r tr ran Grant Co. 'News. LOCAL BREVITIES. Several sick horses in this vicin - ity.seemingry afflicted with a mild form of epizootic Plenty of Grant county peaches and plums are in the market now, and will do to bet on every time. The survey of the Pendleton- Canyon City road makes the dis tance between the two Cities 114J miles. N. H. C. CottreU had good sue - cess in tmdincr his cattle for hnrxn. and will perhaps brine over a band of bucks in the fall. Official notice has been given that the Burns land office will be open for the transaction of business on the second day of September. Uuder "New to-day" will be found a notice to contractors, call ing for bids to construct the wagon wnl (frm Tk.wllfll-J-k, Irt. 1 . n p:flf Tiwbndge has his mower run- ning from 4 a. m. till dark, cutting his immense cron nf timotliv. Tl"e will put up near four hundred tons tniS year. uroiV ",l " u...-. . vwm- . v TmupH Almoin nrn. T,;f Ti.ri ,.io , , the ton of it. tv, came in on the Baker stage .M.essrs- Jctt Mcl,ea,1 P10 Liist lhursday a heavy nun and 1 q-,, , . , . b. . prietors of the Canyon-Burns hail stonn broke in the vicinity of! Mrs. M. N. Ronlmm began a V"' VJ1"? - stage line arc men of experience old Prairie Diggings, Hooding every-; three months term of school ina,H UB ro m' . 'm their business, and are run- thing and doing some injury to ; new district on upper South Fork C. A. Gray, who was interest- ning the line about as it should gardens and road. ' last Monday, a large number of pu- ed in the butcher shop here, has t be run. Thev advertise in the 4 , i , c , i nils being in attendance : gone with his family to Wash- News this week. A new law provides for the pub- 1 in do'i st-ite where h ' 1 is t ! lication of all county warrants in j The Pliiladelphia hiv.veiy at eoiuifticm 'irst citizen What was the county clerk's offices for seven j Los Angeles ha been seized by ' ' j ast measure passed by the Leg- years or over and their conciliation j revenue officers, because; stamps ( The Chinese emperor is having ;slature. do you "know?" Sec within a certain time. were token from beer kes Inifore a , the police system and fire depart- I ' , ",tv, r ,i " ii.lt, t. - , , , i spigot was driven through them. . ments of American cities exam-j . . . It is observed as a remarkable . i ... - . pened to be nr the callerv "t lttct mat an tne rourtn or duly or-' .. , ,. , A, . ' .. ations delivered this year were the best the neonle ever had the nleas- ure of lintening to." . . , . ... A 1 -v.. W which make jrood notpie or nass very en ror uaicea uck were brought to town and sold last week ' by Mr. Chambers of Bear valley. j A short fbnr. -um tin. lwi- rvnl i A short time ago the Itockcieek country had a heavy cloudburst or f m . . . waterspout, winch is said to have : nustHi tne ooiin JJny river aoout : tit ri two feet when the water entered that stream. The first exhibition of the East ern Oregon District Agricultural Society will be held at Baker City from October 8th until 13th. Fif teen hundred dollars -will le offered in premiums. Ben Brown of Burns passed through town during the week, on his way to Chicago. He took the i J O . Ifnnnnpr rnntn tn Pnrtliinrl nnrl from there intends going by the Northern Pacific. Quite several of the residents of ' this blooming city are out in the mountains catching ticks, eating dirt and lighting mosquitoes, imag ining that they are having a pleas unt time camping out. Mr. J. I. Sturgill, of Baker City, was in this vicinity kst week, rep resenting the firm of Sturgill r Sturgill, who have a large sum of money to loan on improved fa rms at low rates of interest. See their "ad" n opposite page. Mother Dunniway has been cry ing and pleading with the liquor men at Boise City, praying that a clause be inserted in the constitu tion when Idaho shall be admitted as a state, granting women equal . voting