Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 22, 1889, Image 2

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    - t H
Grdil Co. News
,'JttgnU 23, 1SS0.
No treasury in tlie word ever
contained eo vast n sum of mon.
V ns that of t he United Stntef.
I'ho Inst statement show Unit
there ie in tho trensnry vaults
over six hundred in'illions in
gold nnd silver coin and bullion.
The Electrician reports a ru
mor from Merlin to the elfeef
thnt a menus has been dhcover
cd of using electricity for ascer
taining the true north, iuteitd
of the magnetic needle; that, in
short, tho now moans will he
superior to the coinpa??, and is
iii;oiy iy pupyrseuc 11.
Hon Jiutlor tried to get Illaino
on board his yntch at Liar Har
bor, but tin wily secretary of
Mate was afraid tho bold hliwn
neer might spirit him off to
fioinc piratical hiuiiit and hold
him for ransom. lie wisely
stayed on shore ami refused to
sen the redoubtable Hen.
In an Oregon county rircnlly
n young couple with a eleriea'l
looking man drovi iqi (o a farm
Iiouhc, I hoy Haiti for the purpose
of being married on Ium pleaxant
farm, for which they would pay
liberally. After marriage and n
dinner they handed the farmer
t JO and look bin receipt. Aftor
wards he wan called ujhui to pay
it in tho form of n note for -flOU.
Albany Democrat.
Several insurance eoinpnnies
have recently published state
ments relative to their liuancial
condition Hiuee the destructive
tires in (lie Northwest. In all
finch instances the apparent ob
ject is to imprc3s the pnbli c
with tho fact that they arc
financially ootid, and when they
do thir, they a!o in an indiivel
way admit that the prolilri of
the business aro largo. If it
were not so they would oon be
compelled to quit buirca.
There is a uchenie on fool in
Idaho to take the water from
Snake river and irrigate tho
large sage plains between that
river ami Moi.-e nver - la- j
plain contains about l,( OO.OOU
of acres. It is eHt.inaled that a ;
ditch costiiiL' 5S2.00U.OOO will be i
reijuireil, or about lifty cent an
. . - . ...
acic. I he laud with water
would bo worth ten tinier the
cost of the ditch. hour mil
lions of acres means L'5,000
honicsteaiU of 100 acre e.ich.
A homestead meane at least five
persons, and, live persons in wins
120,000 people.
Tho theological idea of tho
iinal destruction of tho world in
one grand contlagration is be
ing piovidud for on natural sci
entific law. The Now Orleans
Picayune, in an editorial in a
lato i'siJiio, concludes with the
lights now in existence and he
iiig diBCiihscd, it will not t'o to
riiliculo or laugh at the pro
claimed iloetrino of tho earth's
destruction by a great lire.
This can occur by the sullleieut
mixture of oxygen with the nec
essary gas in the earth to make I
it iullaiumnhlc. The enormous ;
deposits of oil and gas, not only ,
in tho United States, but also in 1
Uusia and China, present de- ;'
structivo facilities to produce a
cataclyisinal planetary conllagni. j
I.iuut. Wood, of the L'uitiil
ytates navy, has not a very high
opinion of Americau uiikiona
aics missionaries in Ciiimi ami
Corea. He lias spent much
time theie, and has been a wit
ness of their operations to Chris
tianize the natives. He inakis
this statement: "It is not e
trnvagant to say tlmt the work
of tlio missionaries in China
and Corea lino been absolutely
without any icsult, except to
hold them up to the ridicule of
tho natives, It has been before
stated, and I concur in the be
lief, that there is not a Chinese
convert to Christianity of sound
mind to-day within tho eutiiv
extent of China. The convert
we hear of in this county are
merely menials employed about
tho qttstrters of the missionaries,
who for a salary of !l per
mouth become converts, l',,t
when they are discharged there,
is no further evidence of their
change of mind. 1 ho missiona- .
