Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 08, 1889, Image 1

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THE xmvs
Tim ..ww.?
tj'ti?, n t a Mm n ATTivrrnv
1& iho IxMt ntlvwtiiituj
tint ! wttt tl.touili vl t I. to
GoM into nlmo,t innryi
Home m Oroiit Uounty,!
null h jfMil by nil, both?
0 ujl. tl pwpkt id laut-
Sotn 0n on.
old nuu young. J
Volume XI.
rw.vrav r7'i; chjixt covxrr. qjucgoxtiiuiusdav, jivgu6T a, jssd.
Xitmhcr '30.
Grant Co. News.
Z). . ASBU11Y
Editor and Proprietor.
S ibssription ...
i Mo nt liu
Threw Mon tlit. . .
S3 00
1 .0
iu.r Ivt flrl, ! fl prf ashlars' lf
ub4titnl lnrtlnn
Htnlir ajronuln; rtrs mid knmrn sp
Sti crrtlllc-dr rln unUI kit rxrt are JJ
All Uuidnt,' Notices in Lucid
'.'o'uiini will be'ol ut llm
ri'o of "JO ci'iiJn per linti for first,
mill 10 uts unch sutwsn una iinur
tiou. rSE" Spetriul rntis to rrgulnr
t i. J uilgu ,
Sollliol Slipt. . . .
Stock Inspector
N. It. Maxrv.
. l'liil Mt solum
..N. H. H.l-v. j
J. H. Mcllah-v. I
II. II. DaVi-.
J. II. Nr-ld
....W. P
. OlinH. TimiiH.
E, Havei,
... T. H. Curl
, L. H. I win
J n inert A. Feu
J. L. Rand
Diit. Jiultfi'R j
Disc. APnnioy
Church DIrecto y
Hov. A. Kmlrt lioMn iliviuo fr
vice ut the Wiuear ucbool hi.usu
t 11 o'clock iu in. on tlm 1 t Sab
I) ttb of inch m-uitli, mill til 7
o'clock iu tlio evening ut the M. E
chinch iu Prairie City. Also at
the Strawberry school honso ut 1 1
n. in. "ii i Iid :) nl Sabbath of each
month and nt Prairie City in he
evening of the sumo dny. At John
I),iv Citv at 1 1 a in. on the '2ml
ml Uli Sunday, nml nt Camoii
Oily ut 7 iu the evouinjj of the
snmo il y.
wr. Ann riiEpincn to execctk
ri ii n i it I.
11 IIIU UVU I llllllllgip'
or .vEiiy rrxcitii'Tios, o:iiuply
PusterH, Doilpmn, Billhead. Let- j
torhoailH, itolmiiilH, btnto
i:iout,.InviUti(iiiH, TickeU., Carda
Etoi etc.
J'JIIKTEII to oHiir.n.
The Kloek InHpcelor'a Inw, S"cl.
I, niiinndod ut the Inst term of the
lutfiMrtiiire. rt'iiuito.'i nl perfooH
innvinx Mieep within the county to
(jet a peruiit, nnd tmy pervitin iiiov
iutj-Hlifep whoiie permit ha he:n'
piven to i xcied AO diiyn prior to
moving hi idieop lays nimolf li
able to proKuciiiioti.
joii C. r.rcf,
Il-pni v Innpeelo.
j.ihn Dar, 'r.. .Mm 20, '80.
main iiriiKirr
Canyun City, Okkuon,
, Travelling tueti will find tl'it a
plfiuiiiit ntiu dcHiiulile plnco ai
w Inch to Htup.
Ulw iih ii full
J. L. B. VIAL & SON.
and ,IK)V ISLE US. Kit Citv, - - - Oiikoon.
Dtwlura in
WATrnEf, r.x ocs,
V OL NS and OU Tt.
Uubcr 1 1 Lu.u ('a! tWnU.
53T0 ninile Union Mem Marie
Alain Sn' t
JilJ (.! M.. x -M
til. I . l
I it. f i r U'f
h i I . ( II nit I
.4 Mi. .
MWB U )vr lfnv Ht 8 MMlh uj hH (fait . .
W K4f U UJbf Uf UwtM )wW VM T'. (
4 m W4 f f rUI II- i(v.
g OlUX, M. 1).
Cnnyon City, Oyn.
IISIm m VUln SlrsM ht fJluml oxr
pM j Dr. HoxtrJ.
