Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 11, 1889, Image 3

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    Grant Co. News.
Did you enjoy yourself the
John McCullough paid Praire
City na official visit Monday.
A man named Milton Applegate,
living in Yoncolla, Or., committed
suicide last week.
The liakrr Citv Reveille came to ;
and b.,,0. That Sls patnofsm.
The linn. Hugh Smith and Ed.
Seh departed for Hear .alley Toe
tl,Xen,n m PUg
Attorney :sweeic, accompanied oy .
Miss Gage, of Harney City, are.
visiting friends in Canyon City j
Wc understand ho dance at
Prairie City on the Fourth of July
night was well attended, and every
one had a good time.
Siaw' ...fc-iw'! sLw"! can he
hamlln dozen or mom different
direction on the evenimrs of Frank
McReau's arrival in town.
There were i)00 people iu Harney
Oitv on the Fourth by actual count
and nvv in limns. iius hiiows
that Harney valley i
rapidly iu population.
,t . , r,.L . ,
Manieu. near Canvon (Jitv. Julv
i ,0, . . I - i e ii
i tn. 18bl, at the resnlrtnco of the 1
, . ; . r i i i- iv !
lirules parents, .lutl"e Huli'jon oili-
i- m 4 n . if r. ,!
elating, Air. Albert H. Oage and ;
Miss Maggi .Jane Welch.
. , , . t,
A conespondent writnr' t.) the
i.:i r .i. u .,1
T r 11.1 it
Lain; Greek s tni-le and business is
, , ,
done at Hennner since the com pie-i
tion of the Heppner branch.
The entire business portion of
Hailey, Idaho, destroyed by
tire on the 2nd inst. Only two bus-
su4 i"J """rrioughttoileppner last week for
; houses left .staudinr. Jota: , " 1 ., , , ,.
Last Thursday would have been
a rood tinio for someone to rob the I
First National Bank, destroy the
town or cany off the print shop
nearly everyone had gone to John
Pay to attend the celebration.
We are in receipt, this week, of
a letter from Philadelphia, which
will b found on this page, with the
compliments of the wool merchants
of that place. It is both interest
ing and instructive to those inter
ested in that vocation.
The celebration in Bear valley
was well attended. Everybody had
a good time and nothing occurred
to nur the pleasures of the event.
The oration which, wa3 delivered
by David Blunton was good, and in
every particular appropriate for the
Wc are in receipt of a letter
from Detroit, Mich., asking what
wc will charge to insert the follow
ing three tia2: in the News:
"French young ludy, 23 years ot
age, a milliner, not wealthy, wishes
to marry. She does not understand
English. Addrc33 Alice Dumonlen
Detroit, Mich." Miss Alice is no
doubt a goad, sensible girl, and well
knows what virtue there is in ad
vertising. Frank McBean, proprictDrof the
Soda Spring station, a favorite sum
mer re ort for the people in Grant
and Harney counties, informs us
that ho has sown that pkee 1G0
acres in rice. He says if that
proves a success, and his monkey
crop in Harney valley yields to
him half what he expect?, the
sound of ".stage'" will no more
giect his hearing in this "Holy
Ghost of a place.:'
The G A. 11. Fourth of July cel
ebration in John Day, was, to say
the least, a grand success in every
particular. The old "Vets" are
hard to beat in jotting up an enter
tainment of any kind, and to sur
pass them in conducting an I kvp
ing order at public institutions, is
almost impossible. Upwards of 80
numbers were sold at their celebra
tion ball in the evening; we do not
know what the proceeds amount to,
but hope they did well
y moming was the
5 great pugilistic U.t- j
Last Monday
time set for the
tie for the championship of th
world, between John. L. Sullivan
and Jake Kilrain. The brutal en
counter will occur in Louisiana and
thousands of dollars will change
hands on the result. Sullivan is
the favorite but Kilrain is not with
out friends and the meeting of the
two inon will result in a fight to
the finish. The result will be anx
iously awaited by those interested
in such sport.