. ..r. A i ...I. ...!al. il,rt ..,.11,.,
rich UU IIUl Jlll. HUH mi' mil nun
to ativ considerable extent, and
.i,...vr ilinii in..i.tiiwrs nr.. nut ,
.... .v . ...... .... . n ,
only conducted m J-.tigiisn, out '
witli themselves as andieucos. j
As for a nobleman of Corea or ;
a mandarin of China over ac
knowledging tho Christian faith
such a thing was never thought
of. As a matter of fact, they
are looked upon about as is the
Salvation army in America, on
ly to n degrco ten tiinps a
A Wheeling merchant recent
lv received 10 rents bv imiii
v f
front a man in Montana, who i
Miid tlmt ho had owed him thnt 1
sum for fourteen year, j
Chicago wants tho world's
fair in 1S02, and New York
also want it, nd Washington
City wants it, and about fifty
other cities want it, but Canyon
City cares nothing nlwut it.
Tho Arlington Times ny:
"There are mtiuy famers necr
Arlington, who are in danger of
being destitute before another
hnrvMt, on account of crop fail
ures, and that many will lie un- j
nble to buy seed wheat tide '
fall." ' S
Pcndloton Tribune: The im
pression Fccma to provnll that
Hon. Ci. W. Webb will lx nomi
natod hy tho domooratft to euo
ceed himself n state treasurer,
and that his rpwupnt in the can
Vw will be an I?atem Oregon
man. .1. 13. Ilenn, of this city,
W. T. Wright, of Union, V. .1,
SnodgrnM, of la Grande, nnd
Phil Metschnn, of Canyon City,
aro mentioned as among th poV
'I'he (). If. ,t N. Co. have
brought suit in (he circuit court
of Morrow county against the
bondsmen who agreed to fur
nish the right of way and depot
tmiinds of
tlio willow crook
braurh road
I'lic rnilroad com.
trim claim to have advanced
$2f.08.1.72 for the right of way
and depot grout'd and fhej
deoot around , the
iKiiKi.-iiitMi nave imi
them only
Anierican elitors are not the
only ones who run the risk of
having their brain addled by
nonsensical nuestiou. Some
brilliant KugiiAhman writes to
the editor of a locnl paper to
say that he wanN to ride 100
miles in 1 L bourn, and he .
o to know how many toppage
In: m to make and what to cat
, ami uriiiK. llic iililur in iiih-
l tion could not aimwer this earn
j est inquirer
, tiuery to his
but referred the
Tj,,, alleged di-.erv of an :
,.Uxir of iift,'. ,v ,j,t, V.uinent
pIVMiof,ist( n;. r0u-,Ne. J
i". : 1
I (iiccii-rfiou anionir l lie doctor. 1
nun niiiivM nil il llM i
Tho elixir acts on all the organ
indirectly, making an ugd man
as he nay!, thirty years younger. J
I'n rl her experiment! will he j
made at once. It it liirn-i oat'
that tho elixir has the proper l
ties claimed for It, I 'once de
Leon' ilreMiu will be r.'a'owd
and tho world will be rcinndfled.
It is hinted, however, I hat Dr.
Ilrown Scqnnrd is in hi dotage
I'. 15. .lohiuon of Iho Walla
Walla 1'uion is a "jH'rsisti'iit
oils." He was a candidate fur
l.n.ol. t !.. , ti a ..i.n.l I I . !. ...
IIIVIIl.JL'inilf y 141 IHO IUIIPU1 llll. Ill i
at convention and
badly MM..,.. I. ...o... ,(..
IV... ll.'ll JIV ...'III HUM II III i
Olympia when the convention
... ,i
mel, nml litis been diligently i
kicking ever since because the
convention neglected In do as 1
he desired it should. week 1
he wa sworn in as chief clerk
pro tern of tho convention in (
the absence of chief clerk I'oogn i
and will hold oflice for len day. I
Ilavintr sccukn! a slice of the
it is to be IioihnI the great I
"biter" will attend to his imntti.
i cation and "let his victuals stop
lus mo'.illi. -- itM-o Mm.
Coniliinei tlio Juice of the Bluo Y'x
Calitoiuu, to hxativo ami nutritious
with t lie loctlitiiul ltiuei of plni
Jknmvn to he mot litueliil .1 to the
tiUHianiylem, foimint; the ON I. V 1TR
VliCV UKMCnV to act c'"ly )et
jiroiiijiily on tlis
. .,
CleailSO the SyStBlll Effectually,
hei-'reshing OLEKP.
health and gthength
N,iur,.l U t., w. I.erv on. U mini. Ii
jii.I all ate dli;hteil will
ll 11
Aik your
'JfWt fur SVKUP OI'" FIGS. Maim.
t tur bVKUr
il only by tli
l'ALltUSVv.Kltro cl. "
Lovman. k. niwYok, .v. v- i
' .... ,, , i
W hen in Hsppnor den t fail to
call on I.KKZlill .t THOMPSON j
, for u.vntiWAiin, TistvAiiK, wood and
v 1 1, tnw wauk, okoccisikh, tobacco, ,
r.Ta, Agency fur the Nmw
------ -
Ordora by mail promptly
and cnivfully filled.
