Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 20, 1889, Image 3

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    . i
New peas and potatoes.
The ciy now is, for rain.
Wool is bringing a much better
price this season than last year.
Harney county has three regular
boarders at present in her county
"We notice Dan Fisk around, he
having but recently arrived from
the eastern states.
East Oregon mines are becoming
the cynosure to which all the Amer
ican continent is looking.
Rev. Mr. Goss will hold religious
services at John Day next Tuesday,
June 25th, in the evening.
Smoke is settling down over the
foothills already, giving to the
mountains the color which their
name denotes blue;
Baker City people are awaken
ing to the fact that they must im
prove the roads if they hold the
trade of Grant county.
Uncle tli Lester, whose funeral
occurred last Monday, had been
visiting in California for nearly a
year, and it seems only came home
to die.
Dr. Orr was called to Upper
South Fork Monday to see a young
mini iiumeu jvcams wno was icicK
ed on the head by a horse last Sun
day evening.
Epizootic or a similar disease
has been taking off colts and young
horses on Canyon creek. A. C.
Hall and some other stockmen have
lost heavily.
Deputy Sheriff John Fisk re
turned from Harney county Mon
day evening where he had been in
pursuit of two Umatilla county
horse thieves.
McGinley's show took so well
that two entertainments were not
enough to satisfy a large number of
Canyon people, who took in the
third show at John Day.
In conversation with Mr. Gordon
of Beech creek we understand that
laborers are scarce in that country.
Several men could find employment
at good wages in the J ohn Day and
tributary valleys.
Mrs. E. P. arid Mrs. P. E. Poin
dexter started Saturday for their
home in Dillon, Mont., after a
pleasant visit in this city. Miss
Ella Sels accompanied them home,
and will spend the summer in Mon
tana. We don't hear any more about
that telegraph line the Baker City
people were going to erect, connect
ing their city with this place. Per
haps they don't want to come over,
and view the route because Parker
makes them pay toll.
Correspondents will please take
notice that nothing of a personal
nature, designed to injure one or
create hard feelings, will le pub
lished at this gas foundry. In
writing pleaso do not make use of
personalities with malice afore
thought. Some of the boys of Canyon are
said to be in the habit of visiting
orchards after night and helping
themselves to the partly ripe fruit.
Parents, it would be well to look
after your youngsters. Small
thefts lead to larger thefts, such as
lead into serious trouble.
Died, in John Day, at the home
of J. S. Haptonstall, June 1G, 1889,
Mr. Eli Lester, one of Grant coun
ty's pioneers. Mr. Lester leaves a
numler of relatives on this coast
and in the eastern states, besides
a large circle of friends to mourn
his loss. The funeral occurred Mon
day. Died, at his home in Canyon
City, Monday, June 17, 1889, Mr.
Isaiah H. Wood, a pioneer resident
of Grant county, and a man univer-
sally loved and respected in the
community. His death was causod
by injuries received from a horse
falling on him while riding in the
hills recently looking after stock.
He grew rapidly worse until death
came to relieve his sufferings. The
funeral occurred from the Episcopal
church Tuesday afternoon, conducted
by the I. 0. 0. F., of which order
Mr. Wood was a faithful member.
Grant county against the world
when it comes to raising and keep
ing fruit Mr. D. B. Rinehart this
week ceases to furnish customers
with apples and sweet cider be
cause the strawberry crop has in
jured the business, and besides his
last year's apples are about gone.
In keeping apples Mr. Rinehart is
n success. His 1888 crop which he
lias delivered to patrons every week
until now were just as sound and
firm as when picked off the trees.
Apples from June to June! Beat
that, California, if you can.
Thursday ami Friday evenings
Bob and Eva McGinley lipid forth
in Masonic hall, exhibiting to a
crowded house each evening. Their
show lias improved since their last
visit to this place, which fact of
itself is recommendation enough.
Mrs. McGinley completely captiva
ted the audience by her singing and
burlesque acting. Bob is no slouch
of an actor himself, and Mr. Fearn's
cornet solo playing is up to the per
fection notch. If Bob and Eva's
Specialty Co. ever comes this way
again everybody will go to see
Oli my.