privileges with men. Hay in Bear valley is not an av erage crop, some portions producing this year only half as much as for merly: Southworth's ranch is re ported with a full yield, also a few other places. "Wild hay is short on account of scarcity of water. John Voss tho jeweler has moved to the. old tin shop where he can be found ready to repair your watch or ,do anything in his line of business. B. Robison occupies his former place of business, with his dry goods. His "ad" will U found on opposite page. The Pacific Kxnrcss Co. is a j soullasa institution, and acconuno- i dates the puhlie to tne extent ot tne . .1. ... .ii...0 .. dollars and cents in s-i.nht, says the. llcppner (Ja7.ett You are cor rect there Uro. Gazette, and the News will stay .with you on that proposition. The Pacilic Express Co. and the Oregon ilailway and Navi gation Co. are bleeding Eastern Or egon unmercifully. Deputy 1T. S. marshal Harper who was sent upon the strength of Judge Deady's decision, to eject to the rear. It is said a company ; of soldiers has leen ordered from ; xoise ixiimt-iis w ciuureo uiu uium. Several arrests for resisting an otli- uer will probably follow, and there , 1 i... i. ,...r ii Jo nr tlliinr wlipro fliw llrplwlHnTi" 'rebellion" ii r .- i i . r I wlUB""!' 1IU,U wiu-Miuiuip mnuh ui i y gold n,s hand ot horses on ically )alanned work by Satan ! a large numncr to seek- other lo-; Harney valley, met a number of South Fork was brought into ; himself. If that is the case "and i cations. Some have secured Winchester rifles in the hands of town Tuesday by deputy sheriff j the old bov really has the power lwive of absence from the officers ! suuatters. and riirht irallantlv took t ti, ir;DL- ni..l 501 1 will end. ; rajn contest that he forgot who Pennington, who was to have J and where he was, and commen been hanged at Baker City on the ced to pummel his friends to the second day of August has leen j right and left. He entered a granted a respite, which will prob- plea of guilty and the justice im- ably result finally in imprisonment a few years in the penitentiary. When such criminals as penmngton escape hanging it is simply holding ' but inducements foi others to com- punishment in point nothing else than placing a premi um upon border and kv.vlessuoss, Do you intend bidding for a con- tract on the new road? C. "W. Bonham and wife paid . their old illahe Canyon City a visit last week. The News received a call last Monday from Mr. O'Conner, who wanted to insure its life. Mrs. W. R. Cunnington left Tuesday morning for a few weeks' visit to her parents in California. Dr. E. A. Knight, dentist. will be in Prairie City August I Sr1, nd rmnnin rwn u-ppL-s t 1 K5nne . M?!lae ha? ,a: J'ounS C0US1U vlsltlIlS hl,n a bnSht .v0unS fel,0,w from Portnd whose name j we no not member. Miss Olive Capwell who lias been visiting up the valley has returned to this city accompanied by her sister Miss Julia Capwell of Roiso City. The ladies of the M. E. church will give an ice cream festival at the Grange hall in Prairie City ! on Saturday evening next. July 0"71 lhe ouno slm(,e trPU m f,ont ot this gas foundary is growing rapid- l b'. aml is now so till tlmt your Imt ..1.. ft.ll.. nff inmau summer is ai. naiai, out;. j. , . . , . e., ' ! ing those of his empire, j the aerae resident ot Crant coun- j 3 1 ; tv would rather take his summer ! A stringent sheen law ought to straight than to have the. diity si- i washes mixed into it in anv wav. i - - ItlilllL Dr. Ashford who left ! . . p . r t .1 m u g e ,er fields, m who has been at Baker City since, is now locatH at Burns, !ls ,leiir lis Ile C:UI "ot to ,,is ol(I j 1 A bit social was Held at the Hep- rt u . i i i 'r ..axeue mans residence last ' .Minuay evening. .-vias: lias it x Li ... 