1 :
On Sundav the 23rd of June
shooting alfray occurred on Rock ,
creek, about 50 miles northwest of 1
this place, between Milton Laswell
and T. J. Westlake, but owing to ;
lack of space we are unable to j
chronicle the full particulars, but
loss about 8500 000 ain tlier,lp?r tft?USIincl "T"
ios aix)ut jju.uuu. .vgam tne worfch of w fhisfc tofccn mm Mv
work ot an incendiary. , Q Q , mines.-Heppner
according to our informant if he j portion of the Largest city on Paget uey. of Long Creek. "Ut JSap
gavo us the straight of it it was ! sound, entailing a loss of fully Sin,- 1 per, 2nd Little Dick; time, 52.
an uncalled-for attack on the part (
of Mr. Laawell, the luau who did I
the shooting. Westlake. the man -
whose life was attempted, had a
very narrow escape, and all occur
red, so says our informant, by jeal
ousy arising between the above
mentioned patties, over a certain
$voniau. Laswell was beund over
iu the uutu of 81 000 to await the )
nctfou of th grand jury.
Do not wait for us to solicit
your subscription but make our
hearts glad by calling and order
ing the paper sent.
A company with a capital
stock of $G0,000 has been formed
in Spokane Falls to encourage
immigration from Scotland.
Those wishing the Triumph
Self Ringing mop can get them of
Geo. Hatt at the barber shop,
John Dav. Price $1.50 each.
X Chinese leper was discovered
, ty (lllJ, for t0 poll
, M;irmi ),; m!tA ,. n,,
j of .
5 T,,lis mu' J" e W" f ?V -
othcr prontablo. industry lor this
On July first fire broke out
and evnry misinei house and
i mimic i)iiii(iiii'r in wii r;ineo. i oi..
n - o J
was hid in ashes. The loss will
be $n.(X0.000.
Tom Wuolfolk who murdered
nine of his family in CJeorgia, has
! been convicted of murder in the
! first degree and is sentenced to be
I "anged August 10.
; Rob and Eva McfJinlev are en
j to oK ' "Von
! V1' aSam' T,ie-V lmve take,l.
; t v
i sjumkI the winter with u.
! The postntiice addn
hchool sunorintendpitt, Haves, vi
. . 1 ,
,H' eiianr'M next wpk irom 1'rairie
r,., , ,
Citv, to .John Dav, as he is joins'
. , , , '. . , r "
to chancre Ins Jtlat-e ol resmeiiee on
' ..K
A ?alem newspattr prints the
. . ' i '.
billowing unique advertisement:
; If .lohn Jones, who, twenty years
, . , , . ,
aso deserted his wife and babe,
. . . , , ...
will return, said babe will lick
the stullin' out of him.
We are reliably informed that
. Keenev ro3 of Lo.. Ur(lok
) , . , IT ' , . " , - '
A game of poker lasting eigh- .
teen hours, was played in dlcn-
wood Springs, Colo., the other
day. It begin with an ante of
f 0.50 rising gradually till several
times there were from $0,000 to
$ 20,000 on the board at a time.
The roster of prisoners at the
Oregon state penitentiary con
tains the names of more men
than were ever confined within
tho3C walls at one time before.
There are now 303, and the high
est previous census was 299.
Encouraging reports continue to
arrive from the milliner fields of the
Susanville country
U- . ;,i fi ( I
1.1 iin mat .
Capt Cornel us and party, who
passed through our vilhage a tew
t:t;K.N HVU. IlllVf MrUL'K IL llll'tll . !
1. 1 , ..A .1. I., i
j ledtce which seems to attract their j
uudivisled attention.
Long Crook j
1a 1 1 llov
home in Freemont, Ohio, on the j j'ostuiastor GolT had his right.
2")th of last month. She was ! haml severely burned while set
struck with paralysis a few days j ting oil a rocket on the evening
previous while in apparent per- j of the -1th.
feet health, and remained uncon- i ti1 , 1 . . -.1 , ,
r 4i. n.... ; Oil the lllght Ot the i,tl lllr-t.
nviuii.- mini 1 111; uib. .li.. 1
Haves was a noted woman as ;
the wife of ex-President It. Pi.
Teamsters from thii section of
the country inform us that they
have to pay 1 2.', cants a h".u! for
watennu their hUn-k between Prine-
ville and Thc Dalle3. The cid k.i
through that country have all gone
dry, and the 1,'rain crops all through
Crook county, arc a perfect failure
for want of water. Grain in The
Dalles has rahed a cent and a half
iu the last month.