Qt I. llAZlil.TINE.
rs-yiv ry. iou'iioN
Uxa Cnr.KK OnKno
J J McfUrilitiUUH.
citn j Public.
Cawos Tin - 0r.
Crnico with M. U. Cliff nt
L-n'l flllmr nn.l Ci.llnll in ffomu'lr !'
E. A. Knicht,
cvnvii.s citv onmns
Oflici' ovor Folin Sliii.i'ltV fibiiiHi
hhop: "fll 'o bonis frui 11 a. hi.
to -1 p. in.
JnillSII Co.AD.
ArrouNuys at law
Uanvon Citv, tntucoN.
and Oollootor,
Cnnyon City, Oreu
All tnlM cntrU'ltil t' M at "II Mir
rimipt ltntliii. ikI i.'I cm.ifV xlll b JU
O". W. JySCtx t-lt,
Notary Public.
1ho Aoiii for tbo hhIo of School
LiiuIh. S-30tf
11" i )ii jf. r ' i
JohnOay Milk Rapjf
Frt'ob milk (b'liv.Tcd ilnily to
iuv fUHtoiiKMn in .lolui Dny iuk!
Cnnyon citioH. Gtvo me your ov
.1. Oi.ivnt
F. (' IIOKSI.EY, Al I).
V -.SNHVUVAiiA, April 8, SS.
Canyon (Jit . ' iiuon.
U iici in liixDruS ore, Miii Stf"!
rilnr for )nij; proniplly lilieil.
No profi'kxioiial putroiiMye Kolictoil
iu iKMiliitiotioiiMiii-tiii)t I v follow, hI
.'A.VVO.X !M'V Unveil
Hugh Sinillt, prop':
A Kutl Hu at lh I'ju.t fl Win.. ti..l
Ttrfi Dim .lr't.
Ictly .K.i.j l.ntiK rul"clM
LEE rwrLLCIR, Propr.
Cauyou City, flnnt r u Oiiignu.
Hiivinif bnii(jlr i or' popubit
Jtal IumI ifKpi'i-lh'.l "lic.t tdl.'iir
of the public pati n..o.
Fiiht rlthB Sinyb' Hinl Double
TeimiK to b'l.
Special alieiili'i" fitwn to ih
earn of transient Hi el
ZKCRVl fONIiri-uiii iT: .i,(rtncr
tinail) (Vim miimc imiui 4iKMn
..birCfj. Dilu.1 r.itu.ll.4. J. H-'.i.o.l,iw.
rcjf I riu. D.kvilA an-l rui.
W U t- VkZZU tCiClw, IA (lijraU.r.
S" S3e Jsf Sgjf f tc 8
h C2" 3fi'Sai4T3ir;B.a;
Absolutely Pure.
I hl n'trr mr rorlr Amu tl vt jfl
if Btrii:1li hi ' uti-pt, Mnrw w nw
. nl lhH Ihc imlli.tir Uh'l, mnnol b
i i In miii-l l n nh ili m t ult 'I t
(. h t nvtth', IU'I1 i.r I h.Mp'Ulf 'tT4.
ol I utily In nm. II") l'tln I'J,
ui tt.II fi N V
Wholesale $' Retail
Floor anil Pood.
37" Cocxls found ta bo not llrt
olivis limy Imj rctmuc.l.
j E. T. L0VEJ0Y. Proprietor.
John Day - Oregon
No Chinese iiupln ed about
tlm pn iiii iH Eveiy ilToit will
be iii'idu to plfifti uueHtH mill
in .k.i iln-iii fi i I wiilcoiiie.
Slop at the ''Aiin-iicaii."
llfr l"Vr en..n I'llJ vn mnrnltiir irrt
Miiilnjr, m'-ilv j l ll ! f il.f iik I !
i.. .1 tl.i, c.iirrjinr n. In. I litis
t'vtrv tli'.ill"ii vlin la luu uf pt
Clinic". RiMiinlilo.
Hootier & Canyoi Cits
('i.i. liii;. Ciuok uml .Moiuiiiii'iit,
nnryin in iil, opre .iul fiei I t
".vKitv rnnvwiit.v jia n: run tub
(.ouioitr i-Assf." (.i:iw.
1'l.ere i a vin of - I hours tune
i ml S10 cnh by tttiu,' this routrt
to I'o. tlaml.
."tn;e In M (Janynu City every
l.iy uxept Sund i y, at I i. rn.