11... ir.. ..i it.,,. :i- , cumt; iu tnau: o.i.uue mi uie nop- ; pner people for not giving bettor support to their newspaper. ; Dr. Orr was the reeiniont of a very fine bird Tuesday evening. ;r r o,f uic r-:,-..i, t .i HL ui owwiu in in.- iih imr t nu lmvn incf rilnrnnfl fr1111 nti iv- ploring expedition to the summit ?a-v thcre is I,othi,,S in Uvei tis of Strawberry mountain. Said;ln6 bircI is the wonder of the age in . . 1 1 i i WHICH 11 11VCS. At last the county court of Ba ker county has become ashamed of the roads leading from this country and has purchased the Parker toll road. It is to be hoped now the road will be worked and placed in good condition for teamsters, "so that they may not be under the ne cessity of using the usual amomit of profanity while traveling. The Nkws received a pleasant cull .Saturday from Dr. !. H. Fell, Ed. Wooilall, Frank Watcrbury and E. Hirschberg, all young business men of our neighboring city Long Creek. The boys attended a social party at this place Friday evening, j valley sent to this office a bundle I and Okanogan, is, to-day, a re- system, acts gently on the kid and expressed themselves as haying , 0f rye grovn on his place. Ow- gion of changing level and al- j n'evs, liver and bowels, effectual- enjoyea a spiencuti gooci tune. , Come again Canyon City will try j 11-1 i tn ninlrn. vnnr visits nl on sunt, tn vnn I - 1 - There is a widow near Milledge ville, Ga., who has seven daughters, but no sons. She owns some land, which she and her daughters culti vate. Last year one of the - daugh ters went to the woods with an ax state fair at the fair grounds near and cut and made a plow stock, j Salem, commencing Monday, fastened on a plow, and with a lit- September 1G. ISS'J and continii tle steer plowed for a crop of cotton ) Ur ?jx days. The cash premi raising seen lwkw. That girl can ; unis oilefcd for agricultural, have her choice of Oregon bnche-j si0(.j.: nnd mechanical exhibits! lrs. j fur worics of art and fancy work. The Maker Citv Blade siiys: j for trials of speed amount in "The Hobinsonville'distriet is d'e- 1' aggregate to $ 15,000. tiued to be one of the banner mill ing districts of laker countv, two mills are alreatlv ordered for that section, while several arastras ae turniiiLr out bullion at a ranid IJuker county Jms a capacious maw and a penchant for claiming the richest mines of Grant and Union ' countv for her own. She claims all of ltobinsonvillp, Granite and the MonuinentaX and we only fear that when we get some of the valuable mines open near Canyon City our neighlrars on the east will lay claim to and include us all in Daker coun ty. Mac Summerville who recent-; uBon 0n a charge of assault anj battery, preferred by John - ... ... nyae, one ot ins ncighiiors. it ; seems tjm. ir Summerville was qn tnl-nn nn with rendinfT the ne- : i C il. : r.':i count 0f the recent Sullivan-Kil- posed a fine of .$20 and costs, whereupon Mr. Summerville paid the fine and repudiated the cost that is, refused to pay costs, j and as there is no law to imprison j v ' just such unprincipaled wretches ot whien tuis was. a iair sample. ( It's no use to print that it is j hot, but indeed it is hot. Look out for fire everywhere. Tt will certainly cause much damage. Our town was honored this week with a visit from Hon. W. H. Bently of Baker City. Our town was enlivened this week by the arrival of freight teams loaded for B. Robison. A great number of people are coming from California to Oregon this summer, hunting homes. Miss Abbie Winegar took her departure Tuesday for Walla ' i Walla, on a visit to relatives. Good wheat hav is worth at The Dalles -tipper ton, while $10 is the price paid for good timothy. Circuit court for Grant county will convene in regular session on .m u... , , ; tem"er- j The lakes in California arc drying up and the waters are be Oni!nrr cr o 1 1 n 1 flinf 4 lira fiell , t rtl perishing by the ! l,ou-iiitI " 1 1 ,l ' . William Riley, brother of the ni be passed prohibiting stock from ; beinc driven over county roads ! where the grades on the I mmiiilniK ciilnL li'nlJn 4.. l U m 1 f , . , , fe , ; The Emporer of China is to send a commission of Ihrcc to the ; "e"5,ic 1 " . lilUUIIllllll CIHIS llt; imt'lU 111 UU l" " "-' " , ' r.... .. . ' ss. :i lit i i I t n I fMi i nr v inn iiiauv Jiuiiititr : , 2. ,. ...... w. I infrs wards ofl f S(!l.;ps.,, I . 