Notico is hoioby given that by
ciimidoratiou ami order of tho i
Cotity Court of tho slate of Ore-1
gon forOrnnl county, tlio under-,
signed hns Won appointed ndmin-
ktrator of the onlntn nf Fred 1
Winogar, diooaod, lato of said
couniy, nnd nil persons having ,
just claims ngnmit tho oslato of .
sam tlecenseii too norony noiiiieti ,
and roqnirod to leranl tlio same ,
iluly verified as 1y law required to j
tun uuilcrRigno.1 niiminiMrator oi
said estate at Prsirtn Citr, nmat
county, Oregon, within six months
from the (Into lioioof.
Dated .July 10, 18SD. i
Ciiaiiu H. Wiwcoaii,
1 rtl I .f.l....!-.. '
ii-.l iVuiiiiiiiHiniiur,
M. I), Cuitoiid,
Alt'y for Athnhttelrator.
In tbi) (vniiily oonrlr com I of (ho
Into of Oregon, for the county
of Cm nt.
Julia Darkhoiiuer, Iko liter
Mo nurklioinici' ami Sam j
Dnrkheiinar I'laintilT'rt
.Tnslior .C5liPtihnrd,l'(if't j
To .bmpor Shophonl,
I nliovo iiaincd: In tlio imniHof tho
state of Oregon, you mo licrohy
require.! to apiienr and ansiver the . Soil JJindiug IlnrvcHtew, Itakcw ami wagons. A full lino of Ag
' eoii.iilninl filed nKninstyou in the ricnlttirnl romlimi.n( nml i.vlrnn fnr nil nlll!llrt iirp1 In linn enuii.
j above entitled nmion, on or before j (r Which wo will sell cheap for Cnsh or on timo with approved po
j the first day of tho noxt torni of i eurity.
, wiid coin t to wit: Oa Mond iv '
Sept. 18811; and if you fnil ho .
- to answor, for want thereof, tlio
plnintifT will lalo judginont
' ,:"i91 -v0"-
for the sum of 4-H i.- '
I . "Cl
account, ItiHiili'H interos
8 par coat por anatttu and !
$1 17.00 on a note, lw;niles interest j
on last tiiuncd sum from Doe. j
VI, 1887 at 10 per coat por an- !
nun), together with ?.'o iomkoiih
Mo ntloriicy'ri foo and the col and
and diHlniiHoinenui of thin action.
Dufoiidniit will fmtlior take no
tico that Ibis Riiininous is pnhlinli
cl by order of iho Hon. N. It.
Macy, .IihIko of satil courl.
P.Miaisii .t f'oin,
Attornoys for PlaintifiV
rr. s. sovTinvonm.
- rnoriui:Toa or
Canyon Citv, Or.
Sash, Doom, Wiiulowi, Qlasi, Putty ,
Moulding, and Dressed Lumber
Etc , Constantly on Hand.
Furniture lYIadelo Order
; In the circuit couit of the stale of
i Oregon for conntv of Grant.
, Liua Hnskins, pluiutill
i v.
Ilsi tisuii Haskius, do'f'i.
! To Harrison llnskini ths above
imincd defendant :
In tho nntno of tho state of Oro
gou you me horoh oonimnndcd
to appear in the aboie named
.n"n nn" ai,swer iiio eompintni
court nml
"Xi'iiiti- .Vu "I "I" lllim.j oil-
. ,
uiii'ii nu,
on orbefoie Monday,
tlio liml ilny nf Knp'omhor
llu miiiio being tlio (irht day of tlio
tegular September term of suid
com t for 1KSU, mill if you foil so
to appi'or and answor said com
plaint, tho plaint ill' will apply to
the com t for the relief prayod for
in (he complaint lo-wit: ' For u
ilccioe of said coutt dissolving tho
bonds o matrimony now existing
liotuceu you nmUnid plaintiff nnd
forllio costs and disinirsomouts in
said Hiiit.