An Unwelcome Visitor Whom Cojt
lty Compels Koyalty to Receive.
I Nasr-ed-Dccii; Shall of IVr
r'h, w Iiu is now etipiycd on liN
third lour through KiiriiK,
far I loin bcin cuiId civil u a
woleome jiie-t by the varioiih
I couriH which ho ha atiiiomiciM
hiii inlu tiou of vitin. In
tliu ti.nt place, thu niMitis ol
Miiii)' have rctaiiutl a nioM
titiplcUKiitit recollect ion of hi
dipgiinliu habits on the ocean
ion of hiii first vixit. II i char
ictr in tieiicheroiiH, eniel alio
ceceitful, and U iiuttiiieiH are
dn: ngn tided by that utter itb
H'liee of all ideas of dueenex
uhi Ii ii ttueh a (KCtili. r reattiie
i f I'iim.iii life. On viiriuu.4 oe-
ein o ii, during tliu p.nt thirty
i yearn, IC.eiterii potentates, .iiicu
,it.i tliu tnillnl uf Tuikey, tin
kludive, jlio beeotitl km"; o.
j Statu. iintT ipiile a iiiiinber o.
ludiaii iu.iliiin.jiili.. have vihilul
Kurupe. In alin.iMt every ene
tuev h ive dipl iye.1 niiicii re-
hi e ., eh (niieu and court. c
iu their ilealiiigrt uith their Kit
ii jiean hosts. The latter were
t.iv ictuie, but ill-pifpue.l for oireiMive and iiuiiiaiiuerly
vays of iho ilerceiulent oi
Xe.-xOj ivid Diiriiis. After
Bp udii.j4 a couple of weeks at
.t. IVtembiirg In 1S7H. he
came to Her iu. 1 1 in behavior,
hmxever, wai so intoler.ibli! tint
the old kaUcr uitlilrew from
the festiv.ties on the plea or in
disposition, and refused to see
his I'ersioii finest any more be
fore his departure. The whole
burden of entertaiuilijj; the Ori
eiitul potentate Tell upon tin
siiouldeis of the Kiuprvns An
jiiita. whose poetic liiiiikerinj;p
for Orient, however, were
subjected to a most severe shock.
Tims to this day shu loves to re
laic iu her thrill and hili pilch
etl voice, how, during the raml
ntale bauiiiet id veil in bin lion
or at Merlin, whenever he jot
some fond which wa- not (o hi
taste in his mouth, he would
cuoly remove it from his j'awn
u'ul place it on her(iermau
iiiajenly's lap, to the inteiipe
hor or of all present. Iler ina
uiticeul robes at the close of the
Imi'ijuet precsented a most woe
ful aspect. On hi arrival in
Knolniid he was q ntrterinl at
liiickiiiohain palace, itiul while
iu London he rorely tried the
Prince of Wales' tviuper by
cooly placing hii linn I on the
baiu rlioiilder.i of the prinecs
wlule talking to her. Having
been eiiterta lied by the Duke of
Suther an I at the hitter's coun
try Beat at Treiitliam, ho su.
gested to the Prince of Wales'
that it would be in every wa
advisable to put the duke to
death, on ihe gioiuid thai he
was much loo powerful and
wealthy for a subj'eel. Over
Slotl,()"l)ll was icipiired to ren
der lliickiiiham pilaee habita
lile again after his depot me
The fin nitiiie had all to be
burned, wh le not only the silk
en panels, tapestries, carpets and
paper hanging had lobe thrown
uiln the llamcs, but it was even
found necessary to remove en
rifely the plaster of the wall
and the pinpiet 1 1 our-, of
r o lis which he had inhabited.
J rrrxza
; ( i HUUllUJi
VT Strain?;.
Aches anil
Pcins illicumatis,
Ksurnlgic Sciall:,
in ctiASLTs k ocEtca c:-';i!ii.'u
ill trW I
i v&imry
I I r7 w
I The slaughtur of n live shmtp
fur sacrificial purpos s in one of
the ijmciis tlaiiitieet boudoirs
wik but one of the most pardon
able or nil his otfeilces, and the
stench of thu rooms occupied by
his Persion majesty wiii so in
tense and tinbearabie that ijuan
tities or disinfectants had to be
used before even the palace at
'itches could muster up courage
to attempt lo clean up matters.