4 1... ... H. ..... I . . .. . . . J 1 . I ii i lie nt'uuiii: ui auewa ;iiiii isiiieiv- o- John Fan's of the Malheur lost a horse last spring, and the other : .1 l. - l l - - e 1 1 ".v 11(1 "orroneu a copy oi me Vni': nriil rend find idverfe- ; estrav. He came mem oi an over and got his horse. Who " ... An Iowa man told a love-sick cirl that he would marry her if she would commit to memory ; ces for the rest of his life. i it., .i.i r iiriii n nrv ni n nifirn n K.iniiir w wixV4. v v.w i uie wuoie oi u cosier s uicuona- , -y - - - hnnn r(mUv ,iPfln w;,i, N,.Urnily foil ry. He didn't suppose she could ; ftlult;u " V,u il Sl,,u" V J , " , n,i .-,11 Rre u do it. lmf she did. find nniv b,. ! compicxioncu man, ageu aooui , . . i.j .... Jwr:f..r5Y ... ' . ! 1....1 .... L.ft .'vmericaii was nrrcticu on ,.r.,T-,' r,itf w have to take the eonsemien- i o(J years; had a sear on left nos- ., r. i vturcu or.ly by W'm. Allied has a couple of When last heard from he was blue spots on the back of his - headed for Eastern Oregon. Fos hand where he was struck by i sil Journal, hailstones last Thursday at Ins j The volt.anoeji 0f Western garden in Prairie Diggings Mr ' wJlshin,,lon havc been in action Alired was carrying a shovel, and ' r(.(.mith. that is a ouestion his hand was exposed to the full force of the little icebergs. M. M. Adamson of the summit ranch between here and Bear . mg to the dry season tho crop i did not eet" the start that it I ,1,1 lv..i nii,.:..l l.:..i.i r Biiuum uui uiuiiiiuu iiw nuigiiioi from GA to 7 feet, which is pretty j good work for rye at the top of i the Iilue mountains , The Oregon state board of ag i riculturc will hold the annual A writer in a scientific maga- zinc says the earth is being bored j too much and is liable to lose its j 1)1 t,ie st;i' 01 -M out tney gen place among the heavenly bodies i frously add, "except for nicdici in consequence. The busv edit- , '1 -nnl sacerdutal purposes." It or can sympathize with the j not quite clear whether they earth. lie is also likely to lose propose to increase the sick list his place among the heavenly bodies by being bored too much ; -judging from the language he j uses when the bore leaves. Elder" Hartlct. of the Seventh I Day Adventists, of San Francis co, in a recent sermon, took the cround that the Johnstown disas- ! ter in Pennsylvania, w.is tho rr- suit of a deliberately and diabol- i gunhisworkalready.it is time we were making peace with him ... i. and ''standing in. ' A fellow named Boyd hired a holsc aml S!ldllIc at Raker City itt ' lT " T l ,?!h"i?J down j C. i :t.l. u.c iH u, j.ia urouier. ne sirucK oui towarus luano, anu an olhcer was sent alter him. ' Theoflicer tracked the thief to Snake river, thence through Mai-; heur county into Grant, and ar- J "ved here last Tuesday, having obtained a trace of the fagitive J dressed, having short red beard and curly hair. The population of Boiso City, Idaho, is 4,500 and the altitude is i,toj iect a wove tne sea, No -enabling act was passed bv connoM fnf Mnlm Lift ,n will probably be admitted by the nextiCohgress. To get clear of its debt, Los Angeles county will require a tax of 40 for each person within its borders. Buffalo Bill has been engaged by the French government to teach 100 cavalry officers to ride in the American style. A sufferer sends in this one: Why is a bounced government clerk like a rusty shotgun? Be cause he kicks when he's, fired. The'mountains back of town arc said to be literally lined with big rattlesnakes. 