Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 08, 1889, Image 3

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; ,r.'- V.-'v
rob.: -:
: .'-IM tows.
License petition of Williamson
fc Hillftttl untler "Now. to-day."
, Notice from U. S. land office at'
The Dalles tinder "New to-day."
. There will bo a social dance at
Masonic hall to-morrrow (Friday)
evening. Everybody invited.
Cattle in Malheur county, are
said to Iks afflicted with blackleg.
As usual it is more Kovcro on young
Harney folks are looking for imd
expecting big load of Grant conty
fruit and vegetables. SUrt your
prddlnr wagons.
Grant county's share of the iUU
school fund npportioned for 4ns
yenr amounts to g2,4GT).-tO w?th
1,761 scholars at 1.40 per head.
J. 11. Jlnldvvin, of Baker City,
who attended circuit court hero in
the office of stenographer, diet! at
Ynquhta Hay a few days ago, Mr.
Haldwin wni at that place for the
Itencfit of his health.
The Baker City National Bank
with a capiUl of $75,000
will xi I
no-y in I
established and doing busine
about ninety days, making two
Imnks in Baker City. Wonder she
has not had thorn before.
Ono remarkable fact connected
with the year 1889 it that no yel
lowjnckcU arc seen where last year
thoy literally swarmed over hill and
dale, annoying camping parties and
stock almost to distraction.
Try Wilson, of tho North Fork
. country shipped five carloads of
mutton sheep from Heppner last
week, wo are informed. Shipping
goes on at' n lively rate, and still
wo have plenty of stock to spare.
Fish in E tstorit Oregon streams
.will bt scarce next year. Tho ex
ceedingly dry summer has dried up
tho wnter, and as a consequence nil
tho young fish and old ones too in
many of tho creeks have perished.
G. Adams and John Williams,
charged with passing counterfeit
coin at Baker City wore at tho pre
liminary trial lost week huld in the
Him) of 81,000 each to appear be
fore tho next grand jury of Baker
Two deaths ocourrod in Oregon
last wook caused from persons pour
ing coal oil on tho flru to make it
burn. Fools who "didn't know tho
gun was loaded" and fools who
kindle firo with kerosene should go
hand in hand.
Henry Kinehurt, register of tho
land oflieo at La Grande, writes
that ho will order no more final
prosf on land which lies in the
jurisdiction of the Bums ollice, as
proof must hereafter bo taken at
the new ollice. -
Mr. J. L. Cuinmings will leave
in a few days for his old homy in
Maine, taking with him twtfnty
head of work howes. A long dis
tance to ship horses, suioly,V but
Mr. Cummings hopes to better him
self by shipping there, a? he can
find but a poor market here.
Harry 'O'Brion win drunk and
disorderly last week and raised tho
regular "Old Harry," Ho was
locked in tho colling house Thurs
day evening, and on Friday had an
examination in Judge Hulison's
court, the ponulty imjiosod for his
hilarious conduct k'iug a lino of
916 nnd costs, which Mr. O'Brien
paid and went his way.
The Priuovillo News boasts
about tho weight ahd running
qualities of Crook county's sheriff
who weigh 2J12 pounds and says
no other sheriff in Owgon can beat
him in a G0-yard foot race. Tho
Gn ant Co. Nkwi) will b:ick Grant
comity's sheriff in a race against
him when our sheriff's foot gets
well. His weight is 230.
J. H. Seward and Ja. Swoitzer,
the two Harney valley squattors
arrested and taken to Portland for
trial, charged with reristing n di
uty U. S. marshal, wore eich held
in 81,500 bonds by U. S, comma
sioner 1 B, Daady. Failing to
givo tho bond they languish in pris
on, where thoy no doubt reflect up
on tho uncertainty of lifo or liberty,
and tho certainty of their present
Tho people of Burus and Harney
valley ought to pay tho editor of tho
Herald a bonus to let up for a time
on the productiveness of his valley.