Fo--il Joiuiifll: One of our nuL
prominent preachei-s tlls the fol
lowing anecdote as a fact whenever
he hears of a story too incredible
for belief: "A very wieked man
bvcame converted, and in cour-v of
i.' .. ri. - .: . l 1 .
, .. x- 1 1
clas-incotmg. iSot heinu used to
sppaking in public, of course he was
wry much embarrassed. This is
the substance of his prayer: Oh
uute u. chum' nis turn io pniv in
j Lord, thou Giver of all Goo:l. look !
down with pity on poor people. !
You are rich and can spare them j
plenty to eat while on earth. Send j
1 , "ll 1 -I '
flour, plenty of lard and a side ot
bacon, a ham or so, a pound of but- 1
ter. Send everyone of your stun
ing, hungry creatures a barrel of
sugar, a barrel of salt; a barrel of
pepper Oh, h 1, that's too much j July 5, $ heats, 2 in ij; Jor
pepper.'" . j dan entered by John Christmau
"With the June numler of the
"West Shore Iaazine is issued a
; splendid colored supplement giving
scenes m Seattle immediately before,
durin' and after the fire, showin"
the Ta-oma relief tent, business
tents, burning blocks, the train ;
bearing the Portland the engine, i
etc As a collection of engravings j
of that most memorable event, the :
destruction bv fire of the business
000,000.00, it will become more .
and more
Such total
"and such courage,
valuable as time passes. Smoker bv Christmun of L filler oriminrr .Fnli, 1. as the discussion can affe
destruction of business . Cren. Rnxer. bv Smn (JinrL- f ; r'Jf,. T.c.i... ing as the Washington
. enertry anu quici: i t i.. i :oi iri i i... m r . n . . . . I are without weient or
thc age, and these engravings are a ! ldwit JV Chas. IJokly, of Ifam
valuable souvenir of the event i lIton' Rosy by Win. Hamilton
,r, f iU M'l ' """l- WV.V..., . ,tJiUil IIU II. f UUUIill I 11..!. ' 1.
West bhore is published j
Iy at Portlaud, Oregon, at
j 82.60 a year, or 25 cents a copy. ?
I Steps should now be taken to
: celebrate on July 4th, 185)0.
The smiling countenance of
Tommy McCuen was noticed' on
our streets this week.
0. P. Cresap and family left
yestesday morning to sojourn in
the mountains for a few months.
Sullivan, after obtaining a few
matches from deputy sheriff
Ends, Sundav, succeeded in
! burning his hair olf.
Thc editor and wifo rotmnc(l
I , T, ,r i ,. r i
, - - TnZ Sv f
1 DvJl visit to
; ,-elniivfa, who reside along thc
John Dav.
' The Seattle city council has
voted .$0000 to the First Regi-
j MlLIIt LM lll A u 1 1 lliji Itti .'l mil"
; for t)ieir S( ana gjven tiem
j rcat pr.,jo for saving property
; ...r.,, .-. ... 'P..;...;.,! r;iw;.t
' and preserving order
. (W count v clerk has been do-
; ;nft i.inii flffiee business the nasi
! tow uooL-K. rocordin" inininc
'claims. Umvanifi uf one hun -
i dred nnplii-ations have been
j 'nude since the first of Juno.
W. B. Russell sentenced to the
uoniienuarv irom ana mm
I.r tourteen years, lor murder in
the- second degree, whose time
expires in November, waB par
doned, io take effect July 1st.
Purine a recent thunder show
er in this vicinity, lightning !
ii . t t
strucrc a targe tree a lew nines
up Canyon creek, completely de
molishing it. It threw portions
of it, some 50 or GO feet in length.
a distance of fifty yards.
Canyon City was represented
at the great prize fight which
took place near New Orleans last
Monday morning bv W. P. (tray,
our sheriff, who said previous
.1 4 . .1... :r a. .11:...
our sheriff, who said previous to
T V 1' r I. 1
, duJ MOt whl Kilrain that he
would fight him to a finish.
in '
The Johnstowil Relief Commit-
tee tias issued an appeal to tne
country not to delay or witlinoJU
contributions for the sufferers.