Sheep all sheared.
"Jim Crow" to be feared.
It is rumored that after next
September only one saloon will
run in Long Creek.
Since the completion of the
railroad to Heppner all Long
Creek business is now transacted
at that place.
The question is now being ex
tensively canvassed as to wheth
er or not we will build :t graded
school in Long Creek or not.
School district No. 34, known
as the Carter" school has had a
large addition placed on the
south end of the old school house.
Every available team in this
section of the country is now en
gaged hauling wool to market.
The clip this year is of a very su
perior quality.
Milt Hamilton who was so
very severely cut and stabbed
last spring is now being treated
by electricity for the recovery of
his injured arm.
M. St. Clair Burke is the
proudest man in town. It is
said that an ex-citizen of this
place will pay Grant county an
involuntary visit.
Last Sunday a layman came
out to preach at the church but
the good people of Long Creek
thankfully declined to respond to
the gentleman's invitation.
Mrs. Molly Lamb who has
been sick for some time in Fox
valley has been moved into town
so as to be nearer medical treat
ment. Don.
... 44
Celebrate your country's birth
day. Take an interest in the organiza
tion of the Sens of Veterans.
See Richard Hill's ten dollar re
ward notice under "New to-day."
Peter Kuhl has the agency for
Staver & Walker's agricultural
Idaho people are still excited
over their admission possibilities
by next Congress.
The funeral of Mr. Wood was
largely attended by friends from all
portions of the valley.
School in this district closed for
the term last Friday, consequently
the small kids have nothing to do.
Scores of safes were opened af
ter the fire at Seattle and their
contents were found to be a char
red mass.
During my absence from town !
Ed. Sels will attend to all of my
business, at the store of H. It.
Sels. Petkk KVhl.
At the Grand Army Ball ladies
and gentlemen can have their hats
and wraps taken care of by paying
the small sum of 10 cents each
John Day people will celebrate
the coming glorious Fourth in le-
i t i i . i
coming style, wnicu lact tney an- t
nounce to the world in
Charles Stuller, observer of the
U. S. signal corps, has been or
dered to proceed from Texas to
Baker City and open the recent
ly established ollice in that city
on July 1st. ,
One of the interesting relics
sold at the auction of the furni
ture of Barnum's hotel in Balti
more a few days ago was a card
table on which Henry Clay once
lost $1,500 at poker to George
Ashmun of Masschusetts.
Geo. W. Hatt of John Day has
been appointed as general agent
for Elliott & Low, M'Pg. Compa
ny of Cleveland 0., and will re
ceive orders by mail or at his
barber shop in John Day, Oregon,
for the eeiebratdd Triumph Self
Wringing mop cloths.
The committee who have been
canvassing Baker City for sub
scriptions for relief of the Johns
town sufferers have collected
$500 and, having received free
transportation from the railroad
company, will ship a carload of
Hour direct to Johnstown.
The Rev. Hall Miller of Nava
sota, Tex., has his shotgun con
veniently on hand in the pulpit.
One Sunday a member of the
congregation came into the Sun
day school in a drunken condi
tion and made a disturbance.
The Rev. Mr. Miller laid down
his lesson book, took up his shot
gun, and blew off the top of the
disturber's head.
Sullivan, the murderer confined
in the county jail made an almost
successful attempt to escape last
Tuesday, having sawed the steel
shackles off his feet with a saw
made from a case knife. During
the funeral of Mr. Wood, while, he
thought the court house was desert
ed he tried to pry open the jail
door, but deputy clerk John Suth
erland was in the office and
the noise, when the deputy sheriff J
was canea ana univan rorceci into ;
the iron cell. Ilis job of sawing
off the shackles displays the skill
of an adept at such business. No
doubt he has been there before, and
the officers cannot be too vigilant.
Had the attempted escape not leen
frustrated just when it was per
haps another jailer's life would
have been forfeited after the priso
ner found he could not batter down
tho door.