At Paris he was received iu
state v Maishol Mite.Midiou,
president of the French icpub
lie, and on leaving the country,
his baggage was stopped on the
S vis frontier by several I'.u'.i
jewelers, from uliuiu he had
purchased presents for (he demi
m. ui laines of the French me
rojiolis, but which he had re
fu ed to pay Tor. At Vienna
tie va quartered at the Chateau
if I.'iNciuburg. now the red
de. ice of Oro vu Pruuvsi S eph
in e, btfoie he lift .u .iitu
-erio'is trouble with respect to a
ututg member of the Austrian
liu f-wo Id, whom he had sub
j-cted to I he grosest brutality.
Ids presence at Vienna was, in
deed, a sore tiial to the courte
ous, chivalrous and retined em
peror. The Persian unman h
had, during the previous por
tion of his tour, develop).! a
strong t,i-te for eh imp igue. a. id
wit-, stnggei ilig about .11 a liliilld-
I n state during the major por
tion of his stay in the Au riiiu
apital. Nothing was more cii -rioiin
than than to watch eiiipcr
or present some distinmslie I
-tatcsmati or soldier to his Ori
ental guest. The latter would
gaze with bleary eyes at the
peroiinage bowing before him,
and then, mid then with a short
contemptuous lung i and a twirl
of his long mustache. Would
hive the unfortunate courier
standing there iu a statu of
mingled indignation and per
ple.Mty, until the euij eror had
stepped up and w Ii spe ed a few
comforting words in his ear.
On the occasion of his present
trip, he is accoiit( allied by a
suite of seventy persons, among
whom is a chaplain, whoso sole
duty it is to perform for his im
peril moster the fasts prescribed
by the Koran, b it wh ch thu
shah is too much of u glutton to
submit to. Thu most import
ant member of his suite, howev
er, is young boy of 12, whom
the shah has covered with hon
ors, dignities and titles, am.1 who
is an object of envy and fear to
imint of his majesty's ministers.
His name is Goolamali Khan,
lie is the director of the corps
of royal pages, and one of his
titles in A.izus-Stiltaii, which,
being interpreted means "favor
ite of the monarch," Not a
minister, not a vizier, not a roy
al prince has ever been allo.ved
to sit at the same table a his
m ijesty, the onlv exception to
thi law of the Pets. aus being
(iooluiali Khan, who is eou
s iintly by his master's side, and
ha in ne servants to wait upon
him than any two of the royal
ministers. A Persian otlieial
declares that the explanation of
this extraordinary treatment is
In be found in lis iiiujcsU V
profound conviction thai in
iife is in - yarably and niysten
uiisly ' o Hid up w ih Hi it o.
(iooluiali K i oi, and tint w-
I men have foretold that th
sliiih'n do tth ui I be prevee le
only a few days by of h
young f iv -v t ',Yi i th Ii-m t
and pr sj or ly o.' the laMer w i.
on an he health and pro pci in
of ih f..r ner, a id th it, g-mer
allv. whatever befall- this lip
i t
one will alo happen In i.-v
' al protector. 'I lie drib' n. Ii
iu ibis jrnp'iivy hi iwu tel i i
the bo s lea ling a life of ea
aiid luxury unknown to ih
most fortun ite c irt.u.s in I'
ll ran. Whatever the explauau
alion, the fuels mo indisputable,
an I the boy w is snate I on th
kines of two m igiillicent gran-
do -s on thu sh ill's ou'ry into St.
Petersburg, and was held lo,
theui with a feeliiij: of awu and
reverence .luring the hurrahs uf
the populace and the eheer l
thu nuldlei's.
No Sunday
I Wa mm iker has diriHiliil that
all thu etjiiliiict-s for tar route
s. rviee (which is tin' in. tin -a rv-
I Ice iu the West) shall liu adver
tised for nix days only. In
some lUsluncis where, by null
veituiice, the advertisements
have itil toil for seven iluys' serv
ice lie tin ordered a read vei l ise
ment. The storm this
arbitrary purtaiiiu-.l action i
raising In thu west is o ily jut
beginiiini:, but tliu breeiws will
begin to lilow ufter awhile. Tin
people of these eoiiiuiuuities
tlnuk more of their Sunday
mail delivery than that of any
other day ol the wc ., and Mr.