All money contributed, much of
w" " iB (I UV T 1
of cities and others, should be
ionvarucu at once in uruer iu re-
.. 4, . . ... 1
heve the sufferings of the sticken I
, 1
Some petty thieves have been
plundering the clothes the puit
week. !
r ,it 1 t. .w,: c,M j
111. W elch was lineu .50O
, . . . t ,
and cost in snture nransou s
, , . i
court ast. week for creatino- a ,
disturbnnce on the grand stand ,
rtn thn 0
- I
i d. Y
Shaw fan , of this
was seriousb
thc side by a horse
seriously Rieked 111
last week,
nut is now reeovenntr.
the JMcGinley company played i
to an audience of between fotir ;
and five hundred. i
Thc dance in Burkes hall the
night of the Fourth was one of i
the lamest and best conducted !
ever g;vcu in this place
fr mid Air; li (' Tmu- S
, 1 it 1 c -.1 home from lacoma, . 1., and
bridge ami Hugh Smith i 8tpp.,l until after the -ttli and
among our v.suors on the -ttli. . lhnn wcnl back .in. Joe is
Morrow county annually greatly stuck on the Sound eoun
sends a cultis horse and a large j try.
amount of money. The hon-t' ! Kd Shei-field is tending bar at
Kenerallv mauaiTiV. to cr0 back, Vtnmg'.i saloon. I'M makes a
but the money remains iu I.or. !
Senator Hamilton may not be
an orator, hut try and talk hoie
with him if you want a point in
.i , , :.
iutL uireet.ii.ui.
following are thc names
of the horse? eniorcd at the
Loiio- Civok race at- also the
time made: July 1, 000 yard
race; Funny entered by Me A tee
0f Heppner. Napper entered
hv Wm Hamtlton, of Ilamil-
'Will UIM11UUII 1.UIVH.U J tivj.ll!
,M . , , n .
4 I ,1 - A 1 1 T 1
(ill .1 1111 ri inn fini ui.iif 1 ii, 1 tnii
' Z ?, t I
1'"' tered by J . P,. kceiiey, of I
hong Creek. 1st Pi near, 2nd ?
Fanny; time 33.
of Lmg Creek, Miss Dudley by
V. W. Ilemilton, of Hamilton.
Little Joe by T. P,. Jveeney of
Long t'reek; time. fj;-j:..
u my u, a-in ne uasn, uamli-
J f r j , " r.
, v , 1 w ' hlt
l'e U,ck ") eAt' Jcppner,
uPPer u3' vni- Hamilton, of
Hamilton, Pineal- by T. B. Kee
01 Hamilton. 1st, bmoker, 2nd
Accident; time Smoker, 35.
oauuie norse race, uuu yards: : nionts at .John n.iv Mmwliiv
Portland, July 6.
Dear News:
The Fourth has come and the
Fourth has gone, never to return
as sure as you're bo'ri.
Myself and wife or my wife
and self, which ever is proper
arnvea in me city Tuesday eve
ning, having departed from Hep
pner on the morning of that self
same da'. e nre stopping at
old man Quimby's hotel Some
one must nave ioiu tne old man
wc were coming, for he sent his
covered wagon to the depot to
meet us and haul us up to the
house, but how the teamster
- x 1 . 11.1 i
L he
j n ,.
me is a mystery. As scon
caught sight of my beam-
g countenance lie grabbed my
valise, and we all got into his
wagon and drove rapidly away.
i was accorded the honor day
before yesterday of meeting Hon.
Joaquin Miller, the "poet of tin
Sierras,'' and a former resident
ol mv beloved Canvon Citv
When ho knew it wae I. he grasp
: pd niv right hand in a fond cm
! brace. Ho afterwards returned
! the hand, and I am using it at
this moment to write with. Joaq
enquired after the health of niosi
of the peoplcof Canyon City, and
I had the pleasure of informing
him that with a few exceptions
they were quite well, thank you.
Portland is a beautiful city,
and a desirable one in which ti
reside, for corn and beans ami
cucumbers, and colic and wonm
poaches are in the market.
My incomprehensible under
standing will not bring to im
mind any facts worthy of men
tion. and I reluctantly lay away
my pencil with a sort of a sigh.
Yours Trul v,
jyj. A.