Editor News: Mr. Glover
has rented the New hotel from
Mrs. Fields and is preparing it to
accommodate the travel this
Frank Sels and sister were vis
iting friends at this place laBt
Miss Moore, the school teach-
J er of this place was quite sick a
few days last week.
Kenneth lYlcrtae started one i
day last week with his sheep for
the summer range in Bear val
ley. Truthful Johnson, who has
been out to Silvies valley return
ed a few days ago and reports
things in that section in a nour
ishing condition.
We heard mentioned by a
young man who is stopping on
the ranch that he hardly ever got
a chat with the cook on account,
of being called to order by the
Murray Bro's have employed a
new clerk, Mr. Denning, late
from Scotland. They are going
to enlarge their store, which be
ing a good store will do a good
business at this place.
Chick Miller got the grand G.
B. by Mrs. Alex Murray, for be
ing so often in, the kitchen with
her new lady cook, so boys- take
warning from the first and be
seldom found in the kitchen un
less it be about 12 or 6 o'clock.
Mr. and Miss Collins and Mr.
MeXulty, arrived at Dayville a
few weeks ago from Scranton,
Pennsylvania. They have friends
here and intend making it their
home. Miss Coilins has been
employed by Mrs. Wm. Murray,
to do the house work and cook
ing, which shows the girls around
here that it is not impossible for
a woman to do such work.
Judge Fee has gained the af
fection of people of this commu
nity for his good sensitive mode
shown in the light sentence of
one year imprisonment of the
Frenchman for the shooting of
Fin ley McRae. The Frenchman
has the reputation of being a
good, study, quiet man from
prominent citizens Wasco county
who he was employed by, previ
ous to his arrival here. The ma
jority of the people arc unwilling
to believe that he would do such
an act without just cause.
Telephone Rki-oktku.
A woman who had been bitten
in Philadelphia by a dog, died of
Small pox is reported from
near the town of Gervais, in the
Willamette valley.
Some Iowa counties are paying
a bounty of 5 cents a head for
gophers destroyed.
The mountain sides are begin
ning to look gray. The warm
weather and lack of rain are the
causes of it.
Binccr Hermann has present-
cd the petition for a daily mail
service between Heppner and
Canyon City. We need it, and
are almost certain to get it.
There will be six hundred pa
tients in the asylum near Salem
and three hundred prisoner in
the penitentiary within three
months, says the Statesman.
The insurance companies are
loosing heavily this year.
So many fearful disasters are oc
curring, that it will make a heavy
draw on the outstanding policies.
Parties living in Camas prai
rie, Umatilla county are losing
horses very mysteriously, and
the suspicion is entertained that
a band of horse thieves is at
work in that locality. Watch for
Portland and San Francisco
have given up thoir proposed cel
ebration of the coming Fourth of
July. The funds secured for
such pursose in bpth cities arc to
be devoted to the 'relief of the
sufferers in Johnstown and Seat
tle. Good news come from the scene
of the great disaster at Johnstown
Pa. the loss of life, according to
the latest reports, will not ex
ceed 5000, instead of 10,000 or
12,000,as was anticipated; and
all danger of an epidemic from
decomposing animal matter
seems to be over.
E. B. Ramsby, at the Mt.
Vernon Race course will break
horses for $10, and furnish feed
while the horses are in his care.
He will also train horses on the
track to trot or run. If you
want your animals handled by
an experienced trainer, write to
him for terms of training. Ad
dress E. B. Ramsby, Mt. Vernon
nr Jnhn Dmv Ornrrrm
Mr. Chas. Utlcy, who resides j
on Upper South Fork, was over j
this week and informs us that
several thousand Crook county
sheep have lately been driven in
to his neighborhood in the midst
oi nis eauie range, anu manv
Oh, if there
more are coming
was some way to prevent this
cruel imposition upon the stock- !
i i i i
men oi urani county wno pay
to our treasury. Foreign 1
n pay no taxes here, but !
taxes into
those who do, saving the grass in !
their own county for winter
range. It is an injustice, and
j certainly ought to be prevented.