'Moral reflection: Take a bottle when ':n k V "X' .TV. . you go prospecting. Muldoou, who trained Sulli van for lils fight with Kilrain, says Sullivan is a big brute, and that he lies no sense or concep tion of friendship. That his tastes and instincts are of the ; lowest order, tne time, it was a quart meas ure tilled with beer.'5 : From almost every state in the i Union comes the statement of ! huge properties being sold to c v ti A i' n i c nf RltifrUcli i!i 111 i n Hcf iiimivuivc xy. a --, Kwn jouri ns wcH ag 1 breweries and whisky shops are falling jnto their clutches. fm . . " The s of Eur0 e tell Breat varus about the Shah of V, v Lrt.n(ieur u ;s ted , ---- - o . , ,iM:e D4..o 1 1 I la I 1. 1 I J I . Ill l I.IUII.1 l.al L 1I1U1.I1 . i . . ... , , . . - Wnrfb () : CU 111 Ills tlirOUC .lie WOHll -T..U,- , (mfm 0 f n,1(ir h1M(1 his i ninnnors aren't worth a darn T - ' ------ - " " w Mr. S. A. Heilner, Baker City's i i f i neavicst lorwaruing commission nierchant, loaded ten car loads of ; wol nt nis (k'Pot warehouse to- ' .1 e -i i t . i uay lor mupiiiuui cusi. i ii'wuua to this Mr. II. has handled over 3000 bags of the staple in mak ing former shipments. Reveille. , tril, also one under the left ear. ' A warrant is out for the thief. whether I hiker, Rainier and oth ers are to be classed as extinct or active volcanoes. EttSt of the I Cascades, around Lake Chelan I most continuous trembling. earthquake .... . I i ne party ot lossil Hunters liartv whn namn from the east are in the North Fork country, and arc meeting with success in finding bones of small horses with three toes on each foot, also rhinoccr- ' . 1 I ous skulls and other bones and c i ii.-i ' iossus wnicn snow mat Oregon was once a tropical climate long j before tlio glaciers came down 1 from the north jiole and covered ( our land miles deep with ic Montana nrohibitionists an ii miciio 1 1 Hlinrol liili ni'nv ing the constitutional convention ! i to prohibit manufacture and sale . : ... . . ... . . of liquor within the jurisdiction j or the membership of churches , hy this process Orcgonian. Manv of the ranchers on Cam- as Prairie will be obliged to 1 abandon their homesteads owing j to the total destruction of their ! crops by the grasshoppers. The j fact that this is the second visi- , tation has caused a feellina of' dissatisfaction which has induced be able to return as-soon as cir- cumstanccs will justify their do-, ing so. Shoshone Journal. i Installation of Officers. rii. -.ii ri' r rt n Li ii? ,n r i x- rise Rebekah Degree Lodge 2So. ' , 3 1. u. v were installed oy 3lrs. Annie V. Laurance, D-D- Li. M., last Thursday evening: Miss Electa Laurance, N. G.; Mrs. H. A. Thompson, V. G.; Mrs. Annie V. Laurance, Sec".; Mrs. Adaline Sullens, T.: Mrs Adaline Laurance, I. G.; Geo. Shearer, R. S. to N. G.; Isham Laurance. L. S. to N. G.; James T. Sullens, R. S. to V. G.; W. B. Davis, L. S. to V. G.; Mrs. Clara DaviB, Warden. t r TTm.L-ntf nf nmifrl-iu ! was on Currant creek, on a tour I JOHN DAY DASHES. Too much of your correspond- tV8 tak? UE J8tww n accounts of the great Sullivan-Kilrain fieht to write for the News, but will do so no more. Men could be seen in ev- erv dl1ilir nlann Jti nirn rnnlinn m J 111V. Ill ILilVllllg I papers that gave an account of the fight. John Day needs a money order office. Thos. Beeves is getting well again, he thinks Dr. Barber is a great Dr. E. B. Ramsby is chief beef steak slinger now call at the butcher shop. Mr. Geo. Vanderhuf and wife of the Stein mountain country are visiting John Day. A. C. Dorc and son passed thsoilgh John Day Sunday, uouuiHi tor Washington territory on a visit. John Day does more busines receives and pays out more mon ey than any other town of the size in Eastern Oregon. Baker county has bought the loll rojid of Parker. The Demo crat should receive all the glory for that little job and Baker City should get most of Grant county's trade. Mrs. Chas. Cobb has relumed from her visit in the east and has taken charge of the restaur ant again. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Luce moved to their home two miles below John Day. The saloons should be more careful about dumping their beer bottles where children are liable to cut their feet on broken glass. Long Creek is in tears over the departure of the McGinley Comedy Co., who left there with all their loose cash. Haying is in full blast and a great demand for laborers; wa ges are good and money plenty. Long Creek was well represent ed in town last week. Come again gentlemen. Bill Whit came in Monday with a big load of freight form Baker City. John Day don't like the new Sunday law and we'll not stand it. John Day needs better water works. George Nutting. Crook county's stock inspector, has not been seen or heard of since the 8th of May. The last seen of him he in his luggage unmistakable dyn amite bombs. On further inves tigation they proved to be cocoa nuts, something the Austrian au thorities had never seen. SYRUP OF FIGS, Produced from the laxative and nutritious joice of California figs,, combined with the medicinal virtues nf lil.-mtc; kiinwn to bo ist bem-fieinl tn fho human ly cleansing the system dispcll- i ing colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. FTOir FOR SALE. To those wishing to buy fruit and vegetables, I would say that OKU ."! inv; 1H1II.II l nu t ls d t. . . D 1 will sell apples on the ranch at ment of vegetables for sale at rea- SOnable prices. All orders will bo promptly attended to. Orders icft with O. P. Cresnp. in (tanyon 'resap ('it-, will reach me every week, as 1 will usually be. in town Satur- j davs and Tuesdays of each week "if1' ffl 10 f6"- 08ido"co Uvo ,lTn ou " v lLy in )o oq vnif V.u. Luci: REWARD. I T will pay a reasonable reward ! for information that will lead to the recovery of the following dc- . scribed horse which strayed Irom Crook county about March 1st. 1.S.S1): A sorrel work horse (5 or 7 years old, weight about 1050 pounds; has small white in face some white legs, small feet, nuet on , lett-shouiuer ai ine ol the 1' maKes parrot tne a. . ..?' , i'"0RE 1 iiuutiiiv, .iuvrw v. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. KoUcfl h hQveU iven tlmt b CumMerfttion na order of the Cout Court of tbo stat0 of Ore gon for Grant county, the unuev- ' signed has beei appointed admin istrator of the estate, of L'reu : Winegar, deceased, lato of said i.; 'and all ' on8 baving coumy, ana an persons uaving t claim3 affainst the estate of lust cli said' dec said deceased are hereby notified and required to lesent tho same duly verified as by law required to the undersigucd administrator of said estate at Prairie City, Grnut county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated July 10, 1S80. Chahles H Wineoak, 17-21 Administrator. M. D. Clifford, AU'y for Administrator. ' . v.. Ir: : t : e n.. i . Not a Sterile Plain. B. S. Pague, assistant signal director at Portland, has written an elaborate answer to the article published in the Scientific Amer ican which stated that Eastern ! electricity, judging from the cx Oregon was a sterile plain. The traordinary cases of cure per article concludes with the follow-! formed by Drs. Darrin in this ing paragraph: I city. The great advantage of The region is well settled and prosperous. Every timber cult ure claim that has received any attention at all has thrived and is doing well. It is only those claims taken up by the thriftless or for speculative purposes that faii. While wheat is the chief product, barley and oats are suc cessfully raised, corn yields a fair crop, alfalfa is an excellent grass for stock and does well, apples, plums, prunes, cherries and ber ries grow in profusion, and vege tables of all kinds grow to