Mk. Kd: The -ith of July ha
Past ad our town has once more
i J , , business a-vin
j dU " bus neM amu ,
i lil, 1 ' I x 1 x "n ,.1 ! f. Z
jju.iiiuiio i. o iiiv., u iii i iiiiii
1 o o
. n(s for so abiy iipj.,,,
, !., in u,.,, nonm. nn th
....... t. r
countenance of
ionr Wend Clay Todhunter wn,
j for ft ehwliMQ in tovvn th
lf,, r r, , f. , ,
-Itn 01 July eve. Louie asai:
pln a
via v .
I Some of the John Day bloods
j wasn't satisfied with the wa
they ran 0:1 the 4th, eo we had a
match race Saturday between A.
C. Carl and Billie Bunn dis
tance hundred yards Carl came
out first, Bunn shut out. Th.
. ' , , , ,
next race was one hundred vards
t. 7.1 r r
i;eiuc-eu viiii nnu i.u j,ui'j. i.uce
n 1 ....
had big boots on. and was not
.. .. fa. 111. 1 i 1 i
iilHIHH-.H ; V .11, 1 H Mil. V, iV I,
again; Carl
Luce four feet. I he next race
was rontesicd by CJeo. Hatt. Bill
Bunn. dolmieSolinger and Frank
Sels distance ."50 yards Sels
won with Hatt a close secund.
Stud horse poker is all the
rage now with a little seven-out
for a change.
! John Day feel-: proud of our
good time and thc big crowd on
the 1th.
fHah for Sullivan. I'll shout for
llim if 1 havJ 10 flt Iik'"- we di(I
for r'lvelanfl.
orneofour farmers have be-
1 gan haying.
1 f... ri i. 1.. n. i'..
-He v. imioa maue a iiyui" nip
(,:,,"1-v 0:,r kec' -Vt'"5 ,)Ctv
"Jedge" Denning, of Long Creek,
is in town this week on business.
The Pendleton-Canyon City road
surveying party him expected to
roach this place to-day.
Henry Schsrzinger wa- awarded
the contract for working. on the
Heppner Monument road, his bid
being the lowest ?S,000.
It affords cs much pleasure to
inform our readers that John Car
rison has "Bold strawberries enough ;
thir; season to buy a new wagon.
Some of the business house of
our neighboring city of Heppner
wish to advertise in the columns of
t1.n Trw linf mvin., in ft.n l.nrrv
incident to a late arrival home the !
editor leaves them over
until next
The Coueimuidi liver, t!woui;h
which the terrible flood l::t loose
from the Johnstown reservoir rush
ed on Friday, May 31, is only a
narrow stream cutting its way
through mountain gorges. It is a
tributary of the Allegany and is
only navigable for canoes.
J3ob and Eva McGinley's Co.,
will return and will give one uf
their highly pleasing entertain
ciance win ue mven
place after thc show
ow The pro. j
tirely different j
.-. Go and see j
gram will be entirely
everything new
at eacu
The first morning visitors at
the White Houc Wednesday
were Secretary Blaine and Wil
liam Walter Phelpsof New Jer
sey. Mr. Blaine carried a large
ollicial envelope whicn he grave
ly handed to the President, who
opened it and took out a smaller
envelope, which he handed to thc
Jerseyman with the bangs. The
envelope contained Mr. Phelps
commission as envov extraordi
nary and minister plenipotentia-'
ry oi toe I'nitcu btates to Oerma
ny. Mr. I'hclps tried to look as
of the eves of two continents were
on hint and signally failed, and
he and Mr. Blaine retired in
guuu uruer.
mm.:., i i t . . ,
i ins ions exp.?i'ieu anpomt-
inent closes the chanter of the
ilalstead matter, and recognizes
Mr. Phelps valuable services in
thc Sainoan treaty arrangements,
i I is association with that treaty
conforance will save him the
trouble of making himself ac--juinted
with the Hermans.
Mr. Phelps is well qualified for
a foreign minister by his wealth,
the most necessary adiun.-t to
such a position. His wealth was
.uheritvd. lie is fifty years old.
and was a practicing attorney up : tory of the United States and i lt market. A cajiacitv to con
to 18GS. Ho was several times , Canadsi, we learn that there were sume one-third of the wool used
in the House, where he has at- in the United States in 1688, up-1 in the country will require more
mined some prominence 113 the proximately, S2.0U7 woolen ! than 48,000,000 winds of cioth
eading republican member of looms. Of these, there were lo-! ing wool, and we need enter into
she foreign affairs committee, cated in the states of which Phil-! no argument to Drove thr fact.