Our hotel's are tloing a good
business. fc
Freight is coining in every
day for our merchants.
Frank Mc6ulluni is around
again after a short sickness.
John wplfinger has finished
shearing his ilteepat Fox valley.
John Dayii? getting lively
again, anothei-big poker game
Courtney Officer of the South
Fork in working in the livery
stable for Ed Luce.
Everybody stops at the har
ness shop when they have an old
saddle to patch up.
Charlie Cobb don't talk Chi
nook any more, he is now quo
ting the bible and otherwise
preaching the Salvation of souls.
Joe Masterson is going to wear !Then thev gave him anotiier test
the red sash at Long Creek on case, and another, and so on,
the 4th of July. Joe says his ! but all with the same reeult. He
mother objects to his getting ! effected a cure in nearly every
married: we thought it was j instance. Then the doctor's tef
Bruce Young who objected. j riblo rush of patients began, and
Mrs. Ramsby is the happy j the stream has been growing lar
possessor of a seal brown horse i ger every day, numbering some
and a bnndle dog car,t. Pride
and indepenjisnce is what saved
our country in times of war, and
is what will make home rule for
Ireland and will make woman
loveable and man more happy.
Mr. Hunter has been out on a
Hunt-er with the New York
Minstrel trop. The boys say he
went to Bear valley by. way of
John Luce creek, so the Canyon
boys wouldn't see him. He
didn't get any name but a
ti'Ait rwl ol oil CkSit 1 1
wounded elk. bet em up aeain
Hunter and we wont tell on you
next time.
Frank Perkins, one of
dian crdek dandy boys was in
town Sunday. Frank is a mash
er from way back and has
got pretty hair, and we think it
very unkind of the Prairie Ciiy
girls to cut. it all off. Frank said
they all wanted it for bangs, but
we say that such pretty curls
should never see a knife.
We noticed Earl Blinn going
down the river after another load
of wool for Raker City. Take a
milk shake Earl when you get
there and help swell the Baker
county road appropriation.
The old drunks in John Day
are getting fly-blowed. A good
chance to sell some insect pow
der; Dart has just got a six
horse load.
Our barber worked until ten
o'clock Sunday night, shaving
and cutting hair. Crack your
whip Geo. if you don't sell a
A new firm in town Messrs.
Knight, Duncan it Co., running
an ice-cream stand in the back
room of Knight's store.
Toney Hacheney is now run
ning bachelors hall. We haven't
heard . Toney growl any this
Charlie Cobb's horses are liv
ing on grass now, Charlie don't
have time to feed them.
La hk.
WOOD June 17th, 1S8) at 10
o'clock a. m.. Isaiah II. Wood.
Deceased was born near Ban
gor, Maine, and was about 57
years of age. At an early age
he emigrated to California where
he remained about three years,
following mining and lumbering.
On the 4th day of July 1S02, Mr.
Wood in company with George
Rader, N. Babcoek, G. 1. Ila.el
tineand others arrived at Canyon
City, and he has since that time
been a citizen of this place, being
engaged for a short time" in min
ing and farming, but since 1SGS
he has been in the livery stable
and horso business, being associ
ated with the late J. W. Church
from 18GS to 1887. Mr. Wood
was married on the loth day of
July 1874, to Miss Maggie Mc
Laughlin, who with their three
daugters survive him, and deep
ly mourn his loss. Mr. Wood
was a kind and affectionate hus
band and father and an honest j
and upright citizen, and the es- '
teem in which he was held by !
his neighbors and those with ;
whom he was acquainted was best :
attested by the number who fol- j
lowed his remains to their last '
resting place. Mr. Wood was a j
large, strong and healthy man, .
and but for the fatal accident .
that happened him, might 'have
had a long lease of life, to enjoy j
the fruits of his labor with his !
family, for whom he was ever J
ready to make any sacrifice. , To I
the people of Grant county, and
especially of Canyon City, with
whose interest and welfare he
was ever identified, his death is
a severe loss, and leaves a void
not easily rilled.