It might bo well enough for him to
blow his horn on any ordinary oc
casion, but this season appears to
be an "off" one. In almost every
paper he speaks of the well water
ed valley nnd good crops, when it is
well known that ovon tho swamp
land is rising in clouds of alkali
dust. Immigrant arriving there
must everlastingly curse such 'mis
leading assersious.
Thursday morning of last week a
uoupla of tramps passed through
t-owngoing north, and after they
had passed it dawned upon tho
mind of sheriff Gray that thoy
might be the identical persona
wantod for tho crime of robbing tho
Ltnkvillo-Ashland mail a short
timo ago. Accordingly, acting up
on that impulse ho started deputies
Kids and Yorgorson after them,
Friday morning, and tho two suspi
cious travelers were- -arrested- six
miloi abovo Prairie City and
brought to jail, where they await
developments mid identification.
A lost sheen named Bill Limb
over in Iiko county 5s canning the
mmkI a food.
, , . , abovo Valo last Saturday,
We understand two more cl.i'wh!ch Wn)i Mcajor Jr of
drenof Mr. John Lueo nrq -tarn u,)IX;r Jbhn Day valley lost
with diphtherw, but as yet wMIave jifi) From Arthur
heanl of no new cases outside of
his family.
A. O, Young of Jolin Day pre
cinct will apply for n liquor license
at tho September twn of count'
court, and puKishes his petition
this week.
Trofr' Bro'8 bavo ojwned tlio
Now Hotel and will endeavor to
givo patrons as good meals nnd
beds as can bo had anywhere in
tho country. See their "ml" in
another column.
Win. Tureman, Jr.. of tho up
ner John Day, had a dispute
with a man who was working for
mm tho otnor inyf anu uio iigm
which ensued tho farm hand was
dangerously injured
Tho brace of tramps arrested on I
suspicion of being mnii robbers !
were released yesterday morning,
no advico having been recciven
in rcsjxmso to tho telegram sent
below by tho sheriff.
Last Snturday a few miles bo-low-
Drewsoy at tho junction of
tho north fork and main stream
of the Malheur a man named
Sizcmorc was thrown from a
horso and received a broken arm.
George McKay writes that n
race will In) run on the 14th of this
month over tho Fino Tark track
between tho Ixju Kecton horse and
tho Bailey horse of Bridge creek,
for purse of six hundred dollars,
Georgo Nutting, the stock in
spector, of Crook county who mys
teriously disappeared several weeks
ago has not been found, nor any
trace of him. It is genorally given
up that ho was murdered and his
body secreted.
M. D. Clifford, Chas. Pnrrish
and tho News man paid a visit to
the county seat of Harney county
last week, tho two lawyers on busi
ness and the printer on his good
looks. Harney is running smooth
ly, nnd her olllcors porfect gentle
men. Tom Arnold, who was in tho
omploy of tho LV Co. over on tho
Malheur was thrown from n horso
a few days ago, and the horso
fell on lum in such a manner as
to striko his back with the sad
dle. Arnold is said to bo in a
precarious condition.
Hay Ak, the only China resident
of Harney City was pounded al
most to death liut Thursday night
by Tom Yickers, just becaiwi Hoy
Ak sat in a white man's abfcn
without any bocks on his feotThoy
pay more attention to etiquette in
Hnmuy than is really necessary,
Dr. G. W. Barber, who has
practiced his profession at this
place for nearly two years, intends
to leave with his wife for thu east
this week. Mm. Barber's health
being vory poor she hopes by a
change of climate to bo materially
improved. Only on that account
does tho Dr. leave Grunt county.
mo cieatn oi unaunoy Jiitce,
which occurred Saturday evening,
was a sad surprise to his frlunri?
Tho death of Clmunoy Luce,
many of whom Itelieved him in a
fair way to recover, inasmuch as ho
had taken a turn for tho better a
few days previous. But our sore
afllietions often come when wo least
expect them, and those near nnd
dear to us may bo cnlled away in n
time that wo least think.