His personal appearance, dress
tnil maiin-.r .ne very peculiar.
Ie was once before in the diplo
.natic service in 1882 being sent
o Austria, where he remained
jnly a year. At the last Repub
lican National convention he was
t prominent candidate for the
Vice-Presidential nomination, and
.ater refused a reuomination for
tie House to make the fight for
Senator. The senate is still his
altimate aim. and he looks for
.vard exultingly to the next op
portunity. His house at leamek
vas reeentlv riostrovul bv fire
and several valuable paintings
ind a lare library burned, cans -
ing a loss of $lo0,000.
The men in Coniriess who are
'ood story tellers are few. The
renresentatives. on the other
und. who make . 1 lame iob of
oiling commonplace and worn
jut varus are scores. Vhen you
near some blundering
uovinc statesman
begin the
that reminds me of a man down
toy way," that's the time for dis
appearing. Thv?:e is Co igress
tntu Cannon of Illinois, for in--t.mce,
who has about as much
uumnr in his composition as an
owl. He went dovn the river to
.vlarshal Hall, opposite Mt. Ver
ion, last week
with the Six .
.'clock Club.
Thc cluu'3 hobby !
is after dinner speeciies. and af
ter awhile it was Cannon s turn.
It was evidently no time to talk
of the speakership contest or the
tariff. So the unfortunate legis
lator struggled through a few al
lusions to the beautiful scenery,
the mansion at Ml. Vernon Iving
in the dusk of evening far across ;
the placid river. Thus far we ,'
were all right, but when he '
struck the "far across the river." j
he was forever lost. With a :
fiendish delight, and perfectly ;
unconscious of his fate, he began
to tell that c lub of well Hilarmed
gentlemen, the story of the dollar
that Washington threw over the
river and that a dollar went fur
ther than. etc. etc. The story
that .Senator Everts told Lord
Coleridge, the tale that has been
told so often on the river that it
is genera illy suicidal to attempt j
it, met a response of howls and j
e;it-ca!ls and Cannon sat down a
ruined man. j
It seems strange that men of
average intelligence will go on i
telling aged and ho.try chestnuts :
ail their lives, without recogniz-1
ing their triteness, without re.diz-!
ing that they bore p-ople. "I
wish," says Lord Creville in his
delightful diary, "that Tom
Moore had a better memory, for
he often inflicts pain by telling 1
ui" .-'.mil.- oiwi ui in, nnnn.
l..-. r... ,mi r f 1.1- f i tli.i a 11, tin tt
pie twice. lint then tins is matle 1
. ... ,
mom bearabl'. in that the stories
are comparatively freh and se-j
lected with care." '
me nunn-MT 01 ueirguicb wuu 1
come here to secure quarters and
1 1
make other arrangements on the
part of Knight Tenipler comman-
denes ior noxi san a eouciavo is t
1 . " - 1 a- . . ..i 1
increasing, me triennial com-(
tmetly understood that the ac- j
coumioUations ot tne city are not
nearly exhausted and that over j
1.00J.000 more people can be ac-
conimodated than have applied. !
It is expected, however, the !
crowd will
thn rmnl'ir Qlinl'lllT rll3Mmmit!1 HI '
"-o""" '" - -
ne quesuon u s ,w ie.u eu. ,
1 he editors attack the system .
Miifi y.e.'ilnns enrrernondenLS. m i
, . . r, i- L
titMn rT 1 ft L7 ir- niiinuriiniiL' i iiiriiun .
much to its defense. Inasmuch '
ct noth-
papers j
lmlucncc. :
ast ing
Company I., first regiment, j
O. . Or., was organized at ,Or- ;
egon City last week with a .
membership of over fifty. !
0e tiir larger man that nearly one-half of thi'ir pro- c... ... .