Contributed by an old friend.
Headaches and Fevers, to
cleanse the system effectually,
'et 6"' Y ??stle .b,N
. ions, ui mien iiiu uiuuu is mi
lt this , , . , .
Purc or "W&" permanenuy
JU1C UlllU llllUlblltll LUII3UWUUUII.
0 awaken the kidneys and live!
t? a heathy activity, withoutjr
b'ruP off-ii!i
The rumor that an extra ses
sion of CongreBB will be held in
October, is renewed.
What the Astoria Pioneer Thinks, of
Dr. JflarrinVj sojourn in Astoria
has expired and he has returned
to the head office in Portland,
whore he is permanently located.
The visit of Dr. .Darrin to As
toria is filled with interest in
many particulars. When he
first arrived he advertised very
extensively, and the cr.y went up
that there was some catch m it
: Then he cured one case that was
! considered hopeless, and a sur -
prise was telt. Alter that the
very worst cases in existence
were given him as a test by all
doubters, it he cures this one I
will believe it. the doubters echo
ed, and after treatment the pa
tient was as sound as a dollar.
j of the best people in the state.
.v iBib-u mi; uiiiv;i."b ui iis. uui-
rin is certainly a curiosity as well
as a wonder. Patients arc carri
ed one day. and in a week's time,
instead of being carried there,
they walk up the stairs as
sprightly as young boys. What
there is about them is certainly
mysterious, for they have per
formed most remarkable cures,
as the testimonials that we have
heretofore published have proved,
and we give the names of the
following as further proof:
Andrew Anderson. Port Town-
! send, W. T., cross eyed from par-
aivsis oi iiici ouier imiKcies ui uiu
eye; cured by one operation.
F. P. Sawtell, Independence,
W. T., dyspepsia and kidney
complaint, pronounced Bright's
disease bv some physicians; re
Mrs. L. K. Harman'ri son, of
Vancouver, W. T.. cured of a
loathsome case of catarrh and
polypus of the nose; also her
daughter of a tumor.
C. Iliese, seven miles west of
Fulton, Or., liver and kidney
trouble, dizziness and pains over
the whole system; restored to
Or., almost
the effects
ter other doctors
cure. i
Mrs. L. Mattoon, East Port-!
lund. Or., catarrh, bronchitis, !
nervousness and sleepless nights
and loss of flesh; cured and gain-!
i cd twelve pounds. I
j Mrs. A. J. Quente;, 13(51 Rail- ;
roail street, Tocoma, W. T.. stop- j
page oi tear duct, causing tears
to overflow down the cheeks;
cured by one operation.
Mrs. Movie Gebfort, Seattle,
W. T., bov f years old, deaf
since 1(5 months old, discharging j
ears and catarrh; entirely cured j
after several treatments. i
Dr. Damns' Place of Business. j
Drs. Darrin can be consulted .
free at '235 Fifth street, corner of!
Main, Portland. Office hours, '
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; even- ;
ing, 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 12.,
All curable chronic diseases, loss i
of manhood, bloud taints, svnhi- I
j j
ness, or loss of desire of sextual
power, in either man or woman,
catarrh and deafness, are confi
dentially and successfully treat
ed. Cures of private diseases
guaranteed, and never published
in the papers. Circulars sent
free. .Most cases can receive
home treatment after a visit to
the doctor's office.
KSTThc doctor has no reprcsen-
. tatives practicing in the state, as
j has recently been discovered in
; Benton county. All persons tak
j in the name of Dr. Darrin are
! frauds.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
The tall Foam of the McGinley
troupe. When last soon he was
leaving Prairie City in a buggy, a
' comnanied bv a voun" lady of that
I place last .Sablmth, headed for John
Day. Any information will be !
("thankfully received by his mother ,
in San Francisco.
Cash advances made on wool for
consignment to Christy t Wise,
San Francisco.
Coffin, A McFarland, Agts.
tf. Arlington, Or.