W'aiiaiual.i r's attuupt Iu uut
(heiii oir from civil Aitt.ou on
the llt'sl din of the Wtvk. wh.le
he perm ts his pi i vale Micht to
adliiiuister tu ihe pleasure and
eiiiiifort of the president ami
chums on th t day withoit up
parent comp in -tiolH of con
s.'.ciu e is r.i.siiigu pe fe t si. mil
of disapproval. -h.
A young until recent I j lied
by his best girl sin - there is
scarcely anything woui u cannot
do with a hairpin. 1 hey Use it
tu pick their teeth, button shoes,
clean linger nails, punch bed
bugs out of cracks, fasten up
stiay bangi, clean out the stem
of their husband's pipe, scratch
their heads, run it into cakes to
see if tiny are sntlic.en ly done,
and about uue in llioii other
things the poor deluded men
know nothing about, and they
do it all with the same hairp u
An odd w ill him been tiled
fur probate iu Tcnn. .Mrs. .M try
Aim Schaiib died uilli.iit tela
lives. She hid surrounded her
self by a number uf dogs and
cats, and had iiceiiiuulaleil prop
erly valued at about ilitlllU, and
thin site leaves iu trust for t .vo
of her fin oriie dug. She pro
vides that'.unt -onii ruall
be reservul fioiu In r prop riy
to maintain rh c lg in in
fo it as long as they livi , a id es
pecially orders one bed and
clothing for their occiiaiicy.
Alaska now- leads iu die pack
ing of salmon, and has a. most
outdistanced the raun mColiiin
bin river. The pick in Alaska
last year was lli.SiJl) against
HliS.OOO Tor the Columbia. And
the diirerence this year will be
still greater. It was not so
cold a day after ill wuii thi
country purchased Alaska.
l'hr I'lilrf llriiaon for thu fcrrr.t iw
i. 'f ' S .is i'rfli;. k U foilli.l In ttiO
minis iNi'lf. It H iiii-ul nlin, .nut llui
f.irt IIihsI s SirKi.iirltU iirlnally ns
ri.iiii'11'liss 11 rlNlutPtl for ll, It
l'H ctYxa in Oils ihimIIsIiiu a xHjlarlly .nit
Mir crnntir IIi.iii t.i il nf sny (itlii-r,v
Mfrll- Win: "r bl""'1
IVICril Wlllb nrl.f.i'i:i pilar.
Il.ssl's Sirfl urllt i rums St-rnliila. H ilt
llli.'iini iniil lliniMira. Ilya'-i.iri. NrK
ll.-i.t.irtii'. lliaiii-n.-. iiwm'oiik's 'HI
I .l.'.t l'.-,'!llli:. rl.'.ilt s II AiHlll.'. -lr.'HM
'I.. Hi.- .i i ii :.l ii,. ilif Wli.'li' Sj-ii in
1 1 nml'- -I.r -il IHO 1 11. 1 It sulil lij'.lll ill iil(
II. Is ft I I . ;J l'o, msl I.J I I l.l
III, Almtli'' I'l- U'K.II M IM
v irtir rnic ix ,
'isvon Cm
Ii,h hj- 'i, -ti i nr. ii .
5 1 1:1 il I
Ali " urL Wiuru-uU. fUi-vlMM
For Sale or Kent.
A good dwelling hotiso will) or
without furniture. Itrst locu
tion iu I'rturio City, rur Iprni",
enipiiro or nddiv, Mrg I. M.
Fisk, Pinirie City. Mtf
Knpld llcnlliif; of the I lent
Whenever yon fell no unensi
ness in the region of the hentt, A
Hlight pain in the should, r, arm,
or under the s-houlder-l lade, or
when you llnd yoiirnelf uhort of
I reatli when cxctviidnff, or your
heart Iihk k ri-nls of l-eatinj f.t,
von have heart disvaw. and
I Hhonhl take Dr. Flint' Kenndy.
I I ).,u..t , , I ei. t t let i.-itli
loltle; or, uddresH Alack DrtiK
Co, N. Y.
Consumption S. rely Cured.
To Tin. i tiiro.t Please intorin
iaii i. ti, b is . haw a p.isiinu
lenudi lot t u .Is ie iiauiid di
sense. It v iu u il.ou
audi ol le) elcMS eascti lime been
pel in OKoniy eiiani. I nhali be
I in I lo scud I wo bullies of l i V
; lo.nnlY free tu any "f or rond
els who have eou-iiiaptioii it tbuy
wi I s.'iul inn ilu-tr .xi'leitH niul
lnHtolll.'i' 1 1 I'l si llespeettnllv.
t a si.o I'm; m. c , is i iwi
st . New Yoik.