You will further notice
thai ibis HtimiiioiH in pitblishcil liy
onlrr of the Hon. k II. Jsuii,
Indge of tlio court above
uamol which order was made nml
is ilntcil at Vale, tho 1st day of
.Inly. I8S11.
Att'y for Plaintin1.
or XI oppnoi-
a. nur.A, iiiasi;,
Pn-Kiilt'iit. Vice President.
i;i:nit(ir. W. Cos'sini, duliicr.
v. iniK.i, t. i iiiii:a, i. t. lainsov,
Trail-nets n (It'iicral llniiklin;
I Exchange
r' U all pillU of the WOll-
Collect ions lnmlc at oil points on
ItwisoniiMo Terms.
Money loaned at from huh to tu
per cent.
THCFIt V JiltOS. Prnprx.
Good food, excellent cook, nice
ciean IWUl. .....i iu
This jiutly popular Uotl hns
lwiun ioopeit.l to the public, and
i,lu .,, ii inuill ..III cil.llHIttll IV I
k0rvc itrou in such a t.mnner as '
will Indue tlwtn to cull ajuin.
On Improved Farms in
taonal Hales; No
A axel Boouri ty
If you contomplatn borrowing money call on or addrora
C'' r lift r r r n run r r n ri t
'. I'JICj I LIj ,Sl rltCrl
. on
Li'J Ull.'lA TIC $ IfO If '-J
I)cnlorn in
1 -vr-l I
till .11
Prairie City, Oieon.
aijio aoi:mtk ron Tun
j K.-atilr Itro n Iniploinonl Co' Machinery, CoufiiNting of Mowers, Heap-
George GmuUaeh itro.
CiiV- PltlCES
P'oinierly of Arlington but moie recently of Piker City, hns now in
tho store building of W . . Clark in Canyon City, a large stock of
I Which ho will sell at Public Auction dining the fall tenn of Circuit
, Court for Grant Countv.
Petition for Liquor License,
To tho Hon. tlio county com t
of tlio state of Oregon for Grant
Wn the undersigned your peti
tioners tospcctfully ropiosont tlmt
w e nru lesidont.s and legal votors
of Oranitn precinct, Grant
county state i.f Oiogon, and wc
ask that a license bo granted to
Williiunnou k Ililliaid to sell
spiiiiuoiis, malt ami vinous liq
uors in less quantities than ono
quart for a period of six mouths nt
their plii'O of businesiiu Cirunite,
Ornnt county, state of Oregon,
and us in duty bound vill ever
pray Ac.
Dated Ornuilo, (Irani conntv,
Oregon,. Inly '22nd, lfW.
Taylor Atthonse, John M Cut
roll, W W Looney, Aug Hachman
Orant Tiiornbnrg, A G Tabor, W.
Grab un, O A Thornburg, W II
Itobison, Jainos O llerrin, PRkog
bind, II Median, (Jooigo Alehi
sou, John O'Horrin, M I) Milon,
L. X. h'onl.
Notice is hereby given that on
the nth dav of Sent. 1SSD, the tin -
doi'sino.! will apply to tho county!
coon ot tno stuio oi Oregon, lor
Grant county, for the issuance of
tho lioonso mentioned in tho t'oie
going petition.
Wll.I.IVMSOS' it Hll.l.lAIUi,
Petition for Liquor License
To the Hon. the county court
of the stato of Oregon for (Irani
We tho undei signed your ieti
tionen. respectfully roprosont tlmt
wo aro each and all residents and
legal votors of John l)y precinct
in said county nnd wo ask tlmt a
liconso bo granted to A. C. Young
to soli anil dispose of spiiituoin,
villous and mult liquors in said
precinct in Ickh quantities than
one gallon for u period nf six
months from tho fitb day of Sep
tember ItfHO.
Dated this 12th dav of .July A.
1. IfWI. i
W 11 Ki lloy HSheflield Goo W
Derby, .1. 11. Sollingei, K P Kovo
joy, O M M.icy. J Holesvorth, W
It Holt Geo W Hatt, A O Carl, K
A Knight, C I! Col.h, It V Punn,
A Gordon, A Knight, S.I Klliott,
C H Timins. Geo C Cattuuaot, W
P Duncan. M K Timms. O II
Thompson, .1 F Wolllnger Thoo.