I will bo in Cjnyon City the
latter part of June with a choice
lot of Thoroughbred and Grade
Hereford Bull, also haw two
Galloway heifers and one calf.
I will take stock for part pay i-n
the cattle. Thanking tho pub'ic
for past favors, 1 remain
Yours truly,
N. H. Cottrell
Ni-ntrirnr IfnolvHlo ' u,u ,1!irc1 through the pMiicipal streets in the folluwiii' owlcr:
total blindness from T; 1 l, -
of measles, restored af- r " Ytr , 1' T ..' V 1 -... .
A new political organization
known as the "Single Tax Par -
tv," has been formed in South
A Kentucky editor says that
sall the assaults of that blatant
infidel who edits the'n'thetLC
' sheet across the way, cannnot
; bn'ng discredit upon the Bible.
i or tarnish the fair fame of its il-
lustrions author, Thomas Jeffer
son . :
We believe
The Dalles will:
not experience
its proper (level- i
! opmcnt until a railroad spans the
. Deschutes and John Day river,
, into Crook and Grant counties,
; and the river is used for free
; transportation by a people's com-
mciiiti,.R for trmic arc nlforckd
-nrt I nti I mwtli ttmn tii,nnt
our merchants, the city will not
grow as it should, and will fall
behind others of less natural re-
sources. 1 Jus is a vear ot com-
mercial procress and develop
ment, and if we desire to maintain 1 HEALTH and STRENGTH
our prestige something must be j Naturally follow. Every one is usinK Jt
done and the quicker the better, i ad all are delighted with it. Ask your
Mountaineer. That's so, and.l!SP,tfor1syRlip OK FIGS' Manu"
Crook and Grant counties would ijfcS'rV nvnn
be pleased to have you folks i CALIfcORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.,
build a railroad pretty quick. : . , Jj
Grand salute of 42 guns, at
Procession will form at 10
said he was past,, , r ,r 1 tv' im' ami I".u,,-e;,l,:iS
4 th. Citizens.
The procession to be led by the John Day brass bund and all ropair to
the ground: at 1 1 o'clock a. in.
1st. Prayer by the chaplain.
2nd. .Music by the choir.
3rd. Heading Declaration of rndrponilcaee: Muaic.
5th. Oration.
6th. Music.
7th. lleeitations.
8th. Dinner.
Foot race nurse (:f.00.
Wheel purse .-f.00.
Equostrianship by ladies and
with a grand tournament on
General Warehouse
The ( ompani hax wren fly constructed a hrn-story
warehouse SO .v 1 00 feet, with wool press and all
conveniences for handling wool
The U a rehouse Charlies at Heppner will be (hi! same
as those at .Irlington , less curl ages.
Freight upon baled wool from Heppner, same ax
from Arlington.
Cash advanced upon, consign menls of wool or wool
in storage.
THE RON E, FELL, Manager.
Proprietors of
Keep constantly on bund a complete .stock of
Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Peifuraes, Soaps, Powder, PufVs
Combs, Tooth Nail, Clothes audHarBrushea, Droggiat'.s Sun
dries, Lamps, Limp Oils, Gassj Putty, Chiutys, and
and evervthing to bo fonud in a first -
Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Prescriptions a
Trr niTv
Will be given by the Tiger Hcae T-am of Canyon City, on the ove.
ning of July -1th, 1889, for tho purpose of raising funds to pay for
the Fire Bell r
Jake Simon, Frank Fleischman.
Ed. Wnltcn,
T. R. Huglcr. Sig Durk heimer, Hu.h Fmith, F. Metschan, " Chap. Oinv,"
G. D. Rickard, Clay Tod hunter.
Tickets (including supper)
! Combines the juice of the Blue Fiof
, ST
Jcnown to be most henetkiat tu the
human system, forming the ON LY PKR
FECI REMEDY to act Senlly yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
j That
pure blood.
o'clock a.
in., in front of the Gmnirii
100 yards free for nil.
e:it4einti, t!u entire exorcise? to
L. n. UISUOP, TltEA.-J.
ihUfl 9. TDM
& Forwarding Agts.
"3 1