perfec tion with a little care. As a rule grapes and peaches do only fair ly well. Grande The fertile fields of the Rondo valley do not much resemble a 'sterile plain,' and many other valleys are the same. Grant connty, the center of tliis 'sterile plain', has for its leading crops, wheat, oats, barley and hay; apples, pears, plums, cherries and berries of all kinds thrive, but peaches are raised on- j ly m favored localities. Except ; in the southern part, the county is well watered by numerous springs. I lie nortnern portion is well timbered, while the south- cm part is nearly barren of trees. Fine agricultural land is found in all sections of this 'sterile plain.'" I Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so l.vxative and nutritious, j with the medicinal virtues of plants inown to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDHEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AND TO Cleanse the System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH low. Every one is using it lighted with it. Ask your RUP OF FIGS. Manu- ihe CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. Sa:.- Francisco, Cl. Is'1-.vrti.R. K v. Nkw York, N. Y. Estray. $5.00 reward will be paid to spermatorrhoea, seminal weak anv person fur the delivery of j nes?- or lot5S of doure of st xtual my bay saddle pony at George I Pou'cr' eitlier nian r woman. Uundhich it Hro., Canvon Citv. j catarrh and deafness, aic confi described as follows: fhiv hor.se. ' Jentially and successfully irent ponv build, black mane ami tail; wl- f',,ri's of private diseawes saddle marks, starin forehead, i guaranteed, and never published white hind feet up to fetlocks, I n the papers. Circulars sent branded R on left shulder, also j lrec- -ost s can receive circle with- horizontal dash ! ll0nic treatment afle-r a i-it to throujh it on left hip. CJku. Mahtin. Canyon City, .June 24, 'S9. SUMMONS. In the county courty court of the i state of Oregon, for the countv of Grant. Ju9 Durkhcimer, Ike liter 1 loK0 Dnrkheiiner and Sam Durkheimer Plaintifl'ri VS Jasper Shepherd. Deft j To Jasper Shepherd, above named: In tin name of the j state of Oregon, you are hereby j required to appear aud answer the j the return of, or information that complaint filed against you in the j will lead to the recovery of tho ol abovo entitled action, on or before j 0WUl , described animal: Uay the first day of the next tcrai of said court to-wit On Mond.iy oopu iwi.;tuiui you nui bo , fail 1 "'T' tue.u-u., . plaintift will take judginent ; against you, for the sum of ?Ur.-; f0, on an account, besides intercs at 8 per cent per annum and $147.(50 on a note, besides interest on last named sum from Dec. 12, l?87nt 10 per cent per an num, together with 825 ro.tsona hie attorney's fee and the cost and and disbursements of this action. Defendant will further take no lice that this summons is publish ed by order of the Hon. N. R. Macy, Judge of said court. P.nnisu & Cozvd, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. T Of Soppaior C. A. RIIF.A, FRANK KKM.OC.G, President. Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. J. P. RHEA, 7. A. RHEA, L. T. DODSOX, Directors. Transacts a General flankinj? Busines. Exchange r on all parts of the tvorld- BOUGHT aud SOL . Collections made at all points on Reasonable Terms. Money loaned at from One to ten I , percent. REMARKABLE CURATIVE POW ERS OF ELCTRICITY. Orroiilnt. Thore can be no donbt or ques tion of the curative powera of electrical action is that it brings relief in a large number of disuaa cs confessedly bc-yoml the reach of the ordinary remedies of the physician, and it lias fallen to the lot of Drs. Darrin to enforce t a belief in the curative powers of electricity upon tho public, by the following remarkable cure?: J. S. Ryckman, Knappa, Or., can be referred to in reference fo the successful treatment of him