif .o.u.r if atudWrnauil aaiut lair, ul'luiiiuii lluhi iichm, M!i or lit nnd, a i t a t I .. I paljiaiile iaiseiiootis niiiuteiiuoiiai ly to tho detriment thereof, it had licttpp III' iiiiollhhil. Ill till:! Ill- ltiM-jrilliiitf. I'rninauihiS ami Kualih lxuaii ,. , ... in nl. Imy au.l ruli!fVMii- Stance It is Utility Of CrOSS CaiV- wi.n.l at any Umt. leseness to sny the lea.tT , Xtt.V7 0" TXT Urof, Pork, .Mutton, Lnrd, kept constantly cu hnnd. Ftxli, Chicki ns, Igsaud nil kinds ut tiHino constantly on hnnd when they tii lis had. Oidors from u diHtnuce prom jitly uttonilid to. i F. I. McCALLUM i Proprietor I CANYON CITY, Oregon. Keeps for sale Wittchos, Cloek ami Jewelry, and doos all kind of Itopuiiiiuj. Mining locution tlu Nkws OlUw. notioei forsdout o a to a a o a n CD (, -CJ oa fl CD CD tx p3 o to c c a 63 .3 . a . "a co a u o t It Miller's Jilav Its with Shop, 71 'ASllLYli TOXSTRKFT, C. IX ) 'OX( ITY, QJt. lliMJttiise his pih cs an- low ami all hi work warranted first-class. HORSESHOEING AFTER MAY 20: For Now Moos all aronnfl, $400 lo $5.00 nor Spaa 11 ... .... Whon in Hoppnor den't fail to 1 110 KU'T constantly on liund ami for wh, uoiistsuoiji, littod and unfit- um, .m, AA ,OXl HTi;r.i, i'" a i., wuirrLUTimiw, ,m:cic VOKIUI, WIIKKIJI, SJ'IIIN.iS, I'K'K IIANHuy, SI.UUOI! IIANDLUH hl.lUKlia llllll WUIIIIIU, i-U'., ute. call on bKRZlUt & THOMPSON for iiAiinwAin;, tlswaiiu, wood and WILLOW WAIIi:, OMOOKIIIUS, TOIIAtfO, lira, LTt. Agonoy for tho N:w IIomi: Suwino Machine uys. Ordnro ly nmil pioniptly rtnil oarefully fd'ed. TIRE IRON REDUCED TO 7 to 8 Cls. Per lb. A FHUiT-CI.ASS W'AUON .SHOP AT SAMK SVANn - - - - - . 1 .IIikIo to order. jakui v(ji:s niKajii.s at huckho.iuds