NtiTTT: fihT pain i h-atiox!,
UmJ little 4i U iImni. Or
.lM) 10 !.
,tlrs U li.l.ti. rl.'n Out Oi .i.iIi
i,-i.i,U -yilirr l4 Si l i..ili uf I.I- I, trmlun
t, nk Mi.' p uol in m iw.t , no it-irn. mhI
Uml .mil ,ru i it If I..-.U' It f-.r ilw
Jultf or In lit- b--tir,r it..1 Co ity
CI- il. at (Irani t' . Mr . m - iiy..n ill jr. or.. s
Sri. . II IW, l.l ,M I'll KH .I.N
si f r li. N V. .n Tp II ri II IW U ll Jl.
Ilr l.-lim Ih lullili.(( Mllha-rot Iu fn
In- lli, r -l'iru.r iiuii. al.ll t'i lllnlUll
t .M .n l. Ui. Wilf iVhit". II A. 11, , l
IU ii.. i, a eikr, J. il lUriisi ..-ll'.i,
I or ... i .1. . . 1
tl)'' "i lidllf-l- IL .Ul. l L'.llt't O S
i.,v niHN ,. iiii-li ir,r4, ..r wiiu lui'.v. , tu' tmy
il' iiil.l num.. i,i..i r l.o I ,w mi Ih r. f.
U.I' I it" Ii !rtr I' s,iimri, w., .n h
-I.I..U t.U. ll' l"l-l. W'll ll, $ I H u
!it..ll'lliH Ml lllr .1. ,r lt.-.ll -ll'-il H. K. il
s.. I. .1 - rk.Hlli, e, s-f .-I sl I, ami lo .fr . o,ii, . rvl. Hxi nf
be .ub ui i in ... a
Is .'3 IIKNIIV l iaillir, IW.I-.r
NOTICE FOlt pntldOATlOi".
t all I O l r4l I. Uro.'ls. 'Or Ifuli.
J.iiuM I MM
N. irv I. Iivr-Ii. alo'l. Uisl Oi.' ' ..mid. r 'v- rt s.1 i.i'ii.v "f in- I'.i'ti.
1 1- Itlitktf 'Hi (i f . U'MI lt.i
r -Ii... sinl Ih4 aM , I.", sit Ih Is !.
Ilu-i iiiim ,lfr I nisi. i iiti, ,r or at I .,oii
Clii In. , (b Auy. iu l. . Jlll.
nil Kn UASKII, n i v;. tor ' si nil I I
ml b1, sK I I n i I i MB 11 II S
Hi, ii Hit, M.v .i,.mutf nlliw v In IS.V' Ilia
ti tiiiiimi r.Ui. ui ti . 'iml , itiou i I. .W,
i mini tu i In In- tiir, J . ii J Uii.i.i.
m,i'.' Amt'ii It in siiii.j., I.i.iiia l liit.1-,.'. , ll
nl II. hi .... or.
In, imimi.i itlii. .Isalr.s) . iriU'l a-iu Ilia
all i a.ah.r !. ir h liiiu.i i ty
-ii'wa j. I. .tn, 1 1 ili I..' I. ah 1 1!. nail
rilUi. ... lam Imairl .r (..-.miIuiu1. lt atiih
iri( tin I'l lint Im nlkino.i, will lis turuu so
ui)i Mtunlii ai ih" alsio-inuiilHil Ons ami
n. 1 1 rli-.s lamlnv ilis ir.Oi i-Mi. .,1 .H
rl.lllial.1, mill M I'tl'l.'DiM III rnUHUtl It
liu .iibtuttttU i. ftiuisii'.
lii im.MU I.INl.UAIir, Itr-rUlrr.
jonx wss -
Watch-maker and Jeweler,
Kcfp for sub Wa'elie-, CI'M'l-M
nml .leui'iiy, nud do h all ktt.dn
f I'eii'iuin .
: WA I biiLO .n
a, r .'i ' 1 1 v i
n ntricj; Cpiilcitr, TrsiirfoT,.
C..!'l X..i!., T ...-'i.. ..i ftt-f'nn
w.llliUW.lljf 1... . l'lf(l,,Ul.'
na loriiiiii ih r-joJrjyirrn:.
i. ' '"iJn: j'.au r ;