Spurta, Union county, which
liko Canyon creek in the early
"sixtios" was u prosperous mining
camp is now attracting a whole lot
of attention ns a quart, producing
section. A few old miners had
faith to believe that where such
rich placer deposits were found
there must lie ledges, and by dili
gent prospecting they found them.
Now Bovornl prominent mines uxist
in the old camp and outrido capital
is being invested in their doveloj)
tnont. Weary prospectors, take
couragu from the history of Spaita.
Some onu, will loso his life in
Harney county over land inatteis
before the year is out wo are afraid,
and more than one peison may
moot their end upon tho battlefield,
for it seems that u general riot is
tho only safety valvo for tho pent
up wrath of tlio squtter on tho
lands listed as swamp, lteojntly
John Dovine nccomjuinied his men
to a field in dispute for the purpose
of hauling tho hay, and after thoy
had loaded three wagons thoy were
met by about sixteen Winchester
rifles in the hands of that number
of men, when Mr. Devine wns told
that if lio removed that hay ho was
a dead man. Do wisely concluded
that such might be tho enso, and
-noting upon his better judgment
concluded to avoid any trouble. Ho
therefore inquired of the mob where
they wished tho hay itacked, and
on lieing shown ordered his men to
stack the three loads for them, and
then they retired to safer fields,
Tho land in question was part of
tho tract which settlers had Wen
enjoined from removing hay from,
and thoy no doubt believing tho pa
per a fraud had disregarded thum,
Time wUl show whutlior or not they
were right;-but in this one instance
might made -right,- Tho fact of
mob rule in that country is deplois
cd, though," by nil law abiding citi-zvn.
A sau event occurred on
! Mnlhcun river about twenty miles
Valo last Saturday, in
brought tho dead boy'a remains
over to tho homo of his relatives,
we learn the particulars, which
were as follows:
Tho Pacific Livo Stock Co., by
which tho boys were employed
were that day moving camp nnd
holding a band of beef cattle, nnd
coining (o tho river where there
was a deep pool below a ledge of
rocks, Mcador and one of tho oth
er boys concluded to give their
horecs a swim. Thoy nnd swam
across several times, and the last
trip thoy made tho horeo which
young Mcador was riding failed
to keep Ins hpail abovo the water,
nd was sinking. In order to
( id tho lioreu he nulled on the
reins, which throw the horse olf
his equilibrium and he threw his
head out of tho water, striking
hie ridur in the face with such
force as to stun him, when ho fell
off tho horse and sank beneath
tho cruel waves.
Kflbrts to rescue him were of
courso immediately begun, but,
strange to say he nevor rose to
the surface. Signal fires were '
I built upon tho river bank and
soon tho party was roinlorced hy
Mr. MeKinney, the foreman, anil
Hoveral other of tho boys. From
tho time the accident occurred
about ten o'clock until five that
evening, divers worked to obtain
tho body, and tho river was drag
ged without avail. At Inst a
raft was made of logs and a wag
on box, and upon this a party
went out, and with the aid of a
hook mado from a brako rod suc
ceeded in locating the body. By
main strength it was pulled to
tho surface, when tho mystery of
its remaining beneath tho water
wbh explained. One of his spurs
hod caught in Bomo driftwood or
a crevice in tho rock on the bot
tom of tho river and hung thcro,
and when tho body was finally
located and pulled to the surface
tho spur which had hold it down
was pulled off his foot.
A justice of tho JVjaco or coro
ner not being obtainable, no reg
ular inquest was held, but Mr.
MeKinney took tho testimony of
tho boys who witnessed tho ca
tastrophe and reduced it to writ
ing, then immediately Btartcd a
party with his remains to Prairie
City. After traveling almost day
and night thoy reached there
Monday forenoon, where an in
quest wns held by Jas. Sullons,
justice of tho pence, the verdict
being in accordance with thu facts
recorded in tlio foregoing.
All praise is duo Mr. MeKin
ney, foreman of the LV Co., for
tho numerous acts of kindness,
and for tho humane courso ho
took in bringing thu remains of
the poor boy to his relatives.