K tne inauguration. ttuct is sent east ana noittl Io be . c-i..i t,
1 he lor-aI press is exercise, I put into goods, it is seen that Safety R(Jn lloM t,
This City is the Centre of One-Third v, oo! believe. Nor does an esam
of the Woolen Machinery of the j ination of the sir failures which
Country. j recently occurred hereabouts and
Our attention having been called
IT it 1 11.1 til ! 1 1
io an enori 10 oeiuue rmiaaei-
phia as a wool market, we have
j made gome investigation as to
j position as one of the centre?
the woolen industry ul thc conn- j 1MH-a wooi iarket is to be serious
try, and, hence, as a wool mar-; jp affected. The machinery of
w e inaue an auempi io
- : reacn the lacts by taking the
; number ot sets of woolen machiu -
j cry in the country and then as -
certaining the number of these iu
! the territory for wlr'ch Philadel -
( pnni may uv eoniuereu me uusi
! r..i. e 1
us cfuirc. jui w iduuu eu
many sets of cards that we
sometimes run upon wool and at
other times upon cotton, that we
soon dispaired of reaching any
valuable result from this method
of procedure. We then cor.clud-
iil trt toL ik flir mmtfwiT I tt'rtA on
ivi mi. v nuns wore ait to miici tncir
looms in the country, and in this unj(tMj enpeii v be S.000.0QO
way, ascertain what part of the j pounds of wool annually, as ta
wool woven in the country must ; ted by Keportrf we can find no ;
luuurany kcck u nuiruLi in rnu-
From Habcoic's Textile
adelphia can be claimvd the bus-
! mess centre. oO:2oa: as ioliows
In Delaware, -10; in Maryland,
lob: in New Jersey, 2,044: and
in Pennsylvania, 28.018. In the
New England states for which Damn, o! Tib itth street, came
Boston may be considered the J and located at Portland, yet dur
wool mart. there were 37,707; : h'g that brief period they have
viz in .Maine. 3,781; in Vermont successfully treated many thous
803; in New Hamprlnre, 2.0U8; and cases that hud been given
in Connelicut, 3.781; in Rhode up 3 incurable by able physi
Island, 7,820, and in Massachu-1 cians, thus bringing to the very
setts, 21,210. In New York State homes of the people of the North
there were located 4,9-lG looms, west enduring blessings. The
but as New York city cairns to i reputation of the doctors s sue-
! be something ot a wooi market.
! and the state is about equally
' convenient to both Boston anil
Philadelphia, we map leave that
state out of consideration in de-
' tennining
r, the le.ative import-
iese to cities ae wool
! anee of I hi
I markets.
The other scores of demand for
;v)ol arc found in the bat and
hosiery uiiils of the country, in
the former, we ascertain from
Dockham's Textile Diretory,
there are 2'2S sets of wool caiils.
77 of which are in Pennsylvania.
in the New England stateo,
and (3o in New York; and from
the latest directory that we have
have uf the hosiery mills of the
country, we learn that there arc
054 of these, 104 of which are in
Dele-.vare, Maryland, Xew Jersey
and Pennsylvania, and 149 in
the .New Lngland states. j noss. or loss of desire of sextual
Now for none of the figures power, in either man or woman,
which we have quoted do we i catarrh and deafness, are conti
vouch. We simply take them as i deniially and successfully treat
wc find them. Vc do not sup- j ecj. Cures of private diseases
pose that they are absolutely , guaranteed, and never published
correct, but wc Inve no douiit ( i the papers. Circular? sent
that whatever errors there may
be are about equally distributed
over the whole country. i
Having, therefore, determined
the location of the macinerv ro- .
quiring wool for its operation, we
naturally infer the elfect of this
location upon certain business I that specialty, as veil as di
eentres. ''When? the carcass is .' peae peculiar to women: also
there are the eagles gathered tu-1
gether." we are told.