self and wife for skin diseases and catarrh, and other ailment. Fredrick Mohs, Spragus, W. T. Catarrh and bronchitis, gn eral debility, etc.; cured. His j wife cured also of dropsy and 1 varicose veins, milk leg and run- . ning sore. T. L. Mills, 30 'Columbia St., j Portland Soreness through the j kidneys, liver and stomach, in- ! llamation of the of the prostrat gland and catarrh of the bladder; restored to health. A. A. Durham, Tualatin, Washington county. Or., writes that Drs. Darrin are working wonders on his kidney and blad der troubles; also rheumatism of j thirty years standing. George B. Henry, janitor Odd Fellows' hall, 1-11 First stret, Portland Chronic catarrh ten i years, had despaired of ever be- i ing cured; lias had no symptoms , of it for months. Mrs. Mary Cline, 2o3 Second street, Portland. Or. (formerly of .Sauvie s island, Or.) Complica tion of diseases peculiar to her I sex. liver and kidney trouble, rheumatism and dyspepsia; re stored. i Truman Butler, The Dalles, Or. Chronic rheumatism and ! contracted joints and impover ished blood, all of yeara' stand ing; given up by all treatments until Dr. Darrin cured him. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, W. T. Total deafness in one cir; cured in ten minutes; also a pterygium, or fleshy growth was removed from the eye, which had nearly rendered him blind. Mrs. F. E. Dewey, 361 Eight eenth street, Portland Nervous and general debility, heart di sease, dyspepsia, liver complaint and female trouble in all ils va rious complications; permanent ly cured. Dr. Damns' Place or Busineca. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at 235 Fifth street, cornur of Main, Portland. Ollice hours, from 10 to A o'clock daily; even ing, 7 to S; Sundays 10 to 12. All curable chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphi lis, gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture. the doctor's oilier. "We have a lot of self-scaling fruit cans in quarts and half gal lons, which we will sell cheap. Gi:o. Gi'ndi.ac h A Tino. For Sale or Kent. A good dwelling house with or j without furniture. Pest Ioa i tion in Prairie City. For terms, I enquire or address. Mrs. L. M. Fisk, Prairie City. " Mtf ' SIO REWARD. 10.00 reward will be paid for mare, 7 years old, weight 800 lbs., branded P on ritrht shoulder and Hp t.onuectcd on left shoulder: Whnn last seen hud on a bell and cloth henilstalL . n,M,,MI. ir, Keystone Mine, Grant Co., Ore. NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS The Stock Inspector's law, fticf. 4, amended at tho last term of tho legislature, requires all persons moving sheep within the county to get a permit, and any person mov ing sheep whose permit bus boen given to exceed 30 days prior to moving- his sheep lays nimself li able to prosecution. . John C. Luce, Deputy Inspector. John Day, Or., My2G, lStl. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud OtUcsat La Grai:tle, Oion. Junes. ls9. Notice U lirrtbj clrt-n that the foSionlu iumel settlrr Ivxre tiled notice of hW inten tion to make final profn: it,.jk-1 J hU claim, and that said pruo( will l nrailc lf'.ro the Conuty clerk tf Oram comity Or., at Canyon City, Ore., on Aiil'. 10. 1Kk, tfr: JAMns'R. SHKWMAKKK, f) S Jf"j7. for the MI bW l-l and-8Si SE l- Sec 28 Tp IS 8 U 21 R. " Hcnini the fuilonlnp w)tuesti prf bi- continuous rclden upon, and culUraiion it, paid land, vit Chatlc Ucycr, John J Wlnter raler, Anton WIntcrmler, LoaU i;thsdi:ch, nil nf lilanton. Or. Any person who dcairca to prot a?aiiit tho allowance ot nuch proof, or who knovi of any subftaaUal rcaon, under the Ixir and the rtgu latioti ot the Interior Oepaitment, why such proof ihnrldnoibe allowed: will h j opportunity at the aboYo mentioned tin ar.it J place to croexatnUe the witne5ca 0." claimant, and to offer ettdn In rebutu! or that snb&altted by daisaat. S7 B KiSBlfiBT, JrtfVM.