Whilo thoy deeply feel the blow
and deplore thu loss of their lov
ed onu, they reap consolation
from tlio fact that hu was proper
ly cared for and given a Chris
tian burial.
,L jtyT .
V? ! cucumber does
its best
fighting after it is down.
Baker county's school fund ap
portionment is $2,721.(10.
It is rumored that Fort Wal
la Walla is to bo abandoned.
Thu hot snap is moderating a
little, and everyone says "aipen.""
Johnny Hughes over in the
Clreenliorn district is owner of
some good rock. One of his
pnrtners recently sold h:s inter
est in a ledgo for $7,0.X), but
Johnny kept his half, and doubt
less will realize much more than
County court was in session
this wceic for tho purpose of act
ing upon tho report of tho com
missioners of the Pendleton-Canyon
City wagon road. Irasmueh
as tho act pasfod by the legisla
ture appropriating money for
this road waa,for"tho completion
of tho wagon road from Pendle
ton to Canyon City" tho county
court did not accept or approve
the report, partly on tho grounds
that tho now survey leaves thu
present traveled road before
reaching the Grant county lino
nnd does not again intersect it
until reaching Long Creek, and
on the further grounds that tho
location that the location of the
road is very unsatisfactory to tho
residents along tlio route. Whilo
tho matter of goods is one of vital
importance we bcliovo tho county
court did a wise act in not mak
ing this a county road, Tho
fact constitutional or otherwise
of its duviating from the old
road does not figure in thu ease
materially, but there aro a num
ber of ranchers in tho North
Fork country who will object tq
tho road being opened through
their hinds, and should tho coun
ty court accept tho survey and
make tho road a county thor
oughfare then every one of theso
men would bring suit for dama
ges and the county would bo in
volved in lawsuits without num
ber If the road commissioners
can build tho road by comprom
ising! with theso sottlers then tho
Loonfit wuwwocpU of- J-t . wiUumU
fear of injunctions and suits for
'damage. " '
Mm Kuitok: You will kindly
allow me a space in your most
valuabto paper, as tho Telenhono
reporter seems to liaya railed.
This being tho case, I again tako
the pleasure of Collecting a few of
the most important events of the
Mr. Glover has added a now
counter to his establishment on
corner First and High streets,
Day vilic, Or.
Mr. Christie has been employ
ed to put tho finishing touches
on E. Slcwarta new house. Mr.
Oliver has tho two ends of tho
barn painted red.
The excitement of tho boys at
this placo is gradually going
down. Tho pretty presents have
been chosen and the writer was
too late, as I did not get to send
a present with tho balance.
Hay crops aro vory good con
sidering the long spell of hot and
dry weather. Most everyone is
through haying and the rush is
about over and wo can now en
joy a few days in tho shade'.
Dan Murray had a rope stolen
with a horso to the cud of it a
few weeks ago, and tho same
night Judge Greenville had his
saddle stolen which was a bad
deal on the Judge, aR ho had just
gave tho snddlo a good oiling.
Well, Lloyd, allow mo to syin
pathyzo with' you in your disap
point in getting-up a personal
picnic. You showed good tasto
in a selection of tho ground and
the good plan of cashing a few
bottles of lager, oysters, and a
good supply of candy. Those
ideas were' well considered but
however, a failure. A true say
ing is that a faint heart never
won a fair lady, so think of this
and try aguin, old boy.
I have just boon reading tho
news of tho great fight for tho
championship of tho world which
proves John L. tho winner. I
nave just been told about a prize
fight which took place here at
Dayville. This contest was
fought by the now rules, which is
called tho Dayvillo Kitchon
Prizo JUng Rule's. Tho quiet
batch was in this match, and I
am surprised to hear that he id
not win after about 10 ycarp of
tho kitchen experience. Tho hot
water plan should bo considered
a foul. Tho champion says ho
will not enter tho ring any more
according to these rules unless it
be in defense of tho cooks, Threo
cheers for his success.