.McClolliin. .1 oil u A Shollv, ( has
W l-'roy, .1 K Mastorson, K .Mo
sior, .1 A Wilson, K 11 ItnniRby,
I Amblei, .M G Pici-son. .1 C
Cut tan Met Jos Itobcits, IMvvin
Hall. S P Morgan, Finnic Hamp
ton, I'd Noble, John Newcomer
Win Whitney, F'-nncis Wallace.
Notico is hcroby given thnt on
tho 6th day of .September ll?S!l tho
undersignod will apply to the
county court of tho stato of Ore
gon fot Grant county, for tlio li
ccmn mnutiouod in tho foregoing
potitiou A. C. Yorso.
,f A, . i I
. Uas" tlu 0"1 1,1 'm,r n,t- f
' 4
Grant & Harney Counties.
Delays when Title is M
i SntJufnotow
I r f rn r
LL, : Baker City, Grego".
L L, Prairie Citu, Oregon.
&f Howell.
llt'OKXn CITV.
Noxt Hcsiion bogins on Monday,
tho 10th of SeptoinW, 1889.
Froo Roholniflhips from every
county in tho state. Apply to
your County Superintendent.
Froo tuition nflor Januaty 1,
Four Coures: Clamical, c;ci
entitle, hitorrtry nml shot t Knglish
Course in which thorn is no Litin,
Greek, French or Gorman. Tho
Knglifth is pro-omiuontlv a llusi-
ncfia t'oiiw. l or
cataloffUOR or
orther inform ition, add runs
J. . JOHN'SON' i
Tho Couniy Houd of F.qualiza
tion for Grant county will meet at
the ollicn of the county dork, nt
tho court house in Canyon City,
on .Monday tlio 2(!th day of Aug
ust, 18S0,and publicly cxntnino
tlio Assessment Polls for tho year
18Sf), and correct all oirors which
may have boon made in tho valu
ation of proportv, etc.
Dated thn July III. 18811.
Cms. Timms.
Ashossoi .
IaihI Oillfr l I Orili, (In-gtii
Jul) 10, 1 (,).
Nulled I.; gtim t'wl the follow llll
liamttl mlll.r U. fllwt imjIIcoi ( liitMilloii to
i.ukf (luol .ioil In Miitt u( Iki claim, bih!
UmImIU will Im wmIi' Wfori- Cumitj
Juilitr, .r Hi III. aliiii Ufuic tl I ..illitj
Cli-il. of Oimit tU, I Oanti.n c tlv. Or., mi
stpt o. u. nt. UAUTiiASi euiTiai. u.i
Nn2:nj(ur iiii-sw 1 1 si: i. i s.- ;, siv i-i
NV I I b.-c t; mil .V 1 s N i: I l S.c U Til II
Mi iikiiir4 ttir follow lite wit nitt to jiro.i!
hrr toialmi.iu. rr.Ulrnrj tin, m.) cultlxti. n
u(, taltt bin), U: Walldr W lill. II. A. Milt
iili), Wm I'.miii.t, J II Harper, all of I'oi,
litanl cu'int). Or
An V Ihiimiii hu ill H re- lu irli-il aj-unl II. u
allunauc uf t.iili 1-r.H.f. r hIm knui, ofany
nb.tiiitUI tiwn, tiii'liT Oi.- lax aihl tin. r.-u
latloii of Ilia Ihtallur II, ttih.iil, i)
.,f vboulil Mot lw altol, will li flrmi all
i.piMiluiilt)' at Ihf abn.f t.Kiitlonnl lluieaiut
.lro to f km. ixowliii- the wlm-w of aakl
pUimiut, atwl In uder ei Ulnar In rekutlal o
Out ulMilttl by (Ul.iiant.
I'. H.
UOrawl. Of. .IhI) C. IwM.
NolUtiif uielilli- ..f I h lutMv at
lUl'.i., Oiagou.
.Nutlti. I l.ctrUr glim, that a llw ll.tna.