It will be noticed that the
states of which Philadelphia is
the business centre have more
than one third of the woolen
looms of the country, one third of
the cards in the' hat factories. I
ni: nearly one-third of thehosie-
ry mills: and when we take into 1
consideration the character of.
these mills, so many of then run-1
nig upon fancy kiut goods, we ,,.V: v.v can claim that their ,
cap.icit'v for the consumption of
wool is 'full v one-third of that of
iX the hosiery mills uf the coun-1
try. It woufd, therefore, seem !
that Philadelphia is the business :
centre of a territory having the
. 1" 1 . i-.l n-
inaeinnerv 10 ne one-inira 01 me 1
wool consumed in the United j
States. j
Some of these looms and also
pome of these hosiery mills, use
imported varus, Dut in no iareer
proportion than the same amount j
of machinery elsewhere, while a :
very large proportion of the wor- i
steel and liosicv yarns spun in
Philadelphia and vicinity, go to i
Xew York and to Xew England :
to supply thc looms and knitting
machinery of those districts,
When it is remembered that the
worsted spinning mills of thc
country are largely concentrated
in and around Philadelphia, and i ninniiil I.M- r,.il ;.inn ,
p -. i '
ne worsieci looms ana Kmumg ,
frames m the same territory
Ti-milrl infh!ifi wliK-h will (rn n
r f - v . 1
the loss in the consumntion of
American wool in conseoneneo of
the country being located in this
It has been the habit of Boston j
to make larg claims to being the
, great wool market of the country, j
gome claim t0 greatnesa in th"j8
inc sie cnn riphtouslv make, 1
but an investigation of the distri-
bution of the wool machinerv of i
! butioD of the wool.uiacbJucry of I
the country does, not warrant so
much as some of hor wool mer-
! chants would have consignors of
which thc America Wool llepor-
,' ter was pleased to comment upon
j P0 unfavorably tiiat a Boston
WlVli imnw wnt
its', cast. over the country, warrant
of 1 110 conclusion that the Phihidel-
; (u.0 of tiQ mus referred U and
: whieh wa; idle durin"
1 ISSR. has been sold, and is now
: no doubt, in service fcomewhero!
! jn another mill which was idle
1 during all of J S68, the machinery
- nas ccn purchased bv navies
. .
who will soon put it into onra-
tion again. In two others the
machinery has not beon stopped
yet. nor is it certain that it will
be. the probability being that in
the larger mill it will be kenb
Besides if these six:
I 1 1 ii' t
warrant for the assertion that
i this is one-sixth of the clothing
iy00 for which Philadolnliia i:
Two Vfart' Record Fcr Drs. Damn.
It has been but two years on
the first day of July since Drs.
cesMM practitioners, tlieir lmn-
; drtds of wonderful, permanent
. cures of diseases that had battled
medical skill for years, their nov
el and unique scientific treat-
mcnt, is so extensive that tlicre
scarcel)- a town or village in
line gtcai iNortnwest tout can
gieat Northwest
; point to patients who have been
' almost snatched by them from
the grave and u stored to health
principally by electric treatment.
Dr. Damns Placs of Business.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted
free at 235 Fifth sir
cot. corner of
Main. Portland.
from 10 to o o'clock dailv; even
ing, 7 to S: Sundays 10 to 12.
All cum' le chronic diseases. lea
! of manhood, blood taints, s vnhi-
: lis, gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture,
! spermatorrhoea, seminal weak
free. Most cases can receive
home treatment' after a visit, to
the doctor'fi office,
D. Darrin. bo successful in
treating cross-eyes, will be at the
firm s office permanently, and
will devote most ot his attention
club-feet and olher deformities.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so l&x&tive aad nctxilious,
with the medicinal -irtut5 of plants
known to be xnoit bcatficial to the
. r t v.nxn v tit?o
nunu:i ivbiciii. luisiiim 1:1 i 1 x i.rv-
FECT REMEDY to Mt senth yet
promptly on the
K'.iD TO
Cleanse the System Eff socially,
Katwra! follow "
aTllle delated
r.yery one xs uune it
linhtcd with it. Ask vour
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
Sa:: rActtco, Cau '
Locuvilik, Kv. New Vo, jf. f .
are Ol lnentimab worth l.i
housekeeper, and the n-in holder
ai wl 7.ah n,
.1 .
cnose wno nue m orriav.
T Damci.v u u-...
1 Liiiuii f li 1 n 111 in t r ri '
lorSes for 10, and furnish feed
while the horses are in Ins o.ari
He will also train horses on the
track to trot or run. If von
want vour animal bnndlnd bv
an experienced trainer, write to
him for terms of training. Ad
dress E. B Ramsbv. Mt Yerivm
r Johr Orgos. "