The Union Pncillo payB $2,000
to tho person who shoots a train
Tlio Willitmotto river is two
inches below low water mark at
The Indians hnvo taken to
baseball, and yet there aro peo
ple who say Indians can not ho
Dr. Mary Walker threaten
to join tho democratic party.
Don't. There aru already
enough breaches in the demo
cratic ranks.
John IftuMivan is on a cood
ild Jjwduon drunk and is still
lUrtknm tho rounds ot tlio Chica
go saloons. Crowds follow him
at all tho places ho visits,
Thu State fair promises to bo
more of a success this year than
over bofore. Tho attendance
from Kastorn Oregon will doubt
less be much larger than ever.
Tlio vault in tho county
clork's ollico is beinc arranged
systematically, so tlint when a
paper or document is wanted it
can be found nt a moment's no
tice. A corresjiondeiit wants , somo
hints on how to train a dog,
Well, about as good a way as any
is to train him as you would a
morning glory vine with a tight
cord to a high hook. Ho will
never bark if you train him this
It is stated that United States
district attorney MoArthur, as
sisted by W. Carey Johnson, ap
pointed special nttornoy for that
puriKJSc, is now engaged in pre
paring bills in equity ngaint tho
military wagon road companies
of tjiis state for tho forfeiture of
lands granted to them by the va
rious acts of congress.
If Mr. Fisher of Toledo, Ohio
is as successful in catching fish
as he is in catching musical
ideas na ho has led us to be
liovc ho niUBt certainly be an
A No. Ono Fisherman. Ills
"Hobin's Farewell," Cnprico for
Piano is a new pieco that you
ought to catch on. Ign. Fisher,
Author and publisher, Toledo,
Ohio. Price of same, 50 cents.
Tho Scientific American, of
July 27, contains this mineralog
ical note: A specimen of fire
opal ljxlxj inches in size, evi
dently a water-worm fragment,
was found near John Day river,
in Crook county Oregon. It is
transparent, grayish white in
color, with red, green, nnd yellow
ilamca. Tho play of colors
equals in beauty that of liny
.iUixicun material, and it Is tho
first opal found in tho "United
States that exhibits color.
Eft. Nkws;' Times are dull
and items scarce in this burg.
Tho funeral of Chauncy Luco
took place Sunday at 3 p. m.
Mr. James Norman ia shipping
fruit to the Long Creek country.
Died, threo miles below John
Day, Aug. 3rd, Chauncy, son of
Mr. and Mrs, John Luce. This
has been a terrible blow to them
and tho heart of all go out to the
grief stricken parents in their be
reavement. Wo have been informed that on
account of tho terrible sickneps at
his home, Mr. John Luco has
been unable or to get anyone to
attend to his haying, and that
his crops are sailing. If this is
so the farmers should congregate
thcro as soon as jw.ssible and put
his hay in the stack for htm.
Your eorresjwndont is willing to
pitch hay in a case of this kind,
and somo ono should tako the
lead in this matter.
Tho laborers are complaining
of the treatment received of some
of the farmers. They say tho
farinora want thorn to work" from
daylight until dark and for small
wages and livo on wind. It
might bo a good plan for tho
wage workors of Grant county to
organize and make theso China
lovers pay living wages, for it is
a well-known fact that no Btato
in the Union pays so small wa
ges during haying and harvesting
as Oregon and yet hay soils at a,
high price all the time.
lie changed his mind Jim
Streat who has been stopping at
the ranch of Mrs. Thompson, two
miles below John Day, packing
up tho broken bones received
while celebrating tho -1th of July
at John Day, thought ho was
tired of this" lifo and would tako
a trip over and see old Salt Pe
ter, he asked Chas, Skinner and
Geo. llagity to get him somo
strychnine, that ho wanted to die.
Skinner said all right, if you
want to dio I'll givo you a doso
that will fix you. Winking at
Geo. they went out and got a big
doso of saltz which Skinner told
him to drink nnd that would
Knock his heels up quick, but
Jim hnd changed his mind which
will bo very gratifying to his
many friends in tho Malheur,
La UK.