111.1 O'attipt Mill ba OHail f.u Llialuaai. al
lliiria-, Ofnrao, on ur iIhiuI Mmulai, cti.tnai.
liar tod, IS 1
Tliarolari- after Auk. M, WW. ill Mir j
to fovrli, .,,liral.iii, for or lo il.i nm li).l-
imko In leUllua to th lau.l. Ihtu Ml off froi
The Unit. I Im . aet ,f .nnl puiiaiini In lU
lUfiiny llMrlul ivinr all mhiII. of I hi- loanable 1
Hue lirlnewi T).'a II and IS moth, i-iUwJhis- 1
leiin tin- mmI U.inul.i) of T K t'.l lo SaaV i
lllternii ihe .'i.i. Mhuh I,-.... I. i.ti.iui i i
. im. iuimi ui.iru-i
IIIAIIV II I Mill. MIT. Ilnri.l.r.
J T III rilOl SC, lUrelwr
(Opposite postollicc)
John Day, Orci.
Hoof, Pot k, Mutton, Lard,
kept cotistsutly i u hand.
Fish, Chickens, Kgs ami all
I kinds oi xamo constantly on hand
I when thoy can bo had.
Ordeis from a distaiico prompt
ly attended to
Proprietor jo?f. nimrr.
fienornl WarolioiiKO
The ( ompmiu has recently const ruelen ' n iwo-siory
warehousaSO .v 1 00 feel, with wool pres. and all
I conveniences for handling wool
i The Warehouse Charges at lleppnerwill be.lhesumo,
I i, .swii t,t ill ! ii it ntl lot !' iti'X.
' ' " " lt 1 ''' """"'
I i,;.:, Iinnn haled wool
from.urlm$loii. tttlraiiccd upon coiis-hnuncnls of irool or moot,
in storaiji'.
THERON E, FELL, Manager.
Piopriotors of
City Ifrifo-
Kip connlanlly on
Patent Medicines, Toilet Articlos, Perfumes, Soaps, Powder, Pulls.
Conib, Tooth Nail. Clothes and Hur PiiibIios, Iir.ipgist'sSun- ,
drioi, Lainjw!, UmpOils. OUns Putty. Ohiiuys, and
nml cveiythiiig to bo found in a first
olnss Dni2 Stoie.
Nothing but Pure,
Onlors from a distance will receive prompt attention.
-siccnssoim to
jiJiPTO.vKT.iiL s- n.rrr,
Have now received the lurgast and ino3t complete stock of new
good? in Grant County, which llisy will otter lor s:ile at prices that
defy competition.
Canyon City, Oregon. j
A t Miller's Itlaels smith&hop,
1 1 : is 1 1 1 a 'a to. ' .s"7,' i: : r, ( ix vox ( i r ) ; o n.
I'.ecouse his priee.-, ure !ov und nil hi- ,i-ork Wat runted iin.t-cl.iss.
(Ill (1
Ho keop constantly on hand and for mile, iioiisuiioks, litted and unlit
tel, alo iioiisi: saiw, ino. sti.i.i, "ai., wiiirri.irntmw, m:ck
vokks, iviu:i;i.s, spiiiniss, i-u k iiasiu.hs,
HAxnuia si.i:niiiis and wci.ciw, etc., etc.
TIRE IRON REDUCED TO 7 to 8 Cls. Per lb.
CMUICI.K.r.S lU .'(;ii:s at JlUCtvItO VltOS ,Uiwl loonier
Dcilcr In -
Stationery, PooU. School Snppli., Gilt t,d ami (ihiSMwue, in 1'mU
less nnoly. h'linoy Ware-., stutnble f-u pofmnlK for both Old
and Young. Ho)' lion Wngons, llahy Cntiiai
fioin I'oiiiloen lo I'ighicen Dollar apiece. "
Citndies.V cignis. Tobaccos, Cof
foes, Teas,, Flour,
Hriea Fruits, ( 'united Fruits, Hire, Cream W'htuit ,
-the linost breakfast ,bsh kt.own-Fi'hi...' Taokle '
Fish Polos, Baskets, Tubs, llrooms, Ijuaps, '
lihd cages, and everything that is
usually Lopt in a Vaiady
Sloro, all of
ts.r.V!, - :.Ilons,,t cheap fcrcash, .t tuo 0M8n.u
, ...v,.., .v.
rii. nifiii0iw"rnrai5.
Forwarding Asfts.
I'row lt'nwier, same as
hand a coinpleto slick of
Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
...OP. EG ON
ART 4 (JO-
j 1