,Wlien a washerwoman chung
oa her jilaco of residency ono
may ask hor "wliero eho hangs
out now" without.. using slung.
rotroleiini hnsjjcen discover
ed in Canada containing 01 por
cent, of lubricating oil and 5
tier cent, of heavy. This t6 tho-
I..... . i r .
oust, on uvur louuii.
Tho report of tho First Ka
tional Hank of I'rinoville, shows
loans and discounts to tho
amount of 55,857.(1!!, and
00,519.110 deposits.
A citizen of Illossburg, Pa.,
owns nine dogs, seven cats, a
monkey, eight canary birdH and
two white mice. It'is unneces
sary to say ho is poor.
One million dollars' have
been raised in the United Statos
to carry out the project o lay
ing an ocean cable between Sau
Francisco and Honolulu.
During the past ' fiscal year
this country exported $120,
221,2117 worth of bread-stuffs.
Wo do considerably to keep tho
people of Kuropu irom hunger.
Another stage litis been rob
bed in California. This timo
thu Sonora and Milton stago.
Tho express enfo was blown
open, but was round to contain
nothing. Kifty-Boven dollars
from passengers was all the rob
bors received.
Forest fires aro doing .great
damage in Idaho. Tho Secreta
ry of tho Interior has directed
tho government agent, now in tho
vicinity, to promptly render all
assistance necessary, llo is au
thorized to expend $f000 in em
ploying men to subdue the firo.
Combine the Julco of the Blue F(ci of
California, so Uialive and nutrlliout,
with (lie medicinal vlruict of pltnii
Jinown to be moit beneficial lo the
human system, forming tlie ON I.Y PER
FECT REMEDY to set cently yet
piomptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one it ulng it
and all oie delighted with it. Ask your
drucuiit fur SYKUP OF FIGS. Maim
factmcd only by the
- Sam FaAMCltco, Cu
Lwnviita, Kt. NiwYou,N.Y.
.v Mil mwrzms a9m9m9m
Washington, Aug 1, '89,
Kn. Grant Co. Kkwb:-
Tho appointment by Secretary
Noble of a commission of three
to inquire into tho conduct of tho
Pension llureau daring tho last
year, confirms what 1 wroto you
Just after Commissioner Tanner's
appointment of tho bitter elm :
between himself and the Sec reta
ry. Tho principal objection urg
ed ujion the President against
tho Corporal's npointment was
that ho would bo "too liberal."
It appears now, however, that ho
had developed a a great talent
for simple blundering. When
ho apjiointed George 11. Squires
who was removed in disgrace at
tho end of eight weeks his pri
vate secretary, ho followed the
error by tho scarcely better mis
take of appointing his daughter,
an inexperienced school girl, his
private secretary. Another jier
sonal appointment of his was
Unit of Harry Phillips, a Brook
lyn man, as chief of a division.
Phillips' appointment was ob
jected to hy fSeorotary Noblo on
tho ground that he seemed with
out endorsers except the Com
missioner himself. At last the
nppoiutmcnt was made and
charged to tlio Commissioner.
That is only a little over two
months ago, and Phillips is al
ready implicated in tho re-rating
frauds that .Secretary Noble's
bommission is investigating. Tho
re-rating frauds that are the
principal subject of the present
investigation are among the most
daring swindles ever perpotrnted.
About a dozen pension ollico
clerks that have been drawing
pensions for years got together
lor mutual benefit, and agreed to
apply for re-rating from tho dato
of discharge; The combitiu in
vited prominont Grand Army
men to. join them, but for some
eason, only reached a half dozen
men and thoy were in govern
ment employ.
Uo-rating is autorized by law
only "when manifest error" is
found to hnvo occurred, These
men were old and experienced
clerks in the pension bureau, and
had never botoro discovered that
there was any error, under tho
law, in their rntings. Still by
tho combination, and by literally
prcesing in tho merits of each
others claims, this combination
managed, every man of it to se
cure from $2,500 to $-1,000 ach.
No claim was rejected and while
in several instances, six mouths
or a year passes before claims aro
reached .tor consideration nfler
they aro filed in tho pension bu
reau, these claims were all rush
ed through in two weeks from
tho timonhey wore filed. Tho
champagne-suppers of tho victors
could not be kept xuiet, and tho
press soon got possession of the
facts. The exyoauro followed.
For some reason Commissioner
Tanner paid no attention to the
matter, and it remained for tin
Secretary to recognize the Beau
(hi I by discharging three uiviii
hers of the medieul branch of the
bureau, and hy the appoiutitnm
of this coiuniisifion. Noi.odydaro
accuse Commissioner Tanner oi
dishonesty, or of a guilty knowl
edge of these frauds, Mit his op
position to tho apK)intmunt of
of the commission places him in
a most unfortunate light. The
Secretary is also damaged in the
opinion of many by tho breach
between him and tho commis
sioner. Some look tiou it as an
attempt to restrict the liberal
policy toward the soldiers. Such
is .tho, substance of Gov. Kora
kor's dispatch to Corporal Tan
ner this week. The newspapers
who (lore talk aro full of the mat
ter; only a few over-zealous re
publican papers of tho musty or
der failing to recognize the im
portance of the trouble, Tho
census work is shaping itself and
Mr. Porter's desire to have tho"
work limited to what is leg'ti
matcly included in the bill to
provide for the work becomes ev
ident. In many branches tho
experts have already begun work.
The most difficult schedule to ar
range appears to qo that of man
ufacturers. A table of this sub
ject will bo presented to Superin
tendent Portor next week, and by
him will bo submitted to various
free trade authorities, as well as
to manufacturers with prolccthT
tendencies, Tho other divisions
wili shortly present their definite
planB for work, and by October
progress may bo expected.
Tho secret service, that branch
of the government that the small
boy who faithfully reads his
bloody bones nickel novels, is
given to admiring, is about to
have a now chief. It is probablo
that tho new man will bo Thom
as Furlong, a Kt- Louis railroad
detective. Hussell Harrison is
actively supporting him. His
appointment has been delayed
thus far by petitions sent in
against it by various labor organ
izations, including a letter from
Grand Master Powderly, protest
ing ngainst his appointment, on
account of his work during the
St. LouIh strikes. It is stated
to-day however, that Mr. Pow
derly has formerly withdrawn all
opposition, and tho protests are
SuWorilxi for the News.
Disease and Their Treatment
Whilo averse to drawing tfie
attention of our readers to any
advertisement in our columna
which partakes of a medical
character, wo feel more than jus
tilictt in over-ri itng thm objection
with respect to tin announce-
t' nt ttt this issue nf thoi lretrtM&f .
magnetic svsU'iu as practic A'L,"
I)rs. Darri'n. rgf
Their theory of treatmontfeori
sists of an improved system of
local clectro-magnetio applica
tions, which in so immeasurably
superior to the prevalent niothou
of stomach drugging as to com
mend itself nt once to tho favor
of sufTerers.
No better cvldeneo of the thor- .
ough efficacy of .his treatment
can bo cited than in tho ense of
Mr, James Thorntlike, of thls
city, who has expressed his . wil
lingness to vouch in every "'. re
spect for tho marvelous cfleels it
accomplished in his case, ns tho
following card will show:
Editor Oregoniau: One mouth
ago I landed in Portland from
Mlalr, Nebraska. I was so help
less from ellects of rheumatism
that I had to lie carried into Dr.
Darriu's ollico. After a month's
treatment by electricity, as given .
by Dr. Darrin, I am now ibo to
walk tho streets. Can be referred
to at room 55, ' Ladd's building,
First and Columbia streets, Port
Dr, Darrina' Place 'of Husinesa. -Drs.
Dnrrin can be consulted
freo at 1235 Fifth street, corner of 4
Main, Portland. Ollico hours,
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; even
ing,? to 85 Sundays 10 to 12.
All curable chronic diseases, loss
of manhood, blood taint,' syphi
lis, gleet, gonorrhtcn, stricture,
spermatorrhea, seminal weak
noes, or loss of desire of sc-xtual
power, in either i an or woman,
catarrh and deafness, are confi
dentially and successfully treat
ed, Cures of private diseases
guaranteed, and never published
in tho papers. Circulars t;cnt
free. Most cases can receive
home treatment after a visit to .
tho doctor's ollice.
Oregon, Cal., and Wash., and
tho Pacific coast in general aro
having water famines, whilo,
OltioVcsl Vn., Peiin,, an'd)i'liof
east are having iieatructivtr"''
Hoods. . '
A company boring for coal at
Kotdyn, T., struck a flowing
well of water at a depth of d80
feet-whieli throws a volume of
water forty feet ahovu thu sur
face. With tho water is a
strong flow of gas which burns,
with great brilliancy.
byrup oi' pias,
Produced from the laxative and
nutritious joice of California figs,
.'ombined with tiie medicinal
virtues of plants known to bo
most beneficial to thu human
Hyslem, acts gently on thu kid
neys, liver and bowels, efiectual
ly cleansing the syBtem, dispell
ing colds and headaches, and
curing habitual constipation.
List of letters remaining un
called for in tho jwatolllco at Can
yon City, Or, Aug. 1, 1881).
Matthew Brand. Mrs. C. 15
Hriggs, Geo. MoMakin,
Mollie Itolls.
Persons calling for tho
will please say advertised.
O. P. C'mjbap, P
, M.
Letter List.
Letters remaining uncalled for
in the jKiStolHco at Prairiu City,
Or., Aug. 1, 1880.
John Marlon, Orvillo Drown,
C. M. Greene 2, Joseph Jullisou,
Georgo C. Powell, T, A. Htnmer,
Prof. P. H. Hudio, Dr. Thos.
Stewart, Joseph P;, Wilson.
Persons calling fdr tho nbovo
will please say advertised.
J. W. Mack, P. M,
. wronu Fault
ativo tliorpoedlly
1 . VJ,. , ..1. luJJO llli.04lO tlUll IlltOl
. ImUc, lirijlit'a dl.cnto nudillaliotcs, outuo
,ilU U-rrlMo certainty ujon tho Inaction fit
110 organ n'JcctcJ. CMurih o tho lilailJar,
itDUTOtlR, ernvel and ill mixury nto alio to bo
"nprcliamlol from a larltu) jmrnlrfla of ths
olniMor, ot mIiic.Ii woutntM nnd aiuKKMiurm
aro the caukct. 1 Iiutcttur's I intern la
a lino tonlo and promoter nt nullity tor Ilia
roiul orison, and 0110 which can bo rcllvd
upon to ultonl thorn tlio, tnjulnio atlmuliia
MUliout oxcitlna lliom mi tlkct lolm fvarvd
from tho unmi-diratcd nlcoholm ocJtant oi
cimmerrc. A further licncdcciit cllivt ut tho
Union, liy rvimwliitf (ictHliy ol tlio kldnrra,
U to onnLIe Ilium lo ilinin trout thu blood In
it a patiaao through them, liuouritlo iro
duciivo ol rbetiiDBUimaml droimr. Mcrroui.
nm. (aver nnd iiniOConiljatlon and Ujrs
cilaarocouiiaeiod by lliolllttcrt.
" fruit "foiTsaliT
To those wishing to buy fruit
nnd vegetable, I would say that
I will sell apples on tho Much ut
SO cts por lux, also a good assort
incut of vogolablou tor sale at rea
sonable prices. All orders will be
promptly attendod to. Ordora
left with 0. 1 Crosnp, in Canyon
Cit' , will roach mo ovory week,
ns I will tiHUitlly hn in town Sntur
tlavK and I'tiowduyH of onoli week
with fruit to Hid I. llfr-idmicu two
miles below Jo 11 Day Qitv, on1
llio UullOft road, x
, Yin, Luce,